Killzone Beta ERRATA

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  • 8/8/2019 Killzone Beta ERRATA


  • 8/8/2019 Killzone Beta ERRATA


    DisclaimerThis is a not-for-prot fan-made rules supplement for warhammer 40,000 by Game workshop plc.

    this ruleset demands that its users own and refer to the Warhammer 40,000 ruilebook and relevant Codices in the

    use of these rules.

    none of the authors, distributors or creators envolved in the making of this are making any money, they did it for the

    love of the game.

    all content within these pages os user-created and is derived, without permission, from Warhammer 40,000

    intellectual property owned by Games workshop Ltd.

    This Rule set is completely unofcial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

    Astartes, Battleeet Gothic, Black Flame, Black Library, the Black Library logo, BL Publishing, Blood Angels,

    Bloodquest, Blood Bowl, the Blood Bowl logo, The Blood Bowl Spike Device, Cadian, Catachan, the Chaos device,

    Cityght, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, City of the Damned, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Dark

    Eldar, Dark Future, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Epic, Eye of

    Terror, Fanatic, the Fanatic logo, the Fanatic II logo, Fire Warrior, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop

    logo, Genestealer, Golden Demon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo,

    Inferno, Inquisitor,the Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor:Conspiracies, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, Kroot, Lord of

    Change, Marauder, Mordheim, the Mordheim logo, Necromunda, Necromunda stencil logo,

    Necromunda Plate logo, Necron, Nurgle, Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of Battle, Skaven, the Skaven symbol

    devices, Slaanesh, Space Hulk, Space Marine, Space Marine chapters, Space Marine chapter logos,

    Talisman, Tau, the Tau caste designations, Tomb Kings, Trio of Warriors, Twin Tailed Comet Logo, Tyranid,

    Tyrannid, Tzeentch, Ultramarines, Warhammer, Warhammer Historical, Warhammer Online, Warhammer 40k

    Device, Warhammer World logo, Warmaster, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names,

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    Warhammer world, the Talisaman world, and the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either , TM and/or Copyright

    Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2010, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world.

    Used without permission.

    No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

    This is NOT a



    Special Operations:

    Draft Documentation

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    Using this book

    Codices:Blood angelsBlack TemplarsChaos Demons

    Chaos Space MarinesDaemonhuntersDark AngelsDark EldarEldar

    Imperial GuardNecronsOrksSpace MarinesSpace WolvesTau EmpireTyranidsWitch Hunters


    Special Operations:

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    Using This BookThis Book is the companion guide to the core rules alterations found in the man Special Operations Killzome book.

    This is intended to be a living document, which outlines which units in the Games Workshop Warhammer 40,000

    Codices can be used within the Killzone ruleset.

    This book cannot be used without a copy of the codex you wish to build your Killzone Special Operations Group for.

    You should use the Army entry in conjunction with the Codex to select, arm and assemble your Special Operation:

    Killzone forces. A little basic math skill will be required to gure out some individual points costs.

    This can usually be accomplished by dividing the Codex Entry Points Value by the number of troops in the Unit.

    However in some cases a little more creativity will be required.

    For example a Marine Tactical squad sergeants cost is determined by subtracting the cost of the 4

    standard marines from the squads base cost. So the cost for the Marine sergeant is 26 points. (90-64=26)

    Each team has a 175-250 point limit and can contain anywhere between 5 to 20 models in total.

    It is important to note that teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack and Heavy Support

    unit selections in their codex. No HQ units are allowed.

    Also, here is no minimum number of models to unlock special or heavy weapons options. For example you could

    take 2 Tactical Squad members and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a amer.

    You may only take one squad leader upgrade for each unit choice taken and only after you take one

    member from the squad entry. You may not take a second squad leader choice for a unit type more than


    Team Restrictions:A team may contain no more than 4 special ranged weapons upgrades; only two may be a heavy weapon

    upgrade. (Special Ranged weapons upgrades are the ones that can only be taken in a limited number.

    Ranged weapons upgrades that all models in a squad may take do not count toward this limit.

    For example Marine Scouts can upgrade every model to carry a sniper rie or shotgun; these upgrades are not

    limited by this rule. (Pistol upgrades do not fall under these restrictions.)

    No vehicles are allowed with the exception of a single Walker per team and only if they have an armorrating of 33 or less. Armor rating is determined by adding the 3 armor values (FA/SA/RA) for your vehicle together.

