Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z...

9 Arheološki vestnik 68, 2017, str. 9–84 Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji The chronological relationship between the Lasinja culture and the Furchenstich pottery culture in north-eastern Slovenia Anton VELUŠČEK Izvleček Članek kritično obravnava interpretacije, ki slonijo izključno na uporabi radiokarbonskih datumov v neolitskih in eneolitskih študijah v Sloveniji. Predstavljen je multidisciplinarni pristop – s pomočjo klasične arheološke primerjalne metode in z radiokarbonskimi datumi ugotavljamo kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v Prekmurju in na vzhodnih obronkih Slovenskih goric. Radiokarbonsko datiranje potrjuje rezultat tipološke analize. Iz rezultatov radiokarbonskega datiranja izhaja, da je bila v Prekmurju in na vzhodnih Slovenskih goricah lasinjska kultura predhod- nica kulture keramike z brazdastim vrezom. Kulturi nista živeli sočasno, zato se datacije vzorcev starejše ne prekrivajo z datumi mlajše. Ključne besede: severovzhodna Slovenija, lasinjska kultura, kultura keramike z brazdastim vrezom, metodologija, kronologija, radiokarbonsko datiranje, analiza najdb Abstract The article critically discusses interpretations based exclusively on the use of radiocarbon dates in Neolithic and Eneolithic studies in Slovenia. A multidisciplinary approach is presented here – the chronological relationship between the Lasinja culture and the Furchenstich pottery culture is determined with the aid of the classical archaeological comparative method and radio- carbon dates from the Prekmurje region and at the eastern edges of the Slovenske gorice region. Radiocarbon dating confirms the results of the typological analysis. The results of radiocarbon dating reveal that in Prekmurje and eastern Slovenske gorice the Lasinja culture was a predecessor of the Furchenstich pottery culture. These two cultures did not exist simultaneously, therefore, dates of the samples from the earlier one do not coincide with the dates of the later one. Keywords: north-eastern Slovenia, Lasinja culture, Furchenstich pottery culture, methodology, chronology, radio- carbon dating, finds analysis

Transcript of Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z...

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9Arheološki vestnik 68, 2017, str. 9–84

Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

The chronological relationship between the Lasinja culture and the Furchenstich pottery culture in north-eastern Slovenia



Članek kritično obravnava interpretacije, ki slonijo izključno na uporabi radiokarbonskih datumov v neolitskih in eneolitskih študijah v Sloveniji.

Predstavljen je multidisciplinarni pristop – s pomočjo klasične arheološke primerjalne metode in z radiokarbonskimi datumi ugotavljamo kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v Prekmurju in na vzhodnih obronkih Slovenskih goric. Radiokarbonsko datiranje potrjuje rezultat tipološke analize. Iz rezultatov radiokarbonskega datiranja izhaja, da je bila v Prekmurju in na vzhodnih Slovenskih goricah lasinjska kultura predhod-nica kulture keramike z brazdastim vrezom. Kulturi nista živeli sočasno, zato se datacije vzorcev starejše ne prekrivajo z datumi mlajše.

Ključne besede: severovzhodna Slovenija, lasinjska kultura, kultura keramike z brazdastim vrezom, metodologija, kronologija, radiokarbonsko datiranje, analiza najdb


The article critically discusses interpretations based exclusively on the use of radiocarbon dates in Neolithic and Eneolithic studies in Slovenia.

A multidisciplinary approach is presented here – the chronological relationship between the Lasinja culture and the Furchenstich pottery culture is determined with the aid of the classical archaeological comparative method and radio-carbon dates from the Prekmurje region and at the eastern edges of the Slovenske gorice region. Radiocarbon dating confirms the results of the typological analysis. The results of radiocarbon dating reveal that in Prekmurje and eastern Slovenske gorice the Lasinja culture was a predecessor of the Furchenstich pottery culture. These two cultures did not exist simultaneously, therefore, dates of the samples from the earlier one do not coincide with the dates of the later one.

Keywords: north-eastern Slovenia, Lasinja culture, Furchenstich pottery culture, methodology, chronology, radio-carbon dating, finds analysis

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V zadnjih letih se v Sloveniji zelo uveljavlja t. i. prostorska arheologija, kar je zaradi izjemnega napredka v tehnologiji verjetno logična posledica. Številne študije analizirajo poselitveno dinamiko, povezave človeka z okoljem itn., v različnih arheo-loških obdobjih.1 Kljub temu ne gre pozabiti, da je arheologija veda, ki se poleg preučevanja človekove pojavnosti in njegove dejavnosti v prostoru ukvarja tudi s časom. Pravzaprav je determiniranje časa ena izmed bistvenih nalog arheologije. Tako je bilo na začetku, ko se je s periodnim sistemom v arheologiji pionirsko ukvarjal Christian Jürgensen Thomsen,2 in tako je še danes.3

Absolutna kronologija

Danes se ob tradicionalno arheoloških metodah za determiniranje časa čedalje bolj uveljavljajo na-ravoslovne metode datiranja. Tako na Ljubljanskem barju in povsod tam, kjer je na voljo primeren material, tj. zadovoljivo ohranjen les določenih drevesnih vrst, se izvaja dendrokronološke razi-skave v povezavi z radiokarbonskim datiranjem.4 Drugod raziskovalci uporabljajo, skoraj izključno,5 radiokarbonsko metodo.6 Velikokrat žal tako, da se pri datiranju ne upošteva arheoloških najdb, struktur in stratigrafije.7 Tako so metodi primer-ljive tudi interpretacije.

1 Npr. Budja 1994; Velušček 2004a; Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007; Dular 2013.

2 Thomsen 1837.3 Glej npr. Sraka 2012.4 Npr. Čufar, Velušček, Kromer 2013.5 Redka izjema (glej Ogrinc, Budja 2005).6 Npr. Ajdovska jama (npr. Bonsall et al. 2007), Čatež −

Sredno polje (npr. Tomaž 2010), Maharski prekop (npr. Mlekuž et al. 2012), Mala Triglavca (Mlekuž et al. 2008), Resnikov prekop (Mlekuž et al. 2013), Moverna vas (npr. Sraka 2013).

7 Takšna obravnava različnih virov je v nasprotju z mnenjem, ki ga je pred več kot sto leti zagovarjal Oscar Montelius: “Je höher die Zahl von Funden mit derselben Kombination wird, desto sicherer können wir sein, dass wir es wirklich mit Sachen zu thun haben, welche zur selben Zeit verfertigt wurden” (1903, 13). Če želimo postati aktualni, je treba le samostalnik najdbe / die Funde razumeti kot sklop najdb, struktur na terenu in radiokarbonskih datumov in kot še marsikaj drugega. Govorimo o podatkih, ki so

Zdi se, da podobna pota ubira del stroke, ki se ukvarja z mlajšo kameno in bakreno dobo. Prednjačijo raziskovalci z Oddelka za arheologijo Filozofske fakultete s študijami o neolitsko-eneo-litski poselitveni dinamiki Ljubljanskega barja. V več študijah, ki so podprte z razmeroma velikim številom radiokarbonskih datumov, večinoma žal ni najti konsistentnih podatkov o dejanski starosti naselij.8

Najdišča s koli in drugimi naselbinskimi arhe-ološkimi najdbami, tj. kolišča, ki so vedno bila na mokrotnih tleh, se obravnava kot ostanke dolgotrajnih naselij, kontinuirano obljudenih več stoletij. Problem je, da v primerljivih okoljih drugod po srednji Evropi ni najti analogij za takšne interpretacije,9 a to očitno ni predmet znanstvenega zanimanja in diskusije.

V teh študijah se tudi nikoli ne problematizira, ali se predlagani absolutni datumi skladajo s kulturno opredelitvijo arheoloških najdb, predvsem kerami-ke.10 Slednje je po našem mnenju napačen pristop, čeprav izsledki temeljijo na uporabi najmodernejših tehnologij in drugih zelo sofisticiranih pristopov.

Primer: Maharski prekop

Naj kot rezultat prenagljenosti pri sklepanju navedemo ugotovitev, do katere je s preučevanjem tehnologije izdelave keramike z najdišča Maharski prekop prišla Andreja Žibrat Gašparič.11 V razlagi se je sklicevala na približno 900-letno poselitev najdišča, češ da jo utemeljujejo rezultati radiokar-bonskega datiranja, ki jih je našla pri Mlekužu s sodelavci (glej sl. 1).12 Tako je v tehnologiji izde-lave keramike prepoznala močno tradicijo, ki se kaže “v široki uporabi enega lončarskega recepta, ki močno prevladuje nad drugimi oblikami izdela-ve keramike”, in nato še ugotovila, da je “močna

pridobljeni s palinolškimi, arheobotaničnimi, arheozoološkimi in drugimi raziskavami (npr. Bonsall et al. 2002; Andrič, Tolar, Toškan 2016).

8 Mlekuž, Budja, Ogrinc 2006; Mlekuž et al. 2012; Mlekuž et al. 2013. Glej kritično besedilo npr. pri Velušček 2013.

9 Prim. Menotti 2004; Suter, Schlichtherle 2009.10 To velja predvsem za najdišči Maharski prekop

(Mlekuž, Budja, Ogrinc 2006; Mlekuž et al. 2012) in Resnikov prekop (Mlekuž et al. 2013).

11 Žibrat Gašparič 2013a; glej še Žibrat Gašparič 2013b, 148, 153–161.

12 Žibrat Gašparič 2013a, 21.

Sl. 1: Radiokarbonski datumi z Maharskega prekopa na Ljubljanskem barju (po Mlekuž et al. 2012, tab. 1).Fig. 1: Radiocarbon dates from Maharski prekop at the Ljubljansko barje (after: Mlekuž et al. 2012, Tab. 1).

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11Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

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lončarska tradicija na Maharskem prekopu lahko posledica dovršenih tehnoloških rešitev pri uporabi zdrobljenih zrn kalcita in zdrobljene stare kera-mike, lahko pa je tudi posledica močnih tradicij, ki so vezane znotraj družbe na različna simbolna dejanja, ki lahko predstavljajo obnovo ali dejanje spomina na prednike”.13

O interpretacijah, povezanih s poselitvijo naj-dišča Maharski prekop, smo že pisali, zato na tem mestu tega ne gre ponavljati.14 Kljub temu je treba opozoriti na članek, ki je izšel v reviji Dendrochronologia, v katerem je predstavljena sinhronizacija slovenskih dendrokronoloških kro-nologij, ki pokrivajo naselja iz okvirno sredine 4. tisočletja pr. Kr. na Ljubljanskem barju, z združeno švicarsko-južnonemško standardno kronologijo.15 Danes tako lahko govorimo o kolih kot gradbenih elementih, za katere obstajajo podatki o koledarskem letu poseka. Seveda pod pogojema, da je prisotna zadnja branika in da je krivulja vključena v sinhro-nizirano kronologijo. Tako se tudi logična sklepa, na katerih je dejansko kronološko utemeljena teza Žibrat Gašparičeve o “močni tradiciji”,16 ne zdita razumljiva. Gre namreč za to, da naj bi bili ključni gradbeni elementi mlajši od naselja, kateremu so pripadali, oz. da naj bi bila keramika, ki tipološko nedvomno sodi v širši časovni in kulturni okvir badenske kulture,17 od nje precej starejša.

Primer: Resnikov prekop

Podobno je treba omeniti tudi prispevek Dimitrija Mlekuža in sodelavcev, v katerem so razpravljali o vlogi keramike pri pripravi in uživanju hrane na najdišču Resnikov prekop na Ljubljanskem barju.18 Nemajhno čudenje zbuja na podlagi ra-diokarbonskih datumov ocenjena starost najdišča, za katerega ugotavljajo, da “However, several dates of food residue yielded much older dates of wood structures, dating the pots from Resnikov prekop to a period between 5726−4730 BC. If those dates are accurate, then they are the oldest dates of pottery in central Slovenia so far, preceding the earliest known dates by some 1000 years”.19

13 Ib., 21–22.14 Glej npr. Velušček 2009; id. 2013.15 Čufar et al. 2015.16 Žibrat Gašparič 2013a.17 Glej npr. Parzinger 1984.18 Mlekuž et al. 2013, 131.19 Ib., 132.

Tako se torej zdi, kot da je prvopodpisani avtor prispevka pozabil na lastno delo izpred desetletja in pol, v katerem na kratko omenja tudi keramiko z Brega pri Škofljici. Navajamo: “Potsherds were discovered in the Castelnovien context, typologically comparable to the earliest LBK pottery.”20 Iz litera-ture je namreč dobro znano, da se začetek kulture linearnotrakaste keramike postavlja okvirno v sre-dino 6. tisočletja pr. Kr.,21 v čas možnega začetka poselitve na Resnikovem prekopu po Mlekužu s sodelavci. Zaradi bližine najdišč22 Breg in Resnikov prekop lahko torej upravičeno domnevamo, da je bila vsaj približno primerljiva keramika najdena tudi na slednjem najdišču in ne samo na Bregu.23

Čeprav je videti, kot da smo preveč pikolovski, pa vendarle je iz takšnega nabora interpretacij pov-sem legitimno razmišljanje, če moremo Ljubljansko barje z Resnikovim prekopom in Bregom res videti kot oddaljeni ter hkrati edinstveni refugij nosilcev zgodnje faze ravninske kulture linearnotrakaste keramike, tj. v času okoli sredine 6. tisočletja pr. Kr., v hribovitem predalpskem svetu osrednje Slovenije.

Argument za takšno kulturno in časovno oprede-litev keramike z Brega naj bi bili fragmenti kulture linearnotrakaste keramike. Ti do danes žal še niso bili objavljeni.24 Dejstvo pa je, da so pred tem s tega najdišča najmanj trije avtorji navajali kerami-ko, med katero so bili tudi fragmenti, ki izvirajo iz plasti z mezolitskimi najdbami, resniškega tipa oz. eneolitsko keramiko.25

V primeru Resnikovega prekopa so torej edini argument, ki upravičuje visoko absolutno starost najdišča, radiokarbonski datumi. Lahko se vpra-šamo, kako je mogoče, da nekaj številk povozi teze, ki resniško keramiko in s tem tudi najdišče uvrščajo nekam v konec neolitika oz. na začetek eneolitika,26 absolutno kronološko pa zagotovo v čas proti sredini 5. tisočletja in niti približno ne v 6. tisočletje pr. Kr.27

20 Mlekuž 2001, 47.21 Npr. Krenn-Leeb, Grömer, Stadler 2006, 195, sl. 2;

Bánffy, Oross 2009, 219–240; Bánffy, Oross 2010, 255–272; Oross, Bánffy 2009, tab. 1.

22 Najdišči ležita na jugovzhodu Ljubljanskega barja približno 2,2 km narazen.

23 Prim. s Tomaž 1999, 73, 153–156; Žibrat Gašparič 2013b, 161.

24 Edina omemba pri Mlekuž 2001, 47.25 Josipovič 1983, 187; Frelih 1986, 23, 25, 27, t. 1: 1;

id. 1987, 115; Tomaž 1999, 59–73, 153–156, t. B1.26 Glej in prim. Korošec 1964; Budja 1983; Parzinger 1984;

Dular et al. 1991; Tomaž 1999; Guštin 2005; Velušček 2006.27 Guštin 2005; Velušček 2006; id. 2011.

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13Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

Primer: Moverna vas

Leta 2013 je v reviji Documenta Praehistorica izšel prispevek Marka Srake o radiokarbonskih datumih in drugačnem pogledu na stratigrafijo neolitsko-eneolitskega najdišča Moverna vas, v katerem je najti prenovljeno podobo že davno ob-javljene risbe t. i. kumulativnega preseka/profila28 (glej sl. 2a in b).

Iz zgodovine stroke je sicer znano, da se je predhodno že objavljene profile na novo in dru-gače interpretiralo.29 V primeru Moverne vasi pa je šlo za posege v originalno strukturo profila. Na posodobljeni risbi so dobile nekatere stratigrafske enote drugačno mesto (sl. 2b in 3).30 Tako so nove pozicije dobila zasutja jam, označena kot SE 011, SE 030, SE 033 in SE 046, ne pa tudi jame SE 016, SE 036, SE 034 in SE 048, ki so bile z omenjenimi zasutji zapolnjene, kar je razvidno s slike 3. Morda se motimo in gre pri tem zgolj za prenagljenost, saj je na podlagi slike 2b jasno, da so bile prestavljene tudi jame, čeprav v besedilu niso nikjer eksplicitno omenjene.31

Iz sicer zelo skromno objavljene dokumentacije izkopavanj v letu 1988 je dobro razvidno, da je npr. kot SE 033 označeno zasutje32 manjše jame SE 034 ležalo pod plastjo SE 009.2 oz. pod plastjo “nalaganja” v okviru sedme naselbinske faze (sl. 2a, 3 in 4).33 Na prenovljeni risbi kumulativnega profila Moverne vasi pa je zasutje SE 033 postavlje-no visoko nad plast SE 009.2 in neposredno pod plast SE 006, tj. pod t. i. plast nalaganja, v okviru naselbinske faze 934 oz. 9b po novi interpretaciji (glej sl. 2b, c in 3).35

28 Kumulativni presek/profil: “Proces, med katerim je presek izdelan vzporedno z izkopavanjem posamičnih plasti; kadar uporabljamo to metodo, ni treba ohraniti vmesnih sten” (po Harris 1989, 151 – prevod P. Novaković in P. Turk).

29 Npr. Budja 1990.30 Glej še Sraka 2013, sl. 2 in 3.31 Glej ib., 313–321.32 Glej Budja 1990, 129, sl. 10.33 Budja 1988, 53, sl. 6; id. 1990, sl. 8; id. 1993, sl. 5.34 Npr. Budja 1993, sl. 7.35 Sraka 2013, sl. 2 in 3; Šoberl et al. 2014, sl. 2.

Sl. 2: Kumulativni profil arheoloških plasti z najdišča Moverna vas. a – 1993 (po Budja 1993, sl. 7); b – 2013 (po Sraka 2013, sl. 3); c – 2014 (po Šoberl et al. 2014, sl. 2).Fig. 2: Cumulative section of stratigraphic sequence at the Moverna vas site. a – 1993 (after: Budja 1993, Fig. 7); b – 2013 (after: Sraka 2013, Fig. 3); c – 2014 (after: Šoberl et al. 2014, Fig. 2).

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Sl. 3: Harrisova matrika stratigrafskega zaporedja aktivnosti na arheološkem najdišču Moverna vas (po Sraka 2013, sl. 2).Fig. 3: The Harris matrix of stratigraphic sequence at the archaeological site of Moverna vas (after: Sraka 2013, Fig. 2).

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15Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

Sl. 4: Moverna vas:a – kumulativni profil (po Budja 1993, sl. 7); b – izvirna fotografija kompozitnega planuma osme naselbinske faze z označenim mestom, kjer je na planumu pod njim dokumentirana SE 033 (po Budja 1988, sl. 5); c – izvirna fotografija kompozitnega planuma sedme naselbinske faze z dobro vidnim zasutjem SE 033 (po Budja 1990, sl. 9).Fig. 4: Moverna vas:a – cumulative section (after: Budja 1993, Fig. 7);b – the original photo of the composite plan of the eighth settlement phase with a marked spot where SU 033 is docu-mented beneath the plan (after: Budja 1988, Fig. 5);c – the original photo of the composite plan of the seventh settlement phase where the fill of SU 033 is clearly visible (after: Budja 1990, Fig. 9).

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Sl. 5: Moverna vas: a – 1990, izvirna risba kompozitnega planuma sedme naselbinske faze (po Budja 1990, sl. 10); b – izvirna fotografija kompozitnega planuma sedme naselbinske faze (po Budja 1990, sl. 9); c – 2013, posodobljena risba kompozitnega planuma sedme naselbinske faze (po Sraka 2013 [podlaga: Budja 1990, sl. 10]); d – posodobljena fotografija kompozitnega planuma sedme naselbinske faze (po Sraka 2013 [podlaga: Budja 1990, sl. 9]).Fig. 5: Moverna vas:a – 1990, the original drawing of the composite plan of the seventh settlement phase (after: Budja 1990, Fig. 10); b – the original photo of the composite plan of the seventh settlement phase (after: Budja 1990, Fig. 9);c – 2013, the modernised drawing of the composite plan of the seventh settlement phase (after: Sraka 2013 [based on: Budja 1990, Fig. 10]);d – the modernised photo of the composite plan of the seventh settlement phase (after: Sraka 2013 [based on: Budja 1990, Fig. 9]).

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17Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

Nenavadno je, da se takšna interpretacija sploh lahko pojavi v strokovni literaturi. Dejansko se pri interpretaciji profila Moverne vasi zdi nedo-pustno, da so recenzenti spregledali, da je namreč jama SE 034 z zasutjem SE 033 upodobljena na fotografiji kompozitnega tlorisa/planuma36 sedme naselbinske faze, ki je bila večkrat objavljena v znanstvenih revijah v zgodnjih devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja (sl. 4c in 5b). Dejstvo je tudi, da na fotografiji višje ležečega kompozitnega planuma osme naselbinske faze še ni opaziti jame SE 034 z zasutjem SE 033 (sl. 4b). Z drugimi besedami, struktura SE 034 in zasutje SE 033 sta bila brez trohice dvoma fotografsko dokumentirana pod nivojem kompozitnega planuma osme naselbinske faze (prim. s sl. 4a).

Za jasnejšo ponazoritev, kaj takšno prestavlja-nje SE po profilu v praksi pomeni, smo na sliki 5 predstavili prenovljeni verziji risbe in fotografije kompozitnega planuma sedme naselbinske faze Moverne vasi, kot izhaja iz interpretacije Srake, na kateri pa seveda ni več najti SE 033, 034, 046 in 048 (glej sl. 5c in d). Ne glede na to, da se na takšen način poskuša ustvariti dvom o verodo-stojnosti dokumentacije izkopavanj iz leta 1988, se arheologiji kot znanstveni vedi postavlja še veliko pomembnejše vprašanje – kako je takšna manipulacija sploh mogoča?

Pri iskanju enega izmed možnih odgovorov smo ponovno pri nekritični rabi radiokarbonskih datumov, kar je bilo tudi v tem primeru, ne glede

36 Kompozitni tloris/planum: “Ta tip tlorisa kaže površino, sestavljeno iz dveh ali več enot stratifikacije: gre za tloris faze ali interfacije obdobja” (po Harris 1989, 151).

Sl. 6: Keramika. 1 – Moverna vas; 2 – Parte; 3 – Parte − Iščica. M. = 1:5.Fig. 6: Pottery. 1 – Moverna vas; 2 – Parte; 3 – Parte − Iščica. Scale = 1:5.(po / after: Tomaž 1999, t. / Pl. MV39: 2 [1]; Harej 1987, t. / Pl. 15: 7 [2]; Velušček, Čufar, Levanič 2000, t. / Pl. 4: 3 [3])

Sl. 7: Keramika. 1 – Maharski prekop; 2–4 – Götschen-berg. M. = 1:5.Fig. 7: Pottery. 1 – Maharski prekop; 2–4 – Götschenberg. Scale = 1:5.(po / after: Bregant 1975, t. / Pl. 17: 18 [1]; Lippert 1992, t. / Pl. 13: 1; 18: 11,10 [2–4])

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Sl. 8: Keramika. a – Moverna vas (M. = 1:5); b – Götschenberg (ni v merilu).Fig. 8: Pottery. a – Moverna vas (Scale = 1:5); b – Götschenberg (not to scale).

(po / after: Budja 1992, sl. / Fig. 4 [a]; Lippert 1992, sl. / Fig. 7 [b])

na že objavljeno fotografsko in drugo dokumenta-cijo, edino merilo za oceno starosti stratigrafskih enot in njihovo nenavadno premestitev na nova mesta v kumulativnem profilu. Samo v primeru SE 030 je za to operacijo (glej sl. 2b) kot dodatni argument navedena iz odlomkov rekonstruirana keramična posoda (sl. 6: 1) z domnevno eksklu-zivnimi analogijami na najdiščih iz 3. tisočletja pr. Kr. na Ljubljanskem barju (sl. 6: 2,3). Vendar pa so analogije z najdišč 4. tisočletja bolj prepričljive (sl. 7). Glede na stratigrafske okoliščine, kot jih poznamo z najdišča Moverna vas,37 se zdijo tudi veliko bolj logične (prim. sl. 8).

37 Glej še Tomaž 1999. Prim. Budja 1992, sl. 4: fazi 8 in 9, z npr. Dular et al. 1991; Velušček 2004a; Šavel 2009a; ead. 2009b; Artner et al. 2011.

Primer: Ajdovska jama

V prispevku, ki je izšel še leto prej, je isti avtor predlagal sočasen razvoj zaključnega obdobja neolitika, tj. okvirno rečeno zaključnega obdobja savske skupine lengyelske kulture, in začetnega obdobja eneolitika, ki ga označuje lasinjska kultura na območju južne, jugovzhodne in severovzhodne Slovenije.38 Tudi v tem primeru je bilo radio-karbonsko datiranje ključno za kronološko (in kulturno) uvrstitev. Rezultati tega dejansko kažejo na sočasnost šeste naselbinske faze Moverne vasi in horizontov z nekropolo v Ajdovski jami, ki ju Sraka uvršča v neolitik, z v članku omenjenimi in prav tako radiokarbonsko datiranimi najdišči lasinjske kulture na Štajerskem in v Prekmurju.39

38 Sraka 2012.39 Po Sraka 2012, 359–360.

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19Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

Sl. 9: Keramika. Ajdovska jama, mlajši horizont z nekropolo – opredeljeno kot neolitik. Ni v merilu.Fig. 9: Pottery. Ajdovska jama, the younger horizon with the necropolis – delimited to be Neolithic. Not to scale.

(po / after: Horvat 2009, 28, sl. / Fig. 5)

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Sl. 10: Keramika. Zgornje Radvanje. Lasinjska kultura. M. = 1:5.Fig. 10: Pottery. Zgornje Radvanje. The Lasinja culture. Scale = 1:5.

(po / after: Kramberger 2010, t. / Pls. 1: 7,8; 3: 13,17,18; 4: 19; 6: 32,39; 7: 41,48; 9: 55; 11: 70; – id. 2014c, t. / Pls. 7: 119; 8: 126)

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21Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

Torej južno od Save je bil še neolitik,40 severno pa že eneolitik.41

Sraka42 se o kulturni pripadnosti nekropole v Ajdovski jami sklicuje na Mileno Horvat, ta jo postavlja v neolitik, v čas pred nastopom zgodnjee-neolitske lasinjske kulture,43 kar je po našem mnenju nenavadno sklepanje. Analogije za doslej objavljene najdbe iz horizontov z nekropolo v Ajdovski jami (glej sl. 9)44 najdemo po najdiščih lasinjske kulture na Štajerskem (glej sl. 10) in v Prekmurju ter tudi v Moverni vasi. Na slednjem sicer res v naselbinskih fazah, ki sta označeni za neolitski.45

Najprej poglejmo vrče ali podobno oblikovane globoke posode z vratom in brez njega, ki jih poleg Ajdovske jame (sl. 9: 6–15)46 najdemo še v peti in šesti naselbinski fazi v Moverni vasi47 ter na lasinjskih najdiščih Malečnik,48 Zgornje Radvanje (sl. 10: 13,17–19,41,48,55,70,126), Hoče − Orglar-ska delavnica,49 Ptujski grad,50 Hardek, Hajndl,51 Zagonce, Sodolek, Šafarsko, Bukovnica, Gorice pri Turnišču, Pri Muri, Popava 1 itd.52

40 Ajdovska jama, horizonta z nekropolo, in Moverna vas, šesta naselbinska faza.

41 Štajerska in prekmurska lasinjska najdišča.42 Sraka 2012, 361–362.43 Horvat 2009, 25, 31.44 Najdbe, ki jih lahko nedvoumno povežemo z domnevno

starejšim horizontom z nekropolo iz Ajdovske jame (SE 44 po Horvat 2009, 28; glej še Culiberg, Horvat, Šercelj 1992, sl. 2), še niso objavljene oz. iz objav ni razvidno, v katerega izmed horizontov sodijo. Zato za primerjavo z najdbami z drugih najdišč lahko vzamemo samo najdbe iz domnevno še vedno neolitskega, tj. predlasinjskega, t. i. mlajšega horizonta z nekropolo (sl. 9; SE 43 – po Horvat 2009, 28, sl. 5; glej še Culiberg, Horvat, Šercelj 1992, sl. 2). Za primerjalno analizo so primerne tudi najdbe, ki so bile objavljene leta 1989 in nedvomno sodijo k nekropoli (Horvat 1989, sl. 19, t. 1–9).

45 Glej Budja 1992, sl. 4: fazi 5 in 6; Tomaž 1999, t. MV17–MV36 in komentarja pri Horvat 2005, 153 in ead. 2009, 31; ter preglednici pri Kramberger 2014c, sl. 35 in 36.

46 Amfore in vrči oz. podobno oblikovane globoke posode z vratom ali brez (Horvat 2009, sl. 5: 6–15; ead. 1989, t. 1–9).

47 Tomaž 1999, t. MV31: 2,3; MV34: 7.48 Strmčnik-Gulič 2006 (najdba št. 17).49 Kramberger 2014c, t. 7: 116; 8: 126,130,131,135,136;

9: 144,146,149,152; 10: 162,164; 11: 171,173,176,177,179 itd.50 Tomanič-Jevremov, Tomaž, Kavur 2006a (najdba

št. 25).51 Žižek 2006a (najdbe št. 24, 35, 36); id. 2006b (najdba

št. 73).52 Šavel 1994, pril. 11: 6,13; 20: 1,3,4,6 itd.; Kavur 2006

(najdba št. 2); Kavur, Tomaž, Mileusnić 2006 (najdba št. 6); Plestenjak 2010 (najdbe št. 5, 12, 15, 27 itd.); Šavel, Sankovič 2011 (najdba št. 4); Šavel, Karo 2012 (najdbe št. 17, 115, 123, 288, 290, 308, 351, 362, 372, 447, 574 itd.).

Analogije najdemo tudi za sklede in sklede z izlivom (sl. 9: 2–5), in sicer v Moverni vasi, od četrte do najmanj šeste naselbinske faze,53 čeprav so lahko še starejše.54 Dobre analogije zanje imamo tudi na štajerskih lasinjskih najdiščih55 in najdišču lasinjske kulture Popava 1 v Prekmurju.56 T. i. glinenke (sl. 9: 16) najdemo na najdiščih, kot sta Zgornje Radvanje (sl. 10: 119) in Hoče − Orglarska delavnica.57

Če so si torej najdbe tipološko primerljive (prim. sl. 9 in 10),58 prostorsko blizu itd., jih je kulturno drugače opredeljevati povsem nerazumno. Tega se je očitno zavedal tudi Sraka,59 ki v poglavju z naslovom The contemporaneity of Neolithic and Eneolithic sites in Slovenia kljub vsemu zapiše: “This is not the place to argue about whether a site should be considered Neolithic or Eneolithic.”60 Nasprotno menimo, da za tehtno in z argumenti podprto razpravo o sočasnosti kulturnih pojavov je jasna oz. nedvoumna kulturna opredelitev conditio sine qua non.61

Primer: Čatež − Sredno polje

Radiokarbonski datumi so bili, ne oziraje se na druge ugotovitve, odločilni tudi za pojasnitev neolitske poselitve najdišča Čatež − Sredno polje. Alenka Tomaž na podlagi dvajsetih radiokarbonskih datacij62 meni, “da je naselje po vsej verjetnosti živelo le dobri dve ali tri stoletja, morda še kakšno stoletje več“.63

Sraka je prišel s preračunavanjem datumov z najdišča Čatež − Sredno polje do podobnega skle-

53 Tomaž 1999, t. MV18: 3; MV19: 1; MV28: 2,4,5; MV33: 6,7.

54 Glej npr. Tomaž 1999, t. MV2: 1.55 Kramberger 2014c, t. 10: 154; 11: 170.56 Šavel, Karo 2012 (npr. najdbe št. 188, 363, 521, 636).57 Kramberger 2014c, t. 12: 101. Prim. npr. Dimitrijević

1979a, 154, sl. 5: 14.58 Glej še Kramberger 2014a, sl. 197, 199, 201, 203,

204, 211.59 Glej komentar pri Sraka 2012, 361–362.60 Ib., 362.61 Glej vsebinsko primerljivo in zelo dobro predstavitev

problematike pri Turk, Svetličič 2005, 73.62 Tomaž 2010, sl. 16. Prazgodovinski objekt PO 070

z datacijo 5309 ± 45 uncal BP (KIA-17851) in najdbami, ki so povsem enake najdbam iz drugih neolitskih objektov (sl. 12), je bil iz analize izločen, datum pa označen kot verjetno nezanesljiv (glej ib., 40, op. 7, 263–274).

63 Ib., 39.

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Sl. 11: Čatež − Sredno polje. Neolitske strukture (po Tomaž 2010, sl. 17).Fig. 11: Čatež − Sredno polje. Neolithic structures (after: Tomaž 2010, Fig. 17).

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23Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

Sl. 12: Čatež − Sredno polje. Izbor keramike iz struktur PO 136, PO 083/084 in PO 070. M. = 1:5.Fig. 12: Čatež − Sredno polje. Pottery selection from structures PS 136, PS 083/084, and PS 070. Scale = 1:5.

(po / after: Tomaž 2010, najdbe št. / finds nos. 344, 362, 432, 435, 458, 462, 467, 470, 481, 500, 1013, 1014, 1023, 1033, 1037)

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Sl. 13: Čatež − Sredno polje. Razpršenost odlomkov istega kamnitega orodja v neolitskih strukturah.Fig. 13: Čatež − Sredno polje. Dispersion of fragments of the same stone tools in Neolithic structures.

(po / after: Guštin, Tomaž, Kavur 2006, sl. / Fig. 5; Tomaž 2010, sl. / Fig. 24)

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25Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

pa.64 Hkrati je večstoletno poselitev predlagal tudi za drugo naselbinsko fazo Moverne vasi. Pri tem je ugotovil, da so ostale neolitske faze v Moverni vasi trajale manj časa. Peta faza, na primer, naj bi trajala približno 40 let (z verjetnostjo 68,2 %).65

Pomenljivo je tudi dejstvo, da je poselitev v Moverni vasi trajala približno dva tisoč let, naj-dišče pa naj ne bi bilo kontinuirano poseljeno. Slednje ne velja, poleg omenjene daljše poselitve najdišča v prvi polovici petega tisočletja pr. Kr., še za obdobje druge polovice istega tisočletja, v okviru faz od štiri do osem.66

Ne glede na to, ali se s takšno interpretacijo strinjamo ali ne, je po več kot 25 letih treba kljub vsemu še enkrat opozoriti,67 da so najpomembnejše raziskave v Moverni vasi potekale v majhni kraški vrtači. Med izkopavanjem leta 1988 se je, ko smo se približevali dnu sonde,68 površina raziskovanja zmanjšala na prostore med skalami, na manjše žepe s sedimentom, kar pa v temeljnih informacijah o najdišču ni bilo doslej še nikjer omenjeno.

