· KnnkrnptK..SepL7. HearyH. Dexter,broker,N. Y. {formerly ofrinn...

KnnkrnptK..SepL 7. Heary H. Dexter, broker, N. Y. {formerly of rinn of Ray¬ mond it Eerier.) Wm. tv. Tedd, (late W. W. Todd k Co. merchants, Lex ington, Gco.) now of N. Y. Jlajor Line* (iate firm Lines k Peck.) N. Y. Atsuaoo J. Lord, N. Y. Samuel Ree»er, N. Y. William P. Lande*, N. Y. C I T Y 1 N I*ifi L LI O K N C £. Wednesday, Septemcer 7. Lawyer's Diary..This Dat..Common pleas.-Pnrt l-Noi.73,77, 117. fart 2.No*. 130, 24. 6o 74,78,110,1«. Board of Aldermen..The Board metal L o'clock, present the President and all the member* except Alderman Hatfield. Petitions PRESENTED aNO Referred.Qf Dr. John R, Chapin for pay for attendance on a woman at the flth di>- trictwatch no use- Of Edward A. Nichols, executor of H. iierdy, for correction of tax.For a fire engine at 4?t!i-street 22tb ward.Of Wiliiam1 McCormick to ring the fire bells by contract.Of suudry carmen and laborers praying that no oore contracts for paving streets be given to contractors who pay the ban !s they employ in wbatbcalled store pay. Cs»mmunica;:"n and petition of South wark Fire Engine Co j,'o. S3 for a new location. Ol R. M. ßowles for relief. Of. Bedcetd and outers .9 have Patrick Grace reinstated as a ires:a.'.. Reports Adopted..Auverse to lighting East Broadway with jjas. Referred back to the committee. Papers from the Boardoi» Assistant*.a preamble and resolot'on lor reft rring to the committee or. wharves an:! piers of both Boards, to examine and report as to a proper location for the Kreuch Steamers, and also what further ac¬ tion in the premises is necessary : Concurred in. £ Resolutions.By Alderman Cedney, that the resolution approved by ibe Mayor, Dec. 14. 1841, authorizing the .Mayor to detail twelve marshals to aid in suppressing vio¬ lations ol market laws be repealed ¦ Adopted. By Alderman Davies, that the Comptroller be directed to report the lunoantpaid to the special marshals detailed to enforce the ¦laws approved Dec. 14, 1841, and the amount paid to each: Adopted. Joint Meeting..-The Board of Assistants came in tbe Aldermen's chamber and the two Boards went into a Joint Meetiog. The were read and approved. The monthly report of tl.e Chief Engineer of the Fire Department of resignations and appointments were received, the resignations accepted and tin* appointments confirmed. The returns of Engine Companies Nw. Hand 7 were re- .or Irregularity, to die Fire and Water Committee. Reports.Adv< rsctp re-instating James Hudson as a fire man: Adooted. In favor of suspending Joabna C. Kerrfor tliree months as g eman ol Engine Co. G, for abusive law laage to Oeo jje P. Kerr, assistant engineer, at the fire in Broratesiroel: Adopted. FtSIGNATloNS .\Sl) APFOINTMENTS:.Nicholas Dilti" re¬ signed the office rf Inspector of Lime, and James Cowel \sa- appointed in his stead, .lames Ketlara and George Hamilton were appointed day Police Officers bflbe First Ward; Curtis Belts, Inspect*! of Firewood In die Twelfth Uistrict, vice Stephen Bene¬ dict, declined j Horace Reed, Jr., Measurer of Charcoal, lice John M. Reed, resigned ; John T. Barnurd, Measurei of Charcoal; Patrick McArdle, Deputy Keeper of Black- well'» Island; William H. Lenry, .Marcus Nutting, Enos Burrbws, Alexander Von Pfister und Fraecis Harvey were ajpninted City Weighers} Harman C. R. Lamb, A. M. Cosier, Benjainiii B. Roton, JoLn Cargo, Samuel Albertis, R. K. Moultin. T. S. Dickenson, T. Nable, Thomas J. Hil- forft.Wiiliim H. Scbenck, Joseph B. Harvey and John Hlg- ;;iiis were appointed Weighers of Anthracite Coal; William Sbaw and George Sibcll were removed rroth the office ol Measurers of Charcoal"; William Snell, Peter Sauce, BcnJ min Wood. A. G. Dickenson. Jacob s. Brown, John Svl- mon. J. J. Shankjand, C. Little, Ash W. Wn Men, Horace Unwell and Harold Dolluer wen- removed s* city Weigh¬ ers; William Hyer was appointed Wood Inspector lor the 19th instead ol the 17th District. The Join'- Meeting then adjourned. The Board of Aldermen resumed. Tre rc| ort of the Counsel of the Cdrporaiidn.fccdmmend- liig tbat <uit£ pending against the Corjxiration by Uie Asso ciate.Jodges of the cout ol General Sessions, be <i i-f-< tiuued and that the salaries of such Judges l»e paid, was called up and adopted. Tbe Board adjourned to Monday next. Common Pi.kas..En the ctwe of Wright vs. Flu fand others, the Jury gave a verdict for defendants, valuing the property at $516. In this Court also, act ions were brought by Horatio Hincfc man and Monmoulh I». Jlart, CommUstanersof Registry ::i tUp foil of inio, in the Eleventh Ward. They each claim for 68days,at *2 per day, w hich is more time than had been charge:) by the Commissioners of any other Ward. The Comptroller paid them $100, and the present actions are brought lor the remaining $24, The Jury considered thai they lmd been paid quite enough, and (onnd for defendant. An action for Trespass was also brought in this Court by John Turner against Same I Martin, tbe damages laid a: >1W0,for taking away10 feet ol the rear premises at CO First-street, (a portion of which lud born hired by plaintifl' for a yrar) for tbe purpose of electing a stable. A verdict will be rendered Thursday forenoon. Couur of Sessions..Bufore the Recorder, Judge Lynch and Aldermen Bonneil and Carman. LtriELLous Publications . The District Attorney gave notice that he should prpci ed on Friday w ith the trials ol Messrs. He nry Mi Veijjh, George B. Wooldridge, Gcorpv. lolbum. Nelson H. Miller and William J. Snell(r.g, the pro¬ prietors or publishers of tbe ' Flush,' 4 Rake" arid ' Whip' newspapers.all of whom are indicted for libels. Forfeited Recognizances..Charles harrington, Alonz.o Finch, und Bensel Law ton, indicted for false pretences- John Holt and William A'gale, for a nuisance, and Robert Piercey for assault and battery, severally failing to appear nml answer, their recognizances were forfeited. Trial for Kiefing a Disorderly House..Emily Tooker was tried for a misdemeanor in keeping a disorderly of bad fame at No. 3 Beiison-streeL It was proved by Mr. McGloin, that males and females of bail character, numbering from one to forty, were in the hubi1 of going to the above hoiis- kept by accused, at all hours of the night, and conducting in a grossly indecent manner and making a great noise and usin^ profane and ribald langnage to the annoyance of tbe neighborhood. Mr. Quinn corrnb orated the .statement ot Mr McGloin.except as to the The Jury found the accused guilty. Another Trial fur Keeping a Disorderly House.. Mary J. Yates was then tried for keeping a disorderly house, similar to the above, at No. 2 Benson-Street. It was proved that this house is worse than the other, and that evtrn 'emalesof from 12 to 11 years of age were admitted therein for die vilest of pnrposi s, anil that crowds of men mid wo men Djghtly frequent It Tbe Jury found the accuswd loiliy. Moxe Recognizances Forfeited..Thomas Matthews. John Tigbe, Margaret Tigbe. Patrick Coyle, David Sisson, Richard Cornell, Thomas Mullen, Jacob Dupuy, Valentine Rotsiler, and William Molyncux, severally indicted for a- naltsand battery ; James Jones for forgery ia the 3d de- pee and William II. Niles for forgery in the 2d degree, severally failing to appear for trial, their recognizances were forfeited. Arraignments..'William E. Ross was placed at the bar sml arraigned on four several indictments lor larceny, one for false pretence and one for assault and baltery, to all 01 which be pleaded not guilty, ami was remanded for trial There are one or two other" complaints against him yet to he acted on by the Grand Jury. The Court then adjourned to Thursday 11 o'clock. Police Office.Arrest and Theft..Priv¬ ate watchman E. Keese, caughlacolored man named Cbas. Smith dealing a packing box this morning and attempted to arrest him. Smith struck tbe waictiuiau several blows «iUs his tut and also severely Un bun. He was, however, secured and ccminiued 111 deiault of *Jt'0 bail. Arrest of of a Convict..Mary M.ller, a convict, es taped from Blackwelpt Lland a few days sine« and was last night arrested by one of the Deputy Keepers, and re-sent to the Penitentiary 10 serve out ner term ot imprisonment Stealing Silk, kc.George Calhoun before in pri on. cumplamet! of again to day for having on Monday ^len-lponmls of white sewing silk and 11 pieces of silk v«»t binding, worth together $42, from the store of \\ illiam M. Benjamin, SI Maiden lane, where he went under the pre- >iKe of purcbasiu» goods, tie was committed to answer. Stealing Money ano Ci.otiuno.. Henry Jenkins, col- »tvdman.was arrested by officer lleu-stis for stealing panta- loons, boot*, a purse and $n in money, from Moses Dessau No.375 pearl-street. Tbe purse was touud on him, and be ¦as committed. Stsaung a Horse..Officer Cockefalr arrestetl a man .tutted jgd'gar M. Briggs, v.\ Cbatbam-street, tor stealing a !»rse worth$1(1«) from Albert Seety, of Stamford, Conn., oti Friday last. He confessed he stole the horse acd sold hlm toastage-di iver at Peekskill for $U0.' The officer recov¬ ered tLe hor>e, and Briggs \v«> committed to be sent to Con- °eciicut for trial. Arrest of a Ruffian..A man named Win. Rrer.beat biswife severely and ottiser Fokkcs proceeded to arrest bim. He assaulted and beet off the officer, when Mr. Burns, kue constable of the 6th ward 'coming to the rrscne. was »I» attacked and beaten, Rvtr escaping. To-day officers Cockcfair aud Drinker, afle'r a fight, in which they were »*>lently assaulted, succeeded in arresting Uver, who was *«ged 111 ptbon to answer five several coiupiaiuts ot assauU *>w battery. Coroner's Office..Sudden Df.atk..Yes- today Mr. William Buckhoui, carpenter, aged at-out 45. «Wcenlytetl down at tbe corner of Grand and Orange- »irveu, anu nluiosl iostaaUy expired. He w as seen 111 appa- frndy good health, a few'minuu» before. Hh> bo»iy was Wkmjüwl to the bouse of his sister No. 224 Centre-street *berr tbe Coroner held .111 inquest. The veruici of tbe Jury ^'agjd ied at disease of the hearL Bmstol's Sarsaparilla..Cacti on..Persons who wish to obtain tbeuue at tide will be careful to oalrfor Bristol's Sarwparilla, and see that tbe srrtfftvs sjenatar« ot C. C »risiot is aero** the cork of the bottle, ihe reputation 0' toisiue«ticiae is e*t»bttsbed from tbe numerous wonderful cares tt has perio: med aud b daitv riotming, nil of w hieb *e sulotautuded, ami tbr documents can be sect: by calling »t tbe store of WM. BURGER. No. 50 Courtlandt-strt-et, or at Mithau'*, IK Broadway. Horace Greeley, Esq.. Edi¬ tor ol this paper, will be pleased to satisfy äuy one who P*J call on him ot ibe happy efiectlbis medicine produced to a familv ot his acquaintance. Sold at wholesale and retail bv WM. BURGER, No. 50 t-ourilsBdt street, and at Milbau's Pharaiaey, 183 Braad- *»y; also by lepuiable Draggbts and Ageuis throughout tbe coacuy. ^ au24 lm tF Perfarmances at the American Museum twice every «*» aad evening. Good Board and pleasant Rooms can be obtained »fio.üSCüff^t ö) fW 1 Sands's Sarsaparille..Could tbe many thousands who now suffer from disease* tor winch this preparation is a cer¬ tain specific, listen to the grateful testimony of those who hare u -1 i; and >'eer* cured, they would no longer doubt in regard to its efficacy or befriste if appropriating 10 them¬ selves the benefits which meüicine can aione best: -v.~ Obstinate cutaneous eruptions, scrofula, chronic sore eves, enlargement and pain of the bones and joints, rheumatism in all its forms, and diseases ar dog from an injudicious use of mercury, Rre safely awl speedily cured, hy itn u-e. For fartN-r ecr'.icclars, see an article addressed {0 the World. Prer-nre.; and sola who!e*ak aoa retail, by A. B. SANDS i. CO , Granite Building, 2.C Broadway,-corner f.! Clianv tiers-street, N. Y. Sold also by \. B. fc D. SANDS, 7" and 100 Fulton-street; D. SANDS CO. 77 East Broadway corner Marktt-strret. Price $1 prr bottle. Six bor>- r $3. To the Old a?»d Ugly..This statement of an article roach recommended for eruptions, disfigurement*, and clear¬ ing disco! r,-<! skin ; we bei; lo say that it is not overrated. We have seen il tested in three different ca*ea-«<ne, tkat of an old lady, that it has cured of salt rheum of fifteen years *tandir.g, and given her a fine clear skin; another, a young gentleman fu i\*-iau -ireet, of pimples add,freckles so co*: erfng Ins f;:ce as to resemble small jk>x. One cake cleared his face two cured him. It changes die color of dark, sun¬ burnt, or yellow skin 10 a tine healthy clearness. Hundreds in tbe State can testify who have used it, anl from what we have seen ret have no d mbl it will be very extensiv» ly used when its virtues are known. Sold by T. Jone», S2 Chatham street. New-York ; 139 Fulton street, Brooklyn; 8State Street, Boston; 87 Dock street. Philadelphia. TO THELADLES». Have you reati tbe new work inst published at the New- World offic»entitled Letters from the Baltic. written by one of your sex .' If not, ask your husbands and brothers to bring you home a copy, which will cost but one shilling. It is a delightful production, and the description of the fashions, dresses, manners, kc at the Court of St Pe¬ tersburg, as well in the Russian prnvinens ml the Baltic, are very graphic and interesting. The worlt is illustrated with POUR ENGRAVINGS; three of which are female 'figures in various coslumea. TT Don't fall to. read it. Of¬ fice SO Ann-street, where also may be had " Morlev Er-, stein," by James."Godolph is," by Buiwer."Abel Parsons," an original novel, the scene laid in New York. and other cheap book?. TT Lcary dfc Co. Hattert, will introduce the fashion fur ihe sea-on on Friday, D h instant. sG lw N'os. 4 and 5 Astor House. ET8pciscer,o Emitasion TOolcnKiu EIh(.- rhis popular article:is commended to tlie public as pecu liarly desirab1e,*at the present time, for its economy. Fo" elegance and durability, it competes successfully with tli* most costly Hats worn. Price $3 25. SPENCER, a!6 tf h ariiiohahlw-Hatter, No. 245 Broadway. O" Hats of the Pall Style nre novr ready. [The model tor the season is a slight modification of the prevailing Pari»; mode ] SPENCER'S Sales Room. September l^t. h I WaitonV Milk Hat«, only 99 SO, is n commended to the Pntdio. not only for its economy, but a> possessing all ihe elegarice of contour of ihe nton coMly; 1.billing utility with beauty. This article cannot fail to recommend itself to tbe connoisseur as well as economist. WATSON} 164 Chatham-street, and 160 Bowery. N. B..Casdmere Hain S3 of the fiaest ;junlity ; Bea¬ ver Hats sc.» 50 of the finest quality. Fall Fashion Ready. au31 i*tf .mct'.^ Hat*! Hat*! Itatol.FALL FASHION.. The subscriber invites the attention I the Beau Monde u his beautiful, graceful, and tasteful lots bell-crown-d Hal being ihe only really fashionable article ol ibe kind exinin though be cannot expect but imitators will spring up, an claim the benefit of f»is ownorig iuai ronceptioi s. To say that these Hats surpass any Uiing of the kind ii pnintof style, finish, and graceful appearance, is to claim 110 tnore ii; hi is vai nnu << i>v n experience oftw enty y< m in 1 be'business, and. Ik Invites gentlemen who study grcc and la >bion, tc cali and examh e for themselves. A large assortment of Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bat;« Hat Cases,.