Kingspan Quick Guide ·...

CI/SfB (4-) Rh2 December 2011 Insulated Panels Kingspan Quick Guide 2010 Buildings Regulations Approved Document Part L2 Conservation of Fuel and Power (England and Wales)

Transcript of Kingspan Quick Guide ·...

Page 1: Kingspan Quick Guide · Kingspan enviro care ... The amount of roof daylighting directly influences the internal

CI/SfB(4-) Rh2

December 2011

I n s u l a te d Pa n e l s

Kingspan Quick Guide

2010 Buildings RegulationsApproved Document

Part L2 Conservation of Fuel and Power (England and Wales)

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Kingspan envirocare® Technical Services – Tel: 0800 587 0090

Renewables are a valuable way to buildon the reduction in CO2 emissions

�� Tip for ComplianceSolar PV solutions

Kingspan’s manufacturing facility in NorthWales where 1728 Yingli crystalline PVmodules at 235Wp each, were installed

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Introduction 4

Approved Document L2A – A Summary 6

Approved Document L2B – A Summary 8

Compliance with KingspanApproved Document L2A – New Build 12Approved Document L2B – Refurbishment 18

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Kingspan envirocare® Technical Services – Tel: 0800 587 0090


�� L2A – Major Changes�� Overall 25% reduction in CO2 emissions across the new

build non domestic sector.

�� Some building types will be required to improve by more than25% whilst others will need to achieve less.

�� The Target Emission Rate (TER) will still be generated throughthe National Calculation Methodology (NCM) using SBEM orother approved software, but is no longer based on a 2002notional building; instead the TER is based on a 2010notional building aligned with the aggregate approach.

�� The emission rate calculation now has to be completedat design stage and submitted to Building Control beforethe work starts.

�� In order to achieve compliance it will generally be necessaryto improve building fabric U-values and air tightness.

�� L2B – Major Changes�� New mandatory requirements for improved building

fabric performance.

�� New mandatory requirements for improved buildingservices and lighting.

The requirements for conservation of fuel and power, which includes thermal insulation,in buildings in England & Wales are detailed in Approved Documents (AD) L1A, L1B, L2A &L2B to the Building Regulations 2010.

This document is designed as a simple guide to the new 2010 Edition of Approved Document L2A (Conservation of fuel and powerin new buildings other than dwellings) and L2B (Conservation of fuel and power in existing buildings other than dwellings) to theBuilding Regulations 2010 (England & Wales), showing how to meet their requirements using insulated panels from Kingspan Ltd.

Details are given about the content of the new Approved Documents, the effects they will have on methods of roof and wallconstruction and the thicknesses of Kingspan insulated panel products required to achieve the new standards.

Use notional building specificationas starting point for design

�� Tip for ComplianceBuilding Design

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5Image courtesy of Redshift Photography

Castle College in Nottingham where KS1000 MRArchitectural Wall Panels were installed

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Kingspan envirocare® Technical Services – Tel: 0800 587 0090

Approved Document L2A – A SummarySteps to Compliance

Achieving an AcceptableBuilding CO2 EmissionRate (BER)All buildings other than dwellings mustbe designed and built such that theirBuilding CO2 Emissions Rate (BER) isno worse than a defined Target CO2

Emissions Rate (TER).

The BER and TER are expressed inmass of CO2 in kilograms per squaremetre of total useable floor area per year(kg/m2/yr). They are calculated using theGovernment’s Simplified Building EnergyModel (SBEM) or other approvedsoftware, by considering amongst otherthings space heating & cooling, hotwater, ventilation and internal fixedlighting requirements for the specificbuilding activity.

The TER is calculated by using approvedsoftware to determine the CO2 emissionsfrom a notional building of the same sizeand shape as the actual building usingthe reference values set out in the 2010NCM Modelling Guide.

This approach to target setting hasbeen adopted because the level ofimprovement that can be reasonablyexpected varies significantly by buildingsector and so a blanket improvementfactor would be inequitable. Thespecification delivers an overall25% reduction in C02 emissionsacross the sector.

Limits to Design FlexibilityThe new ADL2A sets limiting U-valuestandards for the envelope of the buildingin order to ensure a reasonable minimumenvelope performance.

