kp 4

Instead of Mangal Dosh which of course has its own pros and cons, look for the following combinations in a Females Horoscope which carry a Great risk for creating an Unhappy Marriage to her. 1) Born on Saturday with Ashlesha Nakshatra. 2) Born on Tuesday with Satabisha Nakshatra. 3) Born on Sunday with a Vishakha Nakshatra. Some Important Dictums - 1) Natural Benefics like Jupiter, Venus , Moon and Mercury become Deadly malefics and also Marakas for certain Ascendants as per their Lordships, while Natural Malefics like Mars and Saturn become First Class Benefics for same reasons. 2) The Lord of the 8th is Good whenever its also Lord of the Lagna. 3) Rahu and Ketu will produce Good Results when placed in Lagna, or when placed in Sign of Benefics. 4) When a Planet is Lord of both Trikona as well as the 8th House, the Results of the Trikona House would predominate. Rahu is Karak for - Strength, trouble from enemies, Prestige, fear from Water, Meaningless speech, unlawful actions, Raj Yoga, Skin diseases and Unorthodox behaviours. Ketu is Karak for - Sleep, Change of Place, Delays, Dreams, Small Pox, Success in research work, accidental death, tastelessness, Germs and Leprosy. I have a Leo Ascendant . Am entering Budh antardasha soon. I have the following Queries to answer with regards to my Budh antardasha. Please help me with the answers , if You can. 1) My Sister who is Elder to me, is doing Cooking Professionally in Calcutta and supplying all Marwaadi and Gujaraati delcacies for Party Orders, Lunch Tiffins and running her personal expenditures. She has some Property in her father in laws name , which if sold, would fetch her about 50 Lakhs as her share if it is sold. She would then be able to shift from her present house and move to a more better Vastu Compliant House. Would this be possible for her to enter a new house? 2) I want to enter a Business which needs a lot of travelling from my side. Though I am 50+ but quite young as all of you know But enjoy



Transcript of kp 4

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Instead of Mangal Dosh which of course has its own pros and cons, look for the following combinations in a Females Horoscope which carry a Great risk for creating an Unhappy Marriage to her.1) Born on Saturday with Ashlesha Nakshatra.2) Born on Tuesday with Satabisha Nakshatra.3) Born on Sunday with a Vishakha Nakshatra.

Some Important Dictums -1) Natural Benefics like Jupiter, Venus , Moon and Mercury become Deadly malefics and also Marakas for certain Ascendants as per their Lordships, while Natural Malefics like Mars and Saturn become First Class Benefics for same reasons.2) The Lord of the 8th is Good whenever its also Lord of the Lagna.3) Rahu and Ketu will produce Good Results when placed in Lagna, or when placed in Sign of Benefics.4) When a Planet is Lord of both Trikona as well as the 8th House, the Results of the Trikona House would predominate.

Rahu is Karak for -Strength, trouble from enemies, Prestige, fear from Water, Meaningless speech, unlawful actions, Raj Yoga, Skin diseases and Unorthodox behaviours.Ketu is Karak for -Sleep, Change of Place, Delays, Dreams, Small Pox, Success in research work, accidental death, tastelessness, Germs and Leprosy.

I have a Leo Ascendant . Am entering Budh antardasha soon. I have the following Queries to answer with regards to my Budh antardasha. Please help me with the answers , if You can.1) My Sister who is Elder to me, is doing Cooking Professionally in Calcutta and supplying all Marwaadi and Gujaraati delcacies for Party Orders, Lunch Tiffins and running her personal expenditures. She has some Property in her father in laws name , which if sold, would fetch her about 50 Lakhs as her share if it is sold. She would then be able to shift from her present house and move to a more better Vastu Compliant House. Would this be possible for her to enter a new house?2) I want to enter a Business which needs a lot of travelling from my side. Though I am 50+ but quite young as all of you know But enjoy working from my place without moving around. Should I enter this Business ?3) I want to enter another Business with My Mother as a Partner. Should I ?4) How would be my Fathers health in near future. He is around 80 Years of Age.5) I am facing Imprisonment due to hitting a person badly for him abusing me. Will I have to go to prison, or would I be acquitted ?(Mention reasons along with answers or else your responses would not be acknowledged. ONLY the above Informations is available on My Chart. Do not ask further, but base your answers only on above informations given to You).

Normally if a Planet is placed 12th from the House it Owns, then this placement will spoil the significations of the House which that Planet owns.For ex, the 9th Lord placed in the 8th will spoil significations of the 9th House.

