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*AGtE SIX. THE TAOOMA THOU. Monday, March 1, 191 ft. A Proimiineinit Merchant Said to the TRjff ifuS^ IR^lP' l\ If IP'(f^''Tr' Hi "II^IP' Writer o 66BysSiniess Is Improving." The I 4wll I W 1^ iA\ II 4vi lln I Prosperity Man Is Headed This Way. I jIM I|| Ifu -/Mill liv M /Ml \l Get In On the Band Wagon and iy/^Jf ii ii VvM/sli&yi lU&Jt i& all i& ihdl TUB TIIiKI Id TACOMA 1* ji»J."Wr«i WI Hl;< KSIVB t lift BY oni.\ imiin:\uK.\r 'mp^^amy vnoxa. ouh m much H»W»I'APER. _^»«S*^_ IS MAIW 111 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY IU1"'L" V:«TrAi«XsirKh" "lVss^" COMMONWEALTH TITLE TRUST Co, Ihc Competent. Tel. Main 101. 101 Fo. 10th st. TACOMA TITLE CO. —Ground floor KM. iltv Hldg. Muln 21»4. AtTO TOP AND SKAT COVERS TOP and seat covers; tops and re- pHhini;. prompt service. 1129 Tacoma »v Main 242^ ATTORNBYB F. W. niIKKNAIAN, lawyer, 1115 Fidelity Hldg. Tel. Main 1384. LOHKNSSO DOW, formerly prose<'ut- liik attorney. HOC Equitable Bldg. Phono Muln 5378. CHAH. L. WESTCOTT, lawyer, 101- --6 Bank of Cal. Rldg. Phone Mnln I Mi) ALTOS USED iars for sale. lOlti Puyallup ay. I'liuii' Main iiliii:i AMItl I.ANf KS AUTOMOBILE ambulance. Only one In city. Main 43. AUTOMOBILES ambulances. First class service day or night. Pa- rifle Transfer Co. Main 54. UAIIKKR < ()I,U;<.K KOI! men and women, wages while learning. Moler Barber School, If,:i7 Pacfflo aye. CARI'KT JLKANINO H. L. llOUCK—Carpet beating, re- fitting and laying; feather reno- vating and upholstering 2512 Cth av< Main 3:5. CMiAXINO AND HI X WORKS \u25a0\u25a0-^\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-n-M-M-a-M-w-tr.r rv\j-<ris<-r<-r^r>j>j*.- r.r..-wu- LUCKHYS DYE WOP.KB, 7JB St. Helen... Gents suit, skirt or jacket cleaned and pressed iOc up. Quick calls and delivery. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mnin 7161. DRAYAGB Commercial Truck & Storage Co Fin nit in.- moved, packed and atored Team and auto wans. Fire- proof warehouse. Beet corps of iralni-.l m.n In cllv Main 70ii. UETKCTIVK AGENCY NQHTHWUST DETECTIVE AUCV Moved to Suite Jl7, Provldeut Bldg. Est. 188». Main 3427. CODY UKTKCTIVE AOKNCY, 4505 Arcado Bldg., Seattle, Wash ghoim Kiiimt :n;: UKNTISTB DR. JOHNSON. Harvard Dental Parlors, 1132>4 Pacific ay., over £rovvn_Urug Store Mnln 8203. DR. H. V~ ROBERTS. 601-2 NatL Realty Bldg. Open evenings and Bimday. Mfcln 581ii. FEN( XQ t-i-^,l-11 irj-uirinn n.i „-,, ip,..,, n . v i i.njLrm.«AJM^j- BEE our complete lino of wire fencing; fenceH put up. Cyclone Fenro Co., mn Ciinim>M-ce «t. KIEL MILL and slab wonj, $3.25 per cord I'lmnr Mnin -.(162. ' OITOMETRIST Ctdski il Kyra Exanilncu BON-'J Nati»i...i ;;i-alty HMg. rßixrixo COMMERCIAL BINDERY A PTO. CO., Inc., 766- 7SB Commerce st Phone Main 417. Printers, Binders Loose Leaf Devices. rAIXriXG & TAPKRHANGINO t'RANK * HANSSON. ,i% SL 11«1- --»n» iv Thone Main 6141. PATENT ATTORNEYS Elliott. tilO Bkrs. Trust. "paT.'nta Traih- Murks. Prawlngw. Main 1)770 SCAVENGERS TACOMA QARBAGB CO., Oliver Henry. Mgr. 2!>lii A st. Main «406 AMERICAN tJAICUAOK CO. He- moving garbage and refuse of all kinilH. 216 l'uy ay. M. 742 Res. 7539. SHOE SHINING PARIX)R MIKl'"Si '"lllP!it on the Coast. I l\l . r»> ais P; ,,. 1f1 ,, ; , ve UNOKKTAKERS HOHK-A -'bUCKLeT-'klng CO.—ProJ- feeslonal Funeral Directors. 730- --$2 St. Helens. Phono Main 412. CASSEHY ft ALLEN CO. Funeral dlii.ctors, 1110 80. 12th. Main 8161 AV- OMA F"NEnAL p"ar"lORS. W ii'^ 'Jnlon ay- Ma|n I<>S2. Gco. RAZORS SHARPENED WE sharpen safety razor blades. All work guaranteed. Vlrges Drug Co.. 1124 Pacific »\u25a0> " " 7 'i It's Too Bad- Oscar Misses Adolph Again QUICK itKIWIIUNU Werner A Mo*., Uoodyear Qultk Bho» Repair Co.. tH Comn»-rc«. MdXXV TO LOAN OIJII OWN MONEY FOR CITY AND FARM LOANS W. N. DOUB * CO., INC. -01 2 California Bldg. Main 2181 °RIVATbTmONKY~TO LOAN. Sev- eral partlts with $100 to $1000 to loan on Improved city or farm property. Don't fall to ace us. If |ou arc on tha hunt for money. Nurbort Wot * Co.. lot California Bldg. I'IIIVATB money to loan, $lso to $1000, no commission. Peymcnts to suit. Call 6318 So. Fife. Felix Dubota. money~to loan $10 up on furniture, pianos, llve- itock, real estate, etc. Bee me first, let my prices. Money ready; no waiting. Buslnens confidential. C. HANSON 107 Provldant Bldg _Ma n *<*•• 6 AND 7 PER CENT 3n linprove.l real estate or for lulldlng. Money advanced as build- ing progrertes. U R^Mannlvg * Co.. Kqultahla Bid. UONKi Joined on Improved prop- eity, 7 p«r cent. March-McCand- less Co.. UT 80. 11th st. Berlin Bid. We Loan Money FIDEHTT RKNT * COIT CO Baysg«-gjofl«)d rtldc. »th and A. UONKV TO LOAN iHtsJlMflnt loans. R. Mnbnff.y Co.. 10* Fl- -ilellty Mldg. Phone Mold 17IT. i.o \.\ . on real estate |300 up: alto short term cliattsl loans. 41$ California Bldg. MQRTOAia LOANS" Amounts from $200 up; city or farm: lowest [atcs NORTON tt CO.. 310 Berlin. WK makes loans on diamonds, watches and Jewelry. Business confidential. Old gold and silver bought. A. Rose. 1315 Pacific ay. I HAVE $6000 to loan on Improved buslnrai property at ( per cent., \u25a0nd other sums at 7 and per cent jn Improved city or farm property. J. L. Wnnpp. 1220-1 Fidelity Bldg. LOANS for home building or to pay off old mortgages. Lowest rates, special privileges to borrow- trr—3 to 8 years. Mui.ay always on hand—no delay M. J. SCHWINN A CO Ino. ?!<\u25a0 la Taroma Bldg. PHYSICIANS NEW method <if treating dlsias*. of the narvoua sjratetn, atemach, gall "toneK, iivuihin nml UtSrina trou- tilcH and chronic sffectlonj of klil- tey and btaddor. C'onsultatUn free Dr. Tims. .1. Pleraol, 40ti Bank'is mist. Main IS9B. DR. B. W. SHA\V~'9OS National Realty Bldg. Phone Mnln 2607. DR WARP.KN BROWN Dlr-asM of Women and Genito- urinary and Skin Diseases. Ueneral Office Practice. 1103 Commerce st C. E. CASE. It. V—Diseasea of women. Office, 1114% So. X sL 2 C«- 1010 So. 12th st Office phons Main 6887; res, phone. Main 693. .A- i,^- BOWMAN"; ATclds Hotel. 