Kneehill County Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP) 2010

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    Table of Contents

    Mission, Vision and Core Values.................................................................................... 3

    Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 4

    Strategy Summary .......................................................................................................... 5

    Introduction ...................................................................................................................6

    Current Situation ............................................................................................................ 7

    Stakeholder Consultation ............................................................................................. 13

    Goals and Strategic Alignment ..................................................................................... 14

    Goal A: Strengthen the County's Agricultural Industry ............................................. 16

    Goal B: Improve Internal and External Communication with All Stakeholders ....... 18

    Goal C: Encourage and Maintain Community Volunteerism and Support

    Community Festivals and Events .................................................................. 20

    Goal D: Preserve and Promote the County's Natural, Cultural

    and Heritage Assets ...................................................................................... 22

    Goal E: Support and Encourage Community Wellness

    Initiatives in Kneehill County ....................................................................... 24

    Goal F: Enhance Economic Development Strategies ................................................ 26

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    Kneehill County Mission StatementKneehill County will serve, enhance and promote our community.

    Kneehill County Vision Statement

    Kneehill County is first and foremost a rural community that values safety

    and good government for our citizens. We will grow as a community by

    encouraging responsible development that supports our resource-based

    economy. This means investing in and enhancing infrastructure and

    services. Through Council policy, our Administration will continue to

    promote and protect our community through environmental responsibility,

    prosperity, and positive relationships with our citizens, private sector and

    government partners.

    Kneehill CountyCouncil Core Values Statement

    Fiscal Responsibility

    To ensure that the resources entrusted to us by our citizens are used responsiblyand in a manner that ensures the long term sustainability of our community.


    To ensure the health, safety, and welfare of our citizens and our employees.


    To act in a professional manner demonstrating personal integrity andaccountability to each other and to our stakeholders.


    To achieve fairness by working with our stakeholders in a manner that is consistentand unbiased. Strive to treat all individuals equitably.

    Inclusive Leadership

    Achieve cooperation through open communication, teamwork and focus on acommon vision.

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    Executive Summary

    Kneehill County Council identified seven areas to focus strategic planning initiatives and action plans.

    They include improvements to governance, infrastructure, communication, inter-municipal relations,

    economic development, intra-government relations along with overall operational excellence. From

    this, the County developed its Strategic Planning and Action Plan. In May 2005, the New Deal forCities and Communities (NDCC) between Canada and Alberta was signed to transfer federal gas tax

    funding to Alberta municipalities. Funding under this program supports the development of public

    transit systems, water and wastewater systems, solid waste management, community energy

    systems, and community capacity building. These two incentives became the driver for the

    development of Kneehill County's Integrated Community Sustainability Plan.

    Canada Census data indicates that, while Alberta's population increased by almost 11% between

    2001 and 2006, Kneehill County's population decreased by almost 2%. Kneehill County residents

    place significant value on their rural lifestyle; while they support growth sufficient to support

    additional services, they are concerned growth may have a negative impact on the very things they

    cherish. Attracting new residents, and retaining those that currently live in the County; determining

    a sufficient level of services to residents, including sewer and water, recreation and social services;

    preserving heritage sites and structures; and finding new and more effective ways of

    communication, are challenges the County is currently facing.

    County Council, administration and residents were invited to participate in public consultation

    opportunities consisting of staff and resident surveys and stakeholder meetings. This two-pronged

    approach provided the opportunity to ensure the organization was moving in a direction consistent

    with the will and desire of its residents. It was affirmed that the organization's direction was

    predominantly reflective of the community's vision. At the same time, the exercise provided

    opportunity to realign and, at times, generate new priorities and actions to guide Kneehill Countyinto the future.

    The following goals will be the foundation from which the County will develop its 2011 Priorities and

    Actions Plan:

    1.Strengthen the County's agricultural industry

    2. Improve internal and external communication with all stakeholders

    3.Encourage and maintain community volunteerism and support community festivals and events

