L. J. HUNTER - TorranceCA.Gov

-^»^»a«EE'a«sp*«i*i FRIDAY MORNING TfcRRANCE HERALD JULY 7, 1922 Lomita Restaurant HOME COOKING REGULAR MBAL8 —and— SHORT ORDERS MRS. L. B. DAWSON, Prop.- HAYDEN'S MILLINERY LOMITA CAL. RozelFs TRANSFEE & HAULING A fry.THING NYWHEBE NY.TDEE PHONE 178-J-3 Pomello St. LOMITA MISS M. VETTER Leading Florist 38 PIER AVE. PHONE 4332 HEEMOSA BEACH Harrison C.Gardner ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 219 E. Broadway, Long Beach Phone Main 24 Rep. 2165 210th St., Torrance, Cal. Nora M. Sidebotham TEACHER OP PIANO Cincinnati Conservatory of Music 319 Narbonne Avenue, Lomita Cabinet Work Furniture Repairing Band Sawing Furniture Built to Order Jesse Fryer Brethren Street, Lomita Lomita Laundry Redondo Blvd. and Oak St. Patronize Home Indurtry. Work Done With Care. FORD GARAGE BEST ANB BIGGEST EQUIPMENT FOE OVERHAULING Spears & Boyer PHONE 801 GARDENA CAL. THAT FIRE Lot lost his home and practi- cally all of his worldly pos- sessions. Don't be like Lot and a lot of other folks, and lose all you've got When all you've got burns up when your house burns down. SEE L. J. HUNTER Today and Get That FIRE * INSURANCE POLICY He Can Insure YOU RIGHT Lomita CAL. DR. J. S. LANCASTER Physician and Surgeon Phones Office 14 . House 15 Office F. N. Bank Bldg. Res. Cor. Post and Arlington lorrance California DR. N. A. LEAKE PHYSICIAN and SUBGEON Lomita Office Hours' 1:00 to 2:30 P. M. Torranee Office Sours 2:30 to 5:30 P. M. , Phone Office-Residence 13-M C. F. FARQUHAR CONTEACTOH GRADING AND TEAMING ANY PLACE HOUSE MOVING Phone Wil. 178-R-ll San Pedro Blvd. Harbor City CHARLES L. BOGUE ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 8-9 Bank ot San Pedro Bldg., San Pedro, Calit. Telephone 272 J. P. PINNEY BUILDING CONTEACTOE Plans drawn to suit individual requirements and estimates made free of charge. 824 Cota Avenue, Torrance. H. D. LYNNE Alteration and Repairs Estimates Gratis 2522 257th St. Box A Lomita P. O. GOOD HOME COOKING TO BE HAD AT Star Restaurant 80HMTOT BLOCK LOMITA Hair Controller Are you getting BALD? Are you troubled by Dandruff.? Is your hair UNRULY? Or Harsh, Dry or Brittle? Hair Controller Is the wonderful, new, natural medicine for the hair and scalp It is the triumph of ten years' patient, persistent study and experimentation. Hundreds will testify to, Its re- markable action upon hair and scalp. Restores Renews Rejuvinates Grows new hair where roots are not dead. Makes old hair glossy and beautiful. KEEPS your hair Brushed or COMBED the way you want It. Hair Controller 2 Months' Treatment Pottpaid for $1 Order today You'll be delight- ed with results just as many others have been. UNIVERSAL. DISTRIBUTORS Box 1090, Sta. C, Los Angolei Agents wanted everywhere. Wholesale prices to Druggists Barbers and Beauty Specialists TRIPLE CITY LODGE I. O. O. F, No. 333, LOMITA, CAL. Meet every Tuesday Night Installation of officers will be held the Becimd Tuesday In July llth. TORRANCE LODGE NO. 447 F. & A. M. Meetings at I^mlta Hall July 7, Stated Mooting, 8:00 1'. M. July it, Socond Degree. July 21, Kli»t Degree. July 28, Third Degree. PAUL J. BEALL, W. M. . B. H. NASH, Secretary COMPLAINT Case No. 321. In the Justices' Court, Lomita Town- ship, County of Los Angeles, State California. T. G. Anderson, plaintiff, vs. G. E. Townsend, Defendant. Plaintiff complains of the defend- ant and for cause of action alleges: That the defendant Is a resident of the township of Lomita, County of Los Angeles, State of California. That within four years last pas- sed, at the Township of Lomita, County of Los Angeles, State of California, B. E. Townsend, the de- fendant herein, became indebted to the plaintiff herein for an account of merchandise delivered defendant at his special instance and request in the sum of fifteen and 50 100th dollars. That said defendant promised and agreed to pay the said sum of $15.50 to this plaintiff and the same is now due and wholly un- paid. The plaintiff has demanded the payment of the said sum of $15.50 since the same became due, and said defendant has failed and refused and still fails and refuses to pay "the same. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays judgment against the Defendant for the sum of fifteen and 50 100th dol- lars, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from date and costs of suit. I. O. ANDERSON, J-16-9t. Plaintiff. NOTICE OF SALE OF STOCK Notice is hereby given that all delinquent stock, due to non-pay- ment of assessment No. 13, Nor- bonne Ranch Water Co. No. 2, Lo- mita, Los Angeles County, Califor- nia, will be sold at public auction unless payment is made at once. By order of the board of directors, Narbonne Ranch Water Co. No. 2. E. W. BRUMPTON, Secretary. t!9-tf. CERTIFICATE OF DOING BUSI- NESS UNDEE A FICTITIOUS NAME. ___ We, the undersigned, do hereby certify tMat we are transacting business In Lomita, County of Los Angeles, State of California, under the firm name and style of the LOMITA LUMBER and SUPPLY COMPANY; that the name In full of all members of such partnership and their respective places of resi- dence is Walter E. Hagenow, 1117 Mesa Street, San Pedro, and Henry J. Meyer, Anaheira Street, Wilmlng- ton, California; that our place ot business is on the North side of Weston Street, West of Eshelman Avenue, Lomita, California. In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 13th day ot June, 1922. WALTER E. HAGENOW, HENRY J. MEYER. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )Sfl. County of Los Angeles ) On this 13th day ot June, A. D. 1922, before me, L. J. Hunter, a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, per-1 sonally appeared Walter E. Hage-j now and Henry Meyer, known to me to be the person whose names are subscribed to the wHhin instru- ment, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. In Witness Whereof, I have here- unto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above written: (SEAL) L. J. HUNTER, Notary Public In and tor suld County and State. J-16-41. Prepare to Change Operating System For L A. Schools Preparations were reported being1 made for the complete reorganization of the Los Angeles city school (Sys- tem in line with an announcement made at the office ot the superintend- ent that an efficiency expert has been working on the proposition since last October. Some of the important changers to be made are: Placing the entire school system under the sole direction of the super- intendent of schools, dividing the business department so that the busi- ness manager will be relieved of a great many unnecessary duties; es- tablishment of the office of purchas- ing and distribution agent and simp- lifying the method of procedure of business handled by the board of ed- ucation and all departments connect- ed therewith. Shoots Rattlesnake Coiled In His Bed Clips Off His Toe PORTERVILLE, Cal., July 7. To awake from a night of peaceful slum- ber to find a rattlesnake, sporting nine rattles, colled at the foot of his l>ed, apparently preparing to make a spring at his victim, was the harrow- Ing experience of R. E. Woods. Mr. Woods fortunately had a revolver be- neath his pillow and shot the rattler. Unfortunately, however. Wood's foot was in the line of fire and the bullet that ended the snake's life clipped off the nail of his big toe. He was brought to a local hospital for treat- ment. He brought the rattler along to back up his storjr. In and About the Union Tool Shops Messrs. L.L. R. and O. A. McCol- um, of the National Supply Co. sales force in the Mid-Continent Districts, were Torrance visitors last week, en- route to Salinas to attend the cele- bration of their parents' 65th Wed- ding Anniversary. The McCollum boys purchased a completely outfitted Ford Sedan in Torrance to present to their folks. Supt. George Smith has purchased new Chandler "Royal Dispatch." A classy boat, say we. Harry Double has been assigned to Field Service work in the Califor- nia oil fields and can be seen almost any day stepping out in a new Stu- debaker Special Six Roadster. Tim Bonney, Capt. Timothy Bon- ney, has been promoted to the posi- tion of Cost Engineer and- has taken active charge of the Cost Depart- ment. The U. T. Co. stable of boxers and wrestlers Is steadily increasing under the able tutelage of Hal Blanchard. T. H. Clark, D. A. Murphy, George Proctor and several others. Owing to rush of orders due to the steady increase of development work tn the oil fields it has been neces- sary to work overtime in several de- partments. With Mr. J. J. Byrnea as Chairman of the Arrangement Committee of the Industrial Relations Club, working tooth and toe-nail, the concert and Movie Show set for July 13-11 Is bound to be a success. Get your tickets early. The proceeds are to be spent for a piano. OUGHT TO BE HAPPY PIANO TUNING REPAIRING 20 yearn' experience; tuulue uprlghta, $3.60; players and frauds, $6.00. Leave orders at News Letter office or write J. T. Carter, HoruiuHu Beach I'. O. BOX 67 If ignorance In bliss, most of us should be supremely happy. 91st Division to Have Gala Times SEATTLE, July 7. Not to remind of the grim days of war, but rather to make them forget the IIOITOIH of battle, and the dreary days when their friendships were formed, the entertainment to be provided for toe boys of the Niuety-fimt DivUlou will be of a nature to make them lemeiii- ber the happier houi-s of war timeH, when they meet here on Aug. 19-20. With dancing an one of the features of the entertainment, the cx-uervice men will be reminded of the days after the armistice when the hangars In the different areas were floored and tho villagers eunie down with their fair muUaiuoiuulles, thut the KaiuuiiuM might Uavo glrlu to dunce With. After you haw r««d thi» paper pati it along. TOURING FOUR $1130 ROADSTER FOUR $1089 TOURING SIX $1668 ROADSTER SIX $1637 530 SIXTH ST. SAN PEDRO PHONE 919 TORRANCE PHONE 127 LOMITA PHONE Wit. 179-J-2 Lomita Nursery Felix Mading, Prop. Now is the Time-to-Plant-_____ ROSES Citrus, Tropical and Ornamental Trees Avacados, Orange, Lemon, Tangerine Grapefruit, Loquats, Guava, Feijoa Palms, Ornamental Evergreens Cypress for Windbreak Privet for Hedges Cor. Miller and Pennsylvania Ave., Lomita Get Your at TUCKER'S City Prices ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS, CANDY, TOBACCO Cor. Narbonne & Red. Blvd. LOMITA AUTO PAINTING HIGH CLASS CARS A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE ON HIGH GRADE WORK SPECIAL HOUSE PAINTING CREW Glad to Give You An Estimate on Your Work 1015 Border Ave. Torrance, Calif. 2 Squares West of P. E. Depot Opp. Llewellyn Iron Works PHONE 143-J D. A. HARMON Real Estate For Lomita Property and Information See J. A. Smith, Original Tract Agent. The Man who spends all his Time and Money to Make Lomita Property More Valuable. Telephone 179-4-11, Lomita. BOULEVARD GROCERY GROCERIES LIGHT LUNCHES SOFT DRINKS ICE CREAM HOME-MADE DOUGHNUTS CIDER TOBACCOS A. B. TURNEY Redondo Blvd, East zn Hay, Grain and Fuel FRED STOCK Telephone 172-R-3 LOMITA CAL.