13th and C. Stomach, kid- neys and diseases of women wlth- out operation. Ernest C Whieler. Kyo. n«r. nosT throat diseases 1101-TJMd Bldg! DR. FOREMAN. BUHOEON Bankers Trust Bldg. 01k 7<SV il- Nat Realty Bldg! _my. Main 500; night. Proc. 176*. lIOTMI-H 11OT^T^nTjOHHlMTyX^A U" modJ- em epnvenlences; t«c per nlghf !22<r r week- "th an<f D- "•"• SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS riDELtTT TRUST CO.S SAFE DE- POSIT VAn.TS. Ground floor AITOS MACHINIST Will work on private cars by day. llcaHonable rates. Call Proctor 414. Sweeney. ItllthS A. B. HntiFi-n's Aviary, So. 19th unil Adi; nis st. HOUSEK'P'q BOOMS $1.00 up per week for hoiiff-kecping and single rooms. 173;) So. I »t, NICELT furnished hnu»TkeTpTng rooms, marine \I'W. 49 So C st. SYLVAN, 701 St. i-lni-ns. rur. rms. $1.50 up; hskpg. sulifs. steam heat. Hoi SICK UKPiNC, nn.l single rooms $1.60 week up. Michigan Hotel. Main \u25a0ji;6. 230T, % P.-iriflo a y. FOR SALE-VACUUM CLEANERS $1.00 PER WFEK gives you a vacuum clearer, electric or hand. *",*"';• rented. Pacific Coast K.iieii Co. Main 81« i. Swaps Ads In this column cost It cents for 15 words 3 times. Use blank at bottom of page. No ads ('urged at this rate SWAP —A good cow giving 3 gal. inllk v. <!«y for bora* or chickens. 7030 Park ST. Madison 13ul. CENTIUFuTIAL pump. c»p"y 180 gallon* jj«i- minute, to trade fur ilf p well pump or heavy wagon. W. W. Mm. i. It. J). No. 1, Box 85, 80. Taroma. MAHK rolt, worth $100. Trade at ITS, ra»h $50. Blrrli, the well dlg- i r> iii.iini TWO fine thoroughbred Buff or- plnKt<>» i"ci- <i. i.- i 11\u25a0->• i». or trade for pullets. Pliom* Mhlii t>l»7-J. TRADE 40 acres Root] lHiid, near School .Hi.l |.i.:-10l 11, . for ••« - <'i will mil for T'<> per acre, easy term«. A,liir.m. 6041 Ho. X, Tacoma. TRADE good brood now, farrow In April. 6 young iihoats, for cow, good inilkir. Call or address 11!) Enst l);'il wl., Tin-ulna Wn. HELP— FEMALE WASTBI) -A partner lady muali; teacher. 324 No. O St. Main 8761. E. K. McCoiirt. HA IK dressing ana manicuring taught: paid while Isarnlng. 11 OS «th ay. -tjOi FAMILY WET WASH JSOC Fmnoua Washing Co. *^^^ Phone Main 8464. HELP—MALE FOURTEEN pupila hnve entered the telegraph department at But- ton's Expert .School, IlOfll^ A St., diirlnic thp pant two weeks. Your credit Is i-.M.ii here. WK teach auto iliivinK. complete, for $10. i.in M.iili-,,ii 111 for further mfiii iiimHuii. WANTKIi —Two live newitpaper *o- lli'liors for mail subscription work. Excellent ihsnfPt for hustler to in.iKi big money. Brut proposi- tion offered In Tacomn. Must have good references or furnish bond. Apply n. O. Smith, Clr, M«r, The Times, 9th and Commerce, Taroma, Wn. BOT wanted to work after school In Fuyallup. Ago 14 to 18 yearn. Write K. G. .Smith, curs The Times, Tin ulna. Wn SITUATIONS MALE WANTEl>—Sewers to connect or unplug. Call Burtlctt. Main ftdS, WELL DIOCiKR—T never refused a Job hemline It wan too hard. B. T. Bin h. Parkland. MUST si 11 immediately 9 hens and ciirk, I'iilh is and nilkci'il, 'jno p(!K», Whit* Wyandntte, 6 Part- ridge \\ > amloUe pullet*. Proctor L'lSti. 1010 No. Alder. 81NOLE COMB White leghorn eggs |I.tt :md $t for It. O. 11. Mitch- 11, lit]so. Cheyenne. IMi Mud- bMii i?li WHITE LEQHORNB and In.Han Runner dock*. liiOti No. Blevena. Proctor mi. EOQB lOU HATCHI NO—Thorough - briil Burred Ki.i l,> at $1 per net- ting. 430.') Purk uv. M. 8077-L. TOR SALE—7O White. leghorn pul- lets. Home laying, {.0c each, Cres- c«nt Poultry Farm, on Military Jtoad, Spanaway, Wn. ONE I'art ridge Wyandotte prize COOK, |4.50. A. Hock, 5225 Mo- Kin ley ay. Mnillsim :t»3 TBN Hurt Orpington pullets, mated to one 2-year cock. $12.50. A. Hock, 5220 McKlnley ay. Madison 3 S3. SETTINCr eg**, 15 varieties, 40c and up. Let me know your wants. A. Hock. 6225 McKlnley aye. M.iilimiii 393. l-\ and W. Indian Runner duck*, drakes and Retting eggs. A. Hock, 5226 McKlnley ay. Madison 393. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs for sale, $1 for 15. 3518 So. K. WHITE LEGHORN getting . kkk $3 per 100; 60c. per setting. Main i p^4 J-3. THOROUGHBRED Rhode I * land Red f»gs for hatching 50c and $1.00 per M-Ulng. 5923 So. I st. Phone Mnilisnn 1459. FOR SALE—Day old Huff Orpl^g"- U>D .hicks. 1003 No. Lawrence. Proctor 1640. OERBE <ggs for setting. Phone Madison IS3-J5 BUFF ROCK eggs foT hatching. o? by cnlcl«. setting hens. Main aobkh [UCLIABUC agent wanted. 501-2-3 Tacoma Hotel. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS EOR SALE—I7-foot launch, TviH. P. engine. In first class condition, fully equipped. Price $00. Phon-> Main «;»D. YOUNO freiih cow with heifer calf, im.ei. iiiin tested; also Harred Ruck eggs for hatching. 2018 Ho. 12tll M. AUCTION SALE TUESDAY, MARCH 2 At 10:30 A. M. *T OUR SALESROOM, NO. 102 SO. 12TII ST. Or THE FOLLOWING: SEVERAL PIECES OF BUNGA- LOW FURNITURE, DININU TA- HLE, LEATHER ROCKER, DRKSH- KRH. IRON BEDS, CARMAN IJE LUXE MATTRESS, CHAIRS. CKN FEH TABLES, LADY'S WHITINCi HBHK, SOME BEDDINd, KITCHEN TPBOARD, DROI 1 LEAF TABLK, MISCELLANEOUS IXJT OF OTIIIiK IJOOI >R WJ\r. AUCTIONKER I'OR HALE—Set of double harues7. In good order; also light sprinit vngon with 2 seats. R. C. John- ion, Jovlta, Wn., R. 1, Box 98, Puy- tllup. KIMIJLATKJN R. F. P. delivery w .ii.iin for sale or trade for good •owh. R. D. 4. Box 824, or phone Madison 111 J-3. \u25a0 FBTZ-HENRY'S SPECIALS POOL TABLE, CASH REUISTKIt HACK BAR, COUNTER Sl£l)\\ \u25a0ASKS, FLOOR SHOW CAfifc,« HARBER CHAIRS, INCUHATOiH LAN(i STEEL RKSTAURAJ^'J' ISANfiE. COMPLETE CAFETI-fRIA IESTAURANT OUTI'IT. STIMBCB^ 4CALE, h'LOOR I'LATI'OR.M SCALI: tOLL Top DKSKB, SMALL COP I'ER STEAM TABLE. It):' SO. IITII ST. FRESH cow anil~lieTter~calf »oii wale. Phone Main 2945. \u25a0'Olt SALE i'llKAl'—Ciiiniili-te fur- nlshlngs of 6 rooms. C 433 80. 'ark ay. J FOR SA LlS—Thoroughbred Jrrwey bull, IS tnontliM' old. 3601 Soj EX I'"OR SALE nt a bargain, good plow team or for any kind of work. l'nk ( . Traction cur to 60th and Walk ireal half block. (50 EDISON cylinder plionoKTatili with 24 records, $12.50. Record Excliange, 11 th st. entrance, Public Market. JNE Bliinle express rig, horse, wa- gon and haniCMs, $100. 723V4 Sd. Facoms in. One Victor tulklng ma- ihlne, H rtvordn, good condition, |GO. 723V4 jjo. Tacoma nv. WANTED—Moving and lot grading Point Defiance Transfer Co. Pro. - lor 447. \u25a0 ItUN(!\U)W PLANS THREE complete sets <( f plans anil Kpeciflcatlons for r., 6 and 7-roinn jungalows. Prices $10 to $IS. V-: 1 Times. PLANT now Iris and peonies. Mitchell Nursery. Larch)lont PIANO tuning, expert repairing. T. T. Richmond. 