Kinematic GPS survey as validation of LIDAR strips accuracy

21 ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 49, N. 1, February 2006 Key words LIDAR – GPS – DTM – landslide body – Sarno 1. Introduction In 1998 a hydrogeological disaster caused landslides in the Campania territory, in the south of Italy. This event represented an envi- ronmental emergency, requiring a DTM to be provided as quickly as possible of part of the territory, such as for instance of the landslide slopes. In fact, after the topographical survey it was possible to define the present shape of the surface of the landslide, the presence of the un- stable masses which might become dangerous and the amount of the displaced volume; all this information is extremely useful for geotechni- cal application. Laser scanning is a recent sur- vey technique that makes it possible to acquire a cloud of points of the zone of interest in a rel- atively short time and with remarkable intrinsic precision. The system has many applications in particular, these techniques prove useful in de- tecting zones at hydrogeological risk, in creat- ing Digital Surface Models (DSM) and DTM of medium-large areas. To study the hydrogeolog- ical event which occurred in Campania, a LI- DAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) flight was planned. The aim of this study was the evalua- tion of the accuracy and precision which can be achieved by joining many laser scanning strips to obtain a DTM in a difficult (very steep ground) and extensive area. Kinematic GPS survey as validation of LIDAR strips accuracy Maurizio Barbarella and Cristian Gordini Dipartimento di Ingegneria delle Strutture, dei Trasporti, delle Acque, del Rilevamento, del Territorio (DISTART), Università degli Studi di Bologna, Italy Abstract As a result of the catastrophic hydrogeological events which occurred in May 1998 in Campania, in the south of Italy, the distinctive features of airborne laser scanning mounted on a helicopter were used to survey the landslides at Sarno and Quindici. In order to survey the entire zone of interest, approximately 21 km 2 , it was necessary to scan 12 laser strips. Many problems arose during the survey: difficulties in receiving the GPS signal, complex terrain features and unfavorable atmospheric conditions. These problems were investigated and it emerged that one of the most influential factors is the quality of GPS signals. By analysing the origi- nal GPS data, the traces obtained by fixing phase ambiguity with an On The Fly (OTF) algorithm were iso- lated from those with smoothed differential GPS solution (DGPS). Processing and analysis of laser data showed that not all the overlapping laser strips were congruent with each other. Since an external survey to verify the laser data accuracy was necessary, it was decided to utilize the kinematic GPS technique. The laser strips were subsequently adjusted, using the kinematic GPS data as reference points. Bearing in mind that in mountainous areas like the one studied here it is not possible to obtain nominal precision and accuracy, a good result was nevertheless obtained with a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of all the zones of interest. Mailing address: Dr. Cristian Gordini, Dipartimento di Ingegneria delle Strutture, dei Trasporti, delle Acque, del Rilevamento, del Territorio (DISTART), Università degli Studi di Bologna, Viale Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna, Italy; e-mail: [email protected]

Transcript of Kinematic GPS survey as validation of LIDAR strips accuracy


ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 49, N. 1, February 2006

Key words LIDAR – GPS – DTM – landslide body – Sarno

1. Introduction

In 1998 a hydrogeological disaster causedlandslides in the Campania territory, in thesouth of Italy. This event represented an envi-ronmental emergency, requiring a DTM to beprovided as quickly as possible of part of theterritory, such as for instance of the landslideslopes. In fact, after the topographical survey it

was possible to define the present shape of thesurface of the landslide, the presence of the un-stable masses which might become dangerousand the amount of the displaced volume; all thisinformation is extremely useful for geotechni-cal application. Laser scanning is a recent sur-vey technique that makes it possible to acquirea cloud of points of the zone of interest in a rel-atively short time and with remarkable intrinsicprecision. The system has many applications inparticular, these techniques prove useful in de-tecting zones at hydrogeological risk, in creat-ing Digital Surface Models (DSM) and DTM ofmedium-large areas. To study the hydrogeolog-ical event which occurred in Campania, a LI-DAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) flight wasplanned. The aim of this study was the evalua-tion of the accuracy and precision which can beachieved by joining many laser scanning stripsto obtain a DTM in a difficult (very steepground) and extensive area.