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The 7th Lord if placed in the 6th will spoil the marriage House.The 5th Lord if placed in 4th means difficulties in begetting children.But in case of the 10th Lord coming in the 9th, it does not spoil the 10th House. This is due to the reasons that the 9th House is the most auspicious House in the whole Chart, and when the 10th lord is placed here, it on the contrary creates a great Raj Yoga, and the man receives honours, an enhanced status, and wide fame and acclaim. If Mars is the 6th Lord and the Ascendant Lord too, which means Scorpio Ascendant, THEN MARS WILL GIVE A HEADACHE AND NERVE ISSUES TO THE NATIVE.

REMEDIES FOR RAHU:-Pooja of Rahu Yantra or Picture of deity.Japa of Rahu Mantra – Om Brhaam Bhreem Bhraum Sah raahve NamahPut some Jau in Water at Night and in Morning feed to BirdsJau Daana can also be put in Milk and then thrown in flowing Water.Black Coal equal to Your Weight be immersed in River or Seas.Put a Swastik on Main Door.Eat Your Food Only in the Kitchen and Not anywhere else.Have Red Coloured Windows in Your Bedroom, red Bedsheets and Red Blankets.Immerse Coconuts in Sea.Saraswati Poojan to be done Daily.Do Not accept electrical items, Steel vessels or Blue Shirts from anyone free of cost or as a Gift.Do a Kanya Daan Once.Wear a Gomed Gem Stone.Live in a Joint family.Do Not Use Tobacco.These are general remedies. For Specific remedies on Rahu placed in a particular Bhava in Ones Horoscope request me for Professional Consultations.(DO NOT DISCUSS WITH ME ON ABOVE REMEDIES > I DO NOT HAVE THAT MUCH TIME PLEASE)

Rule from Nadi Shaastra :-1) From a given Bhav see which Planet rules the 8th. 2) Note its Navamsha Position at Birth. 3) Saturn in transit with the said Navamsha will destroy the first mentioned Bhava and cause much Grief thereof. Taking Example below :-Suppose I want to check about the 3rd house when it would be destroyed. Application of above Rule.1) Venus rules the 8th house from the 3rd.2) The Navamsha position of Venus is Sagittarius Sign.3) Saturn thus when enters Sagittarius after 2 1/2 years, will destroy the 3rd House of the Native.

I received a proposal from a Beautiful Lady member from some Other Group, and she wants me to marry her. Assuming that I am a Divorcee, should I agree to her proposal ? All I have been told about her Chart is that she has Jupiter in her 2nd House, and Mars + Ketu in the 8th. Her Ascendant is Unknown.

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HE ANSWER - This Combination can cause an Early Widowhood for the LAdy, so better be avoided for Marriage. Whenever Rahu and Ketu are mentioned and their results asked for in Your Own horoscopes, please understand that it cannot be a One Line statement from One Bloody Placement. One has to check the degree of Orbs of conjunctions if any with these Shadowy Planets, the aspects on them from other planets, the Houses which they themselves aspect, their Sign lords and their Star Lords......Its ONLY After studying all this can some assessment be made which serves any Purpose to the Querist.Just asking what results would Ketu and Venus would give, will only solicit General results as the answer, and Not Specific. what about results of venus-ketu yoga ? It will spoil ones Marriage Life completely.... In a Male Nativity, if the 7th House, 7th Lord, and Venus are all three afflicted, then what could be one of the important Results ? The responses are mostly all Right. But what I wanted was this : THE Sperms in that Mans Semen would not be capable of Giving Birth to Children. Normally whenever any Planet conjoins with the Sun, it would be overpowered by the Sun and be rendered weak due to the luminous Hot Rays of the Sun, BUT in case of Mercury conjoining the Sun it would on the contrary create a Yoga. Mercury is the Prodigal Child, Smart, Cheerful, intelligent and Chancal (Not Stationary). The person would be intelligent and educated (This does not necessarily mean academically educated) when the Sun is closely conjoint to Mercury. The Combustion part may be ignored. The 12th House is Not all that Bad as made out to be.... All Industrialists have this House activated as this is the House of Capital investment of a Long term kind- Land and estates as in Factory Buildings, Offices-Branches all around in various cities etc. A House which would allow us to repay Loans taken from Banks for our Business expansions or Large Business activities. A Benefic in the 12th would allow us Bed Pleasures and Comforts of the Bed. (Who does not want this ?)Jupiter even aspecting the 12th creates a Route for Moksha, and Not just Ketu being placed in the 12th.

