Kmt journal final v.4


Transcript of Kmt journal final v.4

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Welcome to this evening’s KMT 2nd Annual dinner. There are many reasons why I have looked forward to this evening . Of course, it is a welcome opportunity to spend time together in a relaxed atmosphere. But it is also gives us a chance to pause, reflect, and take stock of how much we have progressed as a Shul, and to recognize that all our successes would not have been possible without much עזרת השם and the selfless dedication of individuals such as this evening’s honorees, Mr. & Mrs. Tzali Gutman. Gathering tonight has given us all a chance to show them our appreciation and הכרת הטוב.

Through the vision of Rabbi Tzvi Zylberberg we also gather to honor the תורה What a great message this sends to one and all; It’s .סיום הש”ס in the form of a הקדושהall about the Torah.I hope you will leave this evening enthused and inspired, proud to call KMT your מקום you will ,באיכות ובכמות set our sights on raising the bar even higher אי”ה And as we .תפלהactively join us in this endeavor.

הנה מה טוב ומה נעים שבת אחים גם יחדבידידות

נתן גרינברג

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ToMr and Mrs Tzali Gutman

”אברך“ דרש ר”י ...אב בחכמה ורך בשנים -רש”י

Five and half years later, I am still amazed that someone so young handled the (sometimes tough) job as President of our Shul with

aplomb, panache, professionalism&

sincere warmth.

Klal Yisrael will אי”ה be hearing much more from both of you!

FondlyThe Rav & Rebbitzen

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To The Misaymim

There are many ways to be מחזיק תורה.

Your סיום this evening has made The רבונו של עולם very proud

&the Torah feel very much wanted.

..…וזכות כל התנאים ואמוראים ות”ח יעמוד לכם ולזרעכם

With admiration

Rabbi Nosson Greenberg

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In recognition and with much gratitude to

all those who give their time, efforts, energy

and financial support towards the

success and growth of our Shul

Teamwork makes the dream workThank You!

The K’hal Machzikei Torah Family

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In recognition of

Tzvi and Malkie Zylberberg Eli & Michal Eisikovic

Yehuda & Rachel KaufmanShmuel and Chaya RadaAron & Shira Richman

Your dedication and tireless efforts to see through a successful Dinner are enormously appreciated.

May HKBH repay you for the energy and efforts that you invest in

our Shul with much hatzlocha and boundless nachas from your wonderful families.

The K’hal Machzikei Torah Family

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In Honor Of

Nachum Augenbaum


Ely Pasternak

Your efforts on behalf of the shul as members of the board will always be appreciated.

The K’hal Machzikei Torah Family

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In Honor Of

R’ Tzvi Zylberberg

Sometimes there are no words.

The K’hal Machzikei Torah Family

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In Honor Of

Mr. & Mrs. Yechiel Salzberg for their quiet but invaluable dedication to the shul

&Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda Kaufman

Treasurer Extraordinaire

The K’hal Machzikei Torah Family

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In Honor Of Our Dear Maggidei Shiur

Reb Tzvi Zylberberg

Reb Ari Glazer

Reb Dovi Edell

The K’hal Machzikei Torah Family

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BuildingA New MakomTefilla

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In honor of our esteemed Rav and Rebbetzin, Your tireless devotion to our shul is truly admirable. You are an example to us of how to devote yourself

to the klal. May Hashem give you the koach to continue in the

growth and success of K'hal Machkzikei Torah. With much Hakaras Hatov,

Tzali and Chana Shira Gutman

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With a great deal of thanks to all who made this melava malka possible.

Mr. And Mrs. Mayer Heinemann Rabbi & Mrs. Eli Eisikovic

Rabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Zylberberg and all members of the board, and everyone who did their

share to ensure the success and continuity of our shul.

May Hashem bless you all with bracha, hatzlacha, good health and koach to continue working to benefit K’hal Machzikei Torah.

Tzali and Chana Shira Gutman

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To Our Dear ChildrenChana Shira and Tzali

No couple has ever brought more joy and pure Jewish nachas to their families.