5022 So. 12th. Mala GEORGE mTdoNALO hami paper for 250 bolt; all work guaranteed. Proctor 2157. SELLING out, less than price, plants, r, c to 26c, none higher. 2T.27 So. M. Main 4405. SMITH-PREMIER typewriter, dou- ble, keyboard, for sale $10. In- quire at Times offico. FOR SALE CHEAP—Oood team ol black 5-year-old horses, 3100 lbs. Griffin Transfer Co. FOR SALE—One range, one daven- port nml lot of second hand car- pets. 113(3 Commerce at. GREAT WESTERN steel ran Re, with wnter colls, $15. Home Fur. Co.. 1314 Com, st. Main 2327. FOR RALE CHEAP—B-HOLIK RANGE, $12.50. ATLAS CO., 1140 COMMERCE ST. GUITAR for sahT Has never been MaTiueS 2315 S°Ut" TaC°"la aY PURKEY BROS. New and 2nd-hand fur., ranges & tools. Extra large stock. Buy oi sell. 1316-18 So. C. Main 504.1. MILL block wood, $2.50 load. Dry slabs. $3. Big loads. Westcrri Fuel. Main 4954. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Sugar cured bacon, lb 20c Dry salt pork, 9 lbs. for .... $1.00 Hams (not shoulders) lb 16r Home made lard, 10-lb. palla $1.13 Home made lard, r, lb. palls \u0084(0c BOSTON MARKET J4th and Pacific ay. GOOD Singer sewing machine, $5. 319 So. 11th. SHOW CASKS, office, store flr- turea, doors, window tcreena made to order, lumber, moulding for sale. Tacoma Cabinet Works. 1122-34 Court C. Main Mil. COAL AND WOOD. South M _Fuel Co. Phone Madison IUjST FOR sali:—mis(i:i,i,\\mhs. SPECIALS 16 lbs. sugar $1.0(1 Pyramid flour, per sack f 1 .SCI Olympic flour, per sack .... $1.8(1 Sugar cured ham ltc Hid* bacon Its Corn starch, per package Cc Pure Jelly, per glaas Ec 5 lbs. white beans 2". S lbs. rice 25c :t cans sauerkraut !&«• 4 cans milk 25c 10 bars soap 25c Puffed wheat, package 10c Puffed rice 10c O'Brion Grocery Co. 1D29 Pacific ay. A-l I'RKSH cow, $63; also 15 White Leghorn chickens, 60c each. 3737 East B. Main 5«82. WASHINGTON fiIANBI'ER CO. - Auto trucks, furniture vans, fur- niture and piano moving a special- ty. Phone Proctor 341. ONK sow, 2 helfeiH Tor sale at Tln.nuis Brown's, 3 mil' -y east of Parkland. CUT PRICE ON PRINTING CUT PRICK ON PRINTING 1,000 BITSINKHS CARDS $1 75! 1,000 BUHINKSM CARDS $1.75! 10% IHSCOITNT ON 6,000 HITS! 10',r I.IHCOITNT ON 6,000 IjOTH! BIKB 2x3Vt. BLACK INK! SIZK 2x3%. BLACK INK! OTIIKR HIZKS PItOPOIITION- ATKLV liOW! OTHKK HIZKH PHOPORTION- ATKI.T I^OW! MATKRIAL 4-I'LY BRISTOL BOAU1). MATKRIAL 4-PLY BRISTOL HOARD. ABSOLt'TK SATISFACTION (H'ARANTKKI) ABSOLCTK SATISFACTION OI'ARANTKKU OR NO CHAI«:K! OR Nil CHAIdiK' IF TIIKY TKM, YOU THIS WOltK IS NOT FIIIST CLASS IF TIIKY TELL YOU THIS WORK IS NOT FIRHT CLASS PONT YOU BKLIKVK IT' DON'T YOU BKLIKVR IT! CALL IS UP! CALL US UP! LET TTR COMPAItR THE STOCK' 1 LKT t;s COM PA IIX THH STOCK' AM) TMKN IF NOT HATISFIED AND THEN IF NOT BATIBFIED THROW IS OUT! THROW I\S OUT 1 REEPLN PRINTING COMP \NV liERDLK PRINTLNC, COMPANY 221-2 NATL REALTY m,l)f} Jll-3 NAT'I. REALTY HLDo' PHONES MAIN 209S OR «r.^4. PHONES MAIN 20»8 OR 6654 CALL IS UP! CALL US Up! OR CALL AND BKK T'S! Olt CALL AND SEE l! 8! WE'LL DEMONSTRATE THE TRUTH! WE'LL IJKMONSTRATE THE TRUTH! CASH ON DELIVERY. \u25a0 •ASH OX DELIVERY. CHATTKL ANI> PMHMNTAL I'KOPKHTV bOARt U can have today $io to $l<io on furniture, plnnox, Itveitock, star- ag« recelßta, contracts, miirti?nKc« equities, first and second rcnl •#• tate mortgages, aiiton, Insurance policies. Will pay nff yniir chnttel loan nnd advance you more money. NO waiting. See me first. 11. Doro .'.IN Provident Hldg. Call or phone Main .14H0. PERSONAL »s*»*w»^«»^,»*.» \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -.~-,-..-.i-«-..^;^^ v^<J - l --Jl _ <;entlf.man «rlahea to meet young ludy matrlmnulally Inclined. Ad- dreßs W-7, Times. WE wll awaken you either by tele- phone or messenger at reasonable rates. Monthly accounts with re- sponsible parties. Cull us, Main 657 Pacific Messenger company SUPERFLUOUS hair, motes, remov- ed permanently without scars by Mrs. Ruggles. References. Provl- dent Bldg.. 11-4. Main 1480. LADlES—Sandersons Cotton Root pills; safe and sure cure for de- layed periods. Price $2. Money re- funded if It fails. Raymond Item- edy Co., 217 % Pike st., Seattle Wn. M•?","*, Join Seattle's Reliable Jr!endshlp club. Ada P. Evana 211 Union St., Apt R. JFURNISHED ROOMS NICELY urnl.sliod rooms, private family; near Library. 612 So 14th Bt. I'OR RENT—2 nicely furnished rooms, chenp to right party. In- quire at 4308 Ho. .1. DOWNTOWN housekeeping a"nd furnished. The Auburn, 740H St Helens. Mair 4393 TO BUY WANTED TO iruT^nToTeTy^^on' .-\u25a0J™ meat market fixtures. Main WANTED TO HUY--A se, ond hand saddle; must he cheap. Mhlii 1155. WANTED TO~HUY Second hand wngon with 3 or 3'; inch skein ,aml with not less than 4-Inch tire, cheap for cash. Call Madison 114 WANTKD TO UUY—Cook stoves n fi"« r. an? e8 tv snlP to Alaska. Call Main 2327. WANTED—Second-nnnd furniture. H3O° Veß" J- °" Purke)r' lIIS O. Mala EXCHANGrE \u25a0WANTKI) TO TRa'iTk: "iny^ 4-"room \u25a0 \u25a0iiitsißn mill 3 totk In fruit, for j-heup lots or as first payment. Madlsmi Til. 80 vi ifm. liohkluh county, for nale or trade. City property or close- in arruKur preferred. .\,i"i Ho. \\ il k»*«oii. Main :m.*7. _^_^_____ RKNT—MIH<KM,A\KOI 8 to-ACKK chicken ranch for rent on Hpanawuy line, IB niliuiteM' walk to car line, 2-year lean*, $10 per month rent. Oood S-roum liouhc, burn and new chl< ken I r, 2 wells on place, bearing orchard, with chickens, rabliltH nna pigs for Bale, >Uo liiikk.v liariKDH and farm lm- pl»-iii.iit!i. A-4, 'I'lme-M. BUSINESS CHANCES Some Crackdrag Qoodl Ones Fine QroetXf and Confectioaery Doing splendid hiiHlnes*. Locat- ed at good Iramf r point In good iiflK'ii'nr h.ii.d owner (lady) muKt \u25a0ull. She lias other Important lius- Inesx In view. I'rice lias been plao- i il lon'. \u25a0\V« havu «eveial other good min-i'H too, all of ti •\u25a0in in.ikiiiK Pool and Billiards, With Confectioneir and Cigars 1 If.l In tmiii hualneHs district. PreHCMt owner nuiKt leave In f«W days for California, »o will m-ii hwhv hflow real value, If taken light away. Quick Repair Shoe Shop We have a well equipped shop In a district all by Itself, thickly set- tled and growing nil the time. Price very attractive with good terms. Th.' right man can make ).