-mil, in fact, every thing necessary foro gentle¬ man's traveling outfit, may also he found at E. BLOOMER'S, 17L) Broadway. au31 tri» Opposite Howard's Hotel. TT Tbet'bfnpestt'nsh Tailor yet!.PETER V*. HOSTED, Merchant Tailor, No. 1 Chatham Square corner of Catherine-street, eontiaucs to make Clothing to order in the neatest style, in pi r cent cheaper than the cheapest Cash Tailor in tbe city. A good fit warranted! aiuUiereaßer no disappointments. s2 ist! 7 To the FrirndN of Henry Clay..Do yoi wish lo be delighted.' Bead tbe beautiful and absorbing Memoir of tbe "rent man you so justly ailmire, in tbe New- World of Monday last. What a feast you will enioy for only sixpence! Send a copy to your friend in the country .the postage will be but a cent. PHILO-CLAY. TT Peremptory Sale'of Loans, in Phila¬ delphia..On Saturday, the 17th September, 1012, at one o'clock P. M., at the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. will be sold to the highest bidder, for accsunt of whom it may concern, ,£10H,300 Sterling, of the Certificates of Loai of the .American Life Insurance and Trust Company of tin City of New-York, bearing an interest of 5 per cent., and redeemable in tbe year 1853, principal and interest payabb in'tbe City of London. RICHARDS BISPDAM. s7tl7 Auctioneers, Philadelphia. Jir Clerk's Meeting..A general meeting of the Drv Goods Clerks i f the tt ity of New-York is to be held a< ihe Columbian Hail, Grand-street, THIS (Thursday) EVENING, at 'J o'clock. A punctual attendance is panic ularly requested, as business of importance tbe clerks is to be transacted. % Bv order, P.S. LEE. 1 GEO. w. DAVIS, 5 Committee. Il- JOHN FARRELL.) 1 The Marshall T. A. Society w ill bold their regular meeting at Conceit Hall,406 Broad way, this evening at 7t o'clock, when the meeting will be addressed by Mr. White ot Borgen,N. J., and by Messrs. Barnes, Woodruff, Madden, Valeao,and others. Sinking, by tbeLndy Mar-hall Society, and by Messrs. P. rower. Missing, May, and others. The public are respectfully invited to attend. A. D. WILSON, President. John T. Dcrvre, Secretary. «8 It* TT Wanted..'1500 on b mil and mortgage on im¬ proved real estate in Brooklyn, near tbe South Ferry.aver* desirable location. A line addressed to R. G. W , Tribum office, stating name and No. will receive immediate alien, don. _sep5 Lrls TT By Letter* Patent of the U. 8..The pub¬ lic are cautioned against purchasing the Tricopbefons or Medicated Compound for the human hair, at one dollar per bottle, as it can be bad for fifty cents. Observe that the original and genuine Tricopherous has the proprietor's t ame. A. C. Barry, printed nii the outside wrapper. Be sure to purchase at the Hair-Cutting Rooms, 146 Broadway, comer of Liberty-street, up stairs, or of the appointed agents. Any oilier article of the same name is an imposi¬ tion._ si lm 1 To Self-Mhariug <*entlrmrn possessing n strong beard and tender fare.The Metall'C Tablet and Strop of G. Sauuders is the only article now in use that w ill obviate their, difficulties. A most convincing prtof of their utility is that the first cutlers in London, viz.: Column, 4 Hnymar- kei; Millikia.SOl Strand; Lowrock.38 Cornbill; Thornhall, 111 New-Bond-Street, have them for sale, and recommend th* use of Hiera with their awn cutlery. N. B. The Metallic Tablet and Strop has been in use for the last tweriiy.-five years, and certificates as to the supen- ority of tbe Strop (rtmi the following scientific gentlemen are at present in the possession of the inventor: Professor Griscom, Dr. Moit, and Gen. J. Tamuadge, President of the American Instiiute. Retail prior's $1 and 311 50. Sold wholesale and retail. s8 G. SAUNPERS &r SON, 163 Broadway. TT Vleulth, «Juirt anil Comfort.The Gra¬ ham House, ta Barclay-st. New--York, protfers advantages lo Strangers stopping a few days or weeks in the city, such as are rarely offered. It is eligibly located, on a clean and airy Street, very near the business part of the city, and in the immediate vicinity of the principal steamlKiat landings. Its apartments are convenient and neat, while its table is supplied with the best Vegetables and Fruits that can be procured, excluding entirely Animal Food and Stimulants of all kinds. Charges moderate.($1 to $1 25 per day tor transient).and every effort made to render Bnarders com¬ fortable. Shower Baths free. Remember 63 Barclay-.sL 1 Gonrund** Vegetable Liquid Rouge- Com posed materially from flowers and simples, imparts u delicate carnation tint to the complexion, immovable by tubbiu" with a handkerchief or linen cloth. 50 cents a be had only at 67 Walker-street, 1 door from Broadway._*3 tmis TT Virc Hundred different designs Necklaces, Bracelets, Watch-Guards Ear-ring*, Breast-Pins, Flow¬ ers, Rings, Wigs, Scalps. 4cc Ladies or gentlemen Lav- ing hair ol a tiring or deceased friend, can get lttormed by BARRY into any design the mind can conceive, in such a form it will be a keepsake invaluable. A. C. B., the only Artist in Hair in this Country, 146 Broadway, corner of Liberty street, up stairs._ aul6 Inns TT PARTICULAR NOTICE..Those persons bavin: fornltore of any description to dispose of. or w ho are break¬ ing up house-keeping, will rind > ready sale lor any portion or all of their goods by sending their address, or calling apor. tbe subscriber. Goods to anv amount purchased. F. COLTON ii CO., 197 Chatlrnm-s*. At Private Sale.2 firstrate Piano Fortes, that will he sold very low. je20 tf TT Trustee'* Waticc.Notice is hereby given, that a general meeting of the Credi'ors of Jes>e Morrison, a non¬ resident debtor, will be held at the ofiiee of Joseph E. Wee- den, in Randolph, Ca'.taraugus County, on the first day of November n*xi. at li o'clock at noon. . Dated August 16, 1S42. J. E. WE EDEN, ) SAMUEL EwING,' Trustees. aulS lawtNi HORACE KING. ) TT Remember the Kemoval of the Real Camphine Oil, Spirits and Improved Burner, to La F.iyetle Hull, 597 Broadway, opposite Nibio's, at prices re¬ duced nearly 50 per cepL * G. W. McCREDY, Jr. au 15 Ira_(-) TT Patent Skdf-Cocltinjj Repeating Pis¬ tol*..The l>est weapon Ot defence invented, can be dis¬ charged >ix times in three seconds with on? hand, and war¬ ranted not to set out of order At wholesale aod retail. J. G BOLEN, 104 Broadway, between S7 jmis Wail and Pine-streets. rr Corporation IVotice.-Public notice is hereby j given, that £ Sale of Property for unpaid Taxes will take Place at pubiic auction at the City Hall of the City of New- York, on MONDAY, the 5ih day of December. 1842, at 12 o'clock, noon, and be coniiuaed from day to day until the whole of said property shall be sold; and that the detailed , statement of tbe taxes, and property to be sold, b pnblished in the New Era.* newspaper printed and pobBsfaed ;n the j Citv of New-York. D. 6. WILLIAMSON, Comptroller. Coaiptrollor's OtSce, August 30, 1««- & «wl4w MOKE lr_MAj IKE T. Sale* at the Stock Exchange, Sept. 7. BO Del i. 86 [200 do.s3d 15± ?Sl 85j! 50 15? Zl i'.-,.s-6 ;100 fj0.j30d 15 25 do.r-.'b £5$) 3* 15j 50 Bk *f America.~9ij 50 d5-._,...?15d 15* 5») Fanners' Loan.19jilon Long LlanW KCo_5r£ do. 19 75 do.50} 25 Mohawk R.blOd 39 15 scnin^ton R. 17 25 . do ' 17 22 .'.*e«v-Jersey R 100 do.»3d 505 MO do.slOd 504 £5 do.s3d 50' 175 do 25 Harlem. 15} "10ft do.5« 25 15*1300 d£.s90d5oj 50 do. 15i', 10 Canton Co.CcA 21$ SECOND BOARD. No sales. Cooasaerrial and Jlouey jJlatterstc Wednesday, P. M , "there was ratlier a large bu«:iiesj done at the Board to¬ day, and the feeling was good. Delaware improved i. Stonlngton was firm. The sales of Harieffl were to consid¬ erable extent, at full rates. Nearly loon shs'rcs l ong /aland were «old, bat it was offered fieeiy, and declined : per cent Sd| .* holders appear to be selling out In Estate «tor.'t; tber»» wns Hit much done, but the raw were firm. Government Sis?s sold at I premium. A'":er the Board, New-York "s, 1849, sold to some extent at li premium. The transactions were : $5000 U S 6s, 18-:2.101 .$2,000 Illinois 6s, 1870.... 38} £2,000 K'ky Sixes.7*$ Foreign Exetmngss for the oEckets closed firmly, with a moderate demand. Sterling 7 a %: Frnics 5iS5 n 5 3.'f We regret to learn that it was discovered to-day drat the book-keep r of one of tbe most extensive money houses ki Wall-street is a defaulter. The amount is al>out $10,000, and i e nr-l intimation the house had was a notice fr«jm the Batik that their account was overdrawn. A certificate of deposite on the Farmers' and Mechanics-1 Bank of Detroit for $1,000 was ofTered in Wall-street to¬ day, which Is believed to be r. forgery. The Cashier's sig¬ nature is very different from bis usual signature, art! at the Bank with which the Farmer»' and Mechanics' Bank keeps its account it i- declared to be a forgery. Iiis notsupposeri that the person who offered it was aware of its equivocal character, as be is well ki own uj the brokers to whom he ofTered it. A meeting of Alabamians was held on Monday night, at which an ende avor was made to pas< resolutions b.lslering the Alabama State Bank system. They were stron-Iy vi.led down, and a»other meeting is to be called to express very different v ews upon this subject. We notice that the Governor o( Alabama declines calling the Legislature to¬ gether upon this (question. He declares they are beyond llie re*. !i of l-.»*nislttlive ,n'<J. At Philadelphia, JO shares ' South' Life and Trust Com¬ pany sola ..; < 25.par $15 The following piece of information, cut from a Western paper, is too good to be lost: "Samuel Jaudon, the celebrated financier, is said to be employed in a broker's ortice in New-York." £108,300 of certificates of the five per cant, loan of the American Life Insurance Company of this city, principal and ln'.'-i est payable in London, redeemable in 1853, will Lie sold ..t Philadelphia on Saturday next. The biil authorizing tbe bsue of Treasury Notes in place of the twelve million loan has been published. Itautuor- izes tl.istte dl six Millions, of not*s; enact? that none of tbe loan shall be .sold lass than par. Section 3 enacts tliat ttiis act shall not be construed so as to anthorire the issue of cer¬ tificate» Ibr dtbts due from the United States, or for any purpose except ;: bona tide loan. Five dollar notes q! die Citiuens' Bank, Augusta, altered to Granite Bank, Exeter, have appeared in Boston. Also at Baltimore, notes of some broken institution altered to Citizens' Bank ol that city. At Richmond money was scarce. The Bank s were sell¬ ing Exchange at a low rate. At Savannah, Exchange on England was nominal at 6 a ft}. Sight bills on New-York H per cent premium. No time h Ills offering. By a report of the Chesapeake anil Ohio Canal Company it appears that on the 31st of May last the liabilities were $1,110,883, exclusive of its indebtedness to the State. $2,315,000 more. Suits are about to be commenced airainst the President, Cashier and Directors of the Atcbafalaya Bank, New-Or. leans, for the defalcation in the issues of the Bank, which amounts to about $230,000. At Nashville there had been a steady demand for Ex¬ change since tbe rest: laption. Specie payments had con¬ tinued a month, and the amount of coin drawn had been unexpectedly iijbt. ittarket*. ASHES..There were but few bills offering to-day, aad not much activity in the demand. About 80 bbK Pou, good tares, sold at $^ -17}. One or two small lots, net desirable, sold at $5 25. Of Pearl», about ISO bbis. were taken at $5 75. Some considerable parcels of Pearls are held at $5 87$ a $5 94. The market is not firm ibr either descrip¬ tion. About 300 bbl*. arrived to-day. COTTON..There is considerable animation to-day in ibis staple, but it is not a demand which indicates a healthy business. The sale» hscre been .about 1,000 U»lo», inovtly to speculators, who are encouraged by the tenor of the last an vices from Liverpool to anticipate still better news by the next steamer. The plentifulness of money also has a ten dency to excite speculation in any article which offers n prospect for a rise. The market i-. tirm, and thesales to-day were at the full rates ot' yesterday. FLOUtL.Tbe boats which got in yesterday afternoon brougni 7,000 to 8,000 bbls. Flour, mostly Genes'c, and in¬ cluding a very small proportion of Michigan. There ha5 been to-day a fair demand, particularly for Maine and the British Provinces', but the large supply ha^ caused a turther decline of Cd. p' r bbl. on most descriptions. The current rate lar Geoesee, fair brands, is $4 6j, at which con»:uera- ble sales have been made. Small lots, however, have been sold at $4 75. A mixed lot of 1,100 bbls., including Sen- esec, Ohio aad Michigan, sold at $4 69. We heard of no sales of Troy. Ohio hru generally broaght the same rates as Genesen to day, but one or two sales of round hoop, to the extent of 5o0 to flUO bbls., are said to have been made ai $4 6^. Old Flour, v. hieb is comparatively scurce and in some demand for mixing with new , brings 25c to 50c more than the above quotations. A small lot of Ohio sweet, via New-Orleans, r»uJr from uew W beat, sold at $4 75. This is the Urst parcel from new Wheat received this season from New Orl»ans. The stock of Southern has been increased by one or two lots of good Richmond Country. They are held at $5 but could be bought at $4 75. Georgetown is selling auly in small, from tbe wharf, at .$5, and old $5 37$. No Brandywine, we believe, in market. Corn Meal continues soiree, and sell* in small lots at $3 for Jer¬ sey. Rye Flour is dull, and we quote $3 for North River, and $3 25 a $3 374 for Jersey. GRAIN..Of Wheat there is but little offering, excepting a cargo of Virginia, which remains unsold. At Cleveland, Wheat was very heavy at 75 , with very large receipts.. Most of the Canadian orders had been withdrawn, and some purchases for Eastern millers had been resold. Wc heard of no trnnsaclious to-day in Cora. There was little or neue in market Yes:erday afternoon, 1,000 bushels Jersey Yel¬ low sold at flOc, and 1,000 do. inferior at 59c, fur Ike East. Nouiag doing in Rye ; none lor sale. Oats are oot quiteso plenty, and Canal are selling at 31 a S2c at retail, which is the only demand. River 29 a 30c. Very few new Oats in. Southern are selling out ot store, at retail, at 27 a 2tc. PROVISIONS..We bear, of very Httle doing in barrel Provisions to-day. For Lard the export demand is active, and we learn (bat nearly all, say equal to 3,0no kegs, was taken for Liverpool at 7c. Butler is rather low- cr and plenty. Good to West we quote 14 a 16c. WHISKY..Some small sales Drudge were made at 21c. Holders are firm, and the quantity coming in very light- Barrels are worth 20$ a 21c. TEA..Tbe sale of Tens per Valparaiso went oft" with considerable animat:on, und on most description at an ad¬ vance on Ike last sales. The lots were mostly sold, except¬ ing the country Young Hyson, Inch the owners refused to | »o en with at less than 40c. There was fair competition} among bidders. Young Hyson sohl at 40 a 90, and 27 a 40 ; Twa»kay34c; Imperial 42 a 49 chests; 56$ a 46$ for boxes; Gunpowder 43 a 77 for chests, 58 for boxes; Souabor.g 30c; Oolong 70$. SUGAR..An auction sale of New-Orleans Sugar was had to-day, which was well attended. The company was large. The presence of several Philadelphia purchasers | helped the sale. Prices ranged about ic per lb. above cur¬ rent rates._ XT Crrand National Proccanion..At a meeting of ttie General Committee of Arrangements, consisting of a deputation of five trom each Ward, which convened on Tuesday evening the <Uh instant, at the house of Major Jo- I seph Hopkins, No. 7 Frankfort-street, and adjourned to Su John's Hall, for the purpose of expressing theseuse of this community concerning the outrageous insult which was offered to the Repubbc of tbe Umted States and its Chief Magistrate, at the Dinner given to Ljrd Ashburtan on the 2d instant, i: was unanimously I Raohtii, That a General Procession, terminating in a Public Meeting, expressive of the indignant feeling of all classes of our citizens at the recent national insult, and in vindication of their patriotism and self-respect as American ctizens, be formed on Monday next, the 12th iast-; that a Programme of the same be prepared by the Executive Committee of Arrangements, and published in the public journals on Saturday next; end that die Civil and Military Associations of the City are hereby invited lo unite on this great occasion. _ , Bv order of the CommiUee. WM. SHALER, Chairman. N. T. Arnold. / Secretaries. . . George F. Thomson, i b^r'anes- s7 3trs XT Wet, Damp or Dry Cellar* paved with Roman Tileandmade air,rater water-tight for seven cents a foot, or paved with Cement concrete, for ten dollars tor the bulk or space of a tboasandbrick. jy20 tf ABU AH SMITH, 20 Hamilum-st. XT Qourand'a Ban de Heautr, or True wa- ter of Beauty, for removing tan, pimples, freckles, bloti sallownes-, redness, and alt cutaneous -. elic tiiu; licate white bands neck and arm-, and reabii .g a ;.. juvenile bloom. To be bad at bie o igtoal ots .e 67 w ai»; r street,one door from S' i>id-v.y; ?l p-r ii >ale. Bewaiei.f cheap, trashy, and deo-U-nua.. c->mBouuds. «7 tun* 'CTGentlcmen's Fnli Data..WAR50CR*S Fall pattern Hai» are aow offered for sale, comprising the SloSfsitr:, H-Mria an0 Ca«imere Beaver PARISIAN STYLE OF HATS. The attention of gentlemen Es parßc^iärij bxvYterl to the sniiscriber'? beautifully fabricate Silk Hats, bett. S Srjowo a* Warnock's Moleskin Bats.