L June 2016 - NetherleeSunday 12th Genesis 44:1 – 17 A silver cup in a sack - enjamin Sunday 19th...

Life In Netherlee Kirk June 2016

Transcript of L June 2016 - NetherleeSunday 12th Genesis 44:1 – 17 A silver cup in a sack - enjamin Sunday 19th...

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June 2016

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Forthcoming Summer Services and events JUNE Sun 5 10.30 am Communion All age Sunday Club. CONGREGATION TO VOTE ON BASIS OF LINKAGE LEADING TO UNION WITH STAMPERLAND 3.00 pm Communion Saturday 11 7.30 pm Kanako Ito & Martin Storey—Chamber Music Concert Sunday 12 Summer services timetable begins 9.30 am Morning Worship (Part 1) - Family Time 10.00 am Tea/Coffee 10.30 am Morning Worship (Part 2) Sunday 12th Genesis 44:1 – 17 A silver cup in a sack - Benjamin Sunday 19th 1 Samuel 17:38 – 50 The Shepherd’s bag – David and Goliath

Sunday 26th Genesis 21:9 – 21 Food and water in a leather bag – God’s gracious provision JULY Sunday 3rd Ruth 3:1 – 18 A shawl becomes a sack - Ruth (Farewell to student Fiona Macdonald)

Sunday 10th Proverbs 16: 1 – 13 Honest scales and balances - The best policy (Micha 6:1 – 11) Sunday 17th John 12:1 – 8 The disciples’ money bag - Judas Sunday 24th Matthew 9:14 – 17 New wine in old wineskins – New beginnings (10.30am Baptism of Kate Birrell) Sunday 31st Luke 10:1 – 12 Take no bag or purse - Sending out the 72 (Luke 22:36) August/September services continued on page 4

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From the Minister

My dear friends, I remember being deeply moved on reading a book by pastor and author John Ortberg entitled “If you want to walk on water you’ve got to get out of the boat.” It was of course a reference to the account in the gospels when Peter stepped out of the boat on to the surface of the water where Jesus was. The boat was being buffeted by strong waves and the disciples were secure in the boat but afraid of the storm. It took a lot of courage for Peter to climb out of the boat at that point but because of his faith in Jesus, he was able to do so. In his book, John Ortberg draws the parallel with the church today, buffeted in a storm of secularism, with waves of apathy, opposition and disinterest. The good old Kirk of Scotland is in that place right now but the call of Jesus is still there for us all, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Step out in faith. This is a season of change for the church and it requires each one of us to step out in faith to meet the challenges. By the time you will be reading this letter our congregation will have voted on the option of joining up with our neighbours in Stamperland. I cannot anticipate the result of that vote which will have been taken by both congregations, but I am certain that if we want to see God at work, and want to be faithful to our Lord and Saviour, then we have to get out of the boat. By that I mean we have to step into the future without clinging to the way we have sailed the seas in the past. Change brings so much uncertainty but as Christians we have a call from our Lord to step out of our past, our complacency and embrace the future. It is a momentous moment for our two congregations. In my relatively short time as your minister here in Netherlee I’ve witnessed countless moments when folks have stepped out in faith and found remarkable blessing, for example: the creation of the Lesser Sanctuary; the magnificent sum raised to establish Netherlee Cottage in Sri Lanka; the employment of Youth Workers and assistants; the development

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of the Audio Visual base; the sale of Kirk House; the establishment of the Monday Lunch Club and now the response to the appeal for a new mini bus. Time and time again I’ve witnessed a congregation who are willing to meet the challenges with faith. I have every confidence that you will have the faith and indeed the courage to take this major step into the future of Netherlee and Stamperland congregations. May God be glorified in all that we do and may his church be filled with folks of courageous faith. Yours sincerely in Christ, Rev Tom Nelson ______________________