Normally if a Planet is placed 12th from the House it Owns, then this placement will spoil the significations of the House which that Planet owns.For ex, the 9th Lord placed in the 8th will spoil significations of the 9th House.The 7th Lord if placed in the 6th will spoil the marriage House.The 5th Lord if placed in 4th means difficulties in begetting children.But in case of the 10th Lord coming in the 9th, it does not spoil the 10th House. This is due to the reasons that the 9th House is the most auspicious House in the whole Chart, and when the 10th lord is placed here, it on the contrary creates a great Raj Yoga, and the man receives honours, an enhanced status, and wide fame and acclaim. Some appetisers before Dinner :-1) The More Planets in the 1st House means more Power to the native.(In Mahatma Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and such powerful people you will find 2+ Planets in their Lagnas).2) Why is Rahu known as a Materialistic Graha ? Answer - Because Rahu is the Lord of the Asuras. And Have you heard of that Story in Mahabharat when Bhima went to kill that Rakshasa who used to eat Cart Loads of food and also One Human being alongwith ? So we learn that the appetitie of an Asura is Never satisfied. He has Unlimited wants. 3) Well since on Rahu, then further inputs.. Rahu in 2nd or 11th would give lots of secret Money and Secret Love affairs too in 11th. (For ex. in Charts of Income Tax Officers or Sales officers or Govt Officials or whoever thrives on Bribes, one may find such placement )4) Mars or Saturn if placed in 4th House OR if Lord of 6th, 8th or 12th placed in 4th House, then

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the Native will suffer much hardships in Early Life.5) But these Planets like, Sun, Saturn, or Mars in the 4th would give the native much stamina, strength and courage to push forward despite heavy Odds.6) The 5th house shows ones intellectual and creative abilities, therefore the more number of Planets in the 5th , the more Intelligent and Genius like would the person be. (Of course they must be Benefic Planets)7) Saturn if joins Mars or Ketu in the 3rd or the 12th House, be careful of such natives as they can turn violent Criminals at slightest provocations.8) Saturn if in the first or 8th if aspected by Mars in a Violent Sign, then accidental deaths can be foretold.9) The Planets Sun, Venus, Jupiter,, Moon or Rahu if placed in the 5th can make a person a Natural speculator or a Gambler.10) Combust Mars or Venus in the 3rd house (House of Sub Consciousness) , can spoil ones Mental peace by too much of sensual thinking. Saturn strong in ones Horoscope is a Big Advantage for one to become a Good Astrologer or Practitioner of Occult.Astrology is a Divine Science and requires great intelligence, higher mind, intellect and thought. Over all the person must be Honest, sincere, pious, God fearing and a surrendered Soul to become a Good Astrologer. Saturn when its strong in ones Horoscope, provides such honesty of purpose, sincerity, and integrity. The Role Of the Moon - Part 2So now coming to the Purpose of this Post. the Moon is not only the Karak of the Mind but also of ones Mother. This One Planet if made to work as a Benefic for us, would solve many of the problems in our Life. Does this sound impossible or Illogical ? No it should Not.1) Dont we know that if the Mind is moved away from Tamas, it has Only two more places to reach out to, Rajas or Sattva. And if all our actions are Oriented towards Rajas or Sattwa then we would commit less mistakes and face less trouble. Dont you agree ?2) One if takes His Mothers blessings then nothing in the world can stop the person from attaining progress in Life. At least the hurdles and impediments and the obstacles in his life can be crossed easier. I am sure and hope you would agree to this too. So the above two reasons are enough for us to Look up at Our Moon's and see what we can do about it, to make it work in a more Benefic manner towards us. How do we do this, would be the subject matter in our next Post... The Role Of the Moon - Part 1

Most of us, Nay all of Us, in majority through Our whole Lives, suffer much from Mental Agony everyday rather than Physical Agony. I do not think that anyone suffers more than 5% of His Whole Life in Actual Physical suffering but 95% of his life is spent in suffering Mentally.Except perhaps in Old age or when some disease comes, its Only then do we suffer physically. Rest of the time its all mental . Right ? This suffering may be created due to less wealth, less of comforts or luxuries, No Love in Our Life, bad mouthed spouse, uncongenial circumstances and surroundings. not reaching ones ambitions, some conflicts with someone, etc etc....

This is the Reasons that the Moon in Indian Astrology has been given a Major Role to play, to decide the Vimsottari Dasha and the turn of events preceding thereof. And so has it been given the Role to be known as a Major Important Kundli- The Chandra Kundli. And so has it been given many Yogas which are created due to the position of the Moon and placements of other planets vis a vis to the number of Houses counted from the Moon.

