Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft

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Transcript of Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft




    Cover Page i

    Title Page iiTable of Contents iiiIntroduction 1

    Objectives 2Pre-Assessment 3

    Learning Goals and Targets 6

    Introduction HANDICRAFTS

    Contribution of Handicraft/Handicraft Industries 7

    Introductory Activity: Me, myself and Handicraft  9


    !rief Historica" Accounts of Handicrafts 1#in t$e P$i"i%%ines

    &e'iona" Pride( Handicrafts from )e"ected 12&e'ions

     Activity "#" Handicraft Ma$$in%  1*

     Activity "#& Craft 'ournal !ntry(T)in* Aloud Record  16

     Activity "#+ Advertisement Act  16


    +$e Conce%t 17

    !asic ,"ements of Handicraft 17

    ifferent +.%es of Handicraft 19

     Activity " Craft 'ournal !ntry(T)in* Aloud Record  2#

     Activity & T)in*, $air, s)are-  2#

     Activity + P)oto !.)i/it  21


    !asic Princi%"es of Handicraft in t$eor. and %ractice 22

     Activity +#" Self1Assessment 2ui3  23

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 1

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     Activity +#& T)in*, $air, s)are-  2

     Activity +#+ earn from a Master Craftsman 2

     Activity +#4 Craft 'ournal !ntry(T)in* Aloud Record  2*

    esson SAF!T5 AND PR!CA6TINAR5 M!AS6R!S

    !e safe from $a0ardous %ractices 26

    )afet. &e'u"ations to be observed 27in a Craft or ac$ine )$o%

     Activity 4#" Self1Assessment 2ui3  2

     Activity 4#& T)in*, $air, s)are-  2

     Activity 4#+ Partner in 7Crime8  29

     Activity 4#4 Role Play  29


    C"assification and )ources of Handicraft ateria"s 3#

    ,nvironmenta" Issues and )ustainabi"it. 32

     Activity 9#" Poetry ritin%  33

     Activity 9#& Material C)ronicle 33

     Activity 9#+ Test 5our Creativity  3

    esson 6 HANDICRAFT T!CHNI26!S

    !asic +ec$ni4ues in Handicraft 3*

    +oo"s and ,4ui%ment 37

     Activity ;#"

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     Activity =#" Idea File *1

     Activity =#& T)in*, $air, s)are-  *1

     Activity =#+ Desi%ns Analysis *2

    esson F6NCTINA >N!D

     Activity ?#& T)in*, $air, s)are-  **

     Activity ?#+ Handicraft Pro@ect  *6


    Product Performance ,va"uation *7

     Activity B#" Craft 'ournal !ntry(T)in* Aloud Record  6#

    Summar 61Glossar 63Bibliogra!" 6*


    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 3

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    +ec$no"o'. and ive"i$ood ,ducation +,8 is one of t$e nomenc"atures of 

    subjects in t$e to 12 !asic ,ducation Pro'ram !,P8: +, $as four com%onents;

    name".< A'ri-=is$er.< Home ,conomics< Industria" Arts< and Information and

    Communication +ec$no"o'. IC+8: In t$is modu"e< t$e focus is on a Home ,conomics

    mini-course - &AN$IC#AFT:

    Handicraft< as one of t$e areas of Home ,conomics< remains to be a vita" %art of 

    t$e "earnin' com%etencies in t$e to 12 !asic ,ducation Pro'ram: +$e no>"ed'e and

    si""s t$at can be deve"o%ed in t$is course can ?serve as foundation of entre%reneuria"

    %ursuits@ Arribas< 199*8: +$us< t$is mini-course is inte'rated >it$ ideas and conce%ts

    from ,ntre%reneurs$i% so t$at .ou can mae t$e connection bet>een t$ese t>o areas

    of stud.:

    How to Use the Module

    +$e modu"e is meant to au'ment t$e "earnin' activities in t$e c"assroom t$rou'$

    t$e %rovision of t$e "earnin' objectives< se"f-assessment instruments and activities t$at

    eercise critica" and creative t$inin'< additiona" references for furt$er readin' and

    e%"oration in $andicraft as >e"" as trivia about certain to%ics: Bou are t$erefore

    encoura'ed to o%timi0e t$e use of t$is modu"e b. readin' it and doin' t$e

    recommended activities: In ever. "esson< .ou >i"" see an. of t$e four icons see be"o>8

    t$at indicate t$e intention of t$e content and t$e activities %rovided:

    In >no < .ou are 'iven essentia" information t$at .ou must commit to memor.< as

    muc$ as %ossib"e: In Process, t$is is >$en .ou mae sense of >$at .ou no>< an

    o%%ortunit. to %ractice critica" t$inin': In  6nderstand, .ou are to dee%en .our 

    no>"ed'e and si"" to >ider contet and t$e ref"ection 4uestions or activities %rovided

    >i"" $e"% .ou ac$ieve t$at: =ina"".< in Transfer < t$is is >$en .ou mae use of >$at .ou

    no> or a%%". .our si"" to a ne> situation to si'nif. t$at t$ere >as transfer of "earnin':

    +$e activities >ere %rovided >it$ reco'nition of .our %referred "earnin' st."es<

    avai"abi"it. of materia"s or "earnin' resource< and re'ard for a"ternative modes of "earnin': =or eam%"e< t$ere are activities >$ere .ou ma. eit$er >rite in a journa" entr.

    if .ou %refer to read or record .our ans>ers in an audio recorder >$ere .ou can "isten to

    it: +$e activities >ere a"so desi'ned to o%timi0e o%%ortunities for %eer "earnin' and

    meanin'fu" e%"oration of t$e rea" >or"d: In a"" t$ese activities< .our teac$er >i"" be

    avai"ab"e to faci"itate c"ass-based activities and assist if necessar.:

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e

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    +$e modu"e $as 1# major %arts >it$ to%ics and activities t$at >i"" a""o> .ou to

    e%"ore Handicraft as a contributor to t$e economic activit. of t$e countr. and as an

    artistic e%ression t$at re4uires s%ecific si""s and com%etencies: +$e modu"e covers

    t$e fo""o>in'( Overvie> of P$i"i%%ine Handicrafts; Handicraft( Conce%ts and ,"ements;

    Princi%"es of Handicrafts; )afet. and Precautionar. easures; Handicraft ateria"s<

    +ec$ni4ues and esi'n; =unctiona" no>"ed'e in Project P"annin'< ,va"uatin'

    Handicraft and ,ntre%reneuria" indset in Handicraft: A"" t$ese to%ics >i"" %re%are .ou

    to do a Handicraft Project and %ro%ose %re"iminar. $andicraft-based business ideas:

    It is u"timate". $o%ed t$at t$rou'$ t$is modu"e< it can entice .ou to %ursue $i'$er 

    "earnin' and more intensive trainin' t$rou'$ a%%rentices$i% on Handicraft and to "earn

    more about t$e >or"d of artisans and craftsmen inc"udin' t$eir si""s and ta"ents >$ic$

    $ave %otentia" for a fu"fi""in' entre%reneuria" venture:

    OB'ECTI(ES At t$e end of t$is modu"e< .ou< as a "earner are e%ected to(

    1: nderstand $andicraft conce%ts< %rinci%"es and e"ements;2: Ana".0e materia"s< too"s< e4ui%ment< %rocesses and %roducts re"ated to $andicrafts;3: nderstand t$e contribution of t$e $andicraft industr. to t$e countr.Ds economic

    deve"o%ment;: &e"ate com%etencies or si""s in $andicraft to entre%reneuria" com%etencies; and*: &eco'ni0e desirab"e attitudes and va"ues >$ic$ >i"" contribute to effective %ersona"<

    fami". and communit. "ivin':

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e *

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    $irections+ Eac" item in t"is test is com!osed of a ,uestion or an incom!letestatement -it" o!tions lettered A. B. C. and $/ #ead eac" item. t"enselect t"e best or t"e correct o!tion t"at ans-ers t"e ,uestion or 

    com!lete t"e statement/

    1: 5$ic$ of t$e fo""o>in' statements about bamboos is t$e truestE  A: !amboo is t$e most common materia" used in $ouse construction  !: !amboo $as "ar'e "eaves and c."indrica" in form  C: !amboo 'ro>s in forests and in mountains  : !amboo is a t.%e of 'rass >it$ a $ard< >ood.< $o""o>< and c."indered stem:

    2: 5$ic$ of t$e fo""o>in' bamboos $as t$ic >a""s and %rominent nodesE  A: !ia" C: !u$o  !: !a.u' : Fi'0a'

    3: 5$at is t$e mature a'e of most s%ecies of bambooE  A: 1# .ears and be"o> C: 21 to 29 .ears  !: 11 to 2# .ears : 3# .ears and above

    : 5$ic$ of t$ese bamboos bears no s%ines and $as a "ar'e aborescent s$rubE  A: !a.u' C: a>a.an i"in'  !: !u$o : Fi'0a'

    *: It is a ne> cu"m 'ro>in' u% from t$e 'round< some of >$ic$ are edib"e: A: Gode C: )$eat$!: &$i0ome : )$oot

    6: +$is ind of seas$e"" $as a >$ite or .e""o>is$ 'round mared b. a series of 0i'0a'  bro>n "ines< >$ic$ at first '"ance resemb"es >ritin':

     A: iant C"am C: ot$er-of-%ear" )$e""  !: a%is : )cri%t )$e""

    7: +$is ind of seas$e"" is t$e "ar'est no>n amon' a"" "ivin' mo""us:  A: iant C"am C: ot$er-of-%ear" )$e""  !: a%is : )cri%t )$e""

    : +$is s$e"" is scientifica"". c"assified as %"acena %"acenta: A: a%is C: ot$er-of-Pear" )$e""!: iant c"am : )cri%t )$e""

    9: +$e t>o inds of mot$er-of-%ear" s$e""s are( A: !"ac "i% and o"d "i% C: o"d "i% and !"ue "i%!: !"ac "i% and 5$ite "i% : o"d "i% and )i"ver "i%

    1#: +$is fiber comes from t$e %"ant of t$e same name:

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 6

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     A: Abaca C: Cotton!: Coir : a%o

    11: +$is fiber is used in main' baron's< "unc$eon sets< vei"s and man. ot$ers: A: Abaca C: a%o

    !: Cotton : Pia

    12: +$is is t$e fiber from coco $us: A: Abaca C: Cotton!: Coir : a%o

    13: +$is fiber is scientifica"". no>n as musa teti"is: A: Abaca C: a%o!: Cotton : Pia

    1: =ibers >$ic$ are c$ief". used as fi""in' materia" for mattresses< %i""o>s< cus$ions$en t$e s$e"" is KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK in co"or: A: !ro>n C: i'$t bro>n!: Cream : i'$t 'reen

    19: &efers to s%ecies of s"ender scramb"in' s%in. %a"ms of t$e tro%ics: A: Coconut s$e"" C: )eas$e""!: =iber : &attan

    2#: &attan be"on's to t$e c"ass of %a"m 'enera ca"aus and demonoro%s ca""edKKKKKK: A: Arnis C: rass!: Cane : Pa"m

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 7

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    21: +$e s"ender stems or rattan measures KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK in diameter: A: 2 L cm C: 3 L * cm!: 2 L * cm : 3 L 6 cm

    22: It is used to measure t$icness and distances:

     A: Ca"i%ers C: +r. s4uare!: Pu""-%us$ ru"e : Fi'0a' ru"e

    23: +$is is a "on'< sin'"e-ed'e nife used to cut >ood and simi"ar materia"s: A: A C: ou'e!: !o"o : nife

    2: +$is is a sma"" transverse %"ane >it$ end $and"es< used to c"ean curved ed'es ofbamboos and coconut s$e"":