This provision is included to makethe building designs robust for futurechanges in heating system, e.g. if arenewable energy system is installed itmay not be replaced upon failure and itwould be inappropriate to allow the costof the system to be compensated forwith poor envelope performance.

The use of these limiting U-values willalmost certainly result in the buildingfailing to achieve the required TER.

A limiting value of 10 m3/hr/m2 at50 Pa is also set for air permeability andlimits are also given for the performanceof the building services of the building.

Limiting Solar GainThe amount of roof daylighting directlyinfluences the internal lightingrequirements and the potential solar gain.

The new ADL2A contains requirementsfor the avoidance of overheating causedby excessive solar gains, thecommissioning of building servicessystems and the provision of operatingand maintenance instructions.

Construction QualityADL2A refers to Accredited ConstructionDetails for non-domestic buildings.At the time of publication of this QuickGuide, no accredited construction detailsschemes have been approved by theSecretary of State. Until such time thataccredited construction details schemeshave been approved, the calculated valueof linear transmittance may be used inSBEM without any performance penaltybeing added where this has beencalculated by a suitably experienced andqualified person.

Further details can be found at:

The SBEM calculation tool imposesa 50% penalty if Accredited ConstructionDetails are not used. However thispenalty can be avoided if manufacturersaccredited details are used and installed.

In addition to U-values, the thermal massof the cladding element (Km in kJ/m2) isnow included as part of the SBEMcalculation to determine the effects ofintermittent heating etc. For metalcladding systems, the value to be usedis 7.0 KJ/m2.

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Air PermeabilityIn ADL2A for non-domestic buildingsthe notional building level has beenlowered to 5 m3/hr/m2 at 50Pa with abackstop level of 10 m3/hr/m2 at 50Pa.The 10 m3/hr/m2 limit is a mandatoryrequirement for all new buildingsexcept those below 500 m2 for which15 m3/hr/m2 can be adoptedwithout testing.

Research was conducted by BuildingSciences in September 2010 to analysethe performance of 245 building reportsissued between January 2008 andAugust 2010. The objective was toobtain an understanding of how actualbuilding performance compared againstthe 2006 regulatory requirement of10 m3/hr/m2 and in particular whetherit is more difficult to achieve lower airpermeability values with smallerfootprint areas.

In summary the research showed:

�� 33% of the buildings tested eitherfailed to comply or only just passed10 m3/hr/m2

�� 80% would fail the 2010 benchmarkin the SBEM Model of 5 m3/hr/m2

�� Of buildings with a footprint greaterthan 4000 m2, 84% achieved ameasured air permeability less than7 m3/hr/m2 and 68% achieved avalue of 5 m3/hr/m2 or better

�� Generally the lower the foot printarea the worse the air permeabilityvalue, especially where the structuresare more complex with mixedcladding types

The research suggests a conservativevalue for air permeability should beadopted at design stage, generally abovethe Notional Building value, to minimisethe risk of non-compliance.

Aim to optimise lighting controls inconjunction with rooflight / glazingareas to reduce consumption

�� Tip for ComplianceElectricity Consumption

In ConclusionAlthough the AD does not prescribeU-values, the fact that significantlyimproved levels have been set for thenotional building within SBEM meansthat adopting inferior U-values in thedesign specification could lead to non-compliance. If inferior values are specifiedthen additional major improvements willhave to be made in the Building Servicesto achieve compliance.

Kingspan recommends designingnon-domestic buildings to the new2010 U-values set in the NotionalBuilding or better as a cost-effectiveand future proofing way to compliance.

Table 1 below shows the U-valuesused in the 2010 Notional (non-domestic) Buildings compared to2006 levels.

Notional 2006 2010 NotionalBuilding Values Building Values

AD-L2A England & Wales

Roofs 0.25 W/m2K 0.18 W/m2K

Walls 0.35 W/m2K 0.26 W/m2K

Rooflights 2.2 W/m2K 1.8 W/m2K

Rooflight(max. area)

20% area 12% area

Table 1 – Recommended StartingPoint U-values

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Kingspan envirocare® Technical Services – Tel: 0800 587 0090

Approved Document L2B – A Summary

New & Replacement Thermal ElementsAny new or replacement roofs and walls should have U-valuesno worse than those shown in Table 2.