*' Tfits aruclr, since its in- troductiou, has rapidly acquired and successfully maintains i"« popularity, produced by tu« >ub*cnber is _a manner al¬ together su-seri-T tc icy of the kind that has been or is now before the pabii*. and ?s Worthy of notice as possessing all the qualities, of a superic- bat, as lightness, beatny of finish, permanency of color, and capa-r.ty for service. That the Moleskin Silk Hat possesses thr- very e!t ments «ndi«u>!y aimed at in the production of a perfect rrrticie, it need-: Only to l>e stated that the foundation or body is manufactured from lie finest description of slock, ami the piasb or covering of the finest luahty silk, than which, it will readily be admitted, there is nothing of the nature of fabric more durable. To gentlemen who have not gi.errthe abore hats a trial, it is remarked that they bare been for yeanthe most popular, and are now almost exclusively the fashionable Hat of Paris.this, to say the least, a sträng recommendation. To men s^r-tlemen as have preereuce for Trench rrianufacture. h. is remarked that, from tue sub¬ scriber's oJrwrr-at'ons during a recent visit td the French metropolis, be is enabled i" say, that though in one or (wo particulars ttie Fiench excel, yet in the main, tue article j sohl by him is superior. The pattern for the tali .lad winter is'at or.CZ ' model of symmetry and beauty. FÖXJÜ DOLLAR HATS. The peculiar condition of the mod5f£ry affairs of the pres- eat time, demanding of the mass of the corm-ir^i'y 'he adoption of retrenchment and econemy, the subscriber rt£52fJ ":t expedient, for the time being, to deviate somew hat from the systera h'lbeTio ««.ricily adhered to in the conduc- tioa of his business, (that of selling other than the first quality,) now offers to gentlemen disposer t^ e^orw-rnise, a superior hat at the moderate price of Four Dollars. This article possesses in a large measure the constituent parts uf the most costly, prepared with all their neatness and exter¬ nal finish, and are sold at a sm ll advance upon the cost. They are u Hals for the Times.'' sep5 2w:s W.4.RNOCK, 170 Broadway. TT CharleJ Wai»on> Hat and Cap iTJan- nfucinrer.Wholesale and Retail vTarehonse 149 Chat ham-street, up stairs.Stores 154 Chatiiam-st. and 160 Bow¬ ery. Terms.Cash or approved paper. aul9 istf Read Read!! Read : ! From the Editors of the New Yorle lile'hodist Christian Ad- roeate and Journal, Aug. 10. TT Sr.a as' Bihlk Biogra put..This is a most b-autifu work, so far as paper, priming, embellishment, ami bind ing are concerned. It is an octavo volume, and contains .Wl pages of letter press,illnstrated with some of the most spoiled engravines we have seen lor a !;:ng time. The frontispiece, by Losging, represents Doddriuge's mother teaching him Scripture history by Dutch tiles. This is an exquisite picture, and one on 'which the eye may rest with more dian ordinary delight We have not'had time to reatl the work, but from the notices given of it by some of the mo.«t respectable journals, we judge it will he well re¬ ceived by the religious public. Price, $2.50. Sold at No. 122 Nassau street. New- York. au!5 lmis" XT" Rhenmatiani is every* dav disappearing before Dr Henry's Vegetable Rheumatic Syrup. Read the fol¬ lowing certificate received last week." We are con'incally receiving new ones. We have now more than thirty besides abov.: ßlry names of persons wbo have been cored within the last ten weeks in this citv. They will all be shown with plea.-ure to anyone at the «rfice. These are to certify that atmut ene year since I was taken with the rheumatism in all my iimbs. but it was in my shoul¬ ders the wo:st. and so bail was a there that I Caoid not rais my hands to my head. Sometimes I did not sleep f.;r the whole night hut walked ihe floor incessantly. 1 ha I ai different times no less than a dozen doctors, but they did me not the least good,and I tbongbt I .-hould never get better, and had given up all hopes, w hen, seeing an adverti-eme» in the paper ol Dr. Henry'« Rheumatic Syrup. I procured Imtile which helped me immediately, and less iban ihre« have perfectly cured me. and I can with confidence recon:- mer.o it to any one who is similarly afflicted. New-York, Aug.31, 1842 JOHN COMMLNS. No. 13 IVirl-sL near Whitehall -treet. A'l are inrit»d to call at the office where he will show them such proof us üiey cannot doubt of the efficacy ol thl medicine. It is for sale in this city at No. 286 Rowers, corner of Hou-tnn street. In Brooklyn at Stt-wart-s. 75 Fulton "treet, and in Newark at Trippie's, 238 fi i ad stree*. MARINE JOURNAL. PORT OF NEW-YORK, SEPTEMBER 8,1312. MINIATURE ALMANAC..THIS DAT Tttr. SDK I the MOON I TÜLL SEA. ttise« 4 51) Sets 6 20'Rises 8 10 Morn S IS Eve. II 17 L a t e « i Dates. L0VD0J»..Aug. 191 HAVRE.AuC. 17 LTV>ERPOOI.Aug. 19:Nr;W-ORLEANS.\u , CLEARED. Ships Southerner, Palmer. Liverpool, Woodhull Min¬ ium; Albaay, Watson, Havre, W Whitlsck, Jr. Br hark New Brunswick, Hunter, St Andrews, N B, G 0 Gresbam. Brig* Black Hawk, Robinson, Braiil ami a market, E Corning k Co; Pbilurn, Lander, Savannah, Dunham k. Dimon. Schrs William Bryan, Moss, Galveston, J H Browner; Oscar, Baker, Boston; Constellation, Somers, Wilmington. A B Cooley k Co; Pacific, Smith, West Indies. J Elwtll k Co; Br »ehr Lady Mary; Axlell St John's. N V, Dnrmcocnh k Beck wrck; Wolcott, Ryder, Boston. arrived. Bark Col Howard. Prentiss, fm Rio Janeiro, Juiy 26, with coffee, to order. Norw brig Kron Preuds, Oscar. Alberthsen, 105 ds from Stockham, wiih in>n, to Schmidt Balsben. Brig Mars Hill, Gray, 14 ds from (Jaayanilla, P R, with sugar, to Brett k. Vose. Brig Iowa, Carney,30 ds fm N Orleans, with dour, tec., to Nesmith & Leeds. Sehr Emms Cole, Baltimore, with tlour, Lc, Johnson 1 Lowden. Sehr C R Hooper, Tvler, Virginia, with wbvat, to G Trimble. Sehr Bnunty, Wallace, 4 ds from Newhern, NC, with naval stores, to Depeyster Jc Whilm i'«b. SchrsSpaik and Rising Star, Chery Stone, pouitots. Sehr Elisha P Horion, Francis, Virginia. Sehr Chincarora.Prirker. Virginia. Sehr Senator, Smith, Virginia. Sehr Far tor. Canlield, Philadelphia, coal, to order. BELOW.I ship and 1 brig. Wind light.south-west. TT An IntereMtins Work on the EaM..Jus publisbed. by Cary Ji Hart, »Notes of a Tour through Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Arabia Petrrca, to the Hoiv Land, Including a Visit to Athens, Sparta, Grand Cairo, Constan¬ tinople, Thebes, the Red Sea. Mount Sinai, Petra, the Edoni of Scriiuure, kc. by E. Joy Morris, in 2 volumes, lämo. wiih plates. Mr. Morriss made a complete tour throagh Greece, both in the North and the Morea. and in that respect, as contain¬ ing a record of his Observation«, bis has the advantage of any other American b«ok yf travels. And we may also add, that the descriptions of the temples of Egypt are very full, made fr»ia observations written on the spou w iih these won¬ ders of human ingennily before the author, and impressing his mind with their solemn grandeur. [LT. S. Gaz. This work is precisely such an one as a man is glad to take up when the desires information upon the subject of which ii treats. [Brother Jonathan. Mr. Morris is an easy and graceful writer ; l.e describes his personal adventures and the subjects which attracted his attention with good taste, in a Pvely and agreeable manner. An appendix to the first volume contoining regulations of the French Government Stvamer« in the Mediteranean will prove very useful to per-ons contemplating a Continental tour. Tables of distances, and of ptices in Uie steamers are given, and nl.-o the time of arrival and departure of the boat* at different stopping places. tNew World. au26 bteod" WILEY k PUTNAM, Ibl Broadway. XITGoarand'a Blanr D'Eapagne, or Spanish lily while, imparts a pure life-like alaba>ter wholeness to the complexion, is an entirely new article and free from the deleterious principles generally entering into combina¬ tions for the above object Put up in elegant boxes at 25 cents each. To be had at the original office, 67 Walker st. one door fram Broadway. Ladies with red-tipped noses will find this lotion operate like a charm in dissipating it. s3 lmis _______ MARRIED: In this city. Sept. 7, bv the Rev. Mr. Andrew s, Henry P. Knignt E-q., Cashier of Merchants' Bank. Providence, R. I., to .*»ii«« Adeline Winchester, daughter of Isaac Winchester, Esq., of Providence. In tliis city, Sept 7, at St. Luke's Church, by the Rev. John M. Forbes, William H. Livtngs'anto Mary'C, daugh¬ ter of the late Christopher Beakley, E.-q.. all of this city. At Cambridge, Washington county. N. Y.. Seot 4. by Rev. E. H. Newton, Mr. E. Peart Fenton to Miss Lucia M. Cohh, both ofthat place * At Brooklyn, SepL 6, John J. Van Nostrand to Nancy R. Gardner. In this city, Sept 6, R^val W. Baker to Eleanor Eliza, eldest daughter of Col H. P. Robertson, all ofthis city. In this city. Sept. 6, William G. Medlicott to Marianne, daughter ot Israel Dean. At St George's Church. Hanover squire, London, July II, by Uie Very Rev. Robert H-v.igson, Dean of Carlisle, William B. Hodgson, Esq., of the State of Virginia, to Mar¬ garet, daughter of the late Edwanl Telrarr, Esq., of the State of Georgia. At Newark. N. J , Aug. 31, by the Rev. Mr. Cornell, Mr John A. O>nklin,of New Vork.wMUs Decker ol Siaten Islana". , Mav many litUe Cooklins' crown Tbt blessings of this happy pair; May their fair brows ne'er know a trown, And naught but smiles ot joy it-st there. DIED : In this city, saddealy, Sept. 7, William Bookhout, aged 45 years. His friends and acquaintances, and those of bis brother John, are requested to attend the funeral, this afternoon* (Thursday) at naif-past 3 o'clock, from the house of his sis¬ ter. No. 224 Ceutre-strret. In this city, Christopher Haxie, aije-i "0 years. The relauves and friends of the family are invited to at tend h'w funeral, at 10 o'olock this moining. (Thursday) Iron No. 15 Carroll Plac», Bleecker. corner of Thompson-i" --. At Brooklyn, Sept 7. Sarah, infant daughter o4 Edward and Sarah T. Carnngtun. In this city, Sept 6, in the 26th year of his aje, S3roae, Wallace. In this city, Sept- 6. Mrs. Eliza Soffen, aged 53 years, la Peoria conntv, Uli., Aug. 22, Mrs. Rachel >. Patchel- der, wife of Joseph Bate helder. in the 46th year ot her age TO PRINTERS.. V'äuted f h:re a small .«unikal P.-'mtiag Addrea* F. a;.k run,attbis rfice._>8 it' d U11NA, GLASS aad Eartb-nware, at very lo.v prices. Those in want will fin l it _io their [alerest ir> call arrl examine at the new store. No. 17 Catna- r.oe-»t oearChattiamsquare, P. P. PAGE, auil aodim is The .fIi*e<-» Ilarru« irinresan»e their School for V Kjye La a >. oa Moodav. September tSVb, at the re¬ sidence cf ih<;.r wiher, R. Havens, Esq., No. 22 Lafayette Phce. Tbey have secured the ixl of a French lady, of high cha- racter'aad attainments, who w.i! reside in" the family . Boantnur scholars, especially, will therefore enjoy every " lityiot the acqaisiliou of*a correct practical knowledge of the Trer-ch lamruage. Parents and gcrrdrans desirous of asc-rtain:r.^ the cha¬ racter of their school, v*be r*'er«d, oa appBcatioo, to any of their present wr former patrons. s5 lv\ >* TJ~ Mr*. A. E. Rusutell mtorrn> her fronds and former patrons ;ha: »he is bow prepared to receive pupils at b»r residence. 96 Liberty street. Hoars for study 'rom V until 3 o'clsK k. Circulars may be obtained at her residence. Ha< permission t>t refer to theVoliow ins gentlemen: David M. Reese. M. 0. Francis Hall, Esq. .Messrs. Dsosway k Brother?. Charles Armi, E<q. L It V". Kirby. Mit. R w [Q . '.o give lastrsclMns to Ladies in a gii'at vari¬ ety of Ornamental "^ork, spectneas -of which she will be happy to show :oJp-r-*>n* ''*»tron< of learning. Her bours for such instruction are from balS-pust S o'clock until >alf- past P. M. Price 50 cents per lessoti. >7 2ti»" JTT Try Tnrfow yon Buy..Remember every pur- cha-*-rorDr. Felix Gooraud's celebrated Powders lor up¬ rooting bair w:thout the slis'J.test injury to the skin, can sec them tested before baying. proof post'^e this, and no mis¬ take. To be had nowhere else in New York but at 67 Walker street, one door from Broadway. $1 per botrie. Agents.New Haven, E. M\ers; Providence. C. Dye?, Jr: Pooghkeepste, J. Gray; Lowe!!, Messrs. Carleton V Co.. Bo-tun. Jordnu.Milk-sf; Gqshen, Elliott. au23 Imis A MERICAN MUSEUM. GARDEN. JLM. tND GALLERY OF FINE AKTS, opposite St. Paul's Church.P. T. Burnam Manager. GRAND gala WEEK. On .Monday, September 5, and errry Day and Evening tills wie a1. It is with r.r srntll degree of pleasure and pride? that the Manager call« public Ct'.ention to the Tremerdous array of Novelties put forth here this Be***, ipcludiag the wondertul mermaid: Mr. HARRINGTON, die cehbrted Magien and Ven- tri1 quist The MYSTERIOUS GIPSY GIRL. Master DIAMOND the renowned ar'd anep*>rwaebable Dancer. Wbidock, the unrivalled Banjo Phyer.Miss Taylor, the panular Vocalist from the Pant theatr? -Mr. B. Boyce. the most popular Comic Singer in the country.L<* Petite Ce¬ leste, the b autiful tlan«eu»e.Balloon Ascensions froifl **»r Garden on the top of the Mu earn-cPO.000 Curiosities, and ii >-!» f uiiier attractions, novelties and amusements; for par¬ ti.- L'i.srs «>» which see bills of the day. Perforrdai ces Twice Every Day, commencing at 4 o'clock and 7f o'clock. P. M. Admittance to the, garden and entertain¬ ments.2o cents; Children half price. HILL'S? NEW YORK MUSEUM, OVo. 2i2 Broadway,opposTte tht City Hall..Outing this week the following popular performers will appear in a se ries of performances in the Grand Pictorial Saloon : J!r. \\ INCI1ELL, delineator of:Scotch; Iris», Dutch. French. Yankee and oihei Cbarocters. Mrs. MOSSOr. tin celebrated Vocalist. .Mr. di \\, i'roru Treuso.-ii Theatre. A fall find i Indent B<mil ol Music In atttndar^e. Fancy Glass Blowing by Mr. Owens. The tenants ol the? rarest, sea and air; Mineral Wonders, and a vdst number of Per traits of American VVortiue»; an Egyptian Mummy, &c Performance at 3 o'clock. Tickets 23 cents; Children half price. s5 lw* YMNASTIC KXERCISKS..Mr. FI'LLER root cti'-illv iutbnns his Pupils and the Public generally , that his Gymnasiums, 2«Vi Greene-street and Ann-strei:. are now open tor the season. A Jnoioi Class is about-being formed at both the establishments at ..ours to suit the convenienceiofscholars. Forterms, which have been considerably reduced, apply at either ot tin Gymnasiums. The Fencing department wifl be Under the Ruperint] denceol Mr Clus. Delanv, Prosessar, ai:d Teacher by :-.\< poihünenl in the United S'.ates Navy. Sparring taught as usual. s8 2w IjlALL GOODS..The undersigned pre[>ared with bis usual extensive assortment of sen .finable Goods to execute orders for Garments in a Style which will comport w'th any bouse in the Trade, at price- which mu.d offer inducements to those paying ready mo¬ ney. Attention is solicited to ihe style of Pantaloons furnished a: this establishment', as pnrti-olarcare is directed to this de< partment, with the view of giving entire satisfaction. Tho«c who have experienced any diffic^illy In getti:ij sa.led, ate assured thai a superior til can always be re.dir..;. French an I English Cassimeres in a great variety of nev patterns just received. The assortment ol Vesting* wind gave >o much satisfaction tiirough ihe Spring and Summei s. isous, will be kept up. French and English Cloths of super an.! medium quaii ties for Dress and Frock C^ats, Pilot, and Beaver Cloilis ü Surtouls, always on band. Fani y dress articles, includir.g Silk and Satin Scarfs, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Gloves. Hosiery; Suspender*. Sh:;!