    4.Preserve and promote the County's natural, cultural and heritage assets

    5.Support and encourage community wellness initiatives in Kneehill County

    6.Enhance economic development strategies

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    Strategy Summary

    Strategy Time Frame Budget -


    Budget - Operating

    1. Review the County Municipal Development Plan, Land Use Bylaw

    and complete Hamlet Strategy to ensure policies promote and

    protect agriculture

    February 2013

    December 2013

    $ $200,000

    2. Ensure policies support residential growth in areas which does

    not unduly conflict with or impede agriculture

    February 2011 $ Staff timeno additional

    operating costs


    3. Review the functions and activities of the Agricultural Service


    December 2010 $ Staff timeno additional

    operating costs


    4. Enhance the County newsletter by increasing the number of

    issues per year

    March 2011 $ $3,000 per issue

    5. Consider ways to increase the use of the County website October 2010 $ Staff timeno additional

    operating costs


    6. Improve upon relationships with all levels of government,

    including municipalities within Kneehill County; neighbouring

    municipalities, MLAs and MP

    March 2011 $ Joint meetings costsalready considered within


    7. Provide a community events calendar on the County website and

    in the County newsletter

    June 2011 $ Staff timeno additional

    operating costs


    8. Build public awareness at all levels in respect of environmental

    and cultural stewardship

    Ongoing $ Support initiatives of

    Drumheller Waste

    Management as


    9. Continue participation in Family and Community Support Services

    and other organizations providing community and emergency

    services to the County

    Ongoing $ $43,000 (2011)

    10. Continue to promote the interests of the community through

    continued dialogue with the MLA and local health and education


    December 2011 $ As required

    11. Participate in regional economic development initiatives with

    neighbouring community when it is in the best interest of Kneehill

    County to do so

    Ongoing $ Regional initiatives

    through Kneehill Regional

    Partnership budget:


    12. Foster and encourage value added agriculture initiatives December 2011 $ Staff timeno additionaloperating costs


    13. Identify appropriate areas in Kneehill County where existing

    infrastructure exists to support commercial and industrial growth

    January 2012 $ Staff timeno additional

    operating costs


    14. Work with neighbouring urban municipalities to identify joint


    Ongoing $ Medical doctor

    recruitment and other

    joint initiatives

    budget: $130,000

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    Municipal Characteristics:

    Total Area of Municipality (acres) 814,653 Population 5,218

    Number of Hamlets 7 Number of Dwelling Units 1,849

    Length of all Open Roads Maintained (kilometers) 1,915 Water Mains Length (Kilometer) 450

    Storm Drainage Mains Length (kilometers) 0 Wastewater Mains Length (Kilometer) 8

    ICSP Overview:

    In May 2005, the New Deal for Cities and Communities (NDCC) between Canada and Alberta was

    signed to transfer federal gas tax funding to Alberta municipalities. Subsequently, each Alberta

    municipality was invited to join this program and sign an agreement with the Province of Alberta

    outlining the requirements and benefits under the program.

    The NDCC provides financial assistance to municipalities to support the sustainability of capital

    municipal infrastructure. Through this investment municipalities have the opportunity to maintain

    or enhance economic, social and cultural opportunities and well being, while protecting and

    improving the quality of the environment.

    Funding under this program supports the development of public transit systems, water and

    wastewater systems, solid waste management, community energy systems, and community capacity

    building. For Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties (AAMDC) members, the

    funding may also be used for rehabilitation of municipal roads and bridges that enhance

    sustainability outcomes.

    Included in the list of eligible projects are design and engineering services, vehicle purchase,

    construction and rehabilitation. In addition, the program may include barrier-free transportation

    initiatives to improve accessibility for seniors and persons with disabilities.

    As part of the agreement, municipalities are required to develop an Integrated Community

    Sustainability Plan (ICSP). This long-range plan has five dimensions environmental, cultural, social,

    economic and governance to be developed through public consultation and will provide direction

    to their Multi-Year Capital Infrastructure Plan.

    This report is produced with the assistance of the ICSP Toolkit developed by AAMDC. It provides a

    summary of what our vision for Kneehill County is in the future, how we will achieve this vision and

    how we will ensure its sustainability.

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    Current Situation


    Within the Kneehill County boundaries there

    are two towns, three villages, and seven

    hamlets. Agriculture remains the backbone oflocal economy, complimented by a strong oil

    and gas industry. With a population of over

    5,200, Kneehill County's communities offer

    the best of rural living with diverse

    educational, cultural, and investment

    opportunities. Along with close proximity to

    larger urban centres, Kneehill County truly

    offers the best of both worlds.

    Kneehill County obtained its name from a

    group of hills which rise approximately 3,200

    feet above sea level, and are located

    approximately 12 miles west of Three Hills,

    extending southeast through the County. These hills were named the "Knee Hills" by the Cree and

    Stony natives because of their shape.