Element U-value (W/m2.K)

Flat roof or roof with integral insulation 0.18

Wall 0.28*

Rooflights 1.8

* Area-weighted average values.

Table 2 – New and Refurbishment Element U-values

Renovation of Thermal ElementsA thermal element is defined as the part of a wall or roof whichseparates a thermally conditioned part of the building from:the external environment; another unconditioned part of thebuilding; or another part of the building which is used for adifferent purpose from the conditioned space, and isconditioned to a different temperature.

Where a thermal element is renovated, the performance of thewhole element should be improved to achieve or better thetarget U-value set out in Table 3, provided the area to berenovated is greater than 50% of the surface of the individualelement or 25% of the total building envelope.

Element Threshold U-value Target U-value(W/m2.K) (W/m2.K)

Flat roof or roof with integral insulation* 0.35 0.18/0.20

Wall – external or internal insulation 0.70 0.30

* A lesser provision may be appropriate if there are particular problems associated with theload-bearing capacity of the frame or the upstand height.

Table 3 – Renovation Elements and Retained Elements U-values (W/m2.K)

If achievement of the target U-value set out in Table 3 is nottechnically or functionally feasible or would not achieve a simplepayback of 15 years or less, the element should be upgradedto the best standard that is technically and functionally feasibleand which can be achieved within a simple payback of nogreater than 15 years.

Retained Thermal ElementsWhere an existing thermal element is part of a building subjectto a material change of use, where an existing element is tobecome part of the thermal envelope where previously it wasnot, or where an existing element is being upgraded as aconsequential improvement, reasonable provision would be toupgrade those thermal elements whose U-value is worse thanthe threshold U-value in Table 3 to achieve the target U-valuesin Table 3, provided this is technically, functionally andeconomically feasible.

A reasonable test of economic feasibility is to achieve a simplepayback of 15 years or less. Where the target U-value in Table 3is not technically, functionally or economically feasible, then thethermal element should be upgraded to the best standard that istechnically and functionally feasible and delivers a simplepayback period of 15 years or less.

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Extensions to Existing BuildingsWhere a proposed extension has a total useful floor area thatis both greater than 100 m2, and greater than 25% of the totaluseful floor area of the existing building, the work should beregarded as a new building and the guidance in ADL2A followed.

Where an extension involves the provision of new or replacementroofs and walls, the work should comply with the requirementsfor new or replacement thermal elements.

Where the work involves retained roofs and walls, the workshould comply with the requirements for retained thermalelements.

Material Change of UseWhere a building is subject to a change of use, e.g. from onenon-dwelling building type to another, or a change to its energystatus, e.g. any change which results in a building becomingsubject to the energy efficiency requirements of the BuildingRegulations, where previously it was not, then ADL2B requiresthat the thermal performance of the roofs and walls achieve aminimum standard of performance. This standard ofperformance varies depending on the nature of the workstaking place.

Where the work involves the provision of new or replacementroofs and walls, the work should comply with the requirementsfor new or replacement thermal elements.

Where the work involves retained roofs and walls, the workshould comply with the requirements for retained thermalelements.

Consequential ImprovementsThe requirement for consequential improvements havenot changed.

�� Additional work is required for buildings over 1000 m2

floor area extensions

�� Initial provision of fixed building services

�� Increase in capacity of fixed building service

Spend on consequential improvements must be at least 10%of the value of the ‘principle works’. The upgrade of thermalelements is a possible option assuming it is technically,functionally and economically feasible and has payback lessthan 15 years.

An Energy Audit is an excellent wayto discover areas where energyefficiency can be increased

�� Tip for ComplianceEnergy Audit

In ConclusionKingspan can provide a range of panel thicknesses toupgrade the roof and wall insulation to the required level.

Contact Kingspan envirocare® Technical Servicesfor advice.

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Kingspan envirocare® Technical Services – Tel: 0800 587 0090

Compliance with Kingspan

UK Government have yet to publish apreferred hierarchy of measures formeeting zero carbon standard fornon domestic buildings, however thefirst step is likely to be to reduceenergy demand.