Your open hearts and generous spirits enrich the lives of your children, your parents and your

community.For what you do and who you are, we are

proud beyond words. Ma & Ta

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To our dear brother Tzali,Your impressive dedication to tzorchei tzibur, in the footsteps of our dear Aba z’l, is

inspiring to us all. We are so proud of all that you and Chana Shira do and accomplish. May Hashem always give you both strength and ability to continue in your work on

behalf of your shul, your community, and the needs of klal Yisroel.

Mazel Tov to all the members of K’hal Machzikei Torah who have dedicated their time to learn and participate in this siyum hashas. The dedication of this siyum as a zchus l'ilui

nishmas our father is especially touching for our family and we are extremely appreciative. May you and your families have much success in all areas of your lives.

With much admiration and appreciation,The Schenk, Ganz, M. Gutman, Berger,

Kut and S. Gutman families.

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In honor of Rabbi Greenberg


Mr. & Mrs. Tzali Gutman

Ruchie and Shmuly Bakst & Family

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In honor of Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman

An outstanding couple whose Chesed and selflessness are truly remarkable. In appreciation of your endless

dedication & devotion to our shul and the Klal.May you continue in your Avodas Hakodesh for many

years to come.יהי רצון שישלח ה לכם רב כוחות להמשיך בעבודתכם הקדושה להחזיק ולהרביץ תורה

ולהגדיל תורה ולהאדירה

Yanky & Esti Kleinkaufman

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Mazal Tov to Mrs and Mrs Tzali Gutman on this well deserved honor.

Your devotion to the Shul is truly an inspiration to all.

Shira & Ahron Richman

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Special thanks to all those that gave of their

time and resources to

make our new Bais Medrash a


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In tribute to our dear friendsTzali and Chana Shira Gutman

To say that this honor is well deserved would be the understatement of the year. Perhaps the decade.

It קיצלס us to see what you have and continue to accomplish.Your good nature, unassuming manner, and non judgmental and unconditional love to all humankind (granted a work in progress),

is infectious and have endeared you to all.May you see lots of nachas from your beautiful

family (and friends).

Hesh and Gitty Friedman

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In honor of Mr and Mrs Tzali GutmanAs someone who was Zoche to see first hand the tremendous

Amud Hachesed that your father , Yossi Gutman A"h was. It's very special to see you and your Aishes Chayil , following in the

mesorah of Torah , Avodah, and Gemilas Chasadim that he left you, and the all of us in the mishpacha.

We are sure that he is very proud of you and is shepping nachas . May you continue to be a pillar of Tomchei Tzibur and you should

be Zoche to continue in your work with health and wealth I"h

Chaim and Ruchie Neger Tudor Capital Group

Lakewood, NJ

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Mazel Tov to Tzali & Chana ShiraThank you for accepting this honor

It is just another example of your commitment to the Klal.

Mazel Tov to our dear Rav for being a pillar of inspiration to our family,

the shul, & the entire community.

We are proud to be part of your tzibbur.

Mazel Tov to all the Misaymim

& everyone who supports, davens & learns in the shul.

May we continue to grow for years to come!

Mayer & Adina Heinemann

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Mazel Tov


Mr. and Mrs. Tzali Gutmanon a well deserved honor

Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Schreiber

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In honor of our dear son Tzvi Zylberberg.

We are so proud of you. May you and your wonderful aishes chayel (our treasured daughter in law

Malkie) have continued nachas from your beautiful children. May HKB"H give you the strength to continue

growing in your learning ad meah v'esrim. with much love

Mom & Daddy and all your siblings and families

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Mazal tov to our dear friends, neighbors and cousins Tzali and Chana Shira Gutman

We could not think of two people more deserving of this honor.Your selfless dedication, warmth and generosity to our Shul and many

other worthy causes in our community is inspirational to us all.We wish you bracha and hatzlacha in all you do, and continued nachas from your children and all that you accomplish for your community and all of klal yisroel.

In honor of our dear Rov who inspires us with his actions & his words. We truly feel privileged being part of your kehilla.

Moshe and Tova Bollag

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Mazal Tov to the Gutmans, to the Rav and his family and the Gabbaim.

Thank you for making the shul a conduit towards hashem and our greater community.

Chava and Tzvi Barax

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Mazel to Mr. and Mrs. Tzali Gutman

on this well deserved honor.

