Knoxbrooke Talk

From the President Pat Dalton President Knoxbrooke Board of Management 2016 heralds a new era in the Management of Knoxbrooke because our long serving CEO, Rad Kilian, has retired and Peter Berthelsen, General Manager of Yarra View Nursery resigned at the end of 2015. The new CEO, Kristian Dauncey, faces many challenges, but has already made it clear that he will introduce significant changes in management structures, in accountability, in the way the organisation presents itself and in the development of our commercial operations. The Board is very supportive of such changes because it accepts that the organisation must become more efficient and professional as it faces the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. From the CEO Kristian Dauncey Chief Executive Officer My thanks to the Knoxbrooke community for the warm hearted welcome I have been given since taking over the reins from Rad Kilian. The good work carried out by the Board, CEO and staff during Rad’s tenure of over 12 years is obvious to me. Knoxbrooke is a wonderful organisation. Since commencing I have attended many introductory meetings and most recently was invited to attend the Day Services Client Council meeting. The Client Council undertakes the important role of advocacy within Knoxbrooke …..cont’d this issue From the President 1 Day Program Service 3 Horticulture Group 5 KIEO 8 Knoxbrooke Talk ISSUE January & February 2016 01

Transcript of Knoxbrooke Talk

From the President Pat Dalton President Knoxbrooke Board of Management

2016 heralds a new era in the Management of Knoxbrooke because our long

serving CEO, Rad Kilian, has retired and Peter Berthelsen, General Manager of

Yarra View Nursery resigned at the end of 2015.

The new CEO, Kristian Dauncey, faces many

challenges, but has already made it clear that he will

introduce significant changes in management

structures, in accountability, in the way the

organisation presents itself and in the development

of our commercial operations. The Board is very

supportive of such changes because it accepts that

the organisation must become more efficient and

professional as it faces the introduction of the

National Disability Insurance Scheme.

From the CEO Kristian Dauncey

Chief Executive Officer

My thanks to the Knoxbrooke community for the warm hearted welcome I have

been given since taking over the reins from Rad Kilian. The good work carried

out by the Board, CEO and staff during Rad’s tenure of over 12 years is obvious

to me. Knoxbrooke is a wonderful organisation.

Since commencing I have attended many introductory meetings and most

recently was invited to attend the Day Services Client Council meeting. The

Client Council undertakes the important role of advocacy within Knoxbrooke …..cont’d

this issue From the President 1

Day Program Service 3 Horticulture Group 5


Knoxbrooke Talk





& F



ry 2




Cont’d …..

representing both themselves and others. Some members of the Client Council will be

attending the upcoming VALID conference in Geelong on 10-12 February 2016. The

program looks jam-packed and I look forward to hearing more about the conference on their


During the next few months, I look forward to meeting with many of you as I come to better

understand and explore all aspects of Knoxbrooke.


Anniversary Celebration Knoxbrooke has a long and proud history and in 2017 reaches a significant milestone year

– Knoxbrooke’s 50th anniversary. To ensure that such an important milestone is recognized

appropriately, the Board has formed a volunteer committee to oversee the planning and

execution of the celebrations.

The committee has met twice and agreed that celebrations will occur in March 2017 and will

engage all present and past participants, workers, staff, parents, friends and supporters of

Knoxbrooke. The local community will be invited to join in the celebrations and through

activities and displays, be given an insight and appreciation for the excellent community

services provided by Knoxbrooke over the years.

NDIS Update As many of you would be aware, the funding environment for disability support is changing

from being Government funded to an insurance funded model through the establishment of

the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). The NDIA is currently and will continue to

administer the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Following extensive NDIA learnings through the various trial sites, the NDIS has announced

all people residing in Inner and Outer Eastern Melbourne will be transitioned to the new

NDIS environment on 1 November 2017.

All people will be assessed for eligibility and meet with a Local Area Co-Ordinator (LAC) to

discuss support needs. The NDIA recently tendered for LAC’s for early transition Victorian

regions being: North East Melbourne, Central Highlands and Loddon Area. The NDIA is not

looking to appoint LAC’s for our region yet.

In recent discussions with the NDIA, it is clear that not all people will be transitioned across

immediately on 1 November 2017 but rather this will occur in an orderly way on or after 1

November 2017.

The NDIS may be concerning you but please rest assured that Knoxbrooke is monitoring

the roll-out and will keep you informed at all stages. Knoxbrooke will ensure that you are

provided with the tools to ensure that when you do meet with the NDIA or it’s

representative, that you are well informed and in a position to achieve a satisfactory

outcome for either yourself and/or your loved one.