     A: !o"o C: ou'e!: C$ise"s : )%oe s$ave

    2*: It is used to cut s$e""s into t$e desired s$a%e and to cut eterior curves of bamboo  stri%s: A: Com%ass sa> C: Crosscut sa>!: Co%in' sa> : ovetai" sa>

    26: It is a too" used for drivin' scre>s and >ood in >ood or in meta": A: !a""-%een $ammer C: a""et!: C"a> $ammer : )cre>driver  

    27: A $eav.-dut. c"am% used to $o"d a %iece of materia" secure". in %"ace : A: C-c"am% C: P"iers!: anua" au'er bit : Mise

    2: It is a sma"" %ortab"e dri""in' mac$ine desi'ned to be $e"d and o%erated b. $and: A: !reast dri"" C: anua" au'er bit!: Hand dri"" : Portab"e dri""

    29: +$is is used for 'rindin' seas$e""s and s$ar%enin' too"s: A: ,mer. >$ee" C: )and%a%er !: Pocet nife : +>ee0ers

    3#: +$is is used for scra%in' encrusted materia"s and dried '"ue from a s$e"": A: ,mer. >$ee" C: )and%a%er !: Pocet nife : +>ee0ers

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e

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     As .ou 'o t$rou'$ t$is modu"e< .ou >i"" be ab"e to assess .ourse"f >it$ t$ec$aracteristics and com%etencies of a successfu" artisans and/or craftsmen:

    Bou ma. no> set .our "earnin' 'oa"s and tar'ets so t$at .ou >i"" be 'uidedaccordin'". as .ou 'o t$rou'$ t$is modu"e:

    Provide $onest ans>er on eac$ item be"o>:

    Introduction+ Handicrafts

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 9

    B OA) A&, +H, &,=,C+IOG) O= 5HA+ I 5AG+ +O !,:B OA) A&,N:






    B +A&,+) A&, +H, ,AG) +O5A&) +H, ACHI,M,,G+ O=

    B OA):B +A&,+) A&,N:






  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    At t"e end of t"e lesson. t"e learner is e1!ected to+

    1: ,%"ain t$e contribution of $andicraft/$andicraft industries2: ,%"ain $o> cu"ture and et$nic inf"uence are revea"ed in $andicraft %roducts3: ive eam%"es of $andicraft from se"ected re'ions of t$e countr.


    )at8s )andy in Handicrafts )y is it ort))ile to study )andicrafts

    +$e va"ue of t$e $andicraft bot$ as a %roduct and as a si"" $as been reco'ni0ed

    time and a'ain:

    Personal and Social Im$ortance

     At a %ersona" "eve"< creative $andicrafts 'ive dee% satisfaction to t$e craftsman

    >$en %erformed >it$ si""< confidence< and ent$usiasm !e"en< 19*28: It $as been said

    t$at >$en t$e ?mind and t$e $ands are occu%ied >it$ t$e creation of somet$in' usefu"and attractive< t$ere is no cause for t$e breedin' of discontent< boredom< %ett. >orr.<

    fear or jea"ous.@ !e"en< 19*28:In t$is case< $andicraft $as t$era%eutic va"ue: =or t$is

    reason a"one< $andicraft is a 'ood out"et for .ou at t$is sta'e L ado"escence L so t$at

    .our creative im%u"ses and .out$fu" ener'. are directed to %roductive means:

     Arts and !ducational Im$ortance

    Handicraft is re"ated to arts and is inte'rated in t$e P$i"i%%ine educationa" s.stem

    because ?t$e si"" and understandin' re4uired b. stud.in' art encoura'e t$e

    a%%reciation in nature< "ife< %roduction and art@ G,)CO Internationa" !ureau of 

    ,ducation in a"vante< dan< )a"vador< 19*8: +$is is manifested b. t$e abi"it. to

    discern and %refer beaut. and $avin' $i'$er standards for >ormans$i%< a%%earance

    and usefu"ness of t$in's not on". in t$e $andcrafted materia"s but in ever.da. "ife: It is

    a"so reco'ni0ed as an ?im%ortant means for aest$etic< inte""ectua" and mora" education@

    a"vante< et a":8: It $e"%s students deve"o% se"f-rea"i0ation in t$e form of enab"in'

    confidence< creative se"f-e%ression and communication of oneDs idea to ot$ers: It a"so

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 1#

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    %romotes "earnin' to res%ect and va"ue t$e artistic e%ression of ot$ers >it$in t$e

    contet of va"ues %revai"in' in t$e communit.:

    Cultural Im$ortance

    Handicrafts a"so %"a. a ver. im%ortant ro"e in %reservin' t$e cu"ture and

    traditions of our countr.: +$e. are concrete evidences of our ric$ tradit iona" art< si ""s

    and ta"ents as >e" " as t$e =i" i%ino >a. of "ife and $istor.: =or eam%"e< +ac"obanDs

    name >as said to be derived from bamboo

    basets ca""ed ta"ubD cover8: =is$ermen used

    ?ta"ub@ >$ic$ >ere created s%ecifica"". to catc$

    fis$< crabs or s$rim%s in s$a""o> areas b.

    $overin' over a fis$ and 4uic". coverin' it<

    creatin' a sma"" corra" before catc$in' t$e fis$ b.

    $and t$rou'$ an o%enin' at t$e to% of t$e baset:

     A simi"ar baset >as a"so used b. t$e !a'obotribe in avao Co"e< 19138:In t$is case< t$e baset as a $andcrafted %roduct s$o>s a

    >a. of "ife< of $o> %eo%"e used t$e baset as a resource to ac$ieve "ife 'oa"s: +$at is

    >$.< in t$e socia" sciences< suc$ as in t$e $ome economics fie"d< $andcrafted materia"s

    are inc"uded as cu"ture materia"s to stud. $o> fami"ies mana'e t$eir resources:

     Artisans and craftsmen< in a >a.< %a. tribute to t$e %ast b. s$o>casin' %roducts t$at do

    not on". be"on' to s$e"ves and museums but are a"so usefu" in ever.da. "ife to fami"ies

    and consumers:

    !conomic Im$ortance

    Handicrafts are a"so contributors to t$e countr.Ds economic deve"o%ment in at"east t>o >a.s: +$e first is t$rou'$ job creation and em%"o.ment; since a $u'e number 

    of $andicraft industries around t$e countr. su%%ort a muc$ "ar'er number t$ousands8

    of artisans or craftsman as em%"o.ees: +$e second is t$at even >it$ "o> ca%ita"

    investments< $andicraft %roducts became a res%ected medium for earnin's from t$e

    internationa" maret: In fact< it is no> facin' anot$er %romisin' future >it$ t$e

    reco'nition of $andicraft as %art of t$e creative %roducts t$at our countr. ma. invest

    into: As an eam%"e of its financia" viabi"it.< it >as re%orted t$at in 2#12< t$e 1# %ercent

    'ro>t$ tar'et of e%orted %roducts to t$e nited )tates a"one >as ac$ieved amountin'

    to Q1## mi""ion >ort$ of e%orted %roducts e Mera< 2#128:

    Handicraft entre%reneurs< >$o are usua"". o%eratin' cotta'e industries as >e"" as

    sma"" and medium enter%rises ),s8< are a"so 'iven su%%ort t$rou'$ t$e financia"

    %ro'rams and trade fairs coordinated b. t$eir res%ective re'ions or t$e e%artment of 

    +rade and Industr.: +$e entre%reneurs a"so $e"% eac$ ot$er b. formin' or'ani0ations

    suc$ as t$e P$i"i%%ine C$amber of Handicraft Industries< Inc: amon' ot$ers:

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 11

    =i': 1 !amboo fis$ tra%$tt%(//>>>:'utenber':or'/fi"es/1273/1273-$/1273-$:$tm

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    +$us< $avin' $andicraft si""s is $and. L .ou "earn si""s .ou can be %roud of:

    ,ventua"".< .ou ma. use it to 'ain financia" re>ard b. doin' somet$in' usefu" for t$e

    end users of t$e crafted %roduct and $e"% s%read t$e =i"i%ino cu"ture as >e"":

    Introductory Activity: Me, myself & Handicraft First $re$are a Craft 'ournal or a T)in* Aloud Record# Decide )et)er you ant to

    rite or )ave an audio record of your t)ou%)ts and ideas for activities reEuirin% @ournal 

    entries#=or a Craft Journa" - esi'nate a "ar'e >ritin' %ad or noteboo >$ere .ou >i"" >rite

    .our journa" entries for t$is modu"e: On t$e first %a'e< >rite .our name and t$e

    subject matter: At t$is %oint< do not concern .ourse"f .et about t$e cover of .our 

    craft journa":=or a +$in A"oud &ecord - ae sure .ou $ave t$e avai"ab"e resources - an audio

    recorder mobi"e %$one< di'ita" recorder or >ebcam8 and a re>ritab"e M or a

    f"as$ drive: Instead of a noteboo< .ou carr. >it$ .ou a recorder and .ou save

    .our audio fi"es in a M or f"as$ drive:

    )atever met)od you c)oose eit)er you $re$are a @ournal entry note/oo* on

    )andicrafts or an audio record, ma*e sure you can follo1t)rou%) and maintain your 

     @ournal(recordin%# For your first entry, anser t)e self1assessment Euestions /elo to

     @um$start your @ourney in Handicraft#

    • o I no> >$at a $andicraft isE

    • o I o>n a $andcrafted itemE 5$at $andicraft/s do >e $ave in our $ouseE

    • o I "ie to use $andicraft itemsE 5$at are m. reasons for usin' $andicraftsE

    • o I $ave %arents or re"atives >$o $ave t$e si""s in doin' $andicraftsE 5$at

    can I "earn from t$emE If $ossi/le, as* your $arents8• 5$at $andicrafts can I doE

    • 5$at are m. si""s and ta"ents t$at ma. $e"% me in doin' $andicraftsE

    • o I $ave t$e %assion to "earn si""s in $andicraftE

    o I envision m.se"f bein' an e%ert in one $andicraft tec$ni4ueE Or entre%reneur for $andicraft %roductsE

    Lesson 1+ Philippine Handicrafts

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 12

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    Handcrafted re"ics discovered in caves and in t$e buria" %"aces of ancient

    P$i"i%%ine tribes serve as evidence of t$e ear". =i"i%inosD craftsmans$i% before t$e

    )%anis$ Co"onia" Period a"vante< dan< )a"vador< 19*8: )ome note>ort$.

    eam%"es inc"ude t$e 29 eart$en>are

    secondar. buria" %ots< ca""ed aitum jars =i':

    28< named after t$e %"ace >$ere t$ese jars

    >ere found - in A.ub Cave in aitum<

    )aran''ani Province: It >as re%orted t$at t$e

     jars are ant$ro%omor%$ic i:e: $uman-s$a%ed8

    and $ave $ead-s$a%e covers de%ictin' detai"ed

    and varied facia" e%ressions: +$ere are a"so

     jars >it$ ?arms< fema"e breasts< ma"e 'enita"ia@

    and $ave additiona" decorative e"ements suc$ as earrin's< %erforations or %aints

    >>>:nationa" museum:'ov:%$8: iven t$e estimated a'e of t$e jar about * !:C: - 22*

     A::8 and t$e %eriod >$en it >as %roduced< t$e 4ua"it. of t$e

    aitum jars indicates a $i'$ "eve" of craftsmans$i% in %otter.:

     A simi"ar cu"tura" treasure< a"so be"ieved to be a >or

    of a master %otter< >as found in +abon Cave< Pa"a>an L t$eanun''u" Jar =i': 38: +$e structura" desi'n of t$e jar 

    features a "id >it$ boat >$ere t>o $uman fi'ures are seated<

    t$ou'$t to re%resent sou"s on a vo.a'e to t$e after"ife: Aside

    from t$e $istorica" meanin' of t$e s.mbo"s used< t$e detai" of 

    t$e $uman fi'ures and t$e curvi"inear scro"" desi'ns in t$e "id

    s$o> a 'ood understandin' of desi'n re4uirements read

    more about Handicraft esi'ns in esson 78: +$ou'$ t$ere

    is "imited "iterature on $andicrafts durin' t$e ear". %eriod< %otter. is not t$e on".

