L I cord SNOW Sz IMSMFNT - University of...

THE DAILY SUN GAINESVIILB FLORIDA AUGUST 26 1909 v 7 r c I p L I h 4 t JJ y I > < = DAILY Meted attt at O ki e Ka- astteoad tltMt mad ttatter- MH McCHvnr arA PuMteber- PKEWJTT Snsv CompotlDg Rooms Once U Haymana Block 9 W JOla Street i xurnoHa JM DATLT Sex psbHUicd 9 Very morslag Mf MoB UirdeUv r rMnrier i the city r say poet ot Calted state Mteg- enef r flMHks i muto fr Are wctks Mdctly JWttce Cal loceots a line ttt Snt ktacrtk s erats for Mck additloaal- fcMrtio iff9tayaiTcrtls8 wade knows on- Vfee TMce Tc k Sna li an right page forty HM pager yaWklwd erery Mondty sad TiniiiUy SBd watalas all the ef the Jeeat Mate aid geaersl sad win be Mt M the Catted fetes r CaaaJa for t ea year la adraacc- AH edrerUttoff bills become dee after first 49f ana e ef advertkeaeat ualess otherwise rtpuUted ta eeatract fee re tapfor adrertUlag ia ad Mee AdAnut TH8 DAILY BUN GAurcexiixa FLA- King Edwards private secretary Pies the report that his Majesty has B 4e a killing In the New York stock market The private secretary is ev- lie tly not posted on his masters stock speculations China may receive several millions- to promote the cause of higher Instead of being regarded as a venerable grandfather that country seems to be fast becoming the favor- ite son of the world When one feels inclined to bo dis gruntled about taxes to be paid the best thing to do is to make an ef- fort to think that It Is good to seas something of sufficient value to be taxable remarks The Albany Journal The temperature of the fire of a movlBg locomotive has been determ Iced to be 13350 degrees F at a speed of 31 miles an hour and 12800 degrees F at 19 miles The draft and the temperature are greater than when the engine Is at rest Crete occupies a peculiar position among the nations It nominally be- longs to Turkey which Is not allowed to administer Ita affairs Nearly all population is Greek and Christian yet Greece dare not annex it Four Of the great powers that have no his- toric or racial connection with it have for years carried oa the government aad preserved order Crete Itself Is Snanlrnous for auacxation to Greece Turkey will not give up its title and tile four powers who might easily give the Cretans the opportunity to carry out their wishes refuse to do so Altogether It Is a queer mix up The Federal census Is one of those things that had better be loft undone than not done properly It Is u Na- tional stocktaking and what the na- tion wants is the facts so that It may know as accurately as possible how It stands on those matters concern- ing which the Government seeks in formation It is a business affair just as truly as Is the stocktaking of a private firm and It needs to be done IB the same businesslike way There- fore the Presidents order prohibiting the mixing of the census with politics- is most welcome It Is welcome be- cause if obeyed It will mean the most accurate census ever obtained and It ia also welcome because It lifts the whole question out of politics with all its corrupting and Inaccurate fea lures Into tho domain of business Evidences multiply that this coun try has entered upon a new era of commercial prosperity How bone flclal this prosperity may prove to the average and his family de- pends upon th use ho mukos of It To ijwml every dollar us fast us It U mniitt or vuruiMl U to fwoo dlwutwr anti poverty in UM of Imslne- UopriM U t wNleli Invariably follows a rkia4K- akMMMl h MI Ua i a- kglftmH Wi iM- IfertWB tn he nA- ilM UMbH Mrf i t fit f4N flfcUl J1 stn Pot rm Edt r It I e r Is oath cola tea Heal seas lei pc n free of sot kltOWll to UI pOSe man the suunar crt- hm tiM tM I IIW N 1 t the ftL I I pr Y rv r sift ego shed t a yam wets ras three ear to- t r aace- taeadlag j er k to say pert f Ftrtlea aft 4 de- v F I edu- cation c i a J I I r t r 1 4 F er it perks se ilk lhw sturt ssy ls rtIINII fur rNhW is fief WhN ttroki and INstlflliw INaeIMri Nhl- NrMll h ibuMMde ah hrw t N Mel Mt YINItiMtIMMt ttM4 N ha I ilsss Sts- wN Mae MINI UI 4lftrehiMw Maitre hl ss w hip hMlMe lt- a > < > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > + > + + FISH INDUSTRY IN FLORIDA That an Intonating report iX l by tn huruau ut Com more and Lauor tuhwrioti o- Fknida bays The Ptwaatola Journal Ti fntlfttlcrt the 100 and Nut i