\u25a0 I money In tlilß plncil. It is no* doing good huxlnexH. Temple & Wilkinson 630 Pruvldent Bldg. IF yon linvp Ji'oo to InvfHt I will UiiHiunteed you |200 per month for the next year and you ran prob- uhly make twice that. This Is tlie Chanel of a llfitlnio. Write for ap- i«<• 1111 mii-iii W-:t, Times. Foil BALE or trade, rooming house, K""<l kxatlon. Main 5146. MOVINIS picture Kliow for Bulr, rapacity 200, low rent, well pat- ronized, no competition. Price $l:!00. Addn'Ms V-3, Times. STRICTLY cash country grocery in good town, 11700, U-rnm. Sinltli. 94 2 <'orun»prce. SMAI^Ij lomnliiK house $175. 410 t'iillfonilii. llldK RENT--FLATS Kdll TtKNT -3-room flat, water nnd liKlit, $(i.fio per month, ill 212J So. Viikiiint. I'hoin- Mtiin .v.\u25a0:;fi. HI'AXIHII UMMOm PRACTICAL SPANISH UCBMONB, WednesdHy and Thurpnay, 7 p. in., 129 I'erklns Bldg. Mr. Suntander, I'lni' ;m consul. ITNF1 TNFI TRNIHHKD AI'AKTMKXTS POH RENT—CIMB, pleasant l-ro (im flat, spi-oiid floor, gas rau^rc, shades, screens, linoleum on kltch- in floor, rent $11. 9064 So. 15t'i RENT-HOUSES ATJTO DELIVERY CO. "Anything delivered anywhere." Night service. 722 Commerce M. Main 8402. 7-ItOOM house, recepllon hall, attic and basement, walking; distance. 1 Mock from Sixth nve. car, cor. X and 7th sts. 1020 So. 77th at. Jobs Open WANTED 20 AMATEURS To compete for good prizes at Majestic Theater ::!07 Pacific ay. Sen loe Bonds after 6 p. m. Nt theater. WANTEDGirl for general lioust.- Werki must he good, plain cook. Call Main 9u95. WANTKD—Two live solicitors for city work. See Mr. fcjinltli, The Times, Tacoma, Wn. Jobs Wanted—Male DPHOLRTKRBR Wiabei work re- palriiiK furniture and mattresses; will take part pay in room rent. llr. W. Taylor, Gen. Del., Taeoma. REALJBSTATfe^ Don't Pay Kent $20 per month without Interest l"iiv» beautiful 7-r.inm bungalow and 2 loin In nice location. Phone Maiilnon 7. r.3. 10 Acres Creek Bottom Covered with alder, vine maple Hiul ii-ilhi: This Ih the genuine ilay loam soil; creek running right 11.1 i..in i. the lenttr of It; V 4 mile to school, store, rl.urrh nnd sur- rounded by pin'-i i i miX farmers; i-lrixe tn Tacoma ami paved road. s.il'-MUiin No. S. E. K. (IKEGOKY 00. Second Flour Nail. Realty Bldg. 1117 Pmelflo ay. 10 Acres Good Land Shot clay, covered with vine ma- ple ami alder; living spring: good road to Taroma. Price, $600. $50 cash, balance $10 a month. No. 8 E. P. GREGORY CO. 1117 Pacific ay. Second Fluor Natl. Realty Bldg. TO TRADE 10 acren, 8 acres cleared, cow, plfrx, h.rae, buggy and wagon, har- neHs, .1 In clover, lots fruit, good .\u25a0.\u25a0ru.mi bouse nml barn, chickens, plgM. Price $:-:r.no Will take house In South End, ll'-.ii.'. bulance long time. Bfautlful place. Will take a chunce. It's good. O. X. -JOHNS 200 Nat. Hank cf Tucmria Bldg. RARE BARGAIN 80 acres, 40 oMtllent. bottom land, about ti in cultivati.m; nice orchard, 4-room house, barn and outbuildings: lij miles from store. Will trado for residence worth $:!000. B. Jf. Oltll'KITII ?!-' I'nulilHit B'ulg. Don't Pay Rent Buy from owner, $10 per month without Interest buys 4-room cot- ta«e and 2 or 3 lotn,' 1 block to cur. I Phono Madison liS3. REALE^BTATE 50 acres on Clover creek, T-r. house, plastered, barn ami chtck.il hous«K, sin k and Implements, for sale; 6 blocks southeast of Elm- hurst Sih . Hpanaway line. o. U. Storaasll, Jr. For Sale By Owner On .11 . mini of old ago and poor health I will sacrifice 12000 on my 68-ucre farm, and tuko some city property. It has large 6-room house, 2 barns, 2 wagon and ma- chine sheds, 3 chicken house* ..ml yards, a 20x28 building used for wash, separator and milk room and woodshed, 300 large bearing fruit trees, 150 grape vines, .'!00 loganber- ries and other fruit, also (500 to- mato plants started for thin year, 10 head of stock, a heavy farm team, wagon, mower, plow, dlso hrlrow, spring tooth harrow, lever difg, two-seated buggy. 2 cultlvat- .>>'. about 100 chickens and a lot of other tools. You can reach me to- night and tomorrow (Sunday) by calling Madison 1105. 10-YEAR LEASE Will be given on SO-a. dairy and truck farm. Ida. bottom land, good buildings, lnsl.li, city limits. Topping, 508 Hern Ice Hldg. For wale or will trado for 6 or *- room house, 3 lots and 3-rootn house, with fruit and berries, in Tacoma: two lota in Puyallup; or for building new home. 4300 Kast X st. I ..I Hale, a nice 4-room house, i lots, on Roosevelt Heights; streets are graded, cement sidewalks, wa- ter and lights afo In. Part cash, imi.ii.. \u25a0\u25a0 to suit. Look at the place 2224 i;.i i Wright ay. I'houc Main lilt. GENUINE bungalow, 7 beautifully finished mums, full basement, laundry, large stone fireplace, built-in bookcases, etc., 2 corner lots In North End, 10 minutes from down-town, for Immediate sale at sacrifice. Terms arranged. Phone Main 6407. A. M. RICHARuS & CO. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. KO3-10 Bankers Trust Bldg- BERTHA M. aiMPVITH. 211 Provl. dent Bldg. Money to loan, real tstiitn and brokerage. |50 lots, No. of 72d. $2.60 mo., Ss fare, 20-ln. service. Send for map. Gco. Q. Goodman. 404 Cal. bldg. 200 lotM at $25 each, lin fare, $5.00 down and $1.00 a" month on each lot. No interest. Close to Fern Hill. AMERICAN LAND CO. SOS Bernlce Bldg. 'M BIG BUSINESS Ep 'M AND LITTLE m WANT ADS m ' -'rV nig lMl!i|luss ts>keß cognizance o( tife 'rf r little things. ilJfflC !f», - Big Business knows through expert- fStMMm "fp ence that The Times little WANT Ai>3 •MwtWT, Jf •" are f'"l)at)le of briQKing big returns. Illyi tf-'S. f I>orß Big Ilusiness need help? A ISu^v'l \J^^ WANT AD Is phoned to M;iln 12, The ffc' 1 /V. j Does lili; Business lose valuable pa- Lrl •" f /'jA^JL pers? An ad is phoned to Main 12 and &2J ?) i' ' yTjjfl a l-'OST ail appears in The Times. HJl°^ t /&jgSw\ ";is "iK Business a desk, a safe or ftrai^S JjS^pMß n table to dispose or? An ad is phoned Efl|N f"' FHjifl tn appear in th<> "FOR SALE MISCEL- iI»J it Mffjm LANEOUS" coliimn \u25a0\u25a0'. The Times. FJ/j . . X'JfW'Xm Anyone in business is sain in follow- !/*&* \ TnJ/Vm inP llu> example of Big Business in uao Fflnl t p ytRJm llf Times WANT Al>.s, which are bound f>Jl \u25a0- F

