L Jp H It Doys IS- Ig4 HARPERS Groff - Library of...

L JUSTS It Klf K TilE CKTS OVM UAtir EQUal AI IS- n Conjoined Other Halves flo to the spider at the Center of ttte Web Now If four Hoot Toe Could Find Him or If Mendicancy Officer Perbr CtvM Bennett who say that he wo- nnrierly editor of BucttM and I now doing for tho CoimopolUan hastened SUN office yesterday to state that he 7 no longer with the Pros rthts Ioasue whose canvoimers have been making toucliesln Wall Street Tnt SUN told yesterday Mr Bennett lh ot hank from del fore Mterday said that he had served a tie league Home time ago not use hU IBM Ho was also very ure that his rId George M Baxter to whom aub hlantw that tlheoks be made y hl a treasurer had served A similar U t May Mr Outcault Mr Baxter and myself did bit MlJ M Bennett when we found hit certain persons who pretended to be rrUng legitimate way were In realitY p fterB The leap started 1 K Pornmery organloer of the Maritime jMiue In which Senator Thuratoh became triPped Mr Outcault allowed hi Mine be used as and Mr Baxter rtasurer but Im quite sure they didnt the funds Mr Pornmery ran it ft did not know that a aubecrlptlon list its being circulated until after teveralt- kibttlons had been given I simply money for some ploturee exhibfted- ndlhat was all Mr BennottB wishes regarding the UM hl nanw w m to have been disregarded j the present manager of the lenguo- It latest stationery gotten out preparatory j holding what U advertised as the sixth nnirnl exhibition has him down as a mem of tho executive committee Mr Biters name and Mr Outcaulte do not par George Bleekman Is chairman and- e other nanieii are Bert Cobb and F Oil Edge The hoadquarter of the league are In the- n rk n Tract Building and not in the Row Building as wo stated yeiteri- jr A SUN reporter found a young woman tmgrapher iti charge yesterday full of o She paid she was employed by Mr head of the United Newspaper ureau started by him recently end 6c- jprteg the Mme office as the league look out for the Pren Artist League or Mr Maxtor It l true that- r Baxter and Mr lien net are no longer onnecte in a way When Mr Baxter alircod with Mr Eennet be turned league to Mr Beokman to run at- lanagor M llleekinah l it exhibition heM last May i tilt Astor Vluit exlitbitloii wukiii a iiKcetM DU wee the get all M money MrBaxter got iral dlscntirtiKetl of them iou eo Huinn of tlicrn want per cent f the cliiMiM the rtl s have to their Mliarc anil thoro- t much for tho teagiM Mr Baxter nployetl poojilu who here to act i csnvan oin Inny oldnt collect much r the lant hilt we unt Invltu oo to all who ttubscritiod In come and Itt their if they dMnt como wasnt fault D ict T nIl t RfO ork to- ll abroa ptlon Mired lice In a die r fred r rt rk tier I also tie Id tilt It the t alter the lIuvllI enl O they llling in oome In lI our 4 tel Q wee was I aMt I < Mr Ble kncii t iml woelw now and nothing I belli- W Roma panvaMor start out I- t for the next exhibition ill dont think have turned In oaty becnUso you see Mr Bleekmai shown of canvawtfP v work for the imrrer tXa dont know who the canvftanera were- t them The subscription EI Stat was met firs latest one asks that all check made to the league and not t Bxt r Wbo in treasurer Well r Bleekman M manager al If n being done li are doing It without authority r beard Mr Baxter ay time to the canvasHoni not to but tinrtssers arent in sympathy with the rtlrta They want to can and want half o- bs checks The stenographer ia Mrs A L Swaeey appears on lost years babank oa iW the had had that discontinued It was really too bad she couldnt tell o natch had oolltcted in behall the art lets or show booke we have always made a point of books to one rid one iTtomo one took advantage of thla and tale our ledger We think it was M connected one of these rival or miatlons that arent all boulc Mr Baxter could tell you about noner If he was here or even Mr Bleek Tbsnsw subscription of the blob the canvas r dont to be announce that comi tlttva award i art will be made on i i 1 It doesnt mention where these are Mrs Swacey sh- raat thInk the had eftr saw Hr hasnt been connected w the league for some ehe eaid left under somewhat unnfeaeant cir instances Mr Baxter withdrew be WM h going back Into the news wr biBlnws In now In Paris start bureau over there orRanlratlon of nhlanthrorlst ewgrar Artists Association i riTe an exhibition at the Hotel Aetor faT hut Mm said It went with the Prem Artiste Leape- n of this or nlfation to Jfwojk to the artists and ra a cent on thl tock out of the proceeds HOME WAXTS ESSESS HOOKS See ir Initlce Deed Is Interested There Col William D Mann went to the omce romi Topic yesterday but he kept out iht of reporters Caller were met by Jwn woman who Mid WU U in relation to Fads and Fancies haa directed me to say in ntln There was no sign the Incident is closed UK 4 K i Mr Jerome has decided to go deeper the Investigation of Tad and Fan Imues of the of Town h etaouttlM Bnariatt mofaalne This oacany has same offlcer and directors It U capitalized 1100000 and Justice Deuel will be asked District Attorney wants to find out if nt on the book of the ton Her explanation o autograph picture of the Preekf- cotIT UOI they nt the t lIIIer heard or Mr one r II beeb mdo to but no oiecke ste In now anythlnE ire gain the znone She- d some 9 G chollIIbl tit ad ROme had In the paiti just wbere hedldnt know II wa n r n Hw rl WAIl dlnt spirit of competition In balM of b lit T r r Mann the I or the XstrIct Attorneys kt4 DI ventures One the own r the the the lt ropkllO- II I produce the books of the FMEM tit If teown be Deull a and MlIIT 7 Col Mann hili xplairied Juice J1 lec uae he 00- or the of uaJtter- r II Wade dauahterlnlaw Hampton the ROOsevelt and Fancies wouldnt the tried to tell him what tir ItlH nota difficult an 4 I a being Our I coming I U name the dig t the t bern er ft ettnt many ertieti ed a S i of Town Topke t aide PkIle s PubiisbIngConipny I thotgi capital diy to Company they are Dot pro uted The 1k that Carried onthe 1irv gets 1 La t ch hen toe picture < > ° > < > ¼ He wa Mile Mfttt had the baby out for an the other affer noon The wagon used small arid It WM a close even for such a mite the day WM bright and clear there was a breeze from the North River and the sun wasnt too warm but the baby was In a temper and WM screaming The young- ster stopped several lairs sorely perplexed- Ho rearranged light covering and It In all around BO the baby wouldnt get cold He remembered having seen hi mother turn the over on Its when seemed to bp wrong It required- all bis strength to do mustnt he said with a shaky little voice or big policeman will us both Around the corner from Seventh avenue came a policeman Just off duty and on his The little fellow had seen big boys run whoa approached he could run too the baby but now both Mould have to stay all in station and get no The thought was too much and joined In Hello little man said thecop Wbate thte Its a for Isnt It OIve me You the come along The Ingenuity of the small boy has turned out new toy which Is furnishing greiat sport In the outlying sections of the city although It would go on the East- Side Itlsalandyacht bullion on Iceboat but with rollers Instead of runner With a fivefoot mast r Igged with a jib had one of over over croft In The Bronx where there i Regular customers Well should say replied the cashier in a Broadway auto