KIEO Industries With the amalgamation of Knoxbrooke Industries and Eastern Outsource now complete, the

new name KIEO Industries is doing well at Clancy Road, Mount Evelyn. As with any

business there are ebbs and flows and currently the team at KIEO Industries is very busy.

Our thanks to key customers for their continued support. Further investment has been made

at KIEO Industries to meet customer production requirements.

Day Program Service Glen Bowen Manager Disability Support Services

The Day Program is Closed on the Following Days No service: Monday 14 March 2016 Labour Day Public Holiday No service: Monday 21 March 2016 to Friday 1 April 2016 (inclusively) No service: Monday 25 April 2016 Anzac Day Public Holiday No service: Monday 13 June 2016 Queens Birthday Public Holiday No service: Monday 4 July 2016 to Friday 8 July 2016 (inclusively)

The Knoxbrooke Day Program Service Operates Between 9.00am and 3.00pm. A reminder to all families and carers that the earliest arrival time to Knoxbrooke should be no earlier than 8.50am. It is families and carers responsibility to make Knoxbrooke Day Program staff aware of each persons’ attendance and given that there is no staff supervision available prior to 8.50am, the participant could be at risk. Please also remember that at the end of the day the latest pick up time for participants is 3.15pm. If you have any issues in relation to these operating hours please contact Glen to discuss.

New Air Conditioners for Knoxbrooke A big thank you to the Shanahan family who have donated monies to Knoxbrooke for an air conditioner to be installed in Room 5.

Sun Smart Policy A reminder that well before planning to be outdoors, Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek, Slide. 1. Slip on sun protective clothing that covers as much of your body as possible. 2. Slop on SPF 30 or higher broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen, at least 20

minutes before sun exposure. Reapply every two hours when outdoors or more often if perspiring or swimming.

3. Slap on a broad-brimmed hat that shades your face, neck and ears. 4. Seek shade. 5. Slide on sunglasses.

Coles 50+ sunscreen lotion is available at Knoxbrooke for re-application throughout the day, but if activity is scheduled outdoors in the mornings, Knoxbrooke expects that sunscreen is applied prior to the person coming to Knoxbrooke. For those with allergies or preferences for certain sunscreens, participants and carers must advise us and bring them in.

Signing in on Arrival If you are an independent traveller please remember to sign in at reception each morning. If you are a family member or carer that drops off a Knoxbrooke participant in the mornings, please remember to sign in at reception on behalf of that participant. This daily process assists Knoxbrooke staff to know that these participants are in attendance and also helps us in more accurate invoicing to financial administrators.

Call us if You are Not Attending If you are an independent traveller and not coming in please remember to contact reception. If you use the Knoxbrooke transport service and not coming in please remember to contact the bus mobile phone and leave a message.

Horticulture Group Scott Cavill

Acting General Manager

Yarra View Nursery Hello everyone, I’m Scott Cavill the Acting

YVN General Manager. I’d like to welcome the

new CEO, Kristian Dauncey, to Knoxbrooke,

as well as Acting YVN Site Manager, Helen

Tuckerman, and look forward to working

closely with both of them. Yarra View sales

are still below budget due to some very hot

weather that has dampened interest during

December and January. We are currently

restructuring the YVN sales team and how we

reach out to new and existing customers. I

believe the recent rains, mild weather and

plenty of quality stock on hand has set us up

for a good autumn. I look forward to working

with the entire Knoxbrooke team this year.

The Home of Garden Lovers The New Year is here and Home of Garden Lovers, like us all, has endured some hot dry

weather but has still traded close to budget. Jade, Donna, Claudia, Annie and Robbie have

all done an exceptional job in maintaining both sales and presentation as the nursery is

looking fresh and inviting . Home of Garden Lovers is currently looking at a face lift with new

signs, pathways and car parking to attract more customers.

Volunteers at Yarra View Nursery Michael Anderson

RTO Manager

The article below is letters received from the Ben Thiele, State Business Manager, Neverfail

Water (Vic), Gin McHale, State Inventory Planner, Coca Cola Amatil and volunteers.

Hi Michael,

I apologise for taking this long to give you and your organisation some of the promised feedback about our recent volunteer days at Yarra View Nursery. I am a member of the Victorian Culture Committee at CCA (Coca Cola Amatil) and I asked for the opportunity to build a few volunteers days for CCA employees. I am a local (I have grown up in Mount Evelyn and now reside in Lilydale) and have been managing the servicing of your drink vending machines at the YVN over the last 5 years. I had noticed during this time the great safe work environment and the opportunity that Knoxbrooke offered to the people of the Eastern Suburbs. A few years ago I was personally feeling the pressure that was mounting at work in the lead up to our busiest time of year. I was actually at YVN and they were holding their annual Christmas party. It was a grounding experience that made me reassess



the pressure I was putting on myself and the strain it was causing my family. I wanted to give back and could see an opportunity to put life into perspective for my colleges at CCA. As an employee at CCA I am very fortunate to be granted two days a year (paid) that I can work in a volunteer capacity. I wanted to open the experience that I had encountered at YVN with others. I approached the staff and was introduced to Michael as he had a few projects coming up that could involve a suggested team of volunteers.

“The staff are simply amazing with their students and are really strong role models to everyone”. A quote from Paul Fletcher (Victorian Operations Sales Manager- Vending) really sums up what the CCA employees thought of the Knoxbrooke staff. Michael suggested we become involved in building the “echo system” with his Thursday students and I could see some really strong synergies in what both parties wanted to achieve.

Michael and I planned out two days and then Michael got to work building the plans and acquiring the equipment to make it happen.

The first day we had 8 employees from different areas of the CCA business (sales, manufacturing, delivery and quality control were all represented). It was wet and rather chilly but once the CCA staff met the students things got underway. Students were paired with a CCA employee and the aim was to work together and teach new skills whilst enjoying the opportunity to do something different from their normal working life. The CCA staff loved every second and I believe the students were in the same boat!



The longer the day went the wetter it got. No one complained, every one simply had a great day working on the joint plan. Please see below a few emails from the staff on the day. Our second day then included the Victorian Senior Managers Leadership team which enjoyed the day immensely. Pictures have been plastered all over the CCA Intranet with managers all getting their hands dirty working with the students and staff of Knoxbrooke. Again, the feedback was fantastic and a great day was had by all!

Hi guys I just wanted to share a bit about what I got up to yesterday…

We went to Yarra View nursery in Mt Evelyn and our mission was to build a vegetable garden for the students who study there. Yarra View nursery is one of a few businesses that provide supported learning and working environments for adults with special needs on behalf of Knoxbrooke Inc.

They have a commercial nursery which provides plants to Bunnings and Masters, and also a public nursery where the locals can purchase garden supplies, plants and trees. Within the facility there are workers and students who are studying Cert II in Horticulture and also provide work education and transition training.

Our day started off cold and wet but it ended with a little sunshine (albeit still cold). We were pointed toward a huge pile of soggy wet clay/muck/bricks and given three shovels and two rakes…our mission…to turn this huge muddy pile of muck into a beautiful garden!

We shovelled and raked and built and levelled and concreted…(and when it rained I ran off to the potting shed to pot a few plants for the nursery) and as you can see…we did a pretty good job. The garden will be used by the students to produce vegetables which will be sold to local cafes to be sold in their meals. I believe the students will be given the opportunity to spend some time at one of the cafes to see where the veggies end up.

Highlight of the day was meeting all the wonderful staff was well as making a bunch of new friends and being invited to their Christmas break up (and playing in the mud)

The work done at the nursery by staff and students is nothing short of amazing. I truly appreciate having the opportunity to volunteer there and would happily do it again – even in the rain! Thanks Ben for arranging it.

Gin McHale State inventory planner CCA



Firstly thanks for being able to give me the opportunity to be involved with such a worthwhile organisation as Knoxbrooke. The experience was thoroughly rewarding for both sides and certainly would be great to get further involvement from colleagues to participate. Ben Thiele the State Business Manager for Neverfail co-ordinated our team. He has asked me to send on feedback to him, which I will do. It’s with the Community projects and Special events like this when the company aligns itself which make me privileged to be a part of CCA and the team.

Regards Peter

CCA would love to continue (possibly 4 days in 2016) offering these days to CCA employees and continue to build on the strong mutually beneficial relationship that is being formed between CCA and Knoxbrooke. I would like to take this opportunity to thank both the staff and students for their hospitality and giving the CCA staff a chance to work side by side with your great organisation.

I look forward to seeing all the smiley faces on Wednesday at the 2015 Christmas party.

Kind regards,

Ben Thiele State Business Manager- Neverfail (VIC)

KIEO Industries Sean Tuckerman

A picture speaks a thousand words

Therefore 4 x 1000 = 4000 words!