Your tireless devotion to our shul has enabled us to grow to to where we are

today. We are tremendously grateful for all that you have done for our kehilla.

Sholom and Elana Wohlgelernter

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Mazel Tov to Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman on this well deserved honor.

You have set the bar high for what a great shul president should be.

Keep up the good work!

Yosef & Chani Finestone

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Mazal Tov to

Mr. and Mrs.Tzali Gutman

Thank you for all your hard work and efforts you have given to the shul.

Mazal Tov to my fellow Mesaymim on this momentous occasion.

May we continue to give nachas to Hashem, our families, to our communities and our shul.

Mr. and Mrs. Lonny Rothman

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In honor of our dear children

Tzali and Chana Shira

It is a special warm feeling when children follow in their parents' footsteps by being עוסק בצרכי ציבור

HKBH should grant you the abilities to always be able

to pave the way for others to join and follow.

Ima and Yanky

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Mazel Tov


Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman

on this well deserved honor

Mr. and Mrs. Aryeh Freund

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Mazel Tov to Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman

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Mazel Tov to Tzali & Chana Shira Gutmanon this well deserved honor.

Dr. and Mrs. Nachum Augenbaum

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In honor of our dear nephew

Tzali We are proud to see you continue in the path of your father

& grandfather who were Oskim B’tzorechei Tzibbur B'emunah. Remember this path only works if all that you want

is that Hakodash Baruch Hu Yishalaim S’charam.

Shlomie & Yocheved Knopf Yitzchak & Gitty Neger

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To Mr. and Mrs. Tzali Gutman

On a well deserved honor

Tzvi and Malkie Zylberberg

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In honor of

Mr. and Mrs. Tzali Gutman

and all the community mesaymim

Yehuda and Yehudis Yovits

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With much appreciation of the tireless efforts invested by the Rav Shlita, the president, and the board of K’hal Machzikei


A hearty mazal tov to all of the participants in this monumental Siyum HaShas.

In special recognition of Mr. & Mrs. Tzali Gutman receiving the Tzorchai Tzibbur Award. Our Shul is only a reality as a result of your continued devotion. May you continue to grow חיל אל מחיל,

and be a source of strength to our community.Mazal Tov,

Pnina & Simi Wurtzel

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In Honor of Tzali Gutman

It is a pleasure and an honor to sit next to you in shul. Keep up your great work in your עבודת הקדש

being עוסק בצרכי ציבור.

ימלא השם כל משאלות לבך לטובה

Best Wishes Yossy and Miriam Leah Ungar

(and the boys)

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Mazel Tov to the Gutman's.

They should continue to be an inspiration to the community and the entire klal.

Kira and Evan Schuckman

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Mazal tov

Tzali and Chana Shira on this well deserved honor

Yisroel and Shiffy Schreiber

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We join in paying tribute to an outstanding individual, blessed with a big heart, a warm soul, and true baal achrayus and ne'im halichos.

R' Tzali Gutman נ"י

May he and his אשת חיל שתחי continue to be the recipients of Hashem's many brochos and may they derive much true nachas from their wonderful family, from all their

worthwhile endeavors and from all that is theirs, and may they continue to gain by giving to the shul under the leadership of the Rov שליט"א and towards all areas of

Kiddush Hashem and Kovod Shomayim!With much admiration,

Elysha Sandler

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Mazal Tov to all the Mesaymim on completing Shas.

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In honor of Mr and Mrs Tzali Gutman

upon this most deserving honor.

Your amazing dedication to the growth and success of the shul is truly a chizuk to us all in the kehila.

May you continue to be Osek B’tzorchei Tzibbur and may you have much nachas from your entire family.

Yechiel & Shoshana Salzberg.

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To Mr and Mrs Tzali Gutman

Mazal tov on this well deserved honor.

Thank you for all your hard work. May you continue to set an example for the rest of us.

Yehuda and Batsheva RuzohorskyMoishe and Michal Mermelstien

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Mazel tov to our dear friends Tzali and Chana Shira Gutman

May Hashem give you koach to do much good in your lives, and the means to do it in style!

FondlyMenachem and Chayitty Pollack

(We'll keep the shade up for you)

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Tzali and Chana Shira,

Thank you for all of your tremendous work and dedication to the continued growth and success of our Shul.

