L D What is ItT RIVERI lni r tInyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7dr785jt5b/data/0427.pdfts 77 L u-r SiV 1u 1 wdI...

ts 77 L u- r SiV 1u 1 wdI The Kind You have Always Bought and wlifcli lms been j Xo in use for over 30 years has borno the signature or No A and has been niado under his perI sonni supervision tInco Its lnflucy- p I Allow ito ono to deceive you in this All Counterfeits Imitations nndJnst nsooclnro but I Kxperlments that trlilo with and endanger tho licaltli of Infants and Children Experience against ExperImcntI What is CASTORIA Costoria is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil rare goric Drops DUll Soothing Syrups It is IMcnsnnt ItT contains neither Opium Morphino nor other substance Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms and nUns Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and Wind I Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation k and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep rJCho Childrens Panacea Tho Mothers Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Signature offa ctihO 7 l- as he Tl Kind You Have Always Bought up In In Use For Over 30 Years lMt UTAUN cONY I UUV StSttT ttWYOt cn rh Io iL J = IELDb cs = = rnoisirxrrorse TRANSFER LINE A I = IV7 = = = rorwc A CCAVrw tIA BABTFOBDsya A FAST AND EASY RIDE IN THE MOST COMFORTAPLEb VEHICLES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITEDc fi ASTHMA CURE FREE I Astbmalenn Brings Instant Belief and Permanente Curo in all Cases u ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL WHITE TOUR SAME AM > ADDIICNS PLAIMY I r tWJTE 1 YEA S I z 11 0 There is nothing like Asthmalene It brings instant relief even in the woTBt cases It cures when all else lallsJ The Req C P Wells of Villa Ridge III says Your trial bottle ol Asth malene received in good condition II cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the good derived from it I was a slave chained with putrid sore and Asthma for ten years I despairedof ever being cured I saw your advertise a ment for the cure ot this dreadful andI tormenting disease Asthma and thought you had overspoken yourselves but re ¬ solved to give it a trial To my aston ¬ ishment the trial like a charmI Send me a fullsize bottle Rov Dr Morris Wochslort of the Cong Bnal Israelt New York Jan 3 1901 Drs Taft Bros Medicine Co Gentlemen Your Asthmalene is an excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay and its composition alleviates all troubles combine with Asthma Its success is astonishing and wonderlulJ Alter having it carefully analyzed we can state that Astbmalere contains no opium morphine chloroform or ether Very truly yours REV DR MORRIS WECHSLER Avon Springs N Y Feb 4 1901e Dr Bros Medicine Co Gentlemen I write this testimonial from a sense of duty having tested the wonderlul effect ol yourAsthmalene for tae cure of Asthmn My wifeI has been afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years Having exI hausted my own skill as well as many others I chanced to see your sign t A your windows on I30tb street New York I at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene My wile commenced taking it about the first of Nomember 1 very soon noticed a radical improvement Alter using one bottle her Asth- ma ¬ had disappeared and she is entirely free froth all symptoms I feel that I can consistently recommend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this n distressing disease Yours respectfully O D PHELPS M Di ti Taft Bros Medicine Co Feb 5 1901 Gentlemen I WAS troubled with Asthma lor 22 years I have tried numnI erous remedies but they have all failed I ran across your advertisement and stdrted with a trial bottle I found relief at once I have since pur ¬ chased your fullsize bottle and I am ever grateful I have family of tour children and for MX years was unable to work I am now in the best of health and am doing business every day This testimony you can make r such use of as you see fit Home address 235 Rivingtou street- S A RAPHAEL 67 East ugth st New York Cityt tTilal Bottle Sont Absolutely Froo on Receipt of Postalf Do not delay Write at once addressing DR TAFT BROS MEDICINE Co 79 East 130th St N Y Cityt Sold L BOON TO MANKIND DR TABLERS BUCKEYE 0 Rct a gm t OJ st4 a c II UtITl i throat acted Rabbi Fever which Taft z C > inrlI7IIllflflz PILE CURE A Nw Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL dI EXTERNAL PILES WITHOUT PAIN CUntS WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED TUBES BY MAIL 76 CENTS BOTTLES 60 CENTSI JAMES F BAl UfiD Sole Proprietor 310 North MaIn Street ST LOUIS MP ForrSale by J H Williams Druggist Hartford Ky l t e c r IC p 4 L s Hartford Republican FRIDAY JANUARY 17 Illinois ContralRallroadTlma Table New Ilia raid taking rll ct HuaJiiJ tIec 2 1MO at noon Korlli llnnnd Nnnlh Itonfl- NolSJ Joelj nm No ITt do tl17 m- No 101 JaeS47p m No 101 doe 247 p m- Ill s1U1t30 p m No Ill On 84A > n Jor1 F ralll 114 dn 7Klam No 13 due J67 p1OI S U VixucTEB A otI PISOSCURE FOR UIKIS WHW All L D t Urasn Srrvp Twtea loal UM- In Una br drurtllv CONSUMPTION 1 UP SALT RIVERI he Missouri ¬ mOllS Political Expres ¬ sion Now in UseT From a recent issue of the Rite bethtown News we extract the follow ing copied iroui an old issue oi thI Hannibal Mo Pott Many yrAni URO brforc the war in ct n politician and tfficfseelter living in Pike county Ihionfib which Sill river fiuds its way to the MifcsiS jippi was a candidate fr the Legit ture Being defeated at the tolls moved into Rails the next county the river where he tried hisfof tune and again moved up the river Monroe county he was a third time defeated but still nndauojed he can- vassed ¬ Shelby county in his next at- tempt ¬ with as little success as he bad achieved lower down the stream From shelby he moved to Macon and ith the same result When anyone I ade Inquiries as to his whereabouts e was said to have pone up Salt river Little Book of Great Importance Do you ever wish for a book that can be relied upon to answer correctly ll the little questions and knotty problems that present themselves day y daya book that will quickly de ¬ ide all arguments on all subjects The 1912 World Almanac and Eocy ¬ clopedia which is now ready is ex actly this kind ot book It takes the tame position in the world of facts and figures as does the dictionary in beworidof words This little volume containes over 600 pages ol wellprinted agate type very line containing some fact that you will sooner or later want to lojk up The World Almanac should occupy THE NEW WAY Common Sense for Womon Ladles Should Bead of the Latett and Uoit Sec mitul Importation from Franco Womankind Mar roe a Bright Ejea