Forthcoming services cont’d AUGUST Sunday 7 Haggai 1:1 – 15 A purse with holes - Things that last Sunday 14 Exodus 2:1 – 10 A baby in a basket - Lateral thinking Sunday 21 Isaiah 46: 1 – 13 Bags of silver and gold - Incomparable God Sunday 28 John 6:1 – 15 Twelve baskets left over – Feeding of the 5000 SEPTEMBER Sunday 4 10.30 am Morning Worship. (Please note change of service time) Sunday Club resumes for children and young people

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Although our next meeting is not until 7 June life continues to be busy with a number of matters taking place in May and leading into June. The Stated Annual Meeting saw around 75 of our members present to hear the outcome of 2015. It turned out better than our forecasts which was very encouraging particularly as our congregational roll continues to reduce. Tom thanked everyone for their hard work during the session which has been a very demanding one. He particularly emphasised the importance of all the work we were doing with the Stamperland Kirk Session in the lead up to the congregations voting on the Draft Basis of Linkage leading to Union in June. The Session Clerk thanked both Tom and Catherine for their leadership of the Congregation and for Tom's continuing influence over our plans for the future. They are in an unusual position as we start to talk about a new minister when Tom is still in post. Normally the minister has demitted office and has moved away before we start these discussions so I ask you to be understanding of their position. The Parade of Uniformed Organisations that evening saw a good turn out of youngsters and their parents to support them .There was something for each of the organisations to take part in and the weather stayed dry for the march past . Sadly I was unable to drum up a few pipers (no pun intended) which was a disappointment but they managed anyway. On Sunday 8 May we were delighted to ordain and admit 4 new elders to the Kirk Session. A warm welcome to Glenda Cook, Creighton Halliday, Diane Levey and Anne Mann. We hope they will enjoy their new sphere of work in Netherlee and we look forward to their contributions to the work of the Session. The 8th was a busy day with the Scottish Churches Census. The result for Netherlee makes for interesting reading so for your information a copy of the summary return is included with this edition.


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On 12 May, my wife and I attended a community meal in Cartsbridge Evangelical Church as they celebrated 125 years of ministry in the Busby area. Around 65 guests representing the local community enjoyed a great meal and an evening of fellowship with an opportunity to hear at first hand of their achievements over the 125 years of their existence. I think in our area only Greenbank church has been in existence longer. I should also like to mention the 278 BB appeal for financial help to replace their existing Minibus. The Company and its organising group have been overwhelmed with the support they have received from members of the congregation whose generosity has exceeded their wildest expectations. They are very close to making a decision. On their behalf can I thank all of you who have contributed. As I write this article I am looking forward to attending their Annual Inspection and Display in the newly refurbished Clarkston Halls. Our application for planning consent for the proposed halls project has come a step closer with approvals having been received from the East Renfrewshire planning authorities, building control, listed places of worship, Glasgow Presbytery Property Committee (in principle) and CARTA for the Church of Scotland General Trustees, the owners of the church buildings. This was welcome news. Tender documents have been issued and completed returns are due by the beginning of June. The James Findlay Nelson Trust Fund continues to receive donations for its work and the Trustees met recently and approved 2 further grants to Oliver Watson Sweeney for work in Malawi and Katie Dunn for teaching in Tanzania. We look forward to receiving reports back from their trips this summer. It is now some 10 years since the Trust Fund was set up in James' memory and it is quite humbling that it continues to attract funding support which enables the Trust to help young people develop their journey of faith. Christian Aid week is upon us and we hope that Netherlee will once again support the work they do. We still get the same old excuses of no envelope, no money or have you photo ID, or if we don't answer the door you will go away even though we can see the TV set is on in the lounge!!! Fortunately this is countered by those who have their completed