roo a reveiallou to many uVta U them elv f four of are likely aware uf the full exumt of the Industry and ltd differ- ent phases For instance in the year named nearly ten thousand men were en gaged In commercial Qshlug JJ12 exact number given in the report who employed three hundred and twentyseven vesselsJ valued at C1S 74 while the total investment in the industry reached the large sum of 2122520 This investment seems to have been warranted by the value of products which amounted to U tafo to say that most people will be surprised at the enormous catch of mullet which was over three times the catch of red snappers the former 24716300 pounds the latter only 7718900 It will be especially difficult for Ienimcollantt to under stand this for here the receipts and shipments of snappers are far In ex cess of their humbler competitor There were shjppcd from the State besides 1450800 pounds of the catfish no doubt now being con- sumed by connoisseurs while sailing under the name and colors too jf prime salmon steaks and 1084SO Bushels of oysters while those who ire inclined to rank with Jsh which the do iu t as It decided frogs legs to be hlcken will be interested to know chat 50900 hides of the big saurian were sent away to be turned into raveling bags shoes and articles of beauty and useful Altogether the report Is a notable and tells the story of the teeming that inhabits the waters which athor about the peninsula AN IMPORTANT MATTER Commenting upon an Interview with Geo M Lynch Professor of Secondary Education in the diversity Florida In its Issue of Aug which is reproduced In todays Sun The Ponsacola News says Wo wish to call special attention to the Interview In another column of todays paper with Professor Lynch of the State University The figures revealed by this are startling to say the least They arc figures which should arouse our public men professional and business men and cause them to join In the movement proposed for this great educational campaign It in not In hour In which to plead lack of time but it Is the duty of every patriotic Floridian to respond to the call of these educators and see to It that Florida dues not longer con- tinue to go backward In an educa- tional way Every place small or great should have u day In spring or summer on which all the people and the city authorities may engage In a syste- matic cleaning up of promises alleys streets and vacant lots Dirt breeds files and disease and that muans dis- comfort ill health and suffering In the spring before the hot weather conies Is the best time for such a city housecleaiiing even as prevention Is better than cure lint If the spring passed without such an occasion a day In summer devoted to It will work wonders In the way of cleanliness health and attractiveness Deafness Cannot e Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There Is only ono way to cure deafness and that I by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an Intlutnrd condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube Is Intlanivd you have a rumbling sound or Imported hearing cruel It U tfiitlroly cloooil I the r uk awl unKtaw the lit nomination own Ut liken mu and Ihl tub r wtt r tl to lu tMtrwHl etH lUi MlM eat wit irf t N HIV MHM- Mnitttrrk wkluh I Hw4h H Um OH lw- NfcMml WtHilttWN t the Wf will ul OM IMUn- to y r M W D f tr tH l h Mrriii iktU wiiMUrt IM wr l l Hull OwtMrrli rt t f r etnn- lnr fr P J CHttVttV CQ- MMttt n cord Floridians wh Ul h- It 1l purses 3rd hem Her- e 1 haW i n NIl IK was re- cently the year le- the the 335 de- spise l Government edu- cator harlitg Nlll I drirriwl fwrrtr su its Ih wired 5N Car BaM hr 41tNYt11 life- hkr Ihllt a Ptllltlir swNltl < ¬ < ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > FLORIDA PARAGRAPHERS The country needs an expert mas- seur who will r dur th price of pro- visions Apalnchicolii Tim i- llHy Greens son M going to buy an dgropbne aiter all her lectures about highflying too Jnk nvillt The DfLand News hopes that the tendollar bills will soon begin to pass Ours peas as soon us we get them Tampa Tribune POINTED PARAGRAPHS lies a stingy man who will not give you a smile An easy beginning doesnt always justify the finish Time will tell unless the gossips beat It under the wire Too many men try to build a sky- scraper