matte vaudeville place There are people who have been coming in at lat once a week fever since the place opened They- go the rounds and out them The machines are changed weekly and there is often a voice of the Pope or Joseph Jeffer- son The people have their fancies too That over there with long hair combed back think hed to a ragtime song Well I think not Its And that old gentleman bea one of our most cus- tomers He looks grim t in his and always picks out When the Are Over Jessie Dear Take ThU Letter to My the like Situated near Union Square i an estab- lishment that is familiarly referred to ae a polyglot printing office Here a specialty Is made of job and letterpress In Ian frequently employed in busl There a among the aliens which prefers home text U from them that most of the business is hooked at this printers One have hi choice Finnish Greek Hindustani Hungarian Japane Polish h or Yiddish Some of the dusky prisoners who were caught by the police on the night of the San Juan Hill riot made elaborate defenses in the police court noxt One warrior with head thought to Impress tlit by his I was flRhtln he admitted to riot ttffl tjtT j bap tthD he tuck bo I a r with all wagon and Ill pull you Y ua aInt 7ou Well the plan of mat aDII the w almt kind or Already there is great rivalry between the the port oldlllt and but hes senti musIc like Mother and Tamil bllt I certainly of contempt LI roPs a was lit brac- ing th boyle the btisre par- ticularly interrupted mental floss wasnt ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A woman dashed Into the TwentyMr street subway station the other day ho and hurried and ran to board a waltln train At the ticket chopper she missed ticket looked into her shook out he examined her parcels an grew desperate as the train moved out In mouth madam said ticket man finally didnt take It then If yo saw it there missed my train anapn the woman It aint the likes o me maam saId the mAn politely to lx lokln ticket out a ladys No said the confiding and uolfcon- scious trolley conductor wbo wore a narroi strip of celluloid around his neck in uc fashion that it might be mistaken for a col- lar I dont to wear celluloid collar But the require u to wear white collars and can how a linen collar would last on hot and dusty day The management prescribes that we shall wear of with so buttons of clot of a certain quality and weight The winte and summer same Beside on the jump we have to carr several pounds of change a book a a a o I dont see why the summer A novelty eun dials U found i one that 1s contained along with a compos In a gun metal case that Is no larger the that of an ordinary hunting case watch The novel of this little sun dial con slits in an adjustable gnomon which can tx a marked wltl degrees of latitude If the traveler will se figure the scale it I think said a dealer that more are sold in winter than in mm- mer In Bummer when window are al open and the temperature is the arne in- doors and out can make a uew at temperature without ther- mometer than can In winter whet they are part the time In warmed room part of in the colder outer air A local Sunday school that gave It annu picnic recently adopted a new scheme tot providing each member with eli the plea trip Special trolley cart were chartered to carry to the shore and woe like Each tag had a number of attached One woe for Ice cream another a bathing suit others for on while the tag Itself the ticket tor the worked beautifully Ni children were lost lie am without his snare or the fun at children got the benefit Newt f ay and Players A play suggested by Winston Churchill novel The Crosatag and written by Mr Ihurchlll and Louis Evan Shlpmon authc t DAroy of the Guard will be thla season under Mr management John Blair been the JEWe Janl whose contract at WleUi 3rove on of the NeW York Theater lost Sunday night has at a the manage to be 11000 a week Klaw 4 production of W W Oenslow Paul Weet W Brat new musical and the Pumpkin will open attraction at the Theater beginning Monday evening ug II Brady nans a Coney ISland Pier William A Brady announced yesterday that negotiations were pending for the oon of a steel between the Brighton Mt h and Manhattan Beach hotels to ex nd into the ocean at least 3000 feet will be uaod for the landing of a regular of steamers from her new penl the 1 d better than you like to lit them lon also ul a i report unch other things com- pany let us wear gray serge blousei of thIs little sun dial to the will tell the time lor him correctly In ooe latitude as In an- other ther- mometers M ride trlJl The tII By paying tIe school every reduced rates and the PI baa for rt The bribe lag te The I Line look as was togo a pro- duced engaged re- engaged Bcin ions way < Desks cleaned and overhauled We do it ex peditiously and at little cost and make them as good as new HALE DESk CO 15 STOME ST next rVtxluce Exehi- nTAIPORD WHITE AT IT AWE BENTtatKSTS FOR A tOVXD MIKADO BOOK Jell Men1 eaUmsnt Preferred bat Gain Aiked Per fev FHendly te j TM Oeu- Lekld Htwerer fteperii Downtown business men espedo- llwe who are known to rich men ha deluged of late with oommunlcatlc- rlttao on paper with a letter heading a an ordinary book preface ectlon of the heading reads a follow Tribute to his Imperial Highness mperor of Japan from the leading ne japersof America for to mNHil Majesty the Emperor a eotnpl- Ittory of tbe war a In the coVmns of America ewipapars including a pesos rescript prssentatlvn of the Powers ilfnstoi- tt Stamford White is dMcribed on aper as the head of this Interesting ente and the home of the Tribute to Imperial Highness is given a 21 Nineteenth street The letter describes the wonderful of clippings which It I propose o get out setting forth among other sting statistics that It is to weigh BOO asking the of the t contrIbute some sentiment for the public ion There is in this opening letter of rrespondence no demand for money act no reference to money matters what In March 1004 a Stamford White wi with another enterprise of omewhat similar general nature wbic vas the subject of a of by any means favorable in tone Th launched with another enoi- noualv verbose letterhead and was cam ts headquarters were in the St Jami White was the as lotion Ho likewise appeared as the d ectOr and the letters sent rossed as in this instance to men con y preference desert bat was to place In the Fifth Avenue Jotel and could get a cartoon of yourself to be allery of for anywhere 25 to Incidentally Mr Stanford White arch ord White the dose causln to confound the architect with the Industrious chevalier In the St The Japanese ConsulQeneml receive a of Stamford bite on Imperial Highness business which to a of inquIry a man of large business who had received it mail TiM itlon so queer that the business out it to the with a note c aqulry All Mr Ucliida would say on th was this i caused an investigation of tbe matte o be made From a submitted t ue and coming from an rellabl ource I have that the enterprise if Mr Stamford White Is not one an Indorse- At 21 West Nineteenth street a youn had before her a o letters similar to tbe one submitted to tb apanese Consul said that Mr White wa present was asked if Informatio the Mikado enterprise was had there the answer came off th atNot one word 4 RID HOYS GOOD DUB i Few PaiN Tern Prim the LICe Ster of a Telegraph Mesienger Charles Murray never meant to be