Kinematic GPS survey as validationof LIDAR strips accuracy

Maurizio Barbarella and Cristian GordiniDipartimento di Ingegneria delle Strutture, dei Trasporti, delle Acque, del Rilevamento,

del Territorio (DISTART), Università degli Studi di Bologna, Italy

AbstractAs a result of the catastrophic hydrogeological events which occurred in May 1998 in Campania, in the southof Italy, the distinctive features of airborne laser scanning mounted on a helicopter were used to survey thelandslides at Sarno and Quindici. In order to survey the entire zone of interest, approximately 21 km2, it wasnecessary to scan 12 laser strips. Many problems arose during the survey: difficulties in receiving the GPSsignal, complex terrain features and unfavorable atmospheric conditions. These problems were investigatedand it emerged that one of the most influential factors is the quality of GPS signals. By analysing the origi-nal GPS data, the traces obtained by fixing phase ambiguity with an On The Fly (OTF) algorithm were iso-lated from those with smoothed differential GPS solution (DGPS). Processing and analysis of laser datashowed that not all the overlapping laser strips were congruent with each other. Since an external survey toverify the laser data accuracy was necessary, it was decided to utilize the kinematic GPS technique. The laserstrips were subsequently adjusted, using the kinematic GPS data as reference points. Bearing in mind that inmountainous areas like the one studied here it is not possible to obtain nominal precision and accuracy, agood result was nevertheless obtained with a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of all the zones of interest.

Mailing address: Dr. Cristian Gordini, Dipartimento diIngegneria delle Strutture, dei Trasporti, delle Acque, delRilevamento, del Territorio (DISTART), Università degliStudi di Bologna, Viale Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna,Italy; e-mail: [email protected]


Maurizio Barbarella and Cristian Gordini

1.1. Characteristics of the area of interest and dynamics of the landslides

The area of interest between Sarno, Episco-pio and Quindici extends for about 21 km2, andis characterized by a complex morphology withslopes of up to 100%. The landslides which oc-curred in 1998 were classified as debris flowaccording to Varnes (1978). In general the de-tachment of the material is sudden, the move-ment is slow at first and becomes fast in a veryshort time. Two particular conditions can beidentified as the cause of the 1998 event: litho-logic characteristics (loose rocks between stra-tum of limestone with the same inclination asthe slope side) and the steep slopes of the sides.The urban development of the area withoutgood planning also contributed to the disaster.A heavy shower aggravated the situation a fewday before the catastrophic event.

1.2. Laser scanning technology

LIDAR is a scanning and ranging laser sys-tem that produces highly accurate and high-res-olution topographic maps. The technology hasbeen in existence for 20 years, but the commer-cial application for topographic maps has onlydeveloped within the last ten years (Baltsavias,1999). Today, the entire process of airbornelaser mapping is «highly automated, from flightplanning, to data acquisition, to generation ofDTM». Through the use of several sensors(GPS-INS, Laser Range Finder LRF) LIDARmakes it possible to obtain a cloud of raw datain the GPS geodetic frame. The scanning of theground is the result of the combination of themovement of the aircraft with the deflection ofthe laser. With the LRF installed on an aircraft,it is possible to calculate the distance from theground computed by the time the laser beam

Fig. 1. LIDAR survey in Sarno landslide bodies.


Kinematic GPS survey as validation of LIDAR strips accuracy

takes to travel to the ground and back. The posi-tion, pitch, roll and heading angle of the aircraftare determined by the GPS-INS system; conse-quently the sensor positions are also known (fig.1). The system can also be equipped with a dig-ital camera for visual documentation of the sur-veyed zone. GPS, INS, LRF and digital camerameasurements are recorded during the flight andthe GPS time synchronizes all the sensors. Lasersensor can record two echoes, this characteristicmakes it possible to penetrate wooded zones andobtain direct measurements on the terrain sur-face. In fact, in forest areas, multiple responsesare useful to obtain both vegetation and terrainpoints. Figure 2 shows two possibilities for thelaser impulse: for example the first response isgiven by the vegetation and the second by theterrain; as fig. 2 shows, outliers are possible in

this automatic classification. The latest laserscanning generation can record the radiometricresponse of material; this is a supplementary butimportant information. In the Sarno survey, ahelicopter with a Saab TopEye LIDAR systemwas used.

