Kuliah ke 5 Mata Kuliah Kebijakan Publik Rabu, 23 ...

Siklus-Proses Formasi Kebijakan https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O8qudT-jjYFh2jtIkWMaYqnCz-Ga3AxZ/view?usp=sharing Kuliah ke 5 Mata Kuliah Kebijakan Publik Rabu, 23 September 2021 Drs. Sudarmo, MA., Ph.D Universitas Sebelas Maret

Transcript of Kuliah ke 5 Mata Kuliah Kebijakan Publik Rabu, 23 ...

Page 1: Kuliah ke 5 Mata Kuliah Kebijakan Publik Rabu, 23 ...

Siklus-Proses Formasi Kebijakan https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O8qudT-jjYFh2jtIkWMaYqnCz-Ga3AxZ/view?usp=sharing

Kuliah ke 5

Mata Kuliah Kebijakan Publik

Rabu, 23 September 2021

Drs. Sudarmo, MA., Ph.D

Universitas Sebelas Maret

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Pembuatan Kebijakan Publik Model dari Harold lasswell:

(1) intelligence, (2) promotion, (3) prescription,

(4) invocation, (5) application, (6) termination,

(7) appraisal

Model dari Brewer :

(1) invention/initiation, (2) estimation, (3)

selection, (4) implementation, (5) evaluation, and

(6) termination

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Model dari Harold lasswell:

(1) Intelligence: collection, processing and

dissemination of information for those who

participate in the decision making process,

(2) Promotion: the promotion of particular

options by those involved in making the


(3) Prescription: prescribed a course of action

(4) Invocation: The prescribed a course of action

which was invoked as aset of sanction was

developed to penalize those who failed to

comply with the prescriptions of the decision


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(5) Application: the policy was then applied by

the courts and bureaucracy and ran its course

until it was terminated or cancelled

(6) termination: public policy was terminated or


(7) appraisal: the results of the policy were

appraised or evaluated against the aims and

goals of the original decision makers

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Model dari Brewer

(1) invention/initiation: a problem was initially

sensed. It was characterized by ill conceived

definition of the problem and suggested solution

to it.

(2) Estimation: it concerned caculation of the risks,

costs, and benefits associated with each of the

various solutions raised in the earlier stage. It

involved both technical evaluation and normative

choice. The object of this stage was to narrow the

range of plausable choice by excluding the

unfeasible ones, and somehow range the

remaining options in terms of desirability

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(3) Selection: it consists iof adopting one or

none or some combination of the solution

remaining at the end of the estimation stage

(4) implementation: implementing the selected


(5) evaluation: evaluating the results of the entire

process, and terminating the policy according to

the conclusions reached by its evaluation.

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Ramesh’s model Various authors have developed stages

models, with the number of stages varying

between five and seven.

Howlett and Ramesh’s model identifies five


agenda setting,

policy formulation,

adoption (or decision making),

Implementation, and


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Policy cycle

Agenda setting: the process by which problems

come to the attention of govermnents (problem


Policy formulation: how policy options are formulated

within government (proposal of solution)

Decision making: the process by which govermnts

adopt a particular course of action or non-action

Policy implementation: it relates to how govermnets

put policies into effect (putting solution into efect)

Policy evaluation : the process by which the results

of policies are monitored by both state and societal

actors, the outcome of which may be onceptualization

of policy problems and solutions

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Viana (1996)

Brewer &

DeLeon (1983)

Birkland (2005)

Stone (1997)

Patton &

Sawicki (1993)

Agenda setting






Policy design

identify objectives

verify, define,

detail problem








predict consequences

of alternatives



consequences evaluate


select optimal

alternative distinguish among

alternatives Implementation







monitor and


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Kelebihan model “cycle”

Memudahkan memahami pembuatan kebijakan

publik dengan memecah kompleksitas proses

ke dalam sejumlah tahapan atau sub-tahapan

yang masing-masing bisa diinvestigasi secara

sendiri-sendiri atau dalam kaitanyanya dengan

salah satu atau semua fase dalam siklus


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Kelemahan model cycle Misinterpretasi model sebagai public problem