Fair Skin Strength and Good Health Ho aj Dr Lallord the famous French prae tltlonrr who bat devoted hie whole life to th tod of women and baa won the hlftheet dlo tlnctlon through hu wonderfully ancceadul prac lice nraonB the first fa mil lea of 1ar- lu 01 AM A ninuiE Woman la a heroine say the Doctor Bad her remarknble endurance oDd ability to withstand tbe most trjlnfr ordeal compela admiration Sbell a Ion to the Natural Modeity of her aes bleh no often rnnoea her to endure the greatest rial nod antfrrln ilt nie rather thanconault rD her Famlljr rhrMclan fearing to expove herwlf to nemi > arr iue < tlonlnir and probable examination A MFRHTlUYI- lecomlilnx thin tact early In h14 practice Dr LaUord baa by years ollod nod clone appli cation enrolVedan entirely new method ot treat meat lot all allttieuta peculiar to woman which met olth unbounded incceM and hie llranch OuTcci managed by killed phyilclana under hU perioaal auperrUIun are now located In every large city of Knrope- IJy hU upvrli r method each patient aboolotellt of charge toll and detailed advice npccliilly adapted to berenM tbus avoiding all embarramment or lmonveulenrr and aa Dr La noon remedlea are Put up In thit form of mull dainty wafer they ore e i lly carried and taken atnnytiruepr place without attracting atten ion ThU insure regularity In treatment which In mot Important to n rote arid Kenvrallylm powlble with liquid uniedle Liquid reincdle ulwnya contnlnnlarge propor ¬ tion of alcohol whlnky or other llqoor to pre erre them Iron upolllnff Dr Lallorda Wafer n drrmedlclne nod ate poiiltlrrly frevfrom IntoilcanU or narcotic drugs of nay kind noulIs nreJlIH Dr Ixillordanreatesl uecw baa been achiev 4 by tbe one ol the CA1KIMA WAPKH Sht nut n Iotent Medicine but a iiclentlne prep rntlooof Vlburnuni or CAIIOMA coIn ¬ monly known in Illuck lluuborry nod other welt kujwu herb whrnepUruilve propertle have been known to herbulljitii for centuries Vibur num or illi XlA 10 recognized and wrlbnl by the lendlaR phy lclan of the world an tine best known Hpnlnvfor Female troublra The extremely dlsuKtwubto tuate of thiwu drugs ha ovrrcomeby KklllfulinanlpnlntlonretulnlUK however nil of their rlrtum and 1 renal b and hrsepeeieI ha iv been ocomblnrd aDd prepar ed n to form a dnlnty water eaally takeoieIe- iubodyiing tine mot nuurate nod certain Car or Funiule Vwikncni Nervou rruntrattonlato lul and SuppriMwil Meimm IrrrKularity Ieocor bw or Whltm Sterility Ilrrratlonof the liter Chaincv ol Life In Matrua or Mold Chronic lie cline frlnory Trouble Nervona Debility IrutuiM Flow Tbrenteneil Mlncarriaire Talpltntlon ul he Heart 1ulna In the l >ft Hide Cold Hand and Feet Hearing Down Pain llackacho Khort ne ul llrenth KciiMhiR of Urine tiorenna of IJrenut Neuralgia lterlue Dlnplacement and nil thone aynptoma which make the average wo mana life no mlnernhle It make child birth eny nod unvw doctor1 IIIIU A VAIUAIIIE FEATUIIEC- AUOSIA WAPiilHhnve proven abtnulnir to thouBiindu ot aunVrlng women who haw beer madeneilitrOflgftfld happy In n nurprUlnRly kbort time by tbl treatment Tbey will not only cure the mot obMtlnato tale no matter how bug niKlected but an aluo the only known remedy t bateau be aliMoIatdy retied upon to prevent theno monthly recurrence ot extreme pnln and nunVrtnir ncedlewly endured by no many ot oar wom n EUoeI Inrt and aDd1are Thla valuable remedy lir Ijirinrdn nr1 tuft U now on Cute In America by the Importing cleat ot iityle Knilrr 4iiiniiHii who have contracted with Dr LaHord for the exrlnMve igeaev for the United KtnteH A Coninltatlon under the aupcrvlilon of Dr la Bard Ujnalntnlaed and ppvla advice furnlihed nbt >lutely fret of cbarire to all who take the treatment Ladle ordering CAItONIA are In- vited to write oil about their particular CHMHI Ii- 4elall and are aesurud the must carved privacy it to their eorrioipiindence a no letter Iron ladle are ever published by ne One toe of CAIIOMA Wafer coD detaili laonth kupnly will Leent aerurrly prepaid to any addmui In the U K or receipt ol On Dflllar aMompnnlod by the ol your TOM Afullaadromplete trnatment In rludlng all necnoary medicine onritrltten Knarantve Viva Dollar payable In adraace Thl charge covefa all expeneee Inrludlnfflree edvlr find ron direction There are aoaddN lionel ibaram ot any ktad tbna placing the tieatmeat within threarb otnur i Addre > iCoio1atlon Dept Thf WoylriU uUerConIIOlUl7 Uarktt and 54th tilt IhU adipbiara itill a A WORTHY BUCiJESSOH U ww Something Now Under Tho Sun tllreI gases inhalers and drugs in paste form Their powders dry up the mucuous membranes causing them to crack open aid bleed The power- ful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten away the same memo 1 I aimedI and experienced practitioner who has tor many years nuitiern close study and speciality oi the treatment ot Calarih tins at last petlrcttd a treat ¬ meat which when fiitblully used not only relieves at once but permanent Iy cures Cata h by removing the cause titoppittc the discharges and curing all inflammation It in the only remedy known t < cience that ictunlly reaches the fleeted parts This wonderful remedy Is known as StuiiHes the Guaiencd Catarrh Cute and is sold nt the extremely ow price ot One Dollar cinch package ontaining internal and external tnedicine treatment and everything necessary A its perfect user Snuffles M Cure ever wade and is ncw itcognized ts the only sate and positive cure ors that annoying and disgusting disease It cures all inflimation quickly and permanently and is also wonderfully to relieve Hay Fever Or Cold in the Head- Catarrhwhen neglected often leads In to Consumption Scuttles wll ave you it you nse it at once It is no ordinary remedy hut a complete G treatment which is postively cuaran teed to cure Catarrh in any form or stage if used according totbe direc- tion ¬ which accompany each pack ige Dont delay but send for it at mce and write lull particulars ns to your condition and yon wilt receive special advice from the discoverer ci this wonderful remedy regarding your CAM without cost to you beyond the regular price ot Snufflts the Guaranteed Catarrh Cure Sent prepaid to any address in the United States or Canada on receipt H One Dollar Address Dept I Fd win B Giles Company 2330 and i 2332 Market street Philadelphiae da she American household The 1902 edition is more complete than anYol tile former ones It contains facts on many subjects that have recently been brought to the public notice and which every uptodate person should have it his fingers ends Among the features of the 1912 Al ¬ manac are The millionaires of the United Slatea list giving the names of nearly 4000 Americans who possess over 1000000 The great