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envelopes waiting for us to collect them. There is no doubt that it gets harder every year because of all the competing demands advertised on TV to help other very worthwhile causes. Nevertheless I think it is important that we continue to show our support for Christian Aid. A reminder that the date for the next Netherlee Chamber Music Concert has been changed to Saturday 11 June at 7.30 pm. I hope you will be able to attend. Arrangements for the vote on the Draft Basis document on Sunday 5th June have been made and I hope there will be a good turn out. This is probably the most significant change any of us will encounter in our time in Netherlee. The General Assembly meets next week and among other matters has to contend with the huge shortage of ministers which will manifest itself in the next few years. What we are hoping to do in Netherlee is to recognise that shortage and help to do our bit by linking with Stamperland. It is a huge step of faith for us all. Finally the summer services theme this year is “The bags of the Bible” and more of that will be explained to the congregation in the next week or so and how you can contribute to it. Enjoy the summer break. John Montgomery Session Clerk 20 May 2016 ______________________________

“A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the

breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn

mower is broken.” James Denton

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Brownie News from 3rd


The weather was excellent for the Brownies Adventure trip to Dalguise, Perthshire this year. Full of enthusiasm and fresh ideas, the Brownies were quick to carry out the new games and songs that they had learned. This resulted in lots of fun and a few bemused faces as the camping Brownies took to the floor to show the others the ‘plus’ points of being a ‘Pirate on the Open Sea’ apparently it’s lots-of-rum, for those of you looking for a career change. Next up it was a take on a game that we love playing called ‘Splat’, political correctness seems to have passed the Brownies by on this game of shooting your partner, this was replaced by adopting the noises and actions of the animal that the game leader called out. Who knew that ducks and chickens made so much noise? The weather has not been so kind to our weekly meeting nights this time round and we have not been able to get out for our nature walks and spring

games; so we just had to bring them inside. We had a night of Cludo: each pack was armed with clues but first of all you had to find the pack? I can safely report that I now know every nook and cranny in the Scout Hall. The Brownies had great fun and worked well in their packs which is always one of the signs of the success of the activity. Next up it was an indoor summer frieze made into a bouquet, the Brownies had to

incorporate activities and items normally associated with spring, after the jokes about welly boots and umbrellas we had pictures and collages of: cherry blossom trees, flowers in bloom, children flying kites and playing in parks. It was lovely to see them use their imagination as the rain bounced off the Scout Hall roof. My personal thanks to the 3rd Netherlee Rainbow Leader, Faye Taylor, who has taken my pack on a number of occasions to ensure the continuity of the programme when I was unavailable. A huge thank you to my Assistant Leaders, both young woman with busy working and social lives and to my four Youth Leaders, who do all the heavy work each week.

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Girlguiding in Netherlee

As another session draws to a close we can reflect on the many fun-filled evenings girls have enjoyed in Rainbows, Brownies and Guides. Games, crafts, trips, camps, pack holidays to name but a few of the activities that the girls enjoy; all giving girls a space where they can be themselves, have fun, build brilliant friendships and gain valuable life skills. However, none of it would be possible without the dedicated volunteers who freely give their time to run the units and join in the fun. As ever, there is a need for more volunteers to step up and do their bit to keep Girl Guiding in Netherlee the success it has always been. There is a particular need at Rainbow and Brownie level where a few long-serving leaders are retiring at the end of the session. I would ask that you consider if you could volunteer, or maybe know someone who would be willing to dedicate some time to help with the week to week running of the units. You would be part of a team with everyone contributing according to their strengths be that games, crafts or perhaps doing the accounts. Whatever your skills and interests one of our roles is bound to suit you. Please get in touch with me and I would be happy to chat about the opportunities we have. Alison McKean District Commissioner, Netherlee [email protected]

On behalf of all of the Leadership Team we wish all the families a lovely and safe summer. Jane Cowan, Brownie Guide Leader and Team, www.girlguilding.org.uk ______________________________

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Financial Figures to 30th April 2016

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Ministries and Mission Contribution

