Kitsons - Chapelcross Power StationCompletion of Phase 1



One of Europe’s largest asbestos removal projects, at first-generation nuclear reactor site

Transcript of Kitsons - Chapelcross Power StationCompletion of Phase 1

Page 1: Kitsons - Chapelcross Power StationCompletion of Phase 1

ChapelCross power station Completion of phase 1:

one of europe’s largest asbestos removal projeCts, at first-generation nuclear reactor site

Case studyseCtor: nuClear

Page 2: Kitsons - Chapelcross Power StationCompletion of Phase 1

baCkgroundAfter five years at the Chapelcross reactor site, Kitsons have successfully delivered one of Europe’s largest, single asbestos removal projects, a year ahead of schedule and within budget.

The contract was awarded by Magnox Limited back in 2007, when Kitsons were tasked with removing up to 2,000 tonnes of asbestos containing materials (ACMs), together with the provision of all scaffolding and mechanical strengthening engineering works. Magnox are the site licence holder of the UK’s Nuclear Decommissioning Agency, the NDA. Phase 2 of the works is expected to begin in autumn 2012.

During their time on site, many challenges had to be overcome and these have been met by collaborative working approaches and operating on an ‘open book, target cost’ basis. The Kitsons and Magnox site teams became fully integrated to jointly plan and schedule works throughout the delivery programme.

It is these unique, collaborative working practices during Phase 1 that contributed to significant advancements by Kitsons and Magnox in achieving the bulk asbestos removal programme. The level of engagement throughout the project has been complementary, with many committees between Kitsons and Magnox operating at different levels, covering safety, operations, technical and commercial agendas.

key ChallengesFrom the beginning of the contract, a joint workshop was initiated with contributions from a team of 20 individuals from Kitsons and Magnox in a ‘live working’ planning exercise. The output from this session underpinned the contract plan that has been utilised and managed over the past 5 years. A relationship of trust has been forged which is testament to the strength of communication that has evolved.

Kitsons were able to adopt and develop procedures with Magnox and overcome some difficult situations such as the initial 27ft height restriction level of the safety case requiring mechanical strengthening, resourcing of local labour, gaining entry to the workface and even inclement weather due to the exposed location of the heat exchangers. By working closely with Magnox, the most suitable solutions were implemented during each key stage of the works.

The objective of this transparent collaborative approach was to maximise efficiencies in the project programme and deliver real cost savings to the NDA and the UK taxpayer.

The Chapelcross project involved two phases that commenced with the design, mechanical strengthening and erection of scaffold structures wrapped in a proprietary sheeting to completely contain the heat exchangers and provide a weather barrier.

This was followed by the conversion of the scaffold containment structures around the heat exchangers to form asbestos enclosures and the construction of additional enclosures to the gas ducts, pump houses, pipework, dump condensers and turbines on the site and the removal and disposal of the asbestos containing and asbestos free thermal insulation.

Kitsons were able to train asbestos removal operatives and scaffolders in the erection and operation of both goods and passenger hoists, this safety initiative saved an enormous amount of manual handling and improved efficiency whilst maintaining compliance standards in such a highly regulated environment.

A combination of regular reviews with the whole workforce and rotation of labour meant that radiological dose levels were kept to a minimum; in fact, achieving levels lower than anyone expected. Surveys were conducted prior to work commencing and charts drawn that identified ‘hotspots’ which were displayed in the control cabin at all times.

projeCt: Removing ACMs from first-generation nuclear reactor sites people: Peace of mind, openness, creating a safe environment business: Asbestos remediation, thermal insulation and scaffolding access at nuclear power station

• 23,000 training hours• 100,000 Management/Supervision hours• 700,000 Man hours worked• 720,000 feet of scaffolding tube, 250,000 fittings used• 225,000 bags - 2,000 tonnes of asbestos and Man Made Mineral Fibre (MMMF) removed• 1,600 tonnes of asbestos disposed

key faCts

major aChievements & proCessesAs the project has evolved over the last 5 years, the operational and technical processes adopted by Kitsons became increasingly sophisticated as their level of knowledge at Chapelcross increased. From the outset, the development of detailed method statements, both from an asbestos and radiological perspective ensured compliance on site, whilst promoting best-practice.

All processes were designed to enhance safety performance and commercial out-turn, reduce defects, improve operational excellence and develop new technology. However, the underlying element which has underpinned the success of the contract is control and consistency.

Operating with an experienced management and supervisory team, all operations have been delivered in accordance with the Company Integrated Business Management System (IBS) which is independently audited to ISO/BS assured standards, from a safety, quality and environmental perspective.

Kitsons have a robust internal audit, inspection and review culture which meant that all activities were meticulously audited and documented, providing a trail of accountability in operational, financial and assurance terms in a very open and transparent manner.

With over 125 years of experience within the Kitsons management team, they were able to effectively plan, manage, monitor and deliver the scope of works at Chapelcross. The plant, safety systems and cultural ways of working became steadily aligned throughout the delivery of the project.

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Silverdell PLC has set up a Technical Advisory Board for the nuclear, utilities, energy and environment industries, which will further enhance their position as a Global Specialist Environmental Support Services business. Following large scale contract wins such as the Magnox framework towards the end of 2011, Silverdell is now in a strong position to provide independent, thought-leading opinion that will add significant value to the overall global nuclear, energy and power generation ‘debate’.

teChniCal advisory board for nuClear, utilities, energy and environment industries

ConClusionThe success of Kitsons approach at Chapelcross has been instrumental in securing a place on the £304m 10 year framework agreement with Magnox. Openness is a shared value throughout the Silverdell Group. It has helped to develop trusted, enduring relationships that generated a productive approach to joint planning and problem solving; ensuring project delivery was optimised.

These key drivers of efficiencies avoided timely and costly delays and realised real cost savings in the project delivery. Framework agreements allow customers such as Magnox to retain the learning, with a ‘buy once and use again’ approach which means they can be certain of the capabilities and skills of their service partners and continually benefit from the supply chain and process improvements they have created over time.

• Largest known single asbestos removal project in Europe, second largest in the world• Nuclear reactor site: 8 turbines, 4 dump condensers, 16 heat exchangers• Works completed one year ahead of schedule and under budget• Working heights in excess of 90ft• Working in temperatures that ranged between -13 to 28 degrees C• Excellent radiological dose management procedures and outcomes


For further information on the Chapelcross Power station project, please contact us at [email protected] or call us on 01925 858 980

Kitsons is part of the Silverdell PLC Group of companies which works globally with organisations to help them protect people, assets and reputation.

We provide peace of mind through our unique portfolio of end-to-end Specialist Environmental Support Services. Working in highly hazardous regulated environments, Kitsons delivers asbestos management, scaffolding access, thermal insulation, land remediation and maintenance across the public and commercial sectors, including power

generation, nuclear, process engineering, petrochemical and defence sectors.

In choosing to work with Kitsons our customers have confidence that their interests are always protected.