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The Moon has a major Role to play especially for Us Indians, because almost 99.99% of Our Populations is swayed by Emotions. We are considered to be "Emotional and Sentimental Fools". Our Actions are thus based on how Our Emotions and Sentiments play a part in our Lives. We cannot control Our Mental influences , thoughts, and desires arising therefrom. Thus in India which has produced the Greatest Jyotishis in the world we also give much impetus and preference to the Raashi (Chandra) Chandra Kundli. Because thats what would decide how we would Act. The Lagna Kundli would decide the Results of Our Actions.

A South facing Main Door is Not supposed to be good for any Residence or Office. At such residences normally the Family members are Unsatisfied. But is it so easy to change Main Doors ? We cant even change the Position of the Television or Computer at our place without facing stiff oppositions from our better halves. Changing Main Doors means BIG Trouble.So how to Cure this malady ?Buy a Red coloured Monkey made of Mud or whatever and place it on the MainDoor facing any Visitor who enters the Main Door. The Red Monkey is one of the Significations of Lord Surya Naraayan hence the Negativity due to this Door would be removed to a good extent. Kundalini Shakti is the Power within us, which if controlled we can reach the Source from which the Lord created the World - Om. This syllable was the spoken word by God, through which the Universe created. The words come out from the 2nd House of Speech in Our Horoscopes. This Second House is ruled by Venus. And thus the Kundalini Shakti too is Ruled by Venus.Venus is one of the most important Planets for ones profession if one just gives thought to this Principle, he would find this working in almost every Chart. The position of the Venus determines Your profession. Because his is nothing but Your Kundalini Energy Channelised. Some do it the right manner, while others do not know how to harness it and where to take it. Those who channelise this Energy consciously will reach the Pinnacle of Both Karma and Dharma.In most of us Commoners its Not Channelised, so we run hither thither and suffer every where, both in Karma, and Dharma, and never reach our targets anywhere...

Technique 50: Mer Ketu Trine - Throat etc

If Mer is in trine to Ketu then it CAN give at some stage in life

a) Throat Problems/infections etc Orb) Skin Infections/Rashes etcc) Thyroid Problems

Our ref: Younger Bro gave this nadi rule

Sign of Point on the Palm -.Practical Palmistry...Doctor Nd 188

As per the studies of palmistry black point within the closed fist is considered fruitful because such a

person does not lack wealth. And if the black point is not within the enclosed fist than the person has

wealth but he can not accumulate it, he spends it as it comes to him.

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If there is a black point on the region of Jupiter, then that person faces many obstacles related to

his/her marriage. Sometimes that person earns bad name in a love affair and social life, due to this

they get hardly success in life.

If you find any sign of black point on the mount of Saturn, than it indicates that the person will be

notoriety in love affairs, and domestic life becomes painful, even marriage life gets many problems.

Black point on the mount of Sun indicates a very ordinary life.

If a black point on the region of Mercury makes cunning and cheater, such a person suffers loss in

the business.

A black point on the area of Moon indicates delay in marriage, and many accidents during marine


Sometimes if you observe a black point on the area of Venus, then you can understand that the

person is lascivious and his secret organ suffers from a certain disease.

If there is a black point on the head line of any person, then it indicates serious head injury and

mental diseases. Black point on the heart line makes weak-hearted. If there is a black point on the

fate line of a person, then his whole life remains unfortunate.

If there is a black point on the health line makes a person weak throughout his life. A black point on

the marriage line indicates obstacles in marriage.

If there is a black point on the line of mars then the person will be coward and weak hearted. Black

point on the line of Moon is also not considered good as it hampers the progress.

If a black point is on the finger of Apollo, than indicates failure in the business of that person. If there

is a black point on the little finger, then the person suffers loss in business and can not extend his


Hence many times points are not considered progressive for any person in palmistry.

Practical Palmistry...Doctor Nd Shrimali..Page .173

Ring Of Juptier..(Ring of Jupiter) :

The line encircling the root of the index finger and is semicircle and also encircles the mount of

Jupiter. The one end of the ring goes out side the palm and the other end of which lies between the

index finger and the finger of the Saturn. Such a ring is called the Ring of the Jupiter or the Ring of


The person having the ring of Jupiter is found to be quite sober and generous. But such persons are

found to be highly ambitious. He achieves great success in the field of education. But such kind and

generous individuals has one shortcoming, which sometimes prove detrimental in his way of life.

Such individuals always like to keep an air of wealth around him. He also likes useless pomp and as

a result his style of living is extravagant. 

Hence he spent more than his earning. Such persons have a bad habit to try to get maximum benefit

from minimum labor but they fail in their efforts. It leads to frustration in their later life. 

Hence the persons with the ring of Jupiter are found to suffer from frustration and disappointment in

the final stage of their life.

General Rules

1) The Moon is the body, while the ascendant (i.e. Ascendant degree) is its breadth.