Ameri ¬ can trusts full particulars of 163 lead ¬ ing industrial organizations Organ ized labor enlarged statistics of the strength of labpr unions and the pres ¬ ent condition of the labor movement The Nicaragua Canal and the Hay Pauncefote treaties flth Great Britain Progress of aerial navigation in r9rI Complete United States Census An ¬ archist statistics of the United States and Europe etc etc to the extent of over i obo topics The 1902 World Alt anae and En- cyclopedia ¬ is on sale by all newsdeal ers throughout the country for 25 cents When ordered by wail roc extra for postage must be inclosed to The World New York Cure Cancer Blood Io ton Eating Sore Vice r > Call lolblnRloTry Blood poison or deadly cancer are the worst and most deep seated blood diseases on earth yet the east ¬ est to cure when Botanic Blood BRIm is used If you have blood poison producing ulcers bone pains pim ¬ pies mucous patches falling hair I itching skin scrofula old rheuma ¬ lam or offensive form ol catarrh scabs and scales deadly cancereating breeding festering sores swellings lumps persistent watt or sore take Botanic Blood Balm B B B It will cure even the worst case alter every ¬ thing else Jails Botanic BIcod Balm B B B drains the poison out ofthiC system and the blcod then heals making the blood pure ant rich and building up the broken down body B B B thoroughly flBalm trouble and free medical advice given until cured Botanic Blood Balm does not contain mineral poisoils or mercury as so many advertised reme- dies ¬ do but is composed of Purd Bot ¬ anic Ingredients Over 2000 testl monials of cure by taking B B B m I pp J A Fine Showing The directors of the Standard Pub ¬ lishing Company of Lexington Ky which owns the Southern School Journal has declared an 8 per cent dividend upon lint capital stocVtbla dividend to be paid out of the net earnings of the company for the year 1901 It is the only tock in Ling ¬ ton paying eight per cent this year butr good reserve The list ot booafide paying subscribers bus been incteased Ito nearly five thnusanfj I ENGLIS- HPENNYROYAL PILLS i COliOJ 00 e1 0 Ii sti itoefIlitUto Marr Alien b ukr runlstfor Ciilt1IlStEJt ENLILISIi In SIMS and I ribbonI ullon anil Imitation HujtgrrourtiniciW ar send 4c In for rarllularc Tett on lab aretHIir ror IdIewakvr byil i omoHEaraji onaxioxr co 810 MadlMtn Nquarr IlllLA PA uIlespsa- riL i THREE SCHOOLS IN ONE GREAT BUILDING UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT AND OPERATED UNDER THREE CHARTERS The Southern Normal Sohool the great Independent Normal Training School of the South An able Faculty of J J Specialists hns charge of the different Department end thorough practical and comprehensive teaching U done and The Primary English Teachers State C Diploma Preparatory Elocution Oratory Vocal and Instrumental Music courses are taught We n o t retpectf ully Invite all J l raoasw a toWrt ork we are doing In our Uw School BOWLINA GREEN BUSINESS COLLEGE The leading ButtneM Training School of the South TbouonJ Tht Nltltltl hltlIf CI complete a course ft wilt pay ton to Investigate what we burr All tine anI Commercial Branchf are taught Including llookkrtpiig Shorthand f regularLawXeomnanship13iin1nrai1ractlceeic u the work 9 ait14tz0uretudents alt II1 uiilvctKiIly World aiiil >icctwrul ucver In fall thCCOmiflerClatSttidents will be in daily attendance during the ltlon of honor and tru t present scholastic year THE GREAT INDEPENDENT NORMAL AND BUSINESS TRAINING SCHOOLS OF THE SOUTH aWBE SURE TO MENTION COURSE WANTED WHEN YOU WRITE Cataloguei and Journals Free Address H H CHERRY ntral Manager Bowling eren Ky I lli lni tJlli 0 Oh Ccat r Clirnlt Court WT Own Jnirt JK ho- wttroey Owronlioro T II UliuV Jailer A- ndereori Clerk liowon holbrook lstertoin U 1> IJkcui Trutro Jury Fond h btevru Sheriff llartluril lV ntjr ihertffL hurLer T II Ilrnton 1 U Taylor W I- ITIDI1 e f Court cuurrur Oral Uuuilny In Jlnrtli ail AtaRtul unit routlanni three wtetsaod tblru Uondrt tu May and SoTcmWr two weekS CuuntyconrtJ I Mlllrr Judge it 8 linn onOCUrk M I llrnrrln Attorney hartford jTCuutt convene flnt Monday ID nub month Quarterly Court llrgln on the third Monday April July October and January Court ol llnlma ConTcDM Sell Monday la Jan naryTnndny nftercund Monday In Utlobrr Other Umnn X Moslry Surveyor Khrerr ii lloyal Assessor Fordirlllo Eon Roger School Hoperlntendrnt Hartfurd L St Hunt Orrour IcUc II II Taylor tembrrT December T IDOl W A Hone Crntertown Fcbrunry II May It Auiruit it NoTrmber 4 IMl T A Ryan Fonlirllle Mnrth 1 June e Sip Umber S December t IDOl II r Ornrr lialorilMmth SI Jan 0 SIp ember U Ufwrnbrr 19 1 Wt O 8 fltihuRh l aadn March 4 Jane T 1101 Ivmbcr 8 December 8 IDOl ConstnblcsW J Sttirart Stands J TJ Den nl > IrrntU Jerome Aura Jingo I L Nfbiou IloforO Zlollrlovio CrvlcI M K Church month at It am and 7 p m and fourth Sunday at 7 p m 1raytr meeting every Vedan ay CTecloft BT J C Trtrle Tutor BapUit Churth Serrletn held rrrond Sunday la eaeh month at 11 a m and 7 p m 1rayer Weet 11101I month at It a m and 7 pm thy J U liar neil IJftlorI School TruntM Hartford Jai I Miller J H Glenn W O llonlwUk W II Maniy Woodbury Tlniley IL E Thomas TownTrutrcelt T Colllna J M Mattlnirly Shelby Taylor EVC Ford A I While Hartford Cocrot Ceciotla A O U W meota second and fourth Wedaea day nIghts Knights ol Equity meeta aeeond and fourth Sat urday nights KnlghU ol Honor meets Seat and third Satur ilortilRbU Hartford Lodge No CTS F 4 A Ma oni fleet Monday night In each mouth Hough Hirer LodxeNo UOKnlghtiof 1ythla mretaerery Tuesday nl ht- 1rwton Mono 1ot No 4 0 A R hold ret nice mHtIp Saturday before flratSunday In eaeh month All member of tho reafetlrt locgee are invited attend all metlno NEW THROUGH LINE BCJWCIN CVtHSVILLC AND CEICACOA established for the entire distance over the Illinois Central between Evausvill and Chicago the line being via Mattoon Champaign and the road from Evansville to Mattoon formerly a part of the P D Et Ry The services is as follows NORTH BOUNDDaily Ex Sun Lv Evansvlle 730pm 730 nm Ar Chicago 7ootm 700pm SOUTH BOUND Daily Ex Sun Lv Chicago 840 pm 8jonm Ar Evansvllle 8050111 sop m Through sleeping cars on night trains and through free reclining chair ars on day trains Tickets of your local ticket agent n WORMS I A FORTUNEFOR5TS An opportunity to pet thousands of dollar in cult It offered by THB MEMPHIS WEEKLY COMMER CIAL APPEAL to the subscribers making the first correct or neareat correct gun on the number of bale of z Cotton received in Meraphla from September 1 1901 to and Including April 15 1902 the only provision lielnp that each and every guess must be accompanied by 50 cent for a years aubscrlptioa