    $andicraft documented: +$ere >ere a"so furniture carvin's and ornaments >$ic$ are

    be"ieved to $ave been faci"itated b. a re'u"ar trade bet>een t$e P$i"i%%ines and t$enei'$borin' countries a"vante< et a":8:

    urin' t$e )%anis$ Co"onia" Period< $andicraft f"ouris$ed es%ecia"". as re"i'ious

    items: )cu"%ture< >oodcarvin'< meta" craft< embroider. and >eavin' >ere mentioned

    as t$e more %rominent t.%es of $andicrafts a"vante< et a":8: ,mbroider.< suc$ as

    calado  >$ere P$i"i%%ines is no>n for< >as deve"o%ed and a%%"ied to c"ot$es and

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 13

    =i': 3 anun''u" Jar Courtes.($tt%(//>>>:nationa"museum:'ov:%$/nationa"museumbeta/Co""ections/Arc$aeo/manun''u":%n'

    =i': 2 aitum jars$tt%(//>>>:saran'ani:'ov:%$/to>n/maitum:$tm"

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    under'arments: +$e !anton c"ot$ =i': 8< found in !anton<

    &omb"on< is an eam%"e of a >ar% i*at  tie-resist d.ein'8 teti"e

    t$at >as "oom >oven from red< b"ac and >$ite abaca t$reads

    >>>:nationa"museum:'ov:%$8:!ased on on"ine artic"es from

    t$e P$i"i%%ine Gationa" useum< t$e c"ot$ is estimated to be

    ## .ears o"d< around t$e time of )%anis$ occu%ation< and to

    date is t$e o"dest no>n re"ic of its ind:

    +$e %eriod of American Occu%ation sa> t$e 'ro>t$ of 

    $andicraft artisans due to t$e introduction of $andi>or or si""s

    trainin' in t$e %rimar. curricu"um: +$e teac$in' of $andicraft

    >as differentiated b. 'ender suc$ as car%entr. for bo.s >$ere t$e assi'ned teac$ers

    >ere t$e "oca" car%enters a"vante< et a":8 and embroider.< suc$ as calado< >ere

    tau'$t to 'ir"s: +$ese activities ma. $ave inf"uenced t$e observation t$at durin' t$is

    %eriod< "oca" desi'ns and indi'enous $andicrafts f"ouris$ed: ,%ort of $andicraft

    %roducts >as a"so made %ossib"e due to t$e eistin' free trade a'reement >it$ t$e

    nited )tates durin' t$at time: )ome re%orted $andicrafts for e%ort >ere ariina

    s$oes< bunta" and !a"i>a' $ats< and embroidered %roducts:

    +$rou'$ time< $andicrafts from t$e different re'ions or %rovinces in t$e countr.

    $ave deve"o%ed t$eir o>n s%ecia"t.D %roducts and tec$ni4ues t$at are no>n not on". in

    t$e P$i"i%%ines but abroad: 5it$ t$e introduction of tec$no"o'.< enab"in' mec$ani0ed

    e4ui%ment to faci"itate some %rocesses of %roduction< efforts >ere made to c$aracteri0e

    and define $andicraft %roducts to differentiate it >it$ mac$ine-made ones G,)CO-

    I+C< 19978: )evera" boos >ere a"so >ritten t$en and no> to document and %reserve

    t$e si""s for eac$ $andicraft< some of >$ic$ are feared to be d.in'D because t$e artD or 

    tec$ni4ues of main' t$e %roducts t$e >a. our ancestors made t$em >ere a"read. "ost:

    Interestin'".< entre%reneurs$i% ma. $ave been a boon for $andicraft since t$e demand

    for $andicraft >$ic$ entre%reneurs sa> as o%%ortunities $e"%ed sustain and to some

    cases< revive t$e $andicraft industr.:

    Handicraft main' and use of $andcrafted %roducts are indeed a %art of t$e >a.

    of "ife of man. =i"i%inos: +$e %roduction of $andicraft ma. $ave been an ans>er to

    some need or a creative use of abundant materia"s in our countr.; >$atever is t$e case<

    $andicraft f"ouris$ed and is no> facin' anot$er %romisin' future >it$ t$e reco'nition of $andicraft as %art of t$e creative %roducts t$at our countr. ma. invest into:

    Regional Pride: Handicrafts from Selected Regions+$ere are man. $andicraft %roducts and a"most ever. re'ion $ave t$eir o>n

    s%ecia"t.D %roduct or uni4ue %rocess: Here are some eam%"es of traditiona"

    $andicrafts from se"ected re'ions of our countr.:

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 1

    =i': !anton c"ot$Courtes.($tt%(//>>>:nationa"museum:'ov:%$/nationa"museumbeta/Co""ections/Arc$aeo/banton:%n'

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    oom eavin% in t)e Cordillera Re%ion: +$ere are

    numerous tribes in t$e Cordi""era re'ion co""ective". no>n

    as I%orots  and some of t$ese tribes $ave t$eir uni4ue

    >eavin' tec$ni4ues:

    In Abra for eam%"e< t$ere are t$ree no>n t.%es of >eavin' tec$ni4ues name". $inilian< /ina*ol   and *iniri : As

    accounted b. a $andicraft entre%reneur >$o >ored to

    sustain t$e >eavin' tec$ni4ues<  $inilian >eavin' features

    desi'ns common to t$e "oca"it. in Ma"mero< 2#1#a8: =or 

    eam%"e< %inea%%"e and 'uava are de%icted since t$ese are

    t$e main %roducts of Abra: Ot$er desi'ns $ave calesa< men

    ridin' $orses and /anca as t$ese are t$e means for 

    trans%ortation and source of "ive"i$ood i:e: fis$in'8:

    0ina*ol < on t$e ot$er $and< features uniform 'eometric %atterns t$at de%ict t$e >aves of 

    t$e sea: Tiniri < t$e t$ird t.%e< is differentiated in its tec$ni4ue rat$er t$an t$e desi'n as it

    uses ?t>isted >eavin' tec$ni4ue@ Ma"mero< 2#1#8:

    In !a'uio< t$e ,aster 5eavin' &oom $as continuous". trained and %reserved t$e

    >eavin' tec$ni4ues %articu"ar". after t$e )econd 5or"d 5ar: Present-da. >eavers can

    be observed >$i"e >orin' on t$eir "ooms: +$e co"ourfu" >oven i*at  c"ot$s and ot$er

    >oven items suc$ as c"ot$es< ba's< ru's and car%et $ave become so %o%u"ar t$at t$e

    co"ors $ave been identified a"read. >it$ !a'uio:

     Aside from >eavin'< t$ere are numerous ot$er $andicrafts

    made from t$e Cordi""era &e'ion suc$ as >ood craft< !a'uiobrooms alis tam/o8 and meta" craft:

    Calado from um/an, a%una and Taal, 0atan%as : Calado  is a

    t.%e of embroider. usin' a %rocess of %u""in' t$reads from

    certain areas of a c"ot$< usua"".  $iGa  or  @usi < t$en se>in' t$e

    dra>n t$reads usin' various stitc$es to form c"ean $o"es on t$e

    c"ot$: +$e fina" %rocess entai"s embroider. to create desi'ns

    t$at are smoot$< even". stitc$ed and $as an embossed 4ua"it. to

    'ive de%t$ and vo"ume: +$is is a meticu"ous %rocess done b.

    /ordadoras  embroiderers8; it >i"" usua"". tae a mont$ or more to finis$ de%endin' on

    t$e si0e of a %roject: +$e si"" of t$e /ordadoras< %articu"ar". from umban and +aa"< in

    doin' a calado is tru". reno>ned even durin' t$e ear". times:

    )ittlin% ood s)avin% in Pa*il, a%una: 5$itt"in' is t$e art of s$avin' soft >ood usin'

    nives of different t$icness to create anima"s "ie %eacocs< birds< butterf"ies< s>ans

    and ot$er items "ie fans or f"o>ers: +$e >oods used are .oun' and fres$". cut< idea"".

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 1*

    =i': * Abra >oven fabricCourtes.( "o4a":%$

    =i': 6 Ca"adoCourtes ( CI+,

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    ma""eab"e and "i'$t in >ei'$t and co"or suc$ as 0ati*ulin% <

    Cayatana< Matan%1ara  and Malasanti : +$e >$itt"ed %roduct is

    a 'ood eam%"e of $andicrafts t$at maintain t$e inte'rit. of its

    materia" since t$e carved items are usua"". "eft in its natura"

    b"eac$ed s$ade: +$e beaut. of t$e $andicraft is in t$e

    a%%"ication of t$e tec$ni4ue to create structura" desi'ns; it "ies

    on t$e ade%tness of t$e $ands of t$e >$itt"er:

    Pai"< undoubted".< is t$e on". %"ace in t$e countr. >$ere

    t$e most si"fu"" >$itt"ers reside: +$eir si""s are no>n >it$in

    and outside t$e countr. >$i"e t$eir %roducts are %o%u"ar 'ift

    items< decorations and framed art>or:

    Rom/lon8s Mar/le Craft#  &omb"on marb"e is touted to $ave

    4ua"ities >it$ commercia" va"ue t$at can riva" t$ose from Ita".: +$e ear"iest %roducts

    carved out of marb"e >ere created out of need suc$ as t$e ubi4uitous mortar and %est"eused in t$e itc$en and even as$tra.s< name %"ates for offices and tombstones as 'rave

    marers: As t$e si""s of t$e &omb"on carvers and scu"%tures im%roved and $i'$-

    %o>ered cutters >ere made avai"ab"e< t$e %roducts are no> diverse and t$e desi'ns

    more e"aborate ran'in' from "ar'e furniture and statues to sma"" trinets and e. c$ains:

    arb"e< an inor'anic materia" for $andicraft< is %er$a%s one of t$e most difficu"t to

    $and"e: +$e %re%aration of t$e materia" is a"read. a tedious %rocess since it is mined

    from t$e 'round de%osits: arb"e is $eav. and t$e use of e4ui%ment to co""ect and

    trans%ort marb"e >i"" $i'$". faci"itate t$e %rocess: +$us< it maes so muc$ sense to

    $ave a >or %"an before$and: As >it$ most materia"s used in carvin' and scu"%ture< t$e

    inte'rit. of t$e materia" is %reserved in marb"e crafts: It is neit$er %ainted nor covered

    es%ecia"". t$at marb"e crafts are va"ued and eva"uated %rimari". on t$e 4ua"it. of

    materia" suc$ as t$e co"or of t$e marb"e< and s>ir"in' effect marb"in'8 of co"ors:

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 16

    =i': 7 5$itt"in'Courtes.( CI+,

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    T8nala* of t)e T8/oli Tri/es in Sout) Cota/ato# T8nala*   is a >oven c"ot$ made

    from a/aca ani"a $em%8 usin' a sim%"e >ooden "oom but its uni4ueness "ies in t$e

    meticu"ous tec$ni4ues and desi'n t$at is be"ieved to $ave been 'uided< ins%ired or revea"ed b. s%irits t$rou'$ dreams to a se"ect fe>: +$e revea"ed desi'ns a"so carr.