May you continue to be a source of nachas and inspiration to us all

!עד ביאת גואל צדק במהרה בימינו אמן

Ely and Ronit Pasternak

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Mazel Tov and Thank You to Mr. & Mrs. Tzali Gutman

for all of their hard work for our Kehilla.

You should only have mazel and brocha until 120 !

Mr. and Mrs. Gi Orman

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In honor of Mr & Mrs. Tzali Gutman

on their well deserved honor.

May they continue to do their Avodas hakodesh for the shul and the rest of the community.

Ari & Rochel Sima Munk

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To our former "Commander in Chief" Tzali Gutman

Mazal tov on this very well-deserved award! Your immeasurable devotion to the Kehila

has helped us get to this point, and we as a shul can't thank you enough.

May you continue to inspire others with your acts of chesed.

Shmuel and Chaya Rada

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In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Tzali Gutman

Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the Klal

In honor of the Misaymim

In Honor of the Rav & RebbitzinMazel Tov!

There are no words that describe the impact you have on all of us

A special thank you to: Rabbi Tzvi Zylberberg, Rabbi Eli Eisikovic, Mayer Heinemann, Aron Richman and Shmuel Rada for an amazing job

Yehuda & Rachel Kaufman

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In honor of the Rav for his selfless devotion to the Kehila.

To Tzali and his Rebbetzin

for going above and beyond and being a true pillar in the Shul and our community

Yanky and Sori Herskovits

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In honor of Tzali and Chana Shira

Mazel tov on a well deserved honor. The Shul would not be where we are today without you.

You are an inspiration to us all. Tizku Limitzvos.

With much Hakaras Hatov to the Rov and Rebbetzin

for their constant 24/7 dedication to our Shul and Kehilla. May we be zoche, with your guidance, to continue

to grow in our Avodas Hashem.

Moti & Miriam Hellman

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MAZEL TO ALL FELLOW MESAYMIM! May we repeat this performance for many years to come!

Mazal Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Tzali Gutman

Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of our wonderful Shul. Hashem should continue to give you the יכולת והצלחה to help the כלל in

the future and נחת from the kinderlach and the rest of your family.

Special thanks to our wonderful Rav, Baalei Kriah, and Gabbaim for making the Shul run so smoothly!

Ari and Yosifa Glazer

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In Honor of Tzali and Chana Shira

You are leaders in our community. May you continue your ongoing

dedication to the many community organizations, and the beautiful Kehilah you helped build.

Most importantly... Tzali, stop growing up so fast!!!

Miri and Pinky Friedman

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We would like to utilize this opportunity to show our utmost Hakaros Hatov to our Esteemed and Devoted Rav

Harav Nosson Greenbergfor everything that he does for us on an individual level, for the Shul on a

congregational level and for the Community at large!

We would further like to applaud tonight's honorees and our friendsTzali and Chana Shira Gutman

On this most well deserved honor!! The work and efforts you have invested in making this Shul a thriving Makom Torah is truly amazing!

We would also like to wish a Huge Mazel Tov to us all on tonight's Siyum Hashas!!Hadran Alach!! May K'hal Machzikei Torah continue to go M’’chayil El Chayil!!

Eli and Michal Eisikovic

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Mazal tov to Mr. & Mrs. Tzali Gutman

on this most deserving honor. Your efforts and dedication on behalf of the shul

are truly admired and greatly appreciated.

L'Kavod Harav Nosson Greenberg, our devoted leader. With much admiration and gratitude.

Zev Hofstedter

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May this be a great z’chus for your late father.

Moishie and Hindy Atlas

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Mazel Tov To

Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman upon this well deserved honor.

In honor of the Rav and Rebbetzin

for their devotion to the shul and it's successful growth.

Danny & Tzippy Eckstein

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Mazel tov to

Tzali and Chana Shira on this long-overdue honor.

The success of our Shul is a direct result of your incredible efforts.

May you go M'chayil El Chayil.

Josh and Aviva BrodyAnd remember - only 5 months until golf season!