1.3. Planning of the survey

When the area to be surveyed is extensive, itis necessary to scan several parallel strips,which should overlap to a sufficient extent sothat the strips can be joined to realize a DTMand the repeatability of the data in the overlap-ping zone can be checked. In this case study thearea of interest was 21 km2 and the flight planwas defined accordingly both to the applicationfor a large scale (1:2000) and to the safety ofthe helicopter. Having chosen the helicopter-mounted TopEye system and the ground pointdensity (1 per m2), all the other parameters i.e.flight height, helicopter velocity, strip width,number of strips and overlap were determined.Figure 3 summarises the flight plan data (Bar-barella et al., 2002). A digital camera was alsoprogrammed to obtain photographic documen-tation of the surveyed zone. There are severalfactors in obtaining precise and accurate LI-DAR data. These are, for example, the GPS so-lution and the flight stability. The GPS solutionis explained in the follow section. The flight

Fig. 3. Parameter of plan and strips obtained.

Fig. 2. Double echo.


Maurizio Barbarella and Cristian Gordini

stability can be disturbed by atmospheric condi-tions, with a consequent increase in roll andpitch angle variations, causing gaps in the dataif the lateral overlap percentage is not suffi-cient. Many problems arose during the survey:difficulties in receiving the GPS signal, com-plex terrain features and unfavorable atmos-pheric conditions. In fig. 3 the strips obtainedare shown in 3D.

1.4. Interference with the GPS signal

Interferences with the GPS signal can some-times interrupt rover reception. Ambiguity res-olution is obtained, in general, with the OTF al-gorithm, which makes it possible to achieve po-sitioning within 10 cm precision. However asmoothed differential GPS solution is guaran-teed with a metre of precision when the OTF al-gorithm is unable to fix the ambiguity. The car-rier phase ambiguity resolution is a relevantfactor for DTM final accuracy and precision(Al-Bayari, 2000). In the Sarno LIDAR surveyRadio Frequency Interference (RFI), with GPSsignal has been shown either by loss of look ofL1 and L2 frequencies or just by loss of L2 andin some case by loss of the code. These interfer-ences, probably due to radar activities, causedseveral problems. In particular, difficulties inmaintaining the flight plan navigation and prob-lems in collecting raw data. An analysis of theGPS files made it possible to isolate OTF fromsmoothed DGPS (bold and thin line in fig. 8arespectively) solution. Conscious of the factthat the strips were obtained with a precisiondifferent from what was expected, the LIDARdata were nevertheless processed.

2. Raw data processing

The laser strips consist of 22 million points,supplied as raw data in the WGS84 system bythe firm that carried out the survey. The laserstrips were subsequently incorporated in theGauss-Boaga system with a seven-parametersimilarity transformation (Barbarella, 1992).The seven parameters of transformation wereestimated by a GPS network made on the entirezone of interest, and the Molodensky modelwas used by means of the coordinates of fourvertexes of the national geodetic GPS network(the so-called IGM95) and some benchmarks ofa levelling network. Utilizing TerraScanTM soft-ware by TerraSolidTM, each strip was edited:vegetation and building points were classifiedand all subsequent analysis and processing referto ground points (points of terrain) only. Tohave both DTM and DSM it is necessary recog-nize the surface to which the laser response be-longs. This operation is defined as point classi-fication. Table I reports an extract of the ASCIIfile, the output of the laser system; when thenumber in the first column is the same (boldtype) as the previous one, the echo was double.Automatic classification is based on the recog-nition of echoes: for example in wooded zonesthe first echo is, reasonably, a point belongingto the foliage of a tree and can be classified asvegetation; the second echo, on the other hand,is probably a point of terrain and classified as aground point. Unfortunately, however, the sec-ond echo can sometimes be recorded incorrect-ly, since the laser may strike the trunk of tree asthe second point (see fig. 2). To have an accu-rate DTM it is therefore necessary to edit thedata very carefully (changing the points incor-

Table I. Ascii file: example of output of LIDAR TopEye system, in WGS84 coordinates.

