Kimley-Horn ATIACHMENT A - San Diego · IGmloy-Hom aM Associales, Inc. 310 KSF ofOffice/Industrial...

Kimley-Horn and Associales, Inc. ATIACHMENT "A" SuiIt 201 517 FwrIh San Die9o. 92101 Exierllal M(!l1lorQlldum To: U1bib Qllsem From: .Dave Sorenson File: 095004.00 DiJte: December II. 1996 Subj: Traffic ImplicatiollS of Vista Sorrento Parl.. .. way RealignmCl\1 We have evaluated the traffic implications of the subject alignment. Our analysis assumes the realignment o[Vista Sorrento Pad..-way as dePicted on the revised tentative map and assumes a traffic signal installation at the new driveway onto Vista Sorrento Parl...-way. The following pMagraphs summarize our key assumptions and ftndings of OUf analysis.. ROADWAY REALIGNMENT AND LAND USE ADJUSTMEl\'T Figure 1 depicts the revised Tramc Analysis Zone (f AZ) systenl for Torrey Hills. As shown in this figure. Vista Sorrento Parl...-way is the boundary between TAZs 726 and 731 .. The realignment of Vista Sorrento Parkway to the west causes certain land uses tllat were formerly located 00 the western side of Vista Sorrcnto Parl.. .. way (i.c., in TAZ 726) to be relocated to the eastern side of this facility (i.e., in TAZ 731). Figure 2 illUSlr.ltes the new limits and internal access ilrrangemelils ofT-AZ..73 I. As shown in this figure. the Jilnd uses fronting Vista Sorrento PilrkWiJY would hiJve one miJin access point (indiC.1ted by a break in the Vistn Sorrento Pnrkwtly median) located roughly midwny between"A" Street and "B" Street. Secondary access points would be provided at A" StrC'!:! cast ofVist.a Sorrento Parkwily and 011 Vist<t SorrenlO Park"'wily south of" A Street. Both secondary access points would be restricted to righl·inlright-out access only. No inter-parcel access "'auld be pro\'ided between ene l'lnd uses fronting Vista Sorrento Parkway ;md (hose rronting ··e Street Table 3.1·1 R, a rc,·iscd e:xnibit from the Torrey Hills Traffic Imp",cl .'\I\nlysls 7, 1996), summarizes the updated land use and Lraffie general ion ch<lTneteriSlit:.s of {hc projecl As shown in this lable:, T AZ 726 \\"v\lld I.;Ol1l;l111 237.9:; \I,\>u$nlld fecI (KSF) of Industrial uses comprising lhe Cooper dcveloplllcllL Pro.lCCl !;llld uses moved to T AZ 731 by the realignment of Visen Sorrento include TEL 619 23C S4n FAJ. 619 Z3.l 94J

Transcript of Kimley-Horn ATIACHMENT A - San Diego · IGmloy-Hom aM Associales, Inc. 310 KSF ofOffice/Industrial...

Page 1: Kimley-Horn ATIACHMENT A - San Diego · IGmloy-Hom aM Associales, Inc. 310 KSF ofOffice/Industrial uses ilnd 40 KSF ofSupport Commcrcinl. TI1e 340 multi-fnmiJydwelling units previously

Kimley-Hornand Associales, Inc.


•SuiIt 201517 FwrIh A\'~,l!

San Die9o. ~OlrWJ92101

Exierllal M(!l1lorQlldum

To: U1bib Qllsem

From: .Dave Sorenson File: 095004.00

DiJte: December II. 1996

Subj: Traffic ImplicatiollS of Vista Sorrento Parl....way RealignmCl\1

We have evaluated the traffic implications of the subject alignment. Our analysisassumes the realignment o[Vista Sorrento Pad..-way as dePicted on the revisedtentative map and assumes a traffic signal installation at the new driveway ontoVista Sorrento Parl...-way. The following pMagraphs summarize our key assumptionsand ftndings of OUf analysis..