on a onestory foundation Opportunity sometimes has to kick- a man before it can wake him up Occasionally a man Is forced to call on his uncle before he can raise the ante A girl never knows how to do any- thing that a nice young man is willing o teach her Hewn re of people who pat you on the back They may be looking for an opportunity to kick your feet from under you Fools In glad rags are often per minted to rush in where unlaunderet hobos would be knocked down an i- J me SHI out It theres one thing In a newspaper hat interests a fat woman more than bargain sales it IP the obosin url advertisements There are 15000000 worth of but ons made III this country every year ret of men UJM nails to connect tluir susMnd TK with their trouper Exchange YOUR HAT Mar Stylbfc OB Bat 1C Makes Trestle A man usually buys a hat thats in style but the modern hat for men to answer for Baldhcada are growing more every day Rats make excellent breeding places for the parasitic terms which sap the life from the roots of the hairWhen your hair begins to fall out and your scalp la full of Dandruff it U a sure sign that these countless germs are busily at work There Is but one way to overcome the trouble and kill the germs that way U to apply Newbroa Ilerplclde to the scnlp it will kill the germs and healthy hair Is sure to result Bold by leading druggists Send lOc Ir tamps for sample to The Herplcido Co Detroit itch J 8 Bodiford ft Co Special Agents Grandfather knows whiskey and since he was a bey Harper has been his choice Buy Harper from all leading shipping houses lots Lat luta numer- OUS J good I r J I 1 IN 9 f I h f I- IIta JUt WAHINcnON a s Tim est a ion the Be a HARPER WIIISKTIcSL 1 l 3 MEN ANiWIMEA- C Co Elf Q tor aaaatara- t t 11 drs ducbsralsaarattall- ouUw1 trrltuosa or uwMtr f sareui wsara Mwr tMrw festal smi aol ulrlr- a Tr1IwLIsctitMratco or plwanIp- 1asAilo aotdbsAraMttta- t a a or act lu pitta t rlr- Dr t1r I- I d1 r trtnn- i u alr wet oa w 1 s r C- At CUNrQa IQQBRNP p1 1 p 4444- p1 i PtA ALL COUMTNtE- M 1 t w I- AYO1 ak j ktr- Pitsal sM It 4fHotal hutts n 4 a st lil IidNpp Itoh hMs eta s- to ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ < ¬ > > + + KING OF THEM ALL SNOW IMSMFNT Sz Has been Crewnad with Ph ncinlnal Succsso tio ISMJ rr 1 l today tho lest Household Liniment ri t t CURES RHEUMATISM AKD ALL FAf NtuRAtatA SPRAIKS CUTS onuiscs IS on SOKE3 SCALDS BACKACHE LUMBQO Stiff JOINTS CONTKACTX MUSCLES P AINK9 AKMLCS WHISTS r osTca FEET COIINS- BUfMBHS CHRBCAIMS AU HWLAMMATtOKS Price 2Sc 50c ad 100 Ref e All Substitute BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO flr 500502 North Sccand Street ST LOUIS MO old and R B comm nd cl TYPEWRITERS On Easy Installments- ALL KINDS Of SUPPLIES FaySheles Vlilble Machines for Rent Write for Prices Terms Etc R C DAVIS CO 2W West Bay St JACKSONVILLE FJA W L DENIIAM Aeont EFFECTIVE DEO 19 1908 Leave Gainesville for Micanopy Fairfield and points South 1010 a m Returning arrive Gainesville 425 p m Leave Gainesville for Simpson City Palatka Lake City Valdosta and all points North 600 pm Returning arrive Gainesville 930 pm A L Glass Gen Supt L E Barker Traffic Mgr NEW YORK CITY and RETURN I Tickets on sale from Jacksonville every Mon day and Thursday beginning with June up to Aug 30th with final return limit Sept Sotli Stopovers allowed on these tickets at Rich- mond Washington Baltimore and Philadelphia Heduced rates to other summer resorts For information rates reservations etc call on or write to A W FR1TOT Division Passen- ger Agent 138 West Bay St Jacksonville Fin SEABOARDA- ir Line Railway UVAXNAll COLU2IIIIA CAMDEN SOUTHERN PINES RALEIGH RICHMOND WASHINGTON BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK Two Kltgnnt Trains Daily SEABOARD EXPRESS SKA BOAR I MAIL MODERN PULLMAN EQUIPMENT NY 11 NK t Dnily Through i XIMV Oritnnn For fun Infermailon ilcaplna car reiflrvitlon sail A 1 iJ J t liar CURES atm l ALLA b vv M JOHNSON The Tampa Hairy 35oo ATLANTIC RAIlROAD i- I I 1 0 I 0 i t C uo tel ill Sholwrs- Ih e 111 and any Seaboard c OVLSTONI Jr r AIIIn- r Aqlne JlGklonvlll I n Itt tr J Us L AND a late A i i r illo Jaelisonv lo- cal a VIA COAST uHF 7th a g lllt 0 Is 1 < 1 11 lilt on Agsnt or write eret e1aege Flsrtta tar i i 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ > =

Transcript of L I cord SNOW Sz IMSMFNT - University of...


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Meted attt at O ki e Ka-

astteoad tltMt mad ttatter-

MH McCHvnr arA PuMteber-

PKEWJTT Snsv CompotlDg Rooms

Once U Haymana Block9 W JOla Street ixurnoHa JM

DATLT Sex psbHUicd 9 Very morslagMf MoB UirdeUv r rMnrier i the city r

say poet ot Calted state Mteg-enef rflMHks i muto fr Are wctks Mdctly

JWttce Cal loceots a linettt Sntktacrtk s erats for Mck additloaal-fcMrtio

iff9tayaiTcrtls8 wade knows on-

Vfee TMce Tc k Sna li an right page fortyHM pager yaWklwd erery Mondty sad

TiniiiUy SBd watalas all the ef theJeeat Mate aid geaersl sad win be

Mt M the Cattedfetes r CaaaJa for t ea year la adraacc-

AH edrerUttoff bills become dee after first49f ana e ef advertkeaeat ualess otherwisertpuUted ta eeatract

fee re tapfor adrertUlag ia adMee AdAnut TH8 DAILY BUN

GAurcexiixa FLA-

King Edwards private secretaryPies the report that his Majesty hasB 4e a killing In the New York stockmarket The private secretary is ev-lie tly not posted on his mastersstock speculations

China may receive several millions-to promote the cause of higher

Instead of being regarded asa venerable grandfather that countryseems to be fast becoming the favor-ite son of the world

When one feels inclined to bo disgruntled about taxes to be paid thebest thing to do is to make an ef-

fort to think that It Is good toseas something of sufficient value tobe taxable remarks The AlbanyJournal

The temperature of the fire of amovlBg locomotive has been determIced to be 13350 degrees F at aspeed of 31 miles an hour and 12800degrees F at 19 miles The draftand the temperature are greater thanwhen the engine Is at rest

Crete occupies a peculiar positionamong the nations It nominally be-

longs to Turkey which Is not allowedto administer Ita affairs Nearly allpopulation is Greek and Christianyet Greece dare not annex it FourOf the great powers that have no his-

toric or racial connection with it havefor years carried oa the governmentaad preserved order Crete Itself Is

Snanlrnous for auacxation to GreeceTurkey will not give up its title andtile four powers who might easilygive the Cretans the opportunity tocarry out their wishes refuse to do soAltogether It Is a queer mix up

The Federal census Is one of thosethings that had better be loft undonethan not done properly It Is u Na-

tional stocktaking and what the na-

tion wants is the facts so that It mayknow as accurately as possible howIt stands on those matters concern-ing which the Government seeks in

formation It is a business affair justas truly as Is the stocktaking of aprivate firm and It needs to be doneIB the same businesslike way There-

fore the Presidents order prohibitingthe mixing of the census with politics-

is most welcome It Is welcome be-

cause if obeyed It will mean the mostaccurate census ever obtained and It

ia also welcome because It lifts thewhole question out of politics withall its corrupting and Inaccurate fealures Into tho domain of business