Echo Time GPS (s) Latitude (°) Longitude (°) Height (m) Radiometric

1 100505.0002 40.84496906 14.62097249 831.672 13.22 100505.0005 40.84492823 14.62098154 831.586 13.93 100505.0008 40.84498731 14.62099071 831.523 16.24 100505.0010 40.84500389 14.62100554 834.873 1.14 100505.0010 40.84499675 14.62099976 831.530 14.0


Kinematic GPS survey as validation of LIDAR strips accuracy

rectly classified). In this case the algorithm uti-lized is Ground implemented by TerraScanTM

software on the adaptive filter principle (Axels-son, 1999): the algorithm works with a TIN(Triangular Irregular Network) structure con-structed with a few laser points, all the otherpoints are added with an iterative procedure ofdensification (Barbarella and Fazio, 2001). Theparameters to be used in the algorithm werechosen according to morphologically homoge-neous zones: Quindici town, Episcopio town(nearly plain, inhabited surfaces), landslides inQuindici, landslides in Sarno and Episcopio(steep slopes), upland plain (nearly plain, unin-habited). In the morphological boundary zonesthe editing required greater attention, see longi-

tudinal section in fig. 5. After the editing, onlythe ground points (50% of the initial approxi-mately 11 million points see fig. 4) were uti-lized for the subsequent analyses. The newpoint density was about 0.5 points per m2.

3. Analysis of data reliability in overlapping areas

The result of the editing process, in this caseof interest, is raw data of the ground points foreach strip. Since these points should represent,together, a terrain surface, it is necessary to ver-ify the precision and the accuracy of the datastrips to analyze them in overlapping areas. LI-DAR data are, in fact, acquired in strips. Sincethe data are acquired in a strip-wise mode, theadjustment needs to correct for both relativeand absolute errors. The relative corrections re-move, or reduce, discrepancies between stripsin overlapping areas, and the absolute correc-tions are derived from comparisons of laser da-ta with ground control points or ground fea-tures. Altimetric differences for each pair ofstrips, in the overlapping area, can be calculat-ed by the Zres=Zdat−Zgrd formula, where Zdat isthe height of the raw data (or kinematic points,see fig. 6) of the first strip and Zgrd is the heightvalue of the interpolated points of the secondstrip. With this method all Zres are calculated inall overlapping areas; means, standard devia-tions and histograms of Zres for each area showdifferent results: for flat areas (like the towns ofQuindici and Episcopio and the upland plain)the means range from 1 to 3 m, while in thelandslide zones (where the slopes reach up to

Fig. 5. A longitudinal cross-section along the axis of strip six.

Fig. 4. Automatic classification utilizing doubleechoes.


Maurizio Barbarella and Cristian Gordini

100%) the Zres means showed higher values;from 2 to 6 m (see table V, columns 4 and 5). Itshould be borne in mind that it is not possible toachieve the nominal precision of LIDAR inthese complex areas, and the interference to theGPS signal reduced this precision even more.The different precision between the DGPS andthe OTF solutions can introduce an altimetricshift between adjacent strips. The results of thealtimetric residuals analysis showed that the Zres

values are not in a range for the calculation of aDTM within 50 cm level of accuracy. It wastherefore decided to carry out a kinematic GPSsurvey of the ground to check the strip accuracy.