    A team member may not have more than 3 wounds.

    A team may contain no more than two models with 2+ armor saves.

    A team may contain no more than two models with 3+ invulnerable saves.

    A team may contain no more than two models with Jump Packs.

    A team may contain no more than two bike, jetbike or cavalry models.

    A team member may not have a toughness statistic greater than ve.

    Models listed as Unique in their unit composition may not be used.

    A few of the proceeding restrictions can be lifted by purchasing the appropriate Theme upgrade listed

    In the Special Operations: Killzone core rulebook.

    Team Leader: Pick one model from your team to be the team leader, preferably the model with the highest

    leadership. All models within 6 inches may test on his leadership. This model gains +1 wound if he only has one in

    his base stats; if the model has more than one wound already it gains +1 attack instead.

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    Available Army ListTeams purchase individual models from their codex only

    using the selected unit entries listed below.

    0-1 Chaplain

    0-3 Priest


    0-1 Sternguard sergeant

    Sanguinary guard


    0-1 Terminator sergeant

    Assault Terminators

    0-1 Assault Terminator Sergeant

    Tactical marines

    0-1 tactical sergeant

    Assault marines

    0-1 Assault sergeant

    Death company


    0-1 Scout sergeant

    Blood Angels CodexRules Changes:

    Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack and Heavy Support unit selections in their


    There is no minimum number of models to unlock special or heavy weapons options. For example you could take 2Tactical Squad members and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a amer.

    There are no free weapons upgrades for Tactical squads. These weapons must be purchased from the following

    points list.

    Special Weapons:


    Melta gun.5pts

    Plasma gun...10pts

    Heavy Weapons:

    Heavy Bolter5ptsMissile Launcher10pts


    Plasma Cannon..15pts


    Any upgrade items that affect the whole unit like the Wolf Banner use the Area Effect Rule in the Basic Killzone rules.

    No model may Deepstrike or Teleport unless the Killzone scenario special rules allow them to.

    Marine Biker

    0-1 Biker seargeant

    Vanguard vets

    0-1 Vanguard seargeant

    0-2 Devastators (Must take a heavy weapon)

    0-1 devastator sergeant

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    Available Army ListTeams purchase individual models from their codex only

    using the selected unit entries listed below.

    Sword Brethren Terminator Squad

    Sword Brethren Terminator Assault Squad

    Sword Brethren Squad

    Techmarine0 - 4 Servitors

    Black Templars CodexRules Changes:

    Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack and Heavy Support unit selections in their


    There is no minimum number of models to unlock special or heavy weapons options. For example you could take 2

    Tactical Squad members and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a amer.

    Any upgrade items that affect the whole unit use the Area Effect Rule in the Basic Killzone rules.

    No model may Deepstrike or Teleport unless the Killzone scenario special rules allow them to.

    The Auspex and Targeter entries are ignored; if you want these upgrades use the Killzone versions.

    Assault Cannons: Use the rules and points values from the 5th ed Codex Space Marine.

    Storm Shields: Use the rules and points values from the 5th ed Codex Space Marine.

    Black Templar teams may purchase one of the Vows listed in the Emperors Champion entry of the HQ section at half

    the points cost rounding up. Even though the Champion is not on the eld of battle the Templars have already taken

    their vows.

    Holy Rage: If a team member dies to shooting, all Black Templars with in 6 inches must make a LD test at the end of

    the shooting phase, if they pass, they move 3 inches towards the closest enemy

    Only a Black Templar Space Marine may be a team leader. Noenates need leadership

    Crusader Squad

    Black Templars Assault Squad

    Black Templars Bike squadron

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    Available Army ListTeams purchase individual models from their codex only

    using the selected unit entries listed below.














    Chaos Demons CodexRules Changes:

    Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack and Heavy Support unit selections in their


    Daemonic Assault: Daemons always deploy on the tabletop unless the scenario allows Deep Strike.

    Daemonic Rivalry: To represent this, Daemons cannot go within 2 of a Daemon of another Power or Furies, except

    if that model is locked in combat. (Therefore it is still possible to Reactive Assault or create multiple combats.)

    Daemonic Gifts: Are not psychic powers and are used as normal. Just to clarify.

    Instrument of Chaos: Will be resolved when we decide what to do with Combat Resolution.