Modern methods of construction arebest positioned to achieve the very highstandards of building quality andperformance that are necessary to deliverenergy-efficient low and zero carbonbuildings. With this in mind, Kingspanhas developed EnvelopeFirst™ – a designstrategy for optimising a buildingsperformance and the first step towardsenergy efficient new build andrefurbishment buildings.

One of the simplest ways to reduceenergy demand, for both new buildand refurbishment projects, is touse Kingspan insulated panelsystems, which offer high thermalperformance and low air leakage.

The UK Government has set ambitious and legally binding targets to reduce nationalgreenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by 2050, with an immediate target of 34%reduction by 2020 (against a 1990 baseline). The operation of buildings currently accountsfor around half of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, therefore significant improvement innew and existing building performance is required to meet these targets.

Over the past 30 years insulatedpanels have evolved as a particularlythermally efficient and economicmethod of constructing the roofs andwalls of buildings.

Kingspan insulated panels have beenused extensively in refurbishment as theyare ideal for re-cladding walls and roofs.Kingspan insulated panels offer the bestlong term insulation performance forlowest thickness and weight and cantransform the energy efficiency of abuilding to meet current standards withimmediate payback on investment.

The reason they are so effective is thathigh performance insulation is an integralpart of the panel system, so excellentU-values are guaranteed. For example,many older buildings have U-values of0.6 W/m2.K or worse, so over-claddingwith an insulated panel system thatprovides a U-value of 0.18 W/m2.K resultsin huge energy savings and rapid returnon investment, as well as improving theaesthetics of the building and providing amore economic and environmentallysound solution than demolition.

Air tightness also has a significant impacton energy efficiency – heat escapes withair, so the more air leaking out of a building,the more heat goes with it. Kingspaninsulated panels can achieve a rate lowerthan 5 m3/hr/m2, with some projects havingtested at rates below 2 m3/hr/m2, markedlyimproving energy efficiency and well belowthat which is currently required by theBuilding Regulations.

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After building fabric, the next stepswould be to reduce carbon dioxideemissions through building services andthe introduction of on-site low / zerocarbon heat and power solutions suchas renewables.

The final step is likely to be theintroduction of Allowable Solutions,a range of measures that can betaken in the locality or potentiallyfurther afield, such as directinvestments in off-site renewableenergy production or carbonmitigation measures.

Blue Planet, Chatterley Valley.A BREEAM ‘Outstanding’ ratedproject which used a wholerange of Kingspan products

Image courtesy of Gazeley and Central Photography

Figure 1 – Energy hierarchy


Energy efficient building services

Energy efficient building fabric


on-site low / zerocarbon solutions e.g.

solar panels & solar thermal

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Kingspan envirocare® Technical Services – Tel: 0800 587 0090

Compliance with KingspanApproved Document L2A

The following pages show the thickness of Kingspan insulatedpanel products, which meet the Notional Building U-valuesshown in Table 1 on page 7.

The figures quoted are for guidance only, a detailed U-valuecalculation should be completed for each project.Please contact Kingspan envirocare® Technical Services.

Kingspan envirocare® Technical Services offer technical adviceand support throughout the design and construction process.From the undertaking of Energy Performance Calculations tothe creation of project specific NBS specifications, Kingspancan help to ensure that your building complies with thebuilding regulations.

Kingspan EnergiPanel, an innovativeinsulated solar air heating systemfor wall applications

�� Tip for ComplianceInsulate and Generate

Asda’s ‘eco-depot’ in Didcot where Kingspan EnergiPanel, an insulated panelable to generate renewable energy in the form of solar air heating, was installed

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�� Roof

KS1000 / 2000 RW

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K

KS1000 / 2000 RW Trapezoidal insulated roof system 115mm thick

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

KS1000 SF

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K

KS1000 SF Secret Fixed insulated roof system 115mm thick

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

KS500/KS1000 ZIP LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K

KS500 / 1000 ZIP Standing Seam insulated roof system 124mm thick

KS1000 LP

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K

KS1000 LP Lo-Pitch insulated roof system 115mm thick

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

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Kingspan envirocare® Technical Services – Tel: 0800 587 0090