bad could tell that by looking Into his clear lue eyes but somehow the fifteen year- f life werent all good ones and estorday he landed In the Tomb char with attempted burglary Two policemen said Charles and hi both uniformed me inger had been found early in anting to force an entrance into 120 In the Produce Exchange Building- We was just lOin in there for a sleep ald Myer to Magistrate Baker Jafe honea Yes Judge dats hones echoed Mur- iy I aint bad Heres d little hoOk I writ down all I done If you don me reid it Murray fished up from pocket a well diary Evidently It had been i- ri once for of the were writing in girlish hand it on street and U dorm his just as the girl hoc 3 Maybe Ill meet her some day and den can her he said And BO on June 12 when h left his home first It read Chuoked Job Brooklyn Poetal i New a try The next day 18th but Murray as lucky for wrote Got the and worked all night and all day June to Bergen street- S bad with bad U the boat Pine here I dont think ItUe hard a a rockalso other things ed at midnight but not to Charles friend of course had the good tot not to write ames In hi Under entry of June Out with E F and R and Walter arty at Walter sisters Her birthday of fun To bed JJO A June IS Sunday To church Home- o New York with Bob and Walter Soda t P M M out to chop uej- lnt Charles riotous living i beginning ti on him for next 1 entry June 19 Too tired to Chicken come horn to roost ai June Bounced for taking day off June Prospect Oat two Bought re ilvcr and June 22 Bumming June 25 Still Hooked re DIver untO July 4 June 38 on the bum Rocked oker July 3 Got job Commercial Cable And there the entries ceased because r Murray said he had been too Magistrate Baker placed the boy ii a agent I r H r 1 r Ig4 J fHO N car TIe a be been long A Pre tlUOD te JIPaneilla IIII no- n led neat n from r the priM his West vol- ume Inter pound and the in ever a880cl ted a not was Che Cartoonl8ts outad for one and wealth so hibltlon friendly from i to a deal or aDCl from activity of Stem man lames W the wall note from tll man l lady out town When her a man who was t- oo one his eo- Y court burn boy the room Jude where believe his thumbed mIld with Murray bad write I he wOuld not made Going mOTe 1 but their n wrote Home P tell olr will be 1IeIID 21To round N barre T Vatsveesb i Hague Co rrrinc the lettt AaociaUon lQQ eel wee this Industrial where t was sayhe Was in be I > > > > < MIDSUMMER FICTION NUMBER HARPERS MAGAZINE 9 Complete Short Stories ELIZABETH STUART PHELPS MARY E WILKINS RICHARD LE GALUBNNE GIORQB HIBBARD JAMES BRANCH CABELL AUCB BROWN Etc Etc Bit Etc The Slave Trade of ToDay By HENRY W NEVINSON- In October 1904 an expedition under Mr Nerinson was sent by HARPERS MAGAZINE to Afric to eipost the evils of the slavetrada of today In this number printed the flrtfc of hii papers written from Loanda in which he vividly pictures condition al he findi them and prepares the way for the most dramatio of his revelations The expedition ia still in the interior of Africa The Mistress of the House A GROUP OF EIGHT PAINTINGS IN FULL COLOR By ELIZABETH SHIPPEN GREEN Articles by W D Professor SIMON NEWCOMB Professor ETC ETC Literature Science Language Discovery W D N C WYETH LUCIUS HITCHCOCK l L I e 8i f V u w lu hh I I HOWL Travel IN COLOR by HOWARD PYLE r I PIaIwATITq PIlICA P- I = = IIARCApulrlut Properllu- iJuvtnit B ul Martial P1IATT let Sib ar SUES DADS OWN GIRl For a Trine of SIOOOOO far Annexln nods Affection I eonortf11 France described b ixjrsoni who Have her as a doshln young widow has sued by Mrs Martha Oarrstson of 148 West Fortythin for the alienation of Perolval Oar retsons alfeotioas Mrs Jarretson the loss of her husbands love a 109000 Mme France lives at 4 Broac street Lynn Mass From the complaint drawn by Mrs rptsons lawyer 3 Q Williamson appears that the Oarretaons formed th acquaintance of Mme France In1898 when a at Oceanic N J Mme France came to Oceanic to establish t legal residence In New Jersey for the ur of securing a divorce but the deatt France an action superflu cue Mme France was at Oceanic until the fall of hOt when she moved to Massachu- setts where she bad relatives Mean- while according to Mrs Oarretaon she had been making love to Garretson with the result that Perclvsls affections for lila home and wife were waite dissolved Mrs Garretson relies for proof of her allegations mainly upon a letter dated Nov IS 1KB which she says came to her husband In the handwriting of Mme The letter U to Dear reads As this t birthday I send my best wishes arid hope you will many and 1 have not from o Why I I have a little to but will walt until I hear from Would more fully but deem it wiser to not having the pleasure of on which antici- pated and expected but sincere and on this your birthday from QIBL Mr Oarretaon she other letters that passed between her husband and the LOOKS LIKE HER LOST IVSIIAXD Italian Woman t but He Loved John S Qlllesple of Hoboken was in Jefferson Market court yesterday charged with abandonment by Mary MtllotU- Mr Ulllottl alleged that she had mar- ried the prisoner seventeen years ago Tour years ago her husband Antonio Millottl left her and she thought hid him when she met GUlesple on a Hoboken ferry To prove that Qlllesplo and her Tony were the same she produced of her husband in which the likeness to startling Her husband had been a shoemaker butt former boss who was In be sure was Millottl defendant said he had been Scotch from his earliest recollection married seventeen year ago and In the year country Mrs in court had her since bo baa been in this country been a firm wholesale In Washington street A member of the grin to that fact swore that Mrs Millottl who his read conic tome I forgive all He said Nothing doing Im not Then the woman him before a Magistrate at Island she would bo found on his shoulder In the presence of wit aestrs and women showed ho was the scars so ho wo discharged The Magistrate decided Mrs had a and discharged QU- Cbleacoi New Chief of Pollee July M Police Captain John M was appointed Chief of succeed by today Plat Oar th y pOI render Franc end herd OU writ Mi- nE l has HaN Cay Cot curt Hew bet t- eE t Ie a him week bad a note Ito CoD the Jpl CIO Polo Mute seen been street esti- mates that be all pros Nest she photo- graphs was his The sam has was total atmaer bad accotc four slIpped was A > ¬ ¬ APPLETONS BOOHLOVEKS MAGAZINE contains For AUGUST Articles Stor its Pictures etc by Henry Jane H Mani tt WaUon Henry U y fcwrme S Martin Harold Baler a W Chambers Hlrke La Shell Booker T Wa hln0toa H B Latrobe Barton Hill David Gray and many otbtrs Price 35 fell a tfj a ytar D Appleton Company Publishers New York 00 R bert B aau Edward COP QUIT TOO illiCit DUTY hack to Fioorwalklnv So He at Route Afttr Dork I torso much night work said Policeman Peter E Van Brunt hand Ing In his shield at the East filstyssrenU street station What the matter asked the rer geant You aint going to quit the Job are vou Im through said Van Brunt dont mind the because Im to that but I cant for being away from home so much Van Brunt been a policeman for there months Before he a bluecoat be was a floorwalker in the drug depart mont of a Sixth avenue store He wu back in his old job yesterday Engineer Janeway Leaves Rorbllng Co- TBEKTON N J July M John H Jane way Jr has resigned his position In the engineering department of the John A to