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    Available Army ListTeams purchase individual models from their codex only

    using the selected unit entries listed below.


    0-1 Aspiring Champion

    Chaos Terminators


    0-1 Aspiring Champion

    Chaos Space Marines

    0-1 Aspiring Champion

    Plague Marines

    0-1 Plague Champion

    Noise Marines0-1 Noise Champion

    Chaos Space Marines CodexRules Changes:

    Chaos Space Marines may take a Thousand Sons Aspiring Sorcerer as a Psyker, as long as the team contains at

    least one Rubric Marine.

    Rubric Marines within 6 inches of a Sorcerer act under command.

    Squad upgrade Icons use the Area Effect rules, a model may only be affected by one icon at a time; so no stacking.

    Cult Marines gain no bonus from Icons.

    Possessed roll individually for their Daemonkin ability before deployment.

    Lesser Daemons start on the table unless the scenario allows deepstriking, if it does they must be held in reserve.

    Khorne Berzerkers

    0-1 Skull Champion

    Thousand Sons

    0-1 Aspiring Sorceror

    Chaos Bikers

    0-1 Biker Champion

    Chaos Raptors

    0-1 Aspiring Champion

    Chaos Spawn

    Chaos Havocs

    0-1 Aspiring Champion

    Obliterator Cult

    Summoned Lesser Daemons

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    Available Army ListTeams purchase individual models from their codex only

    using the selected unit entries listed below.

    Ordo Malleus Inquisitor

    May be accompanied by retinue of 0-6 henchmen

    chosen from the DH codex

    May be a Psyker

    Is permitted to choose wargear from the list as usual,

    with the following exceptions-

    The Auspex and Targeter entries are ignored; if you

    want these upgrades use the Killzone versions.

    Grey Knight terminators

    0-3 Death cult Assassins

    0-1 Ofcio Assassinorum operative

    Chosen from the DH codex with the following changes-


    The Marksman rule is replaced by the rule Through

    and through

    Through and through the vindicare is capable of

    shooting two target simultaneously. If the vidicare can

    draw a straight trajectory through two in range enemy

    models (option- without intervening cover?) then bothmodels take a wound on a successful roll tohit.


    as written

    Daemonhunters CodexRules Changes:

    Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack and Heavy Support unit selections in their


    There is no minimum number of models to unlock special or heavy weapons options. For example you could take 2Tactical Squad members and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a amer.

    An Inquisition Team may contain one Psyker.

    You may choose to have your one Psyker be a Grey Knight Brother Captain Terminator.

    Standard Grey Knight Terminators are not considered Psykers and have no powers

    Inquisitorial Retinues: to gain the benets from the retinue they must be within 4 inches of the Inquisitor. They work

    as written in the codex as long as this requirement is met.

    The Auspex and Targeter entries are ignored; if you want these upgrades use the Killzone versions.

    No Orbital Bombardments or Barrages of any kind.

    Your team may only include one Ofcio Assassin.

    No Allies: at the scale that Killzone represents the operatives of the Inquisition are enough to complete their own



    The polymorphine rule has changed for killzone -

    Polymorphine -

    the callidus assassin has amazing powers of disguise,

    the callidus player will not place the calidus on the

    eld at the start of battle, rather they will place one

    additional Troop model from thier armys choices. This

    model will be marked under the base (or otherwise

    clearly noted) so as to identify it as a disguised

    Callidus. the model functions as a normal troop model

    until revealed as a callidus and may move and shoot

    with the correct prole.

    The callidus may be revealed at the start of the

    controlling players turn, the callidus is also revealed

    when engaed in hand to hand combat or in the case oftaking a wound.

    Jump back-

    A callidus can always disengage from combat

    Word in your ear

    remains the same in fucntion, but substitute model for


    Eversor temple assassin

    As Written

    Grey knights

    Inquisitorial stormtroopers

    Grey knight purgation squad

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    Available Army List

    Deathwing Terminator Squad

    0-1 Deathwing sgt

    Company Veterans Squad

    0-1 Veteran sgt

    Scout Squad

    0-1 Scout sgt

    Tactical Squad

    0-1 Tactical sgt

    Assault Squad

    0-1 Assault sgt

    Ravenwing attack squadron

    0-1 Ravenwing sgt

    Ravenwing Suppoer Squadron(If a Ravenwing attack squadron is taken, the force may

    include up to one ravenwing land speeder)

    Devastator Squad

    0-1 Devastator sgt

    Dark Angels CodexRules Changes:

    Teams purchase individual models from their codex only using the selected unit entries listed below.