Figure 1 depicts the revised Tramc Analysis Zone (fAZ) systenl for Torrey Hills.As shown in this figure. Vista Sorrento Parl...-way is the boundary between TAZs 726and 731 .. The realignment of Vista Sorrento Parkway to the west causes certain landuses tllat were formerly located 00 the western side of Vista Sorrcnto Parl....way (i.c.,in TAZ 726) to be relocated to the eastern side of this facility (i.e., in TAZ 731).Figure 2 illUSlr.ltes the new limits and internal access ilrrangemelils ofT-AZ..73 I.As shown in this figure. the Jilnd uses fronting Vista Sorrento PilrkWiJY would hiJveone miJin access point (indiC.1ted by a break in the Vistn Sorrento Pnrkwtly median)located roughly midwny between"A" Street and "B" Street. Secondary accesspoints would be provided at ~A" StrC'!:! cast ofVist.a Sorrento Parkwily and 011 Vist<tSorrenlO Park"'wily south of"A~ Street. Both secondary access points would berestricted to righl·inlright-out access only. No inter-parcel access "'auld bepro\'ided between ene l'lnd uses fronting Vista Sorrento Parkway ;md (hose rronting··e Street

Table 3.1·1 R, a rc,·iscd e:xnibit from the Torrey Hills Traffic Imp",cl .'\I\nlysls ~hlll":

7, 1996), summarizes the updated land use and Lraffie general ion ch<lTneteriSlit:.s of{hc projecl As shown in this lable:, TAZ 726 \\"v\lld I.;Ol1l;l111 237.9:; \I,\>u$nlld~'-Iuarc fecI (KSF) of Industrial uses comprising lhe Cooper dcveloplllcllL Pro.lCCl!;llld uses moved to TAZ 731 by the realignment of Visen Sorrento Pi'lrk~\'i1Y include

•TEL 619 23C S4nFAJ. 619 Z3.l 94J

Page 2: Kimley-Horn ATIACHMENT A - San Diego · IGmloy-Hom aM Associales, Inc. 310 KSF ofOffice/Industrial uses ilnd 40 KSF ofSupport Commcrcinl. TI1e 340 multi-fnmiJydwelling units previously

IGmloy-HomaM Associales, Inc.

310 KSF of Office/Industrial uses ilnd 40 KSF of Support Commcrcinl. TI1e 340multi-fnmiJy dwelling units previously in TAZ 731 will remain Wilh the VistaSorrento Parkway fe<llignmenl.


In order to estimilte the traffic impacts of the Vista Sorrento Parkway realignment,.the traffic p:lltcms resulting from land use adjustments had to be determined. 1befollowing assumpttons werc Cannulated to guide the re-assignment of traffic:

1. Whereas the traffic generated by the former TAZ 726 loaded onlo VistaSorrento Park"W3Y via two loc.iltions (i.e., the west of the Vista Sorrento·Pad.-wayrA" Street intersection rind a driveway located t.o the south). 100percent of the remaining TAl 726 traffic was assumed to access VislaSorrento Par"'Way via"A" Street; no southern driveway is assumed.

2. The increment.ll.1 additionill (rtlffie generated by TAl 731 due to therealignment ofVista Sorrento Parl..-way was distributed to access points inaccordance with the following distribution-pattern:

• To and from the north via Vista·Sorrento Parl...-way: 75 percent• To and from the south via VISta Sorrento Parl..-WilY: 20 percent

To and from the east via "C" Street: 5 percent

3. No cast/west inter-parcel access within TAZ 731 is assumed belv.ttn the·industrial development and the residential development

Figure 3 depicts the revised Year 20 I0 peak: hqur intcnection turning movementvolumes for Scenario I. The Vista Sorrento Pad.'way intersections \\~lh "A" Streetand the TAZ 731 primary driveway were analyzed using standard proceduresconsistent \\-ith the previously-referenced traffic study. The Cilpacity analysisworksheets are attached to this letter. The Vista Sorrento ParkwayrA" Street·intersection will be chilracterized by LOS C conditions during both peak hours withthe traffic adjustments resulting from the Vista Sorrento Parkway rC<llignment,which is consistent with previous analysis, )be Vista Sorrento Parkw<lyfTAZ 731primary driveway intersection would have good LOS C conditions during both peakhours analyzed, Refer to Ihe attachments to Ihis report for the worksheetsdocumenting this analysis.