Tadak ada kejelasan pada tingkat mana dan

dengan unit analisis apa model cycle ini


Tidak mampu menjelaskan realita kompleksitas

kebijakan publik

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Policy formulation-formation

Policy formation: membicarakan keseluruhan proses peciptaan atau pembentukan sebuah kebijakan

Policy formulation: mengacu pada bagian dari proses kebijakan yang lebih sempit terutama pada perkembangan dari serangkaian tindakan yang diusulkan untuk menangani sebuah masalah (masalah publik).

Policy formation mencakup tiga aspek utama: (1) esensi masalah publik, (2) agenda dan agenda setting, (3) formulasi kebijakan untuk mengatasi masalah

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Applied problem solving Stages in policy


1. Problem recognition 1. agenda setting

2. Proposal of solution 2. policy formulation

3. Choice of solution 3. decision making

4. Putting solution into effect 4. policy


5. Monitoring Results 5. Policy Evaluation

6. Policy termination/reformulasi kebijakan publik

,mengingat rumusan masalah masala lalu tidak tepat

atau sudah mengalami pergeseran

Lima fase Policy Cycle dan hubunganya

dengan Applied Problem Solving

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Public Problem (Masalah Kebijakan)

Public problem (masalah publik) merupakan kondisi/ situasi yang mengakibatkan ketidakpuasan dan menciptakan sebuah kebutuhan bagi sebagian orang-orang, untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut

kemiskinan (pengangguran, kelaparan dalam jumlah bedar, keterbelakangan pendidikan)

penyebaran penyaki (HIV, Gonorchea/raja singa, sipilis yang diderita bnayka orang),

keamanan (ancaman keamanan bagi sebagian warga perbatasan negara, pembatasan keyakinan)

Lingkungan (pemasan global, hujan asam, polusi [udara, tanah, air], penambangan tak terkendali


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Siapa yang bisa mendefiniskan

Masalah Publik

Orang-orang yang terkena secara langsung


Orang-orang yang terkena tidak secara

langsung (obyektif minimalis)

Para analis (antara obyektif dan subyektif)

Para politisi (cenderung subyektif)

Para eksekutif (faktual)

Stakeholder yang berkepentingan (dalam

negeri/luar negeri) (subyektiff berdasarkan


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Sifat definisi masalah

Apakah sebuah masalah publik sifatnya permanen? (sebagian permanen dan sebagia berubah-ubah)

Definisi masalah sering merupakan proses politik yang hasilnya akan membantu menentukan solusi yang tepat

Bisa berubah-ubah sesuai dengan situasi politik

Bisa berubah-ubah sesuai dengan waktu/ masa/ masyarakat/generasi

Faktor sebab akibat: apa penyebab munculnya masalah tersebut?

Sifat dan lingkup masalah publik mungkin sulit dipastikan/sispesifikasikan karena: Invisible, diffuse dan cluster.

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Esensi masalah publik

Masalah publik adalah masalah yang memiliki efek

luas, termasuk konsekuensi/akibat terhadap orang-

orang yang tidak secara langsung terlibat.

Masalah yang memiliki efek terbatas, yakni hanya

terbatas pada satu atau beberapa orang yang secara

langsung terkena atau terlibat, pada umumnya

dipandang sebagai masalah privat, bukan publik

walaupun bisa berkembang menjadi masalah publik.

Contoh: kekerasan dalam rumah tangga,

poligami/poliandri, perkosaan, kumpul kebo,

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At this stage, the public administration

concerned examines the various policy options

it considers to be possible solutions.

It should be noted that coalitions of actors

strive, through the use of advocacy strategies,

to gain priority for one specific interpretation of

both the problem and its solution.

It is at this stage that power relationships

crystallize, determining the direction a policy will