    For example a Marine Tactical squad sergeants cost is determined by subtracting the cost of the 4 standard marines

    from the squads base cost. So the cost for the Marine sergeant is 26 points. (90-64=26) ((not sure for prosecution

    reasons if we should reproduce points costs))

    There is no minimum number of models to unlock special or heavy weapons options. For example you could take 2

    Tactical Squad members and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a amer.

    Any upgrade items that affect the whole unit use the Area Effect Rule in the Basic Killzone rules.

    No model may Deepstrike or Teleport unless the Killzone scenario special rules allow them to.

    The Auspex and Targeter entries are ignored; if you want these upgrades use the Killzone versions.

    Assault Cannons: Use the rules and points values from the 5th ed Codex Space Marine.

    Dark angels use the Storm shield rules from 5th ed Codex Space Marine.

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    Available Army ListTeams purchase individual models from their codex only

    using the selected unit entries listed below.


    0-1 Incubi Master




    0-1 Wych Succubus

    Warp Beasts

    0-1 Beastmaster

    Dark Eldar CodexRules Changes:

    Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack and Heavy Support unit selections in their


    There is no minimum number of models to unlock special or heavy weapons options. For example you could take 2Tactical Squad members and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a amer.

    Incubi: Incubi may be used in Killzone, counting as Elites. You may upgrade one Incubus to a Master.

    Mandrakes: Replace the Hidden Deployment rule with the Inltrate, Scout and Stealth special rules.

    Raider Squads: Ignore this entry.

    Combat Drugs: Roll seperately for each model with Combat Drugs. Dispensers work as normal.

    Warp Beasts: Warp Beasts lose the 0-1 rule, may be taken without Wyches, and simply count as Fearless Beasts.

    Ignore the Beastmaster rules.

    Plasma Grenades: Act as offensive grenades.

    Goblet of Spite: Has an area of effect of 6.


    0-1 Sybarite


    0-1 Reaver Succubus


    0-1 Hellion Succubus

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    Available Army ListTeams purchase individual models from their codex only

    using the selected unit entries listed below.

    0-1 Warlock

    Striking Scorpions

    0-1 Exarch

    Fire Dragons

    0-1 Exarch

    Howling Banshees

    0-1 Exarch

    Harlequin Troupe

    0-1 Death Jester

    0-1 Troupe Master0-1 Shadowseer

    Dire Avengers

    0-1 Exarch



    Guardian Jetbikes

    Shining Spears0-1 Exarch

    Warp Spiders

    0-1 Exarch

    Eldar CodexRules Changes:

    Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack and Heavy Support unit selections in their


    There is no minimum number of models to unlock special or heavy weapons options. For example you could take 2

    Tactical Squad members and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a amer.

    Eldar teams may take a single Warlock Psyker.

    Plasma Grenades: all elder models may take plasma grenades at a cost of two points. They may be thrown just like

    other grenades and have the following stats: Strength 4 AP4 small blast.

    Harlequins: due to the change in the movement rules, I have decided that they need a perk from their ip belts.

    Harlequins move 7 inches in a normal move, may run 14 inches and are never hindered by difcult terrain.

    Exarch Powers: Powers that affect the Exarchs squad use the Area Effect rules. All models from the Exarchs Aspectwithin the area of effect gain the bonuses from the powers.

    Weapons Platforms: Place both of the gun crew in base contact with the weapon: the weapon and team count as a

    two wound model.

    Swooping Hawks (no Skyleap since no Reserves)

    0-1 Exarch

    Support Weapon Battery

    Dark Reapers

    0-1 Exarch

    0-1 War Walker

    They were skilled...forMon-keigh.

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    Available Army ListTeams purchase individual models from their codex only

    using the selected unit entries listed below.

    Ogryn Squad

    0-1 Bone ead

    Ratling Squad

    0-1 Sanctioned Psyker.

    Soulstorm is changed to ST D3 +1, requires LOS

    Ignore the Overseer and the Ultimate Sanction rule.