Figure 4 shows the recommended intersection tum lanes for the Sorrento Hillsconununity.


Table 3.5-1 R, a revised exhibit from the prc\·ious lraffic study, incll1d.cs additionaltransport<ltion impro'..ements to be provided as <I result of the preceding illl<ll)'sis.

Page 3: Kimley-Horn ATIACHMENT A - San Diego · IGmloy-Hom aM Associales, Inc. 310 KSF ofOffice/Industrial uses ilnd 40 KSF ofSupport Commcrcinl. TI1e 340 multi-fnmiJydwelling units previously

Kimley-Homand Associales, Inc. Mr. l:lbi\> Q~SttlI. o"";...,,b<:,.. II. 1m. Page 3

Two new items have been added (0 thls list. The first is the provision ofatrafficsign<ll ill the Vtsla Sorrento Pllrkw<lyfTAZ 731 primar}' driveway ilnd the second isthe provision oflJ1lffic signill inlcrcor~ncction dod coordin<ltion along Vista SorrentoParkway between Camlcl Mountain Rood and "a" Street.

Table 5.1-1 is a rcplncement transportation phasing plan for the projcct. While therealignment ofVista Sorrento Parl.,.-way did not cause a change in land use - only ashift in location ofvarious uses, minor changes to the transport.nion phasing planhave occurred. These changes are related to development proposills that are likelyto occur in me first stages of the phasing plan. The overall trip generation andtherefore, lhe 1r.lffic impacts are unaffected by these changes to the phasing table.This transportation phasing table is appliC:Jblc to the originally proposed project andthe alternative project created by the Vista Sorrento Part--way realigllm~t.


The supplementa[}' analysis described above identified the following conclusionsand recommendations:

1. Provision of traffic signal control at the Vista $omnto ParkwayITAZ 731primal)' driveway witl provide g<XXI LOS conditions during both peakhaws.

2. Review of the tentative map indicated that there will be adequate spacingbetween the proposed Vista Sorrento Pad."'WayffAZ 731 primary drivC\'Iayand lhesignalized intersections to the north r A" Street) and the south ("B"Strccl).

3. [t is recommended that traffic signal control be provided <II the VistaSorrento Part.."W<lyffAZ 731 primary drivey,-ay intersection, It is funherrecommended that the Vista Sorrento Part.....way tr.lffic sign.ills betweenCannel Mountain Road imd "B" Street be interconnected.

Please call me ifyou have <lny qucstions or conullcnlS.

ce: Bill Meyer, AGLDArt Shurtleff, AGLD,Karen Ruggles, T&8George Benton, (Me


Page 4: Kimley-Horn ATIACHMENT A - San Diego · IGmloy-Hom aM Associales, Inc. 310 KSF ofOffice/Industrial uses ilnd 40 KSF ofSupport Commcrcinl. TI1e 340 multi-fnmiJydwelling units previously


Vista SorrentoParkway Realignment


Traffic Analysis ZonesTORREY HILLS


Page 5: Kimley-Horn ATIACHMENT A - San Diego · IGmloy-Hom aM Associales, Inc. 310 KSF ofOffice/Industrial uses ilnd 40 KSF ofSupport Commcrcinl. TI1e 340 multi-fnmiJydwelling units previously

Not to Scale...-Vista Sorrento


RevisedParkway Realignment


Page 6: Kimley-Horn ATIACHMENT A - San Diego · IGmloy-Hom aM Associales, Inc. 310 KSF ofOffice/Industrial uses ilnd 40 KSF ofSupport Commcrcinl. TI1e 340 multi-fnmiJydwelling units previously



'""', " wg'*' ~~'1,~i' ' OI!Jl:Y r~l.a~ .. . ,,"-' ,AMP '.ROUR':rR1 'PM E:AK'iBG.U. 'T IPSIT;" "I' f¢" ~ -1 t, ,. , ,.' . <,

.Kli~ &:@~.... ~.~ D'tI E""~i.. ,~~~ ovm ~·}'RAf.e·{: - . 'A ro./ :'f.GTAl( ·,IN,. OUT' TOT:Al I ~ . 'OUT598 OffceJCorporate 440,066 SJ 15IKSF 6,601 990 89' 99 990 99 891598 !V~QfServing Comm. 36.560 S 20 IKSF 732 110 99 11 110 11 99