to I 2 THE MEMPHIS WEEKLY COMMERCIAL APPEAL 3 The Great New Farm and Family Journal of the South C The first correct or nearest correct guess on the number of bales of Cotton received In Memphis from September i 1901 to April iSi 903 will bo awarded In cash as follows tI I 4 received In December IU 5OOO If received In 1 o I To bo plainer the proposition Is limply this If tho correct or correct guess Is received September tho fortunate guesser will receive In cash If not received until October the Kucur will 900000 If not until November 1500 o If not until December Ss ooooo If not until January 350000 If not until February 300000 If not until March 100000 TiLE WEEKLY COMMERCIAL APPEAL ia time greatest new farm and family jojrnl of the United States At only 50 cents a year It gives len and twelve piRe weekly of newt specIally prepared 1 farm matter by Prof 8 M a and children department by Mrs aue a rellgluttH rot e with Dr Talraaffe Sunday sermon and a Sundayschool lesion a short story and a continued story the lalisi market reports Washington and many columns miscellaneous news and information Paper Can Uo Sent lo Amy Address and Goes Cr dUd IB Vary WaUInf H BU CONTEST ON MARCH 31 1902 at mldaif hi but the guess U to tut on the number of bales of co ton receiredla Meuphli from September I IWlto April IS I 1901 lacluiin the octal Bturn of the Cottoa J5i chaaf e to be the flfurea upoa which the conteit la tube decided la aider to help eiery use to fitaie cloiely sad enable then to make a dOM yuee the receipt la Meraphlt brtweea the dlltl for the put oUt years are giu WIow vtMr nlr sfwIl m received I N nasa tApeIt 15 IBaS piOe vZk r > rttsrSee l M- trm Sept i lass t Arm na 1e w XM < i or tIa relT 4lB Mphl nZmltmrt I ICOS 5 April la tASl < 4l < 4 I Xamker SC Ir < IIa rnrlerd ic Nt rrHpt 1 ICSt iaAI IBM 55050 4usbr balee C XbrrbaIsar p5 1 iSIS etIrr541 I April 1C 18r1as sees IS 1HVV t April in IIi S7 vvww vz r rk CttU retvl rr I < > 1 I HX > t April 1 > 101 5045- N will b recorded wber postmark show- iettrwaaniailMlaier than narrh 31 But under nocimimttinretwtll ageesS be recorded where letter is received at the CommereUI Apptal offlcc liter has Apnl J 1901 no natter wbat eIl or SEND FOR A FREE SIMPLE COPY Makt remittances payable to aid address t TuB cOMMERCIAL APPEAL Tenu 2ZTImphls ANNOUNCEMENTIllinois Cuba I Illlaol count Kiennlun to Cuba will leave fbleairn HI I IODU Cincinnati nod touicTll- IJanuaryO Iv3 tractile same point on the return February 11 A delightful voyage arroM the GuU of Jleileo a sIitj4ttyi- stay on the Inland ot Cuba Including a vWt to Havana Mataaia the Valley of Inmnrl the rave of Mia Mar and other Interesting point under the eocortof the Amman Toarltt AMoHatton llatea from the points will be 116600 for the round trip which amount will laelu l all expennee everywhere Itlnerarlea giving fall particular of your local Illinois Ceo teal ticket crest Mardi Gras Tila occur Xw lean Fb rnary lOan II 1WH Font rxrartlon rates will eSec i Sw Orlcana specific dotH which your hoe ticket agent will able ndiU joo I Mexico Janu- ary35OO at Or Ix to be to roar ftll Milco TU Illinois Central under tbl nlcn the Tourist Auoclatlon I l lOdlII I California on In on of HO ol I coadU1tfd San Francisco as follow Via New Urltan and the Konthem Ilont every WrdnnOay from Chi- c < o irrry Friday from Cincinnati Toll particular concerning an ot the abort can I be bail of agents of the Illlnol Central or by ad dressing the nearest ot the undersigned rcprwwn tatlTn of the Ceatral- Wu I WmuAY D r A CeW vOrlcan J A ktiTT D I A MempaU I W A KIILOXU A 0 I A Louisville I WHITES CREA- MVERVHFUCE l MoctlnQunUlr I For 20 Years Has Led ail VornifiemaUicoUW S03U33 XI1T dXX XXTTGrC3rXr31XS Prepared by JAMES F BALLARD St Louts For Sale by J H Williams Uruaojst ria ibrd oiorA A A JI JJJJJJJJJJ JJ J JJJJ Americas 6t 41 011 Republican Paper v 41 EDITOKILY FEAH ESS 11 = AWAYS t 4lNews from all parts of the World Well written 4 original stories Answers to queries on all subjects tt 41Altlcles on health the home new book and on Work 41 About the Farm and Gar len A t l WEEKLY IITEROCEAN ft 41 THE INTEROCEAN is a member of the Associated i 2 PIes and also is the iinly Western newspaper rtceiv it cil1In I the combined telegraphic and cable news matter of 4 the New York Sun and New York World respect 111 ively besides daily reports from 2000 special corre U spondents throughout the country No pen can UU ft 41WIlY it is the BEST on earth I 41 y special arrangements wo can furnish Tim RE Uf 41 PUBLICAN and this great paper for only 115 Ad 11 dres all orders to thetIi 4n U = Republican t 41 Hartforn Ky 3rn- Sea t i 5 i wcc fi i fV t I 4a S J received In February It received In i1arcIi 1000 1 i 1 nearest Iiip 9ioooooo receive MEMPHIS Tracy woman1 Howard gossip mlttanee CLOSES uiatioatl 7l1 postmark WEEKLY mentioned Iiy4 CONSISTENTLY REPUBLICAN n SEND GUESS AND REMIHANCIN SAME LETTER I guess that the number of bales of cotton received in Memphis from Sept 1 1901 to April 15 1902 will be bale Send paper to 1 POI tolficet i Countyr SJate Enter guess to t Postoffice MM State USE THIS COUPONWHEN POSSIBLE It Sited out properly U le cut ecrVury to write a letter with It A RARE OPPORTUNITY 1 GIVEN AWAY FREE I RAU F4MUV INDI N PI TURB EIGHT IN NUMBER j USDS MultiPlain prig TWELVE IN NUMBER Uin Tim Color GoVEepkte in Golirr TWELVE IN NUMBER ofbetUIifUl the Sunday Commercial alternates ivUh the other and in order to- get them complete subs ribo at once SSo a 135 for six months for the Sunday mile That yon may be convinced scud tu f for Ot4fl co j ire feel satisfied that it will please you and thakyoti will want THE cOMMERCIAL TRIBUNE COt OINOINMATI OHIO U 1- T p- p m or AMERICAN INVESTMENT COMPANY 4rI I jAMOLIMI Ad4nw ad oxrctpesdeacc to HOME OFFICE LEXINGTON KY i GOOD TEElil TO FIRST CLASS AGENTS l ARE I YOU DEAF tit 2OOO 1Illllhor ANY HEAD NOISES fALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARI HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE byour new invention Only those born deaf are incurable > I HEAD IMMEDIATELYF 1981Crlnttl yost B JArout myhearlnclntlilaearcutlrcly F cdrtlmfor rnonlh without any eueut consulted norm ber Of pbytlclautt anIon oUrs Ihr riosi inraient ear peclalltl of tlili 1ho lold vie that only an operationc6uldlelp inennil eveS that or1 temporarily that the head uoitc would then true the licnrJox blTrttei coy would Iw I then saw your ndvctlsemcntoccIn1erinily In aTIcw York r ned ordered trttt merit After I had used It oniyacw daya according to your directions tlieuohicaerated mid youhcIflh1ynn4beto1cmaIu t occupationfeil r 4K4TERNATIWIAL AURAL CLWrtJTBM LA SALLE AVE CHICAIO ILL C l 01