    Storm Trooper Squad

    0-1 Stormtrooper sergeant

    Infantry Platoon command squad

    0-1 Platoon commander if a infantry sergeant is chosen

    Imperial Guard CodexRules Changes:

    Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack and Heavy Support unit selections in their


    Psyker battle squad: Only 1 sanctioned Psyker may be taken.Soulstorm is adjusted to be ST D3 +1, requires LOS

    Overseers are not required and the ultimate sanction rule is ignored unless there is a Commissar within 6

    Orders: Each Platoon commander can issue 2 orders per turn; Orders are taken as Leadership tests on the


    All models in AOE are affected, if a voxcaster is in AOE of commander and sergeant reroll failed orders.

    First Rank re 2nd rank re All models with lasguns add 1 to their ROF

    This order must be given at the beginning of your own shooting phase

    Incoming: All models in AOE may go to go to ground and get a +2 to their coversave, becoming pinned for next

    turn. This order can be given at any point during the opponents shooting phase

    Move Move Move order is replaced by up and at em:

    Up and at Em!: All models in AOE gain eet; This order must be given at the beginning of the shooting phase.

    Commissar: All models in AOE of the commissar can use his leadership.

    Should a model fail a leadership test it is executed by the commissar and removed from play,

    For the rest of the phase all models in AOE of the commissar count as fearless (they are more afraid of the commissar

    than the enemy).

    For purposes of Rout tests if the team fails, the commissar will Execute the team member with the highest LD score

    withing 6 of him. if there are multiple with the same score, he will execute the closest model. (no saves, remove

    model from play) the Test is then rerolled

    Veterans: Doctrines are taken as normal for 3 points per model. Veterans in the same team must take the same


    Penal legion: Ever legionnaire rolls individually for his skill at the start of the game/campaign

    Heavy Weapons team: Imperial Guard special operations teams may take a total of 2 heavy weapons teams.

    Infantry squads

    1 Infantry sergeant for every 10 guardsmen

    (rounded up)0-1 Commissar for every 10 guardsmen

    (rounded up)

    0-2 Heavy Weapons teams


    0-1 Custodian


    0-1 Veteran Sergeant

    Penal legion

    0-1 Scout Sentinel or Armoured Sentinel

    Rough Rider Squad

    0-1 Rough Rider sergeant

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    Available Army ListTeams purchase individual models from their codex only

    using the selected unit entries listed below.



    Flayed Ones




    Scarab Swarms

    Heavy Destroyers

    Necrons CodexRules Changes:

    Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack and Heavy Support unit selections in their


    Necron teams ignore the Phase out rules in Killzone.

    Wraiths and Scarabs move as jetbikes, but dont count toward the jetbike limit.

    All Necrons that are able to make a Well Be Back roll may do so as long as there is another team member of any type

    with the Necron rule within 6 inches.

    Teams purchase individual models from their codex only using the selected unit entries listed below.

    Well Be Back and Feel No Pain: If a model has both Well Be Back and Feel No Pain, then they may only take

    the Feel No Pain roll; they do not also get Well Be Back. Should they later lose access to Feel No Pain (such as by

    moving outside of a radius generated by another model), they then of course revert back to using Well Be Back.

    Johnson, dont you think using all ofthe meltabombs for the trap is a bit


    Didnt you see what that...thing did toChambers?

    ...right. Should we add the frags, too?

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    Available Army ListTeams purchase individual models from their codex only

    using the selected unit entries listed below.


    0-1 Painboy


    Burna Boyz

    0-1 mek


    0-1 nob


    0-1 mek


    0-1 nob

    Ork Boyz/Ard Boyz

    0-1 Nob


    1 Slaver/10 Gretchin

    Orks CodexRules Changes:

    Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack and Heavy Support unit selections in their


    There is no minimum number of models to unlock special or heavy weapons options. For example you could take 2

    Tactical Squad members and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a amer.

    Waaagh!: Ignore the second paragraph in the Waaagh! rule (Codex: Orks p.31).

    Mob Rule!: Replace the Mob Rule! entry on p.31 of Codex: Orks with Every Ork model within 4 inches of a testing

    model boosts his LD by +1 to a maximum of 10.

    Tankbusta Bombs: Count as Krak grenades when thrown.

    Tankbustas - assign a controller for each bomb squig. If the controller dies, another Tankbusta within 2 of the bomb

    squig may take control.

    Lootas - Roll # of shots for each Loota individually when they re.

    Stormboyz - Rokkit packs count as jump packs, and still grant the extra d6 movement noted in Codex: Orks p.47.