    Kneehill County's major advantage is its location amongst a transportation network directly

    connected to key business and population centres, offering a unique opportunity to cost-effectively

    reach national and international markets. Located just east of the Calgary-Edmonton corridor,

    Kneehill County is centrally located in Alberta. The Calgary-Edmonton Corridor is a geographical

    region of the Canadian province of Alberta. It is the most urbanized region in the province and oneof the densest in Canada.

    Kneehill County encompasses the rural area (and hamlets) surrounding the Towns of Three Hills,

    Trochu and the Villages of Acme, Carbon and Linden. The towns and villages are incorporated

    municipalities, each of them having their own administration. According to the 2006 census data,

    Kneehill County has a population of 5,218 residents with a medium age of 38 years old.

    The primary economic activities in Kneehill County are agriculture, oil and gas, and tourism. The

    combination of retail, trade, service and manufacturing supported by a resource base of oil, gas and

    agriculture, position the County for economic growth. Building and development is a good

    indicator of growth in the County. Residential development accounts for most of the recentdevelopment. However; due to high capital costs, the industry is difficult to enter into.

    As a single snapshot in time, while Alberta experienced an 11% population increase between 2001

    and 2006, Kneehill County's population decreased by almost 2%. Families are slightly larger in

    Kneehill County but with a median income of about $10,000 less per year than the average

    Albertan. Monthly housing costs are about two-thirds the average and unemployment is less than

    half. Agriculture and the oil and gas sectors provide employment to one-half the County's

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    Retaining the rural lifestyle has significant value to County residents; while they support growth

    and additional services they are also concerned growth may have a negative impact on the very

    things they cherish. Attracting new residents, and retaining those that currently live in the County;

    finding the balance between growth and the level of all services, are challenges the County is

    currently facing.


    The County continues to be proactive in protecting its water resources and it's natural capital,including the environment, and identifies environmental stewardship as one of its Core Values.

    One of the most significant challenges, however, is the ability to dedicate adequate resources and

    capacity to develop and implement science-based methods to determine ecological requirements.

    Changes in land use patterns reflect major development trends. Land use changes and the

    subsequent changes in management practices can impact quantity and quality of water in rivers

    and other water bodies in Kneehill County.

    There are also quality and quantity issues with water wells in some areas of Kneehill County. The

    County is currently working toward the development of a safe, reliable and assured supply of

    potable water at a reasonable cost for its residents. The most significant project of late is a regionalwater service which will ultimately service 65% of the community.

    The County's Agricultural Service Board encourages the preservation and efficient use of soil and

    water resources and prevention of the spread of invasive weeds. The County is a member of the

    Red Deer River Watershed Alliance and The Red - Bow Regional Watersheds Alliance; both groups

    promote and organize community events, programs and information on sustainable land and water

    use in the watersheds.

    Most recently, the County has updated its Environmentally Significant Areas Study to assist in

    retaining the County's biological diversity, soil, water and other natural processes Healthy aquatic

    ecosystems, for example, are fundamental to Kneehill County's social and economic health as wellas a goal under Alberta's Water for Life Strategy.

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    Agriculture remains the backbone of the local economy in Kneehill County. As farming operations

    and practices have expanded over the years, significant production and environmental issues have

    emerged, with crop and livestock diseases and drought conditions taking its toll. Through the

    directives of its Agricultural Service Board, the County strives to deliver programs that focus on

    providing training, specialized equipment or information on available resources that will assistfarmers to deal with their issues effectively. At the same time, land use policies are crafted to

    protect the County's agricultural land base for future generations, while providing opportunities for

    value-added agricultural industries.

    The County's agricultural industry is

    complemented by a strong oil and gas

    industry, however, in 2009, the ailing

    global economy significantly impacted this

    sector. Most recently, a wind farm has

    been introduced to the Kneehill County

    landscape, comprising of 51 turbines, a

    collector plant and substation, located

    northwest of Trochu. While the County is

    best known for conventional energy, it is

    conceivable that, over time, Albertans will

    acquire 20-40% of its electricity from wind

    and solar power.

    Throughout the year, the communities within Kneehill County host numerous events. These events

    are diverse in nature, appeal to a wide range of ages and promote the unique attributes of the

    County. They are somewhat promoted within the host community through local newsletters andbulletin boards, however, events are not always promoted to other communities within the County

    or to neighbouring municipalities outside of the County. As well, marketing methods do not always

    reflect our diverse demographics. Some of the events hosted within the County are experiencing a

    decline in attendance. Attracting attendance from outside the community and encouraging

    attendance by our residents has become a real challenge.