Pomisleke imamo tudi o tezi, ki zagovarja več-stoletno kontinuirano neolitsko poselitev najdišča Čatež − Sredno polje. V primerjavi z Moverno vasjo so rezultati izkopavanja neolitskih struktur objavljeni in jih je mogoče komentirati. Tako so na Čatežu prepoznali štiri neolitske poselitvene faze, z največjo intenziteto poselitve med 4800 in 4600 cal BC: 1. faza, pred 4800 cal BC (opredeljuje jo struktura PO 136); 2. faza, med 4800 in 4700 cal BC (opredeljujejo jo strukture PO 092, PO 108, PO 110 in PO 150); 3. faza, med 4700 in 4600 cal BC (opredeljujejo jo strukture PO 042/062, PO 055, PO 093, PO 105, PO 129, PO 135 in PO 146); 4. faza, med 4600 in 4500 cal BC (opredeljujejo jo strukture PO 083/084, PO 090, PO 091, PO 106 in PO 152) (sl. 11).69

Drugače je bilo z najdbami. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da si je keramika zelo podobna iz vseh omenjenih in tudi drugih neolitskih struktur, kar se kaže v tehniki izdelave ter tudi v oblikah in ornamentu (sl. 12).70 Še več, analogije za neolitsko keramiko z najdišča Čatež − Sredno polje se je našlo v vseh t. i. neolitskih naselbinskih fazah Moverne vasi.71

64 Sraka 2012, 358, sl. 4.65 Ib., 356, sl. 3; glej še Sraka 2013, tab. 1.66 Sraka 2013, 318.67 Glej Velušček 2006, 30.68 Leta 1988 je bil avtor prispevka udeleženec zaključnih

tednov terenskih raziskav v Moverni vasi.69 Tomaž 2010, 38–45, sl. 17.70 Glej še Tomaž 2010, 123–129.71 Glej ib., 173–175.

Kar se zdi sicer nenavadno, saj je raziskovalka, ki je preučila keramiko z obeh najdišč,72 ugotovila, da se keramika iz posameznih poselitvenih faz Moverne vasi med seboj opazno razlikuje.73 Seveda v neolitskih fazah manj, najbolj pa na prehodu iz zadnje neolitske v prvo eneolitsko fazo.74

Kakorkoli že, če predstavljene ugotovitve para-fraziramo po Žibrat Gašparičevi,75 lahko sklenemo, da so bili neolitski “Posavci” (Čatež − Sredno polje) tradicionalisti, podobno kot eneolitski “Barjanci” (Maharski prekop). Drugače so živeli neolitski “Belokranjci” (Moverna vas), ki so bili očitno bolj dojemljivi za spremembe in manj tradicionalistični.

Pri razmišljanju o radiokarbonsko datiranih neolitskih naselbinskih fazah z najdišča Čatež − Sredno polje je treba omeniti tudi horizontalno stratigrafijo najdišča.76 Razkriva namreč, da ni bilo prekrivanja med domnevno kronološko različnimi neolitskimi strukturami (glej sl. 11). Razlaga, da je bilo tako zato, ker so se pri gradnji izogibali starejšim objektom,77 lahko tudi samo ruševinam, in to do več kot 300 let pozneje, se zdi neverjetna. Predpostavlja se namreč, da so objekti imeli “lahke nadzemne konstrukcije sten in ostrešij stavb” in pode delno vkopane v tla.78

Podobno velja tudi za razlago, ki govori o t. i. kolektivnem spominu,79 kar naj bi bil, pri večstole-tnem trajanju neolitske vasi, razlog za nevdiranje v prostor domnevno starejših objektov z novogra-dnjami. Dejstvo je, da je takšna teza težko doka-zljiva. Razumeti jo je treba kot mašilo v besedilu in ne kot relevantno, z argumenti podprto razlago.

Iz zapisanega se torej zdi verjetneje, da je bilo neolitsko naselje krajši čas obljudeno, kot se je predlagalo, in da izbor radiokarbonskih datumov ne odseva dejanskega stanja. K temu naj dodamo, da so v različnih strukturah, razpršenih po najdi-šču, med njimi so tudi tiste, ki so bile navedene pri razvrščanju neolitske poselitve na štiri faze, naleteli na odlomljene dele istih glajenih kamni-tih orodij. Tako je bil del istega orodja, ki je bilo najdeno v prazgodovinskem objektu prve faze PO 136 po Tomaževi, najden še v domnevno najmanj 100 let mlajši jami PO 093 njene tretje faze. Del

72 Za Moverno vas (glej Tomaž 1999); za Čatež - Sredno polje (glej Tomaž 2010).

73 Tomaž 2010, 144–145, 174, op. 102.74 Tomaž 1999, 144–149.75 Žibrat Gašparič 2013a.76 Tomaž 2010, 41–45, sl. 17 in 19.77 Ib., 43–44.78 Ib., 29–38; prim. z Guštin 2005, 10.79 Tomaž 2010, 43.

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nekega drugega orodja, ki je bilo najdeno v objektu PO 108 iz druge naselbinske faze, je bil odkrit še v prav tako najmanj 100 let mlajšem objektu PO 106 iz četrte naselbinske faze. Sestavni del tretjega orodja, ki je bilo v objektu PO 110 druge faze, je bil najden še v objektu PO 135 tretje faze itd. (sl. 13).

Po mnenju Borisa Kavurja naj bi bila razprše-nost po najdišču različnih odlomkov istih glajenih kamnitih orodij odsev ritualnih praks, predvsem pa dober indic za kronološko sočasnost različnih naselbinskih struktur,80 kar je za problematiko, ki jo obravnavamo, najpomembnejše in s čimer se lahko le strinjamo.

Primera: Zgornje Radvanje in Ptuj − Šolski center

Naslednji primer, ki kaže na to, kako problematično se je opirati zgolj na rezultate radiokarbonskega datiranja, je najti v novem predlogu kronologije poznoneolitskega in zgodnjeeneolitskega obdobja severovzhodne, južne in osrednje Slovenije, avtorja Bineta Krambergerja.81

Novost je t. i. zgodnjelasinjska faza,82 ki pred-stavlja prehod iz savske skupine lengyelske kulture oz. stopnje Lengyel III v “klasično”83 lasinjsko kulturo, v katero je uvrstil najdbe iz objektov II in tudi IV z najdišča Ptuj − Šolski center84 ter z najdišča Ponikve pri Trebnjem in jih koreliral z radiokarbonsko datiranima naselbinskima fazama štiri in pet v Moverni vasi.85

Da dobimo boljši vpogled v utemeljitev in našo razlago, ki sledi, si najprej oglejmo primer kronološke interpretacije najdb iz t. i. sklopa 10 z najdišča Zgornje Radvanje. Še nedavno je isti avtor na podlagi tipološke analize keramike v t. i. zgodnjelasinjsko fazo uvrščal tudi domnevno starejšo skupino najdb tega sklopa, označeno za fazo 1,86 znotraj katere je bilo dokumentiranih več stratigrafskih enot, kot so SE 322, SE 324, SE 330

80 Guštin, Tomaž, Kavur 2006, 388, sl. 5. Glej še Tomaž 2010, 53–54, sl. 24.

81 Kramberger 2014c, 237–26682 Kramberger 2014a, 403; id. 2014c, 260.83 Izraz navajamo po Krambergerju (2014a, 404;

2014c, 260) in ga ne gre zamenjevati z Dimitrijevićevim poimenovanjem razvojnih stopenj lasinjske kulture (npr. Dimitrijević 1979a); glej še npr. Tiefengraber 2004, 189, 221, 222.

84 Drugo ime najdišča je Rabelčja vas (glej npr. Strmčnik-Gulič 1983, 193–194; Kavur 2010, tab. 1).

85 Kramberger 2014c, 252–253.86 Kramberger 2010, pril. 1, 2; t. 1–4: 19,20.

(sl. 14).87 Tako je analogije zanje našel med najd-bami iz četrte naselbinske faze v Moverni vasi, v najstarejšem horizontu Ajdovske jame in med najstarejšimi najdbami z Drulovke.88 Za najdbe iz višje ležečih stratigrafskih enot omenjene struk-ture, uvrščene v fazi 2 in 4, pa med najdbami iz horizontov z nekropolo v Ajdovski jami, iz druge t. i. lasinjske faze na Drulovki ter iz pete in šeste naselbinske faze v Moverni vasi.89

Leta 2014,90 po tem, ko so bili datirani vzorci oglja iz SE 324 in SE 330 in sta dataciji pokazali na radiokarbonski čas 5370 ± 40 uncal BP (Beta-305855) in 5420 ± 40 uncal BP (Beta-305856), ki strukturi postavljata v obdobje “klasične” lasinjske kulture,91 je Kramberger analogije za najdbe nekdanje faze 1 nenadoma našel na večinoma radiokarbonsko da-

87 Ib., sl. 3.88 Ib., 317, 319–322.89 Ib., 319–322, pril. 1, 2; t. 4: 21–23; 5–12: 74–82.90 Kramberger 2014c, 237–266.91 Glej npr. Kramberger 2014a, 404.

Sl. 14: Zgornje Radvanje. Planum sklopa 10, faza 1.Fig. 14: Zgornje Radvanje. The plan of Complex 10, Phase 1.(po / after: Kramberger 2010, sl. / Fig. 3)

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27Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

tiranih najdiščih oz. v naselbinskih fazah z najdišč, kot so Hoče − Orglarska delavnica, Sodolek, Popava 1, Turnišče, Kalinovnjek, Gorice, Hardek, Zbelovo, Brezje pri Zrečah, v horizontih z nekropolo v Ajdovski jami, v jami PO 004 z najdišča Čatež − Sredno polje, v šesti in sedmi naselbinski fazi Moverne vasi itd.92 S tem se v glavnem strinjamo (glej npr. sl. 9 in 10), a hkrati opozarjamo, da nekoč prepoznana tipološka podobnost in vzpostavljena kronološka sočasnost z najdbami iz četrte naselbinske faze Moverne vasi tako ne velja več. Po novi interpretaciji je razvidna le iz nekaterih oblik posod in uporabe ornamentalnih tehnik.93 Ključni argument in vodilo torej ponovno niso najdbe oz. celoten nabor podatkov z izkopavanj, temveč zgolj rezultat radiokarbonskega datiranja.

Pri tem je zanimivo tudi kronološko vrednotenje lasinjskih horizontov z nekropolo v Ajdovski jami. Vrednoti se jih ločeno, bodisi na podlagi najdb,94 torej tipološko, bodisi na podlagi radiokarbonskih datumov.95

Za najdbe iz t. i. starejšega horizonta nekropo-le Horvatova išče primerjave v četrti in deloma peti fazi Moverne vasi.96 Za najdbe t. i. mlajšega horizonta nekropole pa v peti in šesti naselbinski fazi.97 Kramberger meni drugače, nekropole ne obravnava kot dvostopenjske, temveč enotno. Analogije za keramiko najde sprva v peti in šesti fazi98 ter kasneje, kot že omenjeno, v šesti in celo sedmi naselbinski fazi Moverne vasi.99

Clive Bonsall s sodelavci ugotavlja, da sta med izkopavanjem v Ajdovski jami dokumentirana ho-rizonta z nekropolo odraz aktivnosti v jami, ki so se dogajale po letu 4340–4290 cal BC (68,2 %) in so trajale od 5 do največ 120 let oz. najverjetneje v časovnem razponu 10 do 20 let,100 kar se po našem mnenju sklada z doslej objavljeno keramiko.101 Naj dodamo, da Sraka na podlagi istega nabora datumov nekropolo vzporeja s šesto naselbinsko fazo v Moverni vasi,102 Kramberger pa s sedmo.103

Iz prikazanega lahko sklenemo, da je v zmešnjavi različnih in velikokrat kontradiktornih interpreta-

92 Kramberger 2014c, 254–256, sl. 36.93 Ib., 254, op. 41.94 Glej npr. Horvat 2009.95 Npr. Bonsall et al. 2007; Sraka 2012.96 Horvat 2005, 153.97 Horvat 2009, 31.98 Kramberger 2010, 322.99 Kramberger 2014c, 255.100 Bonsall et al. 2007, 734.101 Glej še Velušček 2006, 37.102 Sraka 2012, 359–360, sl. 5. Prim. s Sraka 2013, 318.103 Kramberger 2014c, sl. 36.

cij težko brez pomislekov sprejeti argumentacijo o obstoju zgodnjelasinjske faze, kot to predlaga Kramberger. Morda je vzrok kljub vsemu iskati v zmotnem prepričanju, da je Moverna vas že sedaj, ko rezultati arheoloških raziskav še niso celovito objavljeni, lahko verodostojno referenčno najdišče,104 kot to npr. velja za Gradec pri Mirni105 in Podmol pri Kastelcu.106

Pomisleke nam zbuja tudi ugotovitev, ki jo po-daja avtor t. i. zgodnjelasinjske faze: “In addition to the similarity between pottery from Ptuj-Šolski center and pottery from the sites mentioned above, noticeable differences also exist. The former has frequent imprinted decoration more frequently, while the pot with a low convex body and a sharp transition between a medium cylindrical neck and shoulders, as well as footed dishes with a straight rim and hanging appliques, which were identified in the region as typical of the Lasinja Culture, are not known at the above-mentioned sites. Is this merely a result of archaeological research, or do we have to look for an answer elsewhere?”107

Odgovor je morda iskati v dejstvu, da so najdbe iz objektov II in IV z najdišča Ptuj − Šolski cen-ter različnih kulturnih provenienc (sl. 15 in 16) in nikakor ne izvirajo iz t. i. prvotnih, temveč iz drugotnih oz. preoblikovanih skupkov.108 Kar je tudi drugod na najdišču Ptuj − Šolski center doku-mentiran pojav, saj se v isti plasti pojavljajo najdbe iz obdobja lengyelske ter tudi lasinjske kulture.109 S tem, da so v spodnji plasti (plast 2) t. i. objekta I

104 Glej npr. Sraka 2012, 357.105 Glej Dular et al. 1991.106 Glej Turk et al. 1993.107 Kramberger 2014c, 253.108 Za termin “prvotni skupek” / “Primary context”

glej razlago pri Primary context: The original depositional situation, unaffected by any later disturbance ( [zadnji dostop 18. 11. 2016]).

Za termin “drugotni” oz. “preoblikovani skupek” / “Secondary context” glej razlago pri Archaeology Wordsmith: Secondary context: Context of an archaeological find that has been disturbed by subsequent human activity or natural phenomena. The provenience, association, and matrix of such archaeological data have been wholly or partially altered by transformational processes after original deposition ( [zadnji dostop 18. 11. 2016]).

109 V opisu t. i. objekta I, ki je bil zapolnjen z dvema kulturnima plastema, je navedeno: “V spodnji plasti (plast 2) so bili odkriti drobci ožgane ilovice […] in številni odlomki zgodnjeeneolitske lončenine (t. 35: 397 do t. 41: 479). Tipološko primerljiva keramika je bila odkrita tudi v zgornji plasti (t. 44: 508 do t. 54: 625), odlomki posameznih keramičnih

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Sl. 15: Ptuj – Šolski center. Keramika iz objekta II (po Kramberger 2014c, t. 6). M. = 1:5.Fig. 15: Ptuj − Šolski center. Pottery from Structure II (after: Kramberger 2014c, Pl. 6). Scale = 1:5.

številnejše lengyelske najdbe, v zgornji (plast 1) pa lasinjske (glej sl. 17).110 Že pred več kot 100 leti

predmetov pa so bili odkriti tako v zgornji kot tudi v spodnji plasti (t. 41: 480 do t. 44: 507)” (Kramberger 2014a, 45).

110 Prim. Kramberger 2014b, t. 36–41: 477–479 (plast 2); t. 45–54: 619–625 (plast 1).

je Oscar Montelius opozoril: “Es ist möglich, dass zwei Gegenstände aus verschiedenen Zeiten zufälli-gerweise zusammen gekommen sind.”111 Sklicevanje

111 Montelius 1903, 13.

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29Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

Sl. 16: Ptuj – Šolski center. Keramika iz objekta IV (po Kramberger 2014c, t. 5). M. = 1:5.Fig. 16: Ptuj − Šolski center. Pottery from Structure IV (after: Kramberger 2014c, Pl. 5). Scale = 1:5.

na tako problematično objavo Rabensteina,112 kjer manjkajo ključni podatki, kot je profil arheoloških plasti, in še neobjavljene Ponikve pri Trebnjem, da se utemelji t. i. zgodnjelasinjsko fazo, v primeru,

112 Glej Tiefengraber 2004, 185–253.

kot ga je predstavil Kramberger, ni ravno močan argument.113

Morda pa razrešitev enigme t. i. zgodnjelasinj-ske faze, kot jo predlaga Kramberger, ponuja že

113 Kramberger 2014c, 252.

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natančnejši vpogled v terenske okoliščine, ki se na-našajo na objekta II in IV, na najdišču Ptuj − Šolski center. Kramberger navaja, da sta bili v “objektu II” dokumentirani dve kulturni plasti.114 Razvidno je, da je bilo podobno kot v objektu I tudi tukaj v spodnji plasti najti več najdb lengyelske kulture kot v zgornji.115 Odlomki nekaterih posod pa so bili odkriti v spodnji in zgornji plasti.116

Najdbe iz prazgodovinskega “objekta IV” veči-noma izvirajo iz vertikalno stratigrafsko različno

114 Kramberger 2014c, 240, sl. 12; id. 2014a, 47.115 Glej Kramberger 2014b, t. 25–31: 340–347 (spodnja

plast); t. 33–35: 390–394 (zgornja plast).116 Kramberger 2014a, 47.

umeščenih plasti SE 410, SE 430 in SE 435 (sl. 18).117 Tudi v tem primeru so bili najdeni deli istih posod v vseh omenjenih plasteh (sl. 16: 86–88).

Naj še opozorimo, da radiokarbonska datuma vzorcev oglja iz dveh globljih plasti118 izkazujeta nekoliko višjo vrednost kot datum vzorca oglja, ki izvira iz vrhnje plasti objekta IV.119 Še več, po mnenju Krambergerja relevantni radiokarbonski datum vzorca iz objekta II kaže nižjo vrednost kot

117 Kramberger 2014c, 240.118 SE 435: 5384 ± 40 uncal BP (LTL-5613A); SE 430:

5387 ± 45 uncal BP (LTL-5612A) − (ib., sl. 13).119 SE 410: 5504 ± 50 uncal BP (LTL-5611A) − (ib., sl. 13).

Sl. 17: Ptuj – Šolski center. Keramika iz objekta I/1981. a – plast 2; b – plasti 2 in 1; c – plast 1. M. = 1:5.Fig. 17: Ptuj − Šolski center. Pottery from Structure I/1981. a – Layer 2; b – Layers 2 and 1; c – Layer 1. Scale = 1:5.

(po / after: Kramberger 2014b, t. / Pls. 36: 403,407,410; 39: 445–447; 41: 480,484; 45: 512,513; 50: 572,575)

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31Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

primerljive datacije iz objekta IV in tako morda opozarja na večjo starost.120

Kljub temu je treba priznati, da je Kramberger zaradi razpršenosti radiokarbonskih datumov predvidel notranji razvoj lasinjske kulture, kar je gotovo napredek v razmišljanju, saj pomeni odmik od stratigrafsko-tipološko-kronološke sheme, ki jo je predlagal Dimitrijević in gotovo ni več aktual-na.121 Vseeno pa je razvidno, da t. i. ljubljanska neolitska šola,122 ki se zbira v okviru mednarodnega neolitskega kolokvija, vso argumentacijo stavi na en sam segment raziskav, tj. radiokarbonsko datiranje, kar je zagotovo napačen pristop.

120 SE 10: 5626 ± 80 uncal BP (Z-3114) − (ib., 240–241, sl. 13 in 14).

121 Glej npr. Dimitrijević 1979a in prim. npr. z Velušček 2006; Balen 2008.

122 Prim. z Budja, Mlekuž 2008, 359, 366.

Relativna kronologija

Druga skrajnost, ki jo je zaznati v študijah o neoli-tiku in eneolitiku v Sloveniji, je datiranje naselbin in naselbinskih faz izključno na podlagi stratigrafskih podatkov in s tipološko analizo najdb oz. na način, ki ga Hans Jürgen Eggers razume pod pojmom re-lativna kronologija,123 pri čemer se izsledke drugih raziskovalnih pristopov pri interpretaciji preprosto ne upošteva. Pri nas je pristop dosegel vrhunec v začetnem obdobju radiokarbonskega datiranja organskih ostankov z neolitsko-eneolitskih najdišč, kar se zdi razumljivo.124

O pasteh metode, ki temelji na vnaprej dolo-čeni debelini izkopanih režnjev, t. i. arbitrarnega izkopavanja,125 je s primeri z nekaterih ključnih najdišč neolitsko-eneolitskega obdobja z zahodnega Balkana opozoril Mihael Budja.126

Kronološko pomembni pa še vedno ostajajo t. i. zaprte najdbe in prvotni skupki. O njih lahko raz-pravljamo na različnih ravneh. Tako na mikroravni, kamor vključujemo naselbinske oz. kulturne jame, jame za stojke, grobove, zaprte keramične posode itd., kot tudi na makroravni, kjer predstavlja enoto najdišče ali celo neko večje, navadno geografsko zaključeno območje, npr. Ljubljansko barje.

Če se osredotočimo na mikroraven, ugotavljamo, da se takšne skupke datira na dva načina: relativ-no kronološko in v zadnjem času vse pogosteje z naravoslovnimi metodami.

Ustavimo se pri prvem načinu, kjer pri t. i. zaprtih najdbah in v prvotnih skupkih kulturno homogene najdbe ne pomenijo težav za datiranje. Bolj problematično je, da velikokrat takšni skupki ali sklopi dejansko nastanejo postopoma, pod vplivom človekove dejavnosti oz. zaradi naravnih procesov, kar pa izkopavalcu ni uspelo in brez ustreznih analiz tudi ni mogel zaznati oz. dokumentirati. V kulturni jami je bilo npr. odkritih več plasti, strukturo pa se kljub temu obravnava, kot da gre za zaprto najdbo oz. prvotni skupek.127 Kot kaže praksa, se takšne okoliščine pri vrednotenju in nato v interpretaciji premalokrat oz. premalo kritično upoštevajo.128

123 Eggers 1959, 53–121.124 Npr. Bregant 1975, 49; Dimitrijević 1979a, 179–180.125 Arbitrarno izkopavanje: “Arheološko izkopavanje z

vnaprej določenimi režnji določene debeline; uporablja se na območjih brez vidne plastovitosti v zemlji” (po Harris 1989, 148).

126 Budja 1990.127 Npr. Plestenjak 2010, 53–55; Sankovič, Šavel 2012,

80; Kerman 2013a, 52, 53, 60.128 Glej npr. Plestenjak 2010, 64.

Sl. 18: Ptuj – Šolski center. Planum in profil objekta IV.Fig. 18: Ptuj − Šolski center. The plan and section of Structure IV.(po / after: Kramberger 2014c, sl. / Fig. 11)

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Največkrat se slovenskim arheologom, ki se ukvarjajo z neolitskim in eneolitskim obdobjem, ne zdi problematično, če se v domnevno prvo-tnem skupku pojavijo t. i. vrinjene najdbe129 iz različnih časovno oddaljenih arheoloških obdobij. Npr. v prazgodovinski kulturni jami ali grobu je najti odlomke kronološko znatno mlajše kerami-ke. Takšnih primerov je več.130 O skupkih, ki so dejansko kontaminirani, se posebej ne razpravlja in se jih največkrat datira glede na prevladujoče število najdb, ki jih zaradi tega obravnavamo kot prvotne najdbe,131 druge pa so vrinjene. Npr. sku-pek/struktura s prevladujočimi najdbami lasinjske kulture je večinoma označen/-a za lasinjskega/-o.132 Manj številne novoveške najdbe so tujek, torej so bile v skupek vrinjene. Velja tudi nasprotno, če npr. prevladujejo novoveške oz. srednjeveške najdbe nad eneolitskimi oz. prazgodovinskimi.133

Povsem drugače je, če se v domnevno prvotnih skupkih pojavljajo značilne najdbe, tako prvotne kot vrinjene, različne kulturne pripadnosti, toda iz kronološko bližnjega obdobja. Dejstvo je, da je tudi takšnih primerov več.134 Seveda se postavlja vprašanje izpovednosti vsebine teh skupkov. A slednje nekaterih avtorjev velikokrat ne moti, da ob takšnih primerih ne bi razpravljali o sočasnosti dveh kultur, importih itn.135 Kot smo videli na primeru interpretacije najdb iz objektov II in IV z najdišča Ptuj − Šolski center, gre za presojo, ki je lahko zelo subjektivna, nikakor pa ne enostavna in je še danes predmet zanimanja strokovne javnosti tudi drugod po svetu.136

Za časovno uvrstitev neke strukture je poleg že omenjenih kriterijev pomemben tudi horizontal-

129 Vrinjene najdbe: “To so najdbe, ki so kasnejše glede na plast, v kateri so bile odkrite. V depozit so prišle že po njegovi odložitvi iz višjih plasti” (po Harris 1989, 150).

130 Npr. Plestenjak 2010, 62–64, 70; Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 72, 75, 93; Kerman 2013a, 58; Plestenjak, Horňák, Masaryk 2013, 47.

131 Prvotne najdbe: “Tiste najdbe, ki so bile prenesene na najdišče v procesu oblikovanja depozita, v katerem so bile odkrite. V nasprotju z rezidualnimi ali infiltriranimi najdbami (q.v.) zanje domnevajo, da so sočasne z nastankom depozita” (po Harris 1989, 152).

132 Npr. Šavel, Sankovič 2011, 76; prim. s Šavel, Sankovič 2013, 59.

133 Glej. npr. Plestenjak 2010, 67; Šavel, Sankovič 2011, npr. 105–108; Tomaž 2012, 71; Plestenjak, Horňák, Masaryk 2013, 51, 53–64.

134 Npr. Plestenjak 2010, 51, 52; Tomaž 2012, 58; Kerman 2013a, 71.

135 Npr. Kavur 2011, 125; prim. z Dimitrijević 1982.136 Npr. Hájek, Humpolová, Balcárková 2015.

nostratigrafski odnos do drugih struktur, kar velja še posebej v primerih, ko v jami ni arheoloških najdb oz. so neznačilne.137

Kakorkoli že, v arheoloških in drugih zgodo-vinskih študijah je determiniranje časa osnovna naloga, ki je hkrati pogoj za resen študij in ra-zumevanje arheološkega gradiva. Naš namen je torej na konkretnem primeru pokazati, kako je mogoče interpretirati nekatere arheološke pojave, pomembne za razumevanje kronologije poselitve nekega arheološko relativno dobro raziskanega in geografsko zaključenega območja. Tako v prispevku problematiziramo tezo o domnevni vsaj delni sočasnosti dveh bakrenodobnih kultur, lasinjske kulture in kulture keramike z brazdastim vrezom (v nadaljevanju krajše: KBV), ki temelji na dejstvu, da so bile v več primerih najdbe obeh kultur najdene skupaj na istem najdišču in celo v isti kulturni jami. Torej domnevno v istem t. i. prvotnem skupku.138

Kot območje preučevanja smo izbrali najdišča v Prekmurju in vzhodnih Slovenskih goricah, kjer se pojavljajo najdbe obeh kultur, bodisi skupaj bodisi posamično. Območje preučevanja pa ni bilo izbrano naključno. Od sredine šestdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja139 tam potekajo sistematične arheološke raziskave, ki so vrh dosegle z zaščitnimi izkopavanji med gradnjo slovenskega avtocestnega križa. Pomembno je tudi, da se na teh najdiščih srečujemo s fenomenom številnih t. i. zaprtih najdb oz. prvotnih skupkov, kot so razne kulturne jame, jame za stojke itd., ki jih z najdišč na mokrih tleh, kot je npr. na Ljubljanskem barju, ne poznamo. Te strukture so značilen pojav za plane neolitsko-ene-olitske naselbine severovzhodne Slovenije in druga primerljiva okolja.140 Pri datiranju prazgodovinskih naselij je njihova vsebina izjemnega pomena. Tega so se zavedali tudi raziskovalci, ki so na teh najdiščih izkopavanja vodili. Zato ne preseneča dejstvo, da večina vzorcev za radiokarbonsko datiranje izvira prav iz takšnih struktur.

137 Npr. nekatere jame v okviru objekta 3 s Turnišča (glej Tomaž 2012, 59–61, sl. 30a).

138 Glej npr. Plestenjak 2010, 38.139 Šavel 2014, 19.140 Npr. Šavel 1994; Minichreiter 2007.

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33Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

Bakrenodobna poselitev Prekmurja, kot je ra-zumljena v tem prispevku,141 se začne z nastopom lasinjske kulture.

Lasinjsko kulturo je definiral Dimitrijević.142 Na Madžarskem je isti kulturni fenomen imenovan Balaton-Lasinja (I).143 V Avstriji je poznana kot skupina Kanzianiberg-Lasinja / Škocijan-Lasinja.144 V preteklosti so se zanjo uporabljala še drugačna poimenovanja.145

Raziskovalci so predvideli tudi njen notranji razvoj, ki se je izrazil v več razvojnih stopnjah. V Sloveniji se je najbolj uveljavila Dimitrijevićeva delitev146 na stopnje: I – zgodnja ali predklasična faza, II – srednja ali klasična faza, pozneje razdeljena na podstopnji (II-A – zgodnja klasična, in II-B – razvita klasična), in III – pozna ali barokizirana klasična faza lasinjske kulture. Šlo je za delitev, ki je v osnovi izhajala iz vertikalne stratigrafije najdišč Vis-Modran in Ajdovska jama.147

Kasneje je Zorko Marković ugotavljal, da na seve-ru Hrvaške najdb z vsakega posameznega najdišča lasinjske kulture ni mogoče vedno deliti na tipe oz. stopnje, razen v primerih, ko gre za t. i. zaprte najd-be.148 Še več, danes ugotavljajo, da je v sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja predlagana Dimitrijevićeva delitev lasinjske kulture neustrezna in ne odseva dejanskega stanja. Na primeru slovenskih najdišč se je npr. ugotovilo, da je najdišče Resnikov prekop, eno izmed ključnih za utemeljitev stopnje II-A po Dimitrijeviću,149 starejše od lasinjske kulture in da je tudi del najdb z Drulovke starejši.150

Čeprav se, kljub novim odkritjem, pri interpre-tiranju t. i. lasinjskih najdb še vedno opiramo na problematično ter nekoliko prilagojeno Dimitrije-vićevo definicijo lasinjske kulture, ostaja problema-tika, povezana s to kulturo, zelo aktualna. Najprej zaradi tega, ker ob upoštevanju novih dognanj njen

141 Po Velušček 2011, 209; primerjaj z npr. z Šavel 2006, 89–94; ead. 2014, 19–37.

142 Npr. Dimitrijević 1961; 1979a.143 Npr. Kalicz 1991.144 Npr. Ruttkay 1996.145 Glej npr. Dimitrijević 1979a, 138.146 Ib., 146.147 Ib., 139.148 Marković 1994, 92.149 Dimitrijević 1979a, 146.150 Velušček 2006, 28–42.

notranji razvoj še ni pojasnjen.151 Hkrati se kaže potreba po moderni definiciji kulture, a žal tudi še ni predlagana.152

Na podlagi najdb, stratigrafskih podatkov in radiokarbonskih datumov prevladuje teza,153 da je lasinjska kultura v Sloveniji zagotovo v večjem delu živela pred kulturo Retz-Gajary/KBV in da je živela davno pred vučedolsko kulturo, s katero nista mogli biti v nobenem trenutku sočasni.154 Številni radiokarbonski datumi kažejo, da je treba njen razvoj postaviti okvirno v drugo polovico 5. tisočletja, s koncem na začetku oz. v prvi polovici 4. tisočletja pr. Kr.155

Eneolitska kultura Retz-Gajary po Dimitrije-viću156 je zasedala prostrano območje srednjega Podonavja od Romunije do Avstrije. V Sloveniji je predvidel dva regionalna tipa, ki naj bi bila kro-nološko nekaj časa sočasna. Čeprav se ozemeljsko delno prekrivata, naj ne bi bilo mešanja oz. stikov med njunimi nosilci.157

Revizija najdb iz Kevderca, eponimnega najdišča regionalnega tipa Kevderc-Hrnjevac po Dimitrijeviću, je pokazala, da je definicija na ozemlju Slovenije dokumentiranih tipov kulture neustrezna in tako tudi delitev teh najdb na dva tipa neutemeljena.158 Ker se je v okviru novih spoznanj povsem spre-menil kronološki odnos do drugih kultur,159 se je v slovenski strokovni literaturi zanjo uveljavilo novo poimenovanje, kot horizont/kultura kera-mike z brazdastim vrezom,160 ki ga za madžarska najdišča predlaga Nándor Kalicz.161 Na podlagi radiokarbonskih datumov z najdišč po Sloveniji

151 Glej zanimiv komentar pri Balen, Drnić 2014, 58.152 Prim. Balen, Drnić 2014, 58.153 Npr. Dular et al. 1991, 87–89; Budja 1992; Strmčnik-

Gulič 2006; glej še Velušček 2004b, 231–262.154 Glej npr. Dimitrijević 1979a, 172–179. Prim. Durman,

Obelić 1989; Forenbaher 1993; Velušček 2004c, 292–295; Balen, Drnić 2014.

155 Velušček 2004c, 292–295; id. 2011, 243; prim. z Balen 2008, 23.

156 Npr. Dimitrijević 1979b; id. 1980.157 Glej Dimitrijević 1979b, 350–351, 353–357, 365.158 Velušček 2004b, 231–262; glej še Balen, Drnić

2014, 56.159 Prim. npr. Dimitrijević 1979b, 359–365; Velušček

2004b.160 Velušček 2004b. Glej še Guštin 2005, sl. 4; Šavel,

Guštin 2006, 203–210.161 Glej Kalicz 1991, 362–375; prim. še s Samonig 2003.


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Sl. 19: V besedilu omenjena bakrenodobna naselja v Prekmurju in na vzhodnih obronkih Slovenskih goric: a − po Šavel 1991, 13, sl. 1; ead. 1994, 15–16, 28; b − v širšem obsegu raziskana najdišča.Fig. 19: Copper Age sites in Prekmurje and the eastern foothills of the Slovenske gorice mentioned in the article: a − after Šavel 1991, 13, Fig. 1; ead. 1994, 15–16, 28; b − on a large scale researched sites.

Seznam a / List aNajdišča z najdbami lasinjske kulture (sl. 19a: 1–12) in kulture Retz-Gajary/KBV (sl. 19a: 2).Sites with finds from the Lasinja culture (Fig. 19a: 1–12) and the Retz-Gajary/FP culture (Fig. 19a: 2).

1. Ciglenice (Kobilje) – (Šavel 1991, 13, 48–49, sl. / Fig. 1).2. Kot (Bukovnica) – (Šavel 1991, 13, 41, sl. / Fig. 1; ead. 1992); Retz-Gajary/KBV (ead. 1994, 27–28).3. Rim (Puconci) – (Šavel 1991, 13, 73, sl. / Fig. 1).4. Pod gorov (Korovci) – (ib., 13, 45, sl. / Fig. 1).5. Joušje (Dobrovnik) – (ib., 13, 47, sl. / Fig. 1).6. Male čistine (Filovci) – (ib., 13, 41, sl. / Fig. 1).7. Gosposko (Gančani) – (ib., 13, 36, sl. / Fig. 1).8. Budina (Mlajtinci) – (ib., 13, 63, sl. / Fig. 1).9. Kapitan domb (Dolnji Lakoš) – (ib., 13, 60, sl. / Fig. 1).10. Selca (Brezovica) – (ib., 13, 68, sl. / Fig. 1).11. Peščare (Gomilica) – (ib., 13, 79, sl. / Fig. 1).12. Šafarsko – (Horvat-Šavel 1980; ead. 1984; ead. 1985).