4. Kinematic GPS survey for evaluationof the laser data accuracy

To have an external control of the laser dataand to evaluate the relative and absolute accura-cy of the strips, kinematic and Real Time Kine-matic (RTK) GPS surveys were planned. Ini-tially it was planned to take measurementsalong the longitudinal axis of overlappingstrips, but steep slopes, dense vegetation andthe absence of paths did not allow continuousprofiles along the laser strip to be carried out.During the planning stage a further problememerged in addition to the electromagnetic in-terferences with the GPS signal: there are infact zones where access is difficult or impossi-ble (see photo in fig. 7), as in the landslide bod-ies. Three trajectories were therefore planned,two in the centre of the towns of Quindici andEpiscopio and the last in the middle of thestrips, on an upland plain of the mountain (1000m in altitude) where there is a narrow road. Iso-lated points were also identified by photos andradiometric data of the laser points of recogniz-able flat areas (roofs of buildings, car parks andsports fields) to make it possible to evaluate theplanimetric offset. Figure 8b shows the con-tours of the laser strips and the three GPS tra-jectories planned. The survey was performedwith double frequency Javad and Trimble re-ceivers, by using two vertexes of the 1998 net-work (Quindici and Sarno) as the master point.The phase corrections were transmitted byGSM modem from master to rover for the RTKsurvey. Unfortunately, the presence of densevegetation, building obstructions and electro-magnetic interferences with the GPS signalmade the survey not as precise as would havebeen possible without these obstacles. Thekinematic data were processed with differentsoftware applications – Geogenius and Pinnacle– and the differences obtained were fully com-patible within the RMS. It was decided to usethe Pinnacle application. Table II shows thePinnacle results: RMS, standard deviation ofmean values and number of satellites; in Epis-copio the maximum number of visible satelliteswas six but for most of the time only five werevisible. Although the survey was not as preciseas would have been possible without any distur-

Fig. 6. Zres between LIDAR data interpolated byTIN and kinematic points.

Fig. 7. Photo of landslide body called Sa10.


Kinematic GPS survey as validation of LIDAR strips accuracy

bance, the trajectories obtained were used as areference to analyse the accuracy of strip data.

4.1. External accuracy evaluation

To evaluate the external accuracy the trajec-tory data were transformed in the national geo-detic system (Gauss-Boaga) adopted for thelaser data, utilizing the same seven parametersof similarity transformation previously used. Afirst qualitative comparison between the kine-matic trajectory and the laser data shows sys-tematic differences in the altimetric component.As shown in fig. 9 the strips are displayed indifferent colors and many cross-sections aredrawn along the GPS trajectory (in blue in fig.9); for the qualitative analysis three cross-sec-tions are reported respectively for each group of

strips: Quindici, upland plain and Episcopio,but a detailed analysis was done by computingZres. To determine Zres in altimetry the formulaexplained in Section 3 was used. Therefore theresidual values in altitude are calculated by us-ing the kinematic survey as a reference, andsome elementary statistics are obtained forthese differences for each strip involved (tableIII). Those values were checked in each strip inmany cross-sections to see any systematic dif-ferences. From table III it is possible to notethat the differences between the kinematicground survey and the laser data are quite sim-ilar for the same strip: for strip 3 the mean ofthe difference between the kinematic pointsvaried from 4.7 to 5 m with a range of 0.3 m;for strip 6, the mean varied from 7.6 to 7.9 mwith a range of 0.3 m, for strip 7 varied from6.1 to 7 m with a range of 0.9 m; for strip 8 var-ied from 4.3 to 5.6 m with a range of 1.3 m.Some considerations can be drawn: the stripsobtained with the OTF solution (fixed ambigui-ty) present offsets not always less than those ofthe strips with the DGPS solutions, so it is notpossible to rely completely on the type of solu-tion of the GPS trajectory to define a set ofstrips as a reference. The differences betweenthe kinematic and laser surveys are due to thefact that the GPS trajectory of the flight is notlinked to the same network as the kinematic

Table II. Results of Pinnacle GPS elaboration.

Quindici Upland plain Episcopio

RMS (m) 0.1 0.4 0.4PDOP 1.9 0.7 2.4

No. SVs 5 6 7 8 5 6% 8 16 59 17 4 38

Fig. 8a,b. a) OTF and DGPS solutions. b) Contour of strips and trajectory obtained by GPS kinematic.