    As with other rural communities in Alberta, Kneehill County has begun to look toward tourism as a

    viable industry to diversity the local economy. Tourism is faced with one challenge -- shortages in

    labour and skill. The seasonal nature of many jobs, particularly those in the tourism and hospitality

    industry, results in periods of unemployment for some workers.

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    When they think of culture, Albertans think of their heritage, sports and recreation, the environment

    and even innovation in business and the arts. Communities within Kneehill County host a wide range

    of cultural events. These events include rodeos, town fairs, farmers markets, craft exhibitions and art

    shows. In addition to this, there are several cultural sites, museums and heritage sites that exhibitKneehill County's history, including Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park, Tolman Badlands Heritage

    Rangeland Provincial Natural Area, St. Ann Ranch Provincial Historic Site, Bigelow Reservoir Provincial

    Recreation Area, Horseshoe Canyon Provincial Recreation Area, and Bleriot Ferry Provincial

    Recreation Area.

    While cultural events and sites appeal

    to a broad range of citizens from youth

    to seniors to families, with the close

    proximity to Calgary, many citizens aretravelling outside of the County to

    attend cultural events and sites.


    Kneehill County has numerous curling and figure skating clubs and hockey

    teams. In the summer, there are also several baseball leagues and golfing is

    available at the Three Hills, Acme or Trochu courses. While attendance at

    community events continues to be relatively good, the number of

    community volunteers is declining. This can result in volunteer 'burn-out'

    and, eventually, County residents may lose their sense of community which

    can directly impact their sense of belonging and well being. The less

    frequently citizens are engaged in Kneehill County; the more likely they are

    to leave and live elsewhere.

    Kneehill County is one of the few municipalities of its size that can offer awide and varied educational experience. The public school system is

    administered by the Golden Hills School Division and provides kindergarten

    to grade 12 education in schools located in villages and towns throughout

    the County. There are also numerous private playschool opportunities.

    Prairie Bible College, located in the Town of Three Hills, offers education in

    ministry, aviation, nursing, vocational training, applied arts and technology.

    Several other secondary schools are located within an hour's drive. There

    are also excellent adult education opportunities.

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    Through numerous partnerships, Kneehill County is able to

    offer its residents a full complement of social and emergency

    services including FCSS, fire, policing and emergency

    management services. Municipalities within Kneehill County

    have worked together to develop a regional disaster services

    plan, coordinated by the County's Emergency Management

    Officer. The Three Hills Health Centre, located in the Town ofThree Hills, offers 24-hour emergency services in acute care,

    continuing care, 24-hour emergency, community care, and

    public health.


    During the ICSP community consultation process, communication between

    the County and its residents was flagged as a concern. The County'slocation outside the provincial utility corridor creates its own challenges in

    a world which relies heavily on high-speed internet access. While the

    County website is used as one of several communication tools, many

    County residents do not have high-speed internet in their homes.

    Traditional media such as the local newspapers are heavily relied upon to

    provide information to County residents, however, the weekly print

    schedule means that there is little opportunity to provide 'late breaking'

    information. Attracting young professionals into rural Alberta has been

    challenging. Kneehill County has been very successful in attracting and retaining quality staff;

    however, many of the staff live in other communities and several commute long distances.

    In 2007, Kneehill County adopted its vision statement:

    Kneehill County is first and foremost a rural community that values safety and good

    government for our citizens. We will grow as a community by encouraging responsible

    development that supports our resource-based economy. This means investing in and

    enhancing infrastructure and services. Through Council policy, our Administration will

    continue to promote and protect our community through environmental responsibility,

    prosperity, and positive relationships with our citizens, private sector and government


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    Stakeholder Consultation


    As a first step in the process a staff survey was conducted and helped form the basis of a resident

    survey. The survey was premised on Kneehill County's current vision statement. Feedback

    obtained from key personnel and council members provided the organization's opinion on whatthey believe Kneehill County should look like in the future and to confirm whether the County's

    current vision statement continues to hold true today. Senior staff and all members of Council

    were requested to complete the survey.