7,333 1.100 990 ' 110 1.100 110 .,;0'

'>;~I.... 5F:UXX> 10 IOU i 1.210 .7 " n 121 85 36.... SF 5.000 37 '0 IOU 370 30 6 24 37 26 11

',580 126 25 101 158 "' 47

685 Single-Fan-Oiy 0we<Iing 20< '0 IOU 20 2 0 , 2 1 ,720 Olf~ 210.0005 20 IKSF 4,200 546 4" ss 58B 118 470,n, Olf~ 210,~~ 20 IKSF 4,200 546 4" ss 58B 118 470n, Single-Family Dwelling '21 '0 IOU 1,210 97 ,9 n '21 85 36n, '''''"''''''' 120.lXlO SF 15IKSF ',800 198 '78 20 2'. 43 173n, """"""" -42.070 $F 15/KSF 631 69 62 ,7 76 15 .,

7,&41 910 751 '59 1.001 261, 740,172 620< '0 IOU 520 42 8 33 62 361 ,.7Zl '430< '0 IOU 1.00 114 23 92 143 !Clol 43,,n< d '200 10 IOU ,= 96 19 n 120 54 36n4 SF 5,000 300 10 IOU 300 24 S 19 30 21 9

',500 120 24 96 '50 lOS 45

725 SF 5,000 BJO< 10 IOU B30 56 13 53 BJ 58 25

726 """"""" 237,lmSF 15IKSF 3.569 393 3S3 39 428 56 343

=SFS,ooo '~~ 10 IOU 1.210 97 " n '21 as 36

=Elemelltal YSc:hooI 6O/At; 240 62 37 25 12 4 8

=..... 162'" 50 lAC 8'0 32 16 '6 65 32 322.260 '92 73 "' 198 121 n

730 SF -4.0Cl0 242D 10 IOU 2.420 194 39 ,ss 242 169 73

73' MuIli-Fanuly 3400 8 IOU 2.720 218 44 '74 m '90 82

73' OfflCel1ndustrial 310,OOJSF 20 IKSF .,200 806 725 8' 744 149 '595

731 Support Commercial -40,OOJSF nlKSF 2.860 115 69 4. 317 '58 '5811.800 1.139 838 30' ',333 498 635

10,000 51 I 401•

732 Neighbofhood Commel'. nJl<SF 720 29 17 12 , 7' .:l,

475!733 Neighborhood Commer. 120.000 S nIKSF 8.640 346 207 '38 950I j


73S M\4i-F;.vniIy 8.00 3."40 275 ss 220 344 2.1 !73S SF 4,000 172 10.00 ',720 138 28 110 172 120: 52·

! 5.160 758 290 468 1.466 836' .,5nl

I737 Off~ 22O.0Cl0 S 20 IKSF ,

'.<00 5'51 57' 61. 123: (93:

II I Ini "I 581

,738 SF 5.000 900 '0 IOU 900 90 63' 27"

TOTALS 65123 637.. 4466 19011 7853 21160' .953,

. Average Daily Tr.lffoc: Volume0.__'__-

Page 7: Kimley-Horn ATIACHMENT A - San Diego · IGmloy-Hom aM Associales, Inc. 310 KSF ofOffice/Industrial uses ilnd 40 KSF ofSupport Commcrcinl. TI1e 340 multi-fnmiJydwelling units previously

NOl 10 Seale


29/257 J2/17

8/69 "'


'- 360/10818/4

r 86/31


; '- 19/113


.. A R Street

Secondary Driveway



AM/PM Peak HourIntersection TurningMovements

Trallic Signal Control

SlOP Sign ContrOl


Year 2010 AM/PM Peak HourIntersection Turning Movement Volumes,

Vista Sorrento Parkway Realignment Scenario 1TORREY HILLS



Page 8: Kimley-Horn ATIACHMENT A - San Diego · IGmloy-Hom aM Associales, Inc. 310 KSF ofOffice/Industrial uses ilnd 40 KSF ofSupport Commcrcinl. TI1e 340 multi-fnmiJydwelling units previously



11\\ >I-'--JIV



"-11\\ r .!I(

~Klmley-Horn~~..l 1."' .......:... 1... '" In,.. Ii

Jt------T"'"------------------""'T------t l!