Evidences multiply that this country has entered upon a new era ofcommercial prosperity How boneflclal this prosperity may prove tothe average and his family de-

pends upon th use ho mukos of It

To ijwml every dollar us fast us It

U mniitt or vuruiMl U to fwoo dlwutwranti poverty in UM of Imslne-UopriM U t wNleli Invariably follows


akMMMl h MI Ua i a-

kglftmH Wi iM-

IfertWB tn he nA-

ilM UMbH Mrf i t

fit f4N flfcUl


stnPot rm

Edt r


er Is oath




lei pc n free of

sot kltOWll to UI




suunar crt-


tM I





the ftL

II pr Y



sift ego

shed ta yam wets ras three

ear to-

t r aace-


kto say pert

f Ftrtleaaft







i a









er it perks se ilklhw sturt ssy ls rtIINII

fur rNhW is fief WhN ttrokiand INstlflliw INaeIMri Nhl-

NrMll h ibuMMde ah hrw t N Mel

Mt YINItiMtIMMt ttM4 N ha I ilsss Sts-


4lftrehiMwMaitre hl ss

whip hMlMe lt-



< >






















That an Intonating reportiX l by tn huruau ut Com

more and Lauor tuhwrioti o-

Fknida bays The Ptwaatola JournalTi fntlfttlcrt the 100

and Nut i roo a reveiallou to manyuVta U them elv f four of

are likely aware uf the fullexumt of the Industry and ltd differ-ent phases

For instance in the year namednearly ten thousand men were engaged In commercial Qshlug JJ12

exact number given in the reportwho employed three hundred and

twentyseven vesselsJ valued at C1S

74 while the total investment inthe industry reached the large sumof 2122520 This investment seemsto have been warranted by the valueof products which amounted to

U tafo to say that most peoplewill be surprised at the enormouscatch of mullet which was over threetimes the catch of red snappers theformer 24716300 pounds the latteronly 7718900 It will be especiallydifficult for Ienimcollantt to understand this for here the receipts andshipments of snappers are far In excess of their humbler competitor

There were shjppcd from the Statebesides 1450800 pounds of the

catfish no doubt now being con-

sumed by connoisseurs while sailingunder the name and colors toojf prime salmon steaks and 1084SOBushels of oysters while those whoire inclined to rank withJsh which the doiu t as It decided frogs legs to behlcken will be interested to know

chat 50900 hides of the big saurianwere sent away to be turned intoraveling bags shoes and

articles of beauty and useful

Altogether the report Is a notableand tells the story of the teemingthat inhabits the waters which

athor about the peninsula


Commenting upon an Interview withGeo M Lynch Professor of

Secondary Education in the diversityFlorida In its Issue of Aug

which is reproduced In todaysSun The Ponsacola News says

Wo wish to call special attentionto the Interview In another columnof todays paper with ProfessorLynch of the State University

The figures revealed by thisare startling to say the least

They arc figures which should arouseour public men professional andbusiness men and cause them to joinIn the movement proposed for thisgreat educational campaign It in notIn hour In which to plead lack oftime but it Is the duty of everypatriotic Floridian to respond to thecall of these educators and see toIt that Florida dues not longer con-

tinue to go backward In an educa-tional way

Every place small or great shouldhave u day In spring or summer onwhich all the people and the cityauthorities may engage In a syste-

matic cleaning up of promises alleysstreets and vacant lots Dirt breedsfiles and disease and that muans dis-

comfort ill health and suffering In

the spring before the hot weatherconies Is the best time for such a cityhousecleaiiing even as prevention Is

better than cure lint If the springpassed without such an occasion aday In summer devoted to It will workwonders In the way of cleanlinesshealth and attractiveness

Deafness Cannot e Curedby local applications as they cannotreach the diseased portion of theear There Is only ono way to curedeafness and that I by constitutionalremedies Deafness is caused by anIntlutnrd condition of the mucouslining of the Eustachian Tube Whenthis tube Is Intlanivd you have a

rumbling sound or Imported hearingcruel It U tfiitlroly cloooil

I the r uk awl unKtaw the litnomination own Ut liken mu and Ihl

tub r wtt r tl to lu tMtrwHl etH lUi

MlM eat wit irf t N HIV MHM-

Mnitttrrk wkluh I Hw4h H Um OH lw-

NfcMml WtHilttWN t the Wf

will ul OM IMUn-to y r M W D f tr tH l h

Mrriii iktU wiiMUrt IM wr l lHull OwtMrrli rt t f r etnn-lnr fr P J CHttVttV CQ-




wh Ul






hem Her-e





was re-







spise l




harlitg Nlll I drirriwl fwrrtr

suitsIh wired



BaM hr 41tNYt11 life-

hkr Ihllt a Ptllltlir swNltl














The country needs an expert mas-

seur who will r dur th price of pro-

visions Apalnchicolii Tim i-

llHy Greens son M going to buyan dgropbne aiter all her lecturesabout highflying too Jnk nvillt