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כתר הילומים על ראשם יצורשפר עלן לחוויי בשבחו של שאר בשרינו האהוב והחביב ידיד נאמן לכל בית ישראל וימינו פשוטה לעזרת ישראל בכל עת ובכל שעה

זכות הרבים תלוי בו ושם שמים מתאהב ומתקדש על ידו ה"ה הרב הנכבד המוכתר מנימוסין ובכל הון יקר

הר"ר בצלאל שמחה גוטמאן הי"וואתו עמו נו"ב המהוללה מרת חנה שירה שתחי'

המכהן פאר בתור נשיא "קהל מחזיקי תורה" הידועה לשם ולתהילהלרגל התעטרו בנזר כתר שם טוב כי לו נאה כי לו יאה

וזכרון אחד עולה לשמו הטוב של דודינו המנוח רב פעלים לתורה ולתעודה דרחים ומוקיר רבנן

מגדולי תומכי כתרה של תורה ומחזיק בעץ החייםמו"ה ר' יוסף מרדכי גוטמאן ז"ל

אשר סיום הש"ס הוקדש לשמו הטהור

ועל הטוב תיזכר דודתנו החשובה תבלחט"אאשת חיל עטרת תפארת משפחתנועוז והדר לבושה ותורת חסד על לשונה

מרת פרומיט רחל דויטש שתחי'שזכתה לראות שכר טוב בעמלה ולרוות נחת רב מבנה הי"ו

ההולך בדרכי אבותיו ולא נטש תורת אמווברכתנו תעלה שיזכו להגביר ולהרבות פעלים למען ה' ולתורתו, ויברכם ה' למען שמו באהבה בכל הברכות האמורות במצדיקי

הרבים, הון ועושר בביתם וצדקתם עומדת לעד

עקיבא יואל ורבקה רחל נעגער

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Mazel Tov to

Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman on this well deserved honor.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gluck

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Yeshiva Ateres Shmuel of WaterburyJoins in paying tribute to our illustrious

alumnusthe eminently well- deserved Guest of Honor

Mr. and Mrs. Tzali GutmanWe take pride in you and in our relationshipMay you continue to be the Machzik Torah of

K’hal Machzikei Torahand may you reap much nachas from your

dear family

Rabbi Ahron KaufmanRosh HaYeshiva

and your Waterbury Yeshiva family

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Mr. and Mrs. Tzali Gutmanon this well deserved honor!

May Hashem grant you the strength to continue your acts of chesed on behalf of Klal Yisroel, and may you see much nachas from your family.

Mr. and Mrs. Gavriel RalbagMr. and Mrs. Menachem Yifat

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""It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles""

In honor of ""President""& Mrs. Tzali Gutman on this well deserved award.

Chaim M. & Esther G. Holzberg

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Mazel Tov to Tzali & Chana Shira Guttman

on this well deserved honour.

Rabbi & Mrs. Yanky Hirsch

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In honor of the indefatigable and selfless couple,

Tzali and Chana Shira Gutman

Whether a communal matter, private matter or with our personal friendship, your care and dedication to all and everyone that you are involved with is an inspiration.May you both continue to have only nachas and simchos from your wonderful family

and continue to do great things for our community for many years to come.

Special mazel tov to the proud parents/grandparents, Yoeli and Toby Steinberg. For lack of a more original term, the apple or apples don’t fall far from the tree.

May you continue to have pride and nachas.

Boruch Ber and Suri Bender

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Mazel tov on the many accomplishments of KMT.

This has been due to the tireless efforts of many individuals, and especially our guest of honor Tzali Guttman. His years as president proved to be a focal

point in our shuls history. The amount of time he has spent to benefit our shul is truly remarkable. Both in and out of shul, he has assisted those in

need. Whether it be the powerful tefilos in shul, or the flame of Torah burning from the wee hours of the morning, you can assume Tzali is there

playing a crucial role within the כותלי הבית מדרש. With guidance from the Rav and his chavrusah R' Tzvi Zylberberg, Tzali has been an inspiration to שליט״א

all who have witnessed the priorities which we all try to emulate. הקב״ה should continue to give you and your wife the strength to continue to be

.for many years to come עוסק בצרכי ציבור

Moish and Devora Monczyk

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Mazel Tov to Mr and Mrs Tzali Gutman.

You should be zoche to continue to beOsek B’tzorchei Tzibbur Ad Meah Ve’esrim Shanah.