    Replace the sentence that begins, On the roll... with Models with rokkit packs must reroll successful dangerous

    terrain tests taken during the Movement phase.

    Gretchin - ignore squig hound.

    Flash Gitz - shoot individually, so roll AP individually when re.

    Stormboyz0-1 Nob


    0-1 Warbiker Nob


    0-1 Killa kan

    Flash gits

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    Available Army ListTeams purchase individual models from their codex only

    using the selected unit entries listed below.

    Terminator Squad

    0-1 Terminator Sargent

    Assault Terminator Squad

    0-1 Assault Terminator Sargent

    Sternguard Veteran Squad

    0-1 Sternguard Veteran Sargent


    1 Servitor per Techmarine

    Space Marine Assault Squad

    0-1 Assault Marine Sargent

    Space Marine Tactical Squad

    0-1 Space Marine Sargent

    Space Marine Scout Squad

    0-1 Scout Sargent

    Vanguard Veteran Squad

    0-1 Vanguard Veteran Sargent

    Space Marines CodexRules Changes:

    Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack and Heavy Support unit selections in their


    There is no minimum number of models to unlock special or heavy weapons options. For example you could take 2

    Tactical Squad members and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a amer.

    There are no free weapons upgrades for Tactical squads. These weapons must be purchased from the following

    points list.

    Special Weapons:


    Melta gun.5pts

    Plasma gun...10pts

    Heavy Weapons:Heavy Bolter5pts

    Missile Launcher10pts


    Plasma Cannon..15pts


    Any upgrade items that affect the whole unit like the Wolf Banner use the Area Effect Rule in the Basic Killzone rules.

    No model may Deepstrike or Teleport unless the Killzone scenario special rules allow them to.

    Space Marine Bike Squad

    0-1 Space Marine Bike Sargent

    Attack bike Squad

    Scout Bike Squad

    0-1 Scout Bike Sargent

    Devastator Squad

    0-1 Devastator Sargent

    Thunderre cannon

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    Available Army ListTeams purchase individual models from their codex only

    using the selected unit entries listed below.

    Iron Priest

    Lone Wolf

    Wolf Guard

    Wolf Scouts

    Blood Claws

    Grey Hunters

    Fenrisian Wolf


    Swiftclaw Bikers

    Thunderwolf Cavalry

    Long Fangs

    Space Wolves CodexRules Changes:

    Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack and Heavy Support unit selections in their


    There is no minimum number of models to unlock special or heavy weapons options. For example you could take 2

    Tactical Squad members and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a amer.

    Blood Claws, Skyclaws and Swiftclaws within 6 inches of the Team Leader may ignore their headstrong rule.

    There are no free weapons upgrades for Grey Hunters and Blood Claws. These weapons must be purchased from the

    following points list.

    Special Weapons:


    Melta gun.5ptsPlasma gun...10pts

    Any upgrade items that affect the whole unit like the Wolf Banner use the Area Effect Rule in the Basic Killzone rules.

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    Available Army ListTeams purchase individual models from their codex only

    using the selected unit entries listed below.

    XV8 Crisis Team

    0-1 XV8 ShasVre

    Stealth Team

    0-1 Stealth Team ShasVre

    Fire Warrior Team

    0-1 Fire Warrior ShasUi

    Kroot Carnivore Squad

    0-1 Shaper

    Gun Drone Squadron

    Pathnder Team

    (no requirement/no option for Devilsh)

    0-1 Pathnder ShasUi

    Vespid Stingwings

    0-1 Vespid Strain Leader

    XV88 Broadside Team

    0-1 XV88 ShasVre

    Sniper Drone Team

    Tau Empire CodexRules Changes:

    Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack and Heavy Support unit selections in their


    There is no minimum number of models to unlock special or heavy weapons options. For example you could take 2

    Tactical Squad members and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a amer.

    Drone Controller: Drones must remain within 2 of the model controlling them. They count as wargear.

    Kroot Shaper: If a Shaper is bought any Carnivore in the team may purchase a 6+ save for 1 point.

    Markerlights: A Markerlight counter may be used by up to 3 team members before the counter expires. The same

    effect is used for all squad members and they count as ring simultaneously. Declare which models will shoot the

    target then remove the counter. So if you declare two models will shoot a Marked model and they fail to kill it, the

    counter vanishes. All counters on that model are used up in one round.