Seznam b / List bNovoodkrita najdišča z najdbami lasinjske kulture in/ali kulture KBV.On a large scale researched sites with finds from the Lasinja culture and/or FP culture.[L] = lasinjska kultura / Lasinja culture[KVB] = kultura keramike z brazdastim vrezom / [FP] = Furchenstich pottery culture

1. Bukovnica [L, KBV / FP] – (Šavel 1991, 13, 41, sl. / Fig. 1; ead. 1992); kult. Retz-Gajary/KBV / FP – (Šavel 1994, 27–28).2. Gornje njive 2 (Dolga vas) [L, KBV / FP] – (Kerman 2013b; KBV / FP – npr. najdbi št. / e.g. finds nos. 26, 77).3. Gornje njive (Dolga vas) [KBV / FP] – (Šavel, Kerman 2008a; 2008b).4. Nedelica [L] – (Šavel, Sankovič 2013).5. Brezje (Turnišče) [L, KBV / FP] – (Novšak, Tomaž, Plestenjak 2013).6. Gorice (Turnišče) [L, KBV / FP] – (Plestenjak 2010).7. Kalinovnjek (Turnišče) [L, KBV / FP] – (Kerman 2013a).8. Turnišče [L, KBV / FP] – (Tomaž 2012).9. Zagonce (Renkovci) [L] – (Kavur 2006).10. Popava 2 (Lipovci) [KBV / FP?, kult. Boleráz] – (Šavel 2013, 18–19).11. Popava 1 (Lipovci) [L] – (Šavel, Karo 2012).12. Nova tabla (Murska Sobota) [KBV / FP] – (Šavel, Guštin 2006, 208–210).13. Pod Kotom − cesta (Krog) [natančneje neopredeljeno / unspecified in detail] – (Pavlin 2015, 13, 20, 27).14. Pod Kotom − jug (Krog) [KBV / FP] – (Šavel 2009a; ead. 2009b).15. Ivankovci (Lendava) [L, srednja bakrena doba? / Middle Copper Age?] – (Tušek, Kavur 2011).16. Kapitan domb (Dolnji Lakoš) [L] – (Šavel 1994, 50–52; Dular, Šavel, Tecco-Hvala 2002, 33).17. Pri Muri (Lendava) [L] – (Šavel, Sankovič 2011).18. Šafarsko (L, KBV / FP] – (Horvat-Šavel 1980; ead. 1984; ead. 1985).19. Kračine (Dragotinci) [L, KBV / FP] – (Tušek, Kavur 2012).20. Sodolek (Grabonoš) [L] – (Kavur, Tomaž, Mileusnić 2006).

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35Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

in na celinskem Hrvaškem sega njen začetek v 38. stoletje pr. Kr., konec pa v čas okoli leta 3500.162

Še v letu 1994 je Irena Šavel navajala za območje Prekmurja in vzhodnih obronkov Slovenskih goric 12 bakrenodobnih naselij, ki jih uvršča večinoma v lasinjsko kulturo163 (sl. in seznam 19a): Brezovi-ca (Selca), Bukovnica (Kot), Dobrovnik (Joušje), Filovci (Male čistine), Gančani (Gosposko), Gomi-lica (Peščare), Kapitan domb, Kobilje (Ciglence), Korovci (Pod gorov), Mlajtinci (Budino), Puconci (Rim) in Šafarsko. In eno naselje iz obdobja kulture Retz-Gajary/KBV: Bukovnica.

Večina je bila potrjena z manjšimi poskusnimi sondami ali vrtinami.164 V večjem obsegu sta bili raziskani prazgodovinski poselitvi okoli Bukovni-ce165 in pri Šafarskem.166 Ugotovljena so bila krat-kotrajnejša naselja odprtega tipa z zemljankami in polzemljankami. Nadzemni objekti so bili odkriti le na Šafarskem. Prazgodovinske vasi so stale na valovitih predelih v bližini vode, potokov ali rek.167

Poznavanje neolitske in eneolitske poselitve območja se je znatno dopolnilo z raziskovanjem v okviru projekta Arheologija na avtocestah Slove-nije.168 Novoodkritih in večji del v širšem obsegu raziskanih je bilo več kot 15 najdišč z najdbami iz mlajše kamene in bakrene dobe, med katerimi posebej navajamo najdišča z najdbami lasinjske kulture in/ali KBV (sl. in seznam 19b): Brezje, Gorice, Gornje njive, Gornje njive 2, Ivankovci, Kalinovnjek, Nedelica, Nova tabla, Pod Kotom − jug, Popava 1, Pri Muri, Turnišče in Zagonce. K njim lahko prištejemo še Kračine in Sodolek (sl. 19b: 19 in 20) z vzhodnih obronkov Slovenskih goric.

Primož Pavlin v bakreno dobo sicer uvršča tu-di nekaj najdb z najdišča Pod Kotom − cesta pri Krogu (sl. 19b: 13).169 Zanje je našel primerjave na najdiščih od poznoneolitskega Resnikovega prekopa do poznoeneolitskih Dežmanovih kolišč. Ker niso preveč značilne, jih v nadaljevanju ne bomo posebej obravnavali. Podobno je tudi z ma-loštevilnimi najdbami z najdišča Popava 2 (sl. 19b: 10), ki jih uvrščamo v boleraško stopnjo badenske

162 Npr. Velušček 2004c, 292–295; id. 2011, 231–233; Balen 2008, 17–35; Šavel 2009a, 160; Kerman 2013a, 245; Balen, Drnić 2014, 39–76.

163 Šavel 1994, 15–16, 28.164 Ib., 28.165 Šavel 1992.166 Horvat-Šavel 1980; ead. 1984; ead. 1985.167 Npr. Šavel 1994, 28, 30–50.168 Glej Šavel 2014, 19–20.169 Pavlin 2015, 13, 20, 27.

kulture. Zanje je Irena Šavel našla analogije tudi na najdiščih KBV in je tako sklepala na sočasnost.170

Od približno 20 naselbinskih lokacij ali arheo-loških najdišč lasinjske kulture v Prekmurju jih je več kot deset objavljenih do te mere, da je mogoče najdbe medsebojno primerjati in analizirati, to so (sl. 19b): Brezje, Bukovnica, Gorice, Ivankovci, Kalinovnjek, Kapitan domb,171 Nedelica, Popava 1, Pri Muri, Turnišče in Zagonce. Manjše število najdb lasinjske kulture je bilo ugotovljeno tudi na Gornjih njivah 2,172 kjer med bakrenodobnimi najdbami prevladuje keramika z brazdastim vrezom.

O kulturni pripadnosti drugih najdišč lahko le ugibamo (glej sl. 19a: 1,3–6,8–11). V literaturi je najti že omenjeno zabeležko, da večina izmed njih sodi v lasinjsko kulturo.173 Ker najdbe niso objavljene, teh najdišč v nadaljevanju podrobneje ne obravnavamo. Nasprotno pa v analizo vključu-jemo objavljene najdbe s treh najdišč z vzhodnih obronkov Slovenskih goric v spodnjem toku reke Ščavnice,174 ki geografsko gravitira k Prekmurju. Prvi dve sta v bližini Sv. Jurija ob Ščavnici, tretje je locirano vzhodno od Razkrižja nad reko Ščavnico, tik pred njenim izlivom v Muro.

Iz obdobja kulture KBV v Prekmurju in v vzhodnih Slovenskih goricah poznamo več kot deset najdišč (sl. 19b): Brezje, Bukovnica, Gorice, Gornje njive, Gornje njive 2, Kalinovnjek, Kračine, Nova tabla, Pod Kotom − jug, Šafarsko, Turnišče in Zagonce. Kar deset med njimi je bilo raziskanih v okviru projekta gradnje avtocestnega križa. V večini so tudi že monografsko objavljena.

Kot je razvidno z omenjenega seznama, uvr-ščamo v KBV tudi del najdb z najdišča Kračine pri Dragotincih, ki ga avtorja objave postavljata v lasinjsko175 in klasično vučedolsko kulturo.176 Kot edini argument za takšno opredelitev navajata or-namentiran fragment keramike s severozahodnega dela izkopavališča, najden v novoveški erozijski plasti (sl. 20: 1).177 Čeprav je ohranjen le majhen odlomek, analogije zanj iščeta izključno po naj-

170 Šavel 2013, 18–19.171 Glej še značilne lasinjske najdbe, ki izvirajo z

zunanjega brega in iz samega jarka najdišča Oloris in naj bi bile tja prinesene iz eneolitskega naselja Kapitan domb, ki se je širilo na njivah severno od Olorisa (Dular, Šavel, Tecco Hvala 2002, 33).

172 Kerman 2013b (npr. najdbi št. 26 in 77).173 Šavel 1994, 28; glej še Šavel 1991.174 Kračine, Sodolek in Šafarsko.175 Tušek, Kavur 2012, 18, 20 (npr. najdba št. 1).176 Ib., 18, 20.177 Ib., 18, 20, 28, sl. 24 (najdba št. 7).

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diščih 3. tisočletja, v okviru klasične vučedolske kulture na Hrvaškem (glej npr. sl. 20: 2) in tudi na Ljubljanskem barju (npr. sl. 20: 3). Po našem mnenju jih lahko najdemo tudi po najdiščih iz 4. tisočletja, v okviru KBV ter skupine Mondsee, in večina teh je bolj prepričljiva (sl. 20: 4,5,6) oz. vsaj možna. Kar je ob poznavanju poselitve Prekmurja in vzhodnih Slovenskih goric tudi verjetneje, kot da gre za klasično vučedolsko najdbo.178

Mimogrede naj povemo še to, da je prvoome-njena in za oba avtorja najpomembnejša analogija za obravnavani fragment (sl. 20: 1)179 naselbinska najdba z najdišča Čanjevo (sl. 20: 2). Tipološko jo uvrščajo v klasično vučedolsko kulturo.180 Fragment pa ni bil najden v prazgodovinski plasti in situ,181 temveč v sekundarni legi, kjer so se med drugimi skupaj pojavljale najdbe Retz-Gajary/KBV in tudi vučedolske kulture.182

178 Tušek, Kavur 2012, 18, 20.179 Glej Tušek, Kavur 2012, 18.180 Brnić 2008, 77.181 Glej Bekić 2008, 19; Brnić 2008, 71.182 Brnić 2008, t. 1: 5–10 (kultura Retz-Gajary); 2–4

(vučedolska kultura).

Boris Kavur je v horizont KBV pogojno uvrstil tudi najdišče Ivankovci183 in ob tem razpravljal o kontinuiteti oblik posodja lasinjske kulture do sredine 4. tisočletja pr. Kr.184 Ker pa je ključni argument za tako visoko uvrstitev najdb iz jame SE 11185 ponovno rezultat radiokarbonskega datiranja,186 moramo uvrstitev Ivankovcev v horizont KBV, kot predlaga Kavur, zavrniti.

Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom

V nadaljevanju nas zanima kronološki odnos med obravnavanima kulturama na preučevanem območju in to, kako se kaže v luči zadnjih obsežnih terenskih raziskovanj. Tezo o možnem delnem ča-sovnem prekrivanju lasinjske kulture s KBV je za prekmurska najdišča na podlagi najdb z Bukovnice

183 Kavur 2010, tab. 1.184 Ib., 70–71; Tušek, Kavur 2011, 120. Glej še Tušek,

Kavur, Tomaž 2006, 117.185 Tušek, Kavur 2011 (najdbe št. 1–133).186 Kavur 2011, 124.

Sl. 20: 1 − Keramični odlomek z najdišča Kračine (po Tušek, Kavur 2012, sl. 24). 2–3 – Nekatere, po mnenju I. Tuška in B. Kavurja (2012, 18), pripadajoče analogije: Čanjevo (2), Dežmanova kolišča na Ljubljanskem barju (3). 4–6 – Analogije z najdišč iz 4. tisočletja: Kalinovnjek (4); ”See“ 1982–86, Mondsee (5); “See” 1960–63, Mondsee (6). M. = 1:5.Fig. 20: 1 − A pottery fragment from the Kračine site (after: Tušek, Kavur 2012, Fig. 24). 2–3 − Some, according to I. Tušek and B. Kavur (2012, 18), corresponding analogies: Čanjevo (2), Dežman’s pile-dwellings at the Ljubljansko barje (3). 4–6 − Analogies from the sites of the 4th millennium: Kalinovnjek (4); ‘See’ 1982–86, Mondsee (5); ‘See’ 1960–63, Mondsee (6). Scale = 1:5.(po / after: Brnić 2008, t. / Pl. 3: 12 [2]; – Korošec, Korošec 1969, t. / Pl. 60: 10 [3]; – Kerman 2013a, najdba št. / find. no. 509 [4]; – Lochner 1997, 94, t. / Pl. 99: 3 [5]; 276, t. / Pl. 51: 16 [6])

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37Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

in Šafarskega najprej zagovarjala Šavlova.187 Ne-davno jo je obudila Ana Plestenjak, ki je izhajala iz stratigrafskih podatkov z najdišča Gorice pri Turnišču.188 Poudariti pa je treba, da drugi avtorji, ki so predstavili prekmurska najdišča v okviru pro-jekta arheoloških izkopavanj pri gradnji avtoceste, kulturi obravnavajo kronološko ločeno.189

Arheološki viri pričajo, da se v Prekmurju ob-močji razprostranjenosti lasinjske kulture in KBV prekrivata (sl. 19b), kar samo po sebi še ni dokaz za sočasnost. Namigovanje na delno vzporedni razvoj obeh kultur se je sicer pojavilo po nastanku defini-cije kulture Retz-Gajary/KBV. Tako je Dimitrijević ugotavljal, da tako kot je lasinjska kultura vplivala na Retz-Gajary, je tudi slednja na lasinjsko. Prepletanje naj bi bilo najizrazitejše v tretji stopnji kronološko sicer starejše lasinjske kulture.190 Kasneje so tezo utemeljevali s podatki z najdišč, kot sta Pepelane in Drljanovac, pri katerih smo že pokazali, da iz objavljenih podatkov ni mogoče utemeljeno sklepati na sočasnost.191 Podobne ugotovitve veljajo tudi na najdiščih KBV po Sloveniji, kjer je prav tako malo relevantnih podatkov za temo, ki jo obravnavamo.

Gradec pri MirniKot relevantno in s stratigrafijo podprto refe-

renco se omenja Gradec pri Mirni.192 Dejstvo je, da so bile v najvišji plasti Gradca skupaj odkrite najdbe lasinjske kulture in KBV.193 Toda ne gre spregledati, da so bile med njimi tudi najdbe, sta-rejše od lasinjske kulture,194 kar kaže na premešano arheološko vsebino v plasti.

Škoršičev vrt v Ormožu in AndrenciPlestenjakova kot argument za sočasnost omenja

še najdišča Andrenci, Ormož − Škoršičev vrt in Turnišče. Za hip se ustavimo pri Škoršičevem vrtu in Andrencih. K Turnišču se bomo vrnili kasneje.

187 Prim. Šavel 1992, 61; ead. 1994, 27–28, 37–38; ead. 2006, 89–94; Šavel, Guštin 2006, 203–210.

188 Plestenjak 2010, 38.189 Npr. Tomaž 2012, 50–53; ead. 2013a, 27; Kerman

2013a, 47; id. 2013b, 20–21.190 Dimitrijević 1979b, 364–365.191 Velušček 2004b, 257–258; o tem kritično Težak-

Gregl 2006, 300; ead. 2007, 39–40; glej še Balen 2008, 22; Balen, Drnić 2014, 58.

192 Plestenjak 2010, 38.193 Dular et al. 1991, npr. t. 34: 8,11 (lasinjska kultura);

31: 13,14 (zajemalki s tulastim držajem sta lahko še starejši); 26: 10a–c (KBV).

194 Dular et al. 1991, npr. t. 27: 3 (savska skupina lengyelske kulture).

Na Škoršičevem vrtu v Ormožu so bile najdbe KBV najdene skupaj z lasinjsko keramiko v jami nepravilne oblike.195 Beremo, da je bila jama pli-tva, v osrednjem delu do 0,55 m globoka, odkrita pa šele na globini okoli 0,25 m pod površjem. Med keramiko prevladuje lasinjska.196 Tako je bil tudi “keramični zbir” iz jame uvrščen v lasinjsko kulturo.197 Kot že omenjeno, nekaj fragmentov sodi med najdbe KBV.198 Drugih podatkov o jami, stratigrafiji in najdbah ni na voljo. Od 109 fragmentov keramike iz jame jih je objavljenih le 75.199 V tem primeru vsekakor premalo, da jamo in njeno vsebino lahko kritično ovrednotimo in kronološko pravilno razumemo.

Iz zgornje plasti A2 t. i. seliščnega prostora A na najdišču Andrenci izvira fragment, ornamentiran v tehniki brazdastega vrezovanja.200 Naj opozorimo, fragment izhaja iz plasti, v kateri so lengyelske najdbe izrazito prevladovale.201 Lasinjskih najdb niti v plasti niti na najdišču ni bilo.202 Zato je na podlagi fragmenta, okrašenega v tehniki brazda-stega vrezovanja, nemogoče trditi, da Andrenci pomenijo dokaz za sočasnost lasinjske kulture in KBV. Podatki kažejo ravno nasprotno.

Malečnik pri MariboruNa najdišču Malečnik so se najdbe lasinjske

kulture pojavile v plasti pod plastmi brez arhe-oloških ostalin, nad njimi pa je bila struktura/jama z najdbami KBV.203 Podobno trdijo tudi za Ajdovsko jamo pri Nemški vasi.204 Kot je videti iz skromne stratigrafsko-tipološke tabele, lahko podoben trend zasledimo tudi v Moverni vasi.205

Prekmurje in vzhodne Slovenske gorice

Za ugotavljanje kronološkega odnosa med la-sinjsko kulturo in KBV v Prekmurju in vzhodnih Slovenskih goricah smo v študijo vključili primer-

195 Tomanič-Jevremov, Tomaž, Kavur 2006b, 155, in tam navedena literatura.

196 Ib. (najdbe št. 7, 15, 25, 33, 34, 38, 65, 66, 67).197 Ib., 160.198 Ib., sl. 10 (npr. najdbe št. 45, 48, 50, 51, 55).199 Ib., 155, sl. 10 (najdbe št. 1–74).200 Pahič 1976, t. 3: 8.201 Ib., npr. t. 3: 3,6,9,15,17,22,30; 4: 4,24.202 Glej še Kramberger 2014a, 32.203 Npr. Strmčnik-Gulič 2006, 196.204 Horvat 2009, 25, 28.205 Glej Budja 1992, sl. 4.

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ljivo število najdišč,206 15 lasinjskih in 11 kulture keramike z brazdastim vrezom (glej sl. in seznam 19b). Izključno lasinjska najdišča so: Ivankovci, Ka-pitan domb, Nedelica, Pri Muri, Popava 1, Sodolek in Zagonce. Najdišča z izključno najdbami KBV so: Gornje njive, Nova tabla in Pod Kotom − jug. Najdišča z najdbami obeh pa so: Brezje, Bukovni-ca, Gorice, Gornje njive 2, Kalinovnjek, Kračine, Šafarsko in Turnišče.

Slednja najdišča so v smislu vertikalne stra-tigrafije ključna za našo analizo. Pojasnila bodo dejanski kronološki odnos med naselji različnih kultur. Na njih je torej pričakovati tudi materialne dokaze o sočasnem razvoju, če seveda obstajajo. Kljub problemom z definicijo je treba opozoriti na še vedno prevladujoče mnenje, da se je lasinjska kultura začela pred nastopom KBV oz. Retz-Gajary po Dimitrijeviću. Zato je na teh najdiščih, vsaj v teoriji, pričakovati, da plasti z lasinjskimi najdbami stratigrafsko ležijo pod plastmi z najdbami KBV.

206 Preden se posvetimo problematiki o kronološkem odnosu med lasinjsko kulturo in KBV na geografsko ozkem območju Prekmurja in vzhodnih Slovenskih goric, je treba poudariti, da se ugotovitev, do katere bomo prišli, zaradi nepoznavanja notranjega razvoja kultur, nanaša na kronološki odnos med kulturama, ki velja izključno za območje preučevanja. Kar pa ne gre posploševati na celotna areala razprostranjenosti lasinjske kulture oz. KBV; prim. z Balen, Drnić 2014, 58.

ŠafarskoNa Šafarskem so v kvadrantu 11 sonde 9, v

okviru tretjega izkopa, v globini 0,60 m naleteli na fragment keramike KBV.207 V izkopu nad njim so bili dokumentirani značilni fragmenti lasinjske keramike.208 Drugi fragment, ki ga uvrščajo v KBV, je bil najden v kvadrantu 14 in izvira iz drugega izkopa, iz globine 0,40 m.209

Torej se zdi, da primera s Šafarskega kažeta na obrnjen stratigrafski odnos med kulturama, a le na prvi pogled. Povsem mogoče je, da sta najdbi KBV t. i. vrinjeni najdbi. Morda je to posledica izkopavanja po režnjih ali pa je vzroke mešanja iskati v oranju210 oz. drugih postdepozicijskih procesih. Nenavadno okoliščino za najdbo iz kvadranta 11 namreč lahko delno pojasnimo s fragmentom žar-nogrobiščne latvice s poševno kaneliranim ustjem, najdenim v bližnjem kvadrantu 2, v okviru drugega izkopa, v globini med 0,20 in 0,40 m. Pomenljivo je, da so druge opredeljive najdbe iz tega izkopa značilno lasinjske in je torej na podlagi njihove lege nemogoče trditi, da sta bili lasinjska kultura in kultura žarnih grobišč v nekem trenutku lahko sočasni. O živahnem dogajanju na najdišču tudi sicer govori podatek, da je bil sestavni del značilne

207 Horvat-Šavel 1984, 54, t. 8: 7.208 Ib., npr. t. 9: 3.209 Ib., 55, pril. 2; t. 11: 7.210 Horvat-Šavel 1980, 51; ead. 1984, 39.

Sl. 21: Bukovnica. Presek jame 2 v kv. 175 (po Šavel 1992, pril. 5).Fig. 21: Bukovnica. A cross section of Pit 2 in Quadrant 175 (after: Šavel 1992, App. 5).

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39Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

lasinjske posode211 iz kvadranta 11 najden več kot 8 m stran v kvadrantu 20.212

BukovnicaKeramika KBV, skupaj s prevladujočimi lasinj-

skimi najdbami, je bila odkrita tudi v jami 2, v kvadrantu 175, na najdišču Bukovnica. Omenimo naj predvsem skodelo z ročajem in nekaj ornamen-tiranih fragmentov posod iz jame 2.213 Problem je, da natančni stratigrafski podatki o legi najdb iz jame 2 niso znani, kar pa je ključnega pomena za obravnavano problematiko. Iz objave risb profila jame lahko razberemo, da je bila do 1,10 m globo-ka. V njej so naleteli na več plasti. Jama je bila od dna do roba zapolnjena z drobci opečene ilovice, oglja, zdrobljenimi živalskimi kostmi, kamnitim orodjem in fragmenti prazgodovinske keramike. Močna plast žganine in opečena zemlja pa naj bi nakazovali, da je pred zapolnitvijo “verjetno služila v druge namene” (sl. 21).214

Gorice pri TurniščuDomnevno edini podatek o vertikalnostratigraf-

skem odnosu med najdbami lasinjske kulture in KBV z izkopavanj na trasi avtoceste in spremljajočih objektih v Prekmurju je izpričan iz jame SE 166 na najdišču Gorice pri Turnišču.215 Jama je imela dve plasti zasutja. Iz zasutja na dnu izhaja domnevno keramika lasinjske kulture in KBV. V vrhnji pla-sti zasutja pa so naleteli na keramiko KBV in iz bronaste dobe, lasinjskih najdb ni bilo. Kakorkoli že, iz jame je objavljen izbor najdb, med njimi npr. domnevno lasinjski fragmenti niso tipološko jasno prepoznavni in je zato težko presoditi, ali je kronološka in kulturna opredelitev vsebine jame, ki je sicer opredeljena kot bronastodobna, dejansko pravilna (sl. 22).

Na najdišču Gorice je najdbe lasinjske kulture in KBV najti po celotnem jugozahodnem delu izkopavališča. Lasinjskih najdb je precej več in so bolj razpršene.216 Po mnenju Plestenjakove je bilo skupaj najti keramiko obeh kultur v sklopu t. i. zaprtih najdb še v kulturnih jamah SE 341 in SE 339.217 Jami sta ležali več kot 10 m narazen. Vmes je stal t. i. bakrenodobni “objekt 2”. V njem so bile

211 Horvat-Šavel 1984, t. 9: 3.212 Ib., glej pril. 2.213 Šavel 1992, t. 11: 5,7; 12: 6; 13: 11–13.214 Ib., 58–59.215 Plestenjak 2010, 64 (glob. jame: 0,30 m).216 Glej Plestenjak 2010, 64.217 Ib., 51, 52.

Sl. 22: Gorice pri Turnišču. Keramika iz jame SE 166: 1–4 – lasinjska kultura; 5 – kultura KBV; 6 – bronasta doba. Vse interpretacije po A. Plestenjak (2010, 64). M. = 1:5. Fig. 22: Gorice near Turnišče. Pottery from Pit SU 166: 1–4 – Lasinja culture; 5 – FP culture; 6 – Bronze Age. All interpretations after A. Plestenjak (2010, 64). Scale = 1:5.(po / after: Plestenjak 2010, 64, najdbe št. / finds nos.: 65–68 [1–4], 69 [5], 64 [6])

Sl. 23: Gorice pri Turnišču. Keramika iz jame SE 339. M. = 1:5.Fig. 23: Gorice near Turnišče. Pottery from Pit SU 339. Scale = 1:5.(po / after: Plestenjak 2010, najdbe št. / finds nos. 59–62)

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jame za stojke in druge jame. V njih večinoma ni bilo keramike, kjer se je pojavila, je prevladovala lasinjska. V enem primeru pa je bila keramika opredeljena kot prazgodovinska.218

Iz omenjene jame SE 341 izvira oglje, ki je po konvenciji datirano v čas 2390 ± 25 uncal BP (KIA--31895).219 To daje slutiti, da imamo opravka s t. i. drugotnim skupkom, kar je za razpravo o soča-snosti kulturnih pojavov vsekakor ključni podatek. Iz jame SE 339220 so objavljeni štirje fragmenti keramike (sl. 23), a le enega (sl. 23: 3) je mogoče zanesljivo kulturno opredeliti. Zagotovo sodi v KBV. Postavlja se torej vprašanje, ali je gradivo iz jame sploh lahko označeno za lasinjsko? Še več, izkopavalci opozarjajo, da je bilo na tem delu najdišča zaznati znatne poškodbe v arheoloških plasteh zaradi oranja,221 kar tudi sicer postavlja pod vprašaj izpovedno vrednost najdb iz te jame.

Na problematičnost teze o sočasnosti najdb lasinjske kulture in KBV na najdišču Gorice kaže tudi jama SE 110, v kateri so našli lasinjsko kera-miko in keramiko z bronastodobno fakturo,222 ki ju očitno znamo in zmoremo razlikovati, tako glede kulturne pripadnosti kot tudi kronološko. Tako lahko sklenemo, da lasinjska keramika in keramika KBV iz jam SE 341 in SE 339 na najdišču Gorice ne moreta biti dokaz za tezo o delnem časovnem prekrivanju obravnavanih kulturnih pojavov.

Brezje pri TurniščuKeramiko KBV je bilo najti tudi v plitvi jami

SE 1015 na “lasinjskem” najdišču Brezje pri Tur-nišču.223 Tako lahko opredelimo v fragmentih ohranjeno amforo oz. lonec z rahlo presegajočima ročajema (sl. 24: 2). Drugi keramični fragmenti so bili označeni za eneolitske in podrobneje niso bili opredeljeni. Na Brezju je bilo sicer keramike KBV zelo malo. Opredeljivi fragmenti treh posod izvirajo z jugovzhodnega dela izkopavališča, kjer so bile ugotovljene tudi jame iz obdobja lasinjske kulture.224

Kalinovnjek pri TurniščuVeliko več najdb lasinjske kulture in KBV poznamo

z najdišča Kalinovnjek, kjer je bilo najti največjo

218 Ib., 58, 59.219 Ib., 51, 157 (glob. jame: 0,18 m).220 Ib., 52 (glob. jame: 0,18 m).221 Ib., 34.222 Ib., 63, najdbi št. 70 (bronasta doba) in 71 (lasinjska

kultura), (glob. jame: 0,23 m).223 Plestenjak, Horňák, Masaryk 2013, 40 (glob. jame:

0,23 m).224 Tomaž 2013b (najdbe št. 15, 88, 145); Plestenjak

2013, sl. 28.

Sl. 24: Brezje pri Turnišču. Keramika iz jame SE 1015. M. = 1:5.Fig. 24: Brezje near Turnišče. Pottery from Pit SU 1015. Scale = 1:5.(po / after: Tomaž 2013b, 84–85, najdbe št. / finds nos. 14–16)

Sl. 25: Kalinovnjek pri Turnišču. Keramika. M. = 1:5.Fig. 25: Kalinovnjek near Turnišče. Pottery. Scale = 1:5.(po / after: Kerman 2013a, najdbe št. / finds nos. 227, 415, 566)

koncentracijo struktur in najdb lasinjske kulture na južnem robu osrednjega dela izkopavališča. Nasprotno pa je bilo največ najdb KBV najti na skrajnem severozahodnem robu.225

V jami SE 67, ki je bila opredeljena za lasinjsko,226 je bilo predilno vretence (sl. 25: 1), ki ga je treba uvrstiti v KBV in ne v lasinjsko kulturo, kot je predlagano.227 Novo kulturno opredelitev nakazuje ornamentalni motiv, za katerega najdemo ustreznej-

225 Kerman 2013a, sl. 20, 23 in 35.226 Ib., 26, 57, sl. 21 (najdbe št. 224–227; glob. jame:

0,12 m).227 Ib., 34, sl. 32.

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41Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

še in najbližje analogije v motiviki na keramičnih posodah KBV drugod po najdišču (kot npr. sl. 25: 2,3).228 Naj poudarimo, da je v KBV uvrščenih tudi več drugih okrašenih predilnih vretenc.229

Po podobnem kriteriju lahko v KBV uvrstimo še fragmenta keramičnega predilnega vretenca in posode iz lasinjske jame SE 197/215 (glej sl. 38).230 Najdena sta bila skupaj z nedvomno lasinjskimi fragmenti keramike (sl. 26). Iz vrhnje plasti zasutja je bil datiran vzorec oglja. Rezultat je skladen z absolutnim časovnim razponom lasinjske kulture231 in je prenizek, da bi ga lahko kakorkoli povezovali s KBV, katere začetek je mogoče pričakovati šele po letu 4000 pr. Kr.232

Na Kalinovnjeku so naleteli tudi na jami, pri-padajoči KBV, s fragmenti keramike lasinjske kulture. V to kategorijo spadata fragment skodele

228 Za druge primerjave z najdišča Kalinovnjek glej še Kerman 2013a (najdbi št. 509, 636). Za primerjave na drugih najdiščih KBV pa npr. Artner et al. 2011, t. 3: KH1; Tomaž 2012 (najdba št. 251); ead. 2013b (najdba št. 15).

229 Glej npr. Kerman 2013a, 44, 46, sl. 40 (najdbe št. 440, 478, 492, 503, 504, 512, 515 itd).

230 Ib., 60 (glob. jame: 1,05 m).231 Npr. Velušček 2011; Sraka 2012.232 Glej Velušček 2004c; id. 2011; Balen 2008; Balen,

Drnić 2014.

s čepastim nastavkom na ustju iz jame SE 195233 in fragment ornamentirane posode z ročajem iz jame SE 216.234

TurniščeZanimivo je tudi najdišče Turnišče, kjer so bile

najdbe obeh kultur prav tako sorazmerno številne. Ponovno je bilo sicer več lasinjskih. Eneolitske najdbe so bile razpršene po celotnem izkopavali-šču.235 A. Tomaž najdbe lasinjske kulture uvršča v prvo fazo eneolitske poselitve najdišča, najdbe KBV pa ji predstavljajo drugo poselitveno fazo.236

Na Turnišču so bile najdbe obeh kultur najdene skupaj v plitvi jami PO 43.237 Jama je sestavni del strukture, ki je označena za “objekt 1” in je bila uvrščena v drugo poselitveno fazo.238 Radiokarbon-ski datum oglja iz jame kaže na čas po Kristusu239 in se ne ujema z arheološko interpretacijo vsebine jame ter opozarja na neko očitno nedokumentirano dogajanje pri zasutju jame.

Gornje njive 2 pri Dolgi vasiNa najdišču Gornje njive 2 je bilo najdb iz

bakrene dobe malo. Med njimi prevladujejo tiste iz obdobja KBV. Razen redkih izjem240 so bile večinoma odkrite na severozahodnem delu izko-pavališča. Pojavljale so se v različnih kulturnih jamah, v katerih pa ni prišlo do mešanja med najdbami lasinjske kulture in KBV.241


Če povzamemo, se najdbe lasinjske kulture in KBV večinoma stratigrafsko izključujejo. Na nekaterih najdiščih jih je sicer najti skupaj v domnevno t. i. prvotnih skupkih, kar morda kaže na sočasnost. Ključno pa se vendarle zdi, da v takšnih prime-rih najdbe ene kulture izrazito prevladujejo nad najdbami druge kulture in da večinoma izvirajo iz zelo plitvih jam. Zato na podlagi stratigrafskih

233 Kerman 2013a, 71 (najdba št. 584; glob. jame: 0,13 m); prim. s Tomaž 2012, 36; ead. 2013a, 27.

234 Glej Kerman 2013a, 71, npr. najdbi št. 612 (lasinjska kultura) in 616 (KBV), (glob. jame: 0,30 m).

235 Glej Tomaž 2012, sl. 30a in 30b.236 Ib., 252–253.237 Ib., npr. najdbi št. 210 (lasinjska kultura) in 231

(KBV).238 Ib., 27, 58.239 Ib., 58.240 Glej npr. Kerman 2013b, npr. najdbi št. 3, 9 (verjetno

lasinjska kultura).241 Glej ib., sl. 17, najdbe št. 11–28, 74–75 (lasinjska

kultura), 29–68 (KBV).

Sl. 26: Kalinovnjek pri Turnišču. Lasinjska keramika iz jame SE 197/215. M. = 1:5.Fig. 26: Kalinovnjek near Turnišče. Lasinja pottery from Pit SU 197/215. Scale = 1:5.(po / after: Kerman 2013a, najdbe št. / finds nos. 245, 248, 249)

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podatkov v večini primerov, izjema je morda jama SE 197/215 s Kalinovnjeka, ugotavljamo, da se na območju, ki ga preučujemo, zdi teza o sočasnosti lasinjske kulture in KBV nedokazljiva.

Kronološko zanimive keramične oblike

Tezo, pravzaprav ugotovitev, da v Prekmurju in v vzhodnih Slovenskih goricah lasinjska kul-tura in KBV nista sočasni, želimo preveriti še na drugačen način, in sicer s preučevanjem razprše-nosti oz. zastopanostjo značilnih najdb ene izmed obravnavanih kultur po posameznih najdiščih in v okviru najdiščnih sklopov. Raziskali bomo, ali se na kulturno različnih najdiščih oz. v najdiščnih sklopih druge kulture istega najdišča pojavljajo značilne keramične oblike prve kulture, t. i. im-porti. Najprej bomo v ta namen izvedli analizo zastopanosti zajemalk s tulastim držajem.

