KPI Brochure

“A 5 Step Process for becoming one of the most highly valued and highly paid people in your industry” The KPI GROWTH ACCELERATOR Over 9 months we bring together some of the UK’s top entrepreneurs and industry leaders to mentor our clients through a proven process of turning skills, talent and expertise into the thriving business they love. This is your invitation to play a bigger game.



Transcript of KPI Brochure

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“A 5 Step Process for becoming one of the most highly valued and highly paid people in your industry”


Over 9 months we bring together some of the UK’s top entrepreneurs and industry leaders to mentor our clients through a proven process of turning skills, talent and expertise into the thriving business they love.

This is your invitation to play a bigger game.

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Entrevo Ltd - 26 York Street, Westminster, London, W1U 6PZ, United Kingdom.

Building a profitable business that is an authentic expression of who you are won’t happen by accident. It takes preparation and design to get it right.

Over the last 2 years we have helped over 450 business owners, corporate escapees, consultants and professional service providers. We assist them to identify and repackage their business, idea or raw talent in such a way that it becomes more visible, profitable and meaningful for them and their clients.

If you’ve got a great business or idea and believe more people should know about,the KPI GROWTH ACCELERATOR can help you make the most of it.

You need a

You need to











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Every industry has an ‘Inner Circle’: Their names come up in conversation ... for the right reasons. They attract more opportunities ... the right kind. They earn more money ... and it isn’t a struggle. And they have more fun ... because they love what they do.

Every successful business needs a Key Person of Influence. A driving force who becomes known in the industry.

The “Steve Jobs” of Apple, the “Larry and Sergey” of Google, the “Anita Roddick” of The Body Shop. The person who leads the way.


our v


You need to

You need to

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It’s more than just a set of technical skills. A Key Person of Influence needs to hone five entrepreneurial strengths that sets them apart from the rest. The 5 KPI strengths are:

You need a PERFECT PITCH In today’s market, being remarkable is essential. If you don’t have an amazing pitch, regardless

of how great your product or service is, you will always struggle.

You need to PUBLISH your ideas Publishing through books and articles builds credibility, authority and attracts fresh opportunity.

Once you have a clear framework for expressing you thought leadership, the rest is easy.

You need to PRODUCTISE your value Turning your skills and talents into products is the fastest way to avoid the time for money

trap and spend more time doing the things you love. The process is simple, profitable and liberating.

You need to raise your PROFILE Being good at what you do is no longer enough if you want to be a top earner. You need

to stand out and be recognised. In a time when “you are who Google says you are”, what do you want to be known for?

You need great PARTNERSHIPS Packaging your value so other people can succeed is where you will multiply your profit,

attract major opportunities and begin to enjoy the fruits of everything you have built.

These 5 strengths are a powerful guide, however strategy is nothing without implementation. The KPI 30 WEEK GROWTH ACCELERATOR creates a high performance community dedicated to one thing; output. When you re-package the value you already have around these 5 strengths and implement with excellence, the acceleration you will experience in your life and business will astound you.

Leigh Ashton

KPI totally rocks. In 6 months I have improved my pitch, I have a book, products and an impressive online profile and have developed amazing relationships with JV Partners. Embrace the KPI formula...IT WORKS :-)

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Entrevo Ltd - 26 York Street, Westminster, London, W1U 6PZ, United Kingdom.




Most people make the mistake of moving from Worker Bee to Newbie, rather than Worker Bee to KPI in the industry they know and love.

Notes (Think it, Ink it, Do it, Review it) ...

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< 10%



Notes (Think it, Ink it, Do it, Review it) ...

newbie newbieworker bee KPI worker bee

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Entrevo Ltd - 26 York Street, Westminster, London, W1U 6PZ, United Kingdom.

“Most people have the hardest time answering the simple question, “what do you do? And yet in most times, a powerful answer to this question makes the difference between success and failure.”