-, Collars, Jtc , at usual moderate prices. WM. T. JENNINGS, Late Lynde k Jennings, 229 Broad way, American Hotel G [V EVV GOODS..-Selected from the lat _L l est Importations, at the NJCW YORK GASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT 142 Fulton-street, near Broadway. Strangers and others arriving in the city, wishing to re pieotsb their wardrobe, are invited to call and examine ou stock before leaving their orders, as we ure now makin; daily purchases for cash, and we offer great inducements d ca-b customers. Our assortment comprises a great variety « French and English wool black ami fancy colored Cloth- and Cassimeres, the best quality and latest styles Frencl elastics, so desirable for fancy pants. A choice selection i French and English Silks for vestiugs. Also n good assori mentofdrapd'etes, and fancy French drillings for summet wear- The subscribers pledge themselves that every articl- mwiufactured at their establishment shall be equal in styl« and workmanship to that of any house in lha trade, and n a i; reduction from credit prices. Full suits furnished at 24hours' notice. Strict punctualit observed in tilling order*. Cash ondcTiverv, and no abatement in price. a I _*_J. C. BOOTH k CO. MRS. GOULD'S YOUNG LADIES SCHOOL, ltiti Duane on Monday Sept. 12th. Mrs. G (eels confident of being able, by pre- sent arrangements, not onlv in sustain the reputation ol lb«* school, bu: to afford still greater advantages to her pupils Excellent accommodations for boarding scholars can now he famished in this large; comaiodious and pleasantly locates establishment. Theservic«*s of able and experienced tea¬ cher, are secured for the several departments s8 Si* EDi CÄT^rO.^TBrooine street.Mr. CHAMB EllLAIN invites the attention of parents to his Sch'>ol for Boys, winch is entirely tinder bis personal in- struction, except in penmanship. Air. C.'s school for adult, is open day and evening, and attended by eilicient and ex¬ perienced teachers. Writing, D'awing, Grammar, Arith¬ metic and BrKik-keeping nre taughl by the quarter on moderate terms and on a plan of individual instruction which enables the student to make the most of the time which they devote lo study. 56 atis* db4.50.~- ?\P her is d discharging at ihe foot of ftivington-s». his cele- b'rated Peach Orchard and Belbnont Red Ash Coal, at tbe above low price. Large Nut $4.5^, Stove $.5.00; Broken and Egg $5J>0. Orders received at toe yard, cornerof Rir. ingtou k Essex sis. PETER K. A URAN D. s3 lw* THHÖMSÜNlTiTiM^^ The Kings of France and Prussia are Tbomsonlans, and have awarded the autror a splendid Gold Medal nnd verv eompli-neutarv letters. p*'EW:YORK TRUE THOMSONIJtf INFIRMARY A.MJ MEDICINE STORK. No. 4S BOWERY, [oppotiu the Theatre) unde. the direction ol Da. J. M. N ORR Iff, who has had over eleven years experience in this practice. s2 lm Peter Faircbild, Auctioneer. stiore No. 9 Spruce-street. Thursday, Sept. cith, at 10 o'clock. Sheriff's Sale.Will sell this day at No. 9Spruce-st. a large assortment of Furnituie, by order uf the Sheriff, vii:.1 ex. dining table, 1 gill framed looking » 6 ma¬ hogany do. 5 dozen Windsor, 20 cherry tables, 12 office chairs, 1 screen, 14 matrasses, beds and bedding, 14 bed- sseads, 14 wasbstandsJand crockery, kitchen furniture, and the contents of a bar. AIsti ten pins, balls, rouleile table, I larze oil painting (Scotch hunter) 6 by 3 feei, > settees, de c.iii'-r-. turn .1 large stunVd e.i^l'-. Sic. '-r-__ ':: [f* C^T^^LOTHAND VELVET CAPS .A great variety of new and splendid patters adaple«! to infants, children and bovs of ail ages. Also, ladies Riding Caps ot very beautifa! patterns, and gentlemen's Sporting and Dress «.'aps. The subscriber flatters himself he has the largest and best assortment of Caps in the city, and a further recommendation is the extreme moderate prices m which they are vended. Wholesale and retail at WATSON'S, 154 Chatham-street, and sS istf 160 Bowery. A MÜDKL of the beet two Horse Power /V. now in u-e, will be at the Exchange, Couitlandt-st. all this week. .Mechanics and other* need only to examine the mode! u> be sa'.isGed ibtl what is staled above is true.. H. G. HALL. "I have examined Hali's Improved Horse Power,and ron- ? der : to powess advantages over all others ol the kind." G. FREEBORN. N. B..This Two Horse Power will out-thradi any sweep maeb ne m use. s3 2t* IMPORTANT TO MERCHANTS i-7 The contents of Wilder's Patent Salamander Safe as'-'- n»-v< r; een injured (much i»-ss destroyed) by fire. Tbey can only be haJ a*, the Iron Sale Siore of SILAS C. 11 ERRING. 139 Water-street. .\*. B. Safes of other makers, such as have lw:en taken in part payment (l>r Wilder's, for sale at less tbaa ene baif .<.' !ir»t cost, as above. g? BK UKENPE a i; hTTr C ha iÜTCÖÄ L This day discharging from Canal Boat Jas. Carrol, foot of Hubert-street, first quality br.dt.n Peach Orchard Coal.for *#!e at lowest markt t price, by WARD k BROWN, s«_ 411 Washington torner Laight--treet. WALL'S E SD NEW CASTLE Coal. The shio Manco is now discharging fo<>t of Beach street* of the above very superior fuel.large »ize atd»3ira- bb: f«;r famiJes. lor sa!«.- io-s in lots t-» suit pcrcbasem, by WARD k BROWNE, 4 0 Wa*hin«ton-street| «J5 corner Ot ! ¦<._>:.¦. Pi i Ü i l; K OY & CO.'S NEW-YORK; ALBANY, TROY, BUFFALO. CHICAGO AND Canada Package Express, leaves daily (Sundays excepted) '¦.r ;h- ^hyive und intermediate places. OSce No. 2 WaJ street. New \ . . \ B M:i r. i kag-*I»3 " ."w-my k Co.'s Express." au!3 Itnis ': -' _ S~bank NOTE LIST i' - sale AUCTION SAL ab. BJosiaa KtWrnT^t, A reponier. ST BANGS. RICHARDS & PLATT, t Store 156 Broaowav. L'T>cn, cash advance* tM .'e on consignments (or auction sale*. L?Y S- DKAPER, Jr..Store 54 WÜ- JUß ham-Street, cor»,», nf PTie-«rr«-i THURSDAY, SepL S. A. hi ocJock, «: the auction room. Fsesch CcHJtH-By CataJ*ree,-FOr approved «ctersecl netes at o months crcda.-h.Xr cases French Good*, com- prsmg a great variety and extensive assortment of staple and fancy articles of recent importations. Also, 25 cases German eotton hosiery, black, white and siate. Abo. 13 cartons German fhrrad laca, new and desirable patterns. Also. S cases blue black silk Velvets to close an invoice. Also, 7 cases German fringe*. Also. 2 cases black and blue black Lvons silk Velvets best fabric Als<», S cases Orliens choice assortments. Also, 2cases biack Italian Cravats, S4 aod 56 inch. Abo, Stock Goods, the balance of a concern declining business, consisting principaliyof white goods. Catalogues and sainnles on the morning of sale. Also, Stock Goc<l«, consisting of ladies aod geatiemea*' silk and cotton hosiery, merino' ami cotloa uuder-shuts and I drawers silk travelling caps. Jtc. fcc SATURDAY. ??epten)ber 10. At in o'clock, at the Auction Room. CuyfJfe and Cassist Kates.From the sitelves.on a credit of 6 month", IT appruved endorsed notes.frJO pieces super West of England Ckitiw aad Caisimere*, just imported, comprising wool-dyed Macks, browns, iuvisible green, ol¬ ive and fancy colors, London browu, Russia greeu, woaded oliv»*, citron green, claret, dahlia. kc 4cc Also, Ico pieces Ca?simeres, of various patterm ind de¬ scription*. Also Damaged Goods per packet ship Westthester, dam¬ aged on the voyage of impt.nation, sold under tbeinspectiou of the wardetus of tbe port, for account of whom it may concern. j S cases West of England brown cb>:!.<. } Ab«, 7 cases Wt->: ol England Cassimerrs. TUESDAY,Sept IS. At 10 o'clock at the auction 100111. CLOTHS* s»jo Cassimeses.From the shelves.on a credit of >:x months, forapproved endorsed n.tes.2iXk pieces supe¬ rior West of England Cloths and Cassimeres, just imported. WEDNESDAY, 14. At 12 o'clock at the Merchants' Exchange. Peremptory Sale of 19 valuable Building Lot», favorably located on the 3d avenne, 2s?th and 29th streets, to wit: 8 lots forming the enrire fro^t on 2d avenue, west side, be¬ tween i~ih and 28th streets. Stetson tbesonlb side of £Hh street, between Sd ami 3d avennes Immediately contiguous to the aU-*»e. a new church is l-uilding, nud thesurrouniling property is rapidly improving. The avenue and street are ^r.ided and paved complete. ..\!*o. 4 lots on 23ih street, betweeu 7th and lib avenues, about IWfeet westoi 7ih avenue. And 4 Ion on 29th street, immediately in rear of the above, of same dimensions. Term*. 25 per cm on il.iv ofsale, 35 do. upoo .ft? livery of deed, and balance on !»oiid and mortgage Also, at 12o'clock at the Merchants' Exchange, 63 »hart* ?afayette Hank Stock !or account of whrm if may concern. I~> V A LH A" KIM HA IJ..Office No.~4fc ) William-srrset, near Wail. A. K. having made ermngements for ihe transaction of a general Auction and Commission business, solicits poV- ronage ol bis friends and ihe public He will give his attention to the sale of Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds and other securities, Furniture and Out-Door Sa'es generally. ! It is believed that (he foiling of Stocks by auction as a regulär business In» newer been attempted in thla city. In Boston and other cities most of the su cks are disposed of at public sale, ybls ta-nle of transacting business presents ad- vantages over the present custom. At auction sales the ib alers in stocks can always be present amijudge tor them- selves whether the sales are tairlv conducted or not, a privi¬ lege Of tvhlch they are now deprived. The seller wll hnve to pay no more commLsaion than the regular brokerage, and the purchaser will by atteudinfr; to l!ie sale save the amount of a brokerage. Tbe numerous kinds of stock offered in this market that .in* not quoted on the books ot the brokers, and tbcretbro are rendered unsalable, will by the adoption ol this plan enable the holder to present them favorably before the pub- be through the advertisement oi the auctioneer. au20 it. M. Baker, Auctioneer. BY R. M. BAKER..Store 149 Fulton- street. THIS DAY, For cash, in lots to sun purchasers, a quantity of Dry and Fancy Goods, Hardware, (Jens, Pocket Cutlery, Grr« man Silverware, vc. Sale positive. boob w Yff ANTED a partner with $100 lor a y v badness which will cbar from OVO to $800 per an¬ num. Call at 176 Wilbamst. s3 It* ANTED a .smart, active boy from 12 to 15 years Of a«»e in a fancy Dry Goods store to t whom a small compensation will be given for the fir»t year. I Apply at 33 Cedar street between 3 aud 3 o'clock, P.M. 2t»_ \X;rANTED . Situations by English, TV American, Scotch andt W*|»b Servants, both men and women, at the Temperaace Office, 77 Nassau »treet A first-rate Scot. ;, Coachrean can f»c bud ai'77 Nawau-st »8 it* WANTED..A partner in a legitimate commercial business, with a cash capital of from 1Z to $1500. To such a one a good opportunity is offered. Ad¬ dress Tariff, Tribune office, when and w here an interview can be had. _s8 2t WANTED.A place by a very nice, capable girl, for housework or chambermaid' Apply at the corner ot Barrow nod Fourth-streets. s7 St* WANTED..Permaneut apartment*, furnished or partly (urnished, for a gentleman and his wife, in a good neighborhood, with or without board. Addr^s, II. «. Plebeian office. »73t» WANTED..A few good cloth cap ma¬ kers at 31 Pearl:street,2d story, to whom the high¬ est prices will be paid. None hot those who thoroughly understand the business need apply. »5 istf ANTED.To attend in a retail fancy store in Broadway, (a desirable and proper situa¬ tion for a female,) a lady to assist in sale?. A fetter, staling qualifications and address, directed to A. B., left at Una office, will receive attention. t6 3lia BOY WANTED.Who has had some, experience at the Printing business. None odier need apply. * BURROUGHS it CO. It* Office of Ruggles Engine, 34 Ann-street. M~(WlWfOlJjAN..Cash vTTlTbe~ad~- vanced by the advertiser eh almost every article of gooils and personal property of a staple nature. Apply to No. 11 Cedar-street, front otfice, third »tory, between tbe hours of 10 and 2 o'clock._»8 2t* 4k W WANTED" on Bond and \y Q . \J \J \J Mortgage at 6 per cenL for a term cf years, on a 3 siory brick house and lot, »iiuated in tbe Bow- ry, worth $14, rents for $1100. Apply at Wo. 9 Albany street fe4tlf^ SERVANTS for cooking, «harabemork, nursing, housework, A.c. can be bail this day at 45S Broadway. No charge/.no humbug, but opposition to iop¬ position. »8 St* AIXOJJNG MAN is desirous of employ¬ ment in a grocery', or would accept of almost any kind of a situation, as employ went is his object Communiciv tiens addressed IL S. M. and left at the office of the Tribune, will be thankfully attended to._ »8 It* OARDERS WANTED.Two or (ma single gentlemen can be accommodated with break¬ fast tea and lodging in a piou» family, where there are no children or other boarders, in the vicinity of Union Square. Hours for meals to accommodate Terms moderate. Ad- drew P, at this office, with real name, and the individuals will be called upon and shown to Uie house. s7 3tit* A"FEW"SenItTeMEN can be accom- modated with good board by applying at 283 Grand ureet This is one of the most pleasant situations in the city, an ! every attention will be paid to make it a comfort¬ able home. Termö moderate. »7 2t* QU'IAR FOR PRE S E R VIN G. .A large asaartment of white ami br$wn Sugars, of su¬ perior quality, suitable for preserving, Jtc, for sale by J. O.kD. FOWLER, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 2M Greenwich >treet, corner of Murray. Also, a general as- sortment of fine Teas, Groceries, 4tc N. ß..Familiesand deabr» are r<-fjiieat«d Iti give them a call previous tojiur- chasing elsewhere. N »6 3ti^ W- AtCHl^'lij^jOEWEK very low..The subscriber is selling all descriptions of gold and silver lever, anchor, escapenjent, lepine and verge Watches, Diamond Rings, Pirw, Gold Pencil*, Keys, *tc at retail, lower than a: any other place in the city. Gold Wifkches »s low as So to H) dollars eacb. Watches aad Jew* elry exchanged or bought All watches warranted to keep gaod lime or the money returned. G. C. ALLEN, Importer of Watches axj<"Jewelry, whol-sale and retail, 30 Wall SfOrcaC p ¦.tain. d30 iatf AIRFIELD COUNTY BANK Notes ami certificates redeemed; Solely Fund. Eastern and all other hinds of un uirer.t funds bought, at lowest rates by »73t. ' ANTHONY L VNE. V. Wallst ( MIHAJ'' CKUCKEiiY STORE,"niÖ5 Bower}', between Grand and Hester street, where is constantly on hand a large (tockofgcod*, compriaingevery variety of »tyle and quality ot'China, Tea and Dinner Ware .Sione and Earthen cut an«l plain Glas«.Hal). As¬ tral and Mantel Lamps. English Britannia Tea Setts, Cas¬ tors, Axe The above g<*rJ» comprise new ami elegant pale terns from the h»->l manufactories in England, just imporVe.'i by th- »ub*cribers, and ;or sale at very low prices. auLS Im is M. te J. MERR1TT. BROKEN Peach Orchard Coal.This uay discharging from boat Ja*. Carrol, foot Haben - street. Broken Peach Orchard Coal, clean and in good or¬ der, for sale at lowe» market price, oy WARD k BROWNE, 411 Washington street, s7 _corner of La;gbt M M1' UJSE TO LET £N BROOKLYN. ^ja .Situated or. the Heights, No. 11 Hicks street, It rr^Snvefiient two story d welling, aivl will be let low tilt Lst of Mav. PowsAton imaieiiau-ly. Inquire on tbe prem¬ ises. -,r of J. W INCHESTEK, 'M Ann st »ep5 tfls N EW-YO R K TOE ASTON, PA.,.PEOPLE'S LINE..Fare $2 only.-- ._Leave pier No. 1, North rurr at 8$ o'clock A. M. daily, (Sundays excepted.) by stearoboat 10 Kliiafceth, Po-t; or l-kve die font ofLibert v ureet at 9 o'clock A. M.» by Phtlad^phla train to Elizabethtown. there conaect with the train of car* for Sr-merville; coacb.« tiience (only mUea.) arriving at Easton ax6 o'clock. P M. For sontoap- oly to A. D. Hope Merchants Hotel, 41 C^ttlandtsfwf crfBcc foot of Liberty »treet, or board the hoat. N B This route, on account of the short distance by ooarhes, aimmwls itself to ihe public Ohce reswved from 73 to 41 tVrtUndt, street Mfl

