KS1 Curriculum Map - · PDF fileKS1 Curriculum Map ... Are animals and people similar? Trip:...

KS1 Curriculum Map Year One curriculum map 2016/17 Autumn Spring Summer Autumn 1 Ourselves Clowntown Autumn 2 Autumn Spring 1 Beanstalks Spring 2 Space Science Museum Book Mr Berlin for D&T Summer 1 Are animals and people similar? Trip: Willows Farm Summer 2 Houses and Homes Literacy non- Fiction Texts (including labels, lists, captions etc) Beegu Autumn poems Farmer Duck Poetry Competition - 15 th November Traditional Tales (Narrative) Jack and the Beanstalk Man on the Moon-Simon Bartram Recounts of familiar events. Familiar settings. Information books-(non fiction) Stories with repetitive patterns or structures. (narrative) Stories by the same author- Room on the broom The Snail and the Whale by Julia Stories from other cultures (narrative) Instructions (non-fiction) The Three little pigs The Story Tree

Transcript of KS1 Curriculum Map - · PDF fileKS1 Curriculum Map ... Are animals and people similar? Trip:...

KS1 Curriculum Map

Year One curriculum map 2016/17

Autumn Spring Summer Autumn 1 Ourselves Clowntown

Autumn 2 Autumn

Spring 1 Beanstalks

Spring 2 Space Science Museum Book Mr Berlin for D&T

Summer 1 Are animals and people similar? Trip: Willows Farm

Summer 2 Houses and Homes


non- Fiction Texts (including labels, lists, captions etc) Beegu

Autumn poems Farmer Duck

Poetry Competition- 15th November

Traditional Tales (Narrative)

Jack and the Beanstalk

Man on the Moon-Simon Bartram Recounts of familiar events. Familiar settings.

Information books-(non fiction) Stories with repetitive patterns or structures. (narrative) Stories by the same author-Room on the broom The Snail and the Whale by Julia

Stories from other cultures (narrative)

Instructions (non-fiction) The Three little pigs The Story Tree

Writing focus throughout

the year.


Collins Pupil Book 1


To say out loud what they are going to write about and compose sentence orally before writing it. Sequence sentences to form short narratives. Re-read what they have written to check it makes sense. Discuss their writing with peers and adults. Read writing aloud to class.

Spaces between words. How words combine to make a sentence.

Capital letters, proper nouns and capital I for personal pronoun.

Plurals and verb suffixes (s,es )

Use and to join two sentences. Suffixes-(-ing, -ed,-er and –est)where root word remains the same.

Begin to use . ? !

Phonics As set out in ‘Letters and Sounds’ and the NNC.

Spelling Collins Pupil

Book 1

Spelling ff,ll,ss and zz.

Spelling ck after a short vowel.

Spelling nk.

Spelling words with two syllables.

Spelling the /ch/ sound tch.

Spelling words that end in a /v/ sound.

Adding –s to make a plural.

Adding –es to make a plural.

Adding –ing to a root word.

Adding –er to a root word.

Adding –ed to a root word.

Adding –er and –est to adjectives.

Spelling words ending with y.

Spelling ph.

Spelling wh

Spellink words with k.

Adding the prefix un-.

Spelling compound words.

Spelling the days of the week.

Science (SnapScience)

Using our senses.

Animal antics Sensing Seasons

Plant detectives .

Everyday materials

Are people and animals similar?

History The first aeroplane flight. Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus.

How animals were used in the past.

Old houses and homes

Geography Where do we live? Local and Familiar features of local area. Use 4 compass directions and simple vocab. Use aerial photos and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and basic human and physical features: devise a map; and use and construct basic symbols in a key. Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer

Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in UK and location of hot and cold areas of the world.

Local environment

to: key physical features, including: beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill, mountain, sea, ocean, river, soil, valley, vegetation, season and weather key human features, including: city, town, village, factory, farm, house, office, port, harbour and shop.

Computing Programming: Using programmable toys.

Computational thinking: Filming the steps of a recipe.

Creativity: Illustrating an eBook.

Computer networks: Finding images.

Communication /collaboration: Producing a talking book

Productivity: Creating a card electronically.

Art and design

Use a range of materials creatively to design and make products. Use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share ideas, experiences and imagination. Develop a wide range of art and design techniques using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. Draw portraits.