Page 9: Kimley-Horn ATIACHMENT A - San Diego · IGmloy-Hom aM Associales, Inc. 310 KSF ofOffice/Industrial uses ilnd 40 KSF ofSupport Commcrcinl. TI1e 340 multi-fnmiJydwelling units previously


A·.~'~.4_~-h;t.,.:' .",(. loeatlon' ..' .. "' ~'''::';)''<~ . ,:.,.:;~~}i:g;"tliTfiStov~·~~oV(a 0 ~r

., ,. ", " ~"%n:mt:'i>;;/~j.:}, St8lu~A.t.%-;¢4:'N:A""r:::;i&'~;. . ~ i';~\:M.~, , ' ,Carmel Mountain Road

1·5 • El Camino Real Conslructlls six laM primary Ilrterlal Completed.EI Camino Real· E. Projecl Boundary Construcllls four laM major Bonded for but nol constructed

V1sla Sotrenlo ParkwayConsirucllli rour leM mllior To be bonded for end constructed hv Dro eetCarmel Mountain Rd.• Sorrento Vallev BlVd.

"AO Street Conllruclu rour lane collector To be bondod for end construcled b m~'"8" Streel ConstrllClas rour lane collector To be bonded for and constructed bvoro ~I"CO Street

Carmel Mounla!n Rd. "~GG" SI. Conslructas four !anll collector To be bonded for end constructed by projecl"GG" 51.· ~A" Street ConstructlllY.'o lene collector To be bonded for and conltructed b roecl

Cermel Mountain RdiSorrento Valle Rd. Providelrelno II nal ConltnJcledCarmel Mountain Rd.n·s louthbound ram"l Proyide traffic II nal To ". rovlded under Sorrento HUI. Development Agreement: secured by lettere o! credllCarmel Mounteln Rd.n"S nor1hbound ram I Provide !ramc sl nal To be provided under Sorrento Hms Development Agreement· secured by leiters of creditCarmel Mountain Rd.Nlsla Sorrento P Provlde lramc sl nal ConstructedCarmel Mountain RdJEI Camino ReaUCarmelCreek Rd. Provide tramc sl nal Constructed

Carmel Mounlaln RdrZ" Street ProvIde tramc sl nel To be bonded for end conltructed by oro eelCarmel MountaIn Rd.rC" Street Provide lrernc sl nal To be bonded for and conslructed by pro ~,

Carmel MountaIn Rd.lSho '0 Clf. Access Provide trarnc s 00' To be bonded ror and conslructed b o~'

Vlsli Sorrento P fA" Stleet Provide Iraille sl nal To be bonded ror end con,lnJcted b ro eetVIsta Sorrento Pkwv.f'B" Slreet Providllirarnc slanel To be bonded for snd constructed by pro eel-B" StfC" Sf, Provldllirarric 61 nel To be bonded for end constructed by pro e<:tVlste Sorrento P ./TA2 73t Drlvewe ProVldelrernc el nel To be bonded for Ind con,tructed b ro e<:tVlsla Sorrento Parkwa . from Carmel Min. Rd. to ·B~ 51. Intlrconnect lrerrlc e nail To be bonded for and constructed b ro Ict

"VIsta Sorflnto P iSorrento Velie Blvd. b Provide trlrnc al nIt Provide tf1lrrle .IanalSorrenlo VIllI BlVd.lRoselle SI. b ProVIde t afllc el nal o b. bonded for end conllructed b 000

(a) Refer to FIgure 3.1·2 for lntersectlon lane geometrlcs(b) Per Sept. 29, 1994 Irefllc study

Page 10: Kimley-Horn ATIACHMENT A - San Diego · IGmloy-Hom aM Associales, Inc. 310 KSF ofOffice/Industrial uses ilnd 40 KSF ofSupport Commcrcinl. TI1e 340 multi-fnmiJydwelling units previously

Compl.l. c!mlI.I1cn Ioep 01 lOll'll",t 01 £1 C.m~ Rul !rom C.rmll nly ROld So\I\h10 CIIlll.l MOllnb"Wl Ro.~, Irld Clrm.! MOI/nliln ROId .....1110 Sorr.nlO O.y ROIIl.Ill>pr<Ml",.nlllo b. It ,"quhd by!l<1 Trl.,Mlp,InNn troflll: l'on,lll£I eomN R..IIM Clrmol"'"II.y R.od.

