L. Andrew Bollinger PhD student Section Energy & Industry Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management...

L. Andrew Bollinger PhD student Section Energy & Industry Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management TU Delft 26 March 2012 SPM 4530 ABM in practice – 2 models

Transcript of L. Andrew Bollinger PhD student Section Energy & Industry Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management...

Page 1: L. Andrew Bollinger PhD student Section Energy & Industry Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management TU Delft 26 March 2012 SPM 4530 ABM in practice –

L. Andrew Bollinger

PhD studentSection Energy & IndustryFaculty of Technology, Policy & ManagementTU Delft

26 March 2012SPM 4530

ABM in practice – 2 models

Page 2: L. Andrew Bollinger PhD student Section Energy & Industry Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management TU Delft 26 March 2012 SPM 4530 ABM in practice –


1. A finished model – Metals and mobile phones1. Problem formulation & actor identification

2. System identification & decomposition

10. Model use

2. A model in progress – Adaptation of electricity infrastructures to climate change

• What is the problem?• How am I using ABM to address it?

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A finished model – Metals and mobile phones

Page 4: L. Andrew Bollinger PhD student Section Energy & Industry Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management TU Delft 26 March 2012 SPM 4530 ABM in practice –

Gold: 0.026-0.033gSilver: 0.11-0.90gPalladium: 0.00-0.09gCopper: 9.30-20.68g

In, Ta, Li, Ni, Zn, Sn, Al…

44% hibernating41% reused4% disposed3% recycled

Sources: R. Geyer, V.D. Blass, 2009; Nokia, 2008

How can we recover a larger proportion of metals in mobile phones?

1. Problem formulation and actor identification

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1. Problem formulation and actor identification

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OEMs and suppliers



3rd party collectors


Metal recoverers

Service providers

2. System identification and decomposition

System scope: global flows of metals in mobile phones

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What are the relevant elements and relationships?

2. System identification and decomposition

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2. System identification and decomposition

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Complete agent set

Decision-making rules• Purchasing• Processing• Investment

for…if... then...else...while...

Goods• Mobile phones• Components (batteries, circuit boards, other components)• Metals (gold, copper, silver, palladium)

3 & 4. Concept formalization and model formalization

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3 & 4. Concept formalization and model formalization

Page 11: L. Andrew Bollinger PhD student Section Energy & Industry Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management TU Delft 26 March 2012 SPM 4530 ABM in practice –

private static void pickContractsForThisGoodName(OWLModel owlModel, OWLIndividual buyingAgent, OWLIndividual techInstance, String goodLabelNeeded, double totalNeeded) throws Exception {

ArrayList<OWLIndividual> contracts = new ArrayList<OWLIndividual>();

//System.out.println("calculating expected profits");calculateExpectedProfits(owlModel, buyingAgent, techInstance,


String agentName = AgentWrapper.getLabel(owlModel, buyingAgent);//System.out.println("buyingAgent is " + buyingAgent);

String query;query = "SELECT distinct ?physicalFlowContract " + "WHERE { " +

//get where this comes from"?physicalFlowContract :from ?from ."

+//"?from :label ?sellerLabel ." +

//get the physical flow"?physicalFlowContract :physicalFlow ?

physicalFlow ." +

//get the price"?

physicalFlowContract :economicProperties ?econProp ." +"?econProp rdf:type :Price ." +"?econProp :value ?priceValue ." +

//get the mass//"?physicalFlow :physicalProperties ?

physProp ." +//"?physProp rdf:type :Mass ." +//"?physProp :value ?massValue ." +

//don't pick contracts that have been signed already!

"?physicalFlowContract :signedByBuyer false ." +

"?physicalFlowContract :signedBySeller false ." +

5. Software implementation

Page 12: L. Andrew Bollinger PhD student Section Energy & Industry Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management TU Delft 26 March 2012 SPM 4530 ABM in practice –

public void MassBalanceCalculations(OWLModel owlModel){

double worldMarketStockOfGold = worldMarketStockOfGoldForMassBalanceCalculation(owlModel);

double goldInInputStocksOfManufacturers = goldInInputStockOfManufacturersForMassBalanceCalculation(owlModel);

double stockOfGoldInPhones = stockOfGoldInPhonesForMassBalanceCalculation(owlModel);

double environmentStockOfGoldWaste = environmentStockOfGoldWasteForMassBalanceCalculation(owlModel);

double industrialMetalRecoveryAgentsStockOfGold = industrialMetalRecoveryAgentsStockOfGoldForMassBalanceCalculation(owlModel);

double backyardMetalRecoveryAgentsStockOfGold = backyardMetalRecoveryAgentsStockOfGoldForMassBalanceCalculation(owlModel);

double industrialMetalRecoveryAgentsStockOfGoldWaste = industrialMetalRecoveryAgentsStockOfGoldWasteForMassBalanceCalculation(owlModel);

double backyardMetalRecoveryAgentsStockOfGoldWaste = backyardMetalRecoveryAgentsStockOfGoldWasteForMassBalanceCalculation(owlModel);

double massBalance = initialWorldMarketStockOfGold -

worldMarketStockOfGold -


stockOfGoldInPhones -

environmentStockOfGoldWaste -





System.out.println("Mass balance for gold is " + massBalance);

6. Model verification

Page 13: L. Andrew Bollinger PhD student Section Energy & Industry Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management TU Delft 26 March 2012 SPM 4530 ABM in practice –

Video 1

Video 2

7. Experimentation


Complete agent set

Page 14: L. Andrew Bollinger PhD student Section Energy & Industry Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management TU Delft 26 March 2012 SPM 4530 ABM in practice –

• 33,516 simulation runs

• 15 parameters varied

• 100 timesteps (quarters) each

• 400 GB of data collected

How can we recover a larger proportion of metals in mobile phones?