Transcript of · KnnkrnptK..SepL7. HearyH. Dexter,broker,N. Y. {formerly ofrinn...

Page 1: · KnnkrnptK..SepL7. HearyH. Dexter,broker,N. Y. {formerly ofrinn ofRay¬ mondit Eerier.),(late W.W.Toddk Co.merchants,Lex ington, Gco.)nowof

KnnkrnptK..SepL 7.Heary H. Dexter, broker, N. Y. {formerly of rinn of Ray¬

mond it Eerier.)Wm. tv. Tedd, (late W. W. Todd k Co. merchants, Lex

ington, Gco.) now of N. Y.Jlajor Line* (iate firm Lines k Peck.) N. Y.Atsuaoo J. Lord, N. Y.Samuel Ree»er, N. Y.William P. Lande*, N. Y.

C I T Y 1 N I*ifi LLI O K N C £.Wednesday, Septemcer 7.

Lawyer's Diary..This Dat..Commonpleas.-Pnrt l-Noi.73,77, 117. fart 2.No*. 130, 24. 6o74,78,110,1«.Board of Aldermen..The Board metal L

o'clock, present the President and all the member* exceptAlderman Hatfield.Petitions PRESENTED aNO Referred.Qf Dr. John R,

Chapin for pay for attendance on a woman at the flth di>-trictwatch nouse- Of Edward A. Nichols, executor of H.iierdy, for correction of tax.For a fire engine at 4?t!i-street22tb ward.Of Wiliiam1 McCormick to ring the fire bells bycontract.Of suudry carmen and laborers praying that no

oore contracts for paving streets be given to contractorswho pay the ban !s they employ in wbatbcalled storepay.Cs»mmunica;:"n and petition of Southwark Fire Engine Coj,'o. S3 for a new location.Ol R. M. ßowles for relief.Of.Bedcetd and outers .9 have Patrick Grace reinstated as a

ires:a.'..Reports Adopted..Auverse to lighting East Broadway

with jjas. Referred back to the committee.Papers from the Boardoi» Assistant*.a preamble and

resolot'on lor reft rring to the committee or. wharves an:!

piers of both Boards, to examine and report as to a properlocation for the Kreuch Steamers, and also what further ac¬tion in the premises is necessary : Concurred in. £Resolutions.By Alderman Cedney, that the resolution

approved by ibe Mayor, Dec. 14. 1841, authorizing the.Mayor to detail twelve marshals to aid in suppressing vio¬lations ol market laws be repealed ¦ Adopted. By AldermanDavies, that the Comptroller be directed to report thelunoantpaid to the special marshals detailed to enforce the

¦laws approved Dec. 14, 1841, and the amount paidto each: Adopted.Joint Meeting..-The Board of Assistants came in tbe

Aldermen's chamber and the two Boards went into a JointMeetiog.The were read and approved.The monthly report of tl.e Chief Engineer of the Fire

Department ofresignations and appointments were received,the resignations accepted and tin* appointments confirmed.The returns of Engine Companies Nw. Hand 7 were re-

.or Irregularity, to die Fire and Water Committee.Reports.Adv< rsctp re-instating James Hudson as a fire

man: Adooted. In favor of suspending Joabna C. Kerrfortliree months as g eman ol Engine Co. G, for abusive lawlaage to Oeo jje P. Kerr, assistant engineer, at the fire inBroratesiroel: Adopted.FtSIGNATloNS .\Sl) APFOINTMENTS:.Nicholas Dilti" re¬

signed the office rf Inspector of Lime, and James Cowel\sa- appointed in his stead,.lames Ketlara and George Hamilton were appointed day

Police Officers bflbe First Ward; Curtis Belts, Inspect*!of Firewood In die Twelfth Uistrict, vice Stephen Bene¬dict, declined j Horace Reed, Jr., Measurer of Charcoal,lice John M. Reed, resigned ; John T. Barnurd, Measureiof Charcoal; Patrick McArdle, Deputy Keeper of Black-well'» Island; William H. Lenry, .Marcus Nutting, EnosBurrbws, Alexander Von Pfister und Fraecis Harvey were

ajpninted City Weighers} Harman C. R. Lamb, A. M.Cosier, Benjainiii B. Roton, JoLn Cargo, Samuel Albertis,R. K. Moultin. T. S. Dickenson, T. Nable, Thomas J. Hil-forft.Wiiliim H. Scbenck, Joseph B. Harvey and John Hlg-;;iiis were appointed Weighers of Anthracite Coal; WilliamSbaw and George Sibcll were removed rroth the office olMeasurers of Charcoal"; William Snell, Peter Sauce, BcnJmin Wood. A. G. Dickenson. Jacob s. Brown, John Svl-mon. J. J. Shankjand, C. Little, Ash W. Wn Men, HoraceUnwell and Harold Dolluer wen- removed s* city Weigh¬ers; William Hyer was appointed Wood Inspector lor the19th instead ol the 17th District.The Join'- Meeting then adjourned.The Board ofAldermen resumed.Tre rc| ort of the Counsel of the Cdrporaiidn.fccdmmend-

liig tbat <uit£ pending against the Corjxiration by Uie Associate.Jodges of the cout ol General Sessions, be <i i-f-<tiuued and that the salaries of such Judges l»e paid, wascalled up and adopted.Tbe Board adjourned to Monday next.

Common Pi.kas..En the ctwe of Wright vs.Flufand others, the Jury gave a verdict for defendants,valuingthe property at $516.

In this Court also, act ions were brought by Horatio Hincfcman and Monmoulh I». Jlart, CommUstanersof Registry::i tUp foil of inio, in the Eleventh Ward. They each claimfor 68days,at *2 per day, w hich is more time than had beencharge:) by the Commissioners of any other Ward. TheComptroller paid them $100, and the present actions are

brought lor the remaining $24, The Jury considered thaithey lmd been paid quite enough, and (onnd for defendant.An action for Trespass was also brought in this Court by

John Turner against Same I Martin, tbe damages laid a:

>1W0,for taking away10 feet ol the rear premises at COFirst-street, (a portion of which lud born hired by plaintifl'for a yrar) for tbe purpose of electing a stable. A verdictwill be rendered Thursday forenoon.Couur of Sessions..Bufore the Recorder,

Judge Lynch and Aldermen Bonneil and Carman.LtriELLous Publications .The District Attorney gave

notice that he should prpci ed on Friday w ith the trials olMessrs. Henry Mi Veijjh, George B. Wooldridge, Gcorpv.lolbum. Nelson H. Miller and William J. Snell(r.g, the pro¬prietors or publishers of tbe ' Flush,' 4 Rake" arid ' Whip'newspapers.all of whom are indicted for libels.Forfeited Recognizances..Charles harrington, Alonz.o

Finch, und Bensel Lawton, indicted for false pretences-John Holt and William A'gale, for a nuisance, and RobertPiercey for assault and battery, severally failing to appearnml answer, their recognizances were forfeited.Trial for Kiefing a Disorderly House..Emily

Tooker was tried for a misdemeanor in keeping a of bad fame at No. 3 Beiison-streeL Itwas proved by Mr. McGloin, that males and females of bailcharacter, numbering from one to forty, were in the hubi1of going to the above hoiis- kept by accused, at all hours ofthe night, and conducting in a grossly indecent manner andmaking a great noise and usin^ profane and ribald langnageto the annoyance of tbe neighborhood. Mr. Quinn corrnborated the .statement ot Mr McGloin.except as to The Jury found the accused guilty.Another Trial fur Keeping a Disorderly House..

Mary J. Yates was then tried for keeping a disorderlyhouse, similar to the above, at No. 2 Benson-Street. It was

proved that this house is worse than the other, and that evtrn

'emalesof from 12 to 11 years of age were admitted thereinfor die vilest of pnrposi s, anil that crowds of men mid wo

men Djghtly frequent It Tbe Jury found the accuswdloiliy.Moxe Recognizances Forfeited..Thomas Matthews.

John Tigbe, Margaret Tigbe. Patrick Coyle, David Sisson,Richard Cornell, Thomas Mullen, Jacob Dupuy, ValentineRotsiler, and William Molyncux, severally indicted for a-naltsand battery ; James Jones for forgery ia the 3d de-pee and William II. Niles for forgery in the 2d degree,severally failing to appear for trial, their recognizanceswere forfeited.Arraignments..'William E. Ross was placed at the bar

sml arraigned on four several indictments lor larceny, onefor false pretence and one for assault and baltery, to all 01

which be pleaded not guilty, ami was remanded for trialThere are one or two other" complaints against him yet tohe acted on by the Grand Jury.The Court then adjourned to Thursday 11 o'clock.

Police Office.Arrest and Theft..Priv¬ate watchman E. Keese, caughlacolored man named Cbas.Smith dealing a packing box this morning and attemptedto arrest him. Smith struck tbe waictiuiau several blows«iUs his tut and also severely Un bun. He was, however,secured and ccminiued 111 deiault of *Jt'0 bail.Arrest of of a Convict..Mary M.ller, a convict, es

taped from Blackwelpt Lland a few days sine« and was lastnight arrested by one of the Deputy Keepers, and re-sentto the Penitentiary 10 serve out ner term ot imprisonmentStealing Silk, kc.George Calhoun before in pri on.

cumplamet! of again to day for having on Monday^len-lponmls of white sewing silk and 11 pieces of silkv«»t binding, worth together $42, from the store of \\ illiamM. Benjamin, SI Maiden lane, where he went under the pre->iKe of purcbasiu» goods, tie was committed to answer.

Stealing Money ano Ci.otiuno.. Henry Jenkins, col-»tvdman.was arrested by officer lleu-stis for stealing panta-loons, boot*, a purse and $n in money, from Moses DessauNo.375 pearl-street. Tbe purse was touud on him, and be¦as committed.Stsaung a Horse..Officer Cockefalr arrestetl a man

.tutted jgd'gar M. Briggs, v.\ Cbatbam-street, tor stealing a

!»rse worth$1(1«) from Albert Seety, of Stamford, Conn.,oti Friday last. He confessed he stole the horse acd soldhlm toastage-di iver at Peekskill for $U0.' The officer recov¬ered tLe hor>e, and Briggs \v«> committed to be sent to Con-°eciicut for trial.Arrest of a Ruffian..A man named Win. Rrer.beat

biswife severely and ottiser Fokkcs proceeded to arrestbim. He assaulted and beet off the officer, when Mr. Burns,kue constable of the 6th ward 'coming to the rrscne. was

»I» attacked and beaten, Rvtr escaping. To-day officersCockcfair aud Drinker, afle'r a fight, in which they were

»*>lently assaulted, succeeded in arresting Uver, who was

*«ged 111 ptbon to answer five several coiupiaiuts ot assauU*>w battery.Coroner's Office..Sudden Df.atk..Yes-

today Mr. William Buckhoui, carpenter, aged at-out 45.«Wcenlytetl down at tbe corner of Grand and Orange-»irveu, anu nluiosl iostaaUy expired. He w as seen 111 appa-frndy good health, a few'minuu» before. Hh> bo»iy was

Wkmjüwl to the bouse of his sister No. 224 Centre-street*berr tbe Coroner held .111 inquest. The veruici of tbe Jury^'agjd ied at disease of the hearL

Bmstol's Sarsaparilla..Caction..Persons who wishto obtain tbeuue at tide will be careful to oalrfor Bristol'sSarwparilla, and see that tbe srrtfftvs sjenatar« ot C. C»risiot is aero** the cork of the bottle, ihe reputation 0'toisiue«ticiae is e*t»bttsbed from tbe numerous wonderfulcares tt has perio: med aud b daitv p« riotming, nil of w hieb*e sulotautuded, ami tbr documents can be sect: by calling»t tbe store of WM. BURGER. No. 50 Courtlandt-strt-et,or at Mithau'*, IK Broadway. Horace Greeley, Esq.. Edi¬tor ol this paper, will be pleased to satisfy äuy one whoP*J call on him ot ibe happy efiectlbis medicine producedto a familv ot his acquaintance.Sold at wholesale and retail bv WM. BURGER, No. 50t-ourilsBdt street, and at Milbau's Pharaiaey, 183 Braad-*»y; also by lepuiable Draggbts and Ageuis throughouttbe coacuy. ^ au24 lm

tF Perfarmances at the American Museum twice every«*» aad evening.

Good Board and pleasant Rooms can be obtained»fio.üSCüff^t ö)fW 1

Sands's Sarsaparille..Could tbe many thousands whonow suffer from disease* tor winch this preparation is a cer¬tain specific, listen to the grateful testimony of those whohare u -1 i; and >'eer* cured, they would no longer doubtin regard to its efficacy or befriste if appropriating 10 them¬selves the benefits which meüicine can aione best: -v.~

Obstinate cutaneous eruptions, scrofula, chronic sore eves,enlargement and pain of the bones and joints, rheumatismin all its forms, and diseases ar dog from an injudicious useofmercury, Rre safely awl speedily cured, hy itn u-e. ForfartN-r ecr'.icclars, see an article addressed {0 the World.

Prer-nre.; and sola who!e*ak aoa retail, by A. B. SANDSi. CO , Granite Building, 2.C Broadway,-corner f.! Clianvtiers-street, N. Y. Sold also by \. B. fc D. SANDS, 7" and100 Fulton-street; D. SANDS CO. 77 East Broadwaycorner Marktt-strret.

Price $1 prr bottle. Six bor>- r $3.To the Old a?»d Ugly..This statement of an article

roach recommended for eruptions, disfigurement*, and clear¬ing disco! r,-<! skin ; we bei; lo say that it is not overrated.We haveseen il tested in three different ca*ea-«<ne, tkat ofan old lady, that it has cured of salt rheum of fifteen years*tandir.g, and given her a fine clear skin; another, a younggentleman fu i\*-iau -ireet, of pimples add,freckles so co*:erfng Ins f;:ce as to resemble small jk>x. One cake clearedhis face two cured him. It changes die color of dark, sun¬

burnt, or yellow skin 10 a tine healthy clearness. Hundredsin tbe State can testify who have used it, anl from whatwe have seen ret have no d mbl it will be very extensiv» lyused when its virtues are known. Sold by T. Jone», S2Chatham street. New-York ; 139 Fulton street, Brooklyn;8State Street, Boston; 87 Dock street. Philadelphia.

TO THELADLES».Have you reati tbe new work inst published at the New-

World offic»entitled

Letters from the Baltic.written by one of your sex .' Ifnot, ask your husbands andbrothers to bring you home a copy, which will cost but one

shilling. It is a delightful production, and the descriptionof the fashions, dresses, manners, kc at the Court of St Pe¬tersburg, as well a« in the Russian prnvinens ml the Baltic,are very graphic and interesting. The worlt is illustratedwith POUR ENGRAVINGS; three of which are female

'figures in various coslumea. TT Don't fall to. read it. Of¬fice SO Ann-street, where also may be had " Morlev Er-,

stein," by James."Godolph is," by Buiwer."AbelParsons," an original novel, the scene laid in New York.and other cheap book?.

TT Lcary dfc Co. Hattert, will introduce the fashionfur ihe sea-on on Friday, D h instant.

sG lw N'os. 4 and 5 Astor House.

ET8pciscer,o Emitasion TOolcnKiu EIh(.-rhis popular article:is commended to tlie public as peculiarly desirab1e,*at the present time, for its economy. Fo"elegance and durability, it competes successfully with tli*most costly Hats worn. Price $3 25. SPENCER,a!6 tf h ariiiohahlw-Hatter, No. 245 Broadway.O" Hats of the Pall Style nre novr ready.[The model tor the season is a slight modification of the

prevailing Pari»; mode ]SPENCER'S Sales Room.September l^t. hI WaitonV Milk Hat«, only 99 SO, is n

commended to the Pntdio. not only for its economy, but a>

possessing all ihe elegarice of contour of ihe nton coMly;1.billing utility with beauty. This article cannot fail torecommend itself to tbe connoisseur as well as economist.

WATSON} 164 Chatham-street, and 160 Bowery.N. B..Casdmere Hain S3 of the fiaest ;junlity ; Bea¬

ver Hats sc.» 50 of the finest quality.Fall Fashion Ready. au31 i*tf.mct'.^

Hat*! Hat*! Itatol.FALL FASHION..The subscriber invites the attention I the Beau Monde uhis beautiful, graceful, and tasteful lots bell-crown-d Halbeing ihe only really fashionable article ol ibe kind exininthough be cannot expect but imitators will spring up, anclaim the benefit of f»is ownorig iuai ronceptioi s.

To say that these Hats surpass any Uiing of the kind iipnintof style, finish, and graceful appearance, is to claim110 tnore ii; hi is vai nnu << i>v n experience oftw enty y< min 1 be'business, and. Ik Invites gentlemen who study grccand la >bion, tc cali and examh e for themselves.A large assortment of Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bat;«

Hat Cases,.-mil, in fact, every thing necessary foro gentle¬man's traveling outfit, may also he found at

E. BLOOMER'S, 17L) Broadway.au31tri» Opposite Howard's Hotel.TT Tbet'bfnpestt'nsh Tailor yet!.PETER

V*. HOSTED, Merchant Tailor, No. 1 Chatham Squarecorner of Catherine-street, eontiaucs to make Clothing toorder in the neatest style, in pi r cent cheaper than thecheapest Cash Tailor in tbe city. A good fit warranted!aiuUiereaßer no disappointments. s2 ist!

7 To the FrirndN ofHenry Clay..Do yoiwish lo be delighted.' Bead tbe beautiful and absorbingMemoir of tbe "rent man you sojustly ailmire, in tbe New-World of Monday last. What a feast you will enioy foronly sixpence! Send a copy to your friend in the country.the postage will be but a cent. PHILO-CLAY.