The money given in offerings supports the worship, mission and service of the Church through Netherlee's Ministries and Mission Contribution which for 2016 is £118,708. Ministries (85.3%): £101,258 of our total contribution will go towards the costs of providing over 1,000 ministers and other parish workers in communities throughout Scotland and in the Presbytery of England. This contribution also assists with the costs of recruitment and training. Mission (14.7%): £17,450 of our total contribution will be used to support the Church's work in: resourcing congregations for Christian education and outreach; providing social care services to further the caring work of the Church to people in need; accompanying partners around the world on our shared Christian journey; contributing the Church's opinion in public debate and on issues affecting Scotland and the World; providing central day-to-day service work in administrative, financial and legal matters; and in planning the General Assembly and ensuring the Moderator represents the Church. Ronald A Mair Treasurer _____________________________

Finance Committee Stewardship Campaign

On the adoption of the Unitary Constitution in January a Finance Committee was appointed. One of the first things it reviewed was the need for a Stewardship Campaign to be held. The last one was held in March 2012 following a decision at the 2011 General Assembly that all congregations should carry out a stewardship campaign in the coming year. This we did in March 2012. The Assembly also indicated that a stewardship campaign should be carried out every 4 years. That therefore was a reason for carrying out a campaign this year.

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Another reason and in fact a more compelling one was that the Budget in our 2015 Report and Accounts presented at the SAM in April forecast a deficit in the General Fund of £6,000. The General Fund records the Income less the day to day running costs including routine maintenance. It is sound financial management that Netherlee Church aims to at least balance the General Fund each year and the responsibility for this lies with each member of the congregation. The Finance Committee unanimously agreed that a Stewardship Campaign was needed and required, in order to advise each member of the financial situation of the General Fund and request that they review their givings to the church. It was decided to have 2 stages to the campaign:

1. Members not in either the W.F.O. or Gift Aid schemes Just under 100 letters were delivered at the end of April/

beginning of May to the members in this category asking them to join one of the schemes, stressing the benefit (25% increase) to the church of choosing to join the Gift Aid Scheme.

2. ALL members By the time you are reading this you should have received the

letter requesting you to review your givings in light of the forecast of a £6,000 deficit. Elders will have started delivering the letters in the last full week in May.

The plea from the Finance Committee is that you take the time to read and digest the contents of the letters and earnestly review your givings, in light of the above. We apologise the second letter runs to 2 pages but we felt it was essential to put before you all the financial facts necessary to conduct your review. Yes, the Finance Committee hopes the review will result in the deficit being eradicated, but our main plea is that you take the time to read the letter and carry out your own review of givings in the light of your own and the church’s circumstances.

Thank You Allan Mathieson Finance Committee Convener

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Gift Aid and W.F.O.

A couple of months ago, a member mentioned to me that he would be interested to see an analysis of offerings which used to be included in the Annual Reports and Accounts. In response, I am able to supply figures for the Gift Aid and Weekly Freewill Offering Schemes. Payments are currently being made at the following levels:- PER ANNUM GIFT AID WFO TOTAL £1—£250 135 10 145 members £251—£500 112 18 130 members £501—£750 44 7 51 members £751—£1000 8 1 9 members £1001—£1250 12 - 12 members £1251—£1500 6 - 6 members £1501—£1750 - - - £1751—£2000 2 - 2 members Over £2000 3 ____ 3 members 322 36 358 members For the record, the respective membership stood at 336 and 42 a year ago. Dennis R Burt ____________________________

Milk Bottle Tops.

I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the collection box in the kitchen. I am collecting the bottle tops for my friend's Church in the Borders (I don't know of any local organisation who collects them)

She collects them on behalf of the Borders Hospice who receive £50 for every ton. I can't imagine what a ton of bottle tops looks like!!!

Many thanks for your continued support - every little bit helps.

Sandra Mackinnon

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Pack your bag.