Transcript of L D What is ItT RIVERI lni r tInyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7dr785jt5b/data/0427.pdfts 77 L u-r SiV 1u 1 wdI...

Page 1: L D What is ItT RIVERI lni r tInyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7dr785jt5b/data/0427.pdfts 77 L u-r SiV 1u 1 wdI The Kind You have Always Bought and wlifcli lms been j Xo inAuse for over 30 years

ts 77

L u-r

SiV 1u 1 wdI

The Kind You have Always Bought and wlifcli lms been jXo

in use for over 30 years has borno the signature or No

A and has been niado under his perIsonni supervision tInco Its lnflucy-

p I Allow ito ono to deceive you in thisAll Counterfeits Imitations nndJnst nsooclnro but IKxperlments that trlilo with and endanger tho licaltli ofInfants and Children Experience against ExperImcntI

What is CASTORIACostoria is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil raregoric Drops DUll Soothing Syrups It is IMcnsnnt ItTcontains neither Opium Morphino nor othersubstance Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Wormsand nUns Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and Wind

I Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipationk and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates the

Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleeprJCho Childrens Panacea Tho Mothers Friend





Tl Kind You Have Always Bought up

InIn Use For Over 30 Years

lMt UTAUN cONY I UUV StSttT ttWYOt cnrh Io iL J


IELDbcs= = rnoisirxrrorse







Astbmalenn Brings Instant Belief and PermanenteCuro in all Cases





There is nothing like Asthmalene Itbrings instant relief even in the woTBt

cases It cures when all else lallsJThe Req C P Wells of Villa Ridge

III says Your trial bottle ol Asthmalene received in good condition IIcannot tell you how thankful I feel forthe good derived from it I was a slavechained with putrid sore andAsthma for ten years I despairedofever being cured I saw your advertise a

ment for the cure ot this dreadful andItormenting disease Asthma and thoughtyou had overspoken yourselves but re ¬

solved to give it a trial To my aston ¬

ishment the trial like a charmISend me a fullsize bottle

Rov Dr Morris Wochslortof the Cong Bnal Israelt

New York Jan 3 1901Drs Taft Bros Medicine Co

Gentlemen Your Asthmalene is anexcellent remedy for Asthma and Hay

and its composition alleviates alltroubles combine with Asthma

Its success is astonishing and wonderlulJAlter having it carefully analyzed we can state that Astbmalere containsno opium morphine chloroform or ether Very truly yours


Avon Springs N Y Feb 4 1901eDr Bros Medicine CoGentlemen I write this testimonial from a sense of duty having tested

the wonderlul effect ol yourAsthmalene for tae cure of Asthmn My wifeIhas been afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years Having exIhausted my own skill as well as many others I chanced to see your sign t

A your windows on I30tb street New York I at once obtained a bottle ofAsthmalene My wile commenced taking it about the first of Nomember

1 very soon noticed a radical improvement Alter using one bottle her Asth-


had disappeared and she is entirely free froth all symptoms I feel thatI can consistently recommend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this n

distressing disease Yours respectfully O D PHELPS M DitiTaft Bros Medicine Co Feb 5 1901

Gentlemen I WAS troubled with Asthma lor 22 years I have tried numnIerous remedies but they have all failed I ran across your advertisementand stdrted with a trial bottle I found relief at once I have since pur ¬

chased your fullsize bottle and I am ever grateful I have family of tourchildren and for MX years was unable to work I am now in the best ofhealth and am doing business every day This testimony you can maker such use of as you see fit Home address 235 Rivingtou street-


RAPHAEL 67 East ugth st New York Cityt

tTilal Bottle Sont Absolutely Froo on Receipt of PostalfDo not delay Write at once addressing DR TAFT BROS MEDICINE

Co 79 East 130th St N YCitytSold



agmt OJ st4 ac







z C >



CUREA Nw Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL dI



ForrSale by J H Williams Druggist Hartford Ky

l t e c r



4L s

Hartford Republican


Illinois ContralRallroadTlmaTable

New Ilia raid taking rll ct HuaJiiJ tIec 21MO at noon

Korlli llnnnd Nnnlh Itonfl-NolSJ Joelj n m No ITt do tl17 m-

No 101 JaeS47p m No 101 doe 247 p m-

Ill s1U1t30 p m No Ill On 84A > n

Jor1 F ralll114 dn 7Klam No 13 due J67 p1OI

S U VixucTEB A


UIKIS WHW All LD t Urasn Srrvp Twtea loal UM-

In Una br drurtllvCONSUMPTION 1


he Missouri ¬

mOllS Political Expres ¬

sion Now in UseT

From a recent issue of the Ritebethtown News we extract the following copied iroui an old issue oi thIHannibal Mo Pott

Many yrAni URO brforc the war in

ct n politician and tfficfseelterliving in Pike county Ihionfib which

Sill river fiuds its way to the MifcsiS

jippi was a candidate fr the Legitture Being defeated at the tolls

moved into Rails the next countythe river where he tried hisfof

tune and again moved up the riverMonroe county he was a third time

defeated but still nndauojed he can-



Shelby county in his next at-


with as little success as he badachieved lower down the streamFrom shelby he moved to Macon and

ith the same result When anyone I

ade Inquiries as to his whereaboutse was said to have pone up Salt


Little Book of Great ImportanceDo you ever wish for a book that

can be relied upon to answer correctlyll the little questions and knotty

problems that present themselves dayy daya book that will quickly de ¬

ide all arguments on all subjectsThe 1912 World Almanac and Eocy ¬

clopedia which is now ready is ex

actly this kind ot book It takes thetame position in the world of facts

and figures as does the dictionary in

beworidof wordsThis little volume containes over

600 pages ol wellprinted agate typevery line containing some fact that

you will sooner or later want to lojkup

The World Almanac should occupy


Common Sense for Womon

Ladles Should Bead of the Latett and Uoit Secmitul Importation from Franco

Womankind Mar roe a Bright Ejea FairSkin Strength and Good Health

Ho aj Dr Lallord the famous French praetltlonrr who bat devoted hie whole life to thtod of women and baa won the hlftheet dlo