Transcript of l Get In Onchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88085187/1915-03-01/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · *AGtE SIX. THE...

*AGtE SIX. THE TAOOMA THOU. Monday, March 1, 191ft.

A Proimiineinit Merchant Said to the TRjff ifuS^ IR^lP' l\ If IP'(f^''Tr' Hi "II^IP'Writer o 66BysSiniess Is Improving." The I 4wll I W 1^ iA\ II 4vi lln IProsperity Man Is Headed This Way. I jIM I|| Ifu -/Mill liv M /Ml \lGet In On the Band Wagon and iy/^Jf ii iiVvM/sli&yi lU&Jt i& all i& ihdlTUB TIIiKIId TACOMA1* ji»J."Wr«i WI Hl;< KSIVB t lift BYoni.\ imiin:\uK.\r 'mp^^amy vnoxa. ouh m muchH»W»I'APER. _^»«S*^_ IS MAIW 111


Co, Ihc Competent. Tel. Main 101.101 Fo. 10th st.TACOMA TITLE CO. —Ground floor

KM. iltv Hldg. Muln 21»4.


TOP and seat covers; tops and re-pHhini;. prompt service. 1129

Tacoma »v Main 242^

ATTORNBYBF. W. niIKKNAIAN, lawyer, 1115

Fidelity Hldg. Tel. Main 1384.LOHKNSSO DOW, formerly prose<'ut-

liik attorney. HOC Equitable Bldg.Phono Muln 5378.CHAH. L. WESTCOTT, lawyer, 101-

--6 Bank of Cal. Rldg. PhoneMnln I Mi)

ALTOSUSED iars for sale. lOlti Puyallup

ay. I'liuii' Main iiliii:i


AUTOMOBILE ambulance. Only oneIn city. Main 43.

AUTOMOBILES ambulances. Firstclass service day or night. Pa-

rifle Transfer Co. Main 54.


KOI! men and women, wages whilelearning. Moler Barber School,

If,:i7 Pacfflo aye.


H. L. llOUCK—Carpet beating, re-fitting and laying; feather reno-

vating and upholstering 2512 Cthav< Main 3:5.

CMiAXINO AND HI X WORKS\u25a0\u25a0-^\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-n-M-M-a-M-w-tr.r rv\j-<ris<-r<-r^r>j>j*.- r.r..-wu-LUCKHYS DYE WOP.KB, 7JB St.

Helen... Gents suit, skirt or jacketcleaned and pressed iOc up. Quickcalls and delivery. Satisfactionguaranteed. Mnin 7161.

DRAYAGBCommercial Truck & Storage Co —Fin nit in.- moved, packed andatored Team and auto wans. Fire-proof warehouse. Beet corps ofiralni-.l m.n In cllv Main 70ii.


Moved to Suite Jl7, ProvldeutBldg. Est. 188». Main 3427.CODY UKTKCTIVE AOKNCY, 4505

Arcado Bldg., Seattle, Washghoim Kiiimt :n;:

UKNTISTBDR. JOHNSON. Harvard DentalParlors, 1132>4 Pacific ay., over£rovvn_Urug Store Mnln 8203.DR. H. V~ ROBERTS. 601-2 NatL

Realty Bldg. Open evenings andBimday. Mfcln 581ii.

FEN( XQt-i-^,l-11 irj-uirinn n.i „-,, ip,..,, n. v i i.njLrm.«AJM^j-

BEE our complete lino of wirefencing; fenceH put up. CycloneFenro Co., mn Ciinim>M-ce «t.

KIELMILLand slab wonj, $3.25 per cord

I'lmnr Mnin -.(162. 'OITOMETRIST

Ctdski il Kyra Exanilncu

BON-'J Nati»i...i ;;i-alty HMg.


CO., Inc., 766- 7SB Commerce stPhone Main 417. Printers, BindersLoose Leaf Devices.

rAIXriXG & TAPKRHANGINOt'RANK * HANSSON. ,i% SL 11«1---»n» iv Thone Main 6141.

PATENT ATTORNEYSElliott. tilO Bkrs. Trust. "paT.'ntaTraih- Murks. Prawlngw. Main 1)770


moving garbage and refuse of allkinilH. 216 l'uy ay. M. 742 Res. 7539.


MIKl'"Si '"lllP!it on the Coast.I l\l . r»> ais P; ,,. 1f1,, ;, ve

UNOKKTAKERSHOHK-A-'bUCKLeT-'klng CO.—ProJ-feeslonal Funeral Directors. 730---$2 St. Helens. Phono Main 412.CASSEHY ft ALLEN CO. Funeraldlii.ctors, 1110 80. 12th. Main 8161

AV-OMA F"NEnAL p"ar"lORS.W ii'^ 'Jnlon ay- Ma|n I<>S2. Gco.

RAZORS SHARPENEDWE sharpen safety razor blades.

All work guaranteed. Vlrges DrugCo.. 1124 Pacific »\u25a0> " "7 'i

It's TooBad-OscarMissesAdolphAgain

QUICK itKIWIIUNUWerner A Mo*., Uoodyear Qultk

Bho» Repair Co.. tH Comn»-rc«.



-01 2 California Bldg. Main 2181

°RIVATbTmONKY~TO LOAN. Sev-eral partlts with $100 to $1000 toloan on Improved city or farm

property. Don't fall to ace us. If|ou arc on tha hunt for money.Nurbort Wot * Co.. lot CaliforniaBldg.

I'IIIVATB money to loan, $lso to$1000, no commission. Peymcnts

to suit. Call 6318 So. Fife. FelixDubota.

money~to loan$10 up on furniture, pianos, llve-

itock, real estate, etc. Bee me first,let my prices. Money ready; nowaiting. Buslnens confidential.

C. HANSON107 Provldant Bldg _Ma n *<*••

6 AND 7 PER CENT3n linprove.l real estate or forlulldlng. Money advanced as build-ing progrertes.U R^Mannlvg *Co.. Kqultahla Bid.UONKi Joined on Improved prop-

eity, 7 p«r cent. March-McCand-less Co.. UT 80. 11th st. Berlin Bid.

We Loan MoneyFIDEHTT RKNT * COIT COBaysg«-gjofl«)d rtldc. »th and A.

UONKV TO LOAN — iHtsJlMflntloans. R. Mnbnff.y Co.. 10* Fl--ilelltyMldg. Phone Mold 17IT.

i.o \.\ . on real estate |300 up: altoshort term cliattsl loans. 41$

California Bldg.