The theme of our summer services this year is the “bags” of the bible. It is not a subject you will find in the systematic theology courses of our colleges and universities, but it allows us a fascinating exploration of some of the less known passages of scripture. What we would like the congregation to do is purchase a bag with the church’s name on and take it with you on a day out or on holiday. Take a picture of the bag at some famous site or in a favourite place and send the picture back for us to display on the screen during worship. The bags have the quotation of scripture, “I will be with you wherever you go” as a reminder of the promise of Jesus, but also as a reminder of the love and fellowship of the folks in the church together with the fun thought that the bag is with you. It is a quotation to make people think. We hope you will enjoy using the bag and perhaps you may find yourself having interesting conversations from curious onlookers. The jute bags can be used as shoppers or beach bags and come in a choice of length of handle. The cost is £5 and they are on sale in the Welcome Hall of the Church. We will of course still be happy to receive postcards from your travels this summer. Wherever you are, may God bless you. TN


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After all the excitement and Joy of Easter, the Sunday Club spent time looking at Jesus’ Ascension to Heaven and the gift of God’s spirit. We looked at God’s promise to send us the Holy Spirit to give us power to live as God wants us to. That promise was delivered at

Pentecost. The risen Jesus, having ensured our new life by his resurrection, gives us his Spirit to enable us to live that life to the full. With the power of the Spirit we read in Philippians how Paul encouraged the early church to keep following Jesus. We learned how God cared for Epaphroditus even through illness and we saw how Paul was cared for even when imprisoned. Our thoughts turned to forgiveness, and we read the shortest book of the bible, Philemon. We learned about Paul's letter to Philemon asking him to forgive his slave Onesimus for running away and reconcile with him. As ever, the Sunday Clubbers discussed the challenges of keeping promises and forgiveness with great enthusiasm and wonderful stories. Over the weeks the lessons have been illustrated with crafts, activities, code breaking and even a game of human snakes and ladders to illustrate the highs and lows in Paul’s letter. The Sunday Club promotion service was held mid May and although we now meet as one group, we still mark the moving from P2-3 and P5-6. Congratulations to Rhea, Simon, Cameron & Eva, Ross, Priya and Kyle who all received gifts. For those who missed the service and can’t catch up on DVD or YouTube, a full summary of the year’s highlights will be in September’s LINK. The theme of the Promotion Service was ‘Thank You’ and a few weeks previously, the Sunday Clubbers designed Thank You cards. These will be distributed by the Children and Youth Ministry team to the leaders of the Voluntary organisations in the church in recognition of the work they do in our midst. Well done to all, the cards looked fantastic. Our recent record with the weather for our Sunday Club outing has been woeful, although we normally return happy if not soaked and frozen. Undeterred, we arranged our Sunday Club Trip to Kittochside Museum of Rural Life in the hope of a change in our luck. Our patience was rewarded and we spent a beautiful sunny and warm afternoon outside at the museum. We picnicked, played


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games, took a tractor ride up to the farm and saw newly born piglets and heffers. After completing our quizzes and walking back to the museum we helped celebrate Freya’s birthday with cake and ice-cream. Our term finishes on Communion Sunday, 5th June, but a warm welcome awaits our youngsters and families at the 9.30 Summer Sunday Services. We would like to thank everyone who has supported the Sunday Club this year and we look forward to starting back on Sunday 4th September when we will welcome new Sunday Clubbers from the Sunbeams. A warm welcome also awaits any new P1-P7 members in September. Come along to the Welcome Hall just before the morning service and join the fun, or contact the church office for more information. Elaine Murray ______________________________

Date for your Diary:-

On Saturday 11th June at 7.30pm in the church we have the next in the series of Classical Concerts presented by Martin and Kanako Storey and their friends, many of whom are resident in Netherlee. Some are lecturers in the Royal Conservatoire and others are principal players of the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra. Look out for further details on this popular Concert. For other information please contact Kanako by e-mail [email protected]


Chamber Music


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278 Glasgow Company Section- The Boys’Brigade The Company section boys ended the year in style at the Battalion 5-a-side football event at Bannerman High School. The juniors kicked off at 1pm and our young men performed very well finishing in second place. The senior event was very competitive but our boys managed to come through undefeated to lift the Battalion shield.

On the 20th May we held our annual display at the newly refurbished Clarkston Halls. All the boys and young officers attended to mark the end of a very eventful year. It turned out to be a fun filled night with the boys entertaining us with their wide range of skills. Mr Nelson started the evening with an activity enjoyed at BB bible class which involved concentration and skill.