    Responses reflected that staff considers the following as key components of sustainability in

    Kneehill County:

    Growth and community participation as primarily indicators of whether Kneehill County is

    achieving sustainability;

    Growth to require more and better park, open space and infrastructure systems;

    Preserving and promoting the County's cultural and heritage assets to be a priority;

    Find ways to encourage and maintain community volunteerism and support community

    festivals and events; Attract businesses from outside Kneehill County and invest in the infrastructure necessary to

    support it;

    Protect and preserve drinking water, rivers, streams and wetlands;

    Improve public awareness of environmental issues;

    Play a role in the improvement and reform of health care services which support County


    Developing options for the young to live and work in the County;

    Build on existing partnerships with all levels of government;

    Discourage urban sprawl by directing residential growth to existing urban centres in theCounty, including hamlets, villages and towns;

    Focus on rural issues and effectively communicate County issues to the public.

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    The second part of the process involved the County's hosting of two public open house/information

    meetings, on August 31st

    and September 2nd

    , 2010, at the Huxley and Swalwell Community Halls,

    respectively. A presentation made at the meeting outlined the purpose and intent of an ICSP, the

    County's desire to seek input from its residents, and highlighted the five pillars of sustainability,

    being economic, environmental, social, cultural and governance. Residents were also invited tocomplete a survey. Feedback from the residents identified the following as being an integral

    component of Kneehill County's long-term sustainability:

    Locate residential development primarily in hamlets;

    Hamlets require communal services to support growth;

    The County need to invest in infrastructure (sewer/water);

    Economic development is required to support additional services and opportunities;

    Improved communication between the County and residents.

    Stakeholder input was consolidated into a Key Findings Report which forms the basis for developing

    Kneehill County's goals. The community consultation process evidenced that staff were committed

    to a program of service delivery which facilitates the County's vision statement; the public

    confirmed the County's vision statement reflects the collective vision of the community.

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    Goals and Strategic Alignment

    The process of developing Goals and strategies is based upon a model as shown above. To

    achieve its objective, Kneehill County has ensured each goal is unambiguous, achievable and

    relevant to the current situation. There must be a means to determine how successful the

    County is at achieving its goals; as well, there must be a timeline attached to provide focus and

    arrive at results.

    As an added measure, each goal is considered in the context of sustainability, being economic,

    environmental, social, cultural and governance.

    Identifying goals assists in Kneehill County's long term planning and budget preparations. Once

    the implications of each goal is evaluated and understood, the County can move forward to

    develop strategies directed at achieving each goal. Strategies are then translated into the

    implementation of several activities and daily tasks to ultimately realize each success.

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    Goal A: Strengthen the County's Agricultural Industry.

    Pillars of Sustainability: Economic; Environmental; Cultural; Governance

    Kneehill County has long recognized the agricultural industry as the 'backbone' to the com-

    munity. Comments, through the survey process and public meetings, clearly identify agriculturalas the most important renewable resource to the health and well-being of the community.

    A key consideration to the health and well-being of the agricultural community is ensuring the

    County's land use documents provide opportunity for diversification while, at the same time,

    ensuring residential and other land uses do not unduly interfere with agricultural operations.

    At the same time, programs and initiatives of the Agricultural Service Board must be appropriate

    and timely.

    Strategy 1: Review the County Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw to ensure

    policies promote and protect agriculture

    Timeframe Capital




    Performance Measure Target



    $ 0 $200,000 Completion of internal review directed toward

    ensuring a proactive approach to protecting the

    agricultural land base while providing diversification

    opportunities through home-based businesses and




    Plan to Sustain:

    An annual internal review of the Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw ensures

    both documents remain current and relevant.

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    Strategy 2: Ensure policies support residential growth in areas which does not conflict with or

    impede agriculture

    Timeframe Capital




    Performance Measure Target



    $ 0 staff time;






    Identify hamlet growth potential through new

    development and/or infill housing and the

    development of a Hamlet Strategy should be


    February 2012

    Plan to Sustain:

    A coordinated approach between the Operations, Emergency Services and Planning

    Departments ensures sufficient services are available to support future growth and


    Strategy 3: Review the functions and activities of the Agricultural Service Board

    Timeframe Capital




    Performance Measure Target



    $ 0 staff time;






    Internal annual review coordinated through the

    Agricultural Services Department, and keeping pace

    with the Province's new 3-year business plan


    Plan to Sustain:

    An annual internal review of the mandate, services and programs offered through the

    Agricultural Service Board ensures functions remain current and relevant.