tlnctlon through hu wonderfully ancceadul praclice nraonB the first fa mil lea of 1ar-

lu 01 AM A ninuiEWoman la a heroine say the Doctor Bad her

remarknble endurance oDd ability to withstandtbe most trjlnfr ordeal compela admirationSbell a Ion to the Natural Modeity of her aes

bleh no often rnnoea her to endure the greatestrial nod antfrrln ilt nie rather thanconault

rD her Famlljr rhrMclan fearing to expove

herwlf to nemi > arr iue< tlonlnir and probableexamination

A MFRHTlUYI-lecomlilnx thin tact early In h14 practice Dr

LaUord baa by years ollod nod clone application enrolVedan entirely new method ot treatmeat lot all allttieuta peculiar to woman which

met olth unbounded incceM and hie llranchOuTcci managed by killed phyilclana under hUperioaal auperrUIun are now located In everylarge city of Knrope-

IJy hU upvrli r method each patientaboolotellt of charge toll and detailed advicenpccliilly adapted to berenM tbus avoiding allembarramment or lmonveulenrr and aa Dr Lanoon remedlea are Put up In thit form of mulldainty wafer they ore e i lly carried and takenatnnytiruepr place without attracting attenion ThU insure regularity In treatment which

In mot Important to n rote arid Kenvrallylmpowlble with liquid uniedle

Liquid reincdle ulwnya contnlnnlarge propor ¬

tion of alcohol whlnky or other llqoor to preerre them Iron upolllnff Dr Lallorda Wafer

n drrmedlclne nod ate poiiltlrrly frevfromIntoilcanU or narcotic drugs of nay kind

noulIs nreJlIHDr Ixillordanreatesl uecw baa been achiev

4 by tbe one ol the CA1KIMA WAPKH Shtnut n Iotent Medicine but a iiclentlne prep

rntlooof Vlburnuni or CAIIOMA coIn ¬

monly known in Illuck lluuborry nod otherwelt kujwu herb whrnepUruilve propertle havebeen known to herbulljitii for centuries Viburnum or illi XlA 10 recognized andwrlbnl by the lendlaR phy lclan of the world antine best known Hpnlnvfor Female troublra Theextremely dlsuKtwubto tuate of thiwu drugs ha

ovrrcomeby KklllfulinanlpnlntlonretulnlUKhowever nil of their rlrtum and 1 renal b andhrsepeeieI ha iv been ocomblnrd aDd prepar

ed n to form a dnlnty water eaally takeoieIe-iubodyiing tine mot nuurate nod certain Caror Funiule Vwikncni Nervou rruntrattonlato

lul and SuppriMwil Meimm IrrrKularity Ieocorbw or Whltm Sterility Ilrrratlonof the liter

Chaincv ol Life In Matrua or Mold Chronic liecline frlnory Trouble Nervona Debility IrutuiMFlow Tbrenteneil Mlncarriaire Talpltntlon ulhe Heart 1ulna In the l>ft Hide Cold Hand

and Feet Hearing Down Pain llackacho Khortne ul llrenth KciiMhiR of Urine tiorenna ofIJrenut Neuralgia lterlue Dlnplacement and nilthone aynptoma which make the average womana life no mlnernhle It make child birth enynod unvw doctor1 IIIIU


AUOSIA WAPiilHhnve proven abtnulnirto thouBiindu ot aunVrlng women who haw beermadeneilitrOflgftfld happy In n nurprUlnRlykbort time by tbl treatment Tbeywill not only cure the mot obMtlnato tale nomatter how bug niKlected but an aluo the onlyknown remedy t bateau be aliMoIatdy retied uponto prevent theno monthly recurrence ot extremepnln and nunVrtnir ncedlewly endured by nomany ot oar wom n EUoeIInrt and

aDd1areThla valuable remedy lir Ijirinrdn nr1

tuft U now on Cute In America by the Importingcleat ot iityle Knilrr 4iiiniiHii who havecontracted with Dr LaHord for the exrlnMveigeaev for the United KtnteH A Coninltatlon

under the aupcrvlilon of Dr laBard Ujnalntnlaed and ppvla advice furnlihednbt >lutely fret of cbarire to all who take thetreatment Ladle ordering CAItONIA are In-

vited to write oil about their particular CHMHI Ii-

4elall and are aesurud the must carved privacyit to their eorrioipiindence a noletter Iron ladle are ever published by ne

One toe of CAIIOMA Wafer coD detaililaonth kupnly will Leent aerurrlyprepaid to any addmui In the U K orreceipt ol On Dflllar aMompnnlod by theol your TOM Afullaadromplete trnatment Inrludlng all necnoary medicine onritrlttenKnarantve Viva Dollar payable In adraace

Thl charge covefa all expeneee Inrludlnfflreeedvlr find ron direction There are aoaddNlionel ibaram ot any ktad tbna placing thetieatmeat within threarb otnuri Addre > iCoio1atlon Dept Thf WoylriU

uUerConIIOlUl7 Uarktt and 54th tilt IhUadipbiara itill



Something Now Under ThoSun

tllreIgases inhalers and drugs in pasteform Their powders dry up themucuous membranes causing themto crack open aid bleed The power-ful acids used in the inhalers haveentirely eaten away the same memo 1


aimedIand experienced practitioner who hastor many years nuitiern close studyand speciality oi the treatment otCalarih tins at last petlrcttd a treat ¬

meat which when fiitblully used notonly relieves at once but permanentIy cures Cata h by removing thecause titoppittc the discharges andcuring all inflammation It in theonly remedy known t < cience thatictunlly reaches the fleeted partsThis wonderful remedy Is known asStuiiHes the Guaiencd Catarrh

Cute and is sold nt the extremelyow price ot One Dollar cinch packageontaining internal and externaltnedicinetreatment and everything necessary A

its perfect userSnufflesM

Cure ever wade and is ncw itcognizedts the only sate and positive cure orsthat annoying and disgusting diseaseIt cures all inflimation quickly andpermanently and is also wonderfully

to relieve Hay Fever Or Coldin the Head-

Catarrhwhen neglected often leads In

to Consumption Scuttles wllave you it you nse it at once It isno ordinary remedy hut a complete G

treatment which is postively cuaranteed to cure Catarrh in any form orstage if used according totbe direc-tion


which accompany each packige Dont delay but send for it atmce and write lull particulars ns toyour condition and yon wilt receivespecial advice from the discoverer cithis wonderful remedy regardingyour CAM without cost to you beyondthe regular price ot Snufflts the

Guaranteed Catarrh CureSent prepaid to any address in the

United States or Canada on receipt HOne Dollar Address Dept I Fdwin B Giles Company 2330 and i

