Kinetic Soical: Measuring App Installs One Sheet

5 [email protected] Register & Measure your App on Facebook Step 1: Register Your App To use mobile app ads for installs, you’ll need to create an application on Facebook. Note that this does not mean you have to implement Facebook Login or integrate your app with Facebook at this time; you need an app on Facebook to get an app ID. If you already have one, you can skip this step. If you do not, you can create one by visiting the App Dashboard and clicking “Create New App” under Apps in the top navigation. You’ll be prompted to fill in a name for your app, and a unique namespace. Next, add information about your app on the ‘Basic’ section of the App Settings page. Specifically, you will need to complete the ‘Basic Info’, and, after choosing to add a platform, the ‘iOS’, and ‘Android’ section (depending on your native app). Track your mobile app installs on Facebook to improve campaign performance. Learn more about why you should track mobile app installs or continue reading below to understand how to measure. To measure your app installs you just need to go through two simple steps: 1. Register your App 2. Add the Facebook SDK You can also measure, in aggregate, what people are doing in your app (for example, actions like ‘added to cart’ in a commerce app or ‘level achieved’ in a game). In order to do this, after you have implemented Steps 1 and 2, follow the instructions in the Measuring App Events section. Most of the information in the top section (‘Basic Info’) should complete automatically. You do not need to specify an app domain or a hosting URL for mobile app ads for installs. Make sure you are not in ‘Sandbox’ mode. Please note that the app name of the Facebook App you’re creating needs to closely match the name of the app in App Store or else ads will not be approved.

Transcript of Kinetic Soical: Measuring App Installs One Sheet

Page 1: Kinetic Soical: Measuring App Installs One Sheet [email protected]

Register & Measure your App on Facebook

Step 1: Register Your App To use mobile app ads for installs, you’ll need to create an application on Facebook. Note that this does not mean you have to implement Facebook Login or integrate your app with Facebook at this time; you need an app on Facebook to get an app ID. If you already have one, you can skip this step. If you do not, you can create one by visiting the App Dashboard and clicking “Create New App” under Apps in the top navigation. You’ll be prompted to fill in a name for your app, and a unique namespace.

Next, add information about your app on the ‘Basic’ section of the App Settings page. Specifically, you will need to complete the ‘Basic Info’, and, after choosing to add a platform, the ‘iOS’, and ‘Android’ section (depending on your native app).

Track your mobile app installs on Facebook to improve campaign performance.

Learn more about why you should track mobile app installs or continue reading below to understand how to measure.

To measure your app installs you just need to go through two simple steps:

1. Register your App2. Add the Facebook SDK

You can also measure, in aggregate, what people are doing in your app (for example, actions like ‘added to cart’ in a commerce app or ‘level achieved’ in a game). In order to do this, after you have implemented Steps 1 and 2, follow the instructions in the Measuring App Events section.

Most of the information in the top section (‘Basic Info’) should complete automatically. You do not need to specify an app domain or a hosting URL for mobile app ads for installs. Make sure you are not in ‘Sandbox’ mode.

Please note that the app name of the Facebook App you’re creating needs to closely match the name of the app in App Store or else ads will not be approved.

Page 2: Kinetic Soical: Measuring App Installs One Sheet [email protected]

If you have and iOS app, you’ll need to complete the following fields in ‘iOS’ Section:

If you have an Android app, you’ll need to complete the following fields in ‘Android’ Section:

| App Store ID: this can be found in the URL for your app in the App Store, e.g.:

| The other fields are not required for mobile app ads for installs.

| Package Name: You can find this in your AndroidManifest.xml file. The package name should be in the format com.example.androidapp. Alternatively, you can get it from your app’s URL in Google Play, e.g.:

| Class Name: You can find the class name of the launch activity in your AndroidManifest.xml file. The class name should take the form com.example.androidapp.MainActivity, and should use the name of the activity that contains the tag.

| The other fields are not required for mobile app ads for installs.

Next, fill in information for your ad on the App Details page. You can navigate to this page from the sidebar on the App Settings page, or go directly there at

You only need to complete the field for your logo (1024x1024). Note that you do not need to submit your app for App Center Listing in order to run a mobile app ad for installs.

If you need to associate advertising accounts with your app (so that you can run ads on behalf of your app), you will need to go back to “Settings” on the left hand navigation, then “Advanced”, and you will find a field called “Advertising Accounts” at the bottom of the page that you can use to enter the email addresses or System User IDs of the advertisers you want to associate with your app. If adding by email address, please ensure the user you want to add has their search privacy settings set to allow them to be found on Facebook via their email address.

Register & Measure your App on Facebook

Page 3: Kinetic Soical: Measuring App Installs One Sheet [email protected]

Register & Measure your App on Facebook

Step 2: Add the Facebook SDKYou need to integrate Facebook’s latest SDK or work with a mobile measurement company in order to get access to measurement and installs. You can leverage our tutorials to help you get started with Facebook’s SDK for iOS and Android. You don’t need to implement Facebook Login to create or use mobile ads for installs. However, you will need to reference methods in the SDK to measure installs.

