Kuliah 14 Isu-isu Sosial yang berkembang.pdf

Isu-Isu Sosial yang Berkembang

Transcript of Kuliah 14 Isu-isu Sosial yang berkembang.pdf

  • Isu-Isu Sosial yang Berkembang

  • What is Privacy ?

    Beberapa definisi tentang Privasi:

    The right to be let alone (Mahkamah Agung Brandeis, 1890)

    The right of individuals to control the collection and use of personal information about themselves (Jurnal Privacy)

    Privacy is the power to control what others can come to know about you. People gain knowledge about you in only two ways through monitoring or searching ( or by reports relying on the results of monitoring and searching) (Lessig, 1999)

  • 3Privasi dan Keamanan

    Keamanan terjaminnya data yangtersimpan di komputer

    Privasi data pribadi haruslah dijaga dariorang yang tidak berkepentingan ataupengintai

  • Masyarakat dan Kejahatan Komputer

    Kejahatan Komputer: menggunakan komputer untuk melakukan perbuatan kriminal.

    Sukar untuk menentukannya karena:

    Untuk menentukan sebuah perbuatan termasuk kriminal menjadi susah

    Para hakim sering dibingungkan dengan isu teknikal yang terlibat dalam beberapa kasus.

    Perusahaan enggan untuk menuntut karena takut akan menjadi pemberitaan yang merugikan.

  • Jenis/Bentuk Kejahatan Komputer

    Virus Komputer

    Penggunaan dan akses yg tidak sah (Unauthorized access and use)

    Pengubahan data atau program (Data or program alteration )


    Pemalsuan Digital (Digital counterfeiting)

    Penipuan online (Online scams and frauds)

    Penggelapan (Cover-ups)

  • Computer Crime Legislation

  • 8Kejahatan Komputer

    Hacker seseorang yang mencoba untuk mengakses ke sistem komputer secara ilegal Biasanya seorang yang memiliki kepakaran komputer

    tingkat tinggi

    Social engineering Memaksa seseorang untuk memberikan informasi password

    Cracker seseorang yang menggunakan komputer dalam kegiatan ilegal

  • 9Metode yang digunakan dalam Kejahatan Komputer


    Data diddling

    Denial of service attacks


    Salami technique



    Trojan horse

  • 10


    Program yang memicu kerusakan pada suatu kondisi tertentu.

    Program akan dimatikan pada satu tanggal tertentu

    Kadang2 disisipkan / ditanamkan dalam software komersil

    Shareware biasanya akan memiliki bomb yang ditanam didalamnya


  • 11

    Data Diddling

    Data yang diubah sebelum atau pada saat memasuki sistem

    Pengaudit data harus membuat verifikasi ketepatan sumber data demikian juga halnya dengan pemprosesan yang berlaku


  • 12

    Denial of Service Attack

    Hackers akan memborbardir suatu site dengan request yang melebihi kemampuannya

    Mencegah pengguna yang sah untuk mengakses suatu situs

    Hacker akan menyebabkan adanya penyerangan yang bersumber dari banyak site yang berbeda secara serentak / bersamaan


  • 13


    An illicit user rides into the system on the back of an authorized user

    If the user does not exit the system properly, the intruder can continue where the original user has left off

    Always log out of any system you log into


  • 14

    Salami Technique

    An embezzlement technique (teknik penggelapan) where small slices of money are funneled (disalurkan) into accounts


  • 15


    Searching company trash cans and dumpsters for lists of information

    Thieves will search garbage and recycling bins of individuals looking for bank account numbers, credit card numbers, etc.

    Shred documents that contain personal information


  • 16


    An illicit program (program terlarang) left within a completed legitimate program

    Allows subsequent unauthorized and unknown entry by the perpetrator (pelaku kejahatan) to make changes to the program


  • 17

    Trojan Horse

    Involves illegal instructions placed in the middle of a legitimate program

    Program does something useful, but the Trojan horse instructions do something destructive in the background


  • 18

    White-Hat Hackers

    Hackers that are paid by a company to break into that companys computer systems

    Expose security holes and flaws (celah) before criminals find them

    Once exposed, flaws can be fixed

  • Computers and Privacy

    Privacy refers to how information about individuals is used and by whom.