2332 Market street Philadelphiaedashe American household The 1902edition is more complete than anYoltile former ones It contains facts onmany subjects that have recently beenbrought to the public notice and whichevery uptodate person should haveit his fingers ends

Among the features of the 1912 Al ¬

manac areThe millionaires of the United

Slatea list giving the names of

nearly 4000 Americans who possessover 1000000 The great Ameri ¬

can trusts full particulars of 163 lead ¬

ing industrial organizations Organized labor enlarged statistics of thestrength of labpr unions and the pres ¬

ent condition of the labor movementThe Nicaragua Canal and the HayPauncefote treaties flth Great BritainProgress of aerial navigation in r9rIComplete United States Census An ¬

archist statistics of the United Statesand Europe etc etc to the extentof over i obo topics

The 1902 World Altanae and En-



is on sale by all newsdeal

ers throughout the country for 25cents When ordered by wail rocextra for postage must be inclosed toThe World New York

Cure Cancer Blood Io ton EatingSore Vice r> Call lolblnRloTryBlood poison or deadly cancer are

the worst and most deep seatedblood diseases on earth yet the east ¬

est to cure when Botanic Blood BRIm

is used If you have blood poisonproducing ulcers bone pains pim ¬

pies mucous patches falling hair I

itching skin scrofula old rheuma ¬

lam or offensive form ol catarrhscabs and scales deadly cancereatingbreeding festering sores swellingslumps persistent watt or sore takeBotanic Blood Balm B B B It willcure even the worst case alter every ¬

thing else Jails Botanic BIcod BalmB B B drains the poison out ofthiC

system and the blcod thenheals making the blood pure antrich and building up the brokendown body B B B thoroughly

flBalmtrouble and free medical advice givenuntil cured Botanic Blood Balmdoes not contain mineral poisoils ormercury as so many advertised reme-


do but is composed of Purd Bot ¬

anic Ingredients Over 2000 testlmonials ofcure by taking B B B m I

pp JA Fine Showing

The directors of the Standard Pub¬

lishing Company of Lexington Kywhich owns the Southern School

Journal has declared an 8 per centdividend upon lint capital stocVtbladividend to be paid out of the netearnings of the company for the year1901 It is the only tock in Ling ¬

ton paying eight per cent this yearbutrgood reserve The list ot booafidepaying subscribers bus been incteased

Ito nearly five thnusanfjI





e10 Ii


Marr Alien b ukr runlstforCiilt1IlStEJt ENLILISIi In SIMS and

IribbonIullon anil Imitation HujtgrrourtiniciWar send 4c In for rarllularc Tetton lab aretHIir ror IdIewakvrbyil i

omoHEaraji onaxioxr co810 MadlMtn Nquarr IlllLA PAuIlespsa-




The Southern Normal Sohool the great Independent Normal Training School of the South An able Faculty of

J J Specialists hns charge of the different Department end thorough practical and comprehensive teaching U doneandThe Primary English Teachers State C Diploma Preparatory Elocution

Oratory Vocal and Instrumental Music courses are taught

We n o t retpectf ully Invite all J

lraoaswa toWrt

ork we are doing In ourUw School


The leading ButtneM Training School of the South TbouonJ Tht NltltltlhltlIf CIcomplete a course ft wilt pay ton to Investigate what we burr All tine anICommercial Branchf are taught Including llookkrtpiig Shorthand fregularLawXeomnanship13iin1nrai1ractlceeicu the work

9 ait14tz0uretudents altII1

uiilvctKiIlyWorld aiiil


InfallthCCOmiflerClatSttidents will be in daily attendance during the

ltlon of honor and tru t present scholastic year


Cataloguei and Journals Free Address H H CHERRY ntral Manager Bowling eren Ky


lli lni tJlli 0

Oh Ccat rClirnlt Court WT Own Jnirt JK ho-wttroey Owronlioro T II UliuV Jailer A-

ndereori Clerk liowon holbrook lstertoinU 1> IJkcui Trutro Jury Fond h

btevru Sheriff llartluril lV ntjr ihertffLhurLer T II Ilrnton 1 U Taylor W I-

ITIDI1 efCourt cuurrur Oral Uuuilny In Jlnrtliail AtaRtul unit routlanni three wtetsaod tblru

Uondrt tu May and SoTcmWr two weekSCuuntyconrtJ I Mlllrr Judge it 8 linn

onOCUrk M I llrnrrln Attorney hartfordjTCuutt convene flnt Monday ID nub month

Quarterly Court llrgln on the third MondayApril July October and January

Court ol llnlma ConTcDM Sell Monday la JannaryTnndny nftercund Monday In Utlobrr

Other Umnn X Moslry Surveyor Khrerrii lloyal Assessor Fordirlllo Eon Roger

School Hoperlntendrnt Hartfurd L St HuntOrrour IcUcII II TaylortembrrT December T IDOl

W A Hone Crntertown Fcbrunry II May ItAuiruit it NoTrmber 4 IMl

T A Ryan Fonlirllle Mnrth 1 June e SipUmber S December t IDOl

II r Ornrr lialorilMmth SI Jan 0 SIpember U Ufwrnbrr 19 1 Wt

O 8 fltihuRh l aadn March 4 Jane T 1101

Ivmbcr 8 December 8 IDOl

ConstnblcsW J Sttirart Stands J TJ Dennl> IrrntU Jerome Aura Jingo I L NfbiouIloforO

Zlollrlovio CrvlcIM K Churchmonth at It am and 7 p m and fourth

Sunday at 7 p m 1raytr meeting every Vedanay CTecloft BT J C Trtrle TutorBapUit Churth Serrletn held rrrond Sunday la

eaeh month at 11 a m and 7 p m 1rayer Weet

11101Imonth at It a m and 7 pm thy J U liarneil IJftlorISchool TruntM Hartford Jai I Miller J H

Glenn W O llonlwUk W II Maniy WoodburyTlniley IL E Thomas

TownTrutrcelt T Colllna J M MattlnirlyShelby Taylor EVC Ford A I While Hartford

Cocrot CeciotlaA O U W meota second and fourth Wedaea

day nIghtsKnights ol Equity meeta aeeond and fourth Sat

urday nightsKnlghU ol Honor meets Seat and third Satur

ilortilRbUHartford Lodge No CTS F 4 A Ma oni fleet

Monday night In each mouthHough Hirer LodxeNo UOKnlghtiof 1ythla

mretaerery Tuesday nl ht-

1rwton Mono 1ot No 4 0 A R hold retnice mHtIp Saturday before flratSunday In eaehmonth

All member of tho reafetlrt locgee are invitedattend all metlno


CEICACOAestablished for the entire distance

over the Illinois Central betweenEvausvill and Chicago the line beingvia Mattoon Champaign and the road

from Evansville to Mattoon formerlya part of the P D Et Ry Theservices is as follows


Ex SunLv Evansvlle 730pm 730 nmAr Chicago 7ootm 700pm


Lv Chicago 840 pm 8jonmAr Evansvllle 8050111 sop m

Through sleeping cars on nighttrains and through free reclining chairars on day trains Tickets of yourlocal ticket agent