Transcript of L. J. HUNTER - TorranceCA.Gov

Page 1: L. J. HUNTER - TorranceCA.Gov



Lomita Restaurant




MRS. L. B. DAWSON, Prop.-






PHONE 178-J-3 Pomello St.


MISS M. VETTER Leading Florist



Harrison C.GardnerATTORNEY-AT-LAW

219 E. Broadway, Long Beach Phone Main 24 Rep. 2165

210th St., Torrance, Cal.

Nora M. SidebothamTEACHER OP PIANO

Cincinnati Conservatory ofMusic

319 Narbonne Avenue, Lomita

Cabinet WorkFurniture Repairing

Band Sawing

Furniture Built to Order

Jesse FryerBrethren Street, Lomita

Lomita LaundryRedondo Blvd. and Oak St.

Patronize Home Indurtry. Work Done With Care.





Spears & Boyer




Lot lost his home and practi­ cally all of his worldly pos­ sessions.

Don't be like Lot and a lot of other folks, and lose all you've got When all you've got burns up when your house burns down.


L. J. HUNTERToday and Get That


He Can Insure YOU RIGHT

Lomita CAL.

DR. J. S. LANCASTERPhysician and Surgeon

Phones Office 14 . House 15

Office F. N. Bank Bldg. Res. Cor. Post and Arlington lorrance California


Lomita Office Hours'1:00 to 2:30 P. M.