    Modern computer systems have added a new dimension to the privacy issue.

    The greater the ability to collect, store, and disseminate information, the greater the potential for abuse of that information.

  • Privacy and Electronic Mail

    Company electronic mail

    Companies are allowed by law to eavesdrop on the e-mail messages sent by their employees.

    At many companies, a formal e-mail policy exists and software is used to enforce it.


    At best, spam is merely an annoyance (gangguan) to recipients and can clog a mail network.

    At worst, it can disable a mail network completely.

  • Privacy and Marketing Databases

    Marketing databases contain information about the consuming public.

    Micromarketers specialize in creating marketing databases and selling information to companies.

    Geodemographics categorizes consumers by certain buying preferences.

  • Computer Security and Safeguards Against Computer Crime

    Assess risks

    Take caution with employees

    Restrict system access and use

    Secure transmissions

    Use antivirus and other crime-prevention software

    Have a recovery plan

  • Ethics

    Ethics atau etika merujuk kepada standar tingkah laku moral (moral conduct).

    Kelakuan yang tidak beretika tidak seharusnya ilegal, walaupun pada beberapa kasus dapat menjadi tindakan ilegal.

  • Why Study Ethics?

    Tempat kerja pada masa ini menjadi tersebar dan multikultural.

    Banyak organisasi dan sekolah membuat codes of conduct yaitu peraturan yang menjelaskan perbuatan-perbuatan yang dilarang maupun yang dibolehkan.

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    Ethics in Computing

    Ethics standards of moral conduct

    Used to help determine the proper course of action in difficult situations

    Computing Issues

    Computer ethics

    Professional ethics

    Programmer responsibility

    Ethical use of computers

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    Computer Ethics

    Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics

    Apply general ethical principles to computing

    Developed by the Computer Ethics Institute


  • 30

    Professional Ethics

    Relates to ethics of those whose work focuses on computer systems

    Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct developed by the Association for Computing Machinery

    Divided into sections General principles

    Professional responsibilities

    Guidelines for organizational systems


  • 31

    Programmer Responsibility

    Bug-free software does not exist

    Testing can only show the presence of bugs, not their absence

    Issues related to software quality

    How much testing is enough?

    How many minor bugs are acceptable in software about to be released?


  • 32

    Ethical Use of Computers

    Data quality

    Protecting customers personal data

    Digitally altering data


  • 33

    Data Quality

    Users are responsible for the quality of data entered into the system

    Procedures must be in place to detect and correct inaccurate information


  • 34

    Protecting Customers Data

    Particularly relevant to companies doing business over the Internet

    Develop privacy policies stating how data will be used

    Two approaches Opt-in policy customers are notified of privacy

    policy and must agree before their data can be released

    Opt-out policy customers are assumed to agree to the release of their data unless they specifically request it be kept private


  • Intellectual Property Rights

    Intellectual property rights refer to the ability to legally use the creation

    of others.

  • 36

    Intellectual Property Rights

    Refers to results of intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary, or artistic fields

    U.S. Copyright Act provides protection in three areas




  • Copyrights

    Intellectual properties such as books, music, artwork, and movies are protected in the U.S. by copyrightlaws.

    Copyrights can be registered and generally last until 70 years after the creators death.

    Web developers should be aware of copyright laws so they do not use copyrighted content on their Web sites without appropriate permission.

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    Provides the creator of a literary or artistic work with control over its use and distribution

    Widespread distribution of music and videos over the Internet has created quite a controversy

    Defining fair use has been difficult

    Under fair use, you may use copyrighted works for limited purposes

    Digital issues


  • 39

    Digital Fair Use Issues

    Copy-protection schemes make it impossible to copy CDs and DVDs Users claim that violates their fair use rights

    Software Users may not modify copyrighted software

    Digital images Images on the Web may be downloaded and used as screen savers,

    but they may not be distributed or altered

    Plagiarism Work taken from the Internet must be cited if it is used in a paper or

    other presentation


  • Patents

    Patent: exclusive right to an invention for the period of 20 years.

    Computer-related patents have skyrocketed, and now some business methods and models have been patented.