become of the Mineral Point Zinc Company- of Chicago For he next to President Charles O the head of the engineering department- Mr 1s a ton way a retired surgeon of the who In Princeton a graduate of the Columbia School of Mines THE COLLEGIATE Start the right with Cal It liai the m ic o tase aid It the ultl nkteor for young haitI selves tW- mn Soiaat tfor ijc caa Mai in hi Mint HENRY HOLMES Troy York C- al I ltd me arm I a lu 1 n h1 rl dot pt It It III I a Clod cwlt New Ail 31 W- dfYt NIGHT Goes used has been AI5W- A day Ieghti style ass bBhtpNIq prbIsm IMurdid ike- It lbs WarraMM otto Collars yos Insist itesltr weCs 5 iV p 3 r L 4 HARRY If BAILEYS DEATH Played Tennis Too Shock of a Cold Bath Him BTAUFOKD Conn July 26 Overex ertlon at tennis followed by a cold plunge In the Sound is believed to haw caused the death of Harry Winchester Bailey of the firm of Bailey Tuttle 43 Blcecker street New York Mr Bailey last Thurs- day sets at tennis He was very he stopped and a bath short afterward- he stricken with paralysis 1 clans could give him no and ho yesterday New York home wa 3S street Mr Bailey bad spent several summern In this popular He Is was In the Iron uslnes and was 34 Id Re an athlete and was regarded aa the most skilful tennis player at Beach During the summer played- In tournaments Dr tonight that the of the was due to overexertion followed by the cold plunge Obituary Note Rev died yester- day at the Franciscan Convent nt Peskaktll fter an Illness of tuberculosis of the over many Rev Klnkead was born Belant April 4 rams to this country n 16 ordained Dec e 1898 at Bt New York On Sept ii 1102- no assumed the the Asylum ot d Academy of Ms ono of this finest State But h did not confine his work to the convent l- o charitIes In dlocsss and had been supervisor lie the Catholic Home Bureau New avenue He ws In establishing the city the St work charity wonc ana was considered an expert Alexander H How TAUraa coal mar Ut dealsr In Brooklyn AM Tusodar at home 140 fifty year and tm Brooklyn He is stir and eleven great grandchIldren post In the as of Ascen Church New York rector at since 1887 County C Ferguson died In Hudson N Y yesterday county that capacity for lard A play The dIe a wife and two He FatherThomL Kinked w He ro He to AU Saints Cb Madison much b vl He tbs e to wn In e his In the varloU uUons and Infant to home for with omeN tour It Yor rely a mea con with 01 e 0 a of mo li But b Oetl Freerln N J ot d Il time wu Me In wu p of crate on Enllwo D e was was survived was was was assigned avenue Missionary Order kill where was Poe Is beet charity the fIrst inaugurated the mother at street Instru- mental Louis be charity called auttafton tste soil a an his street In his He hid be n member ttrong Place Baptist Church crauo children ltv Flithner rector bf- t at- it summer at Tues paralysis lie been a- long in Union 1547 graduate Amherst his warn ¬ ¬ fl Doys ihatJpa laps their entrance cx nln tl6n flr oil lege expert if In S plernb T lli find that ths r Groff School 228 West 72d si New York City unusual opportunities for rapid rri during lt summer sessiOn bsglnhlng Aug tAt Student of varying hitntol eipo- itlos treated In accordance with Individual needs Hmsll number of ne 4 aids MMMUfa- LArrangtnttnls mads to osaAIMka Hoarding and Day aehlt7n nual issue a w bo a at the summer cud for w soiool r ar Also dar atudeati No and Ineiperleneedtsaelisrs tt- Mrtiatnt r- J rop r ill of KlttimW- wiwifAi JOSEPH c mn A i sal U 8 N A tf 1- 3n wntTN NSW York Om hours yd by pp4latmi LEARN AND K B ACCOUNtUfft see to month Salary you pay ooalUon ittltgraph by of OPERATORS ALWAYS IN DEMAND CIncInnatI o BUffalo N YI AUanU O All for our various KHMla conducted from tOe Executive Once 0 Useless CelUg MILLER SCHOOL I Ties hfrnr cur tiuat BUSINESS SHORTHAND AND BOOKKEEPING School 01 New York Day Night SCMlons School f r Physical Collar MAC LEVY SWIMMING POOL 6365 Clark 8t Brooklyn Swimming Summer Tiuibt Gymnasium lloo ftr Lessons fbytlcal Culture noxlnr KfnclBt- Wrcstllnr AiT ru Sl park Contr tdaaa Write for Booklet For Children Kindergarten TrainingTb Froebcl Normal- InMltutr 18 PI la- ducctnents early rcthtrttlon Z A CUTTER Sup- lAMLSEMKNTS Aerial Gardens OMrJBiaSLS- telU Miyhfw MrctnU Earl lAJUH HarrUoB I And Tfc- Mr tin I The Lid TTkolf Datum Fatally B AMTodyI- COHAN VOKK ROOF and WlitarU Orrs Novtliy every 10 mlnulet from 9M- Tk Dmlno I trken 3 Zallert Frrrr O Corntj V rl tl j l Edith Iar etc j t o And tnt r pro wrk t mar tie e u ledlq and w 1 ad f INc OF L I The Mon aDd f Fait term nU1e I I I u FAY TEMPLETON AND I NY- I I ds1j L D It I I SEW YORK Th sun I It GEO Nut t r1 NEW lied w IUd Jp e c- otTers boys Summer set a silt rot ci aiMs ul ILlS subjects SOil it studentS school rencsi shiowig pies siteesa lbs colleges AU west PoInt a fox 5s- iean only Rites In accoedSacs with superior sntages eflered Address at 500 per undlr boaS Mrs a Miss 4 silo MORSE thHOOL T3LORAP11V IA Crone Tn San O 5 II I Stau4ard Bv1sibi- L 1 and 4 9gffv FOrs as- l ILtTION I aiondaY1JONEs Are 41 < < > SUPEM SHOWS TWICE DAILY Bertram Ulaftrbc Sloan A ill ST Walihour Burke Co othrri- TH llobt T Halnci In Once i m a- AV Time J H Ollmour Ootttnr TH Th hells of Itlchmond Durkta- S1 UraceHciUa COM Abbf etc Til Jim the Wnltrner ntatrtct Mot 4 VAUDEVILLE IIE RY LEBMfttettl Troupe A ofntn- HituiO Port Arthur i BvtrrBv- cGrand works I lareit Hippodrome IB tkc W rU Free Rar 0 P It AUTOMOBILE TRIPH 1100 N Bway th s i deity s 4 ido Tel wi Theatre K M Sum BEST ON CONRT NEW YORK AE WORTH POLE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD BOER WAR BRIGHTON BEACH Dally 3 90 Sat A Sunday I 710 HERALD SO SAM BERNARD THEATRR nroa Mat 8 iurdt iA St Bw y 7th A- Paradlie EVII NEW AND OKIOISAl THROUCHOHT NORTH BEACHF- ree FIreworks Thursday Uatlnte Saturday till I WORLD IN WAX NSW MVSKK 1 Coarmlnr Mual Tk Wit Hta years being retained undor each was born IP had a marvelous memory and could without to any book at deods and were recorded Albert W Bartlett Plerrepont street roo had boon a member of Stock exchange tired from business fifteen He a home and formerly a warden In Christ Church wife son survive him Sanford De Hart of i the State where Be tad been under treatment le wee the son of the late Luke C Do Hart- ho ripened the lint sums In Madison n IRS grandfather Moses De Hart Ir was a veteran of 1BIJ Arcanum to Ask Reeonstdetatlom of Rates NEW BRUNSWICK N 3 July ie Th rand Council Royal Arcanum of KW- oney will hold an extra session In on Hand consider the n4w body it Is to hay t rand Cotinoils of seven States take action have already done so FUltMCATION- ARftdrAmtuttltt jj The Missourian The vary of Din DrhcolTi aircnturti a the Court of Tie Hiiieariin I MsrimWa- nne cumin 1amctNmtr tIt DOV LEIW BNGE CO MEWAQM c Lame D 58 3T tao Wilson AUeni etc MAN I IIII u DREAMLAND TK alt Y 38 2 looth Monda A 80DY TIll f 42d Reef col nerd Ernest JlornIICo dCIItra Dally lists In nrCrla nHt lie PASTORS 60 co 3 JACK AND flONILLl co I LUNA PABK 2tb II pAN r E I EDEN i papers of who died on fourth own p J IIYer uric city All 1210 rates made the Supreme To lIot a the n oe Vive u U ntt WO IpIU0JIEj1Ir nn U I JaS li liol BEACH ranGy I silo Is k 1 1 5 Hyt 510 TIm GIRL C Oatoo eanrs uSe cheSt 4 flro see 1tt ei neare CON 1NU ANDU L1AJL TIN JILL WU I irnc Time rouiiinstJ- ffrTieC ATIA I IS 4 ta 144 the years Orange died this 1w Counitl S 4- S I iumt L k I vu < >