    meanin's and re4uirements: +$us< t$e t8nala*  c"ot$ in itse"f is a ?sacred $eir"oom or 

    materna" bond@ %assed on durin' a matrimonia" ceremon. and ?used as coverin' for 

    safe de"iver. durin' c$i"dbirt$@ Ma"mero< 2#1#b; ercurio< 2#128: +$e si'nature co"ors

    used in t$e T8nala*   c"ot$ are more s.mbo"ic t$an concern for t$e art %rinci%"e of 

    contrast: +$e red s.mbo"i0es braver.< commitment and "ove >$i"e t$e b"ac s.mbo"i0es

    t$e stru''"es and difficu"t. of t$e ear". +Dbo"is t$at "ed to t$e deve"o%ment of stron' and

    %erseverin' c$aracters Ma"mero< 2#1#b8: 5it$ t$e im%ortance of t8nala*  in t$e "ives of 

    t$e +Dbo"is in )out$ Cotabato< >eavin' t$e t8nala*   c"ot$ is an im%ortant si"" $anded

    do>n from 'enerations of +Dbo"i >omen: Indeed< t$is is one $andicraft >$ere one can

    rea"". fee" t$at t$e %roduct carries t$e tradition< be"iefs and t$e %assion of t$e craft

    maer: O>nin' a t8nala*   c"ot$< in fact< comes >it$ a res%onsibi"it. to res%ect t$e

    tradition of t$e +Dbo"is b. tain' care of it:


    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 17

    =i': &omb"on marb"es$tt%(//en:>ii%edia:or'/>ii/arb"e< P$oto b.( i"efabu"a

    =i': 9 A +Dbo"i >oman >eavin' aT8nala* 

    Courtes.( "o4a":%$

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


     Activity ! Handicraft Ma""ing 

    Print a co$y of t)e P)ili$$ine ma$ and locate on t)e ma$ t)e )andicrafts t)at are

     $roduced in a $articular re%ion# Cut out a small $icture of t)e )andicraft or sim$ly 

    create la/els, $lace it near t)e re%ion or $rovince )ere it is $roduced t)en dra a line

    to lin* t)e $icture(la/el and t)e $lace#

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 1

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 19

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    Scoring Guide

    ive .ourse"f * %oints for ever. %air of $andicraft and re'ion/%rovince/munici%a"it. t$at

    .ou identified:

    0eyond Scorin% and more about $andicrafts< add on to .our ma%: If .ou see t$at .ou donDt

    no> muc$ about $andicrafts in a %articu"ar re'ion< searc$ about it and "earn more

    about .our countr. as >e"":

     Activity !# $raft %ournal ntry' (hin) Aloud Record )atever met)od you c)oose eit)er you $re$are a @ournal entry note/oo* on

    )andicrafts or an audio record anser t)e folloin% it)out referrin% /ac* to t)e


    • Ho> do $andicrafts %romote t$e >a. of "ife or cu"ture of a %"aceE

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 2#

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    • In >$at >a.s do entre%reneurs$i% or t$e entre%reneurs $e"% %reserve cu"ture and

    traditions• In >$at >a.s do $andicraft industries $e"% t$e entre%reneurs< artisans and t$e

    countr. as a >$o"eE•  Are t$ere $andicrafts t$at are not suited for bo.sE Or for 'ir"sE 5$at are t$e

    reasons and instances be$ind t$is %erce%tionE Is t$is ind of t$inin' %roductiveE

     Activity !* Advertisement Act 

    C)oose a )andicraft from a $articular re%ion and create an advertisement a/out it# 5ou

    may use any of t)e advertisement medium suc) as a $rinted ad for a nes$a$er or ma%a3ine, advertisement for a radio, or a video $resentation# Indicate your tar%et 

    mar*et for t)e ad and limit it to & minutes for audio, video or $resentation ty$e and one

     $a%e $rint for $rinted ad# 5ou may also o$t to act out t)e advertisement, if it is a s*it#

    0e ready to $resent in class#

    Criteria PointsContent  Prominent mention of t$e %roduct  Information( >$ere to bu.< contact information< %rice< si0e< etc:


    +ec$ni4ue  Creative and effective use of tec$ni4ues "ie $umor< endorsement<scri%t< desi'n


    Pur%ose of t$e Ad  )uited to t$e tar'et c"ient  )uited to t$e %ur%ose( create a need< inform ne> %roduct< brand

    a>areness< insti" nationa"ism or sustain "o.a" customers


    Lesson 2+ Handicraft Concept and its Elements

    At t"e end of t"e lesson. t"e learner is e1!ected to+

    1: efine terms and conce%ts in $andicraft2: Identif. t$e basic $andicraft e"ements3: )$o> eam%"es of t$e different t.%es of $andicraft: escribe t$e inf"uence of eac$ e"ement to t$e $andcrafted %roduct

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 21

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    )at is c)amacallit Ho do you differentiate )andicraft from any activity or a

    mec)ani3ed or*

     A "andicraft is defined eit$er as a  !roduct. !rocess and a s2ill/ It is a

    !roduct< a"so ca""ed artisanal craft< >$en it refers to an object of ?aest$etic %roduction@

    )$ivers Ca"der< 1978 t$at is created b. $and or b. usin' on". sim%"e too"s to serve a

    %ur%ose or %ossess a va"ue Arribas< 2##98: It is a !rocess >$en it focuses on t$e

    tec$ni4ues used< suc$ as >eavin'< to create items b. $and: It is a s2ill. c"ose". re"ated

    to craftsmans"i!. >$en t$e focus is on t$e mode of e%ression )$ivers Ca"der<

    1978 as >e"" as motor si""s< %articu"ar". on t$e deterit. and faci"it. of t$e $ands< in

    a%%".in' art to creatin' t$e objects: In a"" cases< $andicraft re4uires t$at t$e $and

    s$ou"d contro" and mani%u"ate bot$ materia"s and too"s: ec$anica" too"s ma. be used

    ?as "on' as t$e direct manua" contribution of t$e artisan i#e# t)e )andicraft ma*er

    remains t$e most substantia" com%onent of t$e finis$ed %roduct@ G,)CO-I+C< 1997<


    +asic lements of Handicraft 

    Handicraft $as t$ree basic e"ements t$at are interre"ated and >$ic$ e%"ain its

    conce%tua"i0ation: Bou cannot create a $andicraft >it$out usin' a"" t$ese t$reee"ements: +$ese are(

    1: esi'n2: ateria"3: +ec$ni4ue

    esi'n is an idea or an arran'ement sc$eme t$at is e%ressed into a

    confi'uration< dra>in'< mode"< mou"d< %attern< %"an or s%ecification to >or out t$e form

    of an object: +$e desi'n< dra>n b. a desi'ner< >i"" 'ive %ers%ective to t$e object and

    >i"" $e"% us visua"i0e t$e e%ected finis$ed %roduct:

    +$e materia". as an e"ement of $andicraft< refers to t$e basic substance eit$er in

    its natura"< modified or semi-%rocessed state t$at is used as an in%ut to a %roduction

    %rocess for subse4uent modification or transformation into a finis$ed %roduct:

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 22

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    +$e tec$ni4ue is sim%". t$e met$od and %rocess of treatin' t$e materia"s to

    construct t$e object: +$e tec$ni4ue to be used >i"" $e"% determine t$e too"s and

    e4ui%ment to be used:

    +$e re"ations$i% of t$e t$ree e"ements is i""ustrated in t$e fo""o>in' dia'ram

    es%oused b. a $andicraft e%ert< t$e "ate Prof: .dia Arribas: It s$o>s t$at a $andicraft

    %roduct is t$e rea"i0ation of t$e e"ements of desi'n and is most %robab". created as a

    res%onse to a fe"t need: +$e materia" to use in eecutin' t$e %"anned desi'n conce%t is

    de%endent on t$e desi'n and function of t$e object: In turn< t$e materia" c$osen >i""

    su''est t$e tec$ni4ue or $o> t$e materia" >i"" be treated< %rocessed and $and"ed to

    convert it to t$e desired object:

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 23

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    ifferent (y"es of Handicraft 

    +$e name of t$e different t.%es of $andicraft is derived eit$er from t$e materia"

    used< t$e tec$ni4ue or t$e %roduct of t$e $andicraft activit.: )ome eam%"es of t$e

    t.%es of $andicrafts are %rovided be"o> and are c"assified accordin' to >$ere t$eir 

    names >ere taen +ab"e 18:

    +ab"e1:+.%es of Handicrafts

    ateria" +ec$ni4ue Product

    !amboo craftCoconut s$e"" craft=iber craft coir<abaca< %ia8eat$er craft

    eta" craft&attan craft)$e"" craft5oodcraft

     A%%"i4uS!ati %rintin'Carvin'Co""a'eCroc$et


    acramSOri'amiRPa%er to""e)i"-screen %rintin')mocin'

    +attin'+ie-.ein'R5eavin'  "oom< card< s%oo"8

    !a' main'!asetr.Ceramics="o>er main'Pa%ier-mTc$SR

    Potter.Uui"tRUui""R+o. craft

    Jt)e tec)niEue and t)e $roduct )ave t)e same name

    +$ere are cases >$en t$e name of t$e $andicraft %rovides s%ecifications or 4ua"ifications: =or eam%"e< ood carvin%  is more s%ecific and is s"i'$t". differentiatedfrom ood craft  to indicate t$at carvin' as a met$od is bein' a%%"ied to >ood:

    +$e $andicrafts named after tec$ni4ues are a"so differentiated based on t$e%rocesses of activities a%%"ied to t$e same materia": =or eam%"e< usin' .arn as

    materia"< it >i"" be ca""ed eavin%  if t$e %rocess uses inter"acin' t>o sets of .arn at ri'$t

    an'"es to %roduce a c"ot$ or fabric; it >i"" be ca""ed macramK if it uses s4uare nots and

    its variations:

    Per$a%s< t$e easiest t.%es of $andicrafts to remember are t$ose t$at >ere

    named after t$e %roducts of desi'n since >e see concrete eam%"es suc$ as ba's<

    basets< %ots or to.s:

    Source: Arri/as, &LLB #e#loo*#or%(dictionary #/usinessdictionary#com

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 2

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


     Activity #! $raft %ournal ntry' (hin) Aloud Record )atever met)od you c)oose eit)er you $re$are a @ournal entry note/oo* on

    )andicrafts, or an audio recorder to record your ansers do t)e folloin% it)out 

    referrin% /ac* to t)e lesson:

    • efine t$e conce%t $andicraftD:

    • Identif. t$e t$ree basic e"ements of $andicraft: Provide a brief descri%tion of >$at

    .ou no> about eac$ basic e"ement• =or eac$ t.%e of $andicraft< "ist at "east t>o names of $andicraft .ou are most

    interested in or t$at .ou >ou"d "ie to "earn more: Bou ma. inc"ude $andicrafts t$at

    .ou no> but are not in t$e "ist +ab"e 18:

    ateria" +ec$ni4ue Product1: 1: 1:2: 2: 2:

    !efore t$e net "esson< read or "isten to .our entr. and revise .our ans>ers ifnecessar.:

     Activity #!# (hin), "air, share- Ta*e a moment or to to reflect and anser t)ese Euestions# T)en, c)oose anot)er 

    classmate or a friend and s)are your ansers#

    • If advances in tec$no"o'. enab"e us to %roduce crafted %roducts usin' mac$ines<

    >i"" it sti"" be ca""ed $andicraftsE

    • !et>een t>o %roducts< sa. a baset %roduced b. an e%ert craftsman usin' on".

    sim%"e too"s and a baset %roduced %rimari". usin' a mac$ine< >$ic$ one >ou"d bemore e%ensiveE 5$.E