Develop techniques of colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. Draw sketches, pictures, map etc. of the local park. (CC Geography) Van Gogh and Turner-Famous Artists

Maths Based on Busy Ant

Unit 1: Number and place value

Unit 3: Number and place value

Unit 5: Number and place value

Unit 7: Addition and subtraction

Unit 9: Number and place value

Unit 11 Addition and subtraction Properties of shape.

Maths Addition and

subtraction Properties of shape Unit 2: Addition and subtraction Measurement

Multiplication and division Position and direction Unit 4: Addition and subtraction Fractions Measurement

Addition and subtraction Properties of shape Unit 6: Multiplication and division Measurement

Measurement Unit 8: Number and place value Fractions Measurement

Addition and subtraction Properties of shape Unit 10: Multiplication and division Measurement

Unit 12: Multiplication and division Fractions Measurement

Maths Day 18th July 2016


Generate, develop, model and communicate ideas through talking, drawing and templates. Select and use a wide range of materials. Build structures, exploring how they can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable. Construction of rockets.

Design purposeful, functional, appealing product for themselves and others based on design criteria. Evaluate ideas and products against design criteria. Explore and use mechanisms e.g wheels. Wind up cars.

D&T week 18th -22nd July 2016

RE See Kodesh Curriculum

Music (over the

course of KS1)

Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high quality live and recorded music. Play tuned and untuned instruments musically. Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.

Use voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes.

PE Knowledge and understanding of Fitness and Health.

PE Focus Games/Gymnastic Activities

Games Activities Gymnastic Activities

Dance Activities Games Activities Games Activities

PE Theme Coordination/Balance & Control

Invasion Games & Team Working

Balance/Sequences & Using Apparatus

Movements/Rhythm & Patterns

Striking & Fielding Athletics

PE Key Skills Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities.

Show good awareness of others in running, chasing and avoiding games. Work agreeably with partners, groups and teams. Participate in team games.

Create and perform linked sequences demonstrating safe use of equipment and apparatus at all times.

Express and communicate imaginative movements through series and patterns. Perform dances using simple movement patterns.

Strike a moving ball from the ground, from a bounce and through the air. Make choices about appropriate targets and space.

Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities.

Sports Day Monday 25th July 2016

Year Two curriculum map 2015/16

Autumn Spring Summer Autumn 1 Autumn 2

Trip to Imperial War Museum

Spring 1 Trip to the park.

Spring 2 Freshwater Theatre Company

Summer 1 Summer 2

Maths Based on Busy Ant


Unit 1: Number and place value. Addition and subtraction. Properties of shape. Unit 2: Addition and subtraction. Measurement.

Unit 3: Number and place value. Multiplication and division. Position and direction. Unit 4: Multiplication and division Fractions Measurement

Unit 5: Addition and subtraction. Fractions. Measurement. Unit 6: Multiplication and division. Measurement.

Unit 7: Addition and subtraction. Measurement Unit 8: Number and place value. Fractions. Measurement.

Unit 9: Number and place value. Addition and subtraction. Position and direction. Unit 10: Multiplication and division. Measurement.

Unit 11: Addition and subtraction. Properties of shapes. Unit 12: Multiplication and division. Fractions. Measurement.

Maths Day 18th July 2016

Literacy Stories set in familiar settings. Story as a theme. The Tunnel by A. Browne (Narrative)

Poems on a theme (Poetry)


Recounts: letters from the trenches ( Non- fiction)

Explanation texts – How things work.(Non-fiction)

Stories by the same author by Oliver Jeffers. (Narrative)

Persuasive advert or poster (Non-


Diary writing (Samuel Pepys) and story writing, based on The Great Fire of London. Information texts: dictionaries,

Diary/letter writing/ fact sheets based on Florence Nightingale/Mary Seacole (CCHistory) Story Writing – Bringing Rain to

Poems with a structure e.g. riddles, limericks Classic poetry -The Owl and the Pussycat by Edward Lear Non Chronological

Competition- Tuesday 10th November

thesaurus and glossaries.

Kapiti Plain by Verna Aardema

reports (nocturnal animals) (Non-fiction)

SPaG Based on Collins Treasure House Pupil Book 2

General punctuation.

Using suffixes to form nouns.

Compound nouns.

Using suffixes to form adjectives

Using suffixes to form adverbs from adjectives.

Using suffixes in adjectives.