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2) Conjunction Saturn and mars in Libra ascendant will lead to loss of father in childhood, difficulties to mother and birth of no after born.(My maternal cousin have this yoga in his chart and I have lost my mama in 2009, My maternal aunt is facing lot of difficulties since then)

3) When Saturn Joins mars in cancer sign in 8th house, the native will see his spouse and sons in sickness and physical decay according to sages.

4) The Moon in the close company of ketu denotes that during childhood the subject will be breast-fed by another woman (than the mother). He will not have just one step mother (i.e. will have many) out of whom this subject will be dear to one. 

5) If Saturn is in 7th house without the aspect of a benefic planet joins an exalted planet, a yoga called “Nara” is produced. The native will be, as a result a great sinner, will torture and cheat others, will do base acts and kill Brahmins. On account of these diseases and loss of sons, he will be emaciated.

6) Should Saturn be in Cancer and join ketu in navamsa the person will get disorders of excretion and urine but will have an early cure.

7) Saturn in own sign, own navamsa or in exaltation in aspect to mars will cause happy childhood. The person will be happy after 8, in particular. He will eat limited food (quality of a Yogi or sadhak),be charitable, famous devoted to lord shiva, be skilled in writing and learning, be fond of panchakshari mantra, be disposed to sing in the praise of lord and be honorable, be more intelligent than his father. He will have 2 maternal uncle, 2 paternal uncles,1 paternal aunt who will have a long living husband.

8) Should 7th lord be in lagan, the dasha of 7th lord will cause happiness part from marriage to his son.

9) In case of immovable ascendants (Vrish, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius), if moon is placed in Scorpio navamsa. Happiness will come to the native after 35 years. The native obtain wealth and increased prosperity.

10) Rahu in the 3rd house and its depositor in the lagan in the aspect of Jupiter will make the native devotee of lord shiva and Vishnu.

11) If the Arudh pada of the 12th house counted from the moon is occupied by malefic, the native will not be happy. If Jupiter aspects the said pada, some happiness will exist.

12) The conjunction of the lords of 9th and the 10th in the 8th from the ascendant will be a reason for obstacles to prosperity which will be limited as such. This yoga will give fortunes after the age of 24 for a period of 6 years following which grief will come to pass.

13) Jupiter in the Arudh of 7th house, with a navamsa of his own and in full strength will contribute to acquisition of conveyances.


Navamsa Rules

1) Even the son of the ruler of the whole earth will earn a meal by beggary and will be chief among naked ascetics when all the planets are in exaltation signs with corresponding debilitation navamsa.

2) Planet becomes powerful if placed in navamsa owned by a yogakaraka( eg for Taurus lagan, Saturn becomes the yogkaraka, so planets placed in the navamsa of yogkaraka will be rendered powerful provided that yogkaraka planet is in strength)

3) If a planet is debilitated in rashi chart but begets his exaltation navamsa, the person will be rich and will enjoy many pleasures. If the said debilitated planet is in the navamsa of a Yogkaraka, birth in a prosperous family is denoted.

4) A planet in exaltation sign and debilitated navamsa will be grievous. The one in debilitation sign with exaltation navamsa will be source of happiness. Pleasures and raja yoga will follow a planet that is Vargottammi in its own sign.


Raja Yogas

1) Matta Matanga Yoga: The lords of angles and trines should be in their own signs, or in a sign that exalts the lord of the ascendant or should be in angles/trines. This yoga will get nullified if the lord of the ascendant

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occupies an inimical sign or the sign of his debility. One born in the said yoga will be wealthy owing limitless sums.

2) Chandradhi Yoga results when moon is all powerful with full rays, with benefic in 7th, 6th and 8th houses from moon. The person concerned will be the ruler of the earth with all kind of pleasures at his disposal. NOTE: In this yoga benefic in 7th from Moon will produce an army chief, in 6th will produce a minister and in 8th will produce a KING.

3) Should Venus be in the 11th from Arudh lagan in strength, or aspect the said 11th or should the Venus be in lagan with the moon, it will grant conveyances, Ministership, elephants and headship of an army.( Got this yoga, AL falls in 3rd house and venus is present in lagan)

4) One will enjoy prosperity and fame if the Arudh pada for the ascendant or for the 9th is in relation with Venus either by aspect or association.

5) Maha Pandita Yoga: If sun and mercury join in a sign which is the ascendant and is the place of exaltation for one of them or if Jupiter alone is in the ascendant in exaltation the said yoga is produced. Person would be scholar, ruler of men and land, wealthy, will be scientific, learned, good speaker, protector of secrets, wise and virtuous.