Torranee Office Sours2:30 to 5:30 P. M. ,

Phone Office-Residence 13-M




Phone Wil. 178-R-ll San Pedro Blvd. Harbor City


Suite 8-9 Bank ot San PedroBldg., San Pedro, Calit.

Telephone 272


Plans drawn to suit individual requirements and estimates made free of charge. 824 Cota Avenue, Torrance.


Alteration and Repairs

Estimates Gratis

2522 257th St.

Box A Lomita P. O.




Hair ControllerAre you getting BALD?Are you troubled by Dandruff.?Is your hair UNRULY?Or Harsh, Dry or Brittle?

Hair ControllerIs the wonderful, new, natural medicine for the hair and scalp

It is the triumph of ten years'patient, persistent study and experimentation.

Hundreds will testify to, Its re­ markable action upon hair and scalp. Restores Renews Rejuvinates

Grows new hair where roots are not dead.

Makes old hair glossy and beautiful.

KEEPS your hair Brushed or COMBED the way you want It.

Hair Controller2 Months' Treatment Pottpaid

for $1Order today You'll be delight­ ed with results just as many others have been.UNIVERSAL. DISTRIBUTORS Box 1090, Sta. C, Los Angolei

Agents wanted everywhere. Wholesale prices to Druggists Barbers and Beauty Specialists


No. 333, LOMITA, CAL.

Meet every Tuesday Night

Installation of officers will be held the Becimd Tuesday In July llth.

TORRANCE LODGE NO. 447 F. & A. M.Meetings at I^mlta Hall

July 7, Stated Mooting, 8:00 1'. M.

July it, Socond Degree. July 21, Kli»t Degree. July 28, Third Degree.

PAUL J. BEALL, W. M. . B. H. NASH, Secretary


Case No. 321. In the Justices' Court, Lomita Town­

ship, County of Los Angeles, Statec£ California.

T. G. Anderson, plaintiff,vs.

G. E. Townsend, Defendant.Plaintiff complains of the defend­

ant and for cause of action alleges: That the defendant Is a resident of the township of Lomita, County of Los Angeles, State of California.

That within four years last pas­ sed, at the Township of Lomita, County of Los Angeles, State of California, B. E. Townsend, the de­ fendant herein, became indebted to the plaintiff herein for an account of merchandise delivered defendant at his special instance and request in the sum of fifteen and 50 100th dollars.

That said defendant promised and agreed to pay the said sum of $15.50 to this plaintiff and the same is now due and wholly un­ paid.

The plaintiff has demanded the payment of the said sum of $15.50 since the same became due, and said defendant has failed and refused and still fails and refuses to pay "the same.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays judgment against the Defendant for the sum of fifteen and 50 100th dol­ lars, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from date and costs of suit.

I. O. ANDERSON, J-16-9t. Plaintiff.

NOTICE OF SALE OF STOCKNotice is hereby given that all

delinquent stock, due to non-pay­ ment of assessment No. 13, Nor- bonne Ranch Water Co. No. 2, Lo­ mita, Los Angeles County, Califor­ nia, will be sold at public auction unless payment is made at once. By order of the board of directors, Narbonne Ranch Water Co. No. 2.

E. W. BRUMPTON,Secretary.



We, the undersigned, do hereby certify tMat we are transacting business In Lomita, County of Los Angeles, State of California, under the firm name and style of the LOMITA LUMBER and SUPPLY COMPANY; that the name In full of all members of such partnership and their respective places of resi­ dence is Walter E. Hagenow, 1117 Mesa Street, San Pedro, and Henry J. Meyer, Anaheira Street, Wilmlng- ton, California; that our place ot business is on the North side of Weston Street, West of Eshelman Avenue, Lomita, California.

In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 13th day ot June, 1922.



County of Los Angeles )On this 13th day ot June, A. D.

1922, before me, L. J. Hunter, a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, per-1 sonally appeared Walter E. Hage-j now and Henry Meyer, known to me to be the person whose names are subscribed to the wHhin instru­ ment, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same.