Transcript of L Jp H It Doys IS- Ig4 HARPERS Groff - Library of...




n Conjoined Other Halves flo to thespider at the Center of ttte Web Now

If four Hoot Toe Could Find Him or

If Mendicancy Officer Perbr CtvM

Bennett who say that he wo-

nnrierly editor of BucttM and I now doing

for tho CoimopolUan hastenedSUN office yesterday to state that he

7 no longer with the Prosrthts Ioasue whose canvoimers have

been making toucliesln Wall Street

Tnt SUN told yesterday Mr Bennett

lh ot hank from del foreMterday said that he had served

a tie league Home time ago not use hU

IBM Ho was also very ure that his

rId George M Baxter to whom aubhlantw that tlheoks be made

y hl a treasurer had served A similarU t May

Mr Outcault Mr Baxter and myself didbit MlJ M Bennett when we foundhit certain persons who pretended to be

rrUng legitimate way were In realitY

p fterB The leap started1 K Pornmery organloer of the MaritimejMiue In which Senator Thuratoh becametriPped Mr Outcault allowed hi Mine

be used as and Mr Baxterrtasurer but Im quite sure they didnt

the funds Mr Pornmery ran itft did not know that a aubecrlptlon listits being circulated until after teveralt-

kibttlons had been given I simplymoney for some ploturee exhibfted-

ndlhat was allMr BennottB wishes regarding the UM

hl nanw w m to have been disregarded

j the present manager of the lenguo-

It latest stationery gotten out preparatoryj holding what U advertised as the sixthnnirnl exhibition has him down as a mem

of tho executive committee Mr

Biters name and Mr Outcaulte do notpar George Bleekman Is chairman and-

e other nanieii are Bert Cobb and F Oil

EdgeThe hoadquarter of the league are In the-

n rk n Tract Building and not in theRow Building as wo stated yeiteri-

jr A SUN reporter found a young womantmgrapher iti charge yesterday full ofo She paid she was employed by Mr

head of the United Newspaperureau started by him recently end 6c-

jprteg the Mme office as the leaguelook out for the Pren Artist League

or Mr Maxtor It l true that-r Baxter and Mr lien net are no longeronnecte in a way When Mr Baxter

alircod with Mr Eennet be turnedleague to Mr Beokman to run at-

lanagor M llleekinah l itexhibition heM last May

i tilt Astor Vluit exlitbitloii wukiii aiiKcetM DU wee the get allM money MrBaxter got iral dlscntirtiKetl

of themiou eo Huinn of tlicrn want per cent

f the cliiMiM thertl s have to their Mliarc anil thoro-

t much for tho teagiM Mr Baxternployetl poojilu who here to acti csnvan oin Inny oldnt collect muchr the lant hilt we unt Invltuoo to all who ttubscritiod In come andItt their if they dMnt comowasnt fault

D ictT nIl






ptlon Mired


In a







I also

tie Id


It the

t alter the

lIuvllI enl


they llling in

oome In












Mr Ble kncii timl woelw now and nothing I belli-W Roma panvaMor start out I-

t for the next exhibitionill dont think have turned Inoaty becnUso you see Mr Bleekmai

shown of canvawtfPv work for the imrrertXa dont know who the canvftanera were-

t them The subscriptionEI Stat was met

firs latest one asks that all checkmade to the league and not tBxt r Wbo in treasurer Well

r Bleekman M manager al

If n being done liare doing It without authority

r beard Mr Baxter ay timeto the canvasHoni not to but

tinrtssers arent in sympathy with thertlrta They want to

can and want half o-

bs checksThe stenographer ia Mrs A L Swaeey

appears on lost yearsbabank oaiW the had had that discontinued

It was really too bad she couldnt tello natch had oolltcted in behall

the art lets or show bookewe have always made a point ofbooks to one rid one

iTtomo one took advantage of thla andtale our ledger We think it wasM connected one of these rival ormiatlons that arent all boulc

Mr Baxter could tell you aboutnoner If he was here or even Mr Bleek

Tbsnsw subscription of theblob the canvas r dont to be

announce that comi tlttva awardi art will be made oni i 1 It doesnt mention where these

are Mrs Swacey sh-raat thInk the had eftr saw

Hr hasnt been connectedw the league for some ehe eaid

left under somewhat unnfeaeant cirinstances Mr Baxter withdrew be

WM h going back Into the newswr biBlnws In now In Paris start

bureau over thereorRanlratlon of nhlanthrorlst

ewgrar Artists Associationi riTe an exhibition at the Hotel Aetor

faT hut Mm said It wentwith the Prem Artiste Leape-

n of this or nlfation toJfwojk to the artists and ra a cent

on thl tock out of the proceeds


See ir Initlce Deed Is InterestedThere

Col William D Mann went to the omceromi Topic yesterday but he kept outiht of reporters Caller were met by

Jwn woman who MidW U U in relation to Fads and Fancies

haa directed me to say inntln

There was no sign the Incident is closedUK 4 K i

Mr Jerome has decided to go deeperthe Investigation of Tad and Fan

Imues of the of Town

h etaouttlM Bnariatt mofaalne Thisoacany has same offlcer and directors

It U capitalized 1100000

and Justice Deuel will be asked

District Attorney wants to find out if

nt on the book of the ton

Her explanation

o autograph picture of the Preekf-



nt the

t lIIIer heard or Mr one


IIbeeb mdo to but

no oiecke ste In nowanythlnE


gain the







tit ad ROme had In the paiti just wberehedldnt know





n HwrlWAIl

dlntspirit of competition In

balM of b




Mann theI

or the XstrIct Attorneys

kt4DI ventures One

the ownr the


the lt ropkllO-II I

produce the books of the FMEMtit If

teown be

Deull a and MlIIT7 Col Mann hili xplairied Juice

J1 lecuae he 00-or the of uaJtter-

rII Wade dauahterlnlaw

Hampton theROOsevelt

and Fancieswouldnt

the tried to tell him whattir ItlH nota difficult



I a being


I coming


U name






ft ettnt many ertietied a



of Town Topket aidePkIle s PubiisbIngConipny

Ithotgi capital

diy toCompany they are Dot pro



thatCarried onthe1irv gets 1 La


chhen toe picture








He wa Mile Mfttt hadthe baby out for an the other affernoon The wagon used small aridIt WM a close even for such a mite theday WM bright and clear there was a