Mike Harris

MIKE HARRIS is one of the UK’s biggest success stories when it comes to starting with nothing more than an impossible idea and turning it into a Multi-Billion Pound Business. He’s done it three times. “Three Multi-Billion Pound Businesses in Succession was not an accident … it was designed that way!” Mike, on good authority, believes that when you get your “Perfect Pitch” you can “create a business that makes a real dent in the universe”.


Starting with nothing, your “Perfect Pitch” will at-tract the money you need, the team you want and all the other the resources you need along the way. This isn’t theory ... Mike has raised over £200M to get his ideas off the ground.

Taking the time to get it right will allow you to achieve far bigger outcomes in shorter time frames.

Your “Perfect Pitch” is the most valuable thing you can have.

Tap into the mind of a business genius ...

Mike guides you through the process that has led him to create some of the most powerful business pitches in UK history. It’s a creative process that will draw out of you things you never knew existed. It will deliver in you, more certainty, clarity and commercial viability than you could achieve on your own.

Just one insight from Mike can shift your business many times over.

Why Perfect Your Pitch?You may have a great product, service or idea, but if you can’t communicate its value in a remarkable way, you will always struggle.

Just one insight from Mike can multiply your business many times over.

“In this small class size, I’m able to give you specific, pin-pointed feedback, on what (exactly) has to improve about your business, brand or idea.”Mike Harris


The Perfect Pitch | LIVE Workshop Full Day Masterclass with Mike Harris.

Review Kit Perfect Pitch DVD Home Study Kit

Page 9: KPI Brochure | [email protected]

MINDY GIBBINS-KLEIN is a writing and publishing expert, an international speaker and leading book coach with over 20 years’ experience. She has spoken to thousands of people all over the world, has written and been interviewed for articles, radio and television over 100 times on building a profile as a REAL thought leader. Mindy has helped more than 450 people through different stages of their manuscripts, with over 200 published to date. She is the author and co-author of four books, one of which reached Number 2 in Business Books on Amazon.


Some published books delivered by The Book Midwife

Why Publish?In the ideas economy, publishing gives you a claim to your valuable niche. It positions you as an authority and gives you the essential credibility required to charge a premium. It also packages your Perfect Pitch in a way that makes it easy for others to spread your message on your behalf.


Publishing with Mindy Gibbins-Klein

Full Day Masterclass with Mindy Gibbins-


12 week coaching program

12 interactive weekly Webinars where you

can receive personalised coaching through

every step of the book creation process.







Feel you have valuable ideas or insights... but don’t know where to start?

Have a unique perspective which others could benefit ... but lack the confidence to publish?

Get the career boosting benefits of being an author... but question your true message and market?

This program is your chance to tap into the mind of a writing and publishing master ...

While working with Mindy you will:

Uncover the core message that will become the central theme of your thought leadership.

Unpack and explore your best thinking around that theme, creating a valuable IP map.

Create a writing framework that ensures clarity, impact and readability.

Overcome the challenges associated in each of following areas:Planning, Writing, Editing, Publishing, Launching & Promoting your book.

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Entrevo Ltd - 26 York Street, Westminster, London, W1U 6PZ, United Kingdom.


Why create a better product?Nic Rixon will show you the importance of peeling back the layers of your business to discover valuable new products and services you could be offering.

If you are currently being paid to work or consult, you definitely have valuable IP that could be turned into a product that starts earning you money 24/7.

“If you’re done trading time for money and you think your ideas are valuable - then with the the right guidance in the KPI Accelerator you can turn your ‘skillset into an asset’.

“Income follows assets. Most people only have their skillset and hence they have to earn money by showing up. In one day with me, you will develop your thinking about your business and begin to package/repurpose/refine the IP that already exists, often times discovering that there is hidden IP that you haven’t realised yet.” Nic Rixon, CEO of Navitas IP and founding partner of Shirlaws Coaching

While working with Nic Rixon you will be able to:

Discover the ideal product funnel for your unique business model.

Increase your income without swapping more time for money.

Serve the needs of vastly more people.

Expand the opportunities you can access.