6) Raj pooja Yoga: If 9th Lord is in exaltation with exceeding strength (strong in shadbala and otherwise), in aspect to moon, while an angle or trine is occupied by mercury, this yoga is formed. Native will be very very rich, be famous, long lived and endowed with sons.

7) Moksha yoga: If Jupiter or Venus is in an angle or a trine, attaining the 12th sign counted from navamsa ascendant, the subject will be relieved of mundane bonds, i.e. will attain moksha. Note: If Jupiter is in Sagittarius in 10th house and 12th lord Saturn in 7th house in his own navamsa, then native will attain heavens due to the mercy of lord shiva. Later on he will have an excellent rebirth. 

8) For Scorpio Ascendant, should Venus be in trine from the ascendant, Jupiter in the 2nd or the 6th and moon is free from malefic conjunction, the subject will have a pure history, be ever considerate, helpful to others, passionate and famous in the world 

9) Special Rule of Kalyug: One born with even 3 exalted planets will not beget raja yoga unless there is a planet in simultaneous debility which has Neecha-Bhanga Raj yoga to its credit.

10) Sri Gauri Yoga: Venus in the 4th with the moon causes Sri Gauri yoga. The subject will have symbols of fish, barley and Ankusha (elephant Driver’s hook) on his palm. He will be interested in honoring Gods and Brahmins and saints. Further, he will have special symbols on the back and sides of the body, be of sacrificing mind, attached to yoga systems, be lordly, will have a small hump on the shoulder(shoulder may be bent a bit) and will have attractive spouse and progeny. He will be head of an army, be happy, will have strong limbs, be lustful, endowed with great physical strength. He will be knower of everything, be discriminating in taste and will enjoy pleasures.

Though I have moon in my 4th house and Venus in lagan, don’t know whether this yoga is applicable in my chart but I clearly have Fish, flag and Conch marked on my hand. 

11) The lords of the 9th and 10th counted from 9th should join in a sign which is own or exaltation sign for one of them. The ascendant lord being in strength should be aspected by a benefic planet. As a result, the subject will be kingly and will enjoy the status due to an emperor. He will be endowed with many gems, riches, grains, gold and be a lord of wealth. 

12) Mandara Yoga: The Lord of the moon sign in exaltation while the moon sign is in aspect to a benefic and moon should be in 2nd house. He will be wealthy, munificent, will own elephants and horses will perform good deeds and be highly virtuous. He will earn merits by worshipping Gods and Brahmins.

13) Parijata Yoga: 

a) The navamsa depositor of the 9th lord should be in an immovable navamsa.

b) The depositor of the 9th lord should be in exaltation.

c) The depositor of the depositor of the 9th lord should be in angle w.r.t Moon, Venus and ascendant.

Just for your understanding, I have got this yoga clearly present in my chart.

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9th lord moon placed in 4th, its navamsa depositor is Mars who is placed in Scorpio navamsa (Immovable navamsa). Depositor of Moon i.e. Saturn is exaltated and further the depositor of Saturn i.e. venus is in lagan ( in Kendra from Moon, lagan and Venus itself)

The native will be a king (till date I am not), Knowledgeable in the branch of Justice, be honored by kings, skillful in archery and astrology. A repository of mercy, modest, endowed with virtuous sons and wealth and be charming as the moon. Further his fame will start spreading in the world from the 20th Year. Prosperity will knock his door from the 27th Year.

14) Venus in 2nd and Jupiter in 11th house will mitigate 100 evil combinations at birth. They should be in strength.

15) Indra Yoga: The conjunction of Venus, Saturn and mercury in 11th house for Libra ascendant. Venus should however be in the 9th house of navamsa chart. Such a native will enjoy material pleasures, be liked by the ruler, will take to right path of living and will enjoy illimitable wealth. He will construct temples, towers etc and would be charitable.

16) The native of cancer ascendant will enjoy raja yoga if the lords of 9th and 12th are aspected by or conjunct Venus. The will be king. He will be courageous, valorous and fond of drama, rhetoric, poetry and music, be eloquent, truthful and fond of scents and garlands.

17) Venus in Gopuramasa, Jupiter in Paravatamsa and moon again in Paravatamsa will case hari hara Brahma yoga. The native will be the ruler who will have all good qualities and will enjoy all kinds of pleasures.

18) Another form of Shri Matsya Yoga: Jupiter and Venus should be in the navamsa occupied by the 9th lord. Results are same as mentioned elsewhere.

19) Sun in Vargottammi, the lord of the ascendant in a benefic sign and mercury in the 10th from lagan will produce chamara yoga, results are same mentioned elsewhere.

