Ku 121 Seminar 3

Kirsten Muller, M. A. M. Ed.


Kirsten Muller, M. A. M. Ed. Ku 121 Seminar 3. KUWC Workshops The Writing Process Discussion – Dream Jobs Pre-Writing Unit 3 Project Review What is a thesis? How to create an outline Sample Outline Unit 4 Project Review and Questions. Seminar Agenda. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Ku 121 Seminar 3

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Kirsten Muller, M. A. M. Ed.

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1. KUWC Workshops2. The Writing Process3. Discussion – Dream Jobs4. Pre-Writing 5. Unit 3 Project Review6. What is a thesis?7. How to create an outline8. Sample Outline9. Unit 4 Project10. Review and Questions

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As we move through the writing process, you will follow multiple steps in order before you have a final product.

These steps include :Discovery—Pre-Writing (Unit 3)Planning—Outline(Unit 4)Drafting—Introduction, Body Paragraphs, Complete Rough Draft (Units 5-7)Getting Feedback and Revising—KUWC (Unit 8)Editing (Unit 9)Polishing and publishing (End of Unit 9)


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You will start your process by defining the parameters of your writing task – in this case creating your biography. When you are first given a paper assignment, it is imperative that you understand all the requirements and expectations.

Review the assignment and ask yourself:When is it due? How long should the final writing be? Why am I writing? Who is my audience? What details should I include?

If you’re confused about something, if something is unclear, or if there is anything you don’t understand about this or any other assignment, discuss it with your instructor via email, during seminar or in the classroom discussion boards. You all also have my cell phone number if you need to reach me.

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1. When is it due? The final version of your writing is due in Unit 9. You have components due in each Unit starting in Unit 3.

 2. How long should the final writing be? 500 words is the minimum. But don’t panic! We will discuss several techniques and tips for generating writing ideas so you likely will have no problem reaching this total. For now, just concentrate on the “big picture.”

 3. Why am I writing? You will be writing your professional biography, not only to fulfill a classroom assignment, but also so you can explore your professional goals and aspirations in a concrete way.

 4. Who is my audience? Your classmates and your instructor are your audience.

 5. What details should I include? As you begin the first step of the writing process, you will discover which details will best fit your writing purpose.

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This is where you get to have a little fun! Think ahead and think about what matters to you, professionally. Visualize yourself five or so years from now: You have finished your program at Kaplan and have been hired to work at your dream job.

What is your job?What makes it a dream job? What company do your work for, or do you work for yourself? What is the name of your company or business?What type of work do you do?What is your job title?Who is your boss?What are your co-workers like?What would constitute a “good day” at this dream job?

Write out the specifics of your dream job in this week’s discussion before so that you have a concrete topic and focus in mind for your essay.

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My dream job is to become an administrator for Richmond Hill Medical Center. This is my dream job because it will allow me to use my training to help provide the best care to patients and to improve the medical profession. Since I work as a CNA currently, I want to progress in my profession. I will need to first earn my associates then my RN as well as my BSN and MSN. Once I’ve earned those degrees, I will begin to add to my supervisory experience by working as a charge nurse and shift supervisor and volunteering for committees.

My title will be Director of Nursing. My boss will be the Chief of Staff. My co-workers will be the nurses and other medical professionals in various departments as well as the other administrators and staff. A good day at my job would be when the entire medical team works together to provide the best patient care. We may be dealing with normal, day to day issues or a major influx of patients, but regardless we will work as a team.

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The discussion is your starting point

Use it to define your dream job The pre-writing is details about

your dream job and WHY you will be qualified to hold it – personal background, education, experience

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Jot lists – Like a grocery list or word association, a jot list includes key words that come to mind about your subject. At this point, don’t worry about spelling; just quickly write down as soon new thoughts enter your mind. You can even go back and expand on some ideas as you create the list.

Free-writing - Here you sit down either at a computer or with paper and pen and simply begins writing as quickly as possible without stopping. Don’t worry about sentences, spelling or anything grammatical at this point (we’ll get to those later). Right now, just keep the ideas running and capture as many of them as you can.

  Mapping – A visual tool that looks something like a spider

web, mapping allows you to make connections to ideas and to see how they relate to each other. If you like free-writing and find yourself making connections between ideas as you go, this is a good option.

  Tape recorders or voice to text software – This is an

ideal tool if you find that you think better out loud, expressing ideas verbally. Speak into a recorder then transcribe your ideas or use voice to text software. Imagine you’re exploring these ideas with your best friend and tell her everything you can think of

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Martha Cooper was born in Virginia. She has been married for fifteen years to her husband, Tom. They have three children, Gwen, Tasha, and Jack. She attended Plymouth High School in Portsmouth, Virginia earned an Associate’s Degree in Health Sciences from a community college near her home. She later became a registered nurse after earning her RN credentials at the University of the South. After working for several years, she returned to school and earned her BSN at Kaplan University. While serving as an Emergency Room Nurse at RHMC, Martha again returned to school at Kaplan and earned her MSN. Gwen and Tasha attend Middlebrooke Elementary School while Jack is a Junior at Eastland High School. In their spare time, the Cooper family enjoys hiking and rafting. They are active in their church. Martha and Tom have also volunteered for many years with Habitat for Humanity. Martha began her nursing career almost twenty years ago when she served as a CAN in Virginia. After earning her nursing degree in 1990, she joined the staff of Plymouth Medical Services as a home health care nurse. Twelve years ago, Martha joined RHMC in its Emergency Services Department. She has been a shift supervisor and charge nurse for over seven years and has served on a variety of department and hospital committees.