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 2*

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


     Activity #!* Photo .hi/it 

    +ae a %icture< bro>se ma'a0ines or ne>s artic"es or searc$ t$e Internet for a

    %icture of a $andicraft: =rame .our %icture or c$oose a %icture t$at eit$er s$o>s t$e

    fina" %roduct or a craftsman/artisan >orin' a near". finis$ed %roduct: It is im%ortant

    t$at t$e intended audience can ima'ine or identif. t$e $andicraft %roduct in t$e %icture:

    Bour c$oice of t$e $andicraft de%ends on .our interest or avai"abi"it. of t$e materia":

    Print or cut-out t$e %icture< %referab". "ar'e enou'$ to fit an :* 11 bond %a%er 

    t$en mount it in a V si0e board: !e"o> t$e %icture< indicate t$e name or t.%e of t$e

    $andicraft< t$e %$oto'ra%$er< t$e date and %"ace >$ere t$e %icture >as taen: If t$e%icture is from t$e ma'a0ine or t$e Internet< %rovide t$e name of t$e o>ner if %ossib"e

    and t$e source suc$ as t$e name of t$e ma'a0ine or t$e & or >ebsite: Identif. t$e

    %rimar. materia" and t$e tec$ni4ues used and create a s$ort descri%tion about t$e

    %ur%ose or function of t$e $andicraft< $o> t$e materia" affects t$e desi'n and $o> t$e

    desi'n assists or $am%ers t$e function of t$e said $andicraft:

     As a c"ass and >it$ t$e assistance of t$e teac$er< %"an a %$oto e$ibit inside t$e

    c"assroom or in a "obb.: rou% t$e %$otos accordin' to t$e t.%es of $andicraft based

    on nomenc"ature L materia"s< tec$ni4ue or %roduct:


  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    Lesson 3+ Basic Principles in Handicraft

    At t"e end of t"e lesson. t"e learner is e1!ected to+1: Identif. t$e basic %rinci%"es of $andicraft in t$eor. and %ractice2: efend t$e merits of fo""o>in' t$e $andicraft %rinci%"es3: Pre%are set of ru"es to fo""o> consistent >it$ t$e $andicraft %rinci%"es


    )at8s t)e )eart of t)e matter

     A better >a. to understand and a%%reciate $andicraft is to ee% in mind some

    statements of trut$s: +$e. are better re'arded as t$e basic !rinci!les in "andicraft

    t$at a"so serve as 'uide as to $o> %eo%"e s$ou"d %ractice t$e art of $andicraft: +$e

    basic %rinci%"es Arribas< 2##98< >it$ brief discussions t$at fo""o> eac$ %rinci%"e< are

    "isted as fo""o>s(

    4/ &andicraft al-as serves a !ur!ose or a need/ iven t$e assum%tion t$at$andicraft cou"d $ave evo"ved from a fe"t need< no>in' t$e function of t$e object

    is one of t$e re4uirements for its creation:5/ 6no-ledge of "andicraft al-as re,uires t"e understanding of its essential

    or basic elements -"ic" are materials. tec"ni,ues and design 7!roduct8/3: Econom of materials and tec"ni,ues must be !racticed/   Mio"ation of t$is

    %rinci%"e affects t$e aest$etic 4ua"it. of t$e $andicraft %roduct:: &andicraft s"ould be learned from sim!le to com!le1:9/ &andicraft activit re,uires attention in mind/  A craftsman needs a conducive

    >or%"ace< re"ative". free from distraction< >$i"e >orin' on a $andicraft %roject:6: Good craftsmans"i! is influenced b t"e materials. tec"ni,ues. tools.

    e,ui!ment. t"e -or2ing environment. and t"e s2ill of t"e craftsman ::/ +$e art %rinci%"e ;form follo-s function@ is t$e e. to 'ood desi'n: +$is sim%".

    means t$at t$e form suc$ as t$e s$a%e of a jar< inc"udin' ot$er features "ie a

    cover or $and"e< must be re"ated to t$e function of t$e jar itse"f:

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    9: No t-o "andicraft articles are e1actl ali2e/  It is be"ieved t$at even >it$

    master. and standardi0ation in %rocedure< t$e craftsmanDs >or is inf"uenced b.

    emotion< menta" state and environmenta" factors >$ic$ var. from time to time:

     Activity *! Self0Assessment 1ui2 

    Identify t)e /asic $rinci$le /e)ind t)e $ractices indicated /y t)e statements /elo#

    rite your ansers on t)e /o. $rovided /efore eac) statement#

    Princi$le !.am$le

    1: anan' Macion uses a"" t$e scra% fabrics for 

    $er 4ui"t as muc$ as %ossib"e and is carefu" not

    to >aste it:2: Abe" >ors on $is >ire craft in a >e""-"it room

    >it$ %i%ed-in c"assica" music t$at $e"%s $im

    focus on $is tas:3: 5$en ais. started croc$etin'< s$e "earned

    first t$e basic ste%s main' sim%"e round %"ace

    mats and s$e 'radua"". %ro'ressed to main'

    intricate desi'ns on >eddin' vei"s and

    $andba's:: ecou%a'e is best ac$ieved b. c"eanin' t$e

    surface of t$e materia" first before '"uin' so

    t$at t$e desi'n ad$eres >e"" to t$e surface:*: Jose%$ine $as mastered main' !ati %rintin'

    for scarves and s$a>"s but $er desi'ns<

    t$ou'$ t$e. carr. a t$eme< are a">a.s uni4ue

    and assume individua"it.:

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 2

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     Activity *!# (hin), "air, share- Ta*e a moment or to to reflect and anser t)ese Euestions# T)en, c)oose anot)er 

    classmate or a friend and s)are your ansers#

    • ,%"ain >$. eac$ $andicraft is uni4ue:• Game five $andicrafts and re-arran'e t$em from sim%"e to com%"e: Justif. >$.

    or $o> eac$ $andicraft is more com%"e t$an t$e ot$er:• iscuss t$e reasons for %racticin' econom. in materia"s and tec$ni4ues: In >$at

    >a.s can >e vio"ate t$is %rinci%"eE 5$at are t$e instances materia"s are >astedE

    Ho> >ou"d a vio"ation of t$is %rinci%"e affect t$e aest$etic 4ua"it. of a %roductE

    • 5$at are t$e sources of frustration of a be'inner in $andicraft t$at stems from

    not fo""o>in' one of t$e basic %rinci%"esE !rief". justif. eac$:

    • 5$at >ou"d .ou need to focus and be motivatedE escribe .our idea" $andicraft


     Activity *!* 3earn from a Master $raftsman

    it)in your locality, loo* for a )andicraft e.$ert or a craftsman# C)oose one )o )as

    t)e most num/er of years in e.$erience or )o ma*es )andicrafts for at least one year#

     As* $ermission and arran%e for an intervie in a convenient time and $lace for /ot) of 

    you# If you )ave an audio recorder in your mo/ile $)one or a video camera, you may 

    use it to document your intervie#

    • Intervie> an e%ert or desi'ner-craftsman: =ind out be"iefs and %ractices t$e.

    $ave t$at are consistent >it$ t$e basic %rinci%"es in Handicraft: As $im/$er to

    $ave a %icture taen >$i"e doin' t$eir craft: 5rite a feature re%ort >it$ %ictures of 

    .our intervie> in a broc$ure format or b"o' about it on"ine and ta' .our teac$er 

    and c"assmates

    Intervie> uide(

    Game of t$e Craftsman( A'e(Game of Handicraft( Go: of .ears creatin' t$e


    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 29

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    =uestions+1: 5$o tau'$t .ou to do t$e $andicraftE2: Ho> did .ou "earn doin' t$e $andicraftE Can .ou sa.

    .ou are a"read. an e%ertE 5$atDs t$e differencebet>een an e%ert and an amateurE

    3: 5$at are t$e difficu"ties .ou $ave e%erienced in

    doin' t$e $andicraftE: Ho> man. name of %roduct/$andicrafts8 can .ou

    create in a da.E Ho> fast can .ou finis$ one %roductE*: 5$at motivates .ou to do itE 5$at are .our

    ins%irationsE 5$ere do .ou dra> ins%irations for .ourdesi'nE

    6: 5$at ti%s can .ou 'ive for be'inners< "ie me< >$o>ant to "earn and e%"ore $andicraftE

    7: 5$at are t$e ru"es .ou fo""o> or %rinci%"es .ou $ave>$en doin' $andicraftE


     Activity *!4 $raft %ournal ntry' (hin) Aloud Record +$e basic %rinci%"es in $andicraft are not mere su''estions but a set of ru"es to

    fo""o>: 5rite .our commitment to a set of ru"es t$at .ou >i"" fo""o> in t$e mac$ine s$o%or >$en .ou do a $andicraft %roject: A sam%"e tem%"ate is %rovided be"o>: Bou ma.%$otoco%. or create .our o>n tem%"ate and %aste it on .our journa" entr. or $ave anaudio record of .our %"ed'e

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 3#

    I _______________________________ 

    hereby pledge to follow the rules I have stated here

    consistent with the basic principles in handicrafts as my


  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    Lesson 4+ afet! and Precautionar! "easures

    At t"e end of t"e lesson. t"e learner is e1!ected to+1: Identif. safe from $a0ardous %ractices2: iscuss issues< %ossib"e t$reats and safet. %rocedures3: Perform safet. %rocedures


    )afet. must be foremost in .our mind before undertain' a $andicraft %roject< or 

    an. activit. for t$at matter: 5$o must be safeE +$e %eo%"e doin' t$e $andicraft %roject

    >$ic$ inc"udes .ou< .our c"assmates and .our teac$er s$ou"d be safe from accidents:

    Get< t$e too"s and e4ui%ment must a"so be safe from disuse and unnecessar.

    breaa'e: ast".< t$e environment< >$ic$ is t$e source of t$e $andicraft materia"s< must

    a"so be safe from abuse so t$at t$ese are not de%"eted:

    +$e 'ood t$in' is a"most a"" accidents and unto>ard events can be avoided b.deve"o%in' safe %ersona" >or $abits: +$is "esson enumerates t$ose safet. and

    %recautionar. measures and it is im%erative to remember t$em: An o"d ada'e about

    safet. is sti"" true for toda. -?)afet. means "earnin' to fo""o> instructions; it means never 

    tain' c$ances@ indbec< un Hansen< 19698:

    +$e first "ine of defense is ac4uisition of information: Bou< as a $andicraft

    student< must no> about t$e t.%e of $andicraft .ou >ant to do: urin' demonstrations<

    c"ose". observe t$e correct %rocess of doin' t$e %roject and in $and"in' t$e too"s:

    Identif. t$e $a0ards of %articu"ar t.%es of $andicraft %rocesses as >e"" as t$ose in t$e

    mac$ine s$o%s and avoid t$em: +$e second "ine of defence is t$e ac4uisition of 

    a%%ro%riate su%%"ies and too"s< inc"udin' safet. devices and a first aid it: +$e t$ird "ine

    of defence is t$e %ractice of safe %ersona" >or $abits< t$e most essentia" of >$ic$ are

    "isted on t$e net %a'e:

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 31

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    Safety Regulations to /e o/served in a $raft or Machine Sho"


    1: +$ere must be a "o'boo for users or borro>ers of too"s and e4ui%ment:2: abe" t$e materia"s and too"s %ro%er".:

    3: ee% t$e s$o% c"ean and order".: Gever "eave too"s ".in' around or a"on' t$eais"e >$ere t$e. can %ose $a0ards:

    : &e'u"ar". ins%ect e4ui%ment for safe o%eratin' condition< adjustment and re%air<

    idea"".< in accordance >it$ t$e manufacturerDs information: +ae note of t$e

    manufacturerDs >arrant. and its conditions:*: )tudents s$ou"d not remove or disab"e safe'uards or device re4uired on t$e

    mac$ine:6: 5i%e or c"ean u% >ater s%i""s< 'rease or oi" on t$e f"oor:7: &e%ort a"" accidents fo""o>in' sc$oo" %o"ic.:: ,mer'enc. %$one numbers must be %osted to inc"ude sc$oo" c"inic or t$e

    nearest c"inic/$os%ita" and t$e teac$er-in-c$ar'e or t$e %rinci%a":

    Pro$er Attire

    1: Go "oose 'arments: )$o% a%rons must be >orn over sc$oo" or P, uniforms:2: 5ear c"osed-toe s$oes:3: &efrain from >earin' and brin'in' accessories t$at mi'$t obstruct t$e senses or 

    %ose dan'er >$en >orin': Go je>e""er.< rin's< $an'in' earrin's< necties<

    c$ains< ear%$ones or mobi"e %$ones: ee% t$em in a safe %ocet of .our ba':: Handicraft %rojects t$at %ose $a0ards to t$e e.es must re4uire a%%ro%riate e.e


    !nvironmental Healt) Safety 

    1: =ire etin'uis$ers s$ou"d be made avai"ab"e and be "ocated in a convenient

    %"ace:2: C$emica" su%%"ies and its >astes must be e%t in %ro%er containers and be

    dis%osed of %ro%er".:3: Incor%orate 'reen %ractices suc$ as conservation in t$e use of >ater and ener'.:

    Care and Maintenance of Tools

    1: +oo"s t$at are used for cuttin' must be e%t c"ean and s$ar%:

    2: +oo"s are idea"". stored in dr. %"aces to %revent rust in meta"s or deca. in>ooden too"s: )tora'e must a"so enab"e t$e users to easi". "ocate and se"ect t$e

    needed too":

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 32

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


     Activity 4! Self0Assessment 1ui2 

    Read t)e situations descri/ed /elo# rite t)e ansers on t)e /lan* /efore eac)


    Dra to indicate $resence of )a3ard or

    to indicate a relatively safe $ractice

     KKKKKK 1: &obert "istens to music t$rou'$ ear%$ones >$i"e >orin':

     KKKKKK 2: i0a >ears e.e 'o''"es >$i"e %o"is$in' meta"s:

     KKKKKK 3: +$e $eav. too"s are stored in a bo in t$e u%%er s$e"ves:

     KKKKKK : +$ere is one "ar'e tras$ can for a"" t.%es of >aste %roduct:

     KKKKKK *: 5a"". >i%es t$e >ater s%i""s from t$e f"oor as $e >ors on a tie d.e %roject:

     Activity 4!# (hin), "air, share- Ta*e a moment or to to reflect and anser t)ese Euestions# T)en, c)oose anot)er

    classmate or a friend and s)are your ansers#

    5$. is it necessar. to be safet. consciousE• 5$. are s$ar% too"s better t$an du"" onesE

    • 5$at does it mean t$at t$e environment must a"so be safeE

    • 5$at $andicraft/s do .ou t$in %ose t$e "east t$reat to safet.E +$e most


    • 5ou"d .ou en'a'e in a $andicraft %roject t$at .ou are most interested in but is


    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 33

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    (Name of Handicraft)

    afety !ractices


     Activity 4!* Partner in 5$rime6 

    T)e different ty$es of )andicrafts )ave s$ecific safety $ractices or re%ulations /ecause

    of s$ecial tools or $rocesses demanded /y t)e tec)niEues# C)oose one )andicraft and 

    researc) on its s$ecific safety $ractices# Coordinate it) your teac)er to ma*e sure

    t)at eac) $air of students is assi%ned a different )andicraft#

    iven be"o> are 'uide 4uestions t$at .ou ma. as .ourse"ves to find safet. %ractices or 

    measures uni4ue to t$e assi'ned $andicraft(• 5$at safet. %ractices or %recautionar. measures are s%ecific to t$e $andicraftE

    • 5$at too"s and tec$ni4ues are used >$en >orin' on t$e $andicraftE 5$at

    safet. %ractices must be observed >it$ t$e use of too"s or t$e tec$ni4uesE

    Create a boo mar and enumerate t$e safet. %ractices .ou $ave identified: Add

    decorative desi'n to .our boo mar at t$e side or at t$e bac aminate .our 

    boomar for %rotection

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 3

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


     Activity 4!4 Role Play 

    6sin% t)e materials on safety $ractices you )ave researc)ed it) your $artner, role $lay 

    at least one $ractice in class# Pre$are your $ro$s and internali3e your role- 

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 3*

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    Lesson #+ Handicraft "aterials

    At t"e end of t"e lesson. t"e learner is e1!ected to+1: C"assif. $andicraft materia"s accordin' to source2: )urve. avai"ab"e indi'enous or rec.c"ab"e materia"s for $andicraft >it$in t$e area

    or communit.3: Out"ine $o> a $andicraft materia" is derived and %re%ared for %roject-main'

    CL$I%IC$TION $N& O'(CE O% H$N&IC($%T "$TE(I$L

    )at8s t)e stuff made of !ver onder )at could /e )andicraft materials

     As one of t$e t$ree basic e"ements< materia"s are considered first since an.

    %roject starts >it$ t$e avai"ab"e resource: ore im%ortant".< t$e tec$ni4ue/s t$at >i"" be

    used in doin' t$e $andicraft is/are dictated b. t$e t.%e of materia": Hence< after 

    decidin' to do a $andicraft %roject< .ou start b. doin' a surve. of t$e communit.: A

    $andicraft %roject< es%ecia"". if to be used for an entre%reneuria" venture< >i"" be costefficient and ac4uisition becomes easier if t$e materia"s are abundant >it$in t$e "oca"it.:

    +$us< most $andicraft %roducts t$at >e see use "oca" and indi'enous materia"s:

    +$e P$i"i%%ine materia"s for $andicraft ma. be c"assified accordin' to t$eir 

    sources< name".( %"ants< anima"s< inor'anic materia"s and man-made materia"s Arribas<

    2##98: +$e fo""o>in' are some of t$e names of $andicraft materia"s s%ecified accordin'

    to t$e source and< %articu"ar". for %"ants and some anima" sources< t$e %art >$ere t$ese

    are taen +ab"e 28:

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 36

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    +ab"e 2:)ome )%ecific )ources of Handicraft ateria"sArribas< 2##9; !e"en< 19*28

    )O&C, GA, O= A+,&IA A#  Plants

      5ood Acacia







    Pine tree


      !ar Acacia





    +ab'on  )ta"s/Po"es/)tems !amboo



    )u'ar Cane


    +ambo  )tra>s Co'on rass &ice)tem - +>inin'



    Ja'na.a fern8


    i"o' fern8

    Gito fern8

    ocdo fern8  )ed'es A'as











    !ast !ar8




    !unta" !uri8

    uinit Coconut<






    )asa Coconut8



    &afia !uri8




    &amie  eaf )tri%s Ana$a>


    Gi%a Pandan

      eaf idribs !uri Coconut Gi%a  )ta" )tri%s u%is Abaca<


    !anban !amboo

      &oots !a"ete oras Metiver  !:  Animals  )i">orm cocoon )i"  )$ee%< came"< 'oats 5oo"  Horses< Pi's Hair    Co>< carabao !ones Hides eat$er8 Hoofs

      )naes< =is$ )%ines )ca"es  )naes< i0ards< ,e"s<

      =ro's< C$icens


      &abbits =ur    )eas$e""s< e''s )$e""s

    )O&C, GA, O= +H, A+,&IAC: Inor%anic Materials  eta"s A"uminum Co%%er Pe>ter

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 37

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      C"a. ,art$en>are )tone>are Porce"ain  P"aster of Paris

      Asbestos  )tones Adobe



    arb"e: Man1made or Synt)etic Materials

    "ass Pa%er  P"astics +$ermosettin'< +$ermo%"astic8

    In most cases< natura" materia"s e:': t$ose from %"ants and anima"s8 are 'at$ered

    >$en fu"". matured: A fe> eem%tions >ou"d be ?/uri   and ana)a   "eaves >$ic$ are

    'at$ered >$i"e t$e "eaves are sti"" >$ite and c"osed@ Arribas< 2##98: A"" t$ese materia"s

    re4uire %re%aration before t$e. are read. for use and some tec$ni4ues are e%"ainedmore under t$e "esson on Handicraft +ec$ni4ues: +$e "ist of materia"s %rovided is just a

    re%resentative sam%"e and t$ere are more s%ecific materia"s for eac$ $andicraft: Bou

    >i"" "earn more about t$em if .ou %roceed to s%ecia"i0e in $andicraft:

    nvironmental Issues and Sustaina/ility 5$enever materia"s are taen from t$e environment< %eo%"e must tae

    res%onsibi"it. in >orin' for t$e sustainabi"it. of our natura" resources: +$e

    conse4uences to t$e environment must be inc"uded as factors in .our c$oice of a

    $andicraft %roject or an entre%reneuria" venture: +$ese are some of t$e 4uestions .ou

    need to ans>er to 'au'e t$e suitabi"it. of t$e materia" and t$e $andicraft %roject(1: Are t$e materia"s derived from endan'ered or %rotected s%eciesE2: Are t$ere eistin' %o"icies and %ractices >it$ re'ard to re%"acement of t$e

    $arvested materia"sE3: Are t$e materia"s readi". avai"ab"e and abundant in t$e "oca"it.E: Are t$e su%%"iers of t$e materia"s com%"iant >it$ "abor %racticesE Ho> are

    %o""utants treated or dis%osedE*: 5i"" t$e $andicraft %roduct $ave a "on' usefu" "ifeE6: 5i"" t$e materia" 'enerate ecessive >asteE 5$at is t$e %ro%er dis%osa"

    %rocedure for t$e >astesE Is t$e %ro%er dis%osa" %rocedure ade4uate".