Maurizio Barbarella and Cristian Gordini

Fig. 9. Qualitative analysis of altimetric residuals between strips in overlapping areas.

Table III. Altimetric offset resulting from analysis of external accuracy.

Check Areas Kinematic-strip H (m)Mean Standard deviation Sample

Quindici Strip 3 (fixed) 4.7 2.2 433Strip 6 (fixed) 7.9 1.7 563Strip 7(DGPS) 6.3 4.0 472Strip 8(fixed) 4.7 1.4 395

Upland plain Strip 3 (fixed) 5.0 0.5 50Strip 6 (fixed) 7.8 1.2 96Strip 7(DGPS) 7.0 0.3 129Strip 8(fixed) 5.6 2.3 14

Episcopio Strip 6 (fixed) 7.6 1.0 46Strip 7(DGPS) 6.1 2.2 92Strip 8(fixed) 4.3 2.7 65

Strip 12 (DGPS) 5.9 1.5 36


Kinematic GPS survey as validation of LIDAR strips accuracy

survey: the master position was obtained from apermanent station (Matera, about 170 kmaway) as shown by an investigation based onthe original flight data, subsequently deliveredby the firm which carried out the survey. In factthe latitude, longitude and height coordinates,in the WGS84 system, of the Quindici andSarno vertexes from the 1998 network presentan offset with respect to the same coordinatecalculated by static baseline from the MateraGPS permanent station. These offsets are +4 min northing, −4 m in easting and about −2 m inheight. This is probably the cause of the differ-ences between the laser and kinematic surveys.

To make the laser data homogeneous with thenetwork calculated in 1998 the kinematic sur-vey was used as a reference.

4.2. Estimation of altimetric offset on recognizable flat areas

Another way to check the presence and theextent of offset can be to consider areas or recog-nizable buildings on the DTM (also using the im-ages obtained by the digital camera and the ra-diometric response of the LRF) and then tomeasure the position of some detail on the

Fig. 10. Analysis of 3D residuals between points in recognizable areas.


Maurizio Barbarella and Cristian Gordini

ground: edges of buildings, edges of fields, etc.(Casella and Spalla, 2000). To evaluate those off-sets determined in the previous section, thepoints of the RTK survey were used, with threedifferent cases: four vertexes of a car park and aroof in Quindici, four vertexes of a sports field inEpiscopio. It is known that is not possible to rec-ognize in the set of laser data some particularpoints to be subsequently measured in the field;despite this, as shown in fig. 10, by utilizing pho-to images and radiometric laser information it ispossible to isolate these points which are, proba-bly, points of a recognizable flat area and a poly-gon can subsequently be drawn. The differencesbetween RTK and laser points can be evaluated

by polygon or by single point, in first approxima-tion. In the three cases mentioned above theplanimetric offsets were evaluated point by pointand the differences vary between 0.5-2 m, whilethe altimetric offset confirmed the results previ-ously obtained (table IV). In order to make thelaser survey homogeneous with the kinematicsurvey some constants were determined by aver-age height differences.

5. Laser strip adjustment

Many studies on laser strip adjustment arepresent in the literature (Burman, 2000; Maas,

Table IV. Differences 3D between RTK and LIDAR coordinates in Gauss-Boaga system.

Coordinate differences RTK-Laser (m) Gauss-Boaga SystemCar Park Building roof Sport field

Point ∆N ∆E ∆H ∆N ∆E ∆H ∆N ∆E ∆H1 0.3 −0.4 5.5 1.9 −0.6 8.1 0.2 0.8 6.42 −0.4 0.9 5.2 0.5 0.2 8.0 0.1 −0.2 6.53 −0.3 0.4 5.4 1.3 0.6 8.1 0.3 0.3 6.44 −0.2 −0.2 4.9 −0.4 0.5 8.0 0.1 −0.6 6.5

Table V. Results of analysis in overlapping areas.