... It’s time you get direct input from Nic Rixon


Productise your IP

2 Day Masterclass with Nic Rixon, Andrew

Priestley and Guest Trainers.

NIC RIXON built and sold a group of companies in manufacturing, property, training and commercial design industries by the time he was 45. He was one of the founding partners or Shirlaws Coaching in the UK and is now CEO of Navitas. Nic has travelled the globe addressing groups and businesses on business strategy and has worked with British Aerospace, Sony Pictures, Credit Suisse, HSBC, Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Direct Selling Association and Oxford University.

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PENNY POWER, founder of and author of the book “Know Me, Like Me, Fol-low Me”, shares the secret to having an amazing online presence and being found first. Penny is a true pioneer in Social Networking and New Media. In the late 90’s she founded Ecademy. com and today entrepreneurs and small business business people use it to connect, share in-sights and support each other worldwide. Her depth of experience combined with her sincere caring create a unique blend that gives you the hard hitting ideas combined with the real world connection that is needed these days..


Troy By Design

Myself and my Business partner are in the KPI 5 UK group. The KPI formula and architecture is precision planned and proven to work. It is inspirational, and ground-breaking, seriously this will be the best money you can pay to help you become the person you are meant to become in your field and most likely a lot more that you cannot even realise right now. Daniel Priestley, Glen Carlson, Marcus and all the KPI team and mentors are pure genius. If you want your work to start working for you rather than you slaving for it, then pay up and buckle up, the louder you scream, the faster you go! Enjoy the journey..............and thanks Glen, our brainstorming session was just the start of what we are going to do! Bring it on.....; ).

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Know Me, Like Me, Follow Me

Live 1 Day Masterclass with Penny Power.

Why Go Social?Social Media is one the most powerful marketing tools you have at your disposal. Whether you secure coverage in the traditional media or online, if you drive newsworthy, value-driven content, you can gain enormous traction in the marketplace and become known as a Key Person of Influence.

Equally as importantly, when your customers Google you or your niche, they want to see a video, updates, downloads, community and dynamic information.

If they don’t find it, you run the risk of them finding it from someone else. Consider that before you get a big break, you will be Googled

... and you are responsible for what comes up.

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Entrevo Ltd - 26 York Street, Westminster, London, W1U 6PZ, United Kingdom.


Why Partner?The ‘worker bee’ mistake is thinking you are not making enough money because you are not valuable enough. Like you might have guessed, your real wealth comes when you simply leverage your existing value with others.

Without question, a great partnership can transform everything and take your business to a whole new level, however, until you have established yourself as a KPI, it is nearly impossible to meet eye to eye and get the breakthrough deal.

The real money is made from partnerships, but partnerships don’t happen until people know that you are a KPI.

While working with Shaa Wasmund you will:

Discover how to package your value in preparation for a JV.

Identify the perfect JV Partners.

Learn how to pitch your JV so you get a fair deal.

Standardise your JV so it can be multiplied many times.


JV’s & Partnership

Live 1 Day Masterclass with Shaa Wasmund.

Chris Davies

I started my business the same time I started the KPI programme in February 2011. Since then we have gained a major multi national client, built state-of-the-art coaching workshop modules, published a book and honed a pitch that has got us into 3 of the 4 major UK bank boardrooms. KPI leverages your business into the stratospherequicker and more comprehensively than any other business coaching programme I know! Enjoy the ride...

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SHAA WASMUND is the founder of, the UK’s #1 Resource for Small Business. Smarta is backed by leading entrepreneurs Theo Paphitits and Deborah Meaden. As an expert at creating profitable partnerships, Shaa will share her strategies in greater detail for harnassing industry joint ventures

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How do our clients so consistently achieve such dramatic results in such short timeframes?

The answer, we believe, is the power of momentum combined with a high performance environment and a committed group of people who share an aligned vision and strategy.


People think it takes years or even decades to become a Key Person of Influence. The fact is, if you’re already good at what you do, you just need to implement the 5 steps with excellence.