breeze from the North River and the sunwasnt too warm but the baby was In atemper and WM screaming The young-ster stopped several lairs sorely perplexed-Ho rearranged light covering andIt In all around BO the baby wouldnt getcold He remembered having seen himother turn the over on Its when

seemed to bp wrong It required-all bis strength to do

mustnt he said with ashaky little voice or big policeman will

us bothAround the corner from Seventh avenue

came a policeman Just off duty and on his

The little fellow had seen big boys runwhoa approached hecould run too thebaby but now both Mould have to stay all

in station and get noThe thought was too much and joined In

Hello little man said thecop Wbatethte Its a for

Isnt It OIve me You the

come along

The Ingenuity of the small boy has turnedout new toy which Is furnishing greiatsport In the outlying sections of the cityalthough It would go on the East-Side Itlsalandyacht bullion onIceboat but with rollers Instead of runnerWith a fivefoot mast r Igged with a jib had

one of over

over croftIn The Bronx where there i

Regular customers Well should sayreplied the cashier in a Broadway automatte vaudeville place There are peoplewho have been coming in at lat once aweek fever since the place opened They-go the rounds and out

them The machines are changedweekly and there is often a

voice of the Pope or Joseph Jeffer-son

The people have their fancies tooThat over there with long haircombed back think hed to aragtime song Well I think not Its

And that old gentlemanbea one of our most cus-tomers He looks grim

t in his and always picks outWhen the Are

Over Jessie Dear Take ThU Letter toMy the like

Situated near Union Square i an estab-lishment that is familiarly referred to ae apolyglot printing office Here a specialtyIs made of job and letterpress In Ian

frequently employed in buslThere a among

the aliens which prefers home textU from them that most of the business ishooked at this printers Onehave hi choice Finnish GreekHindustani Hungarian JapanePolish h orYiddish

Some of the dusky prisoners who werecaught by the police on the night of the SanJuan Hill riot made elaborate defenses inthe police court noxt One warriorwith head thought to Impresstlit by his

I was flRhtln he admitted

to riot

ttffl tjtT j



bo I

a r



wagon and Ill pull you Y uaaInt 7ou Well

the plan of

mat aDIIthe w almt kind orAlready there is great rivalry between the

the port

oldlllt andbut hes senti

musIc like

Mother and


bllt I certainly of contempt

LI roPsa
















A woman dashed Into the TwentyMrstreet subway station the other day ho

and hurried and ran to board a waltlntrain At the ticket chopper she missedticket looked into her shook out he

examined her parcels angrew desperate as the train moved out

In mouth madam saidticket man finally

didnt take It then If yosaw it there missed my train anapnthe woman

It aint the likes o me maamsaId the mAn politely to lx lokln ticketout a ladys

No said the confiding and uolfcon-scious trolley conductor wbo wore a narroistrip of celluloid around his neck in uc

fashion that it might be mistaken for a col-

lar I dont to wear celluloid collar

But the require uto wear white collars and canhow a linen collar would last onhot and dusty day The managementprescribes that we shall wear of

with so buttons of clotof a certain quality and weight The winteand summer same Beside

on the jump we have to carrseveral pounds of change abook a a a o

I dont see why the


A novelty eun dials U found i

one that 1s contained along with a composIn a gun metal case that Is no larger thethat of an ordinary hunting case watchThe novel of this little sun dial conslits in an adjustable gnomon which can tx

a marked wltldegrees of latitude If the traveler will se

figure the scale it

I think said a dealer that moreare sold in winter than in mm-

mer In Bummer when window are alopen and the temperature is the arne in-

doors and out can make auew at temperature without ther-

mometer than can In winter whetthey are part the time In warmed room

part of in the colder outer air

A local Sunday school that gave It annupicnic recently adopted a new scheme totproviding each member with eli the plea

trip Special trolley cart werechartered to carry to the shoreand woe like

Each tag had a number ofattached One woe for Ice creamanother a bathing suit others foronwhile the tag Itself the ticket tor the

worked beautifully Nichildren were lost lie am

without his snare or the fun

atchildren got the benefit

Newt f ay and Players

A play suggested by Winston Churchillnovel The Crosatag and written by MrIhurchlll and Louis Evan Shlpmon authc

t DAroy of the Guard will bethla season under Mr

management John Blair beenthe

JEWe Janl whose contract at WleUi3rove on of the NeW York Theater

lost Sunday night hasat a the manage

to be 11000 a weekKlaw 4 production of W W

Oenslow Paul Weet W Bratnew musicaland the Pumpkin will open

attraction at theTheater beginning Monday evening

ug IIBrady nans a Coney ISland Pier

William A Brady announced yesterdaythat negotiations were pending for the oon

of a steel between the BrightonMt h and Manhattan Beach hotels to exnd into the ocean at least 3000 feet

will be uaod for the landing of a regularof steamers from


new penlthe

1 d

better than you like to lit them


ul a



other things com-

pany let us wear gray serge blousei

of thIs little sun dial to thewill tell the time lor

him correctly In ooe latitude as In an-





trlJlThe tII

By paying tIe schoolevery reduced rates and the


baafor rt



te The

I Line






duced engaged






Desks cleaned and


We do it ex

peditiously and

at little cost and make

them as good as new

HALE DESk CO15 STOME ST next rVtxluce Exehi-



Jell Men1 eaUmsnt Preferred batGain Aiked Per fev FHendlyte j TM Oeu-

Lekld Htwerer fteperii

Downtown business men espedo-llwe who are known to rich men ha

deluged of late with oommunlcatlc-rlttao on paper with a letter heading

a an ordinary book prefaceectlon of the heading reads a follow

Tribute to his Imperial Highnessmperor of Japan from the leading nejapersof America for tomNHil Majesty the Emperor a eotnpl-Ittory of tbe war a

In the coVmns of Americaewipapars including a pesos rescriptprssentatlvn of the Powers ilfnstoi-

ttStamford White is dMcribed on

aper as the head of this Interesting enteand the home of the Tribute to

Imperial Highness is given a 21

Nineteenth streetThe letter describes the wonderful

of clippings which It I proposeo get out setting forth among othersting statistics that It is to weigh BOO

asking the of the tcontrIbute some sentiment for the publicion There is in this opening letter ofrrespondence no demand for moneyact no reference to money matters what