    Sniper Drones: In order to purchase a Sniper Drone you must rst buy a Spotter. Each Spotter can have up to 3

    Drones. If you wish to purchase a fourth Drone, you must rst buy another Spotter.

    Cost (Spotter): 20 points

    Cost (Sniper Drone): 20 points

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    Available Army ListTeams purchase individual models from their codex only

    using the selected unit entries listed below.



    0-1 Zoanthrope


    Ymgarl Genestealers

    Tyranid Warriors

    Genestealers0-1 Broodlord



    Ripper Swarm

    Tyranid Shrikes


    Sky-slasher Swarm



    Tyranids CodexRules Changes:

    Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack and Heavy Support unit selections in their


    There is no minimum number of models to unlock special or heavy weapons options. For example you could take 2

    Tactical Squad members and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a amer.

    A Tyranid team may have one Psyker; either a Zoanthrope or Broodlord

    Disregard the Instinctive Behavior rules for games of Killzone.

    Horamgaunts may move an additional 2 inches when running in clear terrain. (This is to offset the extra advantage

    they usually benet from with their Bounding Leap special rule.)

    The Lictor and Ygmarl Genestealers have following changes.

    If the scenario does not allow Deepstriking replace these units special deployment rules with stealth, scout and

    inltrate. If the scenario does allow reserves they use their normal rules.

    Sorry, false alarm base.Nothing to report here.

    Last transmission from

    patrol Alpha Bravo 3.

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    Available Army ListTeams purchase individual models from their codex only

    using the selected unit entries listed below.

    0-1 Elite Inquisitor per rulebook

    If a inquisitor is taken 0-6 henchmen can be taken per the

    normal rules and costs

    0-1 Ofcio assasin

    0-3 Deathcult assasin


    0-1 Celestian superior if Celestians are taken

    Sister repentia

    0-1 Mistress if repentias are taken

    arco agelants

    battle sisters

    0-1 Veteran sister


    0-1 IST sergeant

    Sepharims0-1 Veteran sepharim

    0-2 retributors must upgrade to an heavy weapon

    0-1 retributor sergeant

    0-1 pentinent engine

    Witch Hunters CodexRules Changes:

    Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack and Heavy Support unit selections in their


    There is no minimum number of models to unlock special or heavy weapons options. For example you could take 2

    Tactical Squad members and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a amer.

    An Inquisition Team may contain one Psyker.

    Inquisitorial Retinues: to gain the benets from the retinue they must be within 4 inches of the Inquisitor. They work as

    written in the codex as long as this requirement is met.

    The Auspex, Targeter and gradenes entries are ignored; if you want these upgrades use the Killzone versions.

    No Orbital Bombardments or Barrages of any kind.

    Your team may only include one Ofcio Assassin.

    No Allies: at the scale that Killzone represents the operatives of the Inquisition are enough to complete their own


    No Unlocking (no need for a priest or an Inquisitor to take anything)

    Acts of Faith* Only Veteran Sister Superiors may use Acts of Faith.

    * Any Choice from a unit with the Adepta Sororitas special

    rule is worth 1 Faith point

    * Any Veteran Sister Superior is worth 2 faith points

    * A model may activate one Act of Faith per turn.

    * A model may not attempt to use the same Act of Faith

    more than once per Game; although models may be

    effected by combinations of several different Acts.

    * Acts of Faith remain in play until the Sister Superioruses another Act of Faith, falls back or is killed.

    * Acts of Faith are unaffected by special rules that work

    on or against psychic powers, and models using them are

    not counted as psykers.

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    Help us make a better game!Played Killzone?

    Liked it?

    Hated it?

    Tell us about it!We are working hard to make this ruleset everything we want it to be, if theres something you loved,

    something you found difcult, hard to work through or just plain annoying come to our forums at

    and give us some feedback. we arent promising youll get it your way but well certainly listen.

    Contributors CreditsThe Following people have conributed ot this document for no reason other than thier love of the hobby

    and thier disire to make a skirmish game they want to play.

    Big Jim at Galaxy in Flames

    AJ/Bestia from the Imperial Truth podcast

    B.smoove from A Gentlemans Ones

    Karitas from Excommunicate Traitors

    Menzies from the 512th Cadian

    Sons of Taurus from his self-titled Blog

    Counterfett from All things Fett

    Geoff from the Independent Characters Podcast

    Master Bryss