All went well until he asked for ‘crowd participation’ which had hilarious results. Jamie McQueen kindly provided us with an extremely entertaining sketch which was delivered by our senior boys. The sketch entitled the“278 Presidential debate” introduced us to a lively discussion between Nicola Sturgeon, Donald Trump, President Putin and the glamourous Kim Kardashian! Congratulations to Jamie for stepping forward and taking on this task at such short notice. Our evening finished off with the presentation of prizes and trophies presented by our very own Mr Alex Johnston. We were delighted to welcome Fee MacDonald, in full naval uniform, as our Inspecting Officer. Fee has been a regular visitor on a Friday night helping with Bible class and drill sessions. We are grateful for her contribution throughout the year and her words of encouragement on the night. As the 2015-16 session draws to a close we turn our thoughts to our annual summer camp at Stillaig farm in August. We hope and pray for sunny days and warm nights.

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I would also like to express my sincere thanks to Alistair Haw, Caroline Watson –Sweeney, Ian Nairn, the Parents’ Committee and Mr Nelson for their hard work and support. We wish you all an enjoyable summer. God bless David McGowan 278 Company Captain ____________________________

The Book Club reviewed “Evening Class” by Maeve Binchy at our last meeting. The evening class is studying Italian in a school in one of the poorer areas of Dublin. The teacher, Signora, gives the students Italian versions of their names. Each

chapter is about one of the students and the teacher. For example, one of the students is Lou or Luigi who has been in close quarters with crime of various kinds. Lou has boxes containing we are not sure come in and go out on the nights of the class. There was a bit of a crisis at Christmas and at this point we discover that the boxes contain DVDs (pron). We enjoyed this book and it gave us a lot to discuss. The book we are reading for our meeting on 17th June is “Wild” by Cheryl Straying. This is an account of the author’s hike along the Pacific Crest Trail. This trail is along the crest of the mountains from Sierra Nevada to the Canadian border. We meet at 8.00pm at 17 Ormonde Avenue. 27th July we meet to discuss Susan Calman’s book “Cheer up Lass” at 50 Nethercliff Avenue. Sheena Wurthmann

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Christmas is Coming........... Apologies, I realise we have not yet enjoyed the summer and here I am mentioning Christmas but I wanted to let everyone know about an event we are planning for later in the year – A Christmas Tree Festival in the Church on Saturday 10 December. We hope this will be of interest to all the organisations hence the advance warning so that you can build it into your planning for the new session after the summer break. The idea is that the Christmas Tree Festival will bring people and local organisations together by each decorating a Christmas tree. The trees will then be displayed collectively, in the Church. As well as the display of decorated trees, there may well be some additional entertainment such as Christmas stalls and refreshments. Watch this space for more information but please put the date in your diary. Alison McKean On behalf of the Children and Youth Ministry Committee ______________________________

Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Renal Care and Research

Fundraising Coffee Day.

Marie Lang would like to invite you to her fundraising coffee day, in aid of Renal Care and Research. This will be held on Monday 20th June at 20 Netherpark Avenue from 9.30am – 12.30 & 1.30 – 4.30pm. Home Baking, Plants and Tombola will be available and all donations will be gratefully received. Tickets £3 will be available on the door. Contact Marie on 0141 637 0306 for further details.

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Eastwoodhill Eventide Home

This year’s quiz – ‘Love Hearts’ was won by our own Sheona Moore. Thank you to all who took on the fun challenge – I handed over £130 and am indebted to Christine Anderson, Vicky Anderson and Marylin McClure who boosted my sales. Correct answers below: Jean Edgar 1. Well known hymn by Dorothy Gurney …….….O Perfect Love

