KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴...

KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M∴E∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar

Transcript of KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴...

Page 1: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴ E ∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar.


Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society

Presented By: M∴E∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar

Page 2: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴ E ∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar.


This lecture will focus primarily on the symbols used by this degree,

The secondary purpose of this lecture will be to demonstrate the historical impact of said symbolism.

Page 3: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴ E ∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar.

Constantine, the Great

ChristianityEdict of MilanCouncil of

Nicaea 325Nicene Creed

Page 4: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴ E ∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar.

Nicene Creed

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible,

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made,

Page 5: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴ E ∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar.

Nicene Creed, Continued

Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father;

Page 6: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴ E ∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar.

Nicene Creed, Continued

…and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end,

And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father [and the Son]; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets,

Page 7: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴ E ∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar.

Nicene Creed, Continued

And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Page 8: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴ E ∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar.

In Hoc Signo Vinces

Battle of the Milvian BridgeChi-Rho

Page 9: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴ E ∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar.


• A long series or Wars between Christians and Muslims over control of Jerusalem which was called the Holy Land because it was the region where Jesus had lived, preached and died.

Page 10: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴ E ∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar.

Causes of the Crusades

Muslim Turks captured Jerusalemfrom the Byzantine


Muslims stoppedChristians from

Visiting Holy Land

Christian pilgrimswere attacked

Byzantine Empirefeared attack on Constantinople

Page 11: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴ E ∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar.

The Call to Arms

• Pope Urban II called for the defeat of the Turks, returning the Holy Land to the Christians

Page 12: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴ E ∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar.

Who Answered the Call?

•Feudal Lords



Page 13: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴ E ∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar.

The First Crusade (1096-1099)

• Peasant army– Untrained– Lacked military

equipment– Many killed by

Muslim Turks

• Knights– Succeeded in

capturing Jerusalem

Page 14: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴ E ∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar.

Second Crusade (1147-1149)

• After victory many Christians went back home.

• The Turks eventually took back much of the territory.

• King of France and Emperor of Germany sent troops to stop the Turks.

Page 15: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴ E ∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar.

Second Crusade (1147-1149)

• Saladin leads the Muslim Turks to victory, defeating the Christians

• * He was considered a very wise ruler. He was known for his sometimes kind treatment of fallen enemies. Many Christians saw him as a model of knightly chivalry.

Page 16: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴ E ∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar.

Third Crusade (1189-1192)

• King Richard of England convinces the Turks to allow Christians to visit the Holy Land

Page 17: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴ E ∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar.

Crusades Continue Through 1200’s

• Total of nine crusades attempted with no victories for the Christians

• Children’s crusade, - 30,000 soldiers - many of them under 12 years old – Never made it to the Holy Land

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Templar Symbolism

Beauseant Mantle Red Cross

Page 20: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Their Masonic Symbolism and Historical Impact on Western Society Presented By: M ∴ E ∴ Omar Scaife Grand Master of Knights Templar.

Templar Symbolism

Maltese Cross and its variations

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Templar Symbolism

Seal of the Order

Jerusalem Cross

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Thank you for your attention and participation,

Special thanks to Sir Knight Edmund P. Johnson † – Right Eminent Grand Commander