20) Rudrasana Yoga: If the 6th, 8th and 12th from lagan simultaneously contains planets in exaltation, this yoga is formed. The native will simply be the ruler of the earth.

21) Neecha Bhang Raja yoga: When Saturn is debilitated in 11th house simultaneously being Vargottammi while its depositor mars in placed angle to moon (especially 10th from moon in my exp). The subject will be equal to an emperor. His prosperity will rise after 25th year. This yoga will be felt throughout his life.

Draw this on a paper and preserve it with you. Get your birth chart casted from a computer or Internet in a south Indian mode which looks like this with planets posited in it. If your Jupiter is in BOX NO; 4 and Ketu, Moo, Mars is not in the same box or in other two box Nos: 4. From November onwards next two and a half years will be a good period for new ventures, Job profiles, new jobs or promotions. Rest in Next - ( I will tel you if other planets are there)

n our horoscope if Box No: 4 has Ketu and Mars, you will leave the job and if Jupiter is there in Box No 4 you will get new job and If moon is also in the box then you may have to shift the working place. If Rahu is also joins Moon in this box there is lots of chances of foreign job.

Foreign Spouse (Love Marriage) AstrologyThere are many clues in astrology about what kind and location of spouse one can get. There are planets combinations which shows about foreign, different culture or different cast of spouse.

There are some indication of when one can get foreign or different culture spouse. Love marriage is major factor for getting different culture spouse.

5th house represents love and romance, and 7th house represents marriage and legal binding. If 5th lord sitting in 7th house or 7th house lord sitting in 5th house and if there is parivartana yoga between 5th and 7th house,makes person marry the person they love. This is a strong combination for love marriage. They bring their lover in their life or in legal binding means convert lover into life partner (turning love into love marriage).

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If there is connection between 9th lord to the 5th or 7th house lord or house there lot of chances a person may get different culture or foreigner spouse. Because 9th house represents long distance traveling therefore there is lot of chances the person may meet spouse in traveling or in foreign land.

If Sagittarius sign fall in 7th house, means 7th house have Sagittarius energy it may also bring some foreign element in life and if Jupiter sitting in 9th house is strong indication of different culture spouse.

Venus in the 9th house makes person to incline towards different culture and foreign things that person may get foreign partner.

Venus is wife in man chart and Jupiter is husband in woman chart or ruler of seventh house lord significator of spouse if these planets in 12th house there is lot chances that a person get spouse in foreign land or of different culture or background.

Rahu (North Node) represents foreign things. If Rahu in 7th house or sitting with Venus and Jupiter makes person inclined towards foreign liking, therefore there is lot of chances that person marry different culture person. Rahu sitting with 7th house lord in any house, increase chances for foreign partner. Rahu sitting with saturn in 7th house and if Saturn rule 7th house and sitting in 5th house with Rahu may bring different culture and darker complexion spouse.

Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) gives unorthodox marriage if there is any influence of these planet in the seventh house the person get different culture partner or do marriage against family members.

Any debilitated planet in the seventh house makes person to get different culture and background spouse.

In Gemini astrology the planet having lowest longitude in a birth chart is called dara-karaka which represent marriage partner in both men and women chart. If this this planet influenced by Rahu and Ketu the person may marry in different culture.

Venus and Mars combination gives passionate nature and these people are inclined towards love and relationship. If Venus and Mars combination in 5th, 7th, 9th, and 12th house makes person to marry in different culture.

Same with women Jupiter is husband in women chart if Jupiter is sitting with Rahu in 5th, 7th, 9th, and 12th house she may marry in different culture.

Mars is the boy friend in women chart and if Mars sitting with or aspected by Jupiter its means the women convert her boyfriend into husband, if this combination falls in above house it may be different culture.

There are many other combination also. But these are the general combination of foreign spouse in astrology.

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Astrology and Cancer Disease:------------------------------------------

Cases of cancer can be diagnosed from the Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu;

cancer is directly connected with Rahu, afflicted (waning) Moon, afflicting Jupiter or Sani; and the

signs, Virgo and Pisces. Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn can be involved. Any relation

between the lords of the 6th and the 8th makes for a high intensity of the ailment leading to cancer.

In any chart the 6th is the house of disease, and the 8th that of the nature of death. Cancer is an

infection of the blood, and blood comes under the Moon and Mars, also under the Sun. The

maintenance of the cells is regulated by the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter; and any affliction to these

comes from Mars and Saturn. Rahu governs any form of malignant growth. The 6th and the 8th

house lords are Shani and Kuja, who are in the 6th house of disease. The significance of Kuja and

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Shani in this regard are


Mars – blood, blood pressure, marrow (Leukemia), neck, uterus (ovarian cancer), inflammations

(that lead to cancer), osteoporosis (bone decay).