Zajemalke s tulastim držajem

Zajemalke s tulastim držajem so namreč zelo značilen inventar lengyelskega kulturnega kroga, kamor uvrščamo tudi lasinjsko kulturo.242 Na slo-venskih najdiščih se prvič pojavijo v okviru savske skupine lengyelske kulture.243 Najdemo jih npr. na Ptujskem gradu,244 na najdišču Čatež − Sre-dno polje,245 Gradcu pri Mirni,246 Dragomlju,247 Resnikovem prekopu248 in v Moverni vasi.249 Pojavljajo se tudi na sočasnih najdiščih stopnje Lengyel III v Prekmurju in Slovenskih goricah, npr. na Bukovnici250 in Andrencih251 (sl. 27: 1,2).

Zajemalke s tulastim držajem so redno prisotne tudi na slovenskih najdiščih lasinjske kulture,252 kar

242 Glej npr. Pavúk 1981; Kalicz 1991; Bánffy 1995; Balen, Drnić 2014.

243 Glej Guštin 2005; Velušček 2011.244 Korošec 1965, t. 22: 1; 23 itd.; Tomanič-Jevremov,

Tomaž, Kavur 2006a, sl. 3 (najdba št. 15).245 Tomaž 2005, sl. 10 (najdbe št. 16, 17, 49–52); ead.

2010 (najdbe št. 125, 126, 188–193 itd).246 Dular et al. 1991, t. 23: 12,13.247 Turk, Svetličič 2005 (najdbe št. 18–20, 41, 42).248 Korošec 1964, t. 4: 2,4; 12: 3; Velušček 2006, t.

12: 4; 16: 1.249 Budja 1992, sl. 4.250 Šavel 1992, t. 6: 2–4,7,9.251 Pahič 1976, t. 4: 3,7,10; 6: 21,22.252 Npr. Žižek 2006a (najdbe št. 53–55); id. 2006b

(najdbi št. 36, 44). Prim. npr. z Dimitrijević 1979a, 152, 154 itd., t. 18: 6; Marković 1994, 94.

velja tudi za Prekmurje. Najdemo jih na Bukovnici (sl. 27: 3),253 v okolici Turnišča,254 Lendave255 itn. Pojavljajo se tudi tostran Mure v Slovenskih goricah, in sicer na Šafarskem256 in Sodoleku.257

Uveljavljeno je mnenje, da gre za keramično obliko, ki je bila v rabi skozi celotno obdobje la-sinjske kulture,258 kar je težko preveriti, saj notranji razvoj kulture ni poznan. Ker se takšne zajemalke pojavljajo skoraj vedno tam, kjer je najti drugo značilno lasinjsko keramiko, lahko trdimo, da so za lasinjsko kulturo nedvomno značilne. Po obdobju lasinjske kulture prevlada drugačen tip zajemalk s polnim držajem, ki na ozemlju Slovenije ostane priljubljen ves eneolitik.259

253 Šavel 1992, t. 9: 9; 14: 7–10.254 Npr. Tomaž 2012 (npr. najdbi št. 61, 78).255 Šavel, Sankovič 2011 (najdbe št. 36–41 itd).256 Npr. Horvat-Šavel 1984, t. 2: 1; 3: 7; 8: 10; 11: 6; 12: 8.257 Kavur, Tomaž, Mileusnić 2006 (najdbe št. 10–12).258 Npr. Dimitrijević 1979a, 154; Kalicz 1991, sl. 8:

12,13; Marković 1994, 94, t. 24: 7,8; Balen, Drnić 2014, 44.259 Npr. Parzinger 1984, 34; Velušček, Čufar 2014,

sl. 1 in 2.

Sl. 27: Zajemalke s tulastim držajem. 1 – neolitik (Ča-tež − Sredno polje); 2 – neolitik (Bukovnica); 3 – zgodnji eneolitik (Bukovnica). M. = 1:5.Fig. 27: Ladles with a perforated handle. 1 – Neolithic (Čatež − Sredno polje); 2 – Neolithic (Bukovnica); 3 – Early Eneolithic (Bukovnica). Scale = 1:5.(po / after: Tomaž 2005, najdba št. / find no. 16 [1]; Šavel 1992, t. / Pl. 6: 4; 14: 6 [2,3])

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43Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

Zajemalke s tulastim držajem so torej pomem-ben kronološko-kulturni pokazatelj in ključne za obravnavano temo, tj. preučevanje kronološkega odnosa med lasinjsko kulturo in KBV. Zato je smi-selno preveriti, v kakšnih kulturnih sklopih se te pojavljajo v Prekmurju in na najdiščih v vzhodnih Slovenskih goricah. Obsežne z arheološko metodo raziskane površine in številne objavljene najdbe se kar ponujajo za analizo.

BukovnicaZačnimo z Bukovnico, kjer so našli zajemalke

s tulastim držajem v dveh zanesljivih kulturnih sklopih. Kronološko starejše (npr. sl. 27: 2)260 so bile v dvojni jami na severozahodnem delu kvadranta 199, ki jo po najdbah nedvomno lahko uvrstimo v stopnjo Lengyel III.261 Tipološko so jim podobne zajemalke iz bližnje jame 2 v kvadrantu 175 (npr. sl. 27: 3),262 ki je kronološko mlajša in jo kulturno lahko opredelimo za lasinjsko.263 V njej so našli tudi nekaj fragmentov, ki jih uvrščamo v KBV.264

Brezje pri TurniščuNa Brezju je bila zajemalka najdena v jarku

SE 1046 iz tretje faze najdišča, v katerem je bilo še 14 fragmentov bakrenodobne keramike in več novoveških fragmentov bodisi keramike bodisi gradbenega materiala.265 Med prazgodovinskimi odlomki so trije objavljeni: že omenjena zajemalka (sl. 28: 3), fragment skodele z ovalnim čepom (sl. 28: 2), za katero najdemo analogijo v lasinjski kulturi,266 in netipični fragment (sl. 28: 1).

Zajemalki izvirata tudi iz plasti SE 1007,267 ki je ležala pod ornico SE 1000, v kateri so bile najdbe iz različnih obdobij od bakrene dobe do zgodovinskega časa.268 Podobno je tudi z zajemalko iz plasti SE 1267, ki je zapolnjevala območje ne v celoti raziskane kotanje. V plasti je bilo veliko prazgodovinskih najdb iz bakrene dobe, pojavljala se je tudi mlajšeželeznodobna in antična keramika, na vrhu plasti je bilo najti tudi odlomke srednje-

260 Šavel 1992, t. 6: 2,3,4,6,7,8,9.261 Ib., 58–60, pril. 3; t. 1–6.262 Ib., 58, pril. 3; t. 14: 7–10.263 Ib., t. 10; 11; 12: 3,5,6,7; 13; 15.264 Šavel 1994, 49, pril. 20: 16,17,28,29,33.265 Tomaž 2013b, 90 (najdba št. 63); Plestenjak, Horňák,

Masaryk 2013, 54 (glob. jarka: 0,47 m).266 Glej npr. Tomaž 2012 (najdbi št. 435 in 485).267 Tomaž 2013b (najdbi št. 107 in 108).268 Ib., npr. najdbe št. 91, 97 (lasinjska kultura), 88

(KBV), 109 (zgodovinsko obdobje). Glej še Plestenjak, Horňák, Masaryk 2013, 36.

in novoveške keramike.269 Med kronološko opre-deljivimi prazgodovinskimi fragmenti jih večino lahko uvrstimo v lasinjsko kulturo.270 Fragment domnevno skodele,271 ornamentirane z odtisi šila, pogojno lahko uvrstimo v KBV (sl. 29: 1; prim. s fragmentom na sl. 29: 2).272

Zadnje tri273 oz. štiri274 zajemalke z Brezja iz-virajo iz ornice SE 1000. V njej so bile skupaj npr. tipično lasinjska skodela s krožnim čepom na ustju in keramika, narejena na lončarskem kolesu.275

269 Novšak, Tomaž, Plestenjak 2013, 30.270 Tomaž 2013b (najdbe št. 139, 141–143, 151–153).271 Ib. (najdba št. 145).272 V KBV je najti primerjave bodisi v načinu okraševanja

in mestu okrasa na posodi bodisi v oblikah posod (glej npr. Velušček 2004b, sl. 5.3.3: 6; 5.3.5: 5; 5.3.20: 3,4; Pavlin, Dular 2007, t. 15: 21).

273 Tomaž 2013b (najdbe št. 276, 277, 279).274 Ker je od zajemalke, ki je najbrž imela tulasti držaj,

ohranjen samo fragment zajemalnega dela (Tomaž 2013b [najdba št. 278]), najdbo iz obravnave izpuščamo.

275 Ib. (glej najdbe št. 222, 282–287).

Sl. 28: Brezje pri Turnišču. Keramika iz jarka SE 1046. M. = 1:5.Fig. 28: Brezje near Turnišče. Pottery from Ditch SU 1046. Scale = 1:5.(po / after: Tomaž 2013b, najdbe št. / finds nos. 61–63)

Sl. 29: Keramika. 1 − Brezje; 2 − Gorice pri Turnišču. M. = 1:5.Fig. 29: Pottery. 1 − Brezje; 2 − Gorice near Turnišče. Scale = 1:5.(po / after: Tomaž 2013b, najdba št. / find. no. 145 [1]; Plestenjak 2010, najdba št. / find. no. 149 [2])

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Gorice pri TurniščuZajemalke s tulastim držajem z Goric so kro-

nološko izjemno pomembne.276 Najpomembnejši sta zajemalki iz zasutja jame SE 474 (sl. 30).277 Stratigrafsko globlje ležeča zajemalka je bila odkrita v plasti na dnu jame.278 V njej so bili še fragmenti dveh značilno lasinjskih skled, trakasti ročaj lasinjskega vrča, fragment lonca z ročajem ter lonca s cilindričnim vratom in ravnim ustjem.279 Druga zajemalka280 je bila odkrita stratigrafsko višje, v vmesni plasti zasutja, v kateri je bila tudi značilna lasinjska keramika.281 Jamo je zapolnila plast SE 473 (glej sl. 30). Med najdbami je mogo-če zanesljivo kulturno opredeliti samo odlomek vrča, ki je značilno lasinjski (sl. 31). Pomembno je tudi, da je bil iz te plasti pridobljen vzorec za radiokarbonsko datiranje in kaže na čas 5395 ± 30 uncal BP (Wk-23910).282

Zajemalka je bila najdena tudi v jami SE 433, skupaj z nedokončano kamnito sekiro iz zelenkastega amfibolita.283 Četrta zajemalka s tulastim držajem je bila v jami SE 480.284 Na lasinjsko kulturo kažeta

276 Plestenjak 2010, 36 (najdbe št. 34, 40, 42, 47).277 Podatek, da je bila jama globoka 0,16 m, ki ga dobimo

pri Plestenjakovi (2010, 54), je najverjetneje napačen, saj je drugod zabeleženo, da gre za globoko jamo (glej ib., 33).

278 Ib., 90 (najdba št. 40).279 Ib. (najdbe št. 35–39).280 Ib. (najdba št. 34).281 Ib. (najdbe št. 12, 15, 24–27, 31, 33).282 Ib., 54, 160.283 Ib., 53, 90 (najdbi št. 42 in 43; glob. jame: 0,30 m).284 Ib., 55 (najdba št. 47; glob. jame: 0,92 m).

amfora285 in datacija oglja iz zasutja jame, ki kaže na čas 5415 ± 30 uncal BP (Wk-23911).286

Skratka na Goricah so bile zajemalke v zelo zanesljivih skupkih lasinjske kulture. Drugod po najdišču, kjer se najdbe lasinjske kulture mešajo z najdbami KBV in kronološko še mlajšimi najdbami, takšnih zajemalk ni bilo.287

Kalinovnjek pri TurniščuNa najdišču Kalinovnjek so našli skoraj 30

zajemalk s tulastim držajem.288 Večinoma imajo ohranjen držaj s prehodom v ostenje zajemalnega dela. V dveh primerih je ohranjen samo fragment zajemalnega dela.289 V enem primeru luknja v dr-žaj ni bila izvrtana, a je njeno mesto nakazano.290 Domnevni fragment zajemalke št. 170 verjetneje pripada vrču.291 Tipološko drugačna pa je zajemalki podobna skodelica z zavihanim trakastim držajem.292

Kronološko so najpomembnejše zajemalke iz kulturno enotnih skupkov.293 Izvirajo iz jam z zna-čilno lasinjsko keramiko.294 Iz jame SE 15 je radio-karbonsko datiran vzorec oglja, ki kaže na starost 5323 ± 31 uncal BP (KIA-32867),295 kar se ujema z opredelitvijo jame na podlagi najdb za lasinjsko.

285 Ib. (najdba št. 46); prim. npr. s Šavel 1994, pril. 20: 2; 21: 1.

286 Plestenjak 2010, 55, 160.287 Glej keramične najdbe št. 55–244 (ib.).288 Kerman 2013a, 34 (najdbe št. 2, 31, 39 itd).289 Ib. (najdbi št. 92 in 133).290 Ib., 90 (najdba št. 5).291 Ib., 122 (najdba št. 170).292 Ib., 120 (najdba št. 164).293 Ib., 55 (SE 15; najdbi št. 209, 211), 61 (SE 201;

najdbi št. 262, 263), 63 (SE 265; najdba št. 349), 64 (SE 380; najdba št. 382), 66 (SE 430; najdba št. 398).

294 Ib. (SE 15; najdbi št. 207, 208), (SE 201; najdbe št. 258–261), (SE 265; najdbi št. 346, 347), (SE 380; najdba št. 383), (SE 430; najdbi št. 397, 399).

295 Ib., 55, 242 (glob. jame: 0,24 m).

Sl. 30: Gorice pri Turnišču. Profil jame SE 474. M. = 1:50.Fig. 30: Gorice near Turnišče. A cross section of Pit SU 474. Scale = 1:50.(po / after: Plestenjak 2010, 54)

Sl. 31: Gorice pri Turnišču. Lasinjski vrč iz zasutja SE 473 v jami SE 474. M. = 1:5.Fig. 31: Gorice near Turnišče. A Lasinja jug from Fill SU 473 in Pit SU 474. Scale = 1:5.(po / after: Plestenjak 2010, najdba št. / find. no. 5)

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45Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

Zajemalka je bila odkrita tudi v kulturni plasti SE 4,296 kjer so našli značilno keramiko tako la-sinjske kulture297 kot KBV.298

Večina zajemalk s Kalinovnjeka je bila najdena v ornici SE 1,299 v kateri so se pojavljale najdbe iz različnih arheoloških obdobij, npr. iz eneolitskih lasinjske kulture in KBV, iz antike in tudi moderne dobe.300

Z zajemalkami s tulastim držajem s Kalinovnjeka je torej podobno kot s tistimi z Goric. Pojavljale so se v čistih lasinjskih skupkih, kar je močan argument pripadnosti tej kulturi. Skupaj z najdbami iz drugih arheoloških obdobij pa so bile le v primerih, ko je bila zraven keramika lasinjske kulture.

Nedelica pri TurniščuZajemalke s tulastim držajem so odkrili tudi

na najdišču Nedelica.301 Med najdbami so sicer prevladovale bronastodobne,302 maloštevilne ene-olitske pa uvrščajo v lasinjsko kulturo.303

Kronološko pomembna sta dva fragmenta zaje-malk (sl. 32: 2,3), najdena v domnevno novoveški jami SE 252.304 Iz jame izvirajo sicer številne bro-nastodobne najdbe,305 zraven je bila odkrita tudi

296 Ib., 50, 67 (najdba št. 201).297 Ib. (npr. najdbe št. 195–196, 198).298 Ib. (npr. najdbe št. 495–497).299 Ib. (najdbe št. 1, 5, 31, 39 itn. do 174).300 Ib., 50, 67, 83.301 Šavel, Sankovič 2013, 24 (najdbe št. 90, 831, 832).302 Ib., 25–45.303 Ib., 19–24.304 Datacija oglja iz jame kaže na čas 258 ± 20 uncal

BP (KIA-44369); glob. jame: 0,38 m (Dreves 2013; Šavel, Sankovič 2013, 94).

305 Šavel, Sankovič 2013, 238 (najdbe št. 833–846).

lasinjska keramika (sl. 32: 1). V podobnem sklopu je bil najden tretji fragment zajemalke. Izvira iz jame s prevladujočo bronastodobno keramiko, z redkimi fragmenti tokrat neopredeljene eneolitske keramike in nekaj srednjeveškimi najdbami.306

TurniščeZajemalke s tulastim držajem pozna tudi Tur-

nišče,307 kjer so med prazgodovinskimi najdbami odkrili tako lasinjsko keramiko kot keramiko

306 Ib., 65 (najdba št. 90).307 Tomaž 2012, 33 (najdbe št. 61, 78, 424, 645, 646, 665).

Sl. 32: Nedelica. Lasinjske najdbe iz domnevno novoveške jame SE 252. 1 – fragment ročaja s čepastim nastavkom; 2–3 – fragmenta zajemalk s tulastim držajem. M. = 1:5.Fig. 32: Nedelica. Lasinja finds from supposedly post-medi-eval Pit SU 252. 1 – fragment of a loop handle and button finial; 2–3 – two fragments of ladles with a perforated handle. Scale = 1:5.(po / after: Šavel, Sankovič 2013, najdbe št. / finds nos. 830, 831, 832)

Sl. 33: Turnišče. Izbor keramičnih najdb iz jame PO 118. M. = 1:5. Fig. 33: Turnišče. A selection of pottery finds from Pit PS 118. Scale = 1:5.(po / after: Tomaž 2012, najdbe št. / finds nos. 1, 25, 61)

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KBV.308 Kronološko izpovedna je zajemalka iz jame PO 118 (sl. 33: 3),309 v kateri so poleg drobcev oglja in lepa ter živalskih kosti naleteli na veliko število fragmentov izključno lasinjske keramike (npr. sl. 33: 1,2).310 Radiokarbonska analiza oglja iz jame je pokazala na starost 5477 ± 27 uncal BP (KIA-41443).311

V lasinjsko kulturo sodi tudi jama PO 174,312 v kateri je bil odkrit kronološko enako pomemben fragment zajemalke s tulastim držajem.313 Druge zajemalke s tega najdišča so kronološko manj izpovedne.314 Odkrite so bile v plasti SE 15 pod ornico skupaj s številnimi kulturnimi ostalinami iz obdobja lasinjske kulture, KBV ter novega veka.315

Zagonce pri RenkovcihZ najdišča Zagonce pri Renkovcih je objavljena

samo ena zajemalka s tulastim držajem (sl. 34: 4).316 Odkrili so jo v jami PO 252.317 Po drugih najdbah sodeč jo lahko uvrstimo v lasinjsko kul-turo (sl. 34: 1–3,5).

Popava 1 pri LipovcihVečje število kronološko izjemno pomembnih

zajemalk s tulastim držajem poznamo z najdišča Popava 1 v okolici Beltincev.318 Več jih je bilo naj-denih v kulturnih jamah in t. i. vkopanih objektih lasinjske kulture,319 kar nedvomno utrjuje njihovo kronološko mesto v okviru omenjene kulture. In kar se zdi še pomembneje, številne arheološke najdbe s Popave 1 izpričujejo intenzivno eneolitsko poselitev lokacije izključno v obdobju lasinjske kulture.320

Absolutno kronološko je pomemben vkopan objekt večjih dimenzij št. 4, v katerem so od-krili več deset fragmentov zajemalk s tulastim

308 Ib., 25–53.309 Ib., 67 (najdba št. 61; glob. jame: 0,48 m).310 Ib., 50, 67 (najdbe št. 1–61).311 Ib., 67, 277, 278.312 Ib., 50, 69 (najdbe št. 62–79; glob. jame: 0,16 m).313 Ib. (najdba št. 78).314 Ib. (najdbe št. 424, 645, 646, 665); v enem primeru

fragment držaja ni prevrtan, a je mesto za tulec nakazano (ib., najdba št. 648).

315 Ib., 56.316 Kavur 2006, 110 (najdba št. 4).317 Ib., 110 (glob. jame: do 0,60 m).318 Šavel, Karo 2012 (najdbe št. 1, 3, 11, 26, 33, 34, 39,

46, 95 itd.); glej še Šavel 2012, 38, 40.319 Glej Šavel, Karo 2012 (npr. najdbe št. 108, 320–328,

366, 443–445, 632–634, 647).320 Šavel 2012, 40.

držajem,321 zelo veliko fragmentov posod lasinjske kulture, kamnita orodja itn., pa tudi šest vrinjenih fragmentov srednjeveške keramike. Za absolutno kronologijo je pomembna radiokarbonska datacija oglja iz tega objekta, ki kaže na čas 5396 ± 31 uncal BP (KIA-32885).322

321 Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 93; Šavel, Karo 2012 (najdbe št. 822–848).

322 Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 93; za radiokarbonski datum glej še Šavel, Karo 2012, 461.

Sl. 34: Zagonce pri Renkovcih. Lasinjska keramika iz jame PO 252. Ni v merilu.Fig. 34: Zagonce near Renkovci. Lasinja pottery from Pit PS 252. Not to scale.(po / after: Kavur 2006, najdbe št. / finds nos. 1–5)

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47Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

Ivankovci pri LendaviZajemalke s tulastim držajem poznajo tudi naj-

dišča v okolici Lendave. Osem jih je bilo odkritih v Ivankovcih (glej npr. sl. 35: 3,6).323 Kronološko se zdijo pomembne zajemalke iz dveh kulturnih jam,324 objavljene najdbe iz teh kažejo na lasinjsko kulturo (sl. 35: 1,2,4,5).325

Radiokarbonska datuma dveh vzorcev oglja iz zasutja na dnu in pri robu jame SE 11326 kažeta na čas 4885 ± 26 uncal BP (KIA-38225) oz. 4914 ± 28 uncal BP (KIA-38224), kar se zdi razmeroma pozno za strukturo z lasinjskimi najdbami. Na podlagi stratigrafskih izsledkov avtorja menita, da gre za t. i. drugotni skupek, kjer gre morda iskati vzrok za visoki dataciji vzorcev.327 Obenem se na tem primeru odpirata problematika reprezentativnosti izbora najdb za objavo – od 833 prazgodovinskih fragmentov keramike je objavljenih približno 130328 – ter vprašanje o dejanski kulturni pripadnosti jame.329

Gre za problematiko, s katero se srečamo tudi pri interpretaciji zajemalk iz plasti SE 5, ki sta uvr-ščeni v najstarejšo fazo poselitve na najdišču,330 tj. v zgodnji eneolitik oz. v lasinjsko kulturo. V plasti je bilo 171 fragmentov prazgodovinske keramike. Poleg zajemalk je objavljenih še 11 odlomkov do-mnevno srednjeeneolitske keramike.331 Kakorkoli že, na najdišču Ivankovci dva fragmenta zajemalk izvirata tudi iz humusne plasti SE 1 z najdbami iz eneolitika, antike in novega veka.332

Kapitan domb pri Dolnjem LakošuZajemalke s tulastim držajem pozna tudi najdišče

Kapitan domb. Objavljeni so štirje fragmenti,333 še dva so našli v sklopu bližnjega bronstodobnega najdišča Oloris. Tja naj bi zašla iz eneolitskega naselja Kapitan domb.334 Kakorkoli že, skromne eneolitske najdbe z najdišča Kapitan domb sodijo izključno v lasinjsko kulturo.335

323 Tušek, Kavur 2011 (najdbe št. 128–130, 176, 179–182).324 Ib. (najdbe št. 128–130, 176).325 Glej ib., 29 (SE 11; najdbe št. 1–130), 30 (SE 71;

najdbe št. 142–176).326 Ib., 29 (glob. jame: 0,80 m).327 Ib., 29.328 Ib. (najdbe št. 1–102, 105–110, 112–131).329 Glej npr. Kavur 2010, 70–71.330 Tušek, Kavur 2011, 28 (najdbi št. 181 in 182).331 Ib., 28 (najdbe št. 183–193).332 Ib., 28 (najdbi št. 179 in 180).333 Šavel 1994, 52, pril. 25: 10–13.334 Dular, Šavel, Tecco Hvala 2002, 33, t. 3: 14; 11: 13.335 Šavel 1994, 52.

Pri Muri pri LendaviZ najdišča Pri Muri poznamo več kot 15 zajemalk

s tulastim držajem, objavljenih je 14 primerkov. Vse so bile odkrite bodisi v polzemljankah336 bodisi v kulturnih jamah.337 Kulturno izpovedne najdbe lahko uvrstimo v lasinjsko kulturo.338 Izje-mi sta polzemljanka SE 465, v kateri je bilo poleg lasinjskih najdb339 nekaj fragmentov železnodobne

336 Šavel, Sankovič 2011 (najdbe št. 36–41, 66, 67, 127–129).

337 Ib. (najdbe št. 52, 82, 90).338 Glej ib., 69 (SE 600; najdbe št. 4–41), 72 (SE 429;

najdbe št. 53–67), 74 (SE 461; najdbe št. 72–82), 75 (SE 470; najdbe št. 88–90).

339 Ib., 76 (najdbe št. 92–121, 123–125; glob. jame: 0,19 m).

Sl. 35: Ivankovci pri Lendavi. Izbor značilne lasinjske keramike iz jam SE 11 (1–3) in SE 71 (4–6). M. = 1:5.Fig. 35: Ivankovci near Lendava. A selection of typical Lasinja pottery from Pits SU 11 (1–3) and SU 71 (4–6). Scale = 1:5.(po / after: Tušek, Kavur 2011, najdbe št. / finds nos. 3, 115, 129, 143, 165, 180)

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keramike,340 in jama SE 796, iz katere je objavljen samo en fragment tulastega držaja zajemalke, druge najdbe pa ne.341

Sodolek pri GrabonošuNaslednje najdišče, na katerem se pojavljajo za-

jemalke s tulastim držajem, je Sodolek. Objavljene so tri zajemalke iz jame PO 458 (glej npr. sl. 36: 4),342 v kateri je bilo zelo veliko arheoloških najdb. Objavljeni fragmenti posod in pokrova kažejo, da jih moremo uvrstiti v lasinjsko kulturo (npr. sl. 36: 1–3).343

ŠafarskoŠafarsko je zadnje najdišče z večjim številom

zajemalk s tulastim držajem, ki jih podrobneje obravnavamo.344 V enem primeru je bil najden

340 Ib., 76 (najdbi št. 122, 126).341 Ib., 70 (najdba št. 52; glob. jame: 0,26 m).342 Kavur, Tomaž, Mileusnić 2006, 128 (najdbe št. 10–12).343 Ib., 122 (najdbe št. 1–3, 5–8).344 Glej Horvat-Šavel 1980, npr. t. 5: 3; 6: 6,7; ead.

1984, npr. t. 2: 1; 3: 7; 8: 10; 11: 6.

in kasneje objavljen samo fragment zajemalnega dela.345 Poudariti je treba, da razen podatkov o sondi, kvadrantu in včasih tudi globini ni drugih natančnejših stratigrafskih podatkov o legi zajemalk znotraj izkopavališča.346 Večina jih izvira z območij s prevladujoče lasinjskimi najdbami, poleg njih je najti tudi kronološko mlajšo keramiko. Šavlova poudarja, da so v enotni kulturni plasti naleteli večinoma na lasinjsko keramiko.347 Pojavljali so se tudi posamezni fragmenti, pripadajoči KBV348 ter poznobronastodobne349 in najverjetneje poznola-tenske najdbe.350 Naj torej zaključimo. Zajemalke s tulastim držajem s Šafarskega kažejo na povezavo z lasinjsko kulturo, a so zaradi pomanjkljivih strati-grafskih podatkov manj uporabne za našo analizo.

Skodele s čepastim nastavkom na ročaju

Kronološko zanimiva keramična oblika je tudi skodela s presegajočim trakastim ročajem, na katerem je t. i. čepasti nastavek.351 Dejansko se čepu podoben nastavek pojavlja v obliki okrogle-ga ploščka (sl. 37: 1), kot bet (sl. 37: 2) ali nekje vmes (sl. 37: 3). Vse skodele s takšnimi ročaji so ornamentirane na ramenu s poševnimi vrezanimi črtami.352 Največkrat je ohranjen samo fragment ročaja oz. ostenja z ročajem.353 Od ročajev je okrašen primerek z najdišča Pri Muri (sl. 37: 1).

Skodele s presegajočim trakastim ročajem s če-pastim nastavkom so redek inventar po najdiščih iz bakrene dobe in naj bi bile balkanskega pore-kla.354 Pri nas se pojavljajo na lasinjskih najdiščih. Zdi se, da predvsem v severovzhodni Sloveniji od Zgornjih Radvanj,355 Škoršičevega vrta pri

345 Horvat-Šavel 1984, t. 5: 5.346 Glej Horvat-Šavel 1980; ead. 1984; Šavel 1994.347 Šavel 1994, 33, 37–39.348 Horvat-Šavel 1980, t. 11: 8; ead. 1984, t. 8: 7; 11:

7. Glej še Šavel 1994, 38; ead. 2009a, 109; prim. npr. z Lochner 1997; Artner et al. 2011.

349 Horvat-Šavel 1984, 51, npr. t. 2: 4.350 Horvat-Šavel 1980, 59, npr. t. 12: 1–6,8–11.351 Glej npr. Horvat-Šavel 1984, t. 7: 3; 9: 3; Šavel,

Karo 2012 (najdba št. 737); Kerman 2013a (najdba št. 158).352 Horvat-Šavel 1984, t. 7: 3; Šavel, Karo 2012 (najdba št.

737); Kerman 2013a (najdba št. 158). Podobno ornamentirana je tudi fragmentarno ohranjena skodela s Škoršičevega vrta v Ormožu (Tomanič-Jevremov, Tomaž, Kavur 2006b, 169, sl. 8 [najdba št. 38]).

353 Glej Šavel, Sankovič 2011 (najdba št. 31); Šavel, Karo 2012 (najdbe št. 278, 279, 423, 575 itd).

354 Glej npr. Marković 1994, 96; Šavel 2014, 22–23.355 Kramberger 2014b, t. 120: 1221.

Sl. 36: Sodolek pri Grabonošu. Izbor značilne lasinjske keramike iz jame PO 458. Ni v merilu.Fig. 36: Sodolek near Grabonoš. A selection of typical Lasinja pottery from Pit PS 458. Not to scale.(po / after: Kavur, Tomaž, Mileusnić 2006, najdbe št. / finds nos. 2, 6, 9, 10)

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49Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

Ormožu356 do Prekmurja.357 Ker se jih uvršča v lasinjsko kulturo,358 bomo v okviru obravnavanih prekmurskih najdišč preverili njihov stratigrafski položaj, in sicer tako, kot smo to storili pri obrav-navi zajemalk s tulastim držajem.

Pri Muri pri LendaviV Prekmurju je skodele s čepastim nastavkom

na ročaju najvzhodneje najti na najdišču Pri Muri. Fragment ornamentiranega presegajočega trakastega ročaja s čepastim nastavkom v obliki okroglega ploščka so odkrili v polzemljanki SE 600 (sl. 37: 1).359 V njej je bila lasinjska keramika,360 med drugimi že obravnavane zajemalke s tulastim držajem.361 Pomembno je tudi, da so na delu izko-pavališča, kjer je bila odkrita SE 600, prevladovale strukture lasinjske kulture, kar dodatno podpira uvrstitev fragmenta v lasinjsko kulturo.362 Še bolj pride to do izraza zaradi dejstva, da so na najdišču med bakrenodobnimi najdbami dokumentirane samo lasinjske.

Nedelica pri TurniščuKronološko pomemben je tudi fragment ročaja

z najdišča Nedelica (sl. 32: 1). Odkrit je bil v no-voveški jami SE 252,363 v kateri je ležal skupaj s keramiko iz bakrene364 in bronaste dobe.365 Med v glavnem neznačilno eneolitsko keramiko sta bili zraven zajemalki s tulastim držajem (sl. 32: 2,3), kar nedvomno kaže na lasinjsko kulturo, kamor lahko uvrstimo tudi fragment ročaja.

Kalinovnjek pri TurniščuZa našo analizo manj pomembna sta ročaja s

čepastim nastavkom z najdišča Kalinovnjek. Prvi fragment je slabo ohranjen, čep ni izrazit oz. spo-minja na bet.366 Drugi je v celoti ohranjen ročaj z

356 Tomanič-Jevremov, Tomaž, Kavur 2006b, 169, sl. 8 (najdba št. 38).

357 Npr. Šavel, Karo 2012 (najdbe št. 278, 279 itd.).358 Npr. Horvat-Šavel 1984, 51; Tomanič-Jevremov,

Tomaž, Kavur 2006b, 160; Kramberger 2014a, 404.359 Šavel, Sankovič 2011, 69.360 Ib. (glej najdbe št. 4–41).361 Ib. (glej najdbe št. 36–41).362 Govorimo o polzemljankah PZ 1 (SE 600; kv. 96,

97, 126, 127 [za najdbo št. 31]); PZ 3 (SE 429; kv. 157 [za najdbo št. 60]) – (glej Šavel, Sankovič 2011, 21, sl. 17 in navedeno gradivo).

363 Šavel, Sankovič 2013, 94.364 Ib., 94 (najdbe št. 824–832).365 Ib., 94 (najdbe št. 833–846).366 Kerman 2013a (najdba št. 38).

delom ostenja ornamentirane skodele.367 Odkrita sta bila v ornici skupaj z najdbami iz različnih arheoloških obdobij.368 Bakrenodobne najdbe sodijo tako v lasinjsko kulturo kot tudi v KBV.369

TurniščeTipološko primerljivi ročaji s čepastim nastavkom

se pojavljajo tudi na najdišču Turnišče.370 Na enem fragmentu čepasti nastavek sicer ni ohranjen, a se zdi pričakovan.371 Prvi fragment izvira iz jame PO 118, kjer je bilo najti izključno lasinjske najdbe (glej sl. 33).372 Radiokarbonska datacija oglja 5477 ± 27 uncal BP (KIA-41443) potrjuje uvrstitev v lasinjsko kulturo.373 Naslednja dva fragmenta izhajata iz plasti SE 44 oz. t. i. prazgodovinske plasti pod ornico, v kateri so odkrili najdbe iz različnih arheoloških

367 Ib. (najdba št. 158).368 Ib., 15, sl. 18 in 20.369 Ib., 50, 67.370 Tomaž 2012 (najdbe št. 48, 545, 555).371 Ib. (glej najdbo št. 555).372 Ib., 67 (glej najdbe št. 1–61).373 Ib., 67, 277, 278.