Technical lifetime of a mobile phoneMobile phone use time Metal content of a mobile phone Price of goldPrice of copperPrice of silverPrice of palladiumPrice of componentsPrice of batteriesAccessibility of collection pathwaysMotivation of consumersIncentive costDisposal tendency of consumersCost of mobile phone manufactureGold recovery rate of recyclersPreferences of consumers

7. Experimentation

Page 15: L. Andrew Bollinger PhD student Section Energy & Industry Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management TU Delft 26 March 2012 SPM 4530 ABM in practice –

8. Data analysis

% query for the necessary datacursorA=exec(connA, [strcat('SELECT tick, age, price, remainingLifeTime, heldByName, goodname FROM andy_5dec2009_phonehistory WHERE runNumber = 60 order by goodname, tick;')]);

%Get the data out cursorA=fetch(cursorA); DataMat = cursorA.Data; a = DataMat;

tick = cell2mat(a(:,1)); age = cell2mat(a(:,2)); price = cell2mat(a(:,3)); remaininglifetime = cell2mat(a(:,4)); location = a(:,5);

quarterofmanufacture = tick - age;

scatter(age,price); newtick = sprintf('%03.0f', tick(1)); saveas(gcf, strcat(num2str(newtick),'.png'));

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8. Data analysis

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9. Model validation

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10. Model use

Bollinger, L.A., C. Davis, I. Nikolic and G.P.J. Dijkema. Modeling metal flow systems – Agents vs. equations. Journal of Industrial Ecology, In press.

Nikolic, I.; L.A. Bollinger and C.B. Davis: Agent Based Modeling of large-scale socio-technical metal networks, pp. 1-10. In: Proceedings of the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2010, 14-18 Feb. (2010). At: Seattle, USA.

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A model in progress

Climate change adaptation of electricity infrastructures

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Source: Renewables International


Average interruption time per customer per year (2007)

Reliability of the Dutch electricity infrastructure

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/ wea




















Causes of power failures in the Dutch high-voltage grid

Source: EnergieNed

Impact of weather on the Dutch electricity infrastructure

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(1) De Groot, 2006(2) Wilbanks, et al, 2008(3) Rothstein and Halbig, 2010(4) Bresser, et al, 2005

The (anticipated) impacts of climate change

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Climate change and energy infrastructures

(1) De Groot, 2006(2) Wilbanks, et al, 2008(3) Rothstein and Halbig, 2010(4) Bresser, et al, 2005

The (anticipated) impacts of climate change on energy systems

Page 24: L. Andrew Bollinger PhD student Section Energy & Industry Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management TU Delft 26 March 2012 SPM 4530 ABM in practice –

2010 Pakistan floods: • Damage to 10,000 transmission lines, Power

shortfall > 3 GW, Shut down largest refinery

2005 Hurricane Katrina (Louisiana, USA): • Power cut to 2.3 million homes, Destroyed

significant oil and gas infrastructure

2006 drought / heat wave (Netherlands): • Imposition of cooling water restrictions, reduced

reserve capacity

Extreme weather events and energy infrastructure

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3. Altered investment strategies in the power sector

1. Cooling water restrictions and a reduced reserve capacity in the electricity grid

2. Increased market penetration of air conditioners

TenneT declares “code red” – Aug. 10, 2003

“Europe Decides Air-Conditioning Is Not So Evil” – NYT, Aug. 13, 2003

EU study: “Investment needs for future adaptation measures in EU power plants due to effects of climate change” – March, 2011

Effects of the 2003 drought / heat wave

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Key characteristics of climate change and energy infrastructures:

1. The impacts of climate change occur on multiple timescales

2. Actors will adapt independently to perceived climatic changes

3. There exist significant uncertainties associated with the nature and severity of climate change

Long-term evolution model

Operational performance model

Policy scenarios

Climate scenarios

(agent-based model)

Modeling framework:

Modeling framework

Research question:

How can we develop effective strategies to support the resilience of the Dutch electricity infrastructure to climate change?

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Source: TenneT Quality and Capacity Plan 2010-2016

The high-voltage electricity grid in the


Proof-of-concept model

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Power companies

Grid operator

Neighboring countries




Transmission grid

Loads & generators


How much electricity to use

How much electricity to produce

When/where to repair/add capacity

How much electricity to produce/use


Proof-of-concept model - setup

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Power companies

Grid operator

Neighboring countries




Transmission grid

Loads & generators


How much electricity to use

How much electricity to produce

When/where to repair/add capacity

How much electricity to produce/use


Demand distribution

Production distribution

Network topology

Voltages at nodes

Power flows of lines

Proof-of-concept model - setup

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5 climate change scenarios:

1. No climate change2. Mild3. Moderate4. Severe5. Very severe

4 investment strategies:

1. No investment2. Build new links3. Increase capacity4. Both


Power companies

Grid operator

Neighboring countries




Transmission grid

Loads & generators


How much electricity to use

How much electricity to produce

When/where to repair/add capacity

How much electricity to produce/use


Demand distribution

Production distribution

Network topology

Voltages at nodes

Power flows of lines

Proof-of-concept model - setup

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Climate change severity Climate change severity

Investment strategy

Investment strategy

Mean consumer satisfaction Average line load

Proof-of-concept model - results

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Case study 2

Multiple spatial scales

Case study 1Case study 3

1. How might different grid planning procedures affect resilience to climate change?

2. How might long-term changes in wind patterns and solar radiation across Europe affect the ability to meet demand with renewables?

3. How might evolving infrastructure interconnections at the local level affect resilience?

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Case studies - Implementation

AgentSpring platform

Base model

Case study 1

Case study 2

Case study 3

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