MQRTOAia LOANS" Amounts from$200 up; city or farm: lowest

[atcs NORTON tt CO.. 310 Berlin.WK makes loans on diamonds,

watches and Jewelry. Businessconfidential. Old gold and silverbought. A. Rose. 1315 Pacific ay.I HAVE $6000 to loan on Improved

buslnrai property at ( per cent.,\u25a0nd other sums at 7 and per centjn Improved city or farm property.J. L. Wnnpp. 1220-1 Fidelity Bldg.LOANS for home building or to

pay off old mortgages. Lowestrates, special privileges to borrow-trr—3 to 8 years. Mui.ay always onhand—no delay

M. J. SCHWINN A CO Ino.?!<\u25a0 la Taroma Bldg.

PHYSICIANSNEW method <if treating dlsias*. of

the narvoua sjratetn, atemach, gall"toneK, iivuihin nml UtSrina trou-tilcH and chronic sffectlonj of klil-tey and btaddor. C'onsultatUn freeDr. Tims. .1. Pleraol, 40ti Bank'ismist. Main IS9B.DR. B. W. SHA\V~'9OS NationalRealty Bldg. Phone Mnln 2607.

DR WARP.KN BROWNDlr-asM of Women and Genito-urinary and Skin Diseases.

Ueneral Office Practice.1103 Commerce st

C. E. CASE. It. V—Diseasea ofwomen. Office, 1114% So. X sL2C«- 1010 So. 12th st Office phonsMain 6887; res, phone. Main 693.

D« .A- i,^- BOWMAN"; ATcldsHotel. 13th and C. Stomach, kid-neys and diseases of women wlth-out operation.

Ernest C Whieler. Kyo. n«r. nosTthroat diseases 1101-TJMd Bldg!DR. FOREMAN. BUHOEONBankers Trust Bldg.

01k 7<SVil- Nat Realty Bldg!_my. Main 500; night. Proc. 176*.lIOTMI-H

11OT^T^nTjOHHlMTyX^AU" modJ-em epnvenlences; t«c per nlghf

!22<rr week- "th an<f D- "•"•SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS



MACHINIST Will work on privatecars by day. llcaHonable rates.

Call Proctor 414. Sweeney.


A. B. HntiFi-n's Aviary, So. 19thunil Adi;nis st.

HOUSEK'P'q BOOMS$1.00 up per week for hoiiff-kecping

and single rooms. 173;) So. I »t,

NICELT furnished hnu»TkeTpTngrooms, marine \I'W. 49 So C st.

SYLVAN, 701 St. i-lni-ns. rur. rms.$1.50 up; hskpg. sulifs. steam heat.

Hoi SICK UKPiNC, nn.l single rooms$1.60 week up. Michigan Hotel.Main \u25a0ji;6. 230T, % P.-iriflo ay.


$1.00 PER WFEK gives you avacuum clearer, electric or hand.*",*"';• rented. Pacific CoastK.iieii Co. Main 81«i.

SwapsAds In this column cost It

cents for 15 words 3 times.Use blank at bottom of page.No ads ('urged at this rate

SWAP —A good cow giving 3 gal.

inllk v. <!«y for bora* or chickens.7030 Park ST. Madison 13ul.

CENTIUFuTIAL pump. c»p"y 180gallon* jj«i- minute, to trade fur

ilfp well pump or heavy wagon. W.W. Mm. i. It. J). No. 1, Box 85, 80.Taroma.MAHK rolt, worth $100. Trade at

ITS, ra»h $50. Blrrli, the well dlg-i • r> iii.iini

TWO fine thoroughbred Buff or-plnKt<>» i"ci-<i. i.- i 11\u25a0->• i». or trade

for pullets. Pliom* Mhlii t>l»7-J.TRADE 40 acres Root] lHiid, near

School .Hi.l |.i.:-10l 11, . for • ••« - <'i

will mil for T'<> per acre, easy term«.A,liir.m. 6041 Ho. X, Tacoma.

TRADE good brood now, farrow InApril. 6 young iihoats, for cow,

good inilkir. Call or address 11!)

Enst l);'il wl., Tin-ulna Wn.

HELP—FEMALEWASTBI) -A partner lady muali;

teacher. 324 No. O St. Main 8761.E. K. McCoiirt.HAIK dressing ana manicuring

taught: paid while Isarnlng. 11 OS«th ay.

-tjOi FAMILY WET WASHJSOC Fmnoua Washing Co.*^^^ Phone Main 8464.

HELP—MALEFOURTEEN pupila hnve entered the

telegraph department at But-ton's Expert .School, IlOfll^ A St.,diirlnic thp pant two weeks. Yourcredit Is i-.M.ii here.

WK teach auto iliivinK. complete,for $10. i.in M.iili-,,ii 111 for

further mfiiiiiimHuii.

WANTKIi—Two live newitpaper *o-lli'liors for mail subscription

work. Excellent ihsnfPt for hustlerto in.iKi big money. Brut proposi-tion offered In Tacomn. Must havegood references or furnish bond.Apply n. O. Smith, Clr, M«r, TheTimes, 9th and Commerce, Taroma,Wn.BOT wanted to work after school

In Fuyallup. Ago 14 to 18 yearn.Write K. G. .Smith, curs The Times,Tinulna. Wn

SITUATIONS — MALEWANTEl>—Sewers to connect or

unplug. Call Burtlctt. Main ftdS,WELL DIOCiKR—T never refused a

Job hemline It wan too hard. B.T. Bin h. Parkland.

MUST si 11 immediately 9 hens andciirk, !» I'iilh is and nilkci'il, 'jno

p(!K», Whit* Wyandntte, 6 Part-ridge \\ > amloUe pullet*. ProctorL'lSti. 1010 No. Alder.81NOLE COMB White leghorn eggs

|I.tt :md $t for It. O. 11. Mitch-• 11, lit]so. Cheyenne. IMi Mud-bMii i?liWHITE LEQHORNB and In.Han

Runner dock*. liiOti No. Blevena.Proctor mi.EOQB lOU HATCHI NO—Thorough -briil Burred Ki.i l,> at $1 per net-ting. 430.') Purk uv. M. 8077-L.TOR SALE—7O White. leghorn pul-

lets. Home laying, {.0c each, Cres-c«nt Poultry Farm, on MilitaryJtoad, Spanaway, Wn.ONE I'artridge Wyandotte prize

COOK, |4.50. A. Hock, 5225 Mo-Kin ley ay. Mnillsim :t»3TBN Hurt Orpington pullets, mated

to one 2-year cock. $12.50. A.Hock, 5220 McKlnley ay. Madison3 S3.SETTINCr eg**, 15 varieties, 40c

and up. Let me know yourwants. A. Hock. 6225 McKlnleyaye. M.iilimiii 393.l-\ and W. Indian Runner duck*,

drakes and Retting eggs. A. Hock,5226 McKlnley ay. Madison 393.THOROUGHBRED Barred Rockeggs for sale, $1 for 15. 3518 So.K.

WHITE LEGHORN getting . kkk $3per 100; 60c. per setting. Main

i p^4 J-3.THOROUGHBRED Rhode I*land

Red f»gs for hatching 50c and$1.00 per M-Ulng. 5923 So. I st.Phone Mnilisnn 1459.FOR SALE—Day old Huff Orpl^g"-

U>D .hicks. 1003 No. Lawrence.Proctor 1640.OERBE <ggs for setting. PhoneMadison IS3-J5

BUFF ROCK eggs foT hatching.• o? by cnlcl«. setting hens. Main

aobkh[UCLIABUC agent wanted. 501-2-3Tacoma Hotel.


EOR SALE—I7-foot launch, TviH.P. engine. In first class condition,

fully equipped. Price $00. Phon->Main «;»D.

YOUNO freiih cow with heifer calf,im.ei. iiiin tested; also Harred

Ruck eggs for hatching. 2018 Ho.12tll M.