A FORTUNEFOR5TSAn opportunity to pet thousands of dollar in cult It offered by THB MEMPHIS WEEKLY COMMER

CIAL APPEAL to the subscribers making the first correct or neareat correct gun on the number of bale ofz Cotton received in Meraphla from September 1 1901 to and Including April 15 1902 the only provision lielnpthat each and every guess must be accompanied by 50 cent for a years aubscrlptioa to

I2 THE MEMPHIS WEEKLY COMMERCIAL APPEAL3 The Great New Farm and Family Journal of the South


The first correct or nearest correct guess on the number of bales of Cotton received In Memphisfrom September i 1901 to April iSi 903 will bo awarded In cash as followstII 4

received In December

IU 5OOOIf received In


o I

To bo plainer the proposition Is limply this If tho correct or correct guess Is receivedSeptember tho fortunate guesser will receive In cash If not received until October the Kucurwill 900000 If not until November 1500 o If not until December Ss ooooo If not untilJanuary 350000 If not until February 300000 If not until March 100000

TiLE WEEKLY COMMERCIAL APPEAL ia time greatest new farm and family jojrnlof the United States At only 50 cents a year It gives len and twelve piRe weekly of newt specIally prepared 1

farm matter by Prof 8 M a and children department by Mrs aue a rellgluttH rot e

with Dr Talraaffe Sunday sermon and a Sundayschool lesion a short story and a continued story the lalisimarket reports Washington and many columns miscellaneous news and information

Paper Can Uo Sent lo Amy Address and Goes Cr dUd IB Vary WaUInf HBU

CONTEST ON MARCH 31 1902at mldaif hi but the guess U to tut on the number of bales of coton receiredla Meuphli from September I IWlto April IS

I 1901 lacluiin the octal Bturn of the Cottoa J5ichaaf e to be the flfurea upoa which the conteit la tube decidedla aider to help eiery use to fitaie cloiely sad enable thento make a dOM yuee the receipt la Meraphlt brtweea thedlltl for the put oUt years are giu WIow

vtMr nlr sfwIl m received IN nasa tApeIt 15 IBaS piOevZk r >rttsrSee l M-

trm Sept i lass t Arm na 1e wXM < i or tIa relT 4lB MphlnZmltmrt I ICOS 5 April la tASl <4l < 4

I Xamker SC Ir < IIa rnrlerd ic NtrrHpt 1 ICStiaAIIBM 550504usbr balee C

XbrrbaIsarp5 1 iSISetIrr541I April 1C 18r1assees IS 1HVV t April in IIi S7 vvwwvz r rk CttU retvlrr I < > 1 I HX > t April 1 > 101 5045-

N will b recorded wber postmark show-iettrwaaniailMlaier than narrh 31 Butunder nocimimttinretwtll ageesS be recorded where letteris received at the CommereUI Apptal offlcc liter has Apnl J1901 no natter wbat eIl or


Makt remittances payable to aid address




Illlaol count Kiennlun toCuba will leave fbleairn HI IIODU Cincinnati nod touicTll-IJanuaryO Iv3 tractile same

point on the return February 11 A delightfulvoyage arroM the GuU of Jleileo a sIitj4ttyi-stay on the Inland ot Cuba Including a vWt toHavana Mataaia the Valley of Inmnrl therave of Mia Mar and other Interestingpoint under the eocortof the Amman ToarlttAMoHatton llatea from the pointswill be 116600 for the round trip which amountwill laelu l all expennee everywhere Itlnerarleagiving fall particular of your local Illinois Ceo

teal ticket crest

Mardi GrasTila occur

Xwlean Fbrnary lOan

II 1WH Font rxrartlon rates will eSeci Sw Orlcana specific dotH which your hoe

ticket agent will able ndiU joo

I Mexico


at Or


be toroar ftll Milco TUIllinois Central under tblnlcn theTourist Auoclatlon


I California




HO ol


coadU1tfdSan Francisco as follow Via New Urltan andthe Konthem Ilont every WrdnnOay from Chi-

c < o irrry Friday from Cincinnati

Toll particular concerning an ot the abort canI be bail of agents of the Illlnol Central or by addressing the nearest ot the undersigned rcprwwn

tatlTn of the Ceatral-WuI WmuAY D r A CeW vOrlcan

J A ktiTT D I A MempaUI W A KIILOXU A 0 I A Louisville




For 20 Years Has Led ail VornifiemaUicoUWS03U33 XI1T dXX XXTTGrC3rXr31XS

Prepared by JAMES F BALLARD St LoutsFor Sale by J H Williams Uruaojst ria ibrd


011 Republican Paper v

41 EDITOKILY FEAH ESS11= AWAYS t4lNews from all parts of the World Well written4 original stories Answers to queries on all subjects tt41Altlcles on health the home new book and on Work41 About the Farm and Gar len A t

l WEEKLY IITEROCEAN ft41 THE INTEROCEAN is a member of the Associated i2 PIes and also is the iinly Western newspaper rtceiv itcil1In I the combined telegraphic and cable news matter of

4 the New York Sun and New York World respect111 ively besides daily reports from 2000 special corre U

spondents throughout the country No pen can UU ft41WIlY it is the BEST on earth I

41 y special arrangements wo can furnish Tim RE Uf41 PUBLICAN and this great paper for only 115 Ad11 dres all orders tothetIi4n U= Republican t41 Hartforn Ky3rn- Sea t i 5 i wcc fi i fV t I



received In February It received In i1arcIi

1000 1 i 1nearest Iiip9ioooooo



Tracy woman1 Howard











I guess that the number of bales of cotton receivedin Memphis from Sept 1 1901 to April 15 1902 will be


Send paper to 1


Countyr SJate

Enter guess to tPostoffice MM State

USE THIS COUPONWHEN POSSIBLEIt Sited out properly U le cut ecrVury to write a letter with It






Uin Tim Color GoVEepkte in Golirr


ofbetUIifUlthe Sunday Commercialalternates ivUh the other and in order to-

get them complete subs ribo at once SSo a135 for six months for the Sunday

mileThat yon may be convinced scud tuf for Ot4fl co j

ire feel satisfied that it will please you and thakyoti willwant


U 1-







tit 2OOO







byour new invention Only those born deaf are incurable > I

HEAD IMMEDIATELYF1981Crlnttl yostB JAroutmyhearlnclntlilaearcutlrcly F

cdrtlmfor rnonlh without any eueut consulted normber Of pbytlclautt anIon oUrs Ihr riosi inraient ear peclalltl of tlili 1ho lold vie thatonly an operationc6uldlelp inennil eveS that or1 temporarily that the head uoitc wouldthen true the licnrJox blTrttei coy would Iw

I then saw your ndvctlsemcntoccIn1erinily In aTIcw York r ned ordered trtttmerit After I had used It oniyacw daya according to your directions tlieuohicaerated midyouhcIflh1ynn4beto1cmaIut occupationfeil r


