Knowledge brokering in the Sava river basin management planning, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2011, Dimitris...

Connecting Science and Policy Stakeholders Analysis and Involvement Zagreb, 30-2 November 2011 Dimitris Faloutsos – GWP-Med


Stakeholders analysis and involvement, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2011, Zagreb, Croatia

Transcript of Knowledge brokering in the Sava river basin management planning, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2011, Dimitris...

Page 1: Knowledge brokering in the Sava river basin management planning, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2011, Dimitris Faloutsos

Connecting Science and Policy

Stakeholders Analysis and Involvement

Zagreb, 30-2 November 2011

Dimitris Faloutsos – GWP-Med

Page 2: Knowledge brokering in the Sava river basin management planning, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2011, Dimitris Faloutsos

• Cooperative efforts in Sava River Basin

Mostly “Top – down”:

Has been proven to be the appropriate process to be followedin the Sava River Basin until now

Page 3: Knowledge brokering in the Sava river basin management planning, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2011, Dimitris Faloutsos

Stakeholders and Public Participationin the Sava - Why?

Page 4: Knowledge brokering in the Sava river basin management planning, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2011, Dimitris Faloutsos

The right of the public, and particularly of affected stakeholders, to participate in the decision making has been widely acknowledged by internationally important and binding legal texts.

Provisions on Public Participation:

• Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration (generally considered to reflect customary International Law)

Stakeholders and Public ParticipationBecause…

International Law)• UNECE Convention to Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention, 1998) • Espoo Convention (Transboundary EIA)• UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (1992)

• EU Water Framework Directive• …

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Stakeholders and Public ParticipationBecause…

• EU Water Framework Directive• …

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Stakeholders and Public involvement

•Broaden the base of knowledge, expertise, and information available to identify relevantissues and their solutions, resulting in better substantive outcomes; there is informationavailable to the stakeholders that in combination with this held by the authorities and thescientific knowledge can enhance the quality of results.

•Increase likelihood that public values and priorities will be incorporated into

Stakeholders and Public ParticipationBecause…

There are actual benefits (some among them presented below - 1):

•Increase likelihood that public values and priorities will be incorporated intoprocess/project design and execution; this will increase the likelihood that the decidedinterventions are actually and efficiently implemented.

•Increase the stakeholders’ understanding about waters issues and their solutions,increasing the likelihood of sustainable behaviours.

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• Foster public ownership of process/project goals and activities, increasing thelikelihood of their successful implementation and overall process/project sustainability.

•Provide the potential to build consensus and avoid conflict among sectors. Increaselikelihood that stakeholders would better understand the different national and sectoralissues and needs related to water resources management in the Basin through their

There are actual benefits (some among them presented below - 2):

Stakeholders and Public ParticipationBecause…

issues and needs related to water resources management in the Basin through theirparticipation in the SWP, decreasing inter-sectoral conflict risks.

•Create a greater sense of empowerment and social responsibility.

•Minimize cost and delays due to public opposition.

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• Enhance cooperation with the private sector: Being accountable to the countries, joint management bodies have to work appropriately to apply IWRM which means among others reconciliation of environmental protection with economic development.

• The private sector being one of the important users of the natural resources thus, one of the key stakeholders, it needs to:

- be involved in the planning and implementation of the solutions if it is for the

There are actual benefits (some among them presented below - 3):

Stakeholders and Public ParticipationBecause…

- be involved in the planning and implementation of the solutions if it is for the economic development not to be compromised;

- bear the cost of the planned solutions at the level that these are beneficial for its existence and development.

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…cooperation among countries via ISRBC has matured -benefits of stakeholder participation can be grasped

Stakeholders and Public ParticipationBecause…

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Stakeholders and Public Participationin the Sava - How…

… through the involvement of … through the involvement of Stakeholders in the implementat ion of Stakeholders in the implementat ion of Sava Sava RBMRBM plan and i ts revision later onplan and i ts revision later on

Page 11: Knowledge brokering in the Sava river basin management planning, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2011, Dimitris Faloutsos

Stakeholders’ analysis (at transboundary level)

to generate information:

that will provide the necessary information for designing steps and structures that will create the conditions for meaningful public participation and stakeholder involvement

Page 12: Knowledge brokering in the Sava river basin management planning, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2011, Dimitris Faloutsos

Information(interest, knowledge, influence, etc. –who is who)

Stakeholders’ analysis

Sava Water Partnership

Stakeholders’ involvement plan

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Sava Water PartnershipInformation

(interest, knowledge, influence, etc. –who is who)

Stakeholders’ analysis

Stakeholders’ involvement plan

Page 14: Knowledge brokering in the Sava river basin management planning, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2011, Dimitris Faloutsos

Stakeholders’ analysis

Steps followed:

General categories that such competent stakeholders may fall into :•Institutions at the transboundary level;

1. Identify the different actors (groups, institutions and individuals) that could influence / affect or be influenced / affected by the RBMP and the FASRB

1. Identify the different actors (groups, institutions and individuals) that could influence / affect or be influenced / affected by the RBMP and the FASRB

•Institutions at the transboundary level;•Public administration (e.g. competent Ministries, protected area management bodiesetc.);•Interest groups (e.g. fishers’ or industry associations, water user associations etc.);•Commercial/private actors (e.g. industries, etc.);•NGOs;•General public,•International actors (e.g. UN agencies, donors, project implementing and executingagencies, international river basins commissions etc.);•other partners.