Saturn – legs, hands and mouth.

The fact that these planets are in the chart in bad signs and conjoined does not mean one will get

cancer. One has to examine all the factors; the periods of the planets, their strengths, and the

divisional charts D-6 (health troubles), D-8 (sudden and unexpected troubles), D-16 (happiness,

comforts and discomforts) and D-30 (diseases, punishments). Prognosis can be determined by the

strengths or weaknesses of Kuja, Shani

and the sign they are in:

1. Face – the factors to be considered are : Moon, Venus, the 2nd house and Taurus, besides

Mars, Saturn and Rahu.

2. Lungs – come under the 3rd house, Gemini, Aries, Libra and Mercury.

3. Throat – is mostly governed by houses the 2nd, the 7th and the 11th.

4. Shoulder – involves houses, the 2nd, the 12th, the 3rd and the 5th , Atmakaraka, Jupiter, the Sun

and Ketu.

5. Breast Cancer – refers to the 3rd house, Gemini, Mercury and the Moon.

6. Cancer of the Stomach – comes under the houses the 5th, 6th and the 8th, Leo the Sun and

Jupiter as the lord of the Drekkana occupied by Saturn.

7. Cancer of the Spleen – as that of the lungs is indicated by the Moon and Rahu.

8. Cancer of the Hips- is controlled by houses the 6th, the 9th, the 4th and the 10th, Sagittarius, and


9. Cancer of the Spine – is indicated by Karka, Capricorn and Saturn.

10. Cancer of the Blood (Lukemia) – is indicated by the Moon and Mars, and also by the Sun’s

relation to these and to Saturn.

11. Cancer of the Gall Bladder – refers to the 8th house and to Scorpio and Pisces.

12. Uterine Cancer – refers to the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and the 7th house.

Normally whenever any Planet conjoins with the Sun, it would be overpowered by the Sun and be rendered weak due to the luminous Hot Rays of the Sun, BUT in case of Mercury conjoining the Sun it would on the contrary create a Yoga. Mercury is the Prodigal Child, Smart, Cheerful, intelligent and Chancal (Not Stationary). The person would be intelligent and educated (This does not necessarily mean academically educated) when the Sun is closely conjoint to Mercury. The Combustion part may be ignored. All of us know that Mars and Venus when together, could make the Native interested in Sensual indulgence with the Other Gender.... This Knowledge we are expert in coz we are the Love Gurus of this whole World.What could be some good results arising out of this combinations , is what we intend to find out from this Post ? Jupiter is the Minister of the Kingdom of the Solar System. Hence He is Wise and adept in Politics. He is also the karak for Rajya-Kripa (Beneficence from Government). apart from this He is Dhan Karaka (Gold), Santaan Karak (Children). And karak for prestige, Success, Brahma Vidya, Rewards, Logic, and Knowledge. It has been seen that most love affairs begin in the dasha/bhukti/antara of 5th, 7th, 9th

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lord, the planet placed in their nakshatras or planet placed in that of the houses. Running dasha of Moon, Venus, Mercury and Rahu also naturally carry strong possibility of falling in love irrespective of their placement in any house. But to convert love into marriage there must be a relationship between the Ascendant, 5th, 7th or the 9th house or their lords. Rahu is a powerful key tool which increses the rate of further possibility of the love marriage probably with an inter caste or in an unconventional way when gets related to them. However, an afflicted or weak 5th house or lord especially under the influence of Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu might be the main reason for break up in relationship even before the marriage. I will talk about few reasons later which often bring separation, break ups and other problems related to marriage and love life. Keep enjoying.. Budh ko Majboot karna ho, toh Hari Chatni aur Tulsi jyaada khaaye.Pakode ke saath kha sakte ho Hari Chatni agar ichha hai toh, aur agar drinks lete ho toh Papad and Hari Chatni kha sakte ho saath mein....Subah roj Shri krishna Bhagwaan ko Tulsi aur Mishri bhog lagakar prasad roop mein leejiye.aapka Budh majboot hoga

Many people think that their Saturn is the cause for all Misery in their Lives. So I would like to suggest such good friends, that why dont You make Your Saturn weak so that the Tragedy Story ends soon without prolonging it.You can make Your Saturn weak, by Eating Non-Veg, by being harsh with your idiot Servants, By beating your Stupid Wife, By killing flies and ants with your hands and feet, by taking advantage of the Labour Class, by paying them less for what they work and produce for you, by indulging in sensual pleasures with a Widow, or an older Woman, or with a Lady Servant. If this does not make Your Saturn weak, then let me know, I have got much more ideas.