J) ItlNn _u.flIl: ''on.lo On eorm" vonoy ROld .llnt.nUt. B R.",p W ...oI:1bnl.4) VIld.n OIIo..",pIIM OO.lIlIIpl tl "'I...ttl. B/CIIlll.I"'"II., ROld 1n1tN:~"'\I"

BI "'OlIn lI.fIIe .Igon.t, &omnlO von.y Rood .nd C..",oIMOI/nlan I'.old.e) 't~.rm l"""tII compiMllud trov,1 for'(ltl"Wl con/llnctlon Wl/> NoM c..,. W01~

Iolll. IIltmct'cn '" llItCI;y Enolnur.7) ClP 62-099.', SC"om V.llty Ro,d • Sorro"lo V.lI,y 15M!. 10 :l3OO lutl\O/lh.rty.) Wd.n C•..."olvon., R...d to .bI I.n.. I,.... ~B 10 ..... ,.. llgntU E1C.mlno lIul'I ContWet £1 C'mlrlo RUllO .blltntl !'o", C.llllol Vtll.y R."lOIIln to

eo,m.1 MOIlnl11n 1I01~. ConIWc\ Clrm.IIolOI/M.1n ROt. to .1r.1.n" tr.... l!1 C•.,1rIoRUI .....1\ 10 80lllnloV.noy llMl.

to) ClP &).0)2.0, Son.nloV.n., 8M1. brtd\ll (/VII lOI Plntlqulol C/I'M.ltl) C1P &30304.0, lIotronto ",.nl, 1100" $otIlma "'"~.y 81Yll. to I--lOO.12) Wd.I\ CI""O'''''"o, Ro.d to .bll.n.. !forn EI Clm"'" 1101110300 'ul ..1\01

Corm.l CounllY ROld llId Wlh lout Ilnll .UII. th. NoM City WUl Bo\llld'''' Con'~ucI •lOll' ll~' 1'0" Itotn Ill. tfoIlh ely Will beUn'lty to .....",lal. ROVl. 1$.(I/1.I'~lf" I f'll1c~.J IIIntpoll.llliln mPfO"tlllom) OA""n.uuel d~.C\ I,..""" fI",P C""OIK'tlonI (IIOM'ooutld .1Id ••lMboulld onflmp}.1Inlo..lal. ROIIlI , OM eo",,"t vono, Ro.d 1M wldln ~~ ""twlon \-.1M 1MC•..."lt van,y "'o.~ 1''IIQ,.1 ulnlpot'llllon Impl~monll

, ,".,,s

, ,,..< ,~~'--:-"

~,P~~'E' 1~:{~W'":;' -' ., " . ,..".,i"f:: ...;,~,;-.;.yt:AND-USf . AMOUNT-': "'O'r.•. , Te:" . \'~ ~

1-4Slogle·Famlly {meiling 150 OU 10 IOU 1,500 .., 120 <00 '50 '"Mulllple·Famlly (meiling 3~0 DU , IOU 2,720 '" .. '" 272 190Olrk:e 312 I(SF 20 II<S 15,2~O ", 130 " ." '"Indus1r1al 3231(SF 15 II<S ~,15~5 '" <00 " ." '"P.,k l~.S AC 50 lAC '" " " " .. "Relell 3 KSF 12 II<S ". , • , 24 "OfnceiCorporllle (a) 261 KSF 15 /l(S ~.OO5 50' '" 50 .01 50

tl) R.p nll AmOfI..n .0. 11 p,op.rty. Addlllon.1 lop, nl '.yon1l Ih. 4,~' "'0' h uurd. AlfI",I.,.1 110 ''0' lrofll HlrryO, Coop.. I.. ",""lOin At..~ tn ulld I. 1110 Ih. d••• Ih,ullold 10 b••und.d.