    %racticed or carried outE

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 3

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    Bou >i"" %robab". notice t$at most of 

    t$e %arts of a %"ant are %ossib"e sources of 

    ra> materia" for $andicraft: Ge> materia"s

    from %"ants are a"so bein' discovered: In

    fact< a re"ative". recent P$i"i%%ine stud. in

    $andicraft identified umame"a as a %ossib"e

    source of fiber A4uino< 2##78: A"so< it $as

    been re%orted t$at >ater "i"ies are bein' %o%u"ari0ed as anot$er $andicraft materia" for 

    our use e"ican< 2#12 retrieved from $tt%(//ne>sinfo:in4uirer:net/232#9/>ater-"i".-$andicraft-trade-

    %a.s-off-in-"as-%inas8: +$ere mi'$t be more materia"s for $andicrafts t$at are >aitin' to bediscovered

     Activity 7! Poetry 8riting $tional(Alternative Activity

    Pretend t)at you are a )andicraft material /am/oo, seas)ell, fi/er, etc## rite a $oem

    a/out yourself $ro/a/ly your c)aracteristics, your $otential as a )andicraft material#

    T)in* of an a$$ro$riate title for your $oem and don8t for%et to affi. your si%nature and 

    t)e date )en it as created for documentation# 0e ready to $resent in class#

     Activity 7!# Material $hronicle

    Follo t)e life of a )andicraft material, $refera/ly indi%enous from source to $roduct#

    C$oose one from t$e avai"ab"e $andicraft materia"s on t$e "ist +ab"e 28: Create a

    c$ronic"e of t$e materia" startin' from its source e:': %"ant< anima"< inor'anic8 tofinis$ed %roduct: escribe t$e source of t$e materia"< $o> t$e materia" is 'at$ered or 

    $arvested and %re%ared or %rocessed before use: +$en< identif. %ossib"e $andicraft

    %roducts t$at can be created usin' t$e materia":

    se a creative format for .our c$ronic"e: =or eam%"e< it ma. "oo "ie a banner<

    a manua" +M< or s$a%ed "ie t$e %"ant/anima" t$e materia" >as taen from: ,nric$ .our 

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 39

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    c$ronic"e >it$ %ictures< if %ossib"e< for eac$ sta'e of t$e %re%aration %rocess: Bou ma.

    inc"ude some 'ra%$ic or'ani0ers< anecdotes or accounts suc$ as >$en t$e materia" >as

    identified as usefu" for $andicraft< if avai"ab"e: Bou ma. bro>se boos or searc$ t$e

    Internet: ae sure to cite sources and references: If t$ere are cotta'e industries

    creatin' $andicrafts >it$in .our "oca"it.< as %ermission to visit and intervie> t$em:

    onDt for'et to tae %ictures

    er if someone e"se in c"ass

    'ives t$e same ans>er as .ours:

    ="uenc. L abi"it. to 'enerate man.ideas or %ossibi"ities

    1 %t: for ever. named

    feasib"e ans>er %roduct8Ori'ina"it. L abi"it. to 'ive ans>ers

    t$at are une%ected< unusua"<

    uni4ue< rare< not t$ou'$t of


    2 %ts: for ever. uni4ue

    ans>er +ota" creativit. %oints

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e #

    =i':1# eat$er stri%s$tt%(//im'#:ets.static:com/###/#/6#7*19/i"K*7#G:2922#:j%'

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    Lesson )+ Handicraft Techni*ues

    At t"e end of t"e lesson. t"e learner is e1!ected to+1: Identif. basic tec$ni4ues in $andicraft2: C"assif. too"s accordin' to t$eir functions3: Identif. a%%ro%riate too"s and t$eir functions: Pro%ose so"utions to %ossib"e %rob"ems


    Ho do t)ey do it Handicraft is for 7all a%es8# T)is means t)ere are a$$ro$riate

    )andicraft activities for everyone, includin% t)e youn%, t)e elderly and t)e $)ysically c)allen%ed,

    )o )ave mastery in t)e use of t)eir )ands or /ody# 0ut )at $rocesses are usually done

    Handicraft tec$ni4ues are t$e %rocesses for convertin' t$e materia"s into finis$ed

    %roducts: As mentioned in %revious "essons< t$e materia"s fores$ado> t$e tec$ni4ues:

    In addition< t$e c$oice of tec$ni4ue de%ends on t$e materia" and t$e desi'n< t$e use or 

    function of t$e object as >e"" as t$e avai"abi"it. of too"s and e4ui%ment:

    Handicraft tec$ni4ues can be cate'ori0ed into t"ree ma@or !rocesses(

    1: Pre-construction

    2: Construction

    3: =inis$in' +ec$ni4ues

    Pre)construction tec$ni4ues %ertain to t$e %re%aration of materia"s after $arvest

    and before use: P"ant-based materia"s are dried in t$e sun to e"iminate moisture: If 

    fibers are to be etracted from %"ants< t$e stems or "eaves are a""o>ed to under'o arettin' %rocess: &ettin' entai"s soain' t$e materia"s in >ater and t$rou'$ bacteria"

    action t$e unusab"e %arts deca. and fibers are etracted t$en dried: 5$i"e some

    materia"s are uti"i0ed for t$eir natura" eart$". tones< b"eac$in' and d.ein' ma. be a"so

    be %erformed to dried fibers and simi"ar materia"s to incor%orate co"or and variet.:

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 1

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    Cuttin' is anot$er %re-construction tec$ni4ue t$at is a%%"ied to a"most a""

    materia"s: It inc"udes stri%%in'< %oundin'< s%"ittin'< crus$in' and %ee"in': =or meta"s

    t$at cannot be cut usin' sni%s< sa>in' and fi"in' is a"so done:

    Construction tec$ni4ues inc"ude t$e actua" im%"ementation of t$e desi'n %"an

    usin' t$e se"ected materia"s and a%%ro%riate too"s: +ec$ni4ues are sometimes s%ecific

    to a %articu"ar t.%e of $andicraft but t$e. are 'enera"". concerned about joinin'< formin'

    and assemb"in': +$e met$ods of joinin' materia"s in >ood craft< for instance< are '"uin'

    usin' ad$esives and nai"in' usin' brads and scre>s: In meta" craft< formin' inc"udes

    bendin' t$e meta" to $o"d t>o %ieces to'et$er or so"derin': In >ire or meta"8 craft<

    construction tec$ni4ue inc"udes dra>in' a >ire >$ere its s$a%e is reduced or c$an'ed

    usin' a dra>%"ate =i': 118: Annea"in'< a %rocess of 

    softenin' meta"s usin' $eat t$en dro%%in' it in a %ic"in'

    so"ution or >ater< >i"" a""o> t$e meta" to be s$a%ed or 

    formed accordin'".: In need"e>or< fabrics are joinedt$rou'$ se>in' usin' need"es and t$read or in case of 

    croc$etin'< croc$eted stri%s are joined b. inter"o%in' t$e

    .arns usin' a croc$et $oo:

    urin' construction< decorative e"ements are a"so

    added and are incor%orated in t$e %rocess: =or eam%"e< %.ro'ra%$.< a met$od of 

    decoratin' a bamboo b. burnin' its surface >it$ t$e use of a $ot iron or >ire< is

    em%"o.ed: Anot$er eam%"e of addin' decorative e"ement durin' t$e construction

    %rocess is in smocin' >$ere t$e stitc$es t$emse"ves "end decorative e"ement to t$e

    %roject< suc$ as t$e cab"e stitc$ or t$e $one.comb stitc$:

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 2

    =i': 11 ra> %"ate$tt%(//danie"ica0a:b"o's%ot:com/2#11K#3K#ar c$ive:$tm"

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    +$e t$ird major %rocess is a%%".in' finis"ing  tec$ni4ues to im%rove stren't$<

    durabi"it. and aest$etic 4ua"it. of t$e $andicraft: In rattan craft< varnis$ is a%%"ied to

    incor%orate s$immer and %rotect t$e rattan from deca.: In ot$er cases< s$e""ac and

    "ac4uer are a%%"ied over surfaces of $andicrafts: In

    basetr.< >oven basets are 'iven a bindin' ed'e finis$ to

    mae it stab"e and durab"e: =or fabrics< most finis$in'

    tec$ni4ues inc"ude ironin' or %ressin' t$e materia"s: +$is is

    true for %rojects "ie 4ui"ts< tie-d.e< bati and even smoced

    %roducts: =or a"" finis$in' tec$ni4ues< aest$etic

    en$ancement must be %rudent to %reserve t$e inte'rit. of 

    t$e materia": +$is means t$at t$e finis$in' touc$es must

    not camouf"a'e t$e intrinsic 4ua"ities of t$e materia"s used

    suc$ as >$en %aint is a%%"ied to seas$e""s or dar stain is

    a%%"ied to a >ood >it$ a beautifu" bar or rin's: A 'ood

    eam%"e is t$e natura" finis$ done in t$e sa"ad bo>" =i': 128  >$ic$ s$o>ed an $onesttreatment of t$e materia" %reservin' its ti'er bars and natura" co"or:

    Tools and E,ui!ment

    In ac$ievin' t$e tec$ni4ues to mae t$e $andicraft< some too"s and e4ui%ment

    are needed: A tool is an. instrument $e"d b. $and used to ac$ieve a %articu"ar tas and

    is not used u% in t$e %rocess< in contrast to $andicraft materia"s: +$e use of too"s can

    be c"assified accordin' to function suc$ as measurin'< "inin'< testin'< $o"din'< borin'<

    drivin' and cuttin': E,ui!ment< on t$e ot$er $and< are usua"". furnis$in's or outfits t$at

    enab"e a %erson to do a tas better: )ome of t$e most common too"s and t$eir uses are

    "isted as fo""o>s accordin' to t$eir c"assification(

    Measurin% tools

    +$ese are too"s to measure "en't$ and >ei'$t usin' an ,n'"is$ or metric s.stem of


    Rules  %eneral term for tools measurin% len%t) usin% !n%lis) and metric system of

    measurement suc) as:


    (a"e measure   a len%t) of t)in fle.i/le material mar*ed it)

    linear1measurement mar*in%s $rimarily used for )andicrafts usin% 


      Meter stic)  a rule t)at is one meter lon% in centimeters and 


    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 3

    =i':12 ene usenberr.)a"ad bo>"

    $tt%(//>>>:nr>':or'/inde _"les#$allery_"les#%ar&'#%arch&'$allery.html

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


     pencil tailors chalk marking gauge marking knife

    • Pull0"ush rule L a ru"e to measure objects from one

    meter to *# meters "on':

    • $ali"ers L an instrument for more accurate measurin'

    of diameter/dimensions interna" or eterna"8; t$is "oos"ie t>o $in'ed "e's some curved8 used to measure

    t$icness and distances:

    inin% tools

    +$ese too"s are used for marin' "ines to aid in cuttin' materia"s or to indicate


    Pencil L a >ritin' instrument >it$ 'ranite core t$at can be erased

    Tailors c"al2 L a ta"c-based c$a" used in fabrics

    *ar2ing gauges - are used for marin' a de%t$ on >ood

    *ar2ing 2nife L used to dra> a "ine for t$e sa> or c$ise"

    Testin% tools

    +$ese are too"s used to eamine accurac. in measurement< an'"e or if materia"s

    need to be "eve"ed:

    Plumb bob L a >ei'$t t$at is attac$ed to a strin' and uses 'ravit. to test

    >$et$er it is eact". vertica"< true vertica" "ine:

    S!irit level< a"so ca""ed %"umb and "eve" L a s%ecia" too" to fit constructed materia"s or 

    an.t$in' t$at .ou need to be "eve": It >ors b. $o"din' a tra%%ed air bubb"e in

    "i4uid: 5$en t$e bubb"e is even". bet>een t$e t>o "eve" mars< .ou no> it is

    eit$er $ori0onta" or vertica"". "eve":

    Tr s,uare L a too" t$at is used for c$ecin' t$e accurac. of ri'$tan'"es:

    Sliding t)bevel L a too" t$at $e"%s set and co%. an'"es %articu"ar".

    usefu" for >ood>or

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e

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    Holdin% tools

    $0clam" 9 a too" made of stee" >it$ a ja> and a t$umb scre>: It is

    used to %ress %ieces of materia"s< suc$ as >ood or bamboo<

    to'et$er t$at need cuttin' or borin':

    ise - a $eav.-dut. c"am% used to $o"d a %iece of materia" secure".

    in %"ace: It is a"so used for $o"din' sma"" >or >$i"e it is bein'

    sa>ed or %"aned:

    (wee2ers 9 used for $o"din' sma""er s$e""s as t$e. are fastened or 

    attac$ed to a %roject:

    0orin% tools

    Hand drill 0 a sma"" %ortab"e dri""in' mac$ine desi'ned to be $e"d and

    o%erated b. $and and used to bore $o"es t$rou'$ materia"s and

    to %revent cracin' >$en a scre>< nai"< or do>e" is driven

    t$rou'$ t$e $o"es

     Auger /it in a rachet /race - a s%ira" bit >it$ a "on' s$an

    and mounted on a brace; used for borin' $o"es in

    bamboo and coconut s$e""