After installing the SDK, include the following code to be executed when your app is in the foreground. This will allow the app to ping back the install event to Facebook when the user opens up the app for the first time, and again in the future if there is a network error. Our client code will stop sending installs once it acquires a success code from the server, and our back-end will only count the install a single time if it receives multiple hits for the same device:

For FB iOS SDK 3.6 or higher (3.7.1 strongly recommended), you can measure total app installs and the total times your app is launched daily. Simply add the following to your UIApplicationDelegate applicationDidBecomeActive selector:

Similarly, for FB Android SDK 3.5, you will be able to measure total installs and total times your app is launched daily by adding the following to onResume() of each Activity in your app:

A note for Android developers If you are using ProGuard on the release build of your app, you must add this snippet to your app’s proguard-project.txt config file:

The first instance of activateApp will be treated as an install by Facebook. So, we recommend you add the code above for the latest iOS and Android SDKs to measure both installs and other app events.

For older versions of the SDK, use the code below to measure installs, but we strongly recommend that you upgrade to the latest SDKs and use activateApp.

[FBSettings setDefaultAppID:YOUR_APP_ID]; [FBAppEvents activateApp];

com.facebook.AppEventsLogger.activateApp(context, YOUR_APP_ID);

-keep class com.facebook.** { *; }-keepattributes Signature

| For the FB iOS SDK 3.0 through 3.5: [FBSettings publishInstall:YOUR_APP_ID];

| For the FB Android SDK 3.0 through 3.4: com.facebook.Settings.publishInstallAsync(context, YOUR_APP_ID);

Page 4: Kinetic Soical: Measuring App Installs One Sheet [email protected]

Register & Measure your App on Facebook

These flags are used to preserve generics signatures and to preserve type information used for reflection. Both flags are necessary for the SDK to function correctly in an Android app.

Confirm that installs are being tracked You can confirm that the volume of installs is being correctly reported in the Insights section for your app in the App Dashboard under “Mobile App Installs”. In addition, in the App Summary Page, after choosing your app, there is a time stamp ‘Last Mobile Install Reported” for iOS and Android so that you can confirm that an install is being reported (see image below).

Last Mobile Install Reported

Android: Today at 4:57pm

iOS: Today at 4:57pm

Measuring App EventsApp events for iOS or Android allow you to measure, in aggregate, what people are doing in your app. This is done by sending an event from your app via Facebook’s iOS SDK version 3.6 or Facebook’s Android SDK version 3.5. This event can be one of 14 predefined events such as ‘added to cart’ in a commerce app or ‘level achieved’ in a game, or other custom events that help you understand the engagement and ROI coming from your mobile ads on Facebook.

Once you implement app events, you will be able to measure 1) the total count of these actions taken within your app and 2) the count of these actions attributed to a specific ad campaign. Please note that this reporting tool is currently in early beta. We will be working on improving our optimization and insights, and develop new features that will further leverage app events in the future.

If you are interested in additional performance metrics for mobile app ads for installs (including lifetime value, downstream conversion, etc.), you can connect with a mobile measurement company.

Optimize BiddingWhen you set your app up to measure installs, you can now set a cost per action (CPA) bid to better manage your budget while maximizing installs, in addition to oCPM, and CPC bidding options.

| Cost per Action bidding: If you are measuring installs with the Facebook or Third Party SDK and have quality install history on Facebook, you can bid on a cost per acquisition (CPA) model. With CPA bidding, you can express the maximum bid you are willing to pay for an install and Facebook optimizes ad delivery to drive app installs..

| Optimized CPM bidding: This is an effective option for advertisers and developers who are measuring installs but don’t yet have quality install history on Facebook. With Optimized CPM bidding, you can optimize for audiences most likely to install your app and you will pay per impression.

| Otherwise, select cost per click (CPC) bidding to reach audiences most likely to click on your ad.

Page 5: Kinetic Soical: Measuring App Installs One Sheet [email protected]

Register & Measure your App on Facebook

Based on your qualification, the appropriate option will be available to you.

Exclude people who already have your app installedFor Android, users that already have your app installed are automatically excluded as long as you provide us your app’s package name in the app settings page.

For iOS, you have two options. Provide a deep link for your app when creating an ad under “App Exclusion URL”. This will allow us to automatically exclude users. Note, that this is not your Apple App Store or Google Play URL, but a deep link for your app.

Alternatively, you can add an array key called URL types to your app’s main .plist file, and give it a single array sub-item called URL Schemes. Then add a single item to URL Schemes with your app ID prefixed with “fb”, e.g. “fb1234567”.

Have a question about your setup? Reach out to your Kinetic rep and we’d be happy to help you.