Sl. 37: Skodele z ročajem s čepastim nastavkom – fragmenti ročajev in posod. 1 − Pri Muri; 2 − Šafarsko; 3 − Popava 1. M. = 1:5. Fig. 37: Cups with a loop handle and button finial – frag-ments of handles and vessels. 1 − Pri Muri; 2 − Šafarsko; 3 − Popava 1. Scale = 1:5.(po / after: Šavel, Sankovič 2011, najdba št. / find no. 31 [1]; Horvat-Šavel 1984, t. / Pl. 7: 3 [2]; Šavel, Karo 2012, najdba št. / find no. 575 [3])

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obdobij.374 Prevladovale so lasinjske, med kateri-mi so značilni vrči oz. manjši lonci in miniaturna posoda.375 V isti plasti, ki je na različnih mestih izkopavališča poimenovana drugače,376 je med eneolitskimi najdbami še keramika KBV,377 ki pa v SE 44, kar je izpovedno, ni bila dokumentirana.378

Popava 1 pri LipovcihNajveč trakastih ročajev s čepastim nastavkom

poznamo z lasinjskega najdišča Popava 1.379 Dva izhajata iz vkopanega objekta št. 1,380 eden iz vko-panega objekta št. 2.381 Fragment ročaja s čepastim nastavkom je bil najden tudi v vkopanem objektu št. 3 (sl. 37: 3).382 V vkopanem objektu št. 4383 sta bila odkrita ornamentiran fragment skodele s presegajočim trakastim ročajem, na katerem je čepasti nastavek,384 in fragment trakastega ročaja s podobnim nastavkom.385 Najpomembneje je, da so vse eneolitske najdbe iz omenjenih struktur lasinjske.386 V njih je bilo najti tudi številne zaje-malke s tulastim držajem.387 Kulturno opredelitev podpira radiokarbonska datacija oglja iz objekta št. 4 (SE 499) z izmerjeno vrednostjo 5395 ± 30 uncal BP (KIA-32885).388

ŠafarskoS Šafarskega poznamo dve fragmentarno ohranjeni

skodeli, na katerih je najti presegajoči trakasti ročaj s čepastim nastavkom.389 Kronološko izpoveden je

374 Po Tomaž 2012, 56 (najdbe št. 479–483, 649–651 itd).375 Po Tomaž 2012 (najdbe št. 479–483, 527, 529–532,

537, 542–544, 640 itd).376 Za interpretacijo plasti oz. SE glej podatke pri

Tomaž 2012, 24, 25, 56, sl. 28.377 Ib., najdbi št. 368 (SE 15) in 672 (SE 60).378 Prim. s Tomaž 2012, sl. 28, 30a, 30b.379 Popava 1 je večperiodno najdišče. Na tem mestu

pa je mišljena poselitev oz. prisotnost človeka v bakreni dobi, ki je dokazana samo za časa lasinjske kulture (glej Šavel, Karo 2012).

380 Ib. (najdbi št. 278, 279); glej še Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 76.

381 Šavel, Karo 2012 (najdba št. 423); glej še Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 87.

382 Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 91.383 Ib., 93.384 Šavel, Karo 2012 (najdba št. 737).385 Ib. (najdba št. 793).386 Ib. (najdbe št. 164–336, 374–445, 478–626, 648–871);

Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 76, 87, 91, 93.387 Šavel, Karo 2012 (najdbe št. 320–328, 429–442,

609–615, 822–848); glej še Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 76, 87, 91, 93.388 Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 93 (glob. jame: 0,40 m). Za

radiokarbonski datum glej še Šavel, Karo 2012, 461.389 Horvat-Šavel 1984, t. 7: 3; 9: 3.

fragment skodele iz sonde 8 (sl. 37: 2). Najden je bil 1,2 m globoko, v najglobljem izkopu 6. Ležal je skupaj z najdbami, značilnimi za lasinjsko kulturo, kot so cedilo, trebušasta noga in pokrov.390

Drugo fragmentarno ohranjeno skodelo v Pomur-skem muzeju v Murski Soboti hranijo pod dvema inventarnima številkama. Sestavna dela iste posode sta bila namreč odkrita na dveh koncih sonde 9, v okviru prvega izkopa, v globini 0,2 m. En del je bil najden v kvadrantu 11, drugi pa v kvadrantu 20, ki sta bila 8 m narazen.391 Omenjeno dejstvo in navedene vrinjene najdbe iz bližine kvadranta 11 opozarjajo, da je najdba za našo analizo manj uporabna, čeprav v istem ali globljem izkopu sicer prevladuje keramika, značilna za lasinjsko kulturo.392

Radiokarbonsko datiranje

V uvodnem poglavju smo na več primerih poka-zali, da se v zadnjem času vse pogosteje srečujemo z nekritično uporabo radiokarbonskih datumov, ki nato služijo datiranju arheoloških struktur, po-sameznih faz v okviru najdišč, celotne poselitvene sekvence najdišč in celo kulturnih pojavov. Zato se zdi še toliko bolj potrebno, da se v zaključku posvetimo radiokarbonskim datumom z najdišč, ki jih obravnavamo in ki se neposredno nanašajo na problematiko kronološkega odnosa med lasinj-sko kulturo in KBV v Prekmurju in na vzhodnih obronkih Slovenskih goric.

Radiokarbonski datumi so gotovo pomemben vir podatkov, na podlagi katerih lahko določimo ali vsaj približno ocenimo absolutno starost najdišča.393 Še posebej to velja, če so bili vzorci premišljeno oz. srečno izbrani394 in se skladajo z drugimi viri podatkov. Tako so za našo študijo uporabni abso-lutni datumi, ki – primerjalno gledano – kažejo na starost vzorcev iz jam s keramiko lasinjske kulture in KBV. V mislih imamo še posebej tiste, za katere na

390 Ib., t. 6: 2; 7: 1,2,4.391 Ib., 54, pril. 2; t. 9: 3.392 Ib., glej t. 8: 1,4; 9: 5; 11: 6,9,11.393 Npr. Turk, Svetličič 2006; Velušček 2006; 2011.394 V prispevku posebej ne obravnavamo problematike,

povezane s t. i. freshwater reservoir effect oz. FRE (glej npr. Fernandes, Meadows, Dreves 2015), in tudi vseh drugih dejavnikov (glej npr. Črešnar 2009, 36–39), ki vplivajo na rezultat pri radiokarbonskem datiranju in je v njih morda iskati razlog za nekatera odstopanja pri radiokarbonskih datacijah. Razlog je v tem, da ti dejavniki tako ali tako ne vplivajo na vsebino prispevka in zaključno interpretacijo, kot je predstavljena. Kjer pa je bil vpliv zaznan, smo ga v analizi seveda upoštevali.

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51Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

podlagi arheoloških najdb in stratigrafskih okoliščin upravičeno sklepamo, da se zelo verjetno skladajo s časovnim razponom obravnavanih kultur.

Iz zaprtih sklopov/struktur z najdišč z najdbami lasinjske kulture in/ali KBV je bilo radiokarbonsko datiranih več kot 30 vzorcev oglja, lesa in kosti. Ker smo se v čim večji meri želeli izogniti subjektivni presoji o interpretacijski vrednosti datuma, smo vsak posamezni datum najprej obravnavali na dveh nivojih. Tako v analizo nismo vključili datumov iz struktur, ki se – primerjalno gledano – ujamejo v absolutni časovni razpon lasinjske kulture ali KBV, stratigrafske in druge okoliščine pa kažejo na krono-loško in kulturno problematično strukturo. Znano je namreč, da problemov te vrste ne prepoznavamo pri datacijah vzorcev, ki kažejo na čas daleč pred obravnavanim obdobjem ali po njem395 in izvirajo iz zaprte strukture z izključno najdbami tega ob-dobja, npr. s keramiko z brazdastim vrezom. Gre vsekakor za primerljivo problematiko. Odločitev, ali naj datacijo v interpretaciji sploh upoštevamo oz. do kakšne mere naj jo upoštevamo, se večkrat zdi zelo subjektivna.396

Na prvem nivoju smo zajeli datume, ki se vsaj okvirno približujejo absolutnemu časovnemu razponu za lasinjsko kulturo ali KBV.397 Tako smo že na prvem nivoju preučevanja izločili datume, ki kažejo na starost vzorcev iz jam PO 73398 in PO 43399 z najdišča Turnišče in iz jame SE 341 z Goric.400 V prvem primeru je izkazana vrednost občutno prenizka,401 pri drugih dveh pa nedvomno previsoka.402

Ko je bil izpolnjen prvi kriterij, smo se lotili nadaljnje analize, pri tem so nas zanimali izključ-no tisti datumi, za katere je bilo ugotovljeno, da gre za vzorce iz kulturno neproblematičnih oz.

395 Glej npr. Marković 1987, 51; Tomaž 2012, 58, 63.396 Prim. npr. Kavur 2011, 124; Tomaž 2012, 68;

Kramberger 2014c, 240–241.397 Glej npr. Velušček 2006; id. 2011; Balen 2008; Sraka

2012; Balen, Drnić 2014; Kramberger 2014c.398 Jama PO 73 skupaj z jamo PO 72 predstavlja t.

i. objekt 6 (Tomaž 2012, 63). Keramika iz obeh jam je zagotovo eneolitska oz. lasinjska (ib. [najdbe št. 158–161]).

399 Gre za večjo jamo (Tomaž 2012, 58) s pretežno najdbami lasinjske kulture (ib. [npr. najdba št. 210]), v njej pa so bili tudi fragmenti keramike KBV (ib. [npr. najdba št. 231]).

400 Plestenjak 2010, 51, 157.401 11179 ± 45 uncal BP (KIA-41441 − Tomaž 2012,

63, 277).402 1412 ± 20 uncal BP (KIA-41439) – (Tomaž 2012,

58, 277); 2390 ± 25 uncal BP (KIA-31895) – (Plestenjak 2010, 51, 157).

neoporečnih skupkov ali struktur. Druge datacije smo iz analize izločili.

Tako je bil na drugem nivoju iz analize izločen še en datum z najdišča Turnišče.403 Gre za vzorec iz jame PO 150, ki je ni mogoče zanesljivo kul-turno opredeliti. V jami so bili najdeni odlomki eneolitske keramike. Objavljen je le eden, ki pa ni značilen.404 Tomaževa jamo sicer uvršča v KBV,405 a jo na drugem mestu označi, kot da gre za časovno nedoločljiv objekt, ki verjetno sodi v starejšo fazo, torej v lasinjsko kulturo.406

Zaradi podobnega razloga je bilo treba izlo-čiti tudi datacijo vzorca iz jame SE 343 z Goric. Objavljene najdbe so sicer označene za lasinjske, a so dejansko tipološko neznačilne.407 Prav tako nismo uporabili dveh datumov z najdišča Brezje. V jamah SE 1274 in SE 1278 je bila odkrita kulturno neopredeljiva keramika.408

Nekoliko drugačna je bila okoliščina v shrambni jami SE 197 s Kalinovnjeka.409 V njej so naleteli na dve plasti. Vzorec oglja je bil pobran iz spodnje plasti SE 215. Datacija 5390 ± 30 uncal BP (KIA-32872) nedvomno kaže na čas lasinjske kulture. Problematično pa je, da sta poleg treh fragmentov lasinjskih posod (glej sl. 26) objavljena še dva, ki ju moremo kulturno opredeliti za KBV (sl. 38). Najdbe obeh kultur se pojavljajo tudi v jami SE 216, iz katere prav tako izvira radiokarbonsko datirani vzorec, ki pa kaže na precej višjo vrednost.410

403 5154 ± 26 uncal BP (KIA-41444) – (Tomaž 2012, 68, 277).

404 Ib., 68 (najdba št. 141).405 Ib., 51.406 Glej ib., sl. 30B (PO 150 v kv. 5-E).407 Glej Plestenjak 2010, 51 (najdbe št. 74–76).408 Plestenjak, Horňák, Masaryk 2013, 45, 46. 409 Kerman 2013a, 60.410 Glej Kerman 2013a, 71 (4534 ± 29 uncal BP (KIA-

32873) – npr. najdbe št. 606, 611, 612 (lasinjska kultura), 613, 616 (KBV).

Sl. 38: Kalinovnjek pri Turnišču. Keramika, okrašena z brazdastim vrezom, iz jame SE 197/215. M. = 1:5.Fig. 38: Kalinovnjek near Turnišče. Pottery decorated with stab-and-drag ornament from Pit SU 197/215. Scale = 1:5.(po / after: Kerman 2013a, najdbi št. / finds nos. 246, 247)

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Podrobnejšo obrazložitev zaslužijo še trije iz analize izločeni datumi eneolitske starosti z naj-dišča Ivankovci. Starejša radiokarbonska datuma vzorcev iz jame SE 11 kažeta na čas druge četrtine 4. tisočletja.411 Pomenljivo je, da datum vzorca iz robne plasti zasutja jame daje za odtenek nižjo vre-dnost od vzorca z dna jame. Po Kavurjevem mnenju dataciji kažeta, da se je jama zapolnila razmeroma hitro.412 Še več, na drugem mestu je v opisu jame izrazil mnenje, da je v do 0,8 m globoki jami plast zasutja erozijskega nastanka.413 Objavljene najdbe iz jame SE 11, kar še posebno velja za značilne, so nedvomno lasinjske (npr. sl. 35: 1–3).414

Kavur iz te jame navaja tudi fragmente, ki jih povezuje s krogom keramike z brazdastim vrezom. Ob tem je treba opozoriti, da so fragmenti, s kate-rimi se je namigovalo na analogije iz Madžarske, povsem neprimerni za takšno početje,415 tako tudi njihova kronološka opredelitev ostaja odprta.416 V zborniku ob življenjskem jubileju Irene Šavel pa isti avtor del najdb z Ivankovcev, zaradi tipološke podobnosti z lasinjsko keramiko in radiokarbonskih datumov iz jame SE 11, pogojno uvršča v horizont keramike z brazdastim vrezom oz. v neko prehodno obdobje med lasinjsko kulturo, horizont keramike z brazdastim vrezom in zgodnjo badensko kulturo.417

Datum z najvišjo vrednostjo kaže na drugo po-lovico 4. tisočletja.418 Arheološka vsebina jame SE 69,419 iz katere izvira datirani vzorec oglja, sicer ni značilna,420 zato je tudi izpovedna vrednost datuma vprašljiva. Nekatere fragmente sicer lahko pogojno primerjamo s KBV, kar pa ne zadostuje za zanesljivejšo kulturno opredelitev.421

V temeljni objavi najdišča Kavur jamo SE 69, ne da bi njeno vsebino jasno kulturno opredelil, postavlja v srednji eneolitik. Predvideva pa, da je do njenega zasutja prišlo v obdobju med sredino 34.

411 4914 ± 28 uncal BP (KIA-38224) in 4885 ± 26 uncal BP (KIA-38225) − (Kavur 2011, 125, sl. 35, 38 in 39).

412 Ib., 125.413 Tušek, Kavur 2011, 29.414 Ib. (najdbe št. 3, 36, 37, 40, 42, 75, 95, 96, 114–118,

128–130). Glej še Kavur 2010, 64.415 Glej Tušek, Kavur 2011 (najdbe št. 80, 85, 89–91,

93, 103, 226) – po Kavur 2011, 125. Prim. s Kavur 2010, 65.416 Prim. s Kavur 2010, 64–71 in id. 2011, 125.417 Glej Kavur 2010, 64–71, tab. 1.418 4485 ± 25 uncal BP (KIA-38227) − (Kavur 2011,

124, sl. 35).419 Glej Tušek, Kavur 2011, 32.420 Kavur 2010, 70–71.421 Npr. Tušek, Kavur 2011 (najdbi št. 196 in 197).

Prim. npr. s Šavel 2009b (npr. najdbe št. 155, 176, 211); Kerman 2013a (najdbi št. 447 in 448).

in koncem 31. stoletja.422 Na pregledni kronološki tabeli mlajšekamenodobnih in bakrenodobnih kultur ter pripadajočih najdišč severovzhodne Slovenije so Ivankovci, bržčas gre za najdbe iz jame SE 69, označeni tudi kot najdišče z “elementi badenske kulture”.423

Z najdišč v Prekmurju in vzhodnih Slovenskih goricah smo tako v analizo vključili 22 radiokarbon-skih datumov iz kulturno zanesljivo opredeljenih jam oz. zaključenih struktur (tab. 1). S slike 39a je razvidno, da se kalibracijski razponi datumov z lasinjskih najdišč in najdišč KBV v Prekmurju in vzhodnih Slovenskih goricah grupirajo v dve večji skupini. Datumi iz druge polovice 5. tisočletja so iz struktur z lasinjskimi najdbami, datumi iz druge četrtine in srede 4. tisočletja pa iz struktur KBV. To se povsem ujema tudi z izsledki arheološke analize najdb. Dva sigma razpon radiokarbonskih datumov za lasinjsko kulturo je med 4454 in 3980, ena sigma pa med 4446 in 3991 cal BC.424 Za strukture KBV je dva sigma razpon med 3890 in 3367, ena sigma pa med 3773 in 3375 cal BC.425

Dva sigma razpon za lasinjske strukture z naj-dišč, kjer se pojavljajo najdbe obeh kultur, tako lasinjske kot tudi KBV (Turnišče, Kalinovnjek, Gorice in Gornje njive 2), kaže na čas med 4364 in 4043 cal BC. Ena sigma razpon pa je med 4352 in 4048 cal BC.426 Za strukture, ki so uvrščene v KBV, je dva sigma razpon med 3890 in 3367, ena sigma pa med 3773 in 3375 cal BC (sl. 39b).427

Na poselitveni hiatus med lasinjsko kulturo in KBV v Prekmurju in vzhodnih Slovenskih goricah kažejo tudi dva sigma razponi kalibriranih vrednosti datumov z najdišč z izključno lasinjskimi najdbami, kot so Sodolek, Popava 1 in Pri Muri, ki se gibljejo med 4454 in 3980 cal BC. Pri ena sigma pa med 4446 in 3991 cal BC.428 Medtem ko so primerljivi podatki z najdišč z izključno najdbami KBV, kot sta Nova tabla in Pod Kotom - jug, pri dva sigma med 3766 in 3373 cal BC, pri ena sigma pa med 3709 in 3378 cal BC (sl. 39c).429

422 Kavur 2011, 124.423 Kavur 2010, tab. 1.424 Kavur, Tomaž, Mileusnić 2006, 122; Šavel, Sankovič

2011, 77.425 Kerman 2013a, 68, 243; id. 2013b, 53.426 Tomaž 2012, 67; Kerman 2013a, 55.427 Kerman 2013a, 68, 243; id. 2013b, 53.428 Kavur, Tomaž, Mileusnić 2006, 122; Šavel, Sankovič

2011, 77.429 Šavel, Guštin 2006, 208; Šavel 2009a, 94.

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53Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji

Najdišče Site


Datacija / Datationuncal BP


Nova tabla PO / PS 132 4915 ± 35 (KIA-21386) Šavel, Guštin 2006, 208Pod Kotom - jug grob / Grave 20 4735 ± 40 (KIA-21325) Šavel 2009a, 64Pod Kotom - jug grob / Grave 141 4710 ± 35 (KIA-21324) Šavel 2009a, 94Gorice SE / SU 439 5434 ± 36 (KIA-31894) Plestenjak 2010, 53Gorice SE / SU 474 5396 ± 30 (Wk-23910) Plestenjak 2010, 54Gorice SE / SU 480 5416 ± 30 (Wk-23911) Plestenjak 2010, 55Kalinovnjek SE / SU 15 5323 ± 31 (KIA-32867) Kerman 2013a, 55Kalinovnjek SE / SU 111 4935 ± 29 (KIA-32869) Kerman 2013a, 67Kalinovnjek SE / SU 119 4971 ± 30 (KIA-32870) Kerman 2013a, 68Kalinovnjek SE / SU 201 5343 ± 30 (KIA-32871) Kerman 2013a, 61, 243Kalinovnjek SE / SU 230 4699 ± 29 (KIA-32874) Kerman 2013a, 72Kalinovnjek SE / SU 245 5443 ± 27 (KIA-32875) Kerman 2013a, 62Kalinovnjek SE / SU 422 4889 ± 29 (KIA-32876) Kerman 2013a, 74Turnišče PO / PS 56 4924 ± 30 (KIA-41440) Tomaž 2012, 64Turnišče PO / PS 105 4836 ± 25 (KIA-41442) Tomaž 2012, 66Turnišče PO / PS 118 5477 ± 27 (KIA-41443) Tomaž 2012, 67Turnišče PO / PS 173 4963 ± 26 (KIA-41445) Tomaž 2012, 69Popava 1 SE / SU 8/7 5417 ± 32 (KIA-42046) Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 75Popava 1 SE / SU 499 5396 ± 31 (KIA-32885) Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 93Pri Muri SE / SU 1043 5254 ± 27 (KIA-39745) Šavel, Sankovič 2011, 77Sodolek PO / PS 134 5525 ± 35 (KIA-26992) Kavur, Tomaž, Mileusnić 2006, 122Gornje njive 2 SE / SU 1061 4686 ± 39 (KIA-32866) Kerman 2013b, 53

Sl. 39: Kalibracijski razponi radiokarbonskih datumov lasinjske kulture in kulture keramike z brazdastim vrezom (KBV) z najdišč v Prekmurju in vzhodnih Slovenskih goricah. a – vrednosti za vse v analizo vključene skupke/strukture lasinjske kulture in KBV; b – primerljive vrednosti z najdišč, kjer se pojavljata hkrati lasinjska kultura in KBV; c – primerljive vrednosti z najdišč samo lasinjske kulture oz. KBV. Fig. 39: Calibration ranges of radiocarbon dates of the Lasinja culture and FP culture from sites in Prekmurje and the eastern Slovenske gorice. a – values for all contexts/structures of the Lasinja culture and FB culture included in the analysis; b – comparable values from sites where the Lasinja culture and FP culture appear simultaneously; c – compa-rable values from sites of only Lasinja culture or FP culture.(po / after: Kavur, Tomaž, Mileusnić 2006, 122; Šavel, Guštin 2006, 208; Šavel 2009a, 94; Šavel, Sankovič 2011, 77; Tomaž 2012, 67; Kerman 2013a, 55, 68, 243; id. 2013b, 53)

Tab. 1: Seznam 22 radiokarbonskih datumov iz kulturno zanesljivo opredeljenih jam oz. zaključenih struktur z najdišč v Prekmurju in vzhodnih Slovenskih goricah (prim. sl. 39).Tab. 1: A list of 22 radiocarbon dates from culturally reliably defined pits or structures from sites in Prekmurje and the eastern Slovenske gorice (cf. Fig. 39).

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Na podlagi zbranih podatkov ugotavljamo, da se najdbe lasinjske kulture in kulture keramike z brazdastim vrezom pojavljajo na različnih, pa tudi na istih najdiščih. Vendar se v naseljih, kjer sta prisotna oba kulturna fenomena, najdbe lasinjske kulture praviloma ne prekrivajo z največjo kon-centracijo najdb KBV.

Podatkov o vertikalnostratigrafskem odnosu obeh kultur je zelo malo. Znan je primer z najdišča Gorice pri Turnišču, ko se na dnu jame SE 166 pojavlja keramika KBV skupaj s keramiko lasinj-ske kulture, v vrhnji plasti zasutja pa je bila poleg keramike KBV še bronastodobna keramika. Na bronasto dobo kaže tudi radiokarbonska datacija oglja, ki znaša 2950 ± 25 uncal BP (KIA-31899).430

Pomenljivo je tudi to, da se nekatere značilne najdbe lasinjske kulture, kot sta zajemalka s tula-stim držajem in skodela s presegajočim trakastim ročajem, na katerem je čepasti nastavek, nikoli ne pojavljajo v sklopih z izključno najdbami kulture KBV, kar velja za najdišča ter tudi posamične struk-ture znotraj najdišč. Vse kaže, da v Prekmurju in vzhodnih Slovenskih goricah kulturi najverjetneje nista bili sočasni. V nasprotnem bi bilo pričako-

430 Plestenjak 2010, 64, 157.

vati, da bi se tako značilne in pogostne najdbe, kot so zajemalke s tulastim držajem, pojavljale tudi v prvotnih skupkih in najdiščih KBV, kjer ni lasinjskih najdb.

Podobno je tudi na Ljubljanskem barju, kjer ni najdb lasinjske kulture in tudi ne zajemalk s tula-stim držajem. Izjema so seveda starejša najdišča iz obdobja savske skupine lengyelske kulture, kot je Resnikov prekop.431

Ugotovitev, do katere smo prišli s klasično arheološko metodo, smo soočili še z rezultati ra-diokarbonskega datiranja. Pri tem smo v analizo vključili datume, ki so bili izbrani zelo selektivno, po vnaprej določenem kriteriju. Rezultat je bil pri-čakovan. Radiokarbonsko datiranje potrjuje rezultat tipološke analize. Iz rezultatov radiokarbonskega datiranja torej izhaja, da je bila v Prekmurju in na vzhodnih obronkih Slovenskih goric lasinjska kultura predhodnica KBV. Kulturi nista živeli sočasno, zato se tudi datumi za vzorce lasinjske kulture ne prekrivajo z datumi vzorcev za kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom.

Raziskovalni program št. P6-0064 je sofinancirala Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije iz državnega proračuna.

431 Npr. Velušček 2006, t. 12: 4; 16: 1.

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In recent years, Slovenia has seen the rise of so-called spatial archaeology, which seems to be the logical consequence of the extraordinary advances in technology. There are many studies analysing settlement dynamics, links between man and the environment etc., in various archaeological periods.1 Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten that archaeology is a science which, along with the study of human presence and activity in the space, deals also with time. Actually, the determining of time is one of the essential tasks of archaeology. This is how it was in the beginning, when Chris-tian Jürgensen Thomsen as a pioneer dealt with the periodical system in archaeology,2 and this is how it still is today.3

Absolute chronology

Today, the dating methods used in the natural sciences are gaining increasing importance alongside the traditional archaeological methods to deter-mine time. At the Ljubljansko barje and elsewhere

1 E.g. Budja 1994; Velušček 2004a; Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007; Dular 2013.

2 Thomsen 1837.3 Cf. e.g. Sraka 2012.

The chronological relationship between the Lasinja culture and the Furchenstich pottery culture in north-eastern Slovenia


where appropriate material is available, meaning the adequately preserved wood of certain tree spe-cies, dendrochronological research is carried out in connection with radiocarbon dating.4 Elsewhere researchers use, almost exclusively,5 the results of radiocarbon dating method.6 Unfortunately, this is frequently in a manner which in dating disregards archaeological finds, structures, and stratigraphy.7 Hence, interpretations follow the method.

It appears that part of the profession, the one dealing with the New Stone Age and the Copper Age, is heading down the same road. At the fore-

4 E.g. Čufar, Velušček, Kromer 2013.5 A rare exception (see Ogrinc, Budja 2005).6 E.g. Ajdovska jama (e.g. Bonsall et al. 2007); Čatež -

Sredno polje (e.g. Tomaž 2010), Maharski prekop (e.g. Mlekuž et al. 2012); Mala Triglavca (Mlekuž et al. 2008); Resnikov prekop (Mlekuž et al. 2013); Moverna vas (e.g. Sraka 2013).

7 This type of discussion of various sources is contrary to the opinion expressed by Oscar Montelius over a hun-dred years ago: 'Je höher die Zahl von Funden mit derselben Kombination wird, desto sicherer können wir sein, dass wir es wirklich mit Sachen zu thun haben, welche zur selben Zeit verfertigt wurden’ (1903, 13). If we wish to become up-to-date, the noun finds / die Funde only needs to be understood as a set of finds/structures in the field and radiocarbon dates and as many other things. We are talking about data acquired by palynological, archaeobotanical, archaeozoological, and other research (e.g. Bonsall et al. 2002; Andrič, Tolar, Toškan 2016).

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front are the researchers from the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of Arts with their studies about the Neolithic-Eneolithic settlement dynamics of the Ljubljansko barje. Namely, several studies supported by a relatively large number of radiocarbon dates unfortunately mostly lack consist-ent data regarding the actual age of settlements.8

Sites with stilts and other settlement-related ar-chaeological finds, i.e. pile-dwellings which always were located on wet ground, are treated as the remains of long-lasting settlements, continuously populated for several centuries. The problem in question lies in the fact that comparable environ-ments elsewhere in central Europe do not provide any analogies for such interpretations,9 but this obviously does not present the subject of scientific interest and discussion.

These studies have also never problematised whether the suggested absolute dates cohere to the cultural definition of archaeological finds, primarily pottery.10 We believe this to be the wrong approach, regardless of the fact that results are based on the use of the latest technologies and other, very sophisticated approaches.

Case study: Maharski prekop

As the result of rashness in deduction we would like to present the finding which was reached by Andreja Žibrat Gašparič in a study of the technol-ogy of the production of pottery from the pile-dwelling settlement of Maharski prekop.11 In her interpretation she referred to the approximately 900 year old settlement of the site saying that it is substantiated by the results of radiocarbon dating found at Mlekuž et al. (see Fig. 1).12 Thus in the technology of pottery making she recognised a strong tradition revealing itself in ‘the wide use of one potter’s recipe, which strongly prevails over other forms of pottery making’, and later also deter-mined that ‘the strong tradition of pottery making at Maharski prekop could be the consequence of perfected technological solutions in the use of crushed

8 Mlekuž, Budja, Ogrinc 2006; Mlekuž et al. 2012; Mlekuž et al. 2013. See the critical text in e.g. Velušček 2013.

9 Cf. Menotti 2004; Suter, Schlichtherle 2009.10 This is true primarily for the sites of Maharski

prekop (Mlekuž, Budja, Ogrinc 2006; Mlekuž et al. 2012) and Resnikov prekop (Mlekuž et al. 2013).

11 Žibrat Gašparič 2013a; see also Žibrat Gašparič 2013b, 148, 153–161.

12 Žibrat Gašparič 2013a, 21.

grains of calcite and crushed old pottery, but could also be the consequence of strong traditions within society linked to various symbolical acts which can represent a renewal or an act including the memory of the ancestors’.13

The interpretations connected to the settlement of the Maharski prekop site have already been discussed, therefore, we do not see any point in repeating it here.14 Nevertheless, the article pub-lished in the magazine Dendrochronologia needs to be brought to attention since it presents the synchronisation of Slovenian dendrochronological chronologies encompassing the settlements from approximately the middle of the 4th millennium BC at the Ljubljansko barje with the combined Swiss-south German standard chronology.15 Thus we can today speak about stilts as building elements for which we have data about the calendar year of felling, on the condition that we have the last tree ring and that the tree ring series is cross dated and teleconnected with above mentioned chronology. Therefore the two logical conclusions, which actu-ally chronologically substantiate the thesis of Žibrat Gašparič about the ‘strong tradition’,16 do not seem to be understandable. Namely, the problem is that the key building elements here are of a later date than the settlement to which they belong and that the pottery, which typologically undoubtedly belongs to the wider time and cultural frame of the Baden culture,17 is significantly older than the culture.

Case study: Resnikov prekop

The article of Dimitrij Mlekuž and his colleagues needs to be mentioned here in which they discuss the role of pottery in the preparation and consump-tion of food at the site of Resnikov prekop at the Ljubljansko barje.18 Significant wonder is aroused by the age of the site estimated on the basis of radiocarbon dates, for which they find: ‘However, several dates of food residue yielded much older dates of wood structures, dating the pots from Resnikov prekop to a period between 5726-4730 BC. If those dates are accurate, then they are the oldest dates

13 Ib., 21–22.14 See e.g. Velušček 2009; id. 2013.15 Čufar et al. 2015.16 Žibrat Gašparič 2013a.17 See e.g. Parzinger 1984.18 Mlekuž et al. 2013, 131.

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61The chronological relationship between the Lasinja culture and the Furchenstich pottery culture in north-eastern Slovenia

of pottery in central Slovenia so far, preceding the earliest known dates by some 1000 years’.19

Thus it seems that the first author of the work forgot his piece from about a decade and a half ago where he briefly also mentions the pottery from Breg near Škofljica: ‘Potsherds were discovered in the Castelnovien context, typologically comparable to the earliest LBK pottery.’20 Namely, it is well attested in expert writings that the beginning of the Linear Pottery Culture is set roughly in the middle of the 6th millennium BC,21 in the time of the possible settlement of Resnikov prekop according to Mlekuž et al. Due to the proximity of the sites22 Breg and Resnikov prekop we can fairly justifiably assume that at least approximately comparable pottery was found also at the latter site and not only at Breg.23

It might seem we are splitting hairs, neverthe-less, from such a set of interpretations arises an absolutely legitimate wondering about whether the Ljubljansko barje with Resnikov prekop and Breg can truly be seen as a remote and simultaneously unique refugium of the representatives of the early phase of the flatland Linear Pottery Culture, i.e. in the time around the middle of the 6th millennium BC, in the hilly subalpine world of central Slovenia.

The argument for such a cultural and chrono-logical definition of pottery from Breg are sup-posedly the fragments of Linear Pottery Culture which until the present, unfortunately, have not yet been published.24 The fact remains that prior to this, at least three authors mentioned from this site Eneolithic (i.e. Resnikov prekop type) pottery originating in the layer with Mesolithic finds.25

In the case of Resnikov prekop, therefore, the only argument justifying the high absolute age of the site are the radiocarbon dates. How is it possible that a couple of numbers can overrun the theses that assign the Resnikov prekop pottery and with that also the site in the time towards the end of the

19 Ib., 132.20 Mlekuž 2001, 47.21 E.g. Krenn-Leeb, Grömer, Stadler 2006, 195, Fig. 2;

Bánffy, Oross 2009, 219–240; Bánffy, Oross 2010, 255–272; Oross, Bánffy 2009, Tab. 1.

22 These two sites are located at the south-east of the Ljubljansko barje, about 2.2 km from one another.

23 Cf. Tomaž 1999, 73, 153–156; Žibrat Gašparič 2013b, 161.

24 The only reference in Mlekuž 2001, 47.25 Josipovič 1983, 187; Frelih 1986, 23, 25, 27, Pl. 1: 1;

id. 1987, 115; Tomaž 1999, 59–73, 153–156, Pl. B1.

Neolithic or at the beginning of the Eneolithic,26 and regarding the absolute chronology certainly in the time towards the middle of the 5th millen-nium and nowhere near the 6th millennium BC?27

Case study: Moverna vas

In 2013, the magazine Documenta Praehistorica published an article by Marko Sraka about the radiocarbon dates and a different view of the stratigraphy of the Neolithic-Eneolithic site Mov-erna vas, where a revised version of the long-ago published drawing of the so-called cumulative section/profile can be found28 (see Figs. 2a and b).

The history of this profession reveals that it was known to happen that previously published profiles have been interpreted anew and differently.29 In the case of Moverna vas, this involved interfering in the original structure of the profile. On the modernised drawing, certain stratigraphic units were placed elsewhere (Figs. 2b and 3).30 Thus new positions were assigned to the Fills, marked as SU 011, SU 030, SU 033, and SU 046, but not Pits SU 016, SU 036, SU 034, and SU 048, which were filled with the above-mentioned fills as can be seen from Fig. 3. We could be mistaken and this is just a consequence of rashness since it is clear, looking at Fig. 2b, that pits were also relocated, regardless the fact that the text does not mention them explicitly.31

From the generally scarcely published excavation documentation from 1988 it is clearly distinguish-able that, for example, as SU 033 marked Fill32 of smaller Pit SU 034 was lying beneath Layer SU 009.2 or beneath the ‘deposition’ layer within the seventh settlement phase (Figs. 2a, 3, and 4).33 On the redrawn cumulative section of Moverna vas, Fill SU 033 is placed high above Layer SU 009.2 and directly beneath Layer SU 006, i.e. beneath the so-called deposition layer, within settlement phase

26 See and cf. Korošec 1964; Budja 1983; Parzinger 1984; Dular et al. 1991; Tomaž 1999; Guštin 2005; Velušček 2006.

27 Guštin 2005; Velušček 2006; id. 2011.28 The cumulative section: 'A section which is drawn as

each layer is excavated; baulks do not have to be retained if this method is used’ (after Harris 19972, 156).