When you are clear, focused and in flow, taking on new challenges becomes easy. You get in the zone by concentrating on what’s important and as you do, you rise to a new level of influence and productivity.

All of our KPI’s achieve their results WHILE they continue to run their business or work in their practice or job. Nothing good happens without effort, and there is never a perfect time.


The cornerstone of the KPI GROWTH ACCELERATOR

Thriving local and international community.

Regular accountability meetings to keep you on track.

Regular Momentum Sessions to overcome any implementation hurdles while prepping you for your next Masterclass.

“Worker bees constantly experience limitations around time, money and personal capacity. Their experience of life is that there is never enough. This is misguided; if you are committed to something worthwhile, something you believe in, the resources you need will show up.”Daniel Priestley

Without question, the top level strategy, guidance and commercial perspective will give you clarity on the exact next steps you need to orchestrate your rise as a KPI, however it’s the momentum generated by the like-minded community that will keep you motivated, focused and accountable to making it happen.

“If you want something done, give it to a busy person.”

Lucille Ball

We va

lue it.

We cultivate it.


e harness it

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Entrevo Ltd - 26 York Street, Westminster, London, W1U 6PZ, United Kingdom.



Andrew Priestley (Grad Dip Psych, B.Ed, FInstISMM)

ANDREW PRIESTLEY is an award-winning business coach qualified in Organisational Psychology; and the KPI Program Director in the UK.

Andrew specialises in working with MDs and works with established companies in a diverse range of industries. As such he brings a wealth of grounded experience to entrepreneurs on the KPI Program. His own business provides profiling technology and coaching services to clients worldwide. Andrew will be facilitating many of the live Momentum Events and Webinars and providing coaching support.

Momentum = Results

Our clients have: Ongoing support

Access to services


Book deals

Speaking opportunities around the world

Community of entrepreneurs

Peer-to-peer experience/sharing

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When we first met Mike Symes he was already successful. He had founded a Marketing Consultancy that specialised in assisting Financial Services Companies. He wasn’t short for business, but still had to go chasing for new clients. Mike wanted to take things up a level.He wanted to be priced in the premium end of the market (a well justified position) and he wanted clients chasing him, rather than the traditional method of pitching for new business.Mike signed up to the KPI Accelerator Programme in April 2010 and immediately had a breakthrough in the way he explained the value he delivers to a client. Rather than saying, “I have financial marketing agency”, Mike began telling clients that he “works with financial services companies to ignite their brands, illuminate their points of difference and enable their messages to spread like wild-fire leaving them and their customers feeling inspired” (Pitch).He then set to work on his Book, “Light Your Firebrand”, where he was able to consolidate his 25 years of industry experience into a powerful manuscript (Publish). In doing so, he was able to uncover and explore his unique Intellectual Property. Mike discovered that he had a lot more value to share than he previously acknowledged.

Next, Mike produced a new website and as well as a highly valuable brand assessment tool which could allow people all over the world to access his unique take on financial services branding (Product).With newfound clarity and scalability, Mike wasted no time in raising his Profile online. This resulted in him being appointed as the Chairman of a highly prestigious industry body (Profile). Mike was also able to form Joint Ventures and Partnerships with key industry players (Partnerships). With all of this in place, Mike noticed a clear shift in the amount of new business that was finding him. In one instance, the CEO of one of the UK’s largest Banks, was excited to have the opportunity to sit down over coffee with Mike to discuss the future of their brand. In a six month period, Mike Symes went from being a very successful marketing consultant to a Key Person of Influence in his field. He went from being great at pitching for new business ... to having people pitch him to become a client. Mike widened his scope to deliver value worldwide and distilled his unique ideas into valuable Intellectual Property.In short, he recognised the mountain of value he was already standing on and is now producing at a whole new level.

KPI Case Study ...Mike Symes

Desmond Moreria

KPI not only has inspiring speakers, but actual real people who will empower and change your view and mind of business forever. I have been part of KPI in London, and I see many of us, growing and making our businesses better, adding value, getting more opportunities, and having more fun. It does exactly what it says on the tin. Embrace what they are about, it will be the best investment to your business ever!