Co-ordinating conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions

Expanded noun phrases

Sentence types: statements

Sentence types: questions

Sentence types: exclamations

Sentence types: commands

Present tense and past tense.

Progressive verb forms in the present and past tense.

Commas in a list

Apostrophes for omission and possession.

Correct choice of tense. Use of capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas and apostrophes in contractions.

Spellings Based on Collins Treasure House Pupil Book 2

Words ending in –ge.

Words ending in –dge.

C before e, i and y.

Words beginning with kn- and gn-.

Words beginning with wr-.

Words ending in –le

Words ending in –el

Words ending in –al.

Words ending in –il.

Words ending in –y.

Adding –es to words ending in –y.

Adding –ed to words ending in-y.

Adding –er or –est to root words ending in-y.

Adding –ing to root

Adding new endings to one- syllable words with short vowel sounds.

Spelling words with al or all.

The /u/ sound spelt o.

The /ee/

The /er/ sound spelt or after w

The /or/sound spelt ar after w

The /sh/ sound spelt s.

Adding suffixes – ment, -ness, -ful, -less and – ly.

Apostrophes for contractions.

Apostrophes to show possession.

Words ending in –tion.

Homophones and near homophones.

words ending in –y.

Adding new endings to root words ending in –e.

sound spelt ey.

The /o/sound spelt a after w and qu.

Ongoing Common exception words in NNC.

Science SnapScience

Living, non- living and dead. Our changing world.

Living, non- living and dead. What is in your habitat?

Compare uses of different materials. Materials- good choices.

Compare uses of different materials. Materials – shaping up (CC with History)

Growing plant’s needs. The apprentice gardener.

Basic needs of animals and offspring. Take care Growing up.

History Changes in living history. Remembrance Day.

Events beyond living memory. - King Charles II and Samuel Pepys. The Great Fire of London.

Significant people-compare. The lives of Florence Nightingale /Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell.

Geography Name and locate the world’s seven continents and five oceans. Name, locate and identify characteristics of the four countries and capital cities of the UK and its surrounding seas.

Our World Project- 18th – 26th Feb 2016

Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment. (CC

Understand geographical similarities and differences through studying the human and physical geography of a small area in the UK and of a small area in a contrasting non- European country.

Use world maps, atlases and globes to identify UK and its countries as well as countries, continents and oceans of the world.

with art and design)

D&T Design purposeful, functional, appealing product for themselves and others based on design criteria. Evaluate ideas and products against design criteria. Explore and use mechanisms e.g. wheels. Wind up cars.

Generate, develop, model and communicate ideas through talking, drawing and templates. Select and use a wide range of materials. Build structures, exploring how they can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable. Construction of 3D shapes. (CC science)

Use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes. Understand where foods come from. (CC Science)

D&T week 18th -22nd July 2016

Art and design

To develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. Learn about a range of artists describing differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines and making links to their own work. Children to draw self-portraits and portraits of family members. Children to paint scenes of the ‘other side of the tunnel’. (CC The Tunnel). Examine the work of Paul Klee and compare abstract art to their own portraits.

Art project 24th & 25th

To use drawing to develop and share ideas, experiences and imagination. To sketch and draw scenes of the school and its locality (CC geography).

To use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share ideas, experiences and imagination. Children to draw, sculpt and paint a range of animals. (CC to literacy).


Computing Programming: Programming on screen.

Computational thinking: Exploring how computer games work.

Creativity: Taking, selecting and editing digital images.

Computer networks: Researching a topic.

Communication/ Collaboration: Communicating clues.

Productivity: Recording bug hunt data.

RE See Kodesh curriculum,

Music (over the

course of KS1)

Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high quality live and recorded music. Play tuned and untuned instruments musically. Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.

Use voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes.

PE Knowledge and understanding of fitness and health.

PE Focus Games/Gymnastic Activities

Games Activities

Gymnastic Activities

Dance Activities Games Activities Games Activities

PE Theme Coordination/Balance & Control

Invasion Games & Team Working

Balance/Sequences & Using Apparatus

Movements/Rhythm & Patterns

Striking & Fielding Athletics

PE Key Skills Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and

Show good awareness of others in running, chasing and avoiding games.Participate in team

Create and perform linked sequences demonstrating safe use of equipment and apparatus at all times.

Perform dances using simple movement patterns.

Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities.

Sports Day Monday 25th July 2016