Compliance with KingspanApproved Document L2A

�� Roof

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

KS1000 / 2000 TS

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K

KS1000 / 2000 TS Tile Support insulated roof system 115mm thick

KS1000 TD LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K

KS1000 TD Topdek insulated roof system 100mm thick

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K

KS1000 RT Roof Tile insulated roof system 111mm thick

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

KS1000 RT

KS1000 CR

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K

KS1000 CR Curved insulated roof system 115mm thick

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

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�� Wall

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 0.26 W/m2K

Kingspan Architectural Wall Panels 80mm thick

KS1000 Architectural Wall PanelsKingspan Upstand Rooflight

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 1.8 W/m2K

Kingspan Upstand translucent rooflight system 16mm thick

Kingspan PowerPanel

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to build on energy savings

Kingspan Roof PowerPanel Systems

Kingspan Polycarb Rooflight

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 1.8 W/m2K

Kingspan Polycarb translucent trapezoidal roof light system 20mm thick

�� Rooflights �� Renewables

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Kingspan envirocare® Technical Services – Tel: 0800 587 0090

Compliance with KingspanApproved Document L2A

Kingspan Optimo™

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solutionto achieve a U-value of 0.26 W/m2K

Kingspan Optimo™ ultra smoothinsulated panel system 80mm thick

KS1000 LS

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solutionto achieve a U-value of 0.26 W/m2K

KS1000 LS Long spanning insulatedwall system 80mm thick

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solutionto achieve a U-value of 0.26 W/m2K

KS1000 FC Box profile insulated wallsystem 80mm thick

KS1000 FC

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

KS1000 / 2000 RW

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solutionto achieve a U-value of 0.26 W/m2K

KS1000 / 2000 RW Trapezoidalinsulated wall system 80mm thick

�� Wall

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Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solutionto achieve a U-value of 0.26 W/m2K

Kingspan EnergiPanel insulated solarair heating system 100mm thick

Kingspan EnergiPanel™

�� Renewables

For Roofs

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solutionto achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K

KS1100 CS Controlled environmentinsulated panel 125mm thick

For Walls

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solutionto achieve a U-value of 0.26 W/m2K

KS1100 CS Controlled environmentinsulated panel 80mm thick

KS1100 CS

�� ControlledEnvironments

KS1000 Thermabrick

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solutionto achieve a U-value of 0.26 W/m2K

Kingspan Thermabrick insulated walland brick façade system 80mm thick

�� Wall Lights

Kingspan Wall-Lite

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solutionto achieve a U-value of 1.8 W/m2K

Kingspan Wall-Lite translucentwall panel system 38mm thick

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

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Kingspan envirocare® Technical Services – Tel: 0800 587 0090

Compliance with KingspanApproved Document L2B

��Before ��After

The following pages show the thickness of Kingspan insulatedpanel products, which meet the U-values for specific elementsof ADL2B.

The figures quoted are for guidance only, a detailed U-valuecalculation should be completed for each project.Please contact Kingspan envirocare® Technical Services.

Kingspan envirocare® Technical Services offer technical adviceand support throughout the design and construction process.From the undertaking of Energy Performance Calculations tothe creation of project specific NBS specifications, Kingspancan help to ensure that your building complies with thebuilding regulations.

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�� Roof

KS1000 SF

New & Replacement Elements

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K

KS1000 SF Secret Fixed insulated roof system 115mm thick

KS1000 / 2000 RW

New & Replacement Elements

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K

KS1000 / 2000 RW Trapezoidal insulated roof system 115mm thick

KS500/KS1000 ZIP

New & Replacement Elements

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K

KS500 / 1000 ZIP Standing Seam insulated roof system 124mm thick

KS1000 LP

New & Replacement Elements

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K

KS1000 LP Lo-Pitch insulated roof system 115mm thick

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

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Kingspan envirocare® Technical Services – Tel: 0800 587 0090