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Entrevo Ltd - 26 York Street, Westminster, London, W1U 6PZ, United Kingdom.

For Sixteen years Sacha pursued her passion. Her love of flowers allowed her to continue year after year as a florist despite the fact that her business barely paid the bills, let alone a lucrative wage.When Sacha was first considering the KPI Accelerator Programme, she told us that she was seriously thinking about giving the flowers up and getting a job as a PA. It wasn’t what she wanted to do ... but she felt she had very little choice.The thing we liked most about working with Sacha was her complete willingness to try out the ideas in the KPI Programme. She got started without hesitation and made some big leaps ahead quickly.She developed a new Pitch. Rather than being a florist, Sacha started saying that she “specialised in bringing out a woman’s worth through flower arranging”.This new Pitch led to a whole new business within 2 months. Sacha started running flower arranging workshops for corporate women in the CBD. She also started talks within the prison service, teaching women in prison how to arrange flowers as a sideline.Sacha began writing her Book ...

Big Day/Small Budget - A guide to saving money on weddings and events from a florist who’s seen every trick in the book.She also wrote ‘49 Tips for Flowers’, a little book that is now sold in flower shops and she is in talks with supermarkets and hobby shops across the UK.Next she set about creating a Product. Sacha recorded a DVD and built a “Home Flower Arranging Kit” so that women all over the world could discover the joy of making their own bouquet, centrepiece or buttonholes. This is currently being pitched to Living TV and UKTV for a weekly show - it will do for flowers, what cookery programmes do for food.She then set to work on creating her Facebook, Twitter, Blog and YouTube presence. Today if you Google “Sa-cha” you’ll discover a woman on a mission of flowers!Finally Sacha fearlessly picked up the phone and began doing what she had been taught on the programme.Within 6 months of starting the KPI Strategy as part of the KPI Accelerator Programme, Sacha has gone from frustrated and ready to give up... to being a Key Person in her industry with bunches of opportunity blossom-ing wherever she goes.

KPI Case Study ...Sacha Selcuk

Harley Farmer

As an Aussie living in Cambridge, England, and working a global strategy, I can assure all of you in Australia the KPI accelerator programme really works. The team very quickly showed I was struggling because I had too much to offer! This new network of friends helped me find and develop the best micro-niche. I was in the first KPI set and have crewed at some of the more recent ones. The really great news is how the KPI team have listened to us all and progressively improved what what already fantastic. If you’re ready to step up and show your true potential, the KPI accelerator is for you. Have fun.

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Karen Finnin

This program will stop you watching and wishing, and start you doing. I love the structure it has given my business development. I’m putting in the hard yards, but it’s such a relief to know that my efforts are being put into exactly the areas I need to make my business explode. What a bonus meeting a motivated bunch of like-minded classmates to collaborate with.

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KPI Case Study ...Lazo Freeman

Lazo Freeman used to say he was a Personal Trainer. We weren’t surprised, he certainly looks the part. We discovered that he isn’t just any Personal Trainer, he’s actually a multi-award winning body builder. He’s won major titles for Natural Body Building and he even won a competition to meet Cindy Crawford!Despite his awards, his hourly rate was only marginally higher than most Personal Trainers who had NOT won any awards. Lazo was charging about 30 percent higher than the industry average.Like many in his industry he thought that the key to his success was doing more courses, getting more qualifications and having a nice brochure.Lazo was working hard with his clients and getting great results ... but not seeing the financial rewards.Lazo heard about the KPI Accelerator Strategy and he really “got it”. He realised that he hadn’t differentiated himself from other Personal Trainers and he hadn’t used his success to establish himself as a Key Person of Influence yet.The first thing we did was develop his Perfect Pitch. Today, rather than introducing himself as ‘Personal Trainer’, Lazo will tell you he does ‘Radical 12 week body transformations with highly successful people who do amazing things in their work but very ordinary things naked!’