0""Induotrial.,.RelollOmceICorpo,al.Vlslto! Sir-ingS"hool •


Page 11: Kimley-Horn ATIACHMENT A - San Diego · IGmloy-Hom aM Associales, Inc. 310 KSF ofOffice/Industrial uses ilnd 40 KSF ofSupport Commcrcinl. TI1e 340 multi-fnmiJydwelling units previously


-1 ,> . ___ -'~Ij; ~)~,v';':;"" ~-,' . ,:';w;;:_' 'f;<,';;;";;; ",iii ;i~iu~t,lsJ'fH,~wis~'rf8i'D0®-":RZ~,f~Jtfr<k,"~ )" '>.. ',', .-(f __ •.. ~~', ii.':t4! ,[PIt,"· ' .. _ _ ..,. M~<;o,~·:",,*,·>_···,>,:,··,,_.. '.·"'··AAV;<_.... ·~,··,.... -.-' "pHASE , %J:AND USE' 'fV, e"r~ J/M ,.)n ;:' T 'h",,';<_ ~ ,,~, '. * ." ·"""'1 A'::'~, _" ';.V;;",;i~,,'itfAL c'~, "':;":'P~" i,::t8¢:t~k;::'% "Tf%'.,-dhWr :';/, .. ,. ~b"

6Single-family l>Nelling 1334 DU 10 IOU 13,340 1,061 213 '" 1,33-4 OJ< <00Mullipl,·Famlly Oweln~g 6500U , IOU 5,200 '" " 333 620 '" '56Olfice 132 KSF 20/KS H,"~O 1,"" 1,713 190 "'SO '" 1,640Indullrill 323 I(SF 15/KS 4,~5 on '" " '" '" ."P;llk H.5AC 50 lAC 72S " 15 " " " "Rellia 115 KSF 72/)($ 8,280 '" 10' 132 .11 '" <SS 1&) Co<l,true1 Vbtl SoI"nto POI"","y •• a IlWI "no m,joI ,unl ~Jwf.n$Olrtnlo V,III' B""DiY (6l 3 KSF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .n~ Co,mll M"IIIl~ROld. Exton<l ell""! Mounl.n R~.d "001 EI C.mhoRnllOOffieelCO/porale 440.06S KSF 15 IKS 15,1501 '" '" " '" " '" \lIi lul"n eOll\!llunl\Y plln boUndlrl.ViSUal SelYing 36.515 KSF ~O JXS 732 110 " 11 110 11 "School HC 60 lAC 2<0 " 37 " "

, , 18) eonllNcl .uMl<hlon lmprGY.mlnll U "~uk~ o~ pnulng Ind lilt Cily EnQIn..,.

TOTALS 'OJ 15131 31 37 , 2430 ".. .. ..:1'0+)(,( .~~ . ,~,;j.("-,.,,, '" .. ". : .' .' ,".'j'("""'O,","'

r, I';"V; .. , . ~:". "'Nw..W ~*f<i.W ., "","*~'~$'

PHAS' lAND,USe AMOUNT ,. , '·~;':: . 01 .. .". I ffi'. '''i '.~ "N" 'O"R:h

7Slnlllo·Fllmily Dwelling 1334 OU 10 IOU 13.340 1.067 m '" 1,334 '" <00Mulllple·Fllmily Dwelling 770 OU , IOU 6.1150 '" " '" '" 431 'OSDine. !l50 KSF 20 IKS 111,000 2,470 2,223 '" 2,15150 '" 2,1215Indusl,lal 400 KSF 15 IKS 6,000 ,eo '94 " 720 144 '"Park 14.5 AC 50 lAC m " 1S 1S " " "Rotall 170 KSF 72 IKS 12,140 "0 '" '" 1,3415 673 673OIY eire (61 J KSF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0OnlcelCo,poralo 440.066 KSF \5 Il<S 15.1501 "0 '" SO '" " '"Visitor SeNinll 36.58 KSF 10 tKS 732 110 " 11 110 11 "School 4AC 60 lAC '" 62 37 " "

, •TOTALS 66038 6371 44615 1806 '''' '2857 4989


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