  • 41


    Designed to protect inventions and encourage inventors

    Grant patent holder exclusive rights to the invention

    Patent Office will grant patent protection to software algorithms and techniques

    Will also grant patents for business methods implemented in software


  • Trademarks

    Trademark: any word, name, symbol, or other device that identifies an organizations goods and services.

    Nonregistered trademarks can use the mark .

    Registered trademarks can use the symbol .

  • Health, Ergonomics, and the Environment

    Computers have been said to pose a threat to our physical and mental well-being.

    Although supporting scientific evidence is far from conclusive, we should all be aware of the major concerns raised about the possible effects of computers on our health.

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    Workplace Issues

    Healthy computing

    Employee monitoring

    Environmental concerns

  • 45

    Healthy Computing

    A number of health questions have been raised

    Harmful emissions from monitor

    Eyestrain from monitor

    Back pain from position of chair and desk

    Repetitive strain injury


  • 46

    Repetitive Strain Injury

    May affect workers who hold their hands over a keyboard for a long period of time

    Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common form of RSI




    Awkward positioning

    Holding a static position for a long timeReturn

  • Ergonomics-Related Concerns

    Display devices


    Workspace design

  • 48


    Refers to human factors related to the use of computers

    Ergonomic equipment

    Ergonomic behavior

  • 49

    Ergonomic Equipment

    Chair should be pneumatically adjustable

    Keyboard platform should be set to proper height

    Monitor must be adjustable

    Lighting should be adjusted to minimize glare on the screen


  • 52

    Ergonomic Behavior

    Ergonomic equipment must be used properly Turn the screen away from the window to reduce


    Cover your screen with a glare protector

    Place keyboard to avoid arm and wrist fatigue

    Use a raised rest for your wrist

    Position your seat back so back is supported

    Sit with your feet firmly on the floor

    Enlarge fonts so they are easier to see

    Take frequent breaks


  • 53

    Employee Monitoring

    Various tools allow an employer to monitor an employees performance Keystroke monitors measure keystrokes per second

    Other software tools monitor how long an employee is away from the computer

    Monitor the files stored on the hard drive

    Monitor the sites visited on the Internet

    Many companies have policies that notify employees about monitoring practices


  • 54

    Environmental Concerns

    Power consumption

    Computer supplies

    PC disposal


  • 55

    Reducing Power Consumption

    Energy Star standards

    Limit the power the system consumes when idle

    Energy management features

    Specify the amount of time the system will wait before turning off system components


  • Environment-Related Concerns

    The computer industry is moving to less-power-consumptive hardware, such as Energy Star compliant hardware.

  • 57

    Computer Supplies

    Use these strategies to reduce the amount of paper and toner cartridges used Dont print out everything

    Use e-mail instead of faxing or sending a memo

    Use the back side of already used paper for draft copies

    Save heavyweight bond paper for critical items and use recycled paper for routine printing

    Make sure used paper is recycled rather than thrown in the trash

    Refill and reuse empty ink-jet and toner cartridges


  • 58

    PC Disposal

    Find ways to prolong the PCs life

    Upgrade key components

    Give the PC to someone in the organization with more limited computing needs

    When you buy a new PC, reuse the keyboard, mouse, and monitor

    Donate usable equipment to charities and/or schools


  • 59

    Jurisdictional Issues (Isu2 Hukum)

    International issues

    Applying national laws to a world-wide medium is a difficult process

    It would be impossible to determine if the content of every Web site was legal according to the laws of every country

    Issues exist over which countrys court has jurisdiction

    National issues

    Issues exist over which localitys court has jurisdiction

    Imposition of sales taxes on Internet transactions

  • 60

    Protecting Children on the Internet

    The Internet offers many opportunities for children

    There are also unsavory (tidak baik) elements on the Internet

    Ways to protect children

    Blocking software

    Child monitoring

  • 61

    Blocking Software

    Used to prevent children from accessing sites on its updatable list of objectionable sites

    Blocks pornographic sites and sites with foul language

    Blocks sites requesting names, phone numbers, and credit card numbers


  • 62

    Child Monitoring

    Place the childs computer in a public area instead of his or her bedroom

    Restrict usage when parents are not present