That line always gets a laugh, but more importantly, people want to see pictures of the 12 week transformations. When Lazo pulls out his book and shows them some before and after shots of his clients, jaws hit the floor. In 12 weeks, Lazo can transform a skinny guy into a buff guy, a fatty to a muscle man. The transformations are extraordinary.He then directs them to his DVD and invites people to make friends with him on his Facebook Profile. By the time you see all of his photos, his YouTube videos and his testimonials, you know that he is THE man for ‘Radical 12 Week Transformations in London’. Before you get too excited about getting him to work with you, we should tell you what happened to his prices. Today, Lazo charges £10,000 for a Radical 12 Week Transformation, and he has a waiting list! Combined with a lucrative new sponsorship deal, this makes him the highest paid “personal trainer” in London. It wasn’t the awards that made it happen. It wasn’t the years of getting outstanding results with his clients. It was following the 5 step formula that caused a dramatic shift. Lazo is now a KPI in his industry and charges 500 per cent (£10,000 per client) of what the normal person in his industry charges. He earns more than most doctors or lawyers and he has a lot more fun because he lives his passion.

Mike Symes

The KPI Programme is a game-changing formula that delivers extraordinary results by accelerating the development of your personal brand and your business. Not only is it business enhancing, it is a life enhancing experience. The sequential step process and the supportive nature of the groups encourage and ensure success. KPI is both an enabler and an accelerator, showing you how to extract the mountain of knowledge that you have and enabling you to articulate and demonstrate your IP with clarity and authority.

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Entrevo Ltd - 26 York Street, Westminster, London, W1U 6PZ, United Kingdom.

IS THE 9 MONTH KPI GROWTH ACCELERATOR for me and my business?

SME A/B demographic: £75,000 - £2.5M Revenue. Optimistic. Driven. Progressive. Influencer of your peers.

Financial Planner Instructor Physiotherapist Banker Plumber Personal Trainer Lawyer Accountant Real E











Engineer A

rtist Programmer Designer Architect Naturopath M

assage Therapist Coach Speaker Author Media P









c In

ventor etc...


NG - S


ES -


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YES! I would like to attend a KPI Discovery Session! Great! Please tick the box that best reflects you:

I have talents and experience that I want to turn into a viable business. I have an existing business with revenues of < £500,000 that I want to grow. My business turns over > £500,000 and I would like to build my personal brand. I’m an employee and would like to become a KPI inside my organisation. Other (please give details).

Discovery Session Registration

Each KPI 9 MONTH GROWTH ACCELERATOR is made up of a dynamic group of extraordinary people who are committed to supporting each other to their highest potential. If you are serious about exploring whether this journey is right for you, then join us for a Discovery Session!

A Discovery Session is an invaluable process we have developed that will provide you with insights as to your hidden value, and how to best leverage it moving forward in the context of the 5 steps of becoming a Key Person of Influence.

Why attend a discovery session? Uncover the inhibitors that are keeping you from your Personal Best.

Discover 4 key frameworks that will help you identify, organise and commercialise your ‘mountain of value’.

Address any concerns or challenges you may need to overcome.

Discuss the KPI enrolment criteria and payment options.

Amount: Total inc VAT: £50 (donation to Peace One Day)

Payment Type

Name on Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Card Number

Security Code Expiry Date . . . . . . . . . . / . . . . . . . . . .

We charge a nominal £50 participation fee for the Discovery Session to help ensure our time is not absorbed by spectators. 100% of this fee will be donated to Peace One Day and/or various causes we support via our charity partner B1G1. If you don’t feel the session was worth the investment of your time and money, we will refund your money and donate an additional £50 on your behalf as compensation.


Debit Card Visa Mastercard Cash

Full Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Phone: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Email: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Postcode: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Entrevo Ltd Company #: 07602936

26 York Street, Westminster, London, W1U 6PZ, United Kingdom.p: 0844 477 1618 | e: [email protected]

Ask not what the world needs. Instead, ask what makes you come alive and go do that,

as what the world needs are people who have come alive.

Dr Howard Thurman