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Do generate as many ideas as you can Do plan to spend at least an hour

brainstorming Do include details about your dream job and

why you are qualified – the three subtopics (personal background, education, professional background

Do use the discussion question as a jumping off point

Do not just list a topic – you are looking for about 1.5 pages of material

Do not just focus on the job or on your qualifications – include both

Do not just restate the material in discussion

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Put your pre-writing in a Word document. Save it in a location and with your name. For example:

macgrottyprewriting.doc. Submit your Word document to the Dropbox for

grading:1. Click on the Dropbox.2. Click the link that says Submit an Assignment.3. In the "Submit to Basket" menu, select Unit 3: Project.4. In the "Comments" field, include the title of your paper.5. Click the Add Attachments button.6. Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document.7. To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or

go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it.

Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted pre-writing.

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In your own words, define a thesis statement and how you create one.  

•         What three components are required in a thesis statement?  

•         What is the thesis for your essay? 

•         How does your thesis identify the main goal of your essay and hint at how you will achieve that goal in your writing?

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A single sentence with an essay, located at the end of the introductory paragraph. The thesis sentence functions as a "signpost" to signal to the reader the main ideas to come later in the essay.

Your first step is to identify your thesis by reflecting on the following (3 main components): Limiting your subject Your attitude toward that subject Your plan of development for the body of the essay

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Must include: Your full name in third

person Exact name of employer

(can be made up) or name and title of business you want to own

Three main ideas – personal background, education, professional experience

Exact job title – can be made up

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Cooper Medical Center (exact name of employer) announces that Jane Smith (name in third person), a 2012 graduate of Kaplan University, will bring her exemplary personal background, distinguished educational record, and varied professional experiences (three main ideas) to her new position as Director of Nursing (exact job title).

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Using her exemplary personal background, distinguished educational record, and varied professional experiences (three main ideas) Jane Smith (name in third person), a 2012 graduate of Kaplan University, will open Ways and Means (name of business), an upscale consignment shop (type of business), in Dunwoody Village (location).

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Use the format below for your outline, fill it in with your own sentences, and underline your thesis sentence. Every section should have at least 1 (one) complete sentence about the content you will include in that paragraph:

I. Introductory paragraph (general to specific ideas) – Thesis sentence: II. Body paragraph 1 III. Body paragraph 2 IV. Body paragraph 3 V. Concluding paragraph (specific to general ideas)

The following sample outline is more extensive than yours would be. You would just need the Roman Numerals (I, II, III, IV, V) but the additional information shows you what type of information the paragraph would include.

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I. What makes a good nurse?

A. Richmond Hill Medical Center believes that a caring nursing staff is vital.

B. RHMC strives to hire and train dedicated professionals.

C. RHMC prides itself on its award winning staff.

Thesis sentence: RHMC proudly announces that Martha Cooper, a 2010 graduate of Kaplan University, will bring her exemplary background, education, and personal experience to her new position as Director of Nursing.

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II. Martha Cooper’s personal background makes her a fine addition to the staff of RHMC.

A. Martha is a native of Virginia. B. Martha has been married for fifteen years to her husband, Tom. C. They have three children, Gwen, Tasha, and Jack. D. The family enjoys hiking and rafting. Martha volunteers with Habitat for

Humanity. III. Martha possesses a solid education that will make her an asset to RHMC. A. She earned an Associate’s Degree in Health Sciences.B. She became a registered nurse. C. She returned to school and earned her BSN D. Martha returned to school at Kaplan and earned her MSN.IV. Martha’s professional experience truly sets her apart. A. Martha began her nursing career almost twenty years ago when she served

as a CNA. B. She joined the staff of Plymouth Medical Services as a home health care

nurse.C. Martha joined RHMC in its Emergency Services Department twelve years

ago.D. She has been a shift supervisor and charge nurse for over seven years.

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V. Richmond Hill Medical Center is pleased to appoint Martha Cooper as its new Director of Nursing.

A. Martha’s exemplary personal background, strong commitment to education, and varied professional experiences provide her with the skills she needs.

B. She will help RHMC meet the challenges of continuing to fulfill its mission in a rapidly changing healthcare environment.

C. Come discover Martha’s skills and attributes at a Community Open House on May 15, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. in the RHMC Professional Building.

D. Join the community in congratulating Martha on her new position with the RHMC family

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This week, you will post your essay outline so that your instructor can offer suggestions, tips, and comments.

Because professional presentation of writing is critical to your success, please compose all projects in MS Word even if you are asked to cut/copy and paste rather than attach.

At a minimum, you must run grammar and spelling check before submitting all work. You should also proof carefully for typos and other noticeable mistakes. You also must employ a formal, professional writing style. Do not use chat lingo. For example, do not use "i" for "I.” Do capitalize the first letter of each sentence, and do not use abbreviations like IMHO, TY, etc.

All writing assignments must be double-spaced, use Arial or Times New Roman font, and employ a 12-point font size.

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Submitting your Outline Put your outline in a Word document. Save it in a location

on your computer with your name. For example: macgrottyoutline.doc. Then, upload a copy to the Unit 4 Project Dropbox:

1. Click on the Dropbox. 2. Click the link that says Submit an Assignment. 3. In the "Submit to Basket" menu, select Unit 4: Project. 4. In the "Comments" field, include the title of your paper. 5. Click the Add Attachments button. 6. Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document. 7. To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or

go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it.

Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted outline.

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1. KUWC Workshops2. The Writing Process3. Discussion – Dream Jobs4. Pre-Writing 5. Unit 3 Project Review6. What is a thesis?7. How to create an outline8. Sample Outline9. Unit 4 Project10. Review and Questions

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