The DfLand News hopes that thetendollar bills will soon begin topass Ours peas as soon us we getthem Tampa Tribune


lies a stingy man who will not giveyou a smile

An easy beginning doesnt alwaysjustify the finish

Time will tell unless the gossipsbeat It under the wire

Too many men try to build a sky-

scraper on a onestory foundationOpportunity sometimes has to kick-

a man before it can wake him upOccasionally a man Is forced to call

on his uncle before he can raisethe ante

A girl never knows how to do any-

thing that a nice young man is willingo teach her

Hewn re of people who pat you onthe back They may be looking foran opportunity to kick your feet fromunder you

Fools In glad rags are often perminted to rush in where unlaunderethobos would be knocked down an i-

J me SHI outIt theres one thing In a newspaper

hat interests a fat woman more thanbargain sales it IP the obosin

url advertisementsThere are 15000000 worth of but

ons made III this country every yearret of men UJM nails to connecttluir susMnd TK with their trouperExchange


Mar Stylbfc OB Bat 1C MakesTrestle

A man usually buys a hat thats instyle but the modern hat for men

to answer forBaldhcada are growing more

every day Rats make excellentbreeding places for the parasitic termswhich sap the life from the roots of thehairWhen your hair begins to fall out andyour scalp la full of Dandruff it U asure sign that these countless germs arebusily at work

There Is but one way to overcome thetrouble and kill the germs that way Uto apply Newbroa Ilerplclde to thescnlp it will kill the germs and healthyhair Is sure to result

Bold by leading druggists Send lOc Irtamps for sample to The Herplcido CoDetroit itchJ 8 Bodiford ft Co Special Agents

Grandfather knowswhiskey and since he wasa bey Harper has been hischoice Buy Harper fromall leading shipping houses







r JI 1

IN9 f


h fI-



Timest a ion


Be a


1 l


MEN ANiWIMEA-C Co Elf Q tor aaaatara-

t t 11 drs ducbsralsaarattall-ouUw1 trrltuosa or

uwMtr f sareui wsaraMwr tMrw festal smi aol ulrlr-a Tr1IwLIsctitMratco or plwanIp-

1asAilo aotdbsAraMttta-t a a or act lu pitta t rlr-

Dr t1r I-

I d1 r trtnn-i u alr wet oa w

1 sr C-




M 1 t wI-

AYO1 ak j ktr-Pitsal sM It 4fHotal hutts

n 4 ast lil IidNpp Itoh hMs eta















SNOW IMSMFNTSzHas been Crewnad with Ph ncinlnal Succsso tio ISMJ rr 1

l today tho lest Household Liniment ri t t



Price 2Sc 50c ad 100 Ref e All Substitute


500502 North Sccand Street ST LOUIS MO

old and R B comm nd cl

TYPEWRITERSOn Easy Installments-


FaySheles Vlilble

Machines for Rent

Write for Prices Terms Etc

R C DAVIS CO2W West Bay St



Leave Gainesville for Micanopy Fairfield andpoints South 1010 a m

Returning arrive Gainesville 425 p mLeave Gainesville for Simpson City Palatka

Lake City Valdosta and all points North 600 pmReturning arrive Gainesville 930 p m

A L Glass Gen Supt L E Barker Traffic Mgr


Tickets on sale from Jacksonville every Monday and Thursday beginning with June up toAug 30th with final return limit Sept Sotli

Stopovers allowed on these tickets at Rich-mond Washington Baltimore and Philadelphia

Heduced rates to other summer resortsFor information rates reservations etc call

on or write to A W FR1TOT Division Passen-ger Agent 138 West Bay St Jacksonville Fin

SEABOARDA-ir Line Railway



Two Kltgnnt Trains Daily



NY 11 NK t Dnily Throughi XIMV Oritnnn

For fun Infermailon ilcaplna car reiflrvitlon sail

A1 iJ J







Tampa Hairy




1 0I0

it C



ill Sholwrs-Ih e 111

andany Seaboard c OVLSTONI Jrr AIIIn-r Aqlne JlGklonvlll


n Itt tr J UsL















lllt 0






onAgsnt or write

eret e1aege Flsrttatar i