Mr & Mrs Moshe Nison Alpert

Mazal Tov Tzali On This Honor

May Hashem grant you and your family continued success.Thanks for the Islander tickets.Thanks Heshy for brokering it

Mr & Mrs Jason Badian

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Mazal Tov to Tzali and Chana Shira Gutman

On this much deserved and belated honor. The quiet way in which you humbly serve our kehilla does not

go unnoticed.

Aron and Dasi From

In honor of Tzali and his family

Who tirelessly have taken the Shul on their shoulders throughout the years.

Tizku L’mitzvos

Yael and Akiva Garbacz

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In honor of Tzali Gutman

Whose welcoming presence to everyone lends a special warmth to the shul.We wish Mr. and Mrs. Gutman many years of accomplishing on behalf of the

community and the shul.

In appreciation of the Rav Shlita Binyomin Z.and Bayla Barkany

Mazal tov to Mr. and Mrs. Tzali Gutman &

Esteemed Rabbi and Rebetzin Greenberg.

A special thank you to Mr. Yanky Kleinkaufman for his selfless dedication to the shul as well as the Klal. May you continue to be an inspiration for us all! -

Sam and Miryam Berry

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Mazel Tov to our dear friends Mr. & Mrs. Tzali Guttman on this well-deserved honor.

Your devotion to your shul and the community at large make you truly worthy of admiration.

Ya’asher koach to Rabbi Yanky Hersh on running an incredible Avos U'Banim program

to which we look forward every week.

Warmly, Your friends from the "other" shul on Jarvis Ave ...

Avi & Shoshie Barasch, Shmuly & Mindy Glaser, Ari & Miri Ostreicher

Mazal Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Tzali Guttman

On a most well deserved honor.

Dovid and Simone Helfgott

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Mazel Tov to the Gutmans

On this well deserved honorMay they continue to be a source of pride to the community for many

years to come.

Mr & Mrs Mordechai Brecher

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Mazel Tov Tzali

May Hashem bless you and your family with all

the ברכה of an עוסק בצרכי ציבור באמונה

Yisroel and Yael Goldberg

Mazel tov to the Rav and Rebbetzin on the second annual melave malka May you be zoche to many more!

Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs Tzali Gutman Thank you for all of your warmth and dedication to the shul!

Binyamin and Yael Kanter

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Mazal Tov Tzali

May you continue to go M’chayil El Chayil

Danny David

Mazel Tov to all participating in the Siyum Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Tzali Gutman on your well deserved honor and thank

you for all you have done for the Shul.

Rafi & Rachelli Leiner

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Mazal Tov to Mr. & Mrs. GutmanAn honor most deserved for our former President & First Lady, good friends,

and a couple that our Kehilla remains proud of. May you continue doing great things for klal yisroel.

Dov & Ruchie Edell

We would like to wish Mazel Tov to the Shul on tonight's dinner &

specifically to the Rav, Harav Nosson Greenberg on doing an Amazing job leading the Shul and the Community!

We would also like to wish A Mazel Tov to our son Eli on being part of tonight's Siyum Hashas!

Shia and Perrie Eisikovic

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Mazel Tov to the guests of honor Mr. & Mrs. Tzali Gutman Upon receiving this richly deserved tribute

Mazel Tov to our son Yehuda Kaufman upon his participation in the inaugural siyum hashas. His dedication to avodas hakodesh and

limud hatorah sets an example for us all to emulate.With much pride,

Yitzchok and Debbie Kaufman

Congrats Tzali!

A well deserved honor for a person that epitomizes the virtue; "Emor mi'at v'asey harbeh"

We wish you and your family much bracha, nachas and success in all your endeavors.

Yitz and Esty Klein

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In honor of all the honorees

Michael and Edna Ershowsky

Mazel Tov To Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman On this well deserved honorShmuel & Chevi Friedman

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Mazel Tov to Mr. And Mrs. Gutman on this well deserved honor. A special mention must be made of the honorees pivotal role of forming the Shul into this chevra

that we are all so proud to be apart of.

Mr. and Mrs. Rendler

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In honor of Adina Heinemann

A First Lady Extraordinaire! &

In honor of the Rav, Mayer, and all the Misaymim! Tatty and Mommy Heinemann

Mazel tov to Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman on this well deserved honor.