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    Goal B: Improve Internal and External CommunicationWith all Stakeholders

    Pillars of Sustainability: Economic; Environmental Cultural; Social; Governance

    Comments garnered through the survey and public meetings suggest the need to revisit howthe County communicates with its stakeholders. Communication with County residents, in

    particular, is faced with certain challenges; high-speed internet access throughout the County is

    limited and timeliness of press releases and advertising is a key consideration due to the weekly

    print schedule of local newspapers.

    While the County maintains positive working relationships with neighbouring communities,

    continuing relationships with provincial and federal partners is also a priority.

    Strategy 1: Enhance the County newsletter by increasing the number of issues per year

    Timeframe Capital




    Performance Measure Target

    March 2011 $ 0 $3,000per issue

    The number of annual editions of the newsletterincreased from one edition annually to three editions


    June 2011

    Plan to Sustain:

    Providing opportunity for public input on an annual basis will assist the County to evaluate

    stakeholder satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.

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    Strategy 2: Consider ways to increase the use of the County website

    Timeframe Capital




    Performance Measure Target



    $ 0 Staff time






    The County website is easy to navigate and provides

    information in a timely manner

    March 2011

    Plan to Sustain:

    The County provides opportunity to stakeholders to submit comments and

    recommendations which will ultimately ensure the website is providing relevant

    information in a user friendly format.

    Strategy 3: Improve upon relationships with all levels of government, including municipalities

    within Kneehill County; neighbouring municipalities, MLAs and MP

    Timeframe Capital




    Performance Measure Target



    Staff time

    no additional



    Ensure continued dialogue through provision of

    the County's Newsletter, interagency referrals

    and ongoing dialogue


    Plan to Sustain:

    Administration and Council work with all levels of government through interagency

    referrals, regular updates and ongoing dialogue on matters of mutual interest.

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    Goal C: Encourage and Maintain Community Volunteerismand Support Community Festivals and Events

    Pillars of Sustainability: Economic; Environmental; Social; Cultural; Governance

    The shrinking volunteer pool is a common concern for many communities. Not only doesKneehill County rely on volunteer residents to participate on various committees,

    volunteers are the central support of most social and cultural programs offered

    throughout the community.

    Strategy 1: Provide a community events calendar on the County website and in the County


    Timeframe Capital




    Performance Measure Target

    June 2011 $ 0 Staff time






    Notification to local associations and community

    groups that the County hosts a Community Events

    Calendar on its website which can also identify

    opportunities to volunteer opportunities in the


    June 2011

    Plan to Sustain:

    Continued monitoring of calendar use while continuing to encourage associations and

    groups to post events.

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    Goal D: Preserve and Promote the County's Natural,Cultural and Heritage assets

    Pillars of Sustainability: Economic; Environmental; Social; Cultural; Governance

    Kneehill County has a wealth of heritage assets, both in its natural landscape and thebuilt environment. The recent update to the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Study

    provides a baseline for identification and preservation, which precipitated

    amendments to the Municipal Development Plan. The County may wish to consider

    other planning tools, such as a Historic Preservation Overlay District, or initiating a

    Historic Preservation Committee.

    There are also community organizations and private individuals preserving the

    community's history and, at the same time, providing economic development


    Strategy 1: Build public awareness at all levels in respect of environmental and cultural


    Timeframe Capital


    Operating Budget Performance Measure Target

    Ongoing $ 0 Drumheller &

    District Solid Waste



    Developing educational programs directed

    at water, waste management and

    recycling, while managing several water

    service areas


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    Kneehill County Integrated Community Sustainability Plan

    Hoskin Planning & Development Services Inc. ICSP Page 2

    Plan to Sustain:

    Support relevant programs and services for the operation and maintenance of the

    various waste transfer stations and associated landfill, and through general education.

    The County's continued support of numerous water service areas will ensure a long-

    term supply of potable water for residents.

    Strategy 2: Build public awareness at all levels in respect of environmental and

    cultural stewardship

    Timeframe Capital


    Operating Budget Performance Measure Target

    Ongoing $ 0 Agricultural



    The County continues to provide

    information and education to the

    agricultural sector, through its

    Agricultural Services Department.


    Plan to Sustain:

    Support relevant programs and services provided to the agricultural sector.