TT Peremptory Sale'of Loans, in Phila¬delphia..On Saturday, the 17th September, 1012, at one

o'clock P. M., at the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia.will be sold to the highest bidder, for accsunt of whom itmay concern, ,£10H,300 Sterling, of the Certificates of Loaiof the .American Life Insurance and Trust Company of tinCity of New-York, bearingan interest of 5 per cent., andredeemable in tbe year 1853, principal and interest payabbin'tbe City of London. RICHARDS BISPDAM.

s7tl7 Auctioneers, Philadelphia.Jir Clerk's Meeting..A general meeting of the

Drv Goods Clerks i f the tt ity of New-York is to be held a<ihe Columbian Hail, Grand-street, THIS (Thursday)EVENING, at 'J o'clock. A punctual attendance is panicularly requested, as business of importance 1« tbe clerks isto be transacted. % Bv order,

P.S. LEE. 1GEO. w. DAVIS, 5 Committee.

Il- JOHN FARRELL.)1 The Marshall T. A. Society w ill bold their

regular meeting at Conceit Hall,406 Broadway, thiseveningat 7t o'clock, when the meeting will be addressed by Mr.White ot Borgen,N. J., and by Messrs. Barnes, Woodruff,Madden, Valeao,and others. Sinking, by tbeLndy Mar-hallSociety, and by Messrs. P. rower. Missing, May, and others.The public are respectfully invited to attend.

A. D. WILSON, President.John T. Dcrvre, Secretary. «8 It*

TT Wanted..'1500 on b mil and mortgage on im¬proved real estate in Brooklyn, near tbe South Ferry.aver*desirable location. A line addressed to R. G. W , Tribumoffice, stating name and No. will receive immediate alien,

don. _sep5 LrlsTT By Letter* Patent of the U. 8..The pub¬

lic are cautioned against purchasing the Tricopbefons or

Medicated Compound for the human hair, at one dollar perbottle, as it can be bad for fifty cents. Observe that theoriginal and genuine Tricopherous has the proprietor'st ame. A. C. Barry, printed nii the outside wrapper. Besure to purchase at the Hair-Cutting Rooms, 146 Broadway,comer of Liberty-street, up stairs, or of the appointedagents. Any oilier article of the same name is an imposi¬tion._ si lm

1 To Self-Mhariug <*entlrmrn possessing n

strong beard and tender fare.The Metall'CTabletand StropofG. Sauuders is the only article now in use that w ill obviatetheir, difficulties. A most convincing prtof of their utilityis that the first cutlers in London, viz.: Column, 4 Hnymar-kei; Millikia.SOl Strand; Lowrock.38 Cornbill; Thornhall,111 New-Bond-Street, have them for sale, and recommendth* use of Hiera with their awn cutlery.N. B. The Metallic Tablet and Strop has been in use for

the last tweriiy.-five years, and certificates as to the supen-ority oftbe Strop (rtmi the following scientific gentlemenare at present in the possession of the inventor:

Professor Griscom, Dr. Moit, and Gen. J. Tamuadge,President of the American Instiiute.

Retail prior's $1 and 311 50. Sold wholesale and retail.s8 G. SAUNPERS &r SON, 163 Broadway.

TT Vleulth, «Juirt anil Comfort.The Gra¬ham House, ta Barclay-st. New--York, protfers advantageslo Strangers stopping a few days or weeks in the city, suchas are rarely offered. It is eligibly located, on a clean and

airy Street, very near the business part of the city, and inthe immediate vicinity of the principal steamlKiat landings.Its apartments are convenient and neat, while its table issupplied with the best Vegetables and Fruits that can be

procured, excluding entirely Animal Food and Stimulantsof all kinds. Charges moderate.($1 to $1 25 per day tor

transient).and every effort made to render Bnarders com¬

fortable. Shower Baths free. Remember 63 Barclay-.sL1 Gonrund** Vegetable Liquid Rouge-

Composed materially from flowers and simples, imparts u

delicate carnation tint to the complexion, immovable bytubbiu" with a handkerchief or linen cloth. 50 cents a be had only at 67 Walker-street, 1 door from

Broadway._*3 tmis

TT Virc Hundred different designs Necklaces,Bracelets, Watch-Guards Ear-ring*, Breast-Pins, Flow¬ers, Rings, Wigs, Scalps. 4cc Ladies or gentlemen Lav-

ing hair ol a tiring or deceased friend, can get lttormed byBARRY into any design the mind can conceive, in such a

form it will be a keepsake invaluable. A. C. B., the onlyArtist in Hair in this Country, 146 Broadway, corner ofLiberty street, up stairs._aul6 Inns

TT PARTICULAR NOTICE..Those persons bavin:fornltore of any description to dispose of. or w ho are break¬ing up house-keeping, will rind > ready sale lor any portionor all of their goods by sending their address, or callingapor. tbe subscriber. Goods to anv amount purchased.

F. COLTON ii CO., 197 Chatlrnm-s*.At Private Sale.2 firstrate Piano Fortes, that will he sold

verylow. je20 tf

TT Trustee'* Waticc.Notice ishereby given, thata general meeting of the Credi'ors of Jes>e Morrison, a non¬

resident debtor, will be held at the ofiiee ofJoseph E. Wee-den, in Randolph, Ca'.taraugus County, on the first day ofNovember n*xi. at li o'clock at noon. .

Dated August 16, 1S42.J. E. WE EDEN, )SAMUEL EwING,' Trustees.

aulS lawtNi HORACE KING. )TT Remember the Kemoval of the Real

Camphine Oil, Spirits and Improved Burner, to LaF.iyetle Hull, 597 Broadway, opposite Nibio's, at prices re¬

duced nearly 50 per cepL*

G. W. McCREDY, 15 Ira_(-)TT Patent Skdf-Cocltinjj Repeating Pis¬

tol*..The l>est weapon Ot defence invented, can be dis¬charged >ix times in three seconds with on? hand, and war¬

ranted not to set out of order At wholesale aod retail.J. G BOLEN, 104 Broadway, between

S7 jmisWail and Pine-streets.

rr Corporation IVotice.-Public notice is hereby jgiven, that £ Sale of Property for unpaid Taxes will takePlace at pubiic auction at the City Hall of the City of New-York, on MONDAY, the 5ih day of December. 1842, at 12o'clock, noon, and be coniiuaed from day to day until the

whole of said property shall be sold; and that the detailed ,statement of tbe taxes, and property to be sold, b pnblishedin the New Era.* newspaper printed and pobBsfaed ;n the jCitv of New-York. D. 6. WILLIAMSON, Comptroller.

Coaiptrollor's OtSce, August 30, 1««- & «wl4w

MOKE lr_MAjIKET.Sale* at the Stock Exchange, Sept. 7.

BO Del i. 86 [200 do.s3d 15±?Sl 85j! 50 15?Zl i'.-,.s-6 ;100 fj0.j30d 1525 do.r-.'b £5$) 3* 15j50 Bk *fAmerica.~9ij 50 d5-._,...?15d 15*5») Fanners' Loan.19jilon Long LlanW KCo_5r£

do. 19 75 do.50}25 Mohawk R.blOd 3915 scnin^tonR. 1725 . do ' 1722 .'.*e«v-Jersey R

100 do.»3d 505MO do.slOd 504£5 do.s3d 50'175 do

25 Harlem. 15} "10ft do.5«25 15*1300 d£.s90d5oj50 do. 15i', 10 Canton Co.CcA 21$


Cooasaerrial and Jlouey jJlatterstcWednesday, P. M

,"there was ratlier a large bu«:iiesj done at the Board to¬

day, and the feeling was good. Delaware improved i.Stonlngton was firm. The sales of Harieffl were to consid¬erable extent, at full rates. Nearly loon shs'rcs l ong /alandwere «old, bat it was offered fieeiy, and declined : per cent

Sd| .* holders appear to be selling outIn Estate «tor.'t; tber»» wns Hit much done, but the raw

were firm. Government Sis?s sold at I premium. A'":erthe Board, New-York "s, 1849, sold to some extent at lipremium. The transactions were :

$5000 U S 6s, 18-:2.101 .$2,000 Illinois 6s, 1870.... 38}£2,000 K'ky Sixes.7*$

Foreign Exetmngss for the oEckets closed firmly, with a

moderate demand. Sterling 7 a %: Frnics 5iS5 n 5 3.'fWe regret to learn that it was discovered to-day drat the

book-keep r of one of tbe most extensive money houses kiWall-street is a defaulter. The amount is al>out $10,000, andi e nr-l intimation the house had was a notice fr«jm theBatik that their account was overdrawn.A certificate ofdeposite on the Farmers' and Mechanics-1

Bank of Detroit for $1,000 was ofTered in Wall-street to¬

day, which Is believed to be r. forgery. The Cashier's sig¬nature is very different from bis usual signature, art! at theBank with which the Farmer»' and Mechanics' Bank keepsits account it i- declared to be a forgery. Iiis notsupposerithat the person who offered it was aware of its equivocalcharacter, as be is well ki own uj the brokers to whom heofTered it.A meeting of Alabamians was held on Monday night, at

which an ende avor was made to pas< resolutions b.lsleringthe Alabama State Bank system. They were stron-Iyvi.led down, and a»other meeting is to be called to expressvery different v ews upon this subject. We notice that theGovernor o( Alabama declines calling the Legislature to¬gether upon this (question. He declares they are beyondllie re*. !i of l-.»*nislttlive ,n'<J.At Philadelphia, JO shares ' South' Life and Trust Com¬

pany sola ..; < 25.par $15The following piece of information, cut from a Western

paper, is too good to be lost:"Samuel Jaudon, the celebrated financier, is said to be

employed in a broker's ortice in New-York."£108,300 ofcertificates of the five per cant, loan of the

American Life Insurance Company of this city, principaland ln'.'-i est payable in London, redeemable in 1853, will Liesold ..t Philadelphia on Saturday next.

The biil authorizing tbe bsue of Treasury Notes in placeof the twelve million loan has been published. Itautuor-izes tl.istte dl six Millions, of not*s; enact? that none of tbeloan shall be .sold lass than par. Section 3 enacts tliat ttiisact shall not be construed so as to anthorire the issue of cer¬

tificate» Ibr dtbts due from the United States, or for anypurpose except ;: bona tide loan.Five dollar notes q! die Citiuens' Bank, Augusta, altered

to Granite Bank, Exeter, have appeared in Boston. Alsoat Baltimore, notes of some broken institution altered to

Citizens' Bank ol that city.At Richmond money was scarce. The Bank s were sell¬

ing Exchange at a low rate.At Savannah, Exchange on England was nominal at 6 a

ft}. Sight bills on New-York H per cent premium. Notime h Ills offering.By a report of the Chesapeake anil Ohio Canal Company

it appears that on the 31st ofMay last the liabilities were

$1,110,883, exclusive of its indebtedness to the State.$2,315,000 more.

Suits are about to be commenced airainst the President,Cashier and Directors of the Atcbafalaya Bank, New-Or.leans, for the defalcation in the issues of the Bank, whichamounts to about $230,000.At Nashville there had been a steady demand for Ex¬

change since tbe rest: laption. Specie payments had con¬

tinued a month, and the amount of coin drawn had been

unexpectedly iijbt.ittarket*.

ASHES..There were but few bills offering to-day, aadnot much activity in the demand. About 80 bbK Pou, goodtares, sold at $^ -17}. One or two small lots, net desirable,sold at $5 25. Of Pearl», about ISO bbis. were taken at

$5 75. Some considerable parcels of Pearls are held at

$5 87$ a $5 94. The market is not firm ibr either descrip¬tion. About 300 bbl*. arrived to-day.COTTON..There is considerable animation to-day in

ibis staple, but it is not a demand which indicates a healthybusiness. The sale» hscre been .about 1,000 U»lo», inovtly to

speculators, who are encouraged by the tenor of the lastan vices from Liverpool to anticipate still better news by thenext steamer. The plentifulness of money also has a ten

dency to excite speculation in any article which offers n

prospect for a rise. The market i-. tirm, and thesales to-daywere at the full rates ot' yesterday.FLOUtL.Tbe boats which got in yesterday afternoon

brougni 7,000 to 8,000 bbls. Flour, mostly Genes'c, and in¬

cluding a very small proportion of Michigan. There ha5been to-day a fair demand, particularly for Maine and theBritish Provinces', but the large supply ha^ caused a turtherdecline of Cd. p' r bbl. on most descriptions. The current

rate lar Geoesee, fair brands, is $4 6j, at which con»:uera-

ble sales have been made. Small lots, however, have beensold at $4 75. A mixed lot of 1,100 bbls., including Sen-

esec, Ohio aad Michigan, sold at $4 69. We heard of no

sales of Troy. Ohio hru generally broaght the same rates

as Genesen to day, but one or two sales of round hoop, tothe extent of 5o0 to flUO bbls., are said to have been made ai

$4 6^. Old Flour, v. hieb is comparatively scurce and insome demand for mixing with new , brings 25c to 50c more

than the above quotations. A small lot of Ohio sweet, viaNew-Orleans, r»uJr from uew W beat, sold at $4 75. Thisis the Urst parcel from new Wheat received this season fromNew Orl»ans. The stock of Southern has been increasedby one or two lots of good Richmond Country. They are

held at $5 but could be bought at $4 75. Georgetown isselling auly in small, from tbe wharf, at .$5, andold $5 37$. No Brandywine, we believe, in market. Corn

Meal continues soiree, and sell* in small lots at $3 for Jer¬

sey. Rye Flour is dull, and we quote $3 for North River,and $3 25 a $3 374 for Jersey.GRAIN..Of Wheat there is but little offering, excepting

a cargo of Virginia, which remains unsold. At Cleveland,Wheat was very heavy at 75 , with very large receipts..Most of the Canadian orders had been withdrawn, and some

purchases for Eastern millers had been resold. Wc heard

of no trnnsaclious to-day in Cora. There was little or neue

in market Yes:erday afternoon, 1,000 bushels Jersey Yel¬low sold at flOc, and 1,000 do. inferior at 59c, fur Ike East.

Nouiag doing in Rye ; none lor sale. Oats are oot quitesoplenty, and Canal are selling at 31 a S2c at retail, which is

the only demand. River 29 a 30c. Very few new Oats in.

Southern are selling out ot store, at retail, at 27 a 2tc.PROVISIONS..We bear, of very Httle doing in barrel

Provisions to-day. For Lard the export demand is active,and we learn (bat nearly all, say equal to 3,0nokegs, was taken for Liverpool at 7c. Butler is rather low-cr and plenty. Good to West we quote 14 a 16c.WHISKY..Some small sales Drudge were made at 21c.

Holders are firm, and the quantity coming in very light-Barrels are worth 20$ a 21c.TEA..Tbe sale of Tens per Valparaiso went oft" with

considerable animat:on, und on most description at an ad¬

vance on Ike last sales. The lots were mostly sold, except¬ing the country Young Hyson, v» Inch the owners refused to |»o en with at less than 40c. There was fair competition}among bidders. Young Hyson sohl at 40 a 90, and 27 a 40 ;

Twa»kay34c; Imperial 42 a 49 chests; 56$ a 46$ for boxes;

Gunpowder 43 a 77 for chests, 58 for boxes; Souabor.g 30c;Oolong 70$.SUGAR..An auction sale of New-Orleans Sugar was

had to-day, which was well attended. The company was

large. The presence of several Philadelphia purchasers |helped the sale. Prices ranged about ic per lb. above cur¬

rent rates._XT Crrand National Proccanion..At a meeting

of ttie General Committee of Arrangements, consisting of a

deputation of five trom each Ward, which convened on

Tuesday evening the <Uh instant, at the house of Major Jo- Iseph Hopkins, No. 7 Frankfort-street, and adjourned to SuJohn's Hall, for the purpose of expressing theseuse of thiscommunity concerning the outrageous insult which was

offered to the Repubbc of tbe Umted States and its ChiefMagistrate, at the Dinner given to Ljrd Ashburtan on the2d instant, i: was unanimously IRaohtii, That a General Procession, terminating in a

Public Meeting, expressive of the indignant feeling of allclasses of our citizens at the recent national insult, and invindication of their patriotism and self-respect as Americanctizens, be formed on Monday next, the 12th iast-; that a

Programme of the same be prepared by the ExecutiveCommittee of Arrangements, and published in the publicjournals on Saturday next; end that die Civil and MilitaryAssociations of the City are hereby invited lo unite on thisgreat occasion. _


Bv order of the CommiUee.WM. SHALER, Chairman.

N. T. Arnold. / Secretaries. ..

George F. Thomson, i b^r'anes- s7 3trs

XT Wet, Damp or Dry Cellar* paved withRoman Tileandmade air,rater water-tight for seven centsa foot, or paved with Cement concrete, for ten dollarstor the bulk or space of a tboasandbrick.jy20tf ABU AH SMITH, 20 Hamilum-st.

XT Qourand'a Ban de Heautr, or True wa-ter of Beauty, for removing tan, pimples, freckles, blotisallownes-, redness, and alt cutaneous -. elic tiiu;

licate white bands neck and arm-, and reabii .g a ;..

juvenile bloom. To be bad at bie o igtoal ots .e 67 w ai»; r

street,one door from S' i>id-v.y; ?l p-r ii >ale. Bewaiei.fcheap, trashy, and deo-U-nua.. c->mBouuds. «7 tun*

'CTGentlcmen's Fnli Data..WAR50CR*SFall pattern Hai» are aow offered for sale, comprising the

SloSfsitr:, H-Mria an0 Ca«imere BeaverPARISIAN STYLE OF HATS.