I'OR HALE—Set of double harues7.In good order; also light sprinit

vngon with 2 seats. R. C. John-ion, Jovlta, Wn., R. 1, Box 98, Puy-tllup.KIMIJLATKJN R. F. P. delivery

w .ii.iin for sale or trade for good•owh. R. D. 4. Box 824, or phoneMadison 111 J-3. \u25a0



It):' SO. IITIIST.FRESH cow anil~lieTter~calf »oii

wale. Phone Main 2945.\u25a0'Olt SALE i'llKAl'—Ciiiniili-tefur-

nlshlngs of 6 rooms. C433 80.'ark ay. JFOR SA LlS—Thoroughbred Jrrwey

bull, IS tnontliM' old. 3601 Soj EXI'"OR SALE nt a bargain, good plow

team or for any kind of work.l'nk (. Traction cur to 60th and Walkireal half block.(50 EDISON cylinder plionoKTatili

with 24 records, $12.50. RecordExcliange, 11 th st. entrance, PublicMarket.JNE Bliinle express rig, horse, wa-

gon and haniCMs, $100. 723V4 Sd.Facoms in. One Victor tulklng ma-ihlne, H rtvordn, good condition,|GO. 723V4 jjo. Tacoma nv.

WANTED—Moving and lot gradingPoint Defiance Transfer Co. Pro. -lor 447. \u25a0

ItUN(!\U)W PLANSTHREE complete sets <( f plans anilKpeciflcatlons for r., 6 and 7-roinn

jungalows. Prices $10 to $IS. V-:1

Times.PLANT now Iris and peonies.

Mitchell Nursery. Larch)lont

PIANO tuning, expert repairing. T.T. Richmond. 5022 So. 12th. Mala

GEORGE mTdoNALO hamipaper for 250 bolt; all workguaranteed. Proctor 2157.SELLING out, less than price,

plants, r,c to 26c, none higher.2T.27 So. M. Main 4405.SMITH-PREMIER typewriter, dou-

ble, keyboard, for sale $10. In-quire at Times offico.FOR SALE CHEAP—Oood team ol

black 5-year-old horses, 3100 lbs.Griffin Transfer Co.FOR SALE—One range, one daven-

port nml lot of second hand car-pets. 113(3 Commerce at.GREAT WESTERN steel ran Re,

with wnter colls, $15. Home Fur.Co.. 1314 Com, st. Main 2327.FOR RALE CHEAP—B-HOLIK


GUITAR for sahT Has never beenMaTiueS 2315 S°Ut" TaC°"la aY

PURKEY BROS.New and 2nd-hand fur., ranges &

tools. Extra large stock. Buy oisell. 1316-18 So. C. Main 504.1.MILL block wood, $2.50 load. Dry

slabs. $3. Big loads. WestcrriFuel. Main 4954.

SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEKSugar cured bacon, lb 20cDry salt pork, 9 lbs. for .... $1.00Hams (not shoulders) lb 16rHome made lard, 10-lb. palla $1.13Home made lard, r, lb. palls \u0084(0c

BOSTON MARKETJ4th and Pacific ay.

GOOD Singer sewing machine, $5.319 So. 11th.SHOW CASKS, office, store flr-

turea, doors, window tcreenamade to order, lumber, mouldingfor sale. Tacoma Cabinet Works.1122-34 Court C. Main Mil.COAL AND WOOD. South M_Fuel Co. Phone Madison IUjST

FOR sali:—mis(i:i,i,\\mhs.

SPECIALS16 lbs. sugar $1.0(1Pyramid flour, per sack f 1 .SCIOlympic flour, per sack .... $1.8(1Sugar cured ham ltcHid* bacon ItsCorn starch, per package CcPure Jelly, per glaas Ec5 lbs. white beans 2".S lbs. rice 25c:t cans sauerkraut !&«•4 cans milk 25c10 bars soap 25cPuffed wheat, package 10cPuffed rice 10c

O'Brion Grocery Co.1D29 Pacific ay.

A-l I'RKSH cow, $63; also 15 WhiteLeghorn chickens, 60c each. 3737

East B. Main 5«82.WASHINGTON fiIANBI'ER CO. -Auto trucks, furniture vans, fur-niture and piano moving a special-ty. Phone Proctor 341.ONK sow, 2 helfeiH Tor sale at

Tln.nuis Brown's, 3 mil' -y east ofParkland.


1,000 BITSINKHS CARDS $1 75!1,000 BUHINKSM CARDS $1.75!

10% IHSCOITNT ON 6,000 HITS!10',r I.IHCOITNT ON 6,000 IjOTH!
















221-2 NATL REALTY m,l)f}Jll-3 NAT'I. REALTY HLDo'PHONES MAIN 209S OR «r.^4.PHONES MAIN 20»8 OR 6654







U can have today $io to $l<io onfurniture, plnnox, Itveitock, star-ag« recelßta, contracts, miirti?nKc«equities, first and second rcnl •#•tate mortgages, aiiton, Insurance

policies. Will pay nff yniir chnttelloan nnd advance you more money.NO waiting. See me first. 11. Doro.'.IN Provident Hldg. Call or phoneMain .14H0.

PERSONAL»s*»*w»^«»^,»*.» \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -.~-,-..-.i-«-..^;^ v̂^<J-l - -Jl

_<;entlf.man «rlahea to meet youngludy matrlmnulally Inclined. Ad-dreßs W-7, Times.WE wll awaken you either by tele-phone or messenger at reasonablerates. Monthly accounts with re-sponsible parties. Cull us, Main 657Pacific Messenger companySUPERFLUOUS hair, motes, remov-

ed permanently without scars byMrs. Ruggles. References. Provl-dent Bldg.. 11-4. Main 1480.LADlES—Sandersons Cotton Rootpills; safe and sure cure for de-layed periods. Price $2. Money re-funded if It fails. Raymond Item-edy Co., 217 % Pike st., Seattle Wn.M•?","*, — Join Seattle's ReliableJr!endshlp club. Ada P. Evana211 Union St., Apt R.

JFURNISHED ROOMSNICELY urnl.sliod rooms, private

family; near Library. 612 So14th Bt.

I'OR RENT—2 nicely furnishedrooms, chenp to right party. In-quire at 4308 Ho. .1.DOWNTOWN housekeeping a"nd

furnished. The Auburn, 740HSt Helens. Mair 4393

TO BUYWANTED TO iruT^nToTeTy^^on'.-\u25a0J™ meat market fixtures. Main

WANTED TO HUY--A se, ond handsaddle; must he cheap. Mhlii 1155.

WANTED TO~HUY — Second handwngon with 3 or 3'; inch skein,aml with not less than 4-Inch tire,cheap for cash. Call Madison 114

WANTKD TO UUY—Cook stovesn fi"« r.an? e8 tv snlP to Alaska.Call Main 2327.WANTED—Second-nnnd furniture.H3O° Veß" J- °" Purke)r' lIIS O. Mala

EXCHANGrE\u25a0WANTKI) TO TRa'iTk: "iny^4-"room

\u25a0 \u25a0iiitsißn mill 3 totk In fruit, forj-heup lots or as first payment.Madlsmi Til.80 vi ifm. liohkluh county, for nale

or trade. City property or close-in arruKur preferred. .\,i"i Ho. \\ ilk»*«oii. Main :m.*7.


RKNT—MIH<KM,A\KOI8to-ACKK chicken ranch for rent on

Hpanawuy line, IB niliuiteM' walkto car line, 2-year lean*, $10 permonth rent. Oood S-roum liouhc,burn and new chl< ken I r, 2 wellson place, bearing orchard, withchickens, rabliltH nna pigs for Bale,>Uo liiikk.v liariKDH and farm lm-pl»-iii.iit!i. A-4, 'I'lme-M.


Some CrackdragQoodl Ones

Fine QroetXf andConfectioaery

Doing splendid hiiHlnes*. Locat-ed at good Iramfr point In goodiiflK'ii'nrh.ii.d owner (lady) muKt

\u25a0ull. She lias other Important lius-Inesx In view. I'rice lias been plao-i il lon'.