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    Goal E: Support and Encourage Community WellnessInitiatives in Kneehill County

    Pillars of Sustainability: Social; Governance

    Kneehill County is currently involved in numerous programs and committees

    established to provide social and emergency services to the community. Although the

    County does not have a direct role in the provision of hospital or school services, there

    may be opportunity for the County to have an influence on each institution's service


    The County contributes to the local FCSS program and provides emergency services,

    including ambulance, fire, policing services, through numerous partnerships.

    Municipalities within Kneehill County have also regional disaster services plan,

    coordinated by the County's Emergency Management Officer. The County has

    developed standardized employee orientation processes to meet Occupational Health

    and Safety audit Standards

    Strategy 1: Continue participation in Family and Community Support Services and other

    organizations providing community and emergency services to the County

    Timeframe Capital




    Performance Measure Target

    Ongoing $ 0 $43,000 Coordinate the County's contribution to existing

    partnership and ensure representation at meetings.

    Coordination of the regional disaster services plan

    and development of standardized employee

    orientation process.


    Plan to Sustain:

    Continued dialogue with adjacent municipalities will provide possible opportunities for

    further partnering and ensure the most appropriate delivery of emergency services as

    well as a coordinated approach in the event of a local or regional disaster. A

    standardized employee orientation process supports the County's commitment to


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    Kneehill County Integrated Community Sustainability Plan

    Hoskin Planning & Development Services Inc. ICSP Page 2

    Strategy 2: Continue to promote the interests of the community through continued

    dialogue with the MLA and local health and education authorities

    Timeframe Capital




    Performance Measure Target

    April 2011 $ 0 Staff time

    no additional


    costs antici-


    Meet regularly with the MLA, local health and

    education authorities to discuss matters of mutual



    Plan to Sustain:

    Administration and Council continue work with the local hospital, medical facilities andschools, and the local MLA to facilitate the interests of local residents. We will also

    extend invitations to these facilities and associates to attend and make a presentation

    at a County Council meeting on an annual basis.

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    Goal F: Enhance Economic Development Strategies

    Pillars of Sustainability: Economic; Governance

    Kneehill County participates in

    a number of economic initiatives,

    including Canadian Badlands Ltd.,

    Central Alberta Economic

    Partnership and Highway 21

    Community Initiatives Society.

    Economic development promotes

    existing businesses and encourages

    new initiatives.

    Strategy 1: Participate in regional economic development initiatives with neighbouring


    Timeframe Capital




    Performance Measure Target

    Ongoing $ 0 $3,200 Ensure County representation and participation atmeetings and functions of the various partnerships

    and ensure appropriate policies within the MDP and

    Land Use Bylaw


    Plan to Sustain:

    Ongoing dialogue within the various economic initiatives supports existing businesses and

    encourages new initiatives. Review of applications for commercial and industrial

    development, as they relate to the Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw,ensures County policies are reviewed regularly and updated as necessary.

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    Kneehill County Integrated Community Sustainability Plan

    Hoskin Planning & Development Services Inc. ICSP Page 2

    Strategy 2: Foster and encourage value added agriculture initiatives

    Timeframe Capital




    Performance Measure Target



    $ 0 Staff time






    Ensure statutory plans, land use bylaw and policies

    provide opportunity for home based business and

    value added agriculture


    Plan to Sustain:

    Ongoing review of the County's planning hierarchy will ensure they are current and

    relevant and can respond to industry demands.

    Strategy 3: Identify appropriate areas in Kneehill County where existing

    infrastructure exists to support commercial and industrial growth

    Timeframe Capital




    Performance Measure Target



    $ 0 Staff time






    Areas identified will be promoted through land use

    planning tools and economic development initiatives


    Plan to Sustain:

    Administration will develop and maintain an inventory of areas currently designatedfor industrial or commercial use. As part of the Municipal Development Plan review,

    areas these areas, as well as other that could potentially be suitable for commercial or

    industrial use will be given further consideration.

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    Kneehill County Integrated Community Sustainability Plan

    Strategy 4: Work with neighbouring urban municipalities to identify joint opportunities

    Timeframe Capital




    Performance Measure Target

    Ongoing $ 0 $ 130,000 Areas of joint opportunity are explored through

    the provision and implementation of

    intermunicipal development plans and/orintermunicipal agreements


    Plan to Sustain:

    As part of each budget process, Administration will identify if opportunities exist to

    partner with urban municipalities for projects, initiatives or developments.