In March 1004 a Stamford White wi

with another enterprise ofomewhat similar general nature wbicvas the subject of a of

by any means favorable in tone Thlaunched with another enoi-

noualv verbose letterhead and was cam

ts headquarters were in the St JamiWhite was the as

lotion Ho likewise appeared as the dectOr and the letters sentrossed as in this instance to men con

y preference desertbat was to place In the Fifth Avenue

Jotel and could get acartoon of yourself to beallery of for anywhere25 toIncidentally Mr Stanford White arch

ord White the dose causlnto confound the architect

with the Industrious chevalier In the St

The Japanese ConsulQeneml receivea of Stamford bite on

Imperial Highness business whichto a of inquIry

a man of large businesswho had received it mail TiMitlon so queer that the businessout it to the with a note c

aqulry All Mr Ucliida would say on thwas this i

caused an investigation of tbe matteo be made From a submitted tue and coming from an rellabl

ource I have that the enterpriseif Mr Stamford White Is not onean Indorse-

At 21 West Nineteenth street a younhad before her a o

letters similar to tbe one submitted to tbapanese Consul said that Mr White wa

present was asked if Informatiothe Mikado enterprise was

had there the answer came off th

atNot one word

4 RID HOYS GOOD DUBi Few PaiN Tern Prim the LICe Ster

of a Telegraph MesiengerCharles Murray never meant to be bad

could tell that by looking Into his clear

lue eyes but somehow the fifteen year-

f life werent all good ones andestorday he landed In the Tombchar with attempted burglaryTwo policemen said Charles and hi

both uniformed meinger had been found early inanting to force an entrance into

120 In the Produce Exchange Building-

We was just lOin in there for a sleepald Myer to Magistrate Baker

Jafe honeaYes Judge dats hones echoed Mur-

iy I aint bad Heres d little hoOk

I writ down all I done If you donme reid it

Murray fished up from pocket a welldiary Evidently It had been i-

ri once for of the werewriting in girlish handit on street and U

dorm his just as the girl hoc3

Maybe Ill meet her some day and dencan her he saidAnd BO on June 12 when h left his home

first It readChuoked Job Brooklyn Poetal

i New a tryThe next day 18th but Murrayas lucky for wrote Got the

and worked all night and all dayJune to Bergen street-

S bad with bad U

the boat Pine here I dont thinkItUe hard a a rockalso other thingsed at midnight but not toCharles friend of coursehad the good tot not to write

ames In hi Under entry of June

Out with E F and R and Walterarty at Walter sisters Her birthday

of fun To bed JJO AJune IS Sunday To church Home-

o New York with Bob and Walter Sodat P M M out to chop uej-

lntCharles riotous living i beginning ti

on him for next 1 entryJune 19 Too tired to

Chicken come horn to roost ai

June Bounced for taking day offJune Prospect

Oat two Bought reilvcr and

June 22 BummingJune 25 Still Hooked re

DIver untO July 4June 38 on the bum Rocked

okerJuly 3 Got job Commercial Cable

And there the entries ceased becauser Murray said he had been tooMagistrate Baker placed the boy ii

a agent

I rH r








long A

Pre tlUODte

JIPaneilla IIII no-n led neatn fromr


priM hisWest






a880cl ted a


Che Cartoonl8ts

outadfor one and wealth

so hibltlon



i to a deal oraDCl from activity of Stem


lamesW the


from tll




out town When her a man whowas t-oo


his eo-

Y court

burnboy the





mIld with Murraybadwrite

Ihe wOuld not made



1 buttheir

n wrote

Home P


olrwill be








Hague Co rrrincthe lettt



eel weethis Industrial

where t was sayhe

Was in











Etc Etc Bit Etc

The Slave Trade of ToDayBy HENRY W NEVINSON-

In October 1904 an expedition under Mr Nerinson was sent byHARPERS MAGAZINE to Afric to eipost the evils of the slavetradaof today In this number printed the flrtfc of hii papers writtenfrom Loanda in which he vividly pictures condition al he findi themand prepares the way for the most dramatio of his revelations Theexpedition ia still in the interior of Africa



Articles by W D Professor SIMON NEWCOMBProfessor ETC ETC

Literature Science Language Discovery


l L I

e 8i fV u w lu hh







= =

IIARCApulrlut Properllu-iJuvtnit B ul Martial P1IATTlet Sib ar


For a Trine of SIOOOOO far Annexlnnods Affection

I eonortf11 France described bixjrsoni who Have her as a doshlnyoung widow has sued by MrsMartha Oarrstson of 148 West Fortythin

for the alienation of Perolval Oarretsons alfeotioas Mrs Jarretson

the loss of her husbands love a109000 Mme France lives at 4 Broac

street Lynn MassFrom the complaint drawn by Mrs

rptsons lawyer 3 Q Williamsonappears that the Oarretaons formed thacquaintance of Mme France In1898 when

a at Oceanic N J MmeFrance came to Oceanic to establish tlegal residence In New Jersey for the ur

of securing a divorce but the deattFrance an action superflu

cueMme France was at Oceanic until the

fall of hOt when she moved to Massachu-

setts where she bad relatives Mean-while according to Mrs Oarretaon shehad been making love to Garretson withthe result that Perclvsls affections forlila home and wife were waite dissolved

Mrs Garretson relies for proof of herallegations mainly upon a letter datedNov IS 1KB which she says came to herhusband In the handwriting of MmeThe letter U to Dearreads

As this t birthday I send my bestwishes arid hope you will manyand

1 have not fromo Why I I have a

little to but will walt until Ihear from Would more fullybut deem it wiser tonot having the pleasure of on

which antici-pated and expected but sincere

and on this your birthdayfrom QIBL

Mr Oarretaon she other lettersthat passed between her husband and the


Italian Woman tbut He Loved

John S Qlllesple of Hoboken was inJefferson Market court yesterday chargedwith abandonment by Mary MtllotU-

Mr Ulllottl alleged that she had mar-

ried the prisoner seventeen years agoTour years ago her husband AntonioMillottl left her and she thought hidhim when she met GUlesple on a Hobokenferry To prove that Qlllesplo and herTony were the same she produced

of herhusband in which the likenessto startling

Her husband had been a shoemakerbutt former boss who was In

be sure was Millottldefendant said he had been Scotch

from his earliest recollectionmarried seventeen year ago and In the

year countryMrs in court had her

since bo baa been in this countrybeen a firm

wholesale In Washington streetA member of the grin to thatfact

swore that Mrs Millottl who

his read conictome I forgive all

He said Nothing doing Im notThen the woman him before a

Magistrate at Island shewould bo found

on his shoulder In the presence of witaestrs and women showedho was the scars so ho wo discharged

The Magistrate decided Mrshad a and discharged QU-

Cbleacoi New Chief of PolleeJuly M Police Captain John

M was appointed Chief ofsucceed bytoday



th y




OU writMi-nE


HaN Cay Cot





Iea him

week bad a note Ito


JplCIO Polo





that be all pros









was total atmaer bad accotcfour slIpped







containsFor AUGUSTArticles Stor its Pictures etc by

Henry JaneH Mani tt WaUonHenryU y fcwrme

S MartinHarold Baler

a W ChambersHlrke La ShellBooker T Wa hln0toaH B LatrobeBarton HillDavid Gray

and many otbtrsPrice 35 fell a tfj a ytar

D Appleton Company Publishers New York


R bertB




hack to Fioorwalklnv So Heat Route Afttr Dork

I torso much night work

said Policeman Peter E Van Brunt handIng In his shield at the East filstyssrenUstreet station

What the matter asked the rergeant You aint going to quit the Jobare vou

Im through said Van Bruntdont mind the because Imto that but I cant for being awayfrom home so much

Van Brunt been a policeman for theremonths Before he a bluecoatbe was a floorwalker in the drug departmont of a Sixth avenue storeHe wu back in his old job yesterday

Engineer Janeway Leaves Rorbllng Co-

TBEKTON N J July M John H Janeway Jr has resigned his position In theengineering department of the John A

to becomeof the Mineral Point Zinc Company-

of Chicago For henext to President Charles O

the head of the engineering department-Mr 1s a tonway a retired surgeon of the who