Thank you for your continued dedication, support & leadership. May Hashem grant you the ability to continue the great work that you do.

Yanky & Avigayil Lesser Yitzy & Bracha Goldberg

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Thank you to Tzali Gutman for all his service to Khal Machzikei Torah.

Thank you to the Rav and Rebbitzen for all they have done and continue to do for our kehillah.

Mazel Tov to all those that made this Siyum Hashas a reality.Chaim & Keri Light

Mazal Tov to the Gutmans!

Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of our shul!

Eli and Rachel Lorber

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In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Tzali Gutman. A couple who is truly deserving of tonight's award & a couple whose foundations were built on chessed & helping other people. Ashrecha! We are lucky to be considered a friend. Wishing you mazel & bracha in

all your future endeavors.

Ari & Shira Mandel & family

Congratulation to the Honoree &

All those who are part of the Siyum Sashas.

Avi and Rivie Blum

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We really enjoy the warm learning atmosphere at KMT combined

with the hot coffee in the wee hours of the morning.

Yakov & Yaakov

Congratulations to the Gutman family fromThe Ratner and Homnick families Thank you for all your hard work.

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L'chvod Rav Greenberg Shlit"a, R' Tzali Gutman, and family

The entire holy tzibbur. May you all have continued success on all fronts!

Shlomo and Adina Reich

Mazel Tov to Mrs & Mrs Tzali Guttman

on this well deserved honor Aron Zelig & Pnina Rosenberg

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Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Tzali Gutman In Honor of Rabbi and Rebbitzen Greenberg

Baruch and Aviva Eisenberg

In honor of Tzali you'll always be"Mr President" to me.

Nechemia Salzman

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Our heartfelt wishes to the most deserving couple and to the most wonderful neighbors on this momentous occasion. May you continue

to serve the klal and your Jarvis community and only go M'chayil el Chayil.

We wish you continued hatzlacha in all your future undertakings.Isaac and Tobie Braun and Family

Mottie & Michal Schwartz

Mazel Tov to Tzali & Chana Shira Guttman on this well deserved honor.

Rabbi & Mrs. Yehoshua Singer

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In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Tzali Gutman

In Honor of the Rav & RebbitzinMazel Tov!

Naftali Solomon

In honor of Tzali and Chana Shira Gutman

For their dedication to Avoidas Hakoidesh. May Hakadosh Baruch Hu grant you both Ko'ach to keep it all up and always gezunt and nachas

Mr & Mrs Aron Solomon

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Mazal tov to Tzali Gutman

on your well deserved honor. We're so glad to be apart of the Shul.

Yisroel and Sharona Stone

Mazel Tov Mr. & Mrs. Tzali Gutman and the Rav and Rebbetzin

on building a budding Makom Torah!

Raizy and Aryeh Yanofsky

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Mazel Tov and best wishes to

Mr. And Mrs Tzali Gutman. May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire community

for many years to come.

Shabsie and Tzippy Schiffenbauer

Congratulations to the Gutmans on a well deserved honor &

for making the shul a welcoming makom tefilla, in fulfillment of Havei Mekabel es Kol HaAdam B'sever Panim Yafos.

Your neighbors, Joey and Devorah Schmeltz

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Mazel tov and best wishes to our dear neighbors and friends

Tzali and Chana Shira Gutman on this well deserved honor.May you blessed with abundance of nachas from your whole family.

Dr Benjie and Rocky Stern

In honor of Tzali and Chana Shira

Mazal Tov on this well deserved award!

Avi and Michal Singer

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Mazel Tov to Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman on this well deserved honour.

Mr. & Mrs. Avromy Friedman

"We are delighted to be part of this wonderful (and young) kehilla.

Howard and Rita (Auerbach) Bodner

In honor of Tzali and Chana Shira


Rika Knopf





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Mazel Tov Tzali & Chana Shira!

Yitzy & Bracha Goldberg

In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Tzali Gutman

Tzvi & Tova Leah Sussman

Mazal Tov to the Gutman's.

You are a constant inspiration and always lead by example in all you do. -

Kalman S.

Mazel Tov to Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman

on this well deserved honour.

Rabbi & Mrs. Sprung

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