2. Film which won the Academy Award for best picture 1995…..Braveheart

3. 12th Century monarch…………..Richard the Lionheart

4. Four leaves are lucky………...Clover

5. Favourite song from Aspects of Love…………..Love Changes Everything

6. It’s down at the end of Lonely Street……………. Heartbreak Hotel

7. Reality TV programme with Paul O’Grady………….For the love of dogs

8. Her baking was stolen on a summer day…………. Queen of Hearts

9. Someone who cheats or two-times in a relationship………..… Love Rat

10. Nickname of Charles Dickens’ character Jack Dawkins… The Artful Dodger

11. Kim and Aggie may be called in to help such a person…………Slovenly

12. Sporting tools of the trade for Nicola Adams…………..Boxing Gloves

13. Tourist attraction in Dumfries and Galloway………...Sweetheart Abbey

14. A capital football team………...Heart of Midlothian

15. Contributes to a cosy fireside………..….Hearthrug

16. Finale song from Les Miserables………….Do You Hear the People Sing

17. High Military award in US………………Purple Heart

18. Coastal village in Devon…………….Clovely

19. A small dumpy long legged bird…………...Plover

20. The Beatles first single……………Love me Do

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Trussell Trust Fundraising I am delighted to say that the Dinner on 23rd April was a tremendous success. A fabulous night was had by all. So much so that I am seriously considering having another dinner next year. Though not committing myself!!! The evening would not have been possible without the help of a team of committed people: the list is endless though I will name a few. Dagmar Kerr and Sandra MacKinnon who organised the Church hall and decorated the tables. Barbara Cochrane and Marjorie Laing who were super efficient in the kitchen along with Sophie Worthmann who is the best 'clearer upper' , Christine McGowan and some senior BB boys who served the tables guided by the very experienced Steffan Kerr and his partner Alana. To you all, a very big thank you.

Due to this joint effort we managed to raise over £1,600 and when we add on monies raised by the hamper raffles the total nears £2,000. Of course this does not take into account the costs of the night. However this has been covered by an anonymous member of the Congregation who has confirmed that a cheque has been sent direct to Trussell Trust. Thank you to Mr & Mrs X.

All monies have been handed to the Treasurer along with names of contributors in order that Gift Aid may be applied. This will make a significant difference to our total. Ronnie Mair will forward a cheque to Trussell Trust with a request that 50% should go to the Govanhill branch which we regularly support and where Pat Mackenzie volunteers and the remaining 50% to the Ibrox branch where Christine McGowan volunteers. This will enable us to keep track of the types of ways the monies are being used and maybe look into how else we can help in the future.

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Finally thank you to Tom, our very special minister, who has been fully supportive and encouraging to me. I went to him with an idea and he gave his blessing. Tom and Catherine were wonderful hosts on the night. Thank you to all for your continued support. Ann Hodge ____________________________

HOLIDAY CLUB Unfortunately due to building works within Netherlee Church this summer it will not be possible to run Holiday Club this year. We wish you all a very pleasant summer break and look forward to seeing you next session. MESSY CHURCH An opportunity for busy young families on a Sunday afternoon from 4-6pm to experience church through games, crafts and activities; including something to eat as a family. Next session the proposed dates are October 2nd / November 6th / December 11th / January 22nd / March 5th. Feel free to drop in at the last minute, everyone is welcome. THANK YOU Everyone at Netherlee Church says a BIG thank you to all the leaders and helpers in all our organisations for the time and talents they give. We really do appreciate your commitment and dedication. Samuel 2:6 "And now may the Lord be kind and faithful to you. I too will treat you well because of what you have done." Enjoy your summer break and the Thank You cards designed by the Sunday Club.


