Kotlin for Frontend & Backend Web development

Kotlin Frontend & Backend By : Mohamed Hegazy

Transcript of Kotlin for Frontend & Backend Web development

Page 1: Kotlin for Frontend & Backend Web development

KotlinFrontend & Backend

By : Mohamed Hegazy

Page 2: Kotlin for Frontend & Backend Web development


1. Installation Guide.

2. Frameworks we will use.

3. How to use Kotlin frontend with existing HTML pages.

4. How to use Kotlin frontend to create HTML elements.

5. How to use Kotlin + http requests.

6. How to use Kotlin for server side.

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Installation Guide

• Jetbrains Intellij for windows https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/#section=windows

• Create New Project Using Gradle and choose Kotlin (Java).

• Create Kotlin File – with any name you want

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Kotlin for frontend with existing HTML

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Kotlin for frontend with existing HTML

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Kotlin for frontend creating HTML DOMs

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Kotlin Http requests with Fuel

• Fuel Framework https://github.com/kittinunf/Fuel

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Kotlin Http requests with Fuel

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Kotlin Http requests with Fuel

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Kotlin Http requests with Fuel

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Kotlin Http requests with Fuel

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Kotlin Http requests with Fuel

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Kotlin For Server Side

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Installation Guide

• Jetbrains Intellij for windows https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/#section=windows

• Create New Project Using Gradle and choose Kotlin (Java).

• Create Kotlin File – with any name you want

• The Differnece is in the Library that is used – Ktorhttps://github.com/Kotlin/ktor

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Kotlin for frontend HTTP Requests

• Using the Ktor framework

• https://github.com/Kotlin/ktor

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Kotlin for frontend HTTP Requests

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Putting Things Together

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Useful Links

• https://github.com/KotlinBy/awesome-kotlin

• https://kotlinlang.org/docs/tutorials/httpservlets.html

• https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/server-overview.html

• https://kotlin.link/