In Witness Whereof, I have here­ unto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above written: (SEAL)

L. J. HUNTER, Notary Public In and tor suld County and State.


Prepare to Change Operating System For L A. Schools

Preparations were reported being1 made for the complete reorganization of the Los Angeles city school (Sys­ tem in line with an announcement made at the office ot the superintend­ ent that an efficiency expert has been working on the proposition since last October. Some of the important

changers to be made are:Placing the entire school system

under the sole direction of the super­ intendent of schools, dividing the business department so that the busi­ ness manager will be relieved of a great many unnecessary duties; es­ tablishment of the office of purchas­ ing and distribution agent and simp­ lifying the method of procedure of business handled by the board of ed­ ucation and all departments connect­ ed therewith.

Shoots Rattlesnake Coiled In His Bed Clips Off His Toe

PORTERVILLE, Cal., July 7. To awake from a night of peaceful slum­ ber to find a rattlesnake, sporting nine rattles, colled at the foot of his l>ed, apparently preparing to make a spring at his victim, was the harrow- Ing experience of R. E. Woods. Mr. Woods fortunately had a revolver be­ neath his pillow and shot the rattler. Unfortunately, however. Wood's foot was in the line of fire and the bullet that ended the snake's life clipped off the nail of his big toe. He was brought to a local hospital for treat­ ment. He brought the rattler along to back up his storjr.

In and About the Union Tool Shops

Messrs. L.L. R. and O. A. McCol- um, of the National Supply Co. sales

force in the Mid-Continent Districts, were Torrance visitors last week, en- route to Salinas to attend the cele­ bration of their parents' 65th Wed­ ding Anniversary. The McCollum boys purchased a completely outfitted Ford Sedan in Torrance to present to their folks.

Supt. George Smith has purchased new Chandler "Royal Dispatch." A

classy boat, say we.

Harry Double has been assigned to Field Service work in the Califor­ nia oil fields and can be seen almost any day stepping out in a new Stu- debaker Special Six Roadster.

Tim Bonney, Capt. Timothy Bon- ney, has been promoted to the posi­ tion of Cost Engineer and- has taken active charge of the Cost Depart­ ment.

The U. T. Co. stable of boxers and wrestlers Is steadily increasing under the able tutelage of Hal Blanchard. T. H. Clark, D. A. Murphy, George Proctor and several others.

Owing to rush of orders due to the steady increase of development work tn the oil fields it has been neces­ sary to work overtime in several de­ partments.

With Mr. J. J. Byrnea as Chairman of the Arrangement Committee of the Industrial Relations Club, working tooth and toe-nail, the concert and Movie Show set for July 13-11 Is bound to be a success. Get your tickets early. The proceeds are to be spent for a piano.



20 yearn' experience; tuulue uprlghta, $3.60; players and frauds, $6.00. Leave orders at News Letter office or write J. T. Carter, HoruiuHu Beach I'. O. BOX 67

If ignorance In bliss, most of us should be supremely happy.

91st Division to Have Gala Times

SEATTLE, July 7. Not to remind of the grim days of war, but rather to make them forget the IIOITOIH of battle, and the dreary days when their friendships were formed, the entertainment to be provided for toe boys of the Niuety-fimt DivUlou will be of a nature to make them lemeiii- ber the happier houi-s of war timeH, when they meet here on Aug. 19-20.

With dancing an one of the features of the entertainment, the cx-uervice men will be reminded of the days after the armistice when the hangars In the different areas were floored and tho villagers eunie down with their fair muUaiuoiuulles, thut the KaiuuiiuM might Uavo glrlu to dunce


After you haw r««d thi» paper pati it along.







Wit. 179-J-2

Lomita NurseryFelix Mading, Prop.

Now is the Time-to-Plant-_____ ROSES

Citrus, Tropical and Ornamental TreesAvacados, Orange, Lemon, TangerineGrapefruit, Loquats, Guava, Feijoa

Palms, Ornamental Evergreens

Cypress for Windbreak Privet for Hedges

Cor. Miller and Pennsylvania Ave., Lomita

Get Your

at TUCKER'SCity Prices


Cor. Narbonne & Red. Blvd. LOMITA




Glad to Give You An Estimate on Your Work

1015 Border Ave. Torrance, Calif.2 Squares West of P. E. Depot Opp. Llewellyn Iron Works


Real EstateFor Lomita Property and Information See J. A. Smith,Original Tract Agent. The Man who spends all his Time and Money to Make Lomita Property More Valuable. Telephone 179-4-11, Lomita.





A. B. TURNEY Redondo Blvd, East

znHay, Grain and Fuel

FRED STOCKTelephone 172-R-3