We ended our session with two sessions lead by Fiona about prayer and how it relates to personality and circumstances. This has been a powerful insight into a difficult part of faith and caring for others. We will be planning our programme for the new session at some social event. We find it works better that way. Sheena Wurthmann

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Glasgow St Paul’s Parish Church, Provanmill

My first contact with Glasgow St Paul’s Parish Church in Provanmill was when asked to review their application for Go For It funding. The pattern for this review is that each member of the grant committee has two or three applications to review in detail and to carry out a telephone interview with the applicant. I carried out the interview with Neil who is the Youth Team Leader at St Paul’s. I was very impressed by the application and by Neil. The application was for funding for a programme for teenage girls. The girls wanted to improve their lifestyles by increasing their physical activity by trying new sports, games and dancing. They also wanted cooking classes where they could produce cheap but nutritious meals. They got their funding for this programme. There is a programme known as Footea where teenage boys are involved in practice, training and games associated with food. The team have set up a local radio station Boom FM that broadcasts weekly. One of the boys is known to be the demon interviewer of politicians in the UK, Scotland as well as local councillors. The voters deemed recent hustings for the Scottish Parliament elections challenging for the candidates but very successful. Women in the community run a lunch club that provides lunches for those that need care and help. This group have developed a social enterprise that is a community laundry. They got funding to purchase an industrial washer and a similar drier. This is now a profitable venture. The church has space around the buildings. There are hens with henhouses. The eggs are sold locally. Recently a polytunnel has been established with raised beds for salad vegetables, potatoes and herbs. An orchard of apples, plums, gooseberries and blackcurrants has been planted. There is an outside pizza oven close to a white wall. This means that they can show films and serve pizza in warm weather! I understand that bees and their hives should arrive soon. This is a church that has a very small congregation but its role in the community is immense. I have been approached to be a mentor to the congregation as part of the Chance to Thrive programme of the Priority Areas Team. I am looking forward to this new role. Sheena Wurthmann

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Church Register Death 19.4.2016 Mrs Mary Cobb Clarkston House 61 Carol Cleland Change of Address 6430 Mrs Karen Currie 3 Williamwood Park 38 Sheena Wurthmann to 6 Athol Drive Giffnock G46 6QR 69 Alistair Gow 6108 Mrs Iris King 61 Braemar Court, Hazelden Gardens 4 Elinor

Mair to Kingsgate Care Home, Nerston, East Kilbride G74 4PA 91 Mabel Bell

Flower Rota June & July

June 5 Angus & Sandra McKinnon July 3 Jean Thomson June 12 Eileen Beaton July 10 Vicky Anderson June 19 Betty Cleland July 17 Irene Williams June 26 Carine Morrison July 24 FUND July 31 Cath Bruce

Next edition of LINK will be September. Please send articles to me at [email protected] by 21st August. Thank you to all contributors over the last year. Enjoy the summer — Anne

Sunday 29th May Baptism of Iona Jane Christie, daughter of Neil and Katrina Christie, 34 Leebank Drive

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Minister and Office Bearers of Netherlee Parish Church

MINISTER: Rev Tom Nelson, B.Sc., B.D. 25 Ormonde Avenue, Netherlee, G44 3QY

Tel. 0141 585 7502 [email protected]

MINISTERIAL ASSISTANT Rev David Maxwell, B.Ed., B.A.(Hons.), M.A. [email protected] SESSION CLERK John Montgomery [email protected] ROLL KEEPER Mabel Bell SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Helen Illingworth [email protected] EDITOR OF LINK Anne Tennant [email protected] LINK & LIFE & WORK DISTRIBUTION Bill Findlay DVD DISTRIBUTION Carol Cleland, [email protected] ORGANIST & CHOIRMASTER Steven Crawford [email protected] SAFEGUARDING CO-ORDINATOR Michael H Buchan [email protected]

FINANCE COMMITTEE Convener Allan Mathieson [email protected] TREASURER Ronnie Mair [email protected] DEED OF COVENANT, GIFT AID AND WEEKLY FREEWILL OFFERING CONVENER Dennis Burt FABRIC CONVENER Malcolm McVey [email protected] PREMISES SUPERVISOR Irene MacVey [email protected] PROPERTY RESERVATION See Church Office below CHURCH OFFICE (Tuesday – Friday, 8.30 – 11.30 Elspeth Bennett Netherlee Church, Ormonde Avenue, G44 3SL 0141 637 2503 [email protected] Website: www.netherleechurch.org

Netherlee Church of Scotland is a charity registered in Scotland, Number SC015303