Morphologically Zres (m) Before adjustment After adjustmenthomogeneous areas Check area Sample Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation

Quindici Strip (3-6) 30618 2.9 0.6 0.1 0.5Strip (6-7) 28425 −0.8 0.4 0.1 0.4Strip (7-8) 7101 −1.8 0.7 −0.2 0.6

Landslide Strip (3-6) 41922 2.2 1.4 0.8 1.2Strip (6-7) 40581 −1.7 1.6 −0.9 1.3

Upland plain Strip (3-6) 30575 2.2 1.0 0.5 1.0Strip (6-7) 8274 −0.8 1.8 −1.0 1.3Strip (7-8) 14289 −1.9 2.0 0.4 1.2

Landslide Strip (1-2) 1806 6.2 0.9 0.8 1.3Strip (11-12) 2403 2.8 1.5 0.7 1.2

Episcopio Strip (6-7) 9575 −1.1 0.3 0.5 0.3Strip (7-8) 3508 −1.0 0.2 −1.1 0.2


Kinematic GPS survey as validation of LIDAR strips accuracy

Fig. 11. Plan and cross-section view of adjusted strips.

Fig. 12. DTM.


Maurizio Barbarella and Cristian Gordini

2000; Vosselman, 2002). These studies are basedon the minimum square principle to minimizethe residual differences between two DTMswhich cover the same area, presuming that thesetwo DTMs have an intrinsic accuracy and preci-sion, and that the algorithms were tested only inflat areas. In the case of Sarno these require-ments are absent, and it is therefore necessary toapply an empirical adjustment. After the preci-sion and accuracy analyses, it is possible to cal-culate a constant for each ground point in thestrip to adapt the strips to the kinematic survey.With these corrections a set of points is obtainedwhich can be used to calculate a grid-structuredDTM by interpolation or triangulation. The re-sults of the adjustment show mean differencesbetween 0.5-1 m between adjacent strips in thesame overlapping areas investigated in sectionthree, see table V columns 6 and 7. Figure 11shows a plan view of strips adjusted and thecross-section views of five check areas of strips3, 6, 7, 8.

6. Results and analyses

A complete DTM of the zone of interest wascalculated with adjusted strip data. The Krigingalgorithm with a 10 m grid pitch was used. Dur-ing the gridding phase, areas without laser pointwere also interpolated, making it possible toobtain a complete model of the terrain. To en-sure more reliable results, it is therefore advis-able to isolate the zones where there is no infor-mation and if necessary to integrate the laserdata with a photogrammetric survey (determin-ing the mean height of the vegetation from thelaser data). Figure 12 shows the DTM obtained,in which it is possible to see how the model ac-tually represents the terrain; the strata of about20 m of limestone can in fact be seen.

7. Conclusions

LIDAR data make possible to obtain a cloudof points with considerable density and accept-able precision to permit many engineering ap-plications and studies. The careful analysis ofthe GPS data allowed to isolate smoothed DG-

PS and OTF fixed ambiguity solutions for thetrajectories. The analyses performed on over-lapping zones and the comparisons with thekinematic field survey made it possible to deter-mine some averages of altimetric differences toapply as constants to each strip. After applyingthe adjustment constants on each point of thestrip, the average residual differences in thesame overlap zones become about 50-100 cm.It was also seen that many of the problems ob-served in the flight, such as GPS signal interfer-ence, dense vegetation and complex morpholo-gy, were also encountered in the kinematic fieldsurvey. The absence of information between afew pairs of strips remains an important factor.It will be necessary that in such morphological-ly difficult zones the project overlap is in-creased (at least 20%) even if this increases thecosts of the flight and processing of the data.Even with the limits pointed out above, the LI-DAR survey did make it possible to acquire aset of data for the construction of a high quali-ty DTM on a very large area (21 km2), with adegree of detail and information of the groundthat could not be obtained with other tech-niques. In conclusion, the DTM can be consid-ered a good result, calculated with one meter ofmean precision, (although this precision is notuniform on the whole area), describing the truesurface pattern of the ground without the vege-tation cover.


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Kinematic GPS survey as validation of LIDAR strips accuracy

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