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Name Katiana FoliakiNetID Kfol348Group Number: 052Website Link: http://infosys110groupxxx.blogspot.co.nz/

Tutorial DetailsTutor: Day: Time:Kayur Remson Monday 2pm

Time Spent on Assignment: 30 hours Word Count: 1