29 E.g. Budja 1990.30 See also Sraka 2013, Figs. 2 and 3.31 See ib., 313–321.32 See Budja 1990, 129, Fig. 10.33 Budja 1988, 53, Fig. 6; id. 1990, Fig. 8; id. 1993, Fig. 5.

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934 or 9b according to the new interpretation (see Figs. 2b, c, and 3).35

It is unusual for such an interpretation to find its way into expert writings at all. With the in-terpretation of the Moverna vas section it seems unacceptable that the expert reviewers had over-looked the fact that Pit SU 034 with Fill SU 033 is depicted on the photo of the composite plan36 of the seventh settlement phase published in expert magazines (Figs. 4c and 5b). Another fact is that on the photo of superposing composite plan of the eighth settlement phase Pit SU 034 with Fill SU 033 cannot be noticed (Fig. 4b). In other words, Structure SU 034 and Fill SU 033 were, without a doubt, documented photographically under the level of the composite plan of the eighth settlement phase (cf. Fig. 4a).

To make it clear what this kind of relocation of SU along the section means in practice, Fig. 5 presents the renewed versions of the drawing and photo of the composite plan of the seventh settlement phase in Moverna vas, as can be de-duced from the interpretation by Sraka, and on which SU 033, 034, 046, and 048 can no longer be found (see Figs. 5c and d). Regardless the fact that this approach tries to create doubt about the credibility of the excavations documentation from 1988, archaeology, as a science, now faces a much more important question – how is it that such a manipulation is even possible?

In our search for a possible answer we once again arrive at the uncritical use of radiocarbon dates, which was in this case, regardless the previously published photographic and other documentation, the only criterion for the assessment of age of stratigraphic units and their unusual relocation to new spots in the cumulative section. Only in case SU 030, for such an operation (see Fig. 2b), from the fragments reconstructed pottery vessel (Fig. 6: 1) is stated as an additional argument, which has allegedly exclusive analogies at the sites from the 3rd millennium BC at the Ljubljansko barje (Fig. 6: 2,3). Nevertheless, analogies from the sites of the 4th millennium BC are more convincing (Fig. 7). Considering the stratigraphic circumstances, as

34 E.g. Budja 1993, Fig. 7.35 Sraka 2013, Figs. 2 and 3; Šoberl et al. 2014, Fig. 2.36 The composite plan: 'This type of plan shows a surface

which is composed of two or more units of stratification: it is the plan of a phase, or period interface’ (after Harris 19972, 156).

are known from the site of Moverna vas,37 they also seem much more logical (cf. Fig. 8).

Case study: Ajdovska jama

In the article published a year before the same author suggests the simultaneous development of the closing period of the Neolithic, i.e. ap-proximately the closing period of the Sava group of the Lengyel culture, and the starting period of the Eneolithic which is, in the area of southern, south-eastern, and north-eastern Slovenia, defined by the Lasinja culture.38 Once again, radiocarbon dating was key to the chronological (and cultural) classification. The results of this actually indicate the contemporaneity of the sixth settlement phase in Moverna vas and horizons with the necropolis in the Ajdovska jama cave, which are assigned by Sraka to the Neolithic, with the sites mentioned in the article, and also radiocarbon dated, of the Lasinja culture in the Štajerska and Prekmurje regions.39 In short, south of the Sava there was still the Neolithic,40 while north of the river there was the Eneolithic.41

Sraka42 in his cultural belonging of the necropolis in Ajdovska jama refers to Milena Horvat, who assigns it to the Neolithic, to the time before the occurrence of the Early Eneolithic Lasinja culture,43 which we believe to be an unusual deduction. Analogies for the so far published finds from the horizons with the necropolis in Ajdovska jama (see Fig. 9)44 can be found at the sites of the Lasinja

37 See also Tomaž 1999. Cf. Budja 1992, Fig. 4: Phases 8 and 9, with e.g. Dular et al. 1991; Velušček 2004a; Šavel 2009a; ead. 2009b; Artner et al. 2011.

38 Sraka 2012.39 According to Sraka 2012, 359–360.40 Ajdovska jama, the horizons with the necropolis,

and Moverna vas, the sixth settlement phase.41 The Lasinja group sites of the Štajerska and Prek-

murje regions.42 Sraka 2012, 361–362.43 Horvat 2009, 25, 31.44 Finds that could be without a doubt connected to the

supposedly older horizon with the necropolis from Ajdovska jama (SU 44 according to Horvat 2009, 28; see also Culiberg, Horvat, Šercelj 1992, Fig. 2) have not yet been published or the publications do not clearly state to which of the horizons they belong. Therefore, for the comparison with the finds from other sites we can only take the finds from the supposedly still Neolithic, i.e. prior to Lasinja, the so-called younger horizon with the necropolis (Fig. 9; SU 43 – according to Horvat 2009, 28, Fig. 5; see also Culiberg, Horvat, Šercelj

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culture in Štajerska (see Fig. 10) and Prekmurje as well as at Moverna vas. At the latter they do appear in the two settlement phases marked as Neolithic.45

Let us first examine jugs or the similarly-shaped deep vessels with the neck or without it which can be besides in Ajdovska jama (Fig. 9: 6–15)46 found in the fifth and sixth settlement phases of Moverna vas,47 and at the Lasinja group sites of Malečnik,48 Zgornje Radvanje (Fig. 10: 13,17–19,41,48,55,70,126), Hoče - Orglarska delavnica,49 Ptujski grad,50 Hardek, Hajndl,51 Zagonce, Sodolek, Šafarsko, Bukovnica, Gorice near Turnišče, Pri Muri, Popava 1 etc.52

Analogies can be found also for bowls and bowls with a spout (Fig. 9: 2–5), in Moverna vas, from the fourth to at least sixth settlement phase,53 even though they could be earlier.54 Good analogies for them are also present at the Lasinja culture sites in Štajerska55 and the site of the Lasinja culture of Popava 1 in Prekmurje.56 The so-called glinenke (Fig. 9: 16) are found at sites like Zgornje Radvanje (Fig. 10: 119) and Hoče - Orglarska delavnica.57

Therefore, if the finds are typologically compa-rable (cf. Figs. 9 and 10),58 close to each other in

1992, Fig. 2). Finds published in 1989 and which certainly belong to the necropolis are also suitable for the compara-tive analysis (Horvat 1989, Fig. 19, Pls. 1–9).

45 See Budja 1992, Fig. 4: Phases 5 and 6; Tomaž 1999, Pls. MV17–MV36, and commentaries in Horvat 2005, 153 and ead. 2009, 31; and tables in Kramberger 2014c, Figs. 35 and 36.

46 Amphorae and jugs or similarly-shaped deep vessels with the neck or without it (Horvat 2009, Fig. 5: 6–15; ead. 1989, Pls. 1–9).

47 Tomaž 1999, Pls. MV31: 2,3; MV34: 7.48 Strmčnik-Gulič 2006 (find no. 17).49 Kramberger 2014c, Pls. 7: 116; 8: 126,130,131,135,136;

9: 144,146,149,152; 10: 162,164; 11: 171,173,176,177,179 etc. 50 Tomanič-Jevremov, Tomaž, Kavur 2006a (find no. 25).51 Žižek 2006a (finds nos. 24, 35, 36); id. 2006b (find

no. 73).52 Šavel 1994, App. 11: 6,13; 20: 1,3,4,6 etc.; Kavur

2006 (find no. 2); Kavur, Tomaž, Mileusnić 2006 (find no. 6); Plestenjak 2010 (finds nos. 5, 12, 15, 27 etc.); Šavel, Sankovič 2011 (find no. 4); Šavel, Karo 2012 (finds nos. 17, 115, 123, 288, 290, 308, 351, 362, 372, 447, 574 etc.).

53 Tomaž 1999, Pls. MV18: 3; MV19: 1; MV28: 2,4,5; MV33: 6,7.

54 See e.g. Tomaž 1999, Pl. MV2: 1.55 Kramberger 2014c, Pls. 10: 154; 11: 170.56 Šavel, Karo 2012 (for example finds nos. 188, 363,

521, 636).57 Kramberger 2014c, Pl. 12: 101. Cf. e.g. Dimitrijević

1979a, 154, Fig. 5: 14.58 See also Kramberger 2014a, Figs. 197, 199, 201,

203, 204, 211.

place etc., it is completely unreasonable to culturally classify them differently. This is something that was obviously also clear to Sraka,59 who in his chapter entitled The contemporaneity of Neolithic and Eneolithic sites in Slovenia writes: ‘This is not the place to argue about whether a site should be considered Neolithic or Eneolithic.’60 On the contrary, we believe that for a sensible discussion supported by arguments about the contemporaneity of cultural phenomena the clear or unambiguous cultural classification is the conditio sine qua non.61

Case study: Čatež - Sredno polje

Radiocarbon dates were, not considering other findings, also decisive for the explanation of the Neolithic settlement of the Čatež - Sredno polje site. On the basis of twenty radiocarbon dates,62 Alenka Tomaž believes ‘that the settlement most probably lived for only about two or three centuries, possibly a century more’.63

Sraka reached a similar conclusion with his calcu-lations of dates from the Čatež - Sredno polje site.64 At the same time he suggested a several-centuries long settlement for the second settlement phase of Moverna vas too and along with this found that other Neolithic phases in Moverna vas lasted less. The fifth phase, for example, supposedly lasted about 40 years (with the probability of 68.2%).65

Another interesting fact is that the settlement in Moverna vas lasted for about two thousand years but the site was supposedly not continuously inhabited. The latter is not true, besides the before-mentioned longer settlement of the site in the first half of the 5th millennium BC, for the period of the second half of the same millennium, within phases four to eight.66

59 See the commentary in Sraka 2012, 361–362.60 Ib., 362.61 See the very good presentation of the issue which is

comparable in context in Turk, Svetličič 2005, 73.62 Tomaž 2010, Fig. 16. Prehistoric Structure PS-070

with the date 5309 ± 45 uncal BP (KIA-17851) and finds that completely match the finds from other Neolithic structures (Fig. 12), was excluded from the analysis and the date marked as probably unreliable (see ib., 40, foot-note 7, 263–274).

63 Ib., 39.64 Sraka 2012, 358, Fig. 4.65 Ib., 356, Fig. 3; see also Sraka 2013, Tab. 1.66 Sraka 2013, 318.

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Regardless of whether we agree with such in-terpretation or not, after 25 years we still need to emphasize again67 that the most important research at Moverna vas was carried out in a small karst sinkhole. During the excavation in 1988, the area of research, as we approached the bottom of the trench,68 decreased to the patches in the bedrock, to smaller pockets of sediment, which has never been mentioned in the basic information about the site.

We also have some hesitations about the thesis advocating the several centuries long continuous Neolithic settlement of the Čatež - Sredno polje site. In comparison to Moverna vas the results of the excavations of Neolithic structures here have been published and can be commented upon. At Čatež, four Neolithic settlement phases have been recognised, with the biggest settlement intensity between 4800 and 4600 cal BC: 1st phase, prior to 4800 cal BC (defined by Structure PS 136); 2nd phase, between 4800 and 4700 cal BC (defined by Structures PS 092, PS 108, PS 110, and PS 150); 3rd phase, between 4700 and 4600 cal BC (defined by Structures PS 042/062, PS 055, PS 093, PS 105, PS 129, PS 135, and PS 146); 4th phase, between 4600 and 4500 cal BC (defined by Structures PS 083/084, PS 090, PS 091, PS 106, and PS 152) (Fig. 11).69

Finds are a different issue. It was discovered that the pottery is very similar from all mentioned and other Neolithic structures, which is reflected in the manufacturing technique, forms, and the ornamentation (Fig. 12).70 Moreover, analogies for the Neolithic pottery from the Čatež - Sredno polje site were found in all so-called Neolithic settle-ment phases of Moverna vas.71 This seems unusual because the researcher, who studied pottery from both sites,72 found that the pottery from individual settlement phases of Moverna vas can be noticeably distinguished from one another,73 naturally, less in the Neolithic phases but the most on the transition from the last Neolithic to the first Eneolithic phase.74

Be that as it may, if we paraphrase the presented findings according to Žibrat Gašparič,75 we can

67 See Velušček 2006, 59.68 In 1988, the author of this article participated at

the field research in the closing weeks at Moverna vas.69 Tomaž 2010, 38–45, Fig. 17.70 See also Tomaž 2010, 123–129.71 See ib., 173–175.72 For Moverna vas see Tomaž 1999; for Čatež - Sredno

polje see Tomaž 2010.73 Tomaž 2010, 144–145, 174, fn. 102.74 Tomaž 1999, 144–149.75 Žibrat Gašparič 2013a.

conclude that the Neolithic inhabitants of the Posavje region (Čatež - Sredno polje) were tradi-tionalists, similarly to Eneolithic inhabitants of the Barje (Maharski prekop). The life of the Neolithic inhabitants of the Bela Krajina (Moverna vas) was different since they were obviously more susceptible to change and less traditionalistic.

While thinking about the Neolithic settlement phases of the Čatež - Sredno polje site that have been radiocarbon dated, the horizontal stratigraphy of the site needs to be mentioned.76 Namely, this stratigraphy reveals that there was no overlapping between the presumably chronologically different Neolithic structures (see Fig. 11). The explanation that in their building efforts people avoided older constructions,77 even ruins, and up to 300 years later, seems unbelievable. It is, namely, supposed that structures had ‘light, above-ground construc-tions of walls and roofs’ and floors partly dug into the ground.78

Something similar is true for the interpreta-tion discussing the so-called collective memory,79 which is supposed to be, with the several-century continuance of the Neolithic village, the reason for non-intrusion into the space of presumably older constructions with new buildings. The fact is that such a thesis is difficult to prove. It should be understood as a filler in the text and not as a relevant interpretation substantiated with arguments.

It seems more probable from the text that the Neolithic settlement was inhabited for a shorter period of time than suggested and that the selec-tion of radiocarbon dates does not reflect the true state. It should be added that in various structures dispersed over the site, among which are also those which were presented in the division of the Neolithic settlement into four phases, broken off parts of the same polished stone tools were found. Thus, one part of the same tool, which was according to Tomaž found in the prehistoric structure of first phase PS 136, was also found in the supposedly at least 100 years younger Pit PS 093 of her third phase. A part of another tool found in Structure PS 108 from the second set-tlement phase was discovered in the, again, at least 100 years younger Structure PS 106 from the fourth settlement phase. A component part of a third tool, found in Structure PS 110 of the

76 Tomaž 2010, 41–45, Figs. 17 and 19.77 Ib., 43–44.78 Ib., 29–38; cf. Guštin 2005, 10.79 Tomaž 2010, 43.

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65The chronological relationship between the Lasinja culture and the Furchenstich pottery culture in north-eastern Slovenia

second phase, was found also in Structure PS 135 of the third phase etc. (Fig. 13).

According to the opinion of Boris Kavur, this dispersion of the fragments of the same polished stone tools along the site is the reflection of ritual practices, and primarily a good indication for the chronological contemporaneity of various settle-ment structures,80 which is for the issue under discussion of the utmost importance and with which one can only agree.

Case studies: Zgornje Radvanje and Ptuj - Šolski center

The next example revealing how problematic it is to rely only on the results of radiocarbon dating can be found in the new proposal of the chronology of the Late Neolithic and Early Eneolithic periods of the north-eastern, southern, and central Slovenia, offered by the author Bine Kramberger.81

The new feature is the so-called Early Lasinja phase,82 which represents the transition from the Sava group of the Lengyel culture or Lengyel III stage into the ‘classic’83 Lasinja culture, into which finds from Structures II and IV from the Ptuj - Šolski center84 and Ponikve pri Trebnjem sites were assigned, and which he correlated with radiocarbon dated settlement Phases 4 and 5 in Moverna vas.85

To gain a better insight into the interpretation and our following explanation, we should first take a look at the example of the chronological interpretation of finds from the so-called Complex 10 from the Zgornje Radvanje site. Not long ago, on the basis of the typological analysis of pottery the same author assigned to the so-called Early Lasinja phase the presumably older group of finds from this complex, designated as Phase 1,86 within which several stratigraphic units, such as SU 322,

80 Guštin, Tomaž, Kavur 2006, 388, Fig. 5. See also Tomaž 2010, 53–54, Fig. 24.

81 Kramberger 2014c, 237–26682 Kramberger 2014a, 403; id. 2014c, 260.83 The expression is used according to Kramberger

(2014a, 404; 2014c, 260) and should not be confused with Dimitrijević’s denomination of developmental stages of the Lasinja culture (e.g. Dimitrijević 1979a); see also e.g. Tiefengraber 2004, 189, 221, 222.

84 Another name for the site is Rabelčja vas (see e.g. Strmčnik-Gulič 1983, 193–194; Kavur 2010, Tab. 1).

85 Kramberger 2014c, 252–253.86 Kramberger 2010, App. 1, 2; Pls. 1–4: 19,20.

SU 324, SU 330, were documented (Fig. 14).87 He finds analogies for them among the finds from the fourth settlement phase in Moverna vas, in the oldest horizon of Ajdovska jama, and among the oldest finds from Drulovka,88 while analogies from the higher positioned stratigraphic units of this structure, assigned in Phases 2 and 4, he finds among the finds from the horizons with the necropolis in Ajdovska jama, the second so-called Lasinja phase at Drulovka, and the fifth and sixth settlement phases in Moverna vas.89

In 2014,90 after the charcoal samples from SU 324 and SU 330 were dated and these indicated the radiocarbon times of 5370 ± 40 uncal BP (Be-ta-305855) and 5420 ± 40 uncal BP (Beta-305856), which date the structures into the period of ‘clas-sic’ Lasinja culture,91 Kramberger suddenly found analogies for finds of former Phase 1 at mostly radiocarbon dated sites or in settlement phases at sites, such as Hoče - Orglarska delavnica, Sodolek, Popava 1, Turnišče, Kalinovnjek, Gorice, Hardek, Zbelovo, Brezje near Zreče, in horizons with the necropolis in Ajdovska jama, in Pit PS 004 from the Čatež - Sredno polje site, in the sixth and seventh settlement phase of Moverna vas etc.92 We mostly agree with this conclusion (see e.g. Figs. 9 and 10), but at the same time emphasise that this way the once recognised typological similarity and established chronological contemporaneity with the finds from the fourth settlement phase of Moverna vas thus no longer apply. According to the new interpretation it is only discernible from certain vessel shapes and the use of ornamental techniques.93 Thus the key argument and princi-ple are again not the finds or the complete set of data from the excavations but only the result of radiocarbon dating.

Another interesting feature is the chronologi-cal evaluation of the Lasinja horizons with the necropolis in Ajdovska jama. They are evaluated separately, either on the basis of finds,94 therefore typologically, or on the basis of radiocarbon dates.95

For the finds from the so-called older horizon of the necropolis Horvat seeks comparisons in the

87 Ib., Fig. 3.88 Ib., 317, 319–322.89 Ib., 319–322, App. 1, 2; Pls. 4: 21–23; 5–12: 74–82.90 Kramberger 2014c, 237–266.91 See e.g. Kramberger 2014a, 404.92 Kramberger 2014c, 254–256, Fig. 36.93 Ib., 254, fn. 41.94 See e.g. Horvat 2009.95 E.g. Bonsall et al. 2007; Sraka 2012.

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fourth and partly the fifth phases of Moverna vas,96 and for the finds of the so-called younger horizon of the necropolis in the fifth and sixth settlement phases.97 Kramberger believes differently, he does not discuss the necropolis as two-level but as one. At first he finds analogies for the pottery in the fifth and sixth phases98 and later, as mentioned above, in the sixth and even seventh settlement phases of Moverna vas.99

Clive Bonsall and colleagues find that the two horizons with the necropolis documented during the excavations in Ajdovska jama are a reflec-tion of the activities in the cave happening after 4340–4290 cal BC (68.2%) and which lasted from 5 to up to 120 years or most probably in the time range of 10 to 20 years,100 which we believe to be analogous with the pottery published so far.101 It should be added that Sraka, on the basis of the same set of dates, parallels the necropolis with the sixth settlement phase in Moverna vas,102 and Kramberger with the seventh.103

From all these we can conclude that in this confusion of various and frequently contradictory interpretations it is difficult to accept the argumenta-tion about the existence of the Early Lasinja phase without hesitation, as is suggested by Kramberger. Nevertheless, the reason should perhaps be sought in the mistaken belief that Moverna vas could already, when the results of the archaeological research have not yet been published as a whole, be a credible reference site,104 such as e.g. Gradec near Mirna105 and Podmol near Kastelc.106

Second thoughts are also raised by the finding presented by the author of the so-called Early Lasinja phase: ‘In addition to the similarity be-tween pottery from Ptuj-Šolski center and pottery from the sites mentioned above, noticeable differ-ences also exist. The former has frequent imprinted decoration more frequently, while the pot with a low convex body and a sharp transition between a medium cylindrical neck and shoulders, as well as footed dishes with a straight rim and hanging

96 Horvat 2005, 153.97 Horvat 2009, 31.98 Kramberger 2010, 322.99 Kramberger 2014c, 255.100 Bonsall et al. 2007, 734.101 See also Velušček 2006, 62.102 Sraka 2012, 359–360, Fig. 5. Cf. Sraka 2013, 318.103 Kramberger 2014c, Fig. 36.104 See e.g. Sraka 2012, 357.105 See Dular et al. 1991.106 See Turk et al. 1993.

appliques, which were identified in the region as typical of the Lasinja Culture, are not known at the above-mentioned sites. Is this merely a result of archaeological research, or do we have to look for an answer elsewhere?’107

The answer could possibly be found in the fact that finds from Structures II and IV from the Ptuj - Šolski center site are of different cultural proveniences (Figs. 15 and 16) and do not in any way originate from the so-called primary, but from secondary or disturbed context.108 This is a phenomenon docu-mented elsewhere at the site of Ptuj - Šolski center since finds from the period of the Lengyel as well as the Lasinja culture appear in the same layer.109 Yet, in the primary fill (Layer 2) of the so-called Structure I Lengyel finds are more numerous, while in the top (Layer 1) Lasinja finds prevail (see Fig. 17).110 More than 100 years ago, Oscar Montelius brought attention to: ‘Es ist möglich, dass zwei Ge-genstände aus verschiedenen Zeiten zufälligerweise zusammen gekommen sind.’111 Referring to such a problematic publication by Rabenstein,112 in which crucial data such as the drawing of stratigraphic sequence is missing, and the unpublished Ponikve pri Trebnjem site to substantiate the so-called Early Lasinja phase, in the case as presented by Kram-berger, is not really a strong argument.113

107 Kramberger 2014c, 253.108 For the term 'Primary context' see the explanation

in Primary context: The original depositional situation, unaffected by any later disturbance ( [last access: 18. 11. 2016]).

For the term ‘Secondary context’ see the explanation in Archaeology Wordsmith: Secondary context: Context of an archaeological find that has been disturbed by subsequent human activity or natural phenomena. The provenience, association, and matrix of such archaeological data have been wholly or partially altered by transformational processes after original deposition ( [last access: 18. 11. 2016]).

109 The description of so-called Structure I, which was filled up with two fills, states: ‘In the bottom layer (layer 2) fragments of burnt clay […] and numerous frag-ments of Early Eneolithic pottery were discovered (Pl. 35: 397 - Pl. 41: 479). The typologically comparable pottery was discovered also in the top layer (Pl. 44: 508 - Pl. 54: 625), while shards of individual pottery objects were discovered in both, the top and bottom layers (Pl. 41: 480 - Pl. 44: 507)’ (Kramberger 2014a, 45).

110 Cf. Kramberger 2014b, Pl. 36–41: 477–479 (Layer 2); Pl. 45–54: 619–625 (Layer 1).

111 Montelius 1903, 13.112 See Tiefengraber 2004, 185–253. 113 Kramberger 2014c, 252.

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67The chronological relationship between the Lasinja culture and the Furchenstich pottery culture in north-eastern Slovenia

A more detailed inspection of field circumstances pertaining to Structures II and IV at the Ptuj - Šolski center site could bring the solution to the enigma of the so-called Early Lasinja phase as suggested by Kramberger. He states that two separate fills, which are assigned to different cultural phenomena, were documented in ‘Structure II’.114 It is evident that, similarly to Structure I, more finds from the Lengyel culture were also found in the primary fill here.115 Fragments of certain vessels were discovered in the primary as well as the top fill.116

Finds from the prehistoric ‘Structure IV’ mostly originate from vertically stratigraphically differently positioned Fills SU 410, SU 430, and SU 435 (Fig. 18).117 In this case again parts of the same vessels were found in the all mentioned fills (Fig. 16: 86–88).

May we additionally bring attention to the fact that the two radiocarbon dates of the charcoal samples from the two deeper fills118 exhibit a some-what higher value than the datum of the charcoal sample originating from the top fill of Structure IV.119 Moreover, according to Kramberger the relevant radiocarbon datum of the sample from Structure II displays a lower value than the com-parable dates from Structure IV and thus possibly indicates greater age.120

Despite all this, it has to be admitted that Kram-berger, due to the dispersion of radiocarbon dates, assumed an internal development of the Lasinja culture which is most certainly progress in the way of thinking since it signifies a digression from the stratigraphic-typological-chronological scheme suggested by Dimitrijević and which is most cer-tainly no longer relevant.121 Still, it seems clear that the so-called Ljubljana Neolithic school,122 which gathers at the international Neolithic colloquium, bases all its arguments on just one segment of research, i.e. the radiocarbon dating, which most certainly cannot be the right approach.

114 Kramberger 2014c, 240, Fig. 12; id. 2014a, 47.115 See Kramberger 2014b, Pl. 25–31: 340–347 (primary

fill); Pl. 33–35: 390–394 (top fill).116 Kramberger 2014a, 47.117 Kramberger 2014c, 240.118 SU 435: 5384 ± 40 uncal BP (LTL-5613A); SU 430:

5387 ± 45 uncal BP (LTL-5612A) − (ib., Fig. 13).119 SU 410: 5504 ± 50 uncal BP (LTL-5611A) − (ib.,

Fig. 13).120 SU 10: 5626 ± 80 uncal BP (Z-3114) − (ib., 240–241,

Figs. 13 and 14).121 See e.g. Dimitrijević 1979a and cf. e.g. Velušček

2006; Balen 2008.122 Cf. Budja, Mlekuž 2008, 367, 369–370.

Relative chronology

The other extreme that can be noticed in the study of the Neolithic and Eneolithic in Slovenia is the dating of settlement and settlement phases exclusively on the basis of stratigraphic data and with the typological analysis of finds or in the way Hans Jürgen Eggers supposes under the term relative chronology,123 and where the find-ings of other research approaches are simply not considered in the interpretation. In Slovenia, this approach reached its peak in the starting period of the radiocarbon dating of organic remains from the Neolithic-Eneolithic sites, which seems understandable.124

The pitfalls of the method which is based on the predetermined thickness of the excavated levels, the so-called arbitrary excavation,125 were brought to attention by Mihael Budja with examples from some of the key sites of the Neolithic-Eneolithic period from the western Balkans.126

The so-called closed finds and primary contexts still remain chronologically significant and can be discussed on various levels; the microlevel, which includes the various pits, postholes, graves, completely preserved pottery vessels etc., and the macrolevel, where a unit is represented by a site or even a larger, usually geographically closed area, such as the Ljubljansko barje.

If we focus on the microlevel, we find that such contexts could be dated in two ways: by using the relative dating methods, and by using the absolute dating methods, which have gained in importance and popularity because of huge development in natural sciences and consequently of easier ac-cessibility.

We will pause at the first way where with the so-called closed finds and in primary contexts the culturally homogenous finds do not present problems for dating. What is problematic is the fact that such contexts are frequently created gradually, under the influence of human activity or due to natural processes, and which the excavator did not manage and was without the proper analysis also unable to detect or document. In the settlement

123 Eggers 1959, 53–121.124 E.g. Bregant 1975, 49; Dimitrijević 1979a, 179–180.125 Arbitrary excavation: 'Archaeological excavation

by predetermined levels of a given thickness; used on sites or areas of sites without visible layering of the soil’ (after Harris 19972, 155).

126 Budja 1990.

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pit, for example, several layers were discovered, nevertheless, the structure is treated as it would be a closed find or a primary context.127 Speaking from practice, such circumstances are hardly ever or not critically enough considered in the evalua-tion and later the interpretation.128

Usually Slovenian archaeologists dealing with the Neolithic and Eneolithic periods do not find it problematic if in the presumably primary context there appear so-called infiltrated finds129 from various chronologically distant archaeological periods. For example, fragments of chronologi-cally significantly younger pottery are found in a prehistoric pit or grave. There are several such examples.130 There is no separate discussion about the contexts which are actually contaminated and are mostly dated according to the prevailing number of finds which are therefore considered as indigenous finds,131 while others are infiltrated. For example, a context/structure with the prevailing finds from the Lasinja culture is mostly designated as Lasinja.132 Scarcer post-medieval finds are for-eign bodies, therefore they were infiltrated into the context. This goes both ways; if, for example, post-medieval or medieval finds prevail over the Eneolithic or prehistoric.133

It is completely different if in the presumably primary contexts characteristic finds appear, both indigenous and residual, of different cultural identity but from a chronologically closer period. The fact is that such examples are also several.134 Thus the question remains regarding what exactly it is that

127 E.g. Plestenjak 2010, 53–55; Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 80; Kerman 2013a, 52, 53, 60.

128 See e.g. Plestenjak 2010, 64.129 Infiltrated finds: 'These finds are of a later date

than the formation of the layer in which they were found, having been introduced into the deposit after its burial, from super-imposed layers’ (after Harris 19972, 157).

130 E.g. Plestenjak 2010, 62–64, 70; Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 72, 75, 93; Kerman 2013a, 58; Plestenjak, Horňák, Masaryk 2013, 47.

131 Indigenous finds: 'Objects which were introduced into a site during the formation of the deposit in which they were found, as opposed to residual or infiltrated finds. The date of manufacture of these objects is assumed to be contemporaneous with the formation of that deposit’ (after Harris 19972, 157).

132 E.g. Šavel, Sankovič 2011, 76; cf. Šavel, Sankovič 2013, 59.

133 See e.g. Plestenjak 2010, 67; Šavel, Sankovič 2011, e.g. 105–108; Tomaž 2012, 71; Plestenjak, Horňák, Masaryk 2013, 51, 53–64.

134 E.g. Plestenjak 2010, 51, 52; Tomaž 2012, 58; Ker-man 2013a, 71.

these contexts tell us. Nevertheless, the latter often does not stop certain authors from discussing in such cases the contemporaneity of two cultures, imports etc.135 As seen with the example of the interpretation of finds from Structures II and IV from the Ptuj - Šolski center site, this is a judge-ment that can be very subjective, in no way simple and remains the subject of interest for the expert public around the world.136

For the chronological classification of a structure, the horizontal-stratigraphic relationship to other structures is besides the previously-mentioned criteria also important, especially in cases when there are no archaeological finds in the pit or they are uncharacteristic.137

Be that as it may, in archaeological and histori-cal studies the determination of time is the basic task which is at the same time also the condition for a serious study and understanding of the ar-chaeological material. It is our intention to show, using an actual example, how certain archaeo-logical phenomena which are important for the understanding of the settlement chronology of an archaeologically relatively well researched and geographically delimited area can be interpreted. Therefore, this article problematises the thesis about the presumably at least partial contemporaneity of two Copper Age cultures, the Lasinja culture and the Furchenstich pottery culture (hereon the FP culture), which is based on the fact that in several cases finds of both cultures were found together at the same site and even in the same pit, therefore presumably in the same so-called primary context.138

We have chosen sites in the regions of Prekmurje and the eastern Slovenske gorice as the area of our research, since finds of both cultures appear here, either individually or together. The area of research was not chosen by chance. Since the middle of the 1960s,139 systematic archaeological research has been carried out there which reached its peak with rescue excavations during the construction of the Slovenian highway network. It is also important that at these sites we meet the phenomenon of numerous so-called closed finds or primary contexts, such as various pits, postholes etc., which are unknown to

135 E.g. Kavur 2011, 125; cf. Dimitrijević 1982.136 E.g. Hájek, Humpolová, Balcárková 2015.137 For example, some of the pits within Structure 3

from Turnišče (see Tomaž 2012, 59–61, Fig. 30a).138 See e.g. Plestenjak 2010, 38.139 Šavel 2014, 19.

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wetland sites, such as e.g. at the Ljubljansko barje. These structures are characteristic for open-air Neolithic-Eneolithic settlements of north-eastern Slovenia and other comparable environments.140 Their content is of immense importance for the dating of prehistoric settlements, and researchers who led the excavations at these sites were well aware of the fact. Thus, the fact that the majority of samples for the radiocarbon dating originates from such structures comes as no surprise.



The Copper Age settlement of Prekmurje, as understood in this article,141 begins with the onset of the Lasinja culture.

The Lasinja culture was defined by Dimitrijević.142 In Hungary, the same cultural phenomenon is called Balaton-Lasinja (I).143 In Austria, it is known as the group Kanzianiberg-Lasinja / Škocijan-Lasinja.144 Some other names were also used for this culture in the past.145

Researchers have also predicted its internal development which found its expression in several developmental stages. In Slovenia, Dimitrijević’s division146 into stages: I – Early or Preclassical phase, II – Middle or Classical phase, which was later divided into sub-stages (II-A – Early Classi-cal, and II-B – Developed Classical), and III – Late or Baroque Classical phase of the Lasinja culture has gained most prominence. This was a division originally derived from the vertical stratigraphy of the Vis-Modran and Ajdovska jama sites.147

Later Zorko Marković discovered that in north-ern Croatia finds from every individual site of the Lasinja culture cannot always be classified into types or stages, except when we are dealing with the so-called closed finds.148 Moreover, at present conclusions have been reached that in the 1970s Dimitrijević’s suggested division of the Lasinja culture

140 E.g. Šavel 1994; Minichreiter 2007. 141 According to Velušček 2011, 209; compare to e.g.

Šavel 2006, 89–94; ead. 2014, 19–37.142 E.g. Dimitrijević 1961; 1979a. 143 E.g. Kalicz 1991.144 E.g. Ruttkay 1996.145 See e.g. Dimitrijević 1979a, 138.146 Ib., 146.147 Ib., 139.148 Marković 1994, 92.

is unsuitable and does not reflect the actual state. From the example of Slovenian sites, it was found that e.g. Resnikov prekop, one of the key sites in favour of stage II-A according to Dimitrijević,149 is older than the Lasinja culture and that part of the finds from Drulovka is also older.150

Even though, despite the new discoveries, with the interpretation of the so-called Lasinja finds we still rely on the problematic and slightly adapted definition of Dimitrijević of the Lasinja culture, the issues related to this culture remain very current. Firstly because when we consider the latest findings its internal development remains unexplained.151 Simultaneously there is the need for a modern definition of the culture, but unfortunately it has not yet been proposed.152

On the basis of finds, stratigraphic data, and radiocarbon dates the thesis153 prevails that the Lasinja culture in Slovenia surely in its greater part existed prior to the culture Retz-Gajary/FP culture and that it lived long before the Vučedol culture, with which it could not have been contemporary at any moment.154 Numerous radiocarbon dates indicate that its development should be set roughly in the second half of the 5th millennium, with the end at the beginning or in the first half of the 4th millennium BC.155

The Eneolithic culture of Retz-Gajary accord-ing to Dimitrijević156 occupied a vast part of the central Danubian region from Romania to Austria. In Slovenia, he supposed two regional types which were contemporary for a while. Even though they partly overlap regarding the territory there was supposedly no mixing or contacts between their representatives.157

The revision of finds from Kevderc, the eponym site of the regional type Kevderc-Hrnjevac accord-ing to Dimitrijević, revealed that the definition of the types documented on the territory of Slovenia

149 Dimitrijević 1979a, 146.150 Velušček 2006, 58–63.151 See an interesting commentary in Balen, Drnić

2014, 58.152 Cf. Balen, Drnić 2014, 58.153 E.g. Dular et al. 1991, 142; Budja 1992; Strmčnik-

Gulič 2006; see also Velušček 2004b, 231–262.154 See e.g. Dimitrijević 1979a, 172–179. Cf. Durman,

Obelić 1989; Forenbaher 1993; Velušček 2004c, 292–295; Balen, Drnić 2014.