Compliance with KingspanApproved Document L2B

�� Roof

KS1000 / 2000 TS

New & Replacement Elements

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K

KS1000 / 2000 TS Tile Support insulated roof system 115mm thick

KS1000 TD

New & Replacement Elements

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K

KS1000 TD Topdek insulated roof system 100mm thick

KS1000 RT

New & Replacement Elements

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K

KS1000 RT Roof Tile insulated roof system 111mm thick

KS1000 CR

New & Replacement Elements

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K

KS1000 CR Curved insulated roof system 115mm thick

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

Page 21: Kingspan Quick Guide · Kingspan enviro care ... The amount of roof daylighting directly influences the internal


�� Renewables

Kingspan PowerPanel

New & Replacement Elements

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to build on energy savings

Kingspan Roof PowerPanel Systems

Kingspan Polycarb Rooflight

New & Replacement Elements

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 1.8 W/m2K

Kingspan Polycarb translucent trapezoidal roof light system 20mm thick

�� Rooflights

Kingspan Upstand Rooflight

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 1.8 W/m2K

Kingspan Upstand translucent rooflight system 16mm thick

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solution to achieve a U-value of 0.26 W/m2K

Kingspan Architectural Wall Panels 80mm thick

KS1000 Architectural Wall Panels

�� Wall

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

Page 22: Kingspan Quick Guide · Kingspan enviro care ... The amount of roof daylighting directly influences the internal


Kingspan envirocare® Technical Services – Tel: 0800 587 0090

Compliance with KingspanApproved Document L2B

�� Wall

KS1000 / 2000 RW

New & Replacement Elements

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solutionto achieve a U-value of 0.28 W/m2K

KS1000 / 2000 RW Trapezoidalinsulated wall system 80mm thick

Kingspan Optimo™

New & Replacement Elements

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solutionto achieve a U-value of 0.28 W/m2K

Kingspan Optimo™ ultra smoothinsulated panel system 80mm thick

KS1000 FC

New & Replacement Elements

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solutionto achieve a U-value of 0.28 W/m2K

KS1000 FC Box profile insulated wallsystem 68mm thick

New & Replacement Elements

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solutionto achieve a U-value of 0.28 W/m2K

KS1000 LS Long spanning insulatedwall system 80mm thick

KS1000 LS

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

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�� Wall Lights

KS1000 Thermabrick

New & Replacement Elements

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solutionto achieve a U-value of 0.28 W/m2K

Kingspan Thermabrick insulated walland brick façade system 80mm thick

Kingspan Wall-Lite

New & Replacement Elements

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solutionto achieve a U-value of 1.8 W/m2K

Kingspan Wall-Lite translucentwall panel system 38mm thick

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

LPS 1181: Issue 1.1Cert No: 260a & 186a

�� ControlledEnvironments

New &ReplacementElementsFor Walls

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solutionto achieve a U-value of 0.28 W/m2K

KS1100 CS Controlled environmentinsulated panel 80mm thick

KS1100 CS

For Roofs

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solutionto achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K

KS1100 CS Controlled environmentinsulated panel 125mm thick

�� Renewables

Kingspan EnergiPanel™

New & Replacement Elements

Kingspan EnvelopeFirst™ solutionto achieve a U-value of 0.28 W/m2K

Kingspan EnergiPanel™ insulated solarair heating system 100mm thick

Page 24: Kingspan Quick Guide · Kingspan enviro care ... The amount of roof daylighting directly influences the internal

Kingspan LimitedUK: Telephone: +44 (0) 1352 716100 Fax: +44 (0) 1352 710161 Email: [email protected]

Ireland: Telephone: +353 (0) 42 96 98500 Fax: +353 (0) 42 96 98572 Email: [email protected]

Details for the following countries; Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Cambodia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Gibraltar, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Jordan, Kuwait,Laos, Libya, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Singapore, Spain, Sweden,

Thailand, UAE and UK can be found by visiting our website or our group website

Care has been taken to ensure that the contents of this publication are accurate, but Kingspan Limited and its subsidiary companies do not accept responsibility for errors or for information that is found to be misleading.Suggestions for, or description of, the end use or application of products or methods of working are for information only and Kingspan Limited and its subsidiaries accept no liability in respect thereof.