The attention of gentlemen Es parßc^iärij bxvYterl to thesniiscriber'? beautifully fabricate Silk Hats, bett. S Srjowoa* Warnock's Moleskin Bats.*' Tfits aruclr, since its in-troductiou, has rapidly acquired and successfully maintainsi"« popularity, produced by tu« >ub*cnber is _a manner al¬

together su-seri-T tc icy of the kind that has been or is nowbefore the pabii*. and ?s Worthy of notice as possessing allthe qualities, of a superic- bat, as lightness, beatny of finish,permanency of color, and capa-r.ty for service.That the Moleskin Silk Hat possesses thr- very e!t ments

«ndi«u>!y aimed at in the production of a perfect rrrticie,it need-: Only to l>e stated that the foundation or body is

manufactured from lie finest description of slock, ami the

piasb or covering of the finest luahty silk, than which, itwill readily be admitted, there is nothing of the nature offabric more durable. To gentlemen who have not gi.errtheabore hats a trial, it is remarked that they bare been for

yeanthe most popular, and are now almost exclusively the

fashionable Hat of Paris.this, to say the least, a strängrecommendation. To men s^r-tlemen as have preereucefor Trench rrianufacture. h. is remarked that, from tue sub¬scriber's oJrwrr-at'ons during a recent visit td the Frenchmetropolis, be is enabled i" say, that though in one or (wo

particulars ttie Fiench excel, yet in the main, tue article jsohl by him is superior. The pattern for the tali .lad winter

is'at or.CZ ' model of symmetry and beauty.FÖXJÜ DOLLAR HATS.

The peculiar condition of the mod5f£ry affairs of the pres-eat time, demanding of the mass of the corm-ir^i'y 'he

adoption of retrenchment and econemy, the subscriberrt£52fJ ":t expedient, for the time being, to deviate somew hat

from the systera h'lbeTio ««.ricily adhered to in the conduc-tioa of his business, (that of selling other than the first

quality,) now offers to gentlemen disposer t^ e^orw-rnise, a

superior hat at the moderate price of Four Dollars. Thisarticle possesses in a large measure the constituent parts ufthe most costly, prepared with all their neatness and exter¬

nal finish, and are sold at a sm ll advance upon the cost.

They are u Hals for the Times.''sep5 2w:s W.4.RNOCK, 170 Broadway.TT CharleJ Wai»on> Hat and Cap iTJan-

nfucinrer.Wholesale and Retail vTarehonse 149 Chatham-street, up stairs.Stores 154 Chatiiam-st. and 160 Bow¬ery.Terms.Cash or approved paper. aul9 istf

Read Read!! Read : !From the Editors of the New Yorle lile'hodist Christian Ad-

roeate and Journal, Aug. 10.TT Sr.a as' Bihlk Biogra put..This is a most b-autifu

work, so far as paper, priming, embellishment, ami binding are concerned. It is an octavo volume, and contains.Wl pages ofletter press,illnstrated with some of the mostspoiled engravines we have seen lor a !;:ng time. Thefrontispiece, by Losging, represents Doddriuge's mother

teaching him Scripture history by Dutch tiles. This is anexquisite picture, and one on 'which the eye may rest withmore dian ordinary delight We have not'had time to reatlthe work, but from the notices given of it by some of themo.«t respectable journals, we judge it will he well re¬

ceived by the religious public. Price, $2.50. Sold at No.122 Nassau street. New- York. au!5 lmis"

XT" Rhenmatiani is every* dav disappearing beforeDr Henry's Vegetable Rheumatic Syrup. Read the fol¬lowing certificate received last week." We are con'incallyreceiving new ones. We have now more than thirty besidesabov.: ßlry names of persons wbo have been cored withinthe last ten weeks in this citv. They will all be shown withplea.-ure to anyone at the «rfice.These are to certify that atmut ene year since I was taken

with the rheumatism in all my iimbs. but it was in my shoul¬ders the wo:st. and so bail was a there that I Caoid not rais

my hands to my head. Sometimes I did not sleep f.;r thewhole night hut walked ihe floor incessantly. 1 ha I ai

different times no less than a dozen doctors, but they did menot the least good,and I tbongbt I .-hould never get better,and had given up all hopes, w hen, seeing an adverti-eme»in the paper ol Dr. Henry'« Rheumatic Syrup. I procuredImtile which helped me immediately, and less iban ihre«have perfectly cured me. and I can with confidence recon:-

mer.o it to any one who is similarly afflicted. New-York,Aug.31, 1842 JOHN COMMLNS. No. 13 IVirl-sL

near Whitehall -treet.A'l are inrit»d to call at the office where he will show

them such proof us üiey cannot doubt of the efficacy ol thlmedicine. It is for sale in this city at No. 286 Rowers,corner of Hou-tnn street. In Brooklyn at Stt-wart-s. 75Fulton "treet, and in Newark at Trippie's, 238 fi i ad stree*.



Tttr. SDK I the MOON I TÜLL SEA.ttise« 4 51) Sets 6 20'Rises 8 10 Morn S IS Eve. II 17

L a t e « i Dates.L0VD0J»..Aug. 191HAVRE.AuC. 17LTV>ERPOOI.Aug. 19:Nr;W-ORLEANS.\u ,

CLEARED.Ships Southerner, Palmer. Liverpool, Woodhull Min¬

ium; Albaay, Watson, Havre, W Whitlsck, Jr.Br hark New Brunswick, Hunter, St Andrews, N B, G 0

Gresbam.Brig* Black Hawk, Robinson, Braiil ami a market, E

Corning k Co; Pbilurn, Lander, Savannah, Dunham k.Dimon.Schrs William Bryan, Moss, Galveston, J H Browner;

Oscar, Baker, Boston; Constellation, Somers, Wilmington.A B Cooley k Co; Pacific, Smith, West Indies. J Elwtll kCo; Br »ehr Lady Mary; Axlell St John's. N V, Dnrmcocnhk Beck wrck; Wolcott, Ryder, Boston.

arrived.Bark Col Howard. Prentiss, fm Rio Janeiro, Juiy 26, with

coffee, to order.Norw brig Kron Preuds, Oscar. Alberthsen, 105 ds from

Stockham, wiih in>n, to Schmidt Balsben.Brig Mars Hill, Gray, 14 ds from (Jaayanilla, P R, with

sugar, to Brett k. Vose.Brig Iowa, Carney,30 ds fm N Orleans, with dour, tec.,

to Nesmith & Leeds.Sehr Emms Cole, Baltimore, with tlour, Lc, Johnson 1

Lowden.Sehr C R Hooper, Tvler, Virginia, with wbvat, to G

Trimble.Sehr Bnunty, Wallace, 4 ds from Newhern, NC, with

naval stores, to Depeyster Jc Whilm i'«b.SchrsSpaik and Rising Star, Chery Stone, pouitots.Sehr Elisha P Horion, Francis, Virginia.Sehr Chincarora.Prirker. Virginia.Sehr Senator, Smith, Virginia.Sehr Far tor. Canlield, Philadelphia, coal, to order.BELOW.I ship and 1 brig. Wind light.south-west.

TT An IntereMtins Work on the EaM..Juspublisbed. by Cary Ji Hart, »Notes of a Tour throughTurkey, Greece, Egypt, Arabia Petrrca, to the Hoiv Land,Including a Visit to Athens, Sparta, Grand Cairo, Constan¬tinople, Thebes, the Red Sea. Mount Sinai, Petra, the Edoniof Scriiuure, kc. by E. Joy Morris, in 2 volumes, lämo.wiih plates.Mr. Morriss made a complete tour throagh Greece, both

in the North and the Morea. and in that respect, as contain¬

ing a record of his Observation«, bis has the advantage ofany other American b«ok yf travels. And we may also add,that the descriptions of the temples of Egypt are very full,made fr»ia observations written on the spou w iih these won¬

ders of human ingennily before the author, and impressinghis mind with their solemn grandeur. [LT. S. Gaz.This work is precisely such an one as a man is glad to

take up when the desires information upon the subject ofwhich ii treats. [Brother Jonathan.Mr. Morris is an easy and graceful writer ; l.e describes

his personal adventures and the subjects which attracted hisattention with good taste, in a Pvely and agreeable manner.An appendix to the first volume contoining regulations ofthe French Government Stvamer« in the Mediteranean willprove very useful to per-ons contemplating a Continentaltour. Tables of distances, and of ptices in Uie steamers are

given, and nl.-o the time of arrival and departure of theboat* at different stopping places. tNew World.au26 bteod" WILEY k PUTNAM, Ibl Broadway.XITGoarand'a Blanr D'Eapagne, or Spanish

lily while, imparts a pure life-like alaba>ter wholeness tothe complexion, is an entirely new article and free fromthe deleterious principles generally entering into combina¬tions for the above object Put up in elegant boxes at 25cents each. To be had at the original office, 67 Walker door fram Broadway. Ladies with red-tipped noses

will find this lotion operate like a charm in dissipating it.s3 lmis


MARRIED:In this city. Sept. 7, bv the Rev. Mr. Andrew s, Henry P.

Knignt E-q., Cashier of Merchants' Bank. Providence, R. I.,to .*»ii«« Adeline Winchester, daughter of Isaac Winchester,Esq., of Providence.

In tliis city, Sept 7, at St. Luke's Church, by the Rev.John M. Forbes, William H. Livtngs'anto Mary'C, daugh¬ter of the late Christopher Beakley, E.-q.. all of this city.At Cambridge, Washington county. N. Y.. Seot 4. by

Rev. E. H. Newton, Mr. E. Peart Fenton to Miss Lucia M.Cohh, both ofthat place *

At Brooklyn, SepL 6, John J. Van Nostrand to Nancy R.Gardner.In this city, Sept 6, R^val W. Baker to Eleanor Eliza,

eldest daughter of Col H. P. Robertson, all ofthis city.In this city. Sept. 6, William G. Medlicott to Marianne,

daughter ot Israel Dean.At St George's Church. Hanover squire, London, July

II, by Uie Very Rev. Robert H-v.igson, Dean of Carlisle,William B. Hodgson, Esq., of the State of Virginia, to Mar¬garet, daughter of the late Edwanl Telrarr, Esq., of theState of Georgia.At Newark. N. J , Aug. 31, by the Rev. Mr. Cornell, Mr

John A. O>nklin,ofNew Vork.wMUs Deckerol Siaten Islana". ,

Mav many litUe Cooklins' crownTbt blessings of this happy pair;

May their fair brows ne'er know a trown,And naught but smiles ot joy it-st there.


In this city, saddealy, Sept. 7, William Bookhout, aged45 years.His friends and acquaintances, and those of bis brother

John, are requested to attend the funeral, this afternoon*(Thursday) at naif-past 3 o'clock, from the house of his sis¬ter. No. 224 Ceutre-strret.

In this city, Christopher Haxie, aije-i "0 years.The relauves and friends of the family are invited to at

tend h'w funeral, at 10 o'olock this moining. (Thursday) IronNo. 15 Carroll Plac», Bleecker. corner of Thompson-i" --.

At Brooklyn, Sept 7. Sarah, infant daughter o4 Edwardand Sarah T. Carnngtun.In this city, Sept 6, in the 26th year of his aje, S3roae,

Wallace.In this city, Sept- 6. Mrs. Eliza Soffen, aged 53 years,la Peoria conntv, Uli., Aug. 22, Mrs. Rachel >. Patchel-

der, wife of Joseph Bate helder. in the 46th year ot her age

TO PRINTERS.. V'äuted f h:re a

small .«unikal P.-'mtiag Addrea* F. a;.k

run,attbis rfice._>8 it'

d U11NA, GLASS aad Eartb-nware, atvery lo.v prices. Those in want will fin l it _io their

[alerest ir> call arrl examine at the new store. No. 17 Catna-r.oe-»t oearChattiamsquare, P. P. PAGE, auil aodim is

The .fIi*e<-» Ilarru« irinresan»e their Schoolfor V Kjye La a >. oa Moodav. September tSVb, at the re¬

sidence cf ih<;.r wiher, R. Havens, Esq., No. 22 LafayettePhce.Tbey have secured the ixl ofa French lady, of high cha-

racter'aad attainments, who w.i! reside in" the family .Boantnur scholars, especially, will therefore enjoy every" lityiot the acqaisiliou of*a correct practical knowledge

of the Trer-ch lamruage.Parents and gcrrdrans desirous of asc-rtain:r.^ the cha¬

racter of their school, v*be r*'er«d, oa appBcatioo, to anyof their present wr former patrons. s5 lv\ >*

TJ~ Mr*. A. E. Rusutell mtorrn> her fronds andformer patrons ;ha: »he is bow prepared to receive pupilsat b»r residence. 96 Liberty street. Hoars for study 'rom Vuntil 3 o'clsK k. Circulars may be obtained at her residence.Ha< permission t>t refer to theVoliow ins gentlemen:David M. Reese. M. 0. Francis Hall, Esq..Messrs. Dsosway k Brother?. Charles Armi, E<q.

L It V". Kirby.Mit. R w [Q . '.o give lastrsclMns to Ladies in a gii'at vari¬

ety of Ornamental "^ork, spectneas -of which she will behappy to show :oJp-r-*>n* ''*»tron< of learning. Her boursfor such instruction are from balS-pust S o'clock until >alf-

past .» P. M. Price 50 cents per lessoti. >7 2ti»"

JTT Try Tnrfow yon Buy..Remember every pur-cha-*-rorDr. Felix Gooraud's celebrated Powders lor up¬rooting bair w:thout the slis'J.test injury to the skin, can sec

them tested before baying. proof post'^e this, and no mis¬

take. To be had nowhere else in New York but at 67Walker street, one door from Broadway. $1 per botrie.Agents.New Haven, E. M\ers; Providence. C. Dye?, Jr:

Pooghkeepste, J. Gray; Lowe!!, Messrs. Carleton V Co..Bo-tun. Jordnu.Milk-sf; Gqshen, Elliott. au23 Imis

A MERICAN MUSEUM. GARDEN.JLM. tND GALLERY OF FINE AKTS, opposite St.Paul's Church.P. T. Burnam Manager.

GRAND gala WEEK.On .Monday, September 5, and errry Day and Evening

tills wie a1.It is with r.r srntll degree of pleasure and pride? that the

Manager call« public Ct'.ention to the Tremerdous array ofNovelties put forth here this Be***, ipcludiag the wondertul

mermaid:Mr. HARRINGTON, die cehbrted Magien and Ven-

tri1 quistThe MYSTERIOUS GIPSY GIRL. Master DIAMONDthe renowned ar'd anep*>rwaebable Dancer.Wbidock, the unrivalled Banjo Phyer.Miss Taylor, the

panular Vocalist from the Pant theatr? -Mr. B. Boyce. themostpopular Comic Singer in the country.L<* Petite Ce¬leste, the b autiful tlan«eu»e.Balloon Ascensions froifl **»rGarden on the top of the Mu earn-cPO.000 Curiosities, andii >-!» f uiiier attractions, novelties and amusements; for par¬ti.- L'i.srs «>» which see bills of the day.

Perforrdai ces Twice Every Day, commencing at 4 o'clockand 7f o'clock. P. M.Admittance to the, garden and entertain¬

ments.2o cents; Children half price.

HILL'S? NEW YORK MUSEUM, OVo.2i2 Broadway,opposTte tht City Hall..Outing this

week the following popular performers will appear in a se

ries ofperformances in the Grand Pictorial Saloon :

J!r. \\ INCI1ELL, delineator of:Scotch; Iris», Dutch.French. Yankee and oihei Cbarocters. Mrs. MOSSOr. tincelebrated Vocalist. .Mr. di \\, i'roru Treuso.-ii Theatre.A fall find i Indent B<mil ol Music In atttndar^e. Fancy

Glass Blowing by Mr. Owens. The tenants ol the? rarest,sea and air; Mineral Wonders, and a vdst number of Pertraits of American VVortiue»; an Egyptian Mummy,&cPerformance at 3 o'clock. Tickets 23 cents; Children

half price. s5 lw*

YMNASTIC KXERCISKS..Mr.FI'LLER root cti'-illv iutbnns his Pupils and the

Public generally , that his Gymnasiums, 2«Vi Greene-streetand Ann-strei:. are now open tor the season. A JnoioiClass is about-being formed at both the establishments at..ours to suit the convenienceiofscholars. Forterms, whichhave been considerably reduced, apply at either ot tinGymnasiums.The Fencing department wifl be Under the Ruperint]

denceol Mr Clus. Delanv, Prosessar, ai:d Teacher by :-.\<poihünenl in the United S'.ates Navy.Sparring taught as usual. s8 2w

IjlALL GOODS..The undersignedpre[>ared with bis usual extensive assortment of sen

.finable Goods to execute orders for Garments in a Stylewhich will comport w'th any bouse in the Trade, at price-which mu.d offer inducements to those paying ready mo¬

ney.Attention is solicited to ihe style of Pantaloons furnished

a: this establishment', as pnrti-olarcare is directed to this de<partment, with the view of giving entire satisfaction.Tho«c who have experienced any diffic^illy In getti:ij

sa.led, ate assured thai a superior til can always be re.dir..;.French an I English Cassimeres in a great variety of nev

patterns just received. The assortment ol Vesting* windgave >o much satisfaction tiirough ihe Spring and Summeis. isous, will be kept up.French and English Cloths of super an.! medium quaii

ties for Dress and Frock C^ats, Pilot, and Beaver Cloilis ü

Surtouls, always on band.Fani y dress articles, includir.g Silk and Satin Scarfs,

Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Gloves. Hosiery; Suspender*.Sh:;!-, Collars, Jtc , at usual moderate prices.