155 Velušček 2004c, 292–295; id. 2011, 243; cf. Balen 2008, 23.

156 E.g. Dimitrijević 1979b; id. 1980.157 See Dimitrijević 1979b, 350–351, 353–357, 365.

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is unsuitable and therefore the division of these finds into two types unfounded.158 Since the new findings completely changed the chronological relationship to other cultures,159 a new name as-serted itself in the Slovenian expert writings – the horizon/culture of Furchenstich pottery,160 which is proposed for Hungarian sites by Nándor Kalicz.161 On the basis of radiocarbon dates from the sites in Slovenia and continental Croatia its beginning is set in the 38th century BC, and its end in the time around 3500 BC.162

In 1994, for the area of Prekmurje and the eastern foothills of the Slovenske gorice, Irena Šavel presented 12 Copper Age settlements, which she mostly assigns to the Lasinja culture163 (Fig. and List 19a): Brezovica (Selca), Bukovnica (Kot), Dobrovnik (Joušje), Filovci (Male čistine), Gančani (Gosposko), Gomilica (Peščare), Kapitan domb, Kobilje (Ciglence), Korovci (Pod gorov), Mlajtinci (Budino), Puconci (Rim), and Šafarsko; and one settlement from the period of the Retz-Gajary/FP culture: Bukovnica.

The majority was confirmed by small test trenches or boreholes.164 Prehistoric settlements around Bukovnica165 and near Šafarsko166 were researched to a greater extent. What was found were short-lived open-air settlements with pit-houses. Above-ground structures were presumed only in Šafarsko. Prehistoric villages were located on hilly areas near water, therefore streams or rivers.167

Knowledge about the Neolithic and Eneolithic settlement of the area was significantly supplemented with the research performed within the project Arheologija na avtocestah Slovenije.168 More than 15 sites with finds from the New Stone Age and Copper Age were newly discovered and mostly researched to a great extent, among which we would

158 Velušček 2004b, 231–262; see also Balen, Drnić 2014, 56.

159 Cf. for example Dimitrijević 1979b, 359–365; Velušček 2004b.

160 Velušček 2004b. See also Guštin 2005, Fig. 4; Šavel, Guštin 2006, 203–210.

161 See Kalicz 1991, 362–375; cf. also Samonig 2003.162 E.g. Velušček 2004c, 292–295; id. 2011, 231–233;

Balen 2008, 17–35; Šavel 2009a, 160; Kerman 2013a, 245; Balen, Drnić 2014, 39–76.

163 Šavel 1994, 15–16, 28.164 Ib., 28.165 Šavel 1992.166 Horvat-Šavel 1980; ead. 1984; ead. 1985.167 E.g. Šavel 1994, 28, 30–50.168 See Šavel 2014, 19–20.

especially like to emphasise those with finds from the Lasinja culture and/or the FP culture (Fig. and List 19b): Brezje, Gorice, Gornje njive, Gornje njive 2, Ivankovci, Kalinovnjek, Nedelica, Nova tabla, Pod Kotom - jug, Popava 1, Pri Muri, Turnišče, and Zagonce. To these can be added Kračine and Sodolek (Fig. 19b: 19 and 20) from the eastern foothills of the Slovenske gorice.

Primož Pavlin assigns a few finds from the Pod Kotom - cesta near Krog site (Fig. 19b: 13) to the Copper Age.169 He found analogies for them at the sites from the Late Neolithic Resnikov prekop to the Late Eneolithic Dežman’s pile-dwellings. Since they are not very characteristic we will not deal with them in detail. Similar is true for the few finds from the site of Popava 2 (Fig. 19b: 10), which are assigned to the Boleráz phase of the Baden culture. For these Irena Šavel also found analogies at the sites of the FP culture and thus she assumed their contemporaneity.170

From about 20 settlement locations or archaeo-logical sites of the Lasinja culture in Prekmurje, more than ten are published to the extent that finds can be compared and analysed, and these are (Fig. 19b): Brezje, Bukovnica, Gorice, Ivankovci, Kalinovnjek, Kapitan domb,171 Nedelica, Popava 1, Pri Muri, Turnišče, and Zagonce. A smaller number of finds of the Lasinja culture have also been found at Gornje njive 2,172 where the pottery from the FP culture prevails among the Copper Age finds.

We can only speculate on the cultural belonging of other sites (see Fig. 19a: 1,3–6,8–11). Literature offers the previously mentioned note that the majority belongs to the Lasinja culture.173 Since the finds are not published we do not deal with these sites in detail. On the contrary, the analysis includes published finds from three sites from the eastern foothills of the Slovenske gorice, in the lower reaches of the Ščavnica,174 which geographically gravitates towards Prekmurje. The first two are in the vicinity of Sv. Jurij ob Ščavnici, while the third

169 Pavlin 2015, 13, 20, 27.170 Šavel 2013, 18–19.171 See also characteristic Lasinja finds which origi-

nate from the edge of the Oloris site and were supposedly transferred there from the Eneolithic settlement Kapitan domb, which was located on the fields north of Oloris (Dular, Šavel, Tecco Hvala 2002, 33).

172 Kerman 2013b (e.g. finds nos. 26 and 77).173 Šavel 1994, 28; see also Šavel 1991.174 Kračine, Sodolek, and Šafarsko.

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71The chronological relationship between the Lasinja culture and the Furchenstich pottery culture in north-eastern Slovenia

is located east of Razkrižje above the Ščavnica river, right before the confluence with the Mura.

In Prekmurje and the eastern Slovenske gorice, over a dozen sites (Fig. 19b) are known from the period of the FP culture: Brezje, Bukovnica, Gorice, Gornje njive, Gornje njive 2, Kalinovnjek, Kračine, Nova tabla, Pod Kotom - jug, Šafarsko, Turnišče, and Zagonce. Ten of them were researched within the Slovenian highway construction project and have mostly been published in monographs.

As is evident from the mentioned list, a part of the finds from the Kračine near Dragotinci site is assigned to the FP culture, the site which the authors of the publication set into the Lasinja175 and Classical Vučedol cultures.176 They state the ornamented fragment of pottery from the north-western part of the excavation site as the only base for this classification which was found in the post-medieval erosion layer (Fig. 20: 1).177 Regard-less the fact that only a tiny shard is preserved, they search for its analogies solely at the sites of the 3rd millennium, within the Classical Vučedol culture in Croatia (see e.g. Fig. 20: 2) and also at the Ljubljansko barje (e.g. Fig. 20: 3). We believe that its analogies can also be found at the sites from the 4th millennium, within the FP culture and the Mondsee group, and the majority of these is far more convincing (Fig. 20: 4,5,6) or at least possible. Having a thorough knowledge of the settlement of Prekmurje and the eastern Slovenske gorice renders this also more probable than thinking it would be a Classical Vučedol find.178

Another interesting fact is that the authors consider the settlement find from the Čanjevo site (Fig. 20: 2) as the first and most important analogy for the discussed fragment (Fig. 20: 1).179 Typologically it is assigned into the Classical Vučedol culture.180 Yet the fragment was not found in the prehistoric layer in situ,181 but in a secondary position, where finds of the Retz-Gajary/FP culture and also the Vučedol culture appeared together.182

Boris Kavur conditionally classified the site of Ivankovci to the so-called horizon of the FP

175 Tušek, Kavur 2012, 18, 20 (e.g. find no. 1).176 Ib., 18, 20.177 Ib., 18, 20, 28, Fig. 24 (find no. 7).178 Tušek, Kavur 2012, 18, 20.179 Ib., 18.180 Brnić 2008, 77.181 See Bekić 2008, 19; Brnić 2008, 71.182 Brnić 2008, Pls. 1: 5–10 (Retz-Gajary culture); 2–4

(Vučedol culture).

culture183 and upon this instance discussed the continuity of vessel forms of the Lasinja culture until the middle of the 4th millennium BC.184 Since the key argument for such a high assignment of finds from Pit SU 11185 is once again the result of radiocarbon dating,186 the assignment of Ivankovci into the horizon of the FP culture, as suggested by Kavur, has to be rejected.

The chronological relation between the Lasinja culture and

the Furchenstich pottery culture

In the continuation, we will be interested in the chronological relation between the discussed cultures at the investigated territory and how it is revealed in the light of the last extensive field research. The thesis about the possible partial chronological over-lapping of the Lasinja culture with the FP culture was first advocated for the Prekmurje sites by Irena Šavel on the basis of finds from Bukovnica and Šafarsko.187 Recently the thesis was revived by Ana Plestenjak, who worked on the basis of stratigraphic data from the Gorice near Turnišče site.188 It needs to be stressed that other authors who presented the archaeological excavations at the sites from Prekmurje within the highway construction project discuss these two cultures separately.189

Archaeological sources testify to the fact that in Prekmurje distribution areas of the Lasinja culture and the FP culture overlap (Fig. 19b), which, per se, is not proof of contemporaneity. Allusion to the partly parallel development of both cultures appeared after the definition of the Retz-Gajary/FP culture was created. Thus Dimitrijević established that just as the Lasinja culture had influenced the Retz-Gajary, so did the latter influence the Lasinja. This intertwining was supposedly the strongest in the third stage of the chronologically older Lasinja culture.190 Later the thesis was substantiated with the data from sites such as Pepelane and Drljano-

183 Kavur 2010, Tab. 1.184 Ib., 70–71; Tušek, Kavur 2011, 120. See also Tušek,

Kavur, Tomaž 2006, 117.185 Tušek, Kavur 2011 (finds nos. 1–133).186 Kavur 2011, 124.187 Cf. Šavel 1992, 61; ead. 1994, 27–28, 37–38; ead.

2006, 89–94; Šavel, Guštin 2006, 203–210.188 Plestenjak 2010, 38.189 E.g. Tomaž 2012, 50–53; ead. 2013a, 27; Kerman

2013a, 47; id. 2013b, 20–21.190 Dimitrijević 1979b, 364–365.

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vac, for which we have already established that it is impossible to justifiably assume contemporaneity on the basis of the published data.191 Similar find-ings are also true at the sites of the FP culture all along Slovenia, where there are again few relevant data for the issue discussed here.

Gradec near MirnaGradec near Mirna is mentioned as a relevant

and stratigraphically supported reference.192 The fact is that in the top layer of Gradec finds of the Lasinja culture and the FP culture were found together.193 Yet it cannot be overlooked that these included finds which are older than the Lasinja culture,194 which indicates that the archaeological content in the layer was mixed.

Škoršičev vrt in Ormož and AndrenciAna Plestenjak provides as additional argument

for the contemporaneity of the sites of Andrenci, Ormož - Škoršičev vrt, and Turnišče, too. We will briefly touch upon Škoršičev vrt and Andrenci, while we will return to Turnišče later on.

At Škoršičev vrt in Ormož finds of the FP culture were discovered together with Lasinja pottery in a pit of irregular shape.195 We read that the pit was shallow, up to 0.55 m deep in the central part, and was discovered at the depth of 0.25 m beneath the surface. Among pottery finds the Lasinja pottery prevails.196 Thus the ‘pottery collection’ from the pit was also assigned to the Lasinja culture.197 As mentioned before, a few fragments belong among the finds of the FP culture.198 Other data about the pit, stratigraphy, and finds are not available. From 109 pottery fragments from the pit, only 75 are published.199 In this case certainly too few for the pit and its content to be critically evaluated and chronologically correctly understood.

191 Velušček 2004b, 257–258; critically about this Težak-Gregl 2006, 300; ead. 2007, 39–40; see also Balen 2008, 22; Balen, Drnić 2014, 58.

192 Plestenjak 2010, 38.193 Dular et al. 1991, e.g. Pls. 34: 8,11 (Lasinja culture);

31: 13,14 (the two ladles with perforated handle could be even earlier); 26: 10a–c (FP culture).

194 Dular et al. 1991, e.g. Pl. 27: 3 (Sava group of the Lengyel culture).

195 Tomanič-Jevremov, Tomaž, Kavur 2006b, 155, and works cited there.

196 Ib. (e.g. finds nos. 7, 15, 25, 33, 34, 38, 65, 66, 67).197 Ib., 160.198 Ib., Fig. 10 (e.g. finds nos. 45, 48, 50, 51, 55.)199 Ib., 155, Fig. 10 (finds nos. 1–74).

A fragment ornamented with the stab-and-drag technique originates from top Layer A2 of so-called sector A at the site of Andrenci.200 Atten-tion should be paid to the fact that the fragment originates from the layer in which Lengyel finds were strongly prevalent.201 Lasinja finds were not present in the layer or at the site.202 Therefore it is impossible to claim on the basis of a fragment, ornamented with the stab-and-drag technique, that Andrenci stands as proof of the contemporaneity of the Lasinja culture and the FP culture. Namely, the data indicates just the opposite.

Malečnik near MariborAt the site of Malečnik, finds of the Lasinja

culture appeared in the layer beneath the layers without any archaeological remains, and above them was a structure/pit with finds from the FP culture.203 Similar is also claimed for Ajdovska jama near Nemška vas.204 As can be discerned from the modest stratigraphic-typological table, a similar trend can also be noticed in Moverna vas.205

Prekmurje and the eastern Slovenske gorice

To determine the chronological relation be-tween the Lasinja culture and the FP culture in Prekmurje and the eastern Slovenske gorice we have included in this study a comparable number of sites,206 15 Lasinja and 11 FP culture (see Fig. and List 19b). Exclusively the Lasinja culture sites are: Ivankovci, Kapitan domb, Nedelica, Pri Muri, Popava 1, Sodolek, and Zagonce. Sites with solely FP culture finds are: Gornje njive, Nova table, and Pod Kotom - jug, while sites containing finds from both cultures are: Brezje, Bukovnica, Gorice,

200 Pahič 1976, Pl. 3: 8.201 Ib., e.g. Pls. 3: 3,6,9,15,17,22,30; 4: 4,24.202 See also Kramberger 2014a, 32.203 E.g. Strmčnik-Gulič 2006, 196.204 Horvat 2009, 25, 28.205 See Budja 1992, Fig. 4.206 Before we devote our attention to the problem of

the chronological relation between the Lasinja culture and the FP culture on the geographically very narrow territory of Prekmurje and the eastern Slovenske gorice, we have to emphasise that the conclusion that we reach, due to the unfamiliarity with the internal development of cultures, pertains to the chronological relation between the cultures which applies solely for the area of research. This cannot be generalized to the complete area of distribution of the Lasinja culture or FP culture; cf. Balen, Drnić 2014, 58.

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Gornje njive 2, Kalinovnjek, Kračine, Šafarsko, and Turnišče.

Regarding the vertical stratigraphy the latter group of sites is crucial for our analysis because they will clarify the actual chronological relation between the settlements of different cultures. Therefore, here material evidence can be expected about the contemporary development, if there is any. Despite the problems concerning the definition, we need to address the issue of the still-prevailing belief that the Lasinja culture began prior to the occurrence of the FP culture or Retz-Gajary ac-cording to Dimitrijević. Thus at these sites, at least in theory, one would expect that layers with Lasinja finds are stratigraphically located beneath the layers with the FP culture finds.

ŠafarskoAt Šafarsko, a fragment of the pottery with

stab-and-drag style ornament of the FP culture was found in Quadrant 11 of Trench 9, within arbitrary Level no. 3, at the depth of 0.60 m.207 Above it characteristic fragments of the Lasinja pottery were documented.208 The other fragment assigned to the FP culture was found in Quadrant 14 and comes from the second arbitrary level, from the depth of 0.40 m.209

It seems that examples from Šafarsko indicate the reverse stratigraphic relation between the two cultures, but only at first glance. It is quite possible that the two finds from the FP culture are so-called infiltrated finds. This could be the consequence of excavating in arbitrary layers or the reasons for mixing could be found in ploughing210 or other post-depositional processes. The unusual circumstance behind the find from Quadrant 11 can partly be explained with the fragment of the Urnfield shallow bowl with an obliquely ribbed rim, found in nearby Quadrant 2, within the second arbitrary level, in the depth between 0.20 and 0.40 m. Another meaningful thing is that other identifiable finds from this arbitrary level are typical for the Lasinja culture and thus, based on their posi-tion, it is impossible to claim that the Lasinja culture and the Urnfield culture could have been at some point contemporary. The fact that a component part of a typical Lasinja vessel211 from Quadrant 11 was

207 Horvat-Šavel 1984, 54, Pl. 8: 7.208 Ib., e.g. Pl. 9: 3.209 Ib., 55, App. 2; Pl. 11: 7.210 Horvat-Šavel 1980, 51; ead. 1984, 39.211 Horvat-Šavel 1984, Pl. 9: 3.

found over 8 m away in Quadrant 20212 also speaks about a very lively happening at the site.

BukovnicaPottery of the FP culture, along with the pre-

vailing Lasinja culture finds, was discovered also in Pit 2, in Quadrant 175, at the Bukovnica site. A bowl with a handle and a few ornamented frag-ments of vessels from Pit 2 should be specifically mentioned.213 The problem at hand lies in the fact that precise stratigraphic data about the position of the finds from Pit 2 are unknown but this is of key importance for the discussed theme. It can be discerned from the published drawings of the pit cross section that it was up to 1.10 m deep. Several fills were found in it. From the bottom to the edge the pit was filled with tiny pieces of burned clay, charcoal, crushed animal bones, stone tools, and fragments of prehistoric pottery. A layer with a concentration of charcoal and burned soil suppos-edly indicate that prior to the fill it was ‘probably used for other purposes’ (Fig. 21).214

Gorice near TurniščeThe only data about the vertical-stratigraphic

relation between the finds of the Lasinja culture and the FP culture from the excavations at the highway route and accompanying facilities in Prekmurje is presumably attested from Pit SU 166 at the Gorice near Turnišče site.215 The pit was infilled in two layers. Supposedly the pottery of the Lasinja culture and the FP culture originate from the primary fill. The top fill yielded pottery of the FP culture and of the Bronze Age, while there were no finds from the Lasinja period. Be that as it may, a selection of finds from the pit has been published, among which, for example, presumably Lasinja culture fragments are not typologically clearly identifi-able and it is thus difficult to judge whether the chronological and cultural determination of the pit’s content, which is otherwise defined as from the Bronze Age, is actually correct (Fig. 22).

At the Gorice site, finds from the Lasinja culture and the FP culture can be found all over the south-western part of the excavation area. The Lasinja finds greatly prevail and are more dispersed.216 In Plestenjak’s opinion, pottery from both cultures

212 Ib., see App. 2.213 Šavel 1992, Pls. 11: 5,7; 12: 6; 13: 11–13.214 Ib., 58–59.215 Plestenjak 2010, 64 (pit depth: 0.30 m).216 See Plestenjak 2010, 64.

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was found together as closed finds also in Pits SU 341 and SU 339.217 These pits were more than 10 m apart. In between them was the so-called Cop-per Age ‘Structure 2’, which included postholes and other pits. They mostly did not contain any pottery, if there was some, it was mostly from the Lasinja culture. In one example the pottery was defined as prehistoric.218

The charcoal which is by the convention dated to the time 2390 ± 25 uncal BP (KIA-31895) origi-nates from previously mentioned Pit SU 341.219 This suggests that we are dealing with the so-called secondary context which is certainly a crucial piece of information for the discussion about the contemporaneity of cultural phenomena. From Pit SU 339220 four pottery fragments are published (Fig. 23), but only one (Fig. 23: 3) can be defined culturally with certainty. It certainly belongs to the FP culture. Thus the question arises as to whether the material from the pit can indeed be rendered from the Lasinja culture? Moreover, excavators state that at this part of the site it was possible to detect significant damage in the archaeological layers due to ploughing,221 which generally poses doubt about the declarative value of the finds from this pit.

How problematic the thesis about the contempo-raneity of finds from the Lasinja culture and the FP culture at the Gorice site really is, is also revealed by Pit SU 110, in which the Lasinja pottery was found as well as the pottery with the Bronze Age fabric,222 which we obviously know and can differentiate re-garding the cultural belonging and chronologically. Thus we can conclude that the Lasinja pottery and the pottery from the FP culture from Pits SU 341 and SU 339 at the Gorice site cannot be proof for the thesis about the partial chronological overlap-ping of the discussed cultural phenomena.

Brezje near TurniščeThe pottery from the FP culture was also found

in shallow Pit SU 1015 at the ‘Lasinja’ site of Brezje near Turnišče.223 Thus we can define in fragments preserved amphora or a pot with low vertical handles set on the rim (Fig. 24: 2). Other pottery

217 Ib., 51, 52.218 Ib., 58, 59.219 Ib., 51, 157 (pit depth: 0.18 m).220 Ib., 52 (pit depth: 0.18 m).221 Ib., 34.222 Ib., 63, finds nos. 70 (Bronze Age) and 71 (Lasinja

culture), (pit depth: 0.23 m).223 Plestenjak, Horňák, Masaryk 2013, 40 (pit depth:

0.23 m).

fragments were marked as Eneolithic and were not identified more precisely. In general pottery of the FP culture was very scarce at Brezje. The identifiable fragments of three vessels originate from the south-eastern part of the excavation area, where pits from the period of the Lasinja culture were also discovered.224

Kalinovnjek near TurniščeMany more finds of the Lasinja culture and the

FP culture are known from the site of Kalinovnjek, where the greatest concentration of structures and finds of the Lasinja culture were found at the southern edge of the central part of the excavating area. On the contrary, the majority of finds from the FP culture was found at the utmost north-western edge.225

Pit SU 67, which was classified as Lasinja,226 revealed a spindle whorl (Fig. 25: 1), which should be assigned to the FP culture and not to the Las-inja culture as was suggested.227 The new cultural classification is indicated by the ornamental motif, for which more suitable and the closest analogies are found in the motifs on pottery vessels of the FP culture elsewhere along the site (such as e.g. Fig. 25: 2,3).228 Let us emphasise that several other spindle whorls are also assigned to the FP culture.229

Following similar criteria two fragments of a pottery spindle whorl and of a vessel from Lasinja Pit SU 197/215 can be assigned to the FP culture (see Fig. 38).230 They were found together with pottery fragments which undoubtedly belong to the Lasinja culture (Fig. 26). A sample of a charcoal was dated from the top fill. The result is in accordance with the absolute time range of the Lasinja culture231 and is too low to be in any

224 Tomaž 2013b (finds nos. 15, 88, 145); Plestenjak 2013, Fig. 28.

225 Kerman 2013a, Figs. 20, 23, and 35.226 Ib., 26, 57, Fig. 21 (finds nos. 224–227; pit depth:

0.12 m).227 Ib., 34, Fig. 32.228 For other comparisons from the Kalinovnjek site

see also Kerman 2013a (finds nos. 509, 636). For the comparisons at other sites of the FP culture see e.g. Artner et al. 2011, Pl. 3: KH1; Tomaž 2012 (find no. 251); ead. 2013b (find no. 15).

229 See e.g. Kerman 2013a, 44, 46, Fig. 40 (finds nos. 440, 478, 492, 503, 504, 512, 515 etc.).

230 Kerman 2013a, 60 (pit depth: 1.05 m).231 E.g. Velušček 2011; Sraka 2012.

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way connected to the FP culture, the beginning of which can be expected only after 4000 BC.232

At Kalinovnjek, two pits of the FP culture were found with fragments of pottery from the Lasinja culture. A fragment of a cup with button finial on the rim from Pit SU 195233 and a fragment of an ornamented vessel with a handle from Pit SU 216 belong to this category.234

TurniščeThe site in Turnišče is also very interesting since

the finds from both cultures were also relatively numerous here. Again, more belong to the Lasinja culture. Eneolithic finds were dispersed along the entire excavation area.235 A. Tomaž assigns the finds of the Lasinja culture into the first phase of the Eneolithic settlement of the site, while the finds of the FP culture present for her the second settlement phase.236

At Turnišče, finds of both cultures were found together in shallow Pit PS 43.237 The pit is the component part of a structure which is marked as ‘Structure 1’ and was assigned to the second settle-ment phase.238 The radiocarbon datum of charcoal from the pit points to the time after Christ239 and does not match the archaeological interpretation of the pit content, and alerts to some obviously undocumented happening with the fill of the pit.

Gornje njive 2 near Dolga vasThere were few Copper Age finds at the site

of Gornje njive 2. Among them those from the period of the FP culture prevail. Except for a few exceptions240 they were mostly discovered at the north-western part of the excavation area. They appeared in pits in which mixing of finds of the Lasinja culture and the FP culture did not occur.241

232 See Velušček 2004c; id. 2011; Balen 2008; Balen, Drnić 2014.

233 Kerman 2013a, 71 (find no. 584; pit depth: 0.13 m); cf. Tomaž 2012, 36; ead. 2013a, 27.

234 See Kerman 2013a, 71, e.g. finds nos. 612 (Lasinja culture) and 616 (FP culture), (pit depth: 0.30 m).

235 See Tomaž 2012, Figs. 30a and 30b.236 Ib., 252–253.237 Ib., e.g. finds nos. 210 (Lasinja culture) and 231

(FP culture).238 Ib., 27, 58.239 Ib., 58.240 See e.g. Kerman 2013b, for example finds nos. 3, 9

(probably the Lasinja culture).241 See ib., Fig. 17, finds nos. 11–28, 74–75 (Lasinja

culture), 29–68 (FP culture).


To sum up, finds from the Lasinja culture and those from the FP culture are mostly stratigraphi-cally mutually exclusive. At some sites they can be found together in supposedly so-called primary contexts, which could indicate contemporaneity. Nevertheless, it seems crucial that in such cases the finds of one culture distinctively prevail over the finds of the other culture and that they mostly originate from very shallow pits. Therefore we find, based on stratigraphic data in the majority of cases, with possibly just one exception in Pit SU 197/215 from Kalinovnjek, that in the discussed area the thesis about the contemporaneity of the Lasinja culture and the FP culture seems unprovable.

Chronologically interesting pottery forms

We want to test the thesis, actually more of a finding that in Prekmurje and the eastern Slovenske gorice the Lasinja culture and the FP culture are not contemporary in a different way, namely with the study of the distribution or the representation of characteristic finds of one of the discussed cul-tures at individual sites and within contexts. We will research whether at the culturally different sites or in the contexts of the other culture of the same site typical pottery forms of the first culture, the so-called imports, appear. For this purpose, we will first perform the analysis of the representation of ladles with perforated handle.

Ladles/spoons with a perforated handle

Ladles with a perforated handle are a very typical part of the inventory of the Lengyel cultural circle, into which the Lasinja culture is also assigned.242 At the Slovenian sites, such ladles first appear within the Sava group of the Lengyel culture.243 They were found e.g. at Ptujski grad,244 at the sites Čatež - Sredno polje,245 Gradec near Mirna,246

242 See e.g. Pavúk 1981; Kalicz 1991; Bánffy 1995; Balen, Drnić 2014.

243 See Guštin 2005; Velušček 2011.244 Korošec 1965, Pls. 22: 1; 23 etc.; Tomanič-Jevremov,

Tomaž, Kavur 2006a, Fig. 3 (find no. 15).245 Tomaž 2005, Fig. 10 (finds nos. 16, 17, 49–52); ead.

2010 (finds nos. 125, 126, 188–193 etc.).246 Dular et al. 1991, Pl. 23: 12,13.

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Dragomelj,247 Resnikov prekop,248 and in Mov-erna vas.249 They appear also at the contemporary sites of Phase Lengyel III in Prekmurje and in the Slovenske gorice, for example at Bukovnica250 and Andrenci251 (Fig. 27: 1,2).

Ladles with a perforated handle also appear regu-larly at the Slovenian sites of the Lasinja culture,252 including in Prekmurje. They are found at Bukovnica (Fig. 27: 3),253 in the surroundings of Turnišče,254 Lendava255 etc. They were also discovered on the other side of the Mura, in the Slovenske gorice, namely at Šafarsko256 and Sodolek.257

The established belief is that this is a pottery form which was used throughout the entire period of the Lasinja culture,258 which is difficult to check since the internal development of the culture remains unknown. Since these ladles almost always appear in places where other typically Lasinja pottery can be found, we can say that they are undoubtedly typical for Lasinja. After the period of the Lasinja culture, a different type of ladle prevails, the one with a solid grip, which remains popular on the territory of Slovenia all through the Eneolithic.259

Ladles with a perforated handle are therefore an important indicator chronologically as well as culturally and are crucial for the discussed theme, i.e. the study of the chronological relation between the Lasinja culture and the FP culture. Thus it is sensible to check in which cultural contexts they appear in Prekmurje and at the sites in the eastern Slovenske gorice. Extensive surfaces researched with the archaeological method and numerous published finds simply call for an analysis.

247 Turk, Svetličič 2005 (finds nos. 18–20, 41, 42).248 Korošec 1964, Pls. 4: 2,4; 12: 3; Velušček 2006,

Pls. 12: 4; 16: 1.249 Budja 1992, Fig. 4.250 Šavel 1992, Pl. 6: 2–4,7,9.251 Pahič 1976, Pls. 4: 3,7,10; 6: 21,22.252 E.g. Žižek 2006a (finds nos. 53–55); id. 2006b (finds

nos. 36, 44). Cf. e.g. Dimitrijević 1979a, 152, 154 etc., Pl. 18: 6; Marković 1994, 94.

253 Šavel 1992, Pls. 9: 9; 14: 7–10.254 E.g. Tomaž 2012 (for example finds nos. 61, 78).255 Šavel, Sankovič 2011 (finds nos. 36–41 etc.).256 E.g. Horvat-Šavel 1984, Pls. 2: 1; 3: 7; 8: 10; 11:

6; 12: 8.257 Kavur, Tomaž, Mileusnić 2006 (finds nos. 10–12).258 E.g. Dimitrijević 1979a, 154; Kalicz 1991, Fig. 8:

12,13; Marković 1994, 94, Pl. 24: 7,8; Balen, Drnić 2014, 44.259 E.g. Parzinger 1984, 34; Velušček, Čufar 2014,

Figs. 1 and 2.

BukovnicaLet us start with Bukovnica, where ladles with

a perforated handle were found in two reliable cultural contexts. Chronologically earlier ones (e.g. Fig. 27: 2)260 were found in a double pit in the north-western part of Quadrant 199, the pit which can, according to the finds, be undoubtedly assigned to Phase Lengyel III.261 Typologically they resemble ladles from nearby Pit 2 in Quadrant 175 (e.g. Fig. 27: 3),262 the pit which is chronologically younger and can culturally be defined as Lasinja.263 In it a few fragments were found that are assigned to the FP culture.264

Brezje near TurniščeAt Brezje, a ladle was found in Ditch SU 1046

from the third phase of the site, which also in-cluded 14 fragments of Copper Age pottery and several post-medieval fragments of either pottery or building material.265 Three of the prehistoric fragments are published: the previously mentioned ladle (Fig. 28: 3), a fragment of a cup with an oval-shaped finial set vertically on the rim (Fig. 28: 2), for which an analogy is found in the Lasinja culture,266 and an atypical fragment (Fig. 28: 1).

Two ladles were also found in Layer SU 1007,267 which was located beneath plough Layer SU 1000, containing finds from various periods from the Copper Age to historical times.268 Similar is true for the ladle from Layer SU 1267, which filled up the area of the incompletely researched hollow. This layer contained many prehistorical finds from the Copper Age; pottery from the Late Iron Age and the Roman period also appeared, and at the top of the layer fragments of medieval and post-medieval pottery were found.269 Among the chronologically definable prehistoric fragments the majority can be assigned to the Lasinja culture.270

260 Šavel 1992, Pl. 6: 2,3,4,6,7,8,9.261 Ib., 58–60, App. 3; Pls. 1–6.262 Ib., 58, App. 3; Pl. 14: 7–10.263 Ib., Pls. 10; 11; 12: 3,5,6,7; 13; 15.264 Šavel 1994, 49, App. 20: 16,17,28,29,33.265 Tomaž 2013b, 90 (find no. 63); see Plestenjak,

Horňák, Masaryk 2013, 54 (ditch depth: 0.47 m).266 See e.g. Tomaž 2012 (finds nos. 435 and 485).267 Tomaž 2013b (finds nos. 107 and 108).268 Ib., for example finds nos. 91, 97 (Lasinja culture),

88 (FP culture), 109 (historical period). See also Plestenjak, Horňák, Masaryk 2013, 36.

269 Novšak, Tomaž, Plestenjak 2013, 30.270 Tomaž 2013b (finds nos. 139, 141–143, 151–153).

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The fragment of a presumed bowl,271 ornamented with awl imprints, can conditionally be assigned to the FP culture (Fig. 29: 1; cf. the fragment in Fig. 29: 2).272

The last three273 or four274 ladles from Brezje originate from plough Layer SU 1000. In it, for example, a typical Lasinja cup with button finial on the rim and pottery made on a potter’s wheel were found together.275

Gorice near TurniščeLadles with a perforated handle from Gorice are

chronologically speaking extremely important.276 The most important are the two ladles from the Fill of Pit SU 474 (Fig. 30).277 The stratigraphically deeply located ladle was discovered in the primary fill of the pit.278 The pit also contained fragments of two typically Lasinja bowls, the band-shaped handle of a Lasinja jug, a fragment of a pot with a handle, and pot with a cylindrical neck and flat rim.279 The second ladle280 was discovered in the intermediate fill, which also contained typical Las-inja pottery.281 The top fill was designated as SU 473 (see Fig. 30). Among the finds here the only reliably culturally definable fragment is that of a jug which is typically Lasinja (Fig. 31). Another important thing is that a sample for radiocarbon dating was taken from this fill and it points to the time 5395 ± 30 uncal BP (Wk-23910).282

A ladle was found also in Pit SU 433, together with an unfinished stone axe made of greenish amphibolite.283 The fourth ladle with a perforated

271 Ib. (find no. 145).272 The FP culture offers comparisons in the manner of

decoration and placement of the decoration on the vessel or in the vessel form (see e.g. Velušček 2004b, Figs. 5.3.3: 6; 5.3.5: 5; 5.3.20: 3,4; Pavlin, Dular 2007, Pl. 15: 21).

273 Tomaž 2013b (finds nos. 276, 277, 279).274 Since there is only a fragment of the perforated

part preserved from the ladle, which probably had a per-forated handle (ib. [find no. 278]), the find is left out of the discussion.