    ."ansive /it  used to /ore )oles t)at are one to to

    inc)e, s$ecially used in car$entry 

    Scratc" a-l  a tool used for drain% lines, mar*in% off $oints in

    measurin% and for /orin% small )oles

    Drivin% tools

    +$ere are too"s t$at are meant to de"iver b"o>s to an object for 

    insta""ation or join' materia"s to'et$er:

    $law hammer 9 used to drive and %u""-out nai"s< usua"". made from

    $i'$ 4ua"it. stee"

    Small hammer  L used for drivin' sma"" %ins< nai"s< or scre>s< and for 

    breain' s$e""s

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e *

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    *allet L a >ooden $ammer< usua"". made of $ard >ood and common". used for drivin'

    a >ood c$ise"

    Screw driver  L a too" used to drive scre>s in >ood or in meta"

    Cuttin% toolsdge0$utting (ools

    • Scissors for cuttin' fabrics and t$reads

    • Tin sni!s L or tin s$ears< are

    used to cut tin and ot$er soft s$eet meta"s

    • %ac) Plane L a 'enera" %ur%ose benc$ %"ane is to smoot$en

    t$e surface of bamboo

    • #as! file L a too" used to cut a>a. or smoot$en irre'u"arities in desi'ns or in

    s$ar% ed'es "eft b. a sa>

    • +olo  L a "on' sin'"e ed'e nife used to cut bamboo and

    simi"ar materia"s

    • S"o)eshave L a sma"" transverse %"ane >it$ end $and"es<

    used to c"ean curved ed'es of >ood or bamboo

    (oothed0$utting (ools

    • $rosscut saw   L a $andsa> >it$ teet$

    "ooin' "ie a series of nife %oints and is

    used to cut across t$e 'rain

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 6

    4 Stu//y Scredriver  5 Standard Scredriver   on% Reac) Scredriver    Slotted Ti$ 9 Po3idrive Ti$ D P)illi$s Ti$)tt$:((#@ust1*ids1furniture#com(car$entry1tool1list#)tml 

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    • $o"ing saw  L intended for cuttin' curved s$a%es on t$in

    %ieces of >ood; can be used to cut eterior curves of 

    bamboo stri%s

    • ovetail saw  L t$is $as a strai'$t $and"e "ie t$at of a

    c$ise"< used to cut bamboo into t$in stri%s

    Fastenin% tools

     An. t.%e of too" to faci"itate joinin' or fastenin' materia"s to'et$er: In case fasteners

    are used< fastenin' too"s are used to %ut in %"ace fastener 


    *on2e -renc" L too" used to ti'$ten or "oosed nuts< bo"ts or 


    Soldering iron usually an electrically $oered tool it) a

    metal ed%e t)at is )eated to melt solderin% co$$er or lead 

    Finis)in% tools

    8hetstone 9 stone used for s)ar$enin% t)e ed%e of 

    cuttin% tools

    mery wheel  L t$is is used for 'rindin' seas$e""s and s$ar%enin'


    Sand"a"er 9 a %a%er '"ued >it$ 'rits< usua"". 'round si"ica< f"int4uart0 or emer. used to smoot$en t$e rou'$ corners and ed'es;

    manufactured in various 'rades >it$ number "ie doub"e 0ero for 

    t$e finest and 3 for t$e coarsest !e"en< 19*28

    t)er Tools

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e 7

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    Poc)et )nife L mu"ti-%ur%ose nife to cut< scra%e and c"ean


    3ong nose "liers L used for cuttin' and bendin' >ires; used for 

    %inc$in'< c"i%%in' and $o"din' some %arts >$i"e assemb"in'


    8or) /ench L used as %"atform for t$e too"s and materia"s >$ic$ faci"itates sa>in'<

    cuttin' and usin' vises

    Se-ing mac"ine L mac$ine used for se>in' fabrics

    &and loom L mac$ine used for "oom >eavin'

    In2le loom L a sma""er version of t$e $and "oom

    It is acno>"ed'ed t$at too"s and e4ui%ment $e"% ac$ieve 4ua"it. craftsmans$i%

    as >e"" as e%edite >or: Arribas< in $er boo on Com%endium of Handcrafts 2##98<

    i""ustrated $o> too"s and e4ui%ment can $e"%: )$e 'ave as an eam%"e t$e tas of 

    '"uin' materia"s to'et$er t$at ma. not re4uire an. ot$er too" ece%t for a brus$ or stic

    to s%read '"ue: Ho>ever< better ad$esion ma. be obtained if t$e materia"s to be joined

    are c"am%ed to'et$er: In t$e same manner< a >oven %iece of fabric ma. be done usin'

    %ieces of cardboard< a need"e and soft .arn; but t$e same %roject can be done for a

    s$orter %eriod of time usin' an in"e "oom:

    +$ere is no doubt t$at too"s and e4ui%ment are $e"%fu": O%timi0in' t$eir use

    $o>ever< de%ends on a%%ro%riate care and use< di"i'ent %ractice and safet.

    consciousness; so ee% t$ese t$in's in mind:

    Recommended sites for furt)er readin%:

    Ho> to use t$e $and too"s( $tt%(//>>>:just-ids-furniture:com/$and-too"-%rocedure:$tm"

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


     Activity ;!

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    Basic Tools in &andicraft

    *easuring Tool %ses 0 Functions Possible Problemsin %sing t"e Tools

    Possible Solutions

    ,: Pu""-%us$ ru"e se to measure

    "on' distances

     Activity ;!* ecision Matri. Read t)e folloin% situations involved in )andicraft $roduction and decide on )at tool(s to /e used and classify t)ese tools accordin% to t)eir %rou$#

    Situation Tool0s to be used Classification of tools

    1: Bou >ant to %u""-out nai"s from>ood >$ic$ >as mistaen".nai"ed:

    2: Bou are 'oin' to use a %"ane tosmoot$en a >ood and .ou >antit to be secured in %"ace:

    3: Bou need to smoot$en rou'$corners and ed'es of coconuts$e""s and seas$e""s:

    : Bou need to measure t$e "en't$of a rattan t$at .ou >i"" use forbaset main':

    *: Bou >ant to attac$ a scre> on>ood >it$out $avin' an. crac:

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e *#

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    Lesson ++ Handicraft &esi,n

    At t"e end of t"e lesson. t"e learner is e1!ected to+1: ,%"ain c$aracteristics of effective $andicraft desi'n2: Identif. t$e e"ements and %rinci%"es of art


     Art attac*- Start reca$turin% your artistic 7muses8 in t)is lesson- 

    Handicraft< o>in' to its nature< incor%orates aest$etic features and t$erefore art;

    t$ou'$ $andicrafts are8 considered under %ractica" arts as o%%osed to %ure art )$ivers

    Ca"der< 1978: !ut to se%arate art from craft im%overis$es bot$ subjects< a no>n

    fact: As suc$< t$e desi'n as >e"" as t$e uti"it. and va"ue of a %roduct are im%ortant

    considerations in $andicraft: Craftor* must develo$ taste- 

    ,ffective desi'ns can be faci"itated b. an understandin' of t$e e"ements and%rinci%"es of art: As a form of s$ort revie>< t$e basic e"ements of arts< t$eir brief 

    descri%tion and an eam%"e are %rovided be"o>(

    +ab"e 7:1 ,"ements of Art

    ,"ements !rief descri%tion ,am%"e


     A mar t$at s%ans a distance

    bet>een t>o %oints:

     A continuous mar made on asurface b. a movin' %oint:

    ,"ements !rief descri%tion ,am%"e

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e *1

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    Consists of Hue anot$er >ord

    for co"or8< Intensit. bri'$tness8

    and Ma"ue "i'$tness or



    Ma"ue+$e "i'$tness or darness of a


      C ,sc$er 


     An enc"osed area defined and

    determined b. ot$er art

    e"ements; 2-dimensiona":


     A 3-dimensiona" object s$o>in'

    $ei'$t< >idt$ and de%t$;or

    somet$in' in a 2-dimensiona"

    art>or t$at a%%ears to be 3-



    +$e distance or area bet>een<

    around< above< be"o>< or >it$in

    t$in's: It inc"udes a fore'round<

    midd"e 'round and bac'round

    to create de%t$: )%ace consistsof t>o t.%es( a %ositive fi""ed >it$

    somet$in'8 and a ne'ative

    em%t. areas8 s%ace:C"aude onet

    ,"ements !rief descri%tion ,am%"e

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e *2

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft



    +$e surface 4ua"it. or Xfee"X of an

    object; its smoot$ness<

    rou'$ness< softness< etc:

    +etures ma. be actua" or im%"ied

    as su''ested b. different%atterns and t.%es of "ines or



    )imi"ar to t$e basic e"ements of $andicraft< it is im%ossib"e to create desi'n

    >it$out t$e use of an. of t$ese e"ements: +$e use of t$ese e"ements must t$en be

    'overned b. t$e fo""o>in' too"sD in main' art - t$e !rinci!les of art(

    +ab"e 7:2 Art Princi%"es

    Princi%"es !rief descri%tion ,am%"e


    +$e >a. t$e e"ements

    are arran'ed to create

    a fee"in' of stabi"it.:+>o t.%es( s.mmetrica"

    and as.mmetrica"


     A vase de%ictin'

    s.mmetrica" ba"ance

    in desi'n



    +$e foca" %oint of acom%osition or >$enone area stands out t$emost



     A "ar'e difference

    bet>een 2 t$in's tocreate interest or


    PaeteDs taa %a%ier mac$e8 $orse$tt%(//trave"eronfoot:>ord%ress:com/ta'/an'-$u'is-at-bu$a.-%aete

    ,"ements !rief descri%tion ,am%"e

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e *3


  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft





     A re'u"ar re%etition of

    e"ements %roduces t$e

    "oo and fee" of

    movement; re%etition

    creates r$.t$m "eadin'

    t$e e.e from one area

    to anot$er 

    )moced fabric






    +$e com%arative

    re"ations$i% of one %art

    to anot$er >it$ res%ect

    to si0e< 4uantit. or

    de'ree; sca"e

      ustave Cai""ebotte


    +$e use of differences

    or c$an'e to increase

    t$e visua" interest of


    +$e use of 



    tec$ni4ues and

    fabrics create

    variet. in t$is




    +$e %"easin'

    arran'ement of a""

    e"ements t$at creates a

    sense of to'et$erness;

    a co$erent >$o"e

     A 4ui"t %roject>$erevarious

    scra%s of fabric createa beautifu"s.nt$esis

    $tt%(//>>>:em%t.s%oo"sseminars:com/2#13/#1)c$>ar0Y2#)mit$:j%'b. ura )c$>ar0 )mit$

    H,-Handicrafts Pa'e *

  • 8/15/2019 Kto12 Tle-home Economics_ Lm-handicraft


    esi'n< as a conce%t< is broad: +$e conce%t as %resented b. o"dstein and

    o"dstein 19668 a%%ears to be most suited for %ur%oses of $andicraft %rojects and is

    consistent >it$ "iteratures in $andicraft: esi'n is defined as an. arran'ement of "ines<

    forms< co"ors and tetures i:e: e"ements of arts8 o"dstein o"dstein< 19668:

    T)ere are to *inds of desi%n structural and decorative# Structural desi%n ist)e desi%n made /y t)e si3e, form, color, and te.ture of an o/@ect, )et)er it /e

    t)e o/@ect itself, in s$ace, or a drain% of t)at o/@ect or*ed out in $a$er#

    Decorative desi%n is t)e surface enric)ment of t)e structural desi%n#


    decorative desi'n ma. be a%%"ied to create a ric$er 4ua"it.:

    +$e art %rinci%"e ;form follo-s function@ is e. to 'ood desi'n: +o create a

    desi'n is to u"timate". ac$ieve order and unit. >it$ t$e t>o ot$