KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) · 2020-05-03 · KPMG International Case...

KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18)

Transcript of KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) · 2020-05-03 · KPMG International Case...

Page 1: KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) · 2020-05-03 · KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) Who we are. Operationsin. 152. Countries. 189,000. people.

KPMG International Case Competition(KICC 2017 -18)

Page 2: KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) · 2020-05-03 · KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) Who we are. Operationsin. 152. Countries. 189,000. people.

Who we are



189,000peopleemployed globally

13 ci ties

19 offices

IndiaAdditiona l support forcountries and growing

A s teady grow th s toryf romemploy ees in 201563%

staff is lessthen30 years of age

Led by

500Partnersand DirectorsIn India

2,400peopleonglobalassignmentsin 95 countries


USD25.42bi l lion in 2016

More than

15,500staff in India

Arun KumarCEO, KPMG in India

Sameer ChadhaCEO, KPMG Global


© 2017 KPM G, an Indian R eg istered Partnership and amember fir mof theKPM G network of independent member firms affiliated with KPM G International C ooperative (“KPM G International”), aSwiss entity. All rig hts reserved. 2

Page 3: KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) · 2020-05-03 · KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) Who we are. Operationsin. 152. Countries. 189,000. people.

Our services



IGH(In frastru ctu re, Go vern ment

an d Health care)



Risk Consulting

Deal Advisory

© 2017 KPM G, an Indian R eg istered Partnership and amember fir mof theKPM G network of independent member firms affiliated with KPM G International C ooperative (“KPM G International”), aSwiss entity. All rig hts reserved. 3


Page 4: KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) · 2020-05-03 · KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) Who we are. Operationsin. 152. Countries. 189,000. people.

KICC International finale locations over the years

2011 Turkey 2012 Hong Kong 2013 Spain 2014 Brazil

2015 UAE

KICC International finale locations over the years

2016 Dubai 2017Portugal 2018 Malaysia

© 2017 KPM G, an Indian R eg istered Partnership and amember fir mof theKPM G network of independent member firms affiliated with KPM G International C ooperative (“KPM G International”), aSwiss entity. All rig hts reserved. 4

Page 5: KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) · 2020-05-03 · KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) Who we are. Operationsin. 152. Countries. 189,000. people.

The KICC Advantage for ParticipantsExperience first hand what its like to work for a fast paced organizationlike KPMG

Add a differentiator to your resume

Experience an exciting world of career opportunities

Build a global professional network

Work on real life case studies and receive feedback from global business leaders

Gain a rich culturaland businessexperience

Benchmark your skills w ith students from India and abroad

© 2017 KPM G, an Indian R eg istered Partnership and amember fir mof theKPM G network of independent member firms affiliated with KPM G International C ooperative (“KPM G International”), aSwiss entity. All rig hts reserved. 5

Page 6: KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) · 2020-05-03 · KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) Who we are. Operationsin. 152. Countries. 189,000. people.

Structure of KICC


Campus Championship

Zonal Prelim Championship

National Championship

International Championship

NewDelhi Malaysia

In your campus

In your zone/region


Regional Championship

Se ptember2017

Octobe r2017

Nov ember2017

De cember2017

January 2018

April 2018

© 2017 KPM G, an Indian R eg istered Partnership and amember fir mof theKPM G network of independent member firms affiliated with KPM G International C ooperative (“KPM G International”), aSwiss entity. All rig hts reserved. 6

Page 7: KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) · 2020-05-03 · KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) Who we are. Operationsin. 152. Countries. 189,000. people.

Guidelines for KICC participation and general questions

How many members mus t each teamhave?

How are teams of f ourf ormed?

W hat is the eligibility c riteria toparticipate in KICC?

Can I formateam with someonewho doesnotmeetthe eligibilitycriteria?

Teams can only compete in groups of four students.

You and any three fellow students can form a team (comprisingat least one male or one female member) and registerforKICCat your campus

Non – engineering graduatecampuses:Secondand thirdyear s tudentsEngineering colleges: Third and f ourth year studentsB-schools: First year s tudents of the two-year full timePGDM course

Everyone in the team has to meet the eligibilitycriteria and has to be from the same institute.

© 2017 KPM G, an Indian R eg istered Partnership and amember fir mof theKPM G network of independent member firms affiliated with KPM G International C ooperative (“KPM G International”), aSwiss entity. All rig hts reserved. 7

Page 8: KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) · 2020-05-03 · KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) Who we are. Operationsin. 152. Countries. 189,000. people.

Asidefrom theprideof challenging top national andinternational teams: the national championship winningteam in Indiagets INR100,000

The team is crowned ‘TeamIndia’

National championshiprunner-up team inIndiawins INR40,000

Team India’s visit to Malaysia will be funded byKPMG in India(valued at USD15,000)

What is the prize for the winning teams in KICC?

© 2017 KPM G, an Indian R eg istered Partnership and amember fir mof theKPM G network of independent member firms affiliated with KPM G International C ooperative (“KPM G International”), aSwiss entity. All rig hts reserved. 8

Page 9: KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) · 2020-05-03 · KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) Who we are. Operationsin. 152. Countries. 189,000. people.

Identification of two – three key issues

The ability to plan and strategise

The ability to present and interact with KPMG professionals in a structured and articulate way

A detailed analysis which is well-substantiated

A realistic and creativeaction plan and solutions

Excellent presentation skills and knowledge of the case

What are the judges looking for?

© 2017 KPM G, an Indian R eg istered Partnership and amember fir mof theKPM G network of independent member firms affiliated with KPM G International C ooperative (“KPM G International”), aSwiss entity. All rig hts reserved. 9

Page 10: KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) · 2020-05-03 · KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) Who we are. Operationsin. 152. Countries. 189,000. people.

A team shouldHavediversityof experiences,expertiseandknowledge

© 2017 KPM G, an Indian R eg istered Partnership and amember fir mof theKPM G network of independent member firms affiliated with KPM G International C ooperative (“KPM G International”), aSwiss entity. All rig hts reserved. 10

Capitaliseon theskillsofteammembers for increasedcreativityandproblemsolving

Havesynergy, to better identi fy opportunities, combine ideasandabi l ities

Createopportunitiestolearnfrom each other


Sharefeedbackon a real-time basis

Structure your team for excellence

Page 11: KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) · 2020-05-03 · KPMG International Case Competition (KICC 2017 -18) Who we are. Operationsin. 152. Countries. 189,000. people.

To register for KICC 2017-18, connect with your institute’s KICC organisers.

Good luck for KICC 2017-18

Innovate Transform

© 2017 KPM G, an Indian R eg istered Partnership and amember fir mof theKPM G network of independent member firms affiliated with KPM G International C ooperative (“KPM G International”), aSwiss entity. All rig hts reserved. 11


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© 2017 KPM G, an Indian Registered Partnership and a member firm of the KPM G netw ork of independent member firms affiliated w ith KPMGInternational Cooperativ e (“KPM G International”),a Sw iss entity. All rights reserv ed.

The KPM G name and logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPM G International.