275 Ib. (see finds nos. 222, 282–287).276 Plestenjak 2010, 36 (finds nos. 34, 40, 42, 47).277 The data about the pit being 0.16 m deep, which

is available in Plestenjak (2010, 54), is probably errone-ous because it is written elsewhere that this was a deep pit (see ib., 33).

278 Ib., 90 (find no. 40).279 Ib. (finds nos. 35–39).280 Ib. (find no. 34).281 Ib. (finds nos. 12, 15, 24–27, 31, 33).282 Ib. 54, 160.283 Ib., 53, 90 (finds nos. 42 and 43; pit depth: 0.30 m).

handle was located in Pit SU 480.284 An amphora285 and the date of the charcoal from the fill of the pit, which indicates the time 5415 ± 30 uncal BP (Wk-23911), point to the Lasinja culture.286

In short, at Gorice ladles were found in very reliable contexts of the Lasinja culture. Elsewhere on the site, where the finds of the Lasinja culture were mixed with the finds from the FP culture and chronologically even younger finds, these ladles did not appear.287

Kalinovnjek near TurniščeAt the Kalinovnjek site, almost 30 ladles with

a perforated handle were found.288 They mostly have a preserved handle with the transition into the wall of the ladling part. In two examples, only a fragment of the ladling part is preserved.289In one example the perforation was not made into the handle, but its place is indicated.290 The presumed fragment of ladle no. 170 is more likely to belong to a jug.291 Typologically different is a ladle-like shallow cup with band-shaped handle.292

Chronologically speaking, the most important are ladles from the culturally unified contexts.293 They originate from pits with a typically Lasinja pottery.294 From Pit SU 15 we have a radiocarbon dated sample of charcoal, which points to the age 5323 ± 31 uncal BP (KIA-32867),295 which cor-responds to the classification of the pit based on the finds as belonging to the Lasinja culture.

A ladle was also found in cultural Layer SU 4,296 where pottery typical of both, the Lasinja culture297 and the FP culture298 was discovered.

284 Ib., 55 (find no. 47; pit depth: 0.92 m).285 Ib. (find no. 46); cf. for example Šavel 1994, App.

20: 2; 21: 1.286 Plestenjak 2010, 55, 160.287 See pottery finds nos. 55–244 (ib.).288 Kerman 2013a, 34 (finds nos. 2, 31, 39 etc.).289 Ib. (finds nos. 92 and 133).290 Ib., 90 (find no. 5).291 Ib., 122 (find no. 170).292 Ib., 120 (find no. 164).293 Ib., 55 (SU 15; finds nos. 209, 211), 61 (SU 201;

finds nos. 262, 263), 63 (SU 265; find no. 349), 64 (SU 380; find no. 382), 66 (SU 430; find no. 398).

294 Ib. (SU 15; finds nos. 207, 208), (SU 201; finds nos. 258–261), (SU 265; finds nos. 346, 347), (SU 380; find no. 383), (SU 430; finds nos. 397, 399).

295 Ib., 55, 242 (pit depth: 0.24 m).296 Ib., 50, 67 (find no. 201).297 Ib. (e.g. finds nos. 195–196, 198).298 Ib. (e.g. finds nos. 495–497).

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The majority of ladles from Kalinovnjek was found in plough Layer SU 1,299 in which finds from various archaeological periods appeared, e.g. from the Eneolithic Lasinja culture and the FP culture, from the Roman period, and also from the post-medieval period.300

The situation with ladles with a perforated handle from Kalinovnjek is thus similar to that from Gorice. They appeared in primary Lasinja contexts, which serves as a strong argument in favour of their belonging to this culture. These ladles appeared together with finds from other archaeological periods only when they also con-tained pottery of the Lasinja culture.

Nedelica near TurniščeLadles with a perforated handle were found also

at the Nedelica site.301 Here the prevalent finds were from the Bronze Age,302 the few that were Eneolithic are assigned to the Lasinja culture.303

Chronologically significant are two fragments of ladles (Fig. 32: 2,3), found in presumably post-medieval Pit SU 252.304 In this pit numerous Bronze Age finds originate,305 and were complimented by the Lasinja culture pottery (Fig. 32: 1). In a similar context the third fragment of a ladle was discovered. It originates from a pit with prevalent Bronze Age pottery, with rare fragments of here undefined Eneolithic pottery, and a few medieval finds.306

TurniščeLadles with a perforated handle are also known

from Turnišče,307 where the pottery from the Lasinja culture and the FP culture was discovered among the prehistoric finds.308 Chronologically meaningful is the ladle from Pit PS 118 (Fig. 33: 3),309 in which a large number of fragments of exclusively Lasinja pottery was found along with the pieces of charcoal, plaster, and animal bones

299 Ib. (finds nos. 1, 5, 31, 39 etc. to 174).300 Ib., 50, 67, 83.301 Šavel, Sankovič 2013, 24 (finds nos. 90, 831, 832).302 Ib., 25–45.303 Ib., 19–24.304 Dating of the charcoal from the pit indicates the

time of 258 ± 20 uncal BP (KIA-44369); pit depth: 0.38 m (Dreves 2013; Šavel, Sankovič 2013, 94).

305 Šavel, Sankovič 2013, 238 (finds nos. 833–846).306 Ib., 65 (find no. 90).307 Tomaž 2012, 33 (finds nos. 61, 78, 424, 645, 646, 665).308 Ib., 25–53.309 Ib., 67, find no. 61 (pit depth: 0.48 m).

(e.g. Fig. 33: 1,2).310 The radiocarbon analysis of the charcoal from the pit indicated the age 5477 ± 27 uncal BP (KIA-41443).311

Pit PS 174312 also belongs to the Lasinja cul-ture, where a to the same extent chronologically significant fragment of a ladle with a perforated handle was discovered.313 Other ladles from this site are chronologically less meaningful.314 They were discovered in Layer SU 15, beneath the plough layer, together with numerous cultural remains from the period of the Lasinja culture, the FP culture, and post-medieval period.315

Zagonce near RenkovciOnly one ladle with a perforated handle has been

published from the Zagonce near Renkovci site (Fig. 34: 4).316 It was discovered in Pit PS 252.317 Judging from other finds it can be assigned to the Lasinja culture (Fig. 34: 1–3,5).

Popava 1 near LipovciA larger number of chronologically exception-

ally significant ladles with a perforated handle are known from the Popava 1 site, in the vicinity of Beltinci.318 Several were found in pits and other similar structures of the Lasinja culture,319 which undoubtedly strengthens their chronological place within the mentioned culture. What seems even more important is the fact that many archaeological finds from Popava 1 attest an intense Eneolithic settlement of the location in the period of the Lasinja culture exclusively.320

Regarding the absolute chronology, a semi-subterranean feature of greater dimension no. 4, in which several dozen fragments of ladles with a perforated handle,321 many fragments of vessels of the Lasinja culture, stone tools etc., as well as

310 Ib., 50, 67 (finds nos. 1–61).311 Ib., 67, 277, 278.312 Ib., 50, 69 (finds nos. 62–79; pit depth: 0.16 m).313 Ib. (find no. 78).314 Ib. (finds nos. 424, 645, 646, 665); in one example

the fragment of the handle is not perforated, but the place for the perforation is indicated (ib., find no. 648).

315 Ib., 56.316 Kavur 2006, 110 (find no. 4).317 Ib., 110 (pit depth: up to 0.60 m).318 Šavel, Karo 2012 (finds nos. 1, 3, 11, 26, 33, 34, 39,

46, 95 etc.); see also Šavel 2012, 38, 40.319 See Šavel, Karo 2012 (e.g. finds nos. 108, 320–328,

366, 443–445, 632–634, 647).320 Šavel 2012, 40.321 Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 93; Šavel, Karo 2012 (finds

nos. 822–848).

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six infiltrated fragments of medieval pottery, is very significant. For the absolute chronology, the radiocarbon date of the charcoal from this struc-ture is important and points to the time 5396 ± 31 uncal BP (KIA-32885).322

Ivankovci near LendavaLadles with a perforated handle are also known

from the sites around Lendava. Eight were found in Ivankovci (see e.g. Fig. 35: 3,6).323 Ladles from two pits seem chronologically significant,324 the published finds from which point to the Lasinja culture (Fig. 35: 1,2,4,5).325

Radiocarbon dates of two charcoal samples from the primary and the top fills of Pit SU 11326 indicate the time 4885 ± 26 uncal BP (KIA-38225) or 4914 ± 28 uncal BP (KIA-38224), which seems relatively late for the structure with Lasinja finds. Based on the stratigraphic findings authors assume that the fill of Pit SU 11 was a consequence of erosional process or that this is the so-called secondary context, so that the reasons for such high dates of the samples could be sought here.327 At the same time, this ex-ample opens up the issue of the representativeness of the selection of finds for the publication – from 833 prehistoric pottery fragments around 130 are published328 – and the question about the actual cultural identity of the pit.329

This is an issue that we are also faced with in the interpretation of ladles from Layer SU 5, which are assigned to the earliest settlement phase at the site,330 i.e. to the Early Eneolithic or the Lasinja culture. The layer contained 171 fragments of prehistoric pottery. In addition to the ladles, 11 other fragments of supposedly Middle Eneolithic pottery are published.331 Be that as it may, at the site of Ivankovci two fragments of ladles also originate from humus Layer SU 1 containing finds from the Eneolithic, the Roman and post-medieval periods.332

322 Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 93; for the radiocarbon date see also Šavel, Karo 2012, 461.

323 Tušek, Kavur 2011 (finds nos. 128–130, 176, 179–182).324 Ib. (finds nos. 128–130, 176).325 See ib., 29 (SU 11; finds nos. 1–130), 30 (SU 71;

finds nos. 142–176).326 Ib., 29 (pit depth: 0.80 m).327 Ib., 29.328 Ib. (finds nos. 1–102, 105–110, 112–131).329 See e.g. Kavur 2010, 70–71.330 Tušek, Kavur 2011, 28 (finds nos. 181 and 182).331 Ib., 28 (finds nos. 183–193).332 Ib., 28 (finds nos. 179 and 180).

Kapitan domb near Dolnji LakošLadles with a perforated handle are also known

from the Kapitan domb site. Four fragments have been published,333 another two were found within the complex of the nearby Bronze Age site Oloris, where they were supposedly transferred from the Eneolithic settlement of Kapitan domb.334 In any case, modest Eneolithic finds from the site of Kapitan domb belong exclusively to the Lasinja culture.335

Pri Muri near LendavaFrom the Pri Muri site more than 15 ladles with

a perforated handle are known, and 14 examples have been published. All were discovered either in semi-pit-houses336 or in various other pits.337 The culturally meaningful finds can be assigned to the Lasinja culture.338 Exceptional are semi-pit-house SU 465, in which besides the Lasinja finds339 a few fragments of Iron Age pottery were found,340 and Pit SU 796, from which only one fragment of a perforated handle of a ladle has been published, while other finds have been not.341

Sodolek near GrabonošThe next site displaying ladles with a perforated

handle is Sodolek. Three ladles from Pit PS 458 have been published (see e.g. Fig. 36: 4),342 the pit which contained many archaeological finds. The published fragments of vessels and the lid indicate that they can be assigned to the Lasinja culture (e.g. Fig. 36: 1–3).343

ŠafarskoŠafarsko is the last site with a larger number of

ladles with a perforated handle discussed here in detail.344 In one example only a fragment of the

333 Šavel 1994, 52, App. 25: 10–13.334 Dular, Šavel, Tecco Hvala 2002, 33, Pls. 3: 14; 11: 13.335 Šavel 1994, 52.336 Šavel, Sankovič 2011 (finds nos. 36–41, 66, 67,

127–129).337 Ib. (finds nos. 52, 82, 90).338 See ib., 69 (SU 600; finds nos. 4–41), 72 (SU 429;

finds nos. 53–67), 74 (SU 461; finds nos. 72–82), 75 (SU 470; finds nos. 88–90).

339 Ib., 76 (finds nos. 92–121, 123–125; pit depth: 0.19 m).340 Ib., 76 (finds nos. 122, 126).341 Ib., 70 (find no. 52; pit depth: 0.26 m).342 Kavur, Tomaž, Mileusnić 2006, 128 (finds nos. 10–12).343 Ib., 122 (finds nos. 1–3, 5–8).344 See Horvat-Šavel 1980, e.g. Pls. 5: 3; 6: 6,7; ead.

1984, for example Pls. 2: 1; 3: 7; 8: 10; 11: 6.

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ladling part was found and later also published.345 It is important to stress that besides the data about the trench, quadrant, and occasionally also the depth there are no other detailed stratigraphic data about the position of the ladles within the stratigraphic sequence.346 Most of them originate from the areas with the prevailing Lasinja finds, besides them a chronologically younger pottery can be found. Irena Šavel stresses that in the unified cultural layer mostly Lasinja pottery was found.347 Individual fragments of the FP culture,348 Late Bronze Age,349 and most probably Late La Tène finds350 also appeared. To sum up: Ladles with a perforated handle from Šafarsko indicate the connection with the Lasinja culture, but due to incomplete stratigraphic data are less useful for our analysis.

Cups with a loop handle and button finial

Chronologically interesting pottery form is also the cup with a loop handle, on which the so-called button finial is set.351 The button finial actually appears in the form of a disc (Fig. 37: 1), as a bat (Fig. 37: 2) or somewhere in between (Fig. 37: 3). All cups with such handles are ornamented at the shoulder with diagonal incised lines.352 Usually, only a fragment of the handle or the wall with the handle is preserved.353 Among handles, the example from the Pri Muri site is ornamented (Fig. 37: 1).

Cups with a loop handle and button finial are rarely part of the inventory at the sites of the Copper Age and are supposed to be of Balkan origin.354 In Slovenia, they appear at sites of the Lasinja culture, it seems primarily in north-eastern

345 Horvat-Šavel 1984, Pl. 5: 5.346 See Horvat-Šavel 1980; ead. 1984; Šavel 1994.347 Šavel 1994, 33, 37–39.348 Horvat-Šavel 1980, Pl. 11: 8; ead. 1984, Pls. 8: 7; 11:

7. See also Šavel 1994, 38; ead. 2009a, 109; cf. for example Lochner 1997; Artner et al. 2011.

349 Horvat-Šavel 1984, 51, e.g. Pl. 2: 4.350 Horvat-Šavel 1980, 59, e.g. Pl. 12: 1–6,8–11.351 See e.g. Horvat-Šavel 1984, Pls. 7: 3; 9: 3; Šavel,

Karo 2012 (find no. 737); Kerman 2013a (find no. 158).352 Horvat-Šavel 1984, Pl. 7: 3; Šavel, Karo 2012 (find

no. 737); Kerman 2013a (find no. 158). The fragmentarily preserved cup from Škoršičev vrt in Ormož is similarly ornamented (Tomanič-Jevremov, Tomaž, Kavur 2006b, 169, Fig. 8 [find no. 38]).

353 See Šavel, Sankovič 2011 (find no. 31); Šavel, Karo 2012 (finds nos. 278, 279, 423, 575 etc.).

354 See e.g. Marković 1994, 96; Šavel 2014, 22–23.

Slovenia from Zgornje Radvanje,355 Škoršičev vrt near Ormož356 to Prekmurje.357 Since they are assigned to the Lasinja culture,358 we will check their stratigraphic position within the discussed Prekmurje sites, similarly as we did with the ladles with a perforated handle.

Pri Muri near LendavaIn Prekmurje, cups with loop handles and button

finials can be found at the eastern-most point of the Pri Muri site. A fragment of an ornamented loop handle with button finial in the form of a disc was found in semi-pit-house SU 600 (Fig. 37: 1).359 It included Lasinja pottery,360 among others also the above-discussed ladles with a perforated handle.361 It is also important that in the part of the excavation area where SU 600 was discovered structures of the Lasinja culture were prevalent, which additionally supports the assignment of the fragment to the Lasinja culture,362 even more so due to the fact that at the site only Lasinja finds are documented among the Copper Age finds.

Nedelica near TurniščeA fragment of a loop handle from the Nedelica

site (Fig. 32: 1) is also chronologically significant. It was discovered in post-medieval Pit SU 252,363 where it was found together with pottery from the Copper364 and Bronze365 Ages. Among the mainly atypical Eneolithic pottery two ladles with a per-forated handle were found (Fig. 32: 2,3), which undoubtedly points to the Lasinja culture, to which the fragment of a handle can also be assigned.

Kalinovnjek near TurniščeLess crucial for this analysis are the two handles

with a button finial from the site of Kalinovnjek. The first fragment is poorly preserved, the finial

355 Kramberger 2014b, Pl. 120: 1221.356 Tomanič-Jevremov, Tomaž, Kavur 2006b, 169, Fig.

8 (find no. 38).357 E.g. Šavel, Karo 2012 (finds nos. 278, 279 etc.).358 E.g. Horvat-Šavel 1984, 51; Tomanič-Jevremov,

Tomaž, Kavur 2006b, 160; Kramberger 2014a, 404.359 Šavel, Sankovič 2011, 69.360 Ib. (see finds nos. 4–41).361 Ib. (see finds nos. 36–41).362 We are talking about semi-pit-houses SP 1 (SU 600;

Sq. 96, 97, 126, 127 [for the find no. 31]); SP 3 (SU 429; Sq. 157 [for the find no. 60] – (see Šavel, Sankovič 2011, 21, Fig. 17 and material given there).

363 Šavel, Sankovič 2013, 94.364 Ib., 94 (finds nos. 824–832).365 Ib., 94 (finds nos. 833–846).

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81The chronological relationship between the Lasinja culture and the Furchenstich pottery culture in north-eastern Slovenia

is not very distinct or resembles a bat.366 The second one is a completely preserved handle with a part of the wall of an ornamented cup.367 They were discovered in the plough layer together with other finds from various archaeological periods.368 The Copper Age finds belong to both, the Lasinja culture and the FP culture.369

TurniščeTypologically comparable loop handles with

button finial also appear at the Turnišče site.370 On one fragment button finial is not preserved but it seems it is expected.371 The first fragment originates from Pit PS 118, where solely Lasinja finds were discovered (see Fig. 33).372 The radiocarbon date of charcoal to 5477 ± 27 uncal BP (KIA-41443) confirms its assignment to the Lasinja culture.373 The next two fragments originate from Layer SU 44 or the so-called prehistoric layer beneath the plough layer, in which finds from various archaeo-logical periods were discovered.374 Finds from the Lasinja culture prevailed, including the typical jugs or smaller pots and miniature vessels.375 In the same layer, which differently named at differ-ent places of the excavation area,376 pottery from the FP culture was present among the Eneolithic finds,377 but which, interestingly, was not docu-mented in SU 44.378

Popava 1 near LipovciThe most loop handles with a button finial are

known from the Lasinja site Popava 1.379 Two originate from the semi-subterranean feature

366 Kerman 2013a (find no. 38).367 Ib. (find no. 158).368 Ib., 15, Figs. 18 and 20.369 Ib., 50, 67.370 Tomaž 2012 (finds nos. 48, 545, 555).371 Ib. (see find no. 555).372 Ib., 67 (see finds nos. 1–61).373 Ib., 67, 277, 278.374 According to Tomaž 2012, 56 (finds nos. 479–483,

649–651 etc.).375 According to Tomaž 2012 (finds nos. 479–483, 527,

529–532, 537, 542–544, 640 etc.).376 For the interpretation of the layer or SU see data

in Tomaž 2012, 24, 25, 56, Fig. 28.377 Ib., finds nos. 368 (SU 15) and 672 (SU 60).378 Cf. Tomaž 2012, Figs. 28, 30a, 30b.379 Popava 1 is a multiperiod site. But here we mean

the settlement or the presence of the human in the Cop-per Age which is proven only in the time of the Lasinja culture (see Šavel, Karo 2012).

no.  1,380 and one from the same type of feature no. 2.381 A fragment of a handle with button finial was also found in the semi-subterranean feature no. 3 (Fig. 37: 3).382 In the semi-subterranean feature no. 4,383 an ornamented fragment of a cup with a loop handle with button finial,384 and a fragment of a loop handle with a similar finial were found.385 The most important fact is that all Eneolithic finds from the mentioned structures belong to the Lasinja culture.386 In them numer-ous ladles with a perforated handle were also found.387 The cultural classification is supported by the radiocarbon date of charcoal from Feature no. 4 (SU 499) with the measured value of 5395 ± 30 uncal BP (KIA-32885).388

Šafarsko Two fragmentarily preserved cups on which

there is a loop handle with a button finial are known from Šafarsko.389 The cup fragment from Trench 8 (Fig. 37: 2) is chronologically meaningful. It was found 1.2 m deep, in the deepest arbitrary Level no. 6. It was positioned together with finds, typical of the Lasinja culture, such as a strainer, a bell-shaped foot, and a lid.390

The second fragmentarily preserved cup is kept at the museum Pomurski muzej in Murska Sobota under two inventory numbers. Namely, composite parts of the same vessel were found at two ends of Trench 9, in the first arbitrary Level, 0.2 m deep. One part was discovered in Quadrant 11, the other one in Quadrant 20, 8 m apart.391 This fact and the mentioned infiltrated finds from the vicinity of Quadrant 11 draw attention to the fact that this find is less useful for our analysis despite the fact that in the same or deeper arbitrary levels pottery prevails which is typical of the Lasinja culture.392

380 Ib. (finds nos. 278, 279); Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 76.381 Šavel, Karo 2012 (find no. 423); see also Sankovič,

Šavel 2012, 87.382 Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 91.383 Ib., 93.384 Šavel, Karo 2012 (find no. 737).385 Ib. (find no. 793).386 Ib. (finds nos. 164–336, 374–445, 478–626, 648–871);

see also Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 76, 87, 91, 93.387 Šavel, Karo 2012 (finds nos. 320–328, 429–442, 609–

615, 822–848); see also Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 76, 87, 91, 93.388 Sankovič, Šavel 2012, 93 (pit depth: 0.40 m). For

the radiocarbon datum see also Šavel, Karo 2012, 461.389 Horvat-Šavel 1984, Pls. 7: 3; 9: 3.390 Ib., Pls. 6: 2; 7: 1,2,4.391 Ib., 54, App. 2; Pl. 9: 3.392 Ib., see Pls. 8: 1,4; 9: 5; 11: 6,9,11.

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Radiocarbon dating

In the introduction, we have shown with several examples that recently there has been an increase in the uncritical use of radiocarbon dates, which then serve to date archaeological structures, individual phases within sites, the entire settlement sequence of sites, and even cultural phenomena. Therefore in the conclusion it seems all the more necessary to devote our attention to radiocarbon dates from the discussed sites which directly touch upon the problem of the chronological relation between the Lasinja culture and the FP culture in Prekmurje and the eastern foothills of the Slovenske gorice.

Radiocarbon dates are certainly an important source of information on the basis of which we can determine or at least roughly estimate the absolute age of a site.393 This is especially true in cases when samples were carefully or luckily selected394 and are consistent with other sources of data. Therefore, for this study absolute dates are useful which – comparatively speaking – indicate the age of samples from pits with pottery from the Lasinja culture and FP culture. Here we primarily mean those for which we can, based on archaeologi-cal finds and stratigraphic circumstances, assume that they are very probably consistent with the time range of the discussed cultures.

From the closed contexts from sites with finds from the Lasinja culture and/or FP culture more than 30 samples of charcoal, wood, and bones were determined radiocarbon dates. Since we wanted to avoid a subjective judgement about the interpreta-tional value of the date to the greatest possible extent, every individual date was first considered on two levels. Thus the analysis does not include dates from structures which – comparatively speaking – are captured in the absolute time range of the Lasinja culture or the FP culture, while stratigraphic and other circumstances indicate the chronologically and culturally problematic structure. Namely, it is generally known that problems of this type are

393 E.g. Turk, Svetličič 2006; Velušček 2006; id. 2011.394 This article does not separately discuss the issue

connected to the freshwater reservoir effect or FRE (see e.g. Fernandes, Meadows, Dreves 2015), and all other factors (see e.g. Črešnar 2009, 36–39) influencing the result in radiocarbon dating and could be the reason for certain deviations in radiocarbon dates. The reason being that these factors do not influence the contents of the article and the concluding interpretation as it is presented in any case. Nevertheless, where the influence was detected, it was also considered in the analysis.

not detected with dates of samples which indicate the time long before the discussed period or after it,395 and originate from a closed structure with finds of this period exclusively, e.g. from the FP culture. This is certainly a comparable issue. The decision whether to consider the dating in the interpretation at all or to what an extent it should be considered, frequently seems very subjective.396

On the first level, we included dates which at least approximately come close to the absolute time range for the Lasinja culture or the FP culture.397 Thus we have excluded at the first level those dates which indicate the sample age from Pits PS 73398 and PS 43399 from the Turnišče site and from Pit SU 341 from Gorice.400 In the first the recorded value is much too low,401 while in the other two it is undoubtedly too high.402

When the first criterion was met, we undertook further analysis and were interested only in those dates for which it was determined that these are samples from culturally unproblematic or impec-cable contexts or structures. Other dates were excluded from the analysis.

Therefore, on the second level another date from the Turnišče site was excluded from the analysis.403 This was a sample from Pit PS 150, which cannot be culturally defined with certainty. Fragments of Eneolithic pottery were discovered in the pit. Only one of them is published but it is not typical.404 Tomaž assigns the pit to the FP culture,405 but elsewhere marks it as a chronologically indefin-

395 See e.g. Marković 1987, 51; Tomaž 2012, 58, 63.396 Cf. e.g. Kavur 2011, 124; Tomaž 2012, 68; Kram-

berger 2014c, 240–241.397 See e.g. Velušček 2006; id. 2011; Balen 2008; Sraka

2012; Balen, Drnić 2014; Kramberger 2014c.398 Pit PS 73 together with Pit PS 72 represents the so-

called Structure 6 (Tomaž 2012, 63). Pottery from both pits is definitely Eneolithic or Lasinja (ib. [finds nos. 158–161]).

399 This is a larger pit (Tomaž 2012, 58) with finds prevailingly of the Lasinja culture (ib. [for example find no. 210]), which also included fragments of FP culture pottery (ib. [for example find no. 231]).

400 Plestenjak 2010, 51, 157.401 11179 ± 45 uncal BP (KIA-41441) – (Tomaž 2012,

63, 277).402 1412 ± 20 uncal BP (KIA-41439) – (Tomaž 2012,

58, 277); 2390 ± 25 uncal BP (KIA-31895) – (Plestenjak 2010, 51, 157).

403 5154 ± 26 uncal BP (KIA-41444) – (Tomaž 2012, 68, 277).

404 Ib., 68 (find no. 141). 405 Ib., 51.

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83The chronological relationship between the Lasinja culture and the Furchenstich pottery culture in north-eastern Slovenia

able structure which probably belongs to the older phase at the site, therefore the Lasinja culture.406

Due to a similar reason, the date of the sample from Pit SU 343 from Gorice also needed to be excluded. The published finds are rendered to be Lasinja but are actually typologically very unchar-acteristic.407 Two dates from the Brezje site were also not included in the analysis. In Pits SU 1274 and SU 1278, culturally indeterminable pottery was found.408

The circumstances in storage Pit SU 197 from Kalinovnjek were slightly different.409 Two fills were detected in it. The charcoal sample was col-lected from primary Fill SU 215. The date 5390 ± 30 uncal BP (KIA-32872) undoubtedly reveals the time of the Lasinja culture. What is problematic is that besides these three fragments of Lasinja vessels (see Fig. 26) two more are published which can culturally be identified as belonging to the FP culture (Fig. 38). Finds of both cultures also appear in Pit SU 216, from which another radiocarbon dated sample originates but which indicates a much higher value.410

A detailed explanation is also due for three dates of Eneolithic age excluded from analysis from the Ivankovci site. The two older radiocarbon dates of samples from Pit SU 11 indicate the time of the second quarter of the 4th millennium.411 The inter-esting thing is that the date of the sample from the top fill gives a slightly lower value than the sample from the primary fill. According to Kavur’s opinion these two dates reveal that the pit was filled relatively quickly.412 Moreover, elsewhere in the description he believes that this up to 0.8 m deep pit was filled with a layer of probably erosional formation.413 The published finds from Pit SU 11, especially the typi-cal ones, are certainly Lasinja (e.g. Fig. 35: 1–3).414

From this pit Kavur also connects the fragments to the circle of the stab-and-drag style pottery. It needs to be pointed out that the fragments, used to hint at analogies from Hungary, are completely

406 See ib., Fig. 30B (PS 150 in Quadrant 5-E).407 See Plestenjak 2010, 51 (finds nos. 74–76).408 Plestenjak, Horňák, Masaryk 2013, 45, 46.409 Kerman 2013a, 60.410 See Kerman 2013a, 71 (4534 ± 29 uncal BP (KIA-

32873) – for example finds nos. 606, 611, 612 (Lasinja culture), 613, 616 (FP culture).

411 4914 ± 28 uncal BP (KIA-38224) and 4885 ± 26 uncal BP (KIA-38225) − (Kavur 2011, 125, Figs. 35, 38, and 39).

412 Ib., 125.413 Tušek, Kavur 2011, 29.414 Ib. (finds nos. 3, 36, 37, 40, 42, 75, 95, 96, 114–118,

128–130). See also Kavur 2010, 64.

inappropriate for such an action,415 therefore their chronological identification also remains open.416 The same author conditionally assigns a part of the finds from Ivankovci, due to their typological resemblance to the Lasinja pottery and radiocarbon dates from Pit SU 11, to the horizon of FP culture or to some transitional period between the Lasinja culture, the Furchenstich pottery horizon, and the Early Baden culture.417

The date with the highest value indicates the second half of the 4th millennium.418 Archaeo-logical content of Pit SU 69,419 from which the dated charcoal sample originates, is not typical,420 hence the declarative value of the date remains questionable as well. Some of the fragments can be conditionally compared to the finds of the FP culture, but this does not suffice for a reliable cultural identification.421

In the monograph on the site Kavur sets Pit SU  69, without culturally identifying its content clearly, into the Middle Eneolithic. He assumes that the pit was filled in the period between the middle of the 34th and the end of the 31st century.422 In the overview chronological table of the New Stone Age and the Copper Age cultures and their sites from north-eastern Slovenia, Ivankovci, probably refering to finds from Pit SU 69, is marked as the site with ‘elements of the Baden culture’.423

From the sites in Prekmurje and the eastern Slovenske gorice, 22 radiocarbon dates from the culturally reliably identified pits or closed contexts (Tab. 1) were included in the analysis. Figure 39a shows that the calibration ranges of dates from the Lasinja sites and sites of the FP culture in Prekmurje and the eastern Slovenske gorice are gathered in two major groups. Dates from the second half of the 5th millennium are from structures with Lasinja finds, while dates from the second quarter and middle of the 4th millennium are from structures of the FP cul-

415 See Tušek, Kavur 2011 (finds nos. 80, 85, 89–91, 93, 103, 226) – according to Kavur 2011, 125. – Cf. Kavur 2010, 65.

416 Cf. Kavur 2010, 64–71 and id. 2011, 125.417 See Kavur 2010, 64–71, Tab. 1.418 4485 ± 25 uncal BP (KIA-38227) − (Kavur 2011,

124, Fig. 35).419 See Tušek, Kavur 2011, 32.420 Kavur 2010, 70–71.421 E.g. Tušek, Kavur 2011 (finds nos. 196 and 197).

Cf. e.g. Šavel 2009b (e.g. finds nos. 155, 176, 211); Kerman 2013a (finds nos. 447 and 448).

422 Kavur 2011, 124.423 Kavur 2010, Tab. 1.

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ture. This completely agrees with the results of the archaeological analysis of finds. The 2 sigma range of the radiocarbon dates for the Lasinja culture is between 4454 and 3980, and 1 sigma between 4446 and 3991 cal BC.424 For structures of the FP culture the 2 sigma range is between 3890 and 3367, and 1 sigma between 3773 and 3375 cal BC.425

The 2 sigma range for the Lasinja contexts from sites where finds of both cultures appear (Turnišče, Kalinovnjek, Gorice, and Gornje njive 2), indicates the time between 4364 and 4043 cal BC, and 1 sigma range between 4352 and 4048 cal BC.426 For the contexts assigned to the FP culture 2 sigma range is between 3890 and 3367, while 1 sigma are between 3773 and 3375 cal BC (Fig. 39b).427

The settlement hiatus between the Lasinja culture and the FP culture in Prekmurje and the eastern Slovenske gorice is also indicated by 2 sigma ranges of calibrated values of dates from the sites with exclusively Lasinja finds, such as Sodolek, Popava 1, and Pri Muri, which range between 4454 and 3980 cal BC, and 1 sigma between 4446 and 3991 cal BC.428 Comparable data from sites with exclusively FP culture finds, such as Nova tabla and Pod Kotom - jug, are at 2 sigma between 3766 and 3373 cal BC, and at 1 sigma between 3709 and 3378 cal BC (Fig. 39c).429


Based on the gathered data we conclude that finds of the Lasinja culture and the Furchenstich pottery culture appear at different, but also the same sites. Nevertheless, in settlements where both cultural phenomena are present, the finds of the Lasinja culture as a rule do not overlap with the greatest concentration of finds from the FP culture.

Data about the vertically-stratigraphic relation between the two cultures are very scarce. One known example comes from the site of Gorice near Turnišče, when at the bottom of Pit SU 166 pottery of the FP culture appears together with the pottery of the Lasinja culture, while in the top fill Bronze Age pottery was found alongside

424 Kavur, Tomaž, Mileusnić 2006, 122; Šavel, Sankovič 2011, 77.

425 Kerman 2013a, 68, 243; id. 2013b, 53.426 Tomaž 2012, 67; Kerman 2013a, 55.427 Kerman 2013a, 68, 243; id. 2013b, 53.428 Kavur, Tomaž, Mileusnić 2006, 122; Šavel, Sankovič

2011, 77.429 Šavel, Guštin 2006, 208; Šavel 2009a, 94.

pottery of the FP culture. The radiocarbon date of the charcoal also points to the Bronze Age which is 2950 ± 25 uncal BP (KIA-31899).430

The interesting fact is that certain typical finds of the Lasinja culture, such as the ladle with a perforated handle and the cup with a loop handle and button finial, never appear in contexts with exclusively finds of the FP culture, which is true for sites as well as individual structures within sites. It seems that in Prekmurje and the eastern Slovenske gorice these two cultures were most probably not contemporary. Otherwise it would have been expected that such typical and frequent finds as ladles with a perforated handle would also appear in primary contexts and sites of the FP culture, where there are no Lasinja finds.

The situation is similar at the Ljubljansko barje, where there are no finds from the Lasinja culture and also no ladles with a perforated handle. Natu-rally, exceptions are older sites from the period of the Sava group of the Lengyel culture, such as Resnikov prekop.431

The finding which was reached by a classical ar-chaeological method was confronted with the results of radiocarbon dating. The analysis included dates chosen very selectively, according to the predeter-mined criterion. The result was expected. Radio-carbon dating confirms the result of the typological analysis. Therefore, the results of the radiocarbon dating indicate that in Prekmurje and the eastern foothills of the Slovenske gorice the Lasinja culture preceded the FP culture. Both cultures did not exist simultaneously, thus the dates for the samples of the Lasinja culture do not overlap with the dates of the samples from the Furchenstich pottery culture.

The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding No. P6-0064).

Translation: Maja Sužnik

430 Plestenjak 2010, 64, 157.431 E.g. Velušček 2006, Pls. 12: 4; 16: 1.

Anton VeluščekZnanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZUInštitut za arheologijoNovi trg 2SI-1000 [email protected]