\u25a0\V« havu «eveial other goodmin-i'H too, all of ti •\u25a0in in.ikiiiK

Pool and Billiards, WithConfectioneir and Cigars

1 If.l In tmiii hualneHs district.PreHCMt owner nuiKt leave In f«Wdays for California, »o will m-iihwhv hflow real value, If takenlight away.

Quick Repair Shoe ShopWe have a well equipped shop In

a district all by Itself, thickly set-tled and growing nil the time. Pricevery attractive with good terms.Th.' right man can make ).\u25a0 Imoney In tlilß plncil. It is no*doing good huxlnexH.

Temple & Wilkinson630 Pruvldent Bldg.

IF yon linvp Ji'oo to InvfHt I willUiiHiunteed you |200 per month

for the next year and you ran prob-uhly make twice that. This Is tlieChanel of a llfitlnio. Write for ap-i«<• 1111 mii-iii W-:t, Times.Foil BALE or trade, rooming house,

K""<l kxatlon. Main 5146.MOVINIS picture Kliow for Bulr,

rapacity 200, low rent, well pat-ronized, no competition. Price $l:!00.Addn'Ms V-3, Times.

STRICTLY cash country grocery ingood town, 11700, U-rnm. Sinltli.

94 2 <'orun»prce.

SMAI^Ij lomnliiK house $175. 410t'iillfonilii. llldK

RENT--FLATSKdll TtKNT -3-room flat, water

nnd liKlit, $(i.fio per month, ill 212JSo. Viikiiint. I'hoin- Mtiin .v.\u25a0:;fi.


WednesdHy and Thurpnay, 7 p. in.,129 I'erklns Bldg. Mr. Suntander,I'lni' ;m consul.


flat, spi-oiid floor, gas rau^rc,shades, screens, linoleum on kltch-in floor, rent $11. 9064 So. 15t'i


"Anything delivered anywhere."Night service. 722 Commerce M.Main 8402.7-ItOOM house, recepllon hall, attic

and basement, walking; distance.1 Mock from Sixth nve. car, cor. Xand 7th sts. 1020 So. 77th at.

Jobs Open


To compete for good prizes at

Majestic Theater::!07 Pacific ay.

Sen loe Bonds after 6 p. m. Nttheater.WANTED— Girl for general lioust.-

Werki must he good, plain cook.Call Main 9u95.

WANTKD—Two live solicitors forcity work. See Mr. fcjinltli, TheTimes, Tacoma, Wn.

Jobs Wanted—MaleDPHOLRTKRBR Wiabei work re-

palriiiK furniture and mattresses;will take part pay in room rent. llr.W. Taylor, Gen. Del., Taeoma.

REALJBSTATfe^Don't Pay Kent

$20 per month without Interestl"iiv» beautiful 7-r.inm bungalowand 2 loin In nice location. PhoneMaiilnon 7.r.3.

10 Acres CreekBottom

Covered with alder, vine mapleHiul ii-ilhi: This Ih the genuineilay loam soil; creek running right11.1 i..in i. the lenttr of It; V 4 mileto school, store, rl.urrh nnd sur-rounded by pin'-i i i miX farmers;i-lrixe tn Tacoma ami paved road.

s.il'-MUiin No. S.E. K. (IKEGOKY 00.

Second Flour Nail. Realty Bldg.1117 Pmelflo ay.

10 Acres GoodLand

Shot clay, covered with vine ma-ple ami alder; living spring: goodroad to Taroma. Price, $600. $50cash, balance $10 a month. No. 8

E. P. GREGORY CO.1117 Pacific ay.

Second Fluor Natl. Realty Bldg.

TO TRADE10 acren, 8 acres cleared, cow,

plfrx, h.rae, buggy and wagon, har-neHs, .1 In clover, lots fruit, good.\u25a0.\u25a0ru.mi bouse nml barn, chickens,plgM. Price $:-:r.no Will take houseIn South End, ll'-.ii.'. bulance longtime.

Bfautlful place. Will take achunce. It's good.

O. X. -JOHNS200 Nat. Hank cf Tucmria Bldg.

RARE BARGAIN80 acres, 40 oMtllent. bottom

land, about ti in cultivati.m; niceorchard, 4-room house, barn andoutbuildings: lij miles from store.Will trado for residence worth$:!000.

B. Jf. Oltll'KITII?!-' I'nulilHit B'ulg.

Don't Pay RentBuy from owner, $10 per month

without Interest buys 4-room cot-ta«e and 2 or 3 lotn,' 1 block to cur. IPhono Madison liS3.

REALE^BTATE50 acres on Clover creek, T-r.

house, plastered, barn ami chtck.ilhous«K, sin k and Implements, forsale; 6 blocks southeast of Elm-hurst Sih . Hpanaway line. o. U.Storaasll, Jr.

For Sale By OwnerOn .11 . mini of old ago and poor

health I will sacrifice 12000 on my68-ucre farm, and tuko some cityproperty. It has large 6-roomhouse, 2 barns, 2 wagon and ma-chine sheds, 3 chicken house* ..mlyards, a 20x28 building used forwash, separator and milk room andwoodshed, 300 large bearing fruittrees, 150 grape vines, .'!00 loganber-ries and other fruit, also (500 to-mato plants started for thin year,10 head of stock, a heavy farmteam, wagon, mower, plow, dlsohrlrow, spring tooth harrow, leverdifg, two-seated buggy. 2 cultlvat-.>>'. about 100 chickens and a lot ofother tools. You can reach me to-night and tomorrow (Sunday) bycalling Madison 1105.

10-YEAR LEASEWill be given on SO-a. dairy andtruck farm. Ida. bottom land, goodbuildings, lnsl.li, city limits.

Topping, 508 Hern Ice Hldg.

For wale or will trado for 6 or *-room house, 3 lots and 3-rootnhouse, with fruit and berries, inTacoma: two lota in Puyallup; orfor building new home. 4300 KastX st.

I ..I Hale, a nice 4-room house, ilots, on Roosevelt Heights; streetsare graded, cement sidewalks, wa-ter and lights afo In. Part cash,imi.ii.. \u25a0\u25a0 to suit. Look at the place2224 i;.i i Wright ay. I'houc Mainlilt.GENUINE bungalow, 7 beautifully

finished mums, full basement,laundry, large stone fireplace,built-in bookcases, etc., 2 cornerlots In North End, 10 minutesfrom down-town, for Immediatesale at sacrifice. Terms arranged.Phone Main 6407.

A. M. RICHARuS & CO.Real Estate, Loans, Insurance.

KO3-10 Bankers Trust Bldg-

BERTHA M. aiMPVITH. 211 Provl.dent Bldg. Money to loan, real

tstiitn and brokerage.

|50 lots, No. of 72d. $2.60 mo., Ssfare, 20-ln. service. Send for map.Gco. Q. Goodman. 404 Cal. bldg.

200 lotM at $25 each, lin fare, $5.00down and $1.00 a" month on each lot.No interest. Close to Fern Hill.



WANT ADS m' -'rV nig lMl!i|luss ts>keß cognizance o( tife'rfr little things. ilJfflC

!f», - Big Business knows through expert- fStMMm"fp ence that The Times little WANT Ai>3 •MwtWT,

Jf •"are f'"l)at)le of briQKing big returns. Illyi

tf-'S. f I>orß Big Ilusiness need help? A ISu^v'l\J^^ WANT AD Is phoned to M;iln 12, The ffc' 1

/V. j Does lili; Business lose valuable pa- Lrl •" f/'jA^JL pers? An ad is phoned to Main 12 and &2J ?) i'' yTjjfl a l-'OST ail appears in The Times. HJl°^ t/&jgSw\ ";is "iK Business a desk, a safe or ftrai^SJjS^pMß n table to dispose or? An ad is phoned Efl|N f"'FHjifl tn appear in th<> "FOR SALE MISCEL- iI»J itMffjm LANEOUS" coliimn \u25a0\u25a0'. The Times. FJ/j . .X'JfW'Xm Anyone in business is sain in follow- !/*&* \TnJ/Vm inP llu> example of Big Business in uao Fflnl t pytRJm llf Times WANT Al>.s, which are bound f>Jl \u25a0- F