WM. T. JENNINGS,Late Lynde k Jennings, 229 Broad way, American Hotel


[V EVV GOODS..-Selected from the lat_L l est Importations, at theNJCW YORK GASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT

142 Fulton-street, near Broadway.Strangers and others arriving in the city, wishing to re

pieotsb their wardrobe, are invited to call and examine ou

stock before leaving their orders, as we ure now makin;daily purchases for cash, and we offer great inducements d

ca-b customers. Our assortment comprises a great variety «

French and English wool black ami fancy colored Cloth-and Cassimeres, the best quality and latest styles Frenclelastics, so desirable for fancy pants. A choice selection iFrench and English Silks for vestiugs. Also n good assori

mentofdrapd'etes, and fancy French drillings for summetwear- The subscribers pledge themselves that every articl-mwiufactured at their establishment shall be equal in styl«and workmanship to that of any house in lha trade, and n

a i; reduction from credit prices.Full suits furnished at 24hours' notice. Strict punctualit

observed in tilling order*.Cash ondcTiverv, and no abatement in price.

a I _*_J. C. BOOTH k CO.


Sept. 12th. Mrs. G (eels confident of being able, by pre-sent arrangements, not onlv in sustain the reputation ol lb«*school, bu: to afford still greater advantages to her pupilsExcellent accommodations for boarding scholars can now hefamished in this large; comaiodious and pleasantly locatesestablishment. Theservic«*s of able and experienced tea¬

cher, are secured for the several departments s8 Si*

EDi CÄT^rO.^TBrooine street.Mr.CHAMB EllLAIN invites the attention of parents to

his Sch'>ol for Boys, winch is entirely tinder bis personal in-struction, except in penmanship. Air. C.'s school for adult,is open day and evening, and attended by eilicient and ex¬

perienced teachers. Writing, D'awing, Grammar, Arith¬metic and BrKik-keeping nre taughl by the quarter on

moderate terms and on a plan of individual instructionwhich enables the student to make the most of the timewhich they devote lo study. 56 atis*

db4.50.~-?\P her is ddischarging at ihe foot of ftivington-s». his cele-b'rated Peach Orchard and Belbnont Red Ash Coal, at tbeabove low price. Large Nut $4.5^, Stove $.5.00; Brokenand Egg $5J>0. Orders received at toe yard, cornerof Rir.ingtou k Essex sis. PETER K. AURAN D.

s3 lw*

THHÖMSÜNlTiTiM^^The Kings of France and Prussia are Tbomsonlans,and have awarded the autror a splendid Gold Medalnnd verv eompli-neutarv letters. p*'EW:YORK TRUETHOMSONIJtf INFIRMARY A.MJ MEDICINESTORK. No. 4S BOWERY, [oppotiu the Theatre) unde.the direction ol Da. J. M. NORR Iff, who has had over

eleven years experience in this practice. s2 lm

Peter Faircbild, Auctioneer.stiore No. 9 Spruce-street.

Thursday, Sept. cith, at 10 o'clock.Sheriff's Sale.Will sell this day at No. 9Spruce-st.

a large assortment of Furnituie, by order uf the Sheriff,vii:.1 ex. dining table, 1 gill framed looking » 6 ma¬

hogany do. 5 dozen Windsor, 20 cherry tables, 12 officechairs, 1 screen, 14 matrasses, beds and bedding, 14 bed-sseads,14 wasbstandsJand crockery, kitchen furniture, andthe contents of a bar. AIsti ten pins, balls, rouleile table, I

larze oil painting (Scotch hunter) 6 by 3 feei, > settees, dec.iii'-r-. turn .1 large stunVd e.i^l'-. Sic. '-r-__ ':: [f*

C^T^^LOTHAND VELVET CAPS.A great variety of new and splendid patters adaple«!

to infants, children and bovs of ail ages. Also, ladiesRiding Caps ot very beautifa! patterns, and gentlemen'sSporting and Dress «.'aps. The subscriber flatters himselfhe has the largest and best assortment of Caps in the city,and a further recommendation is the extreme moderateprices m which they are vended. Wholesale and retail at

WATSON'S, 154 Chatham-street, andsS istf 160 Bowery.

A MÜDKL of the beet two Horse Power/V. now in u-e, will be at the Exchange, Couitlandt-st.all this week. .Mechanics and other* need only to examinethe mode! u> be sa'.isGed ibtl what is staled above is true..

H. G. HALL."I have examined Hali's Improved Horse Power,and ron-

? der : to powess advantages over all others ol the kind."G. FREEBORN.

N. B..This Two Horse Power will out-thradi any sweepmaeb ne m use. s3 2t*

IMPORTANT TO MERCHANTS i-7The contents of Wilder's Patent Salamander Safe as'-'-

n»-v< r; een injured (much i»-ss destroyed) by fire. Tbeycan only be haJ a*, the Iron Sale Siore of

SILAS C. 11 ERRING. 139 Water-street..\*. B. Safes of other makers, such as have lw:en taken in

part payment (l>r Wilder's, for sale at less tbaa ene baif .<.'

!ir»t cost, as above. g?

BKUKENPE a i;hTTrC ha iÜTCÖÄLThis day discharging from Canal Boat Jas. Carrol,

foot of Hubert-street, first quality br.dt.n Peach OrchardCoal.for *#!e at lowest markt t price, by

WARD k BROWN,s«_ 411 Washington torner Laight--treet.

WALL'S E SDNEWCASTLE Coal.The shio Manco is now discharging fo<>t of Beach

street* ofthe above very superior fuel.large »ize atd»3ira-bb: f«;r famiJes. lor sa!«.- io-s in lots t-» suit pcrcbasem, by

WARD k BROWNE, 4 0 Wa*hin«ton-street|«J5corner Ot ! ¦<._>:.¦.


Canada Package Express, leaves daily (Sundays excepted)'¦.r ;h- ^hyive und intermediate places. OSce No. 2 WaJ

street. New \ . .

\ B M:i r. i kag-*I»3 " ."w-my k Co.'s Express."au!3 Itnis ': -'


S~bank NOTE LIST i' - sale

AUCTION SALab.BJosiaa KtWrnT^t, A reponier.


Store 156 Broaowav.L'T>cn, cash advance* tM .'e on consignments (or auction


L?Y S- DKAPER, Jr..Store 54 WÜ-JUß ham-Street, cor»,», nf PTie-«rr«-i

THURSDAY, SepL S.A. hi ocJock, «: the auction room.

Fsesch CcHJtH-By CataJ*ree,-FOr approved «cterseclnetes at o months crcda.-h.Xr cases French Good*, com-prsmg a great variety and extensive assortment of stapleand fancy articles of recent importations.

Also, 25 cases German eotton hosiery, black, white andsiate.Abo. 13 cartons German fhrrad laca, new and desirable

patterns.Also. S cases blue black silk Velvets to close an invoice.Also, 7 cases German fringe*.Also. 2 cases black and blue black Lvons silk Velvets

best fabricAls<», S cases Orliens choice assortments.Also, 2cases biack Italian Cravats, S4 aod 56 inch.Abo, Stock Goods, the balance of a concern declining

business, consisting principaliyof white goods.Catalogues and sainnles on the morning of sale.Also, Stock Goc<l«, consisting of ladies aod geatiemea*'

silk and cotton hosiery, merino' ami cotloa uuder-shuts andI drawers silk travelling caps. Jtc. fcc

SATURDAY. ??epten)ber 10.At in o'clock, at the Auction Room.

CuyfJfe and Cassist Kates.From the sitelves.on a creditof 6 month", IT appruved endorsed notes.frJO pieces superWest of England Ckitiw aad Caisimere*, just imported,comprising wool-dyed Macks, browns, iuvisible green, ol¬ive and fancy colors, London browu, Russia greeu, woadedoliv»*, citron green, claret, dahlia. kc 4cc

Also, Ico pieces Ca?simeres, of various patterm ind de¬scription*.Also Damaged Goods per packet ship Westthester, dam¬

aged on the voyage of impt.nation, soldunder tbeinspectiouof the wardetus of tbe port, for account of whom it mayconcern.

j S cases West of England brown cb>:!.<.} Ab«, 7 cases Wt->: ol England Cassimerrs.

TUESDAY,Sept IS.At 10 o'clock at the auction 100111.

CLOTHS* s»jo Cassimeses.From the shelves.on a creditof >:x months, forapproved endorsed n.tes.2iXk pieces supe¬rior West of England Cloths and Cassimeres,just imported.

WEDNESDAY, 14.At 12 o'clock at the Merchants' Exchange.

Peremptory Sale of 19 valuable Building Lot», favorablylocated on the 3d avenne, 2s?th and 29th streets, to wit:

8 lots forming the enrire fro^t on 2d avenue, west side, be¬tween i~ih and 28th streets.Stetson tbesonlb side of £Hh street, between Sd ami 3d

avennesImmediately contiguous to the aU-*»e. a new church is

l-uilding, nud thesurrouniling property is rapidly improving.The avenue and street are ^r.ided and paved complete.

..\!*o. 4 lots on 23ih street, betweeu 7th and lib avenues,about IWfeet westoi 7ih avenue. And

4 Ion on 29th street, immediately in rear of the above, ofsame dimensions.Term*. 25 per cm on il.iv ofsale, 35 do. upoo .ft? livery of

deed, and balance on !»oiid and mortgageAlso, at 12o'clock at the Merchants' Exchange, 63 »hart*

?afayette Hank Stock !or account of whrm if may concern.

I~> V A LH A" KIM HA IJ..Office No.~4fc) William-srrset, near Wail.A. K. having made ermngements for ihe transaction of a

general Auction and Commission business, solicits poV-ronage ol bis friends and ihe publicHe will give his attention to the sale of Real Estate,

Stocks, Bonds and other securities, Furniture and Out-DoorSa'es generally.! It is believed that (he foiling of Stocks by auction as a

regulär business In» newer been attempted in thla city. InBoston and other cities most of the su cks are disposed of atpublic sale, ybls ta-nle of transacting business presents ad-vantages over the present custom. At auction sales theib alers in stocks can always be present amijudge tor them-selves whether the sales are tairlv conducted or not, a privi¬lege Of tvhlch they are now deprived.

The seller wll hnve to pay no more commLsaion than theregular brokerage, and the purchaser will by atteudinfr; tol!ie sale save the amount of a brokerage.Tbe numerous kinds of stock offered in this market that

.in* not quoted on the books ot the brokers, and tbcretbroare rendered unsalable, will by the adoption ol this planenable the holder to present them favorably before the pub-be through the advertisement oi the auctioneer. au20

it. M. Baker, Auctioneer.

BY R. M. BAKER..Store 149 Fulton-street. THIS DAY,

For cash, in lots to sun purchasers, a quantity of Dryand Fancy Goods, Hardware, (Jens, Pocket Cutlery, Grr«man Silverware, vc. Sale positive. boob


YffANTED a partner with $100 lor ay v badness which will cbar from OVO to $800 per an¬

num. Call at 176 Wilbamst. s3 It*

ANTED a .smart, active boy from 12to 15 years Of a«»e in a fancy Dry Goods store to

twhom a small compensation will be given for the fir»t year.

I Apply at 33 Cedar street between 3 aud 3 o'clock, P.M.s» 2t»_\X;rANTED . Situations by English,TV American, Scotch andt W*|»b Servants, both men

and women, at the Temperaace Office, 77 Nassau »treet Afirst-rate Scot. ;, Coachrean can f»c bud ai'77 Nawau-st »8 it*

WANTED..A partner in a legitimatecommercial business, with a cash capital of from 1Z

to $1500. To such a one a good opportunity is offered. Ad¬dress Tariff, Tribune office, when and w here an interviewcan be had. _s8 2t

WANTED.A place by a very nice,capable girl, for housework or chambermaid'

Apply at the corner ot Barrow nod Fourth-streets. s7 St*

WANTED..Permaneut apartment*,furnished or partly (urnished, for a gentleman and

his wife, in a good neighborhood, with or without board.Addr^s, II. «. Plebeian office. »73t»

WANTED..A few good cloth cap ma¬kers at 31 Pearl:street,2d story, to whom the high¬

est prices will be paid. None hot those who thoroughlyunderstand the business need apply. »5 istf

ANTED.To attend in a retail fancystore in Broadway, (a desirable and proper situa¬

tion for a female,) a lady to assist in sale?. A fetter, stalingqualifications and address, directed to A. B., left at Unaoffice, will receive attention. t6 3lia

BOY WANTED.Who has had some,experience at the Printing business. None odier need

apply.* BURROUGHS it CO.

It* Office of Ruggles Engine, 34 Ann-street.

M~(WlWfOlJjAN..Cash vTTlTbe~ad~-vanced by the advertiser eh almost every article of

gooils and personal property of a staple nature. Apply to

No. 11 Cedar-street, front otfice, third »tory, between tbehours of 10 and 2 o'clock._»8 2t*

4kW WANTED" on Bond and\yQ . \J \J \J Mortgage at 6 per cenL for a term cfyears, on a 3 siory brick house and lot, »iiuated in tbe Bow-ry, worth $14, rents for $1100. Apply at Wo. 9Albany street fe4tlf^

SERVANTS for cooking, «harabemork,nursing, housework, A.c. can be bail this day at 45S

Broadway. No charge/.no humbug, but opposition to iop¬position. »8 St*

AIXOJJNG MAN is desirous of employ¬ment in a grocery', or would accept of almost any kind

of a situation, as employ went is his object Communicivtiens addressed IL S. M. and left at the office of the Tribune,will be thankfully attended to._ »8 It*

OARDERS WANTED.Two or (masingle gentlemen can be accommodated with break¬

fast tea and lodging in a piou» family, where there are nochildren or other boarders, in the vicinity of Union Square.Hours for meals to accommodate Terms moderate. Ad-drew P, at this office, with real name, and the individualswill be called upon and shown to Uie house. s7 3tit*

A"FEW"SenItTeMEN can be accom-modated with good board by applying at 283 Grand

ureet This is one of the most pleasant situations in the

city, an ! every attention will be paid to make it a comfort¬able home. Termö moderate. »7 2t*

QU'IAR FOR PRES E RVING..Alarge asaartment of white ami br$wn Sugars, of su¬

perior quality, suitable for preserving, Jtc, for sale byJ. O.kD. FOWLER, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 2MGreenwich >treet, corner of Murray. Also, a general as-

sortment of fine Teas, Groceries, 4tc N. ß..Familiesanddeabr» are r<-fjiieat«d Iti give them a call previous tojiur-chasing elsewhere. N »6 3ti^

W-AtCHl^'lij^jOEWEK verylow..The subscriber is selling all descriptions of

gold and silver lever, anchor, escapenjent, lepine and vergeWatches, Diamond Rings, Pirw, Gold Pencil*, Keys, *tc atretail, lower than a: any other place in the city. GoldWifkches »s low as So to H) dollars eacb. Watches aad Jew*elry exchanged or bought

All watches warranted to keep gaod lime or the moneyreturned. G. C. ALLEN,Importer of Watches axj<"Jewelry, whol-sale and retail, 30

Wall SfOrcaC p ¦.tain. d30 iatf

AIRFIELD COUNTY BANK Notesami certificates redeemed; Solely Fund. Eastern and

all other hinds of un uirer.t funds bought, at lowest rates by»73t. ' ANTHONY L VNE. V. Wallst

( MIHAJ'' CKUCKEiiY STORE,"niÖ5Bower}', between Grand and Hester street, where is

constantly on hand a large (tockofgcod*, compriaingeveryvariety of »tyle and quality ot'China, Tea and Dinner Ware.Sione and Earthen cut an«l plain Glas«.Hal). As¬tral and Mantel Lamps.English Britannia Tea Setts, Cas¬tors, Axe The above g<*rJ» comprise new ami elegant paleterns from the h»->l manufactories in England, just imporVe.'iby th- »ub*cribers, and ;or sale at very low prices.auLS Imis M. te J. MERR1TT.

BROKEN Peach Orchard Coal.Thisuay discharging from boat Ja*. Carrol, foot Haben -

street. Broken Peach Orchard Coal, clean and in good or¬

der, for sale at lowe» market price, oyWARD k BROWNE, 411 Washington street,

s7 _corner of La;gbtM M1' UJSE TO LET £N BROOKLYN.^ja .Situated or. the Heights, No. 11 Hicks street, Itrr^Snvefiient two story d welling, aivl will be let low tiltLst of Mav. PowsAton imaieiiau-ly. Inquire on tbe prem¬ises. -,r of J. W INCHESTEK, 'M Ann st »ep5 tfls


._Leave pier No. 1, North rurr at 8$ o'clock A.M. daily, (Sundays excepted.) by stearoboat 10 Kliiafceth,Po-t; or l-kve die font ofLibertv ureet at 9 o'clock A. M.»by Phtlad^phla train to Elizabethtown. there conaect withthe train of car* for Sr-merville; coacb.« tiience (only 3«

mUea.) arriving at Easton ax6 o'clock. P M. For sontoap-oly to A. D. Hope Merchants Hotel, 41 C^ttlandtsfwf crfBccfoot of Liberty »treet, or o« board the hoat.N B This route, on account of the short distance by

ooarhes, aimmwls itself to ihe publicOhce reswved from 73 to 41 tVrtUndt, street Mfl