In Princeton a graduate of theColumbia School of Mines

THE COLLEGIATEStart the right with Cal

It liai the m ic o tase aid It theultl nkteor for young

haitI selves tW-


Soiaat tfor ijc caa

Mai in hi Mint








lu 1n

h1 rldotpt It It

IIIIa Clodcwlt


Ail31 W-dfYt








style assbBhtpNIq

prbIsm IMurdid ike-

It lbs WarraMMotto Collars

yos Insist

itesltr weCs

5 iV

p3 r

L 4


Played Tennis Too Shock of a ColdBath Him

BTAUFOKD Conn July 26 Overexertlon at tennis followed by a cold plungeIn the Sound is believed to haw causedthe death of Harry Winchester Bailey ofthe firm of Bailey Tuttle 43 Blceckerstreet New York Mr Bailey last Thurs-day sets at tennis He wasvery he stopped and

a bath short afterward-he stricken with paralysis 1

clans could give him no and hoyesterday New York home wa3S street

Mr Bailey bad spent several summernIn this popular He Is

was In the Iron uslnes and was 34

Id Re an athlete and was regardedaa the most skilful tennis player atBeach During the summer played-In tournaments Drtonight that the of the

was due to overexertion followed bythe cold plunge

Obituary NoteRev died yester-

day at the Franciscan Convent ntPeskaktllfter an Illness of tuberculosis of the

over manyRev Klnkead was born Belant

April 4 rams to this countryn 16 ordained Dec e 1898 at Bt

New York On Sept ii 1102-

no assumed the theAsylum ot d Academy of

Ms ono of this finestState But h did not confine his work

to the conventl-

o charitIes In dlocsss and had beensupervisor lie

the Catholic Home Bureau New

avenue He wsIn establishing the

city the St


charity wonc ana was considered an expertAlexander H How TAUraa coal mar

Ut dealsr In BrooklynAM Tusodar at home 140

fifty year and tm Brooklyn He is stir

and eleven great grandchIldren

post In the as of AscenChurch New York rector

at since 1887County C Ferguson

died In Hudson N Y yesterdaycounty that capacity for





a wife and two He

FatherThomL Kinkedw


ro Heto AU Saints Cb Madison

much b vl He

tbse to wn In


In the varloUuUons andInfant to home for

with omeN

tourIt Yor

rely a mea conwith 01


a ofmo


OetlFreerln N Jot d Iltime wu Me In

wu p ofcrateon






waswas assigned


Missionary Orderkill where was Poe

Is beet charitythe fIrst

inaugurated the

mother atstreet Instru-mental

Louisbe charity

calledauttafton tste soil


hisstreet In his He hid be n

member ttrong Place Baptist Church


childrenltv Flithner rector bf-

t at-

it summer at Tuesparalysis lie been a-

long in Union1547 graduate Amherst his




flDoys ihatJpalaps their entrance cx nln tl6n flr oillege expert if In S plernb T lli

find that ths r

Groff School228 West 72d si New York City

unusual opportunities for rapid

rri during lt summer sessiOn bsglnhlngAug tAt Student of varying hitntol eipo-itlos treated In accordance with Individualneeds Hmsll number of

ne 4 aids MMMUfa-LArrangtnttnls mads to osaAIMka

Hoarding and Day aehlt7n nual issuea w bo a at

the summer cud for w soiool r ar Alsodar atudeati

No and Ineiperleneedtsaelisrs tt-Mrtiatnt r-

J rop rill of KlttimW-

wiwifAi JOSEPH c mnA i sal U 8 N A tf1-

3n wntTN NSW YorkOm hours yd by pp4latmi


see to month Salaryyou pay

ooalUon ittltgraphby of


CIncInnatI o BUffalo N YI AUanU O

All for our various KHMlaconducted from tOe Executive Once 0

Useless CelUg

MILLER SCHOOLI Ties hfrnr cur tiuat


School 01 New YorkDay Night SCMlons

School f r Physical Collar


6365 Clark 8t BrooklynSwimming SummerTiuibt Gymnasiumlloo ftr Lessons

fbytlcal Culture noxlnr KfnclBt-Wrcstllnr

AiT ru Sl park Contr tdaaaWrite for Booklet

For Children

Kindergarten TrainingTb Froebcl Normal-InMltutr 18 PI la-

ducctnents early rcthtrttlon Z A CUTTER Sup-


Aerial Gardens OMrJBiaSLS-

telU Miyhfw MrctnU Earl lAJUH HarrUoB

I And Tfc-

Mr tin I The Lid TTkolf Datum Fatally

B AMTodyI-


VOKK ROOF and WlitarU OrrsNovtliy every 10 mlnulet from 9M-

Tk Dmlno I trken3 Zallert Frrrr OCorntj V rl tl j l Edith Iar etc

j t o

And tnt r



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ledlqand w

1 adfINc






fFait term nU1e I





I I ds1j L D



It GEO Nutt r1

NEWlied w






boysSummer set a



ul ILlS subjectsSOil

it studentS schoolrencsi shiowig pies siteesa

lbs colleges AUwest PoInt a fox 5s-

iean only Rites In accoedSacs with superiorsntages eflered Address


500 perundlr boaS Mrs a


IACrone Tn San O



I Stau4ard Bv1sibi-L 1



9gffvFOrs as-



Are 41





TWICE DAILYBertram Ulaftrbc Sloan A ill

ST Walihour Burke Co othrri-TH llobt T Halnci In Once i m a-

AV Time J H Ollmour OotttnrTH Th hells of Itlchmond Durkta-

S1 UraceHciUa COM Abbf etcTil Jim the Wnltrner ntatrtct Mot

4 VAUDEVILLEIIE RY LEBMfttettl Troupe A ofntn-

HituiO Port Arthur i BvtrrBv-cGrand works I

lareit Hippodrome IB tkc W rUFree Rar 0 P It

AUTOMOBILE TRIPH 1100 NBway th s i deity s 4 ido

Tel wi

TheatreK M Sum





Dally 3 90 Sat A Sunday I 710



THEATRR nroaMat 8 iurdt iA

St Bw y 7th A-

Paradlie EVII


NORTH BEACHF-ree FIreworks Thursday

Uatlnte Saturday till


MVSKK 1 Coarmlnr Mual Tk Wit Htayears being retained undor each

was bornIP had a marvelous memory and could

without to any bookat deods and

were recordedAlbert W Bartlett Plerrepont street

roohad boon a member of Stock

exchangetired from business fifteen He

a home andformerly a warden In Christ Church

wife son survive himSanford De Hart of

i the State where Betad been under treatmentle wee the son of the late Luke C Do Hart-ho ripened the lint sums In Madison

n IRS grandfather Moses De HartIr was a veteran of 1BIJ

Arcanum to Ask Reeonstdetatlomof Rates

NEW BRUNSWICK N 3 July ie Thrand Council Royal Arcanum of KW-

oney will hold an extra session Inon Hand consider the n4w

body it Is to hay trand Cotinoils of seven States take action

have already done so



jj The MissourianThe vary of Din DrhcolTiaircnturti a the Court of

Tie Hiiieariin I MsrimWa-

nne cumin 1amctNmtr tIt


c Lame



3T tao Wilson AUeni etc



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2looth Monda A 80DY

TIll f42d

Reefcolnerd Ernest JlornIICo dCIItra

Dally lists In nrCrla nHt lie

PASTORS60 co 3




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