
Kidspiration Kidspiration How to utilise thinking framework How to utilise thinking framework tools within the classroom tools within the classroom


Tina and Jillian from Milford School

Transcript of Kidspiration

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How to utilise thinking frameworkHow to utilise thinking framework

tools within the classroomtools within the classroom

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Reading and Writing- Story websReading and Writing- Story webs

•• Used in daily readingUsed in daily readingprogrammes.programmes.

•• Used with top Year 2Used with top Year 2reading group.reading group.

•• Reading age of 8+Reading age of 8+years.years.

•• Used with SharedUsed with Sharedbooks and guidedbooks and guidedtexts.texts.

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Support requiredSupport required

•• Use of the data projectorUse of the data projector

to model the process andto model the process and

skills required to beskills required to be


•• Enough time to be able toEnough time to be able to

complete tasks.complete tasks.

•• Certain level of keyboardCertain level of keyboard

knowledge and computerknowledge and computer


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•• PositivesPositives

•• It was fun.It was fun.

•• I like computer work.I like computer work.

•• I feel II feel I’’m better atm better at

writing on thewriting on the

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•• NegativesNegatives

•• I could write more onI could write more onpaper.paper.

•• ItIt’’s hard to find thes hard to find theletters on theletters on thekeyboard.keyboard.

•• It took a long time.It took a long time.

•• Some of our pageSome of our pagewent off the screen.went off the screen.

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•• InterestingInteresting

•• Observations by teachersObservations by teachersshowed typing skill wasshowed typing skill wasrelatively weak howeverrelatively weak howeverbecause children perceived itbecause children perceived itas fun and novel theyas fun and novel theypersevered and had increasedpersevered and had increasedself esteem towards theself esteem towards thecomputer work.

•• Enjoyment lead to sustainedEnjoyment lead to sustainedon task behaviour for longeron task behaviour for longerperiods.periods.

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Examples From Year 3Examples From Year 3

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Teacher EvaluationTeacher EvaluationJillianJillian

•• Provided the children anProvided the children an

opportunityopportunity to discuss the to discuss the

aspects of the story in pairs.aspects of the story in pairs.

•• Cooperative challenge providedCooperative challenge provided

at both the literary andat both the literary and

technology levels.

•• Easy first step introduction toEasy first step introduction to

integrating ICT in a powerfulintegrating ICT in a powerful

way for a teacher who isway for a teacher who is

beginning to explore ICT withinbeginning to explore ICT within

the classroom.the classroom.

•• Using the data projector was aUsing the data projector was a

powerful inclusive tool to get allpowerful inclusive tool to get all

the class involved and focussedthe class involved and focussed


•• Mindful during planning, for theMindful during planning, for the

opportunities and avenues foropportunities and avenues for

children to demonstrate theirchildren to demonstrate their


•• Having the programme availableHaving the programme available

for children to plan, implementfor children to plan, implement

and publish from.and publish from.

•• Thinking about the childThinking about the child’’ss

individuality, branching fromindividuality, branching from

templates to producing highlytemplates to producing highly

individualised responses toindividualised responses to

learning activities.learning activities.