Kingdom Protista Greek for “the very first” 200,000 species.

Kingdom Protista Greek for “the very first” 200,000 species

Transcript of Kingdom Protista Greek for “the very first” 200,000 species.

Kingdom ProtistaGreek for “the very first”

200,000 species

20-1 Kingdom Protista

• Any organism that isn’t a plant, animal, fungus, or prokaryote

• Has a nucleus & membrane bound organelles

• Most are unicellular, some multi-cellular

• First eukaryotic organisms on Earth

• Can only grow & reproduce in wet environments

• Found in Plankton- important food source for others

• Feed mainly on bacteria

Lynn Margulis- hypothesis that protists came from mitochondria & chloroplasts of prokaryotes that began to live inside larger cells

Sub-divided by the way they get nutrition, not based on evolutionary history

20-2 Protozoans-animal-like

A. Zooflagellates- swim using flagella

Found in lakes & streams or inside other organisms

Absorb nutrients from decaying material

Sexual & asexual reproduction

Ex: Trichonympha- live in gut of termite

Trypanosoma- African sleeping sickness, destroys red blood cells, spread by tsetse fly

B. Sarcodines- use pseudopods- temporary projections of cytoplasm (oozing blob)

Have food vacuole-stores food

Unfavorable conditions- they become a cyst

Ex: Amoebas- binary fission, big blobs

Foraminiferans & Radiolarianshard shells of calcium carbonate, food

source for marine environment, when they die>build up chalk on ocean bottom & cliffs

Cliffs of Dover- England

C. Ciliates- use cilia, fresh & salt waterEx: Paramecium- most common,


Parts: Pellicle- outer membraneTrichocysts- defense structures

Macronucleus- multiple copies of genes used for everyday

Micronucleus- reserve copy of all genes

Gullet/oral groove-sweep algae & bacteria to make food vacuole

Anal pore- removes waste

Contractile vacuole- expels excess water

Ciliate reproduction

Most are asexual

Conjugation- exchange genetic material with others

Line up side by side & swap a pair of micronuclei

NO new individuals > Not reproduction, just a sexual process to exchange genes & create genetic diversity

D. Sporozoans- do not move on their own


Sporozoites- transmitted through fluids

Ex: Plasmodium- causes Malaria

Carried by Anopheles mosquito, infects liver, bursts red blood cells

20-3 Plant-like Protists

Have chlorophyll > photosynthesis

Low amounts of light in sea, so they have adapted and can use more than just red light. Also, use accessory pigments (carotenoids, xanthophylls)


1. Euglena- have 2 flagella, no cell wall

Great swimmers, freshwater

Eyespot- helps find light

Can also live as heterotrophs


Pellicle- outer membrane, allows to live in mud

2. Dinoflagellates- 2 flagella wrapped around them Asexual

½ photosynthetic, ½ heterotrophs

Luminescent- give off light

No histones for DNA to wind around

3. Chrysophytes- yellow green algae

Gold colored chloroplasts

Store food in the form of oil

Sexual & asexual

Form thread like colonies

4. Diatoms- cell walls contain silicon (glass)

Extras Phytoplankton- does 70% of all the photosynthesis on Earth

Symbiosis- lives in coral reef

Algal Blooms- love growing in sewage Clean up waste but deplete water of oxygen, so kill off fish

Ex: red tides

20-4 Multicellular Plant-like protists

5. Red Algae- Rhodophyta- red plants

Can live at great depths- great photosynthesizers

Found from polar to tropical waters

Lack flagella

Stabalize coral reefs- coralline algae has calcium carbonate in cell walls

6. Brown Algae- PhaeophytaChlorophyll a & c

Largest and most complex

Giant Kelp- over 60 m long

Contain a holdfast- anchors to bottom or rocks

7. Green Algae- Chlorophytaact as plants

thought to be closely related to moss

Ex: sea lettuce

Bio I- Review terms

Diploid vs Haploid

Mitosis vs Meiosis

Body cells vs sex cells

Reproduction of Algae Alternation of Generations- switch between diploid &

haploid stages

Chlamydomonas- mostly asexual- makes zoospores by mitosis But during unfavorable conditions- sexual, releases + & -

gametes (haploid) that pair together to make a zygote (diploid)

Grows thick protective wall and when conditions are right, becomes haploid again

Ulva- Sea Lettuce

Diploid & haploid cycles are almost same

Human uses for Algae

Food sources for oceans

Earth’s oxygen from photosynthesis

Sushi wraps, used to make ice cream, salad dressings, pudding, plastics, paints

20-5 Fungus-like Protists

Grow in damp areas

Absorb food through membranes

Have centrioles (fungi don’t)

Lack chitin cell walls

Slime Molds Forest floors

Cellular-cell membranes

Acrasiomycota Most of life is free-living

When conditions are bad > secretes chemical to form large colony with nearby cells

Colony migrates, makes fruiting body that produces spores


Myxomycota Known as plasmodia

Many nuclei

Mature sporangium > haploid spores

Water Molds- Oomycota

Feed on dead or decaying matter in water or on plants on land

Hyphae- cell walls of cellulose & motile spores Fungi don’t have

Asexual- Zoosporangia (spore cases)

Sexual- Antheridium- male nuclei, Oogonium- female nuclei


Important recyclers of organic material

Can be harmful- mildew, blights of grapes & tomatoes

1840’s- potato #1 food in Ireland

1845- Phytophora infestans = Great Potato Famine 1.5 million migrate to US

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