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Stakeholders’ analysis

Steps followed:1. Identify the different actors (groups, institutions and individuals) that could influence / affect or be influenced / affected by the RBMP and the FASRB

1. Identify the different actors (groups, institutions and individuals) that could influence / affect or be influenced / affected by the RBMP and the FASRB

FASRB “related”sectors

- International level- Transboundary level- National level

SWMI “related”sectors


Page 16: Knowledge brokering in the Sava river basin management planning, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2011, Dimitris Faloutsos

Stakeholders’ analysis

Steps followed:

• Competences/ responsibilities of thestakeholders, function and

3. Analyze this information to identify the characteristics of the stakeholders, their perceptions and positions in relation to the aims of the SA

3. Analyze this information to identify the characteristics of the stakeholders, their perceptions and positions in relation to the aims of the SA

2. Collect information regarding the stakeholders in relation to the RBMPand the FASRB.

2. Collect information regarding the stakeholders in relation to the RBMPand the FASRB.

• Relative importance of the stakeholder,Stakeholder influence (to influencestakeholders, function and

expertise etc. (who is who).Stakeholder influence (to influenceactions and their outcomes), interest,position (supporters / opponents etc).

Page 17: Knowledge brokering in the Sava river basin management planning, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2011, Dimitris Faloutsos

Stakeholders’ analysis

Steps followed:

5. Prepare Stakeholders Analysis report –Involvement Plan5. Prepare Stakeholders Analysis report –Involvement Plan

4. Discuss initial analysis with stakeholders – verify results – acquire additional information

4. Discuss initial analysis with stakeholders – verify results – acquire additional information

Page 18: Knowledge brokering in the Sava river basin management planning, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2011, Dimitris Faloutsos

Stakeholders’ analysis

Steps followed:National experts work / Interviews

1st Consultation Meeting

1. Identify the different actors (groups, institutions and individuals) that could influence / affect or be influenced / affected by the RBMP and the FASRB

1. Identify the different actors (groups, institutions and individuals) that could influence / affect or be influenced / affected by the RBMP and the FASRB

2. Collect information regarding the 2. Collect information regarding the 1st Consultation Meeting(June 2011)

2nd Consultation Meeting(November 2011)

2. Collect information regarding the stakeholders in relation to the RBMPand the FASRB.

2. Collect information regarding the stakeholders in relation to the RBMPand the FASRB. 3. Analyze this information to identify the characteristics of the stakeholders, their perceptions and positions in relation to the aims of the SA

3. Analyze this information to identify the characteristics of the stakeholders, their perceptions and positions in relation to the aims of the SA

5. Prepare Stakeholders Analysis report –Involvement Plan5. Prepare Stakeholders Analysis report –Involvement Plan

4. Discuss initial analysis with stakeholders –verify results – acquire additional information 4. Discuss initial analysis with stakeholders –verify results – acquire additional information

Page 19: Knowledge brokering in the Sava river basin management planning, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2011, Dimitris Faloutsos

A. Analysis

Significant Water Management Issues –Stakeholders in each country

Important Stakeholders (identified through the 2 consultation workshops)

B. Public Participation Plan

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A. Analysis

Significant Water Management Issues –Stakeholders in each country

Important Stakeholders (identified through the 2 consultation workshops)

B. Public Participation Plan

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A. Analysis

Significant Water Management Issues –Stakeholders in each country

Important Stakeholders (identified through the 2 consultation workshops)

Groups of Stakeholders from each country to involve

B. Public Participation Plan

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A. Analysis

Significant Water Management Issues –Stakeholders in each country

Important Stakeholders (identified through the 2 consultation workshops)

Groups of Stakeholders from each country to involve

B. Public Participation Plan

Page 27: Knowledge brokering in the Sava river basin management planning, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2011, Dimitris Faloutsos

A. Analysis

Significant Water Management Issues –Stakeholders in each country

Important Stakeholders (identified through the 2 consultation workshops)

Groups of Stakeholders from each country to involve

Specific Stakeholders from each country to involve as well as indication about the

B. Public Participation Plan

to involve as well as indication about the means to involve them

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Page 32: Knowledge brokering in the Sava river basin management planning, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2011, Dimitris Faloutsos

A. Analysis

Significant Water Management Issues –Stakeholders in each country

Important Stakeholders (identified through the 2 consultation workshops)

Groups of Stakeholders from each country to involve

Specific Stakeholders from each country to involve as well as indication about the

B. Public Participation Plan

to involve as well as indication about the means to involve theme

The ISRBC interest for public participation would be:•Is our information correct ?•Is the plan correct ?•Are the proposals fair and will they be accepted ?

Eventually the stakeholders’ perspective boils down to three questions:•What is happening in this RBM process?•What is my situation / how is my work affected?•How can I defend my interest?

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Involvement of stakeholders and with stakeholders through several formats:

•as part of planning processes lead by the ISRBC

•as observers in the work of the ISRBC

•through a Sava Water Council for the ISRBC

•through informing and training: informed debate (an active support by the ISRBC towards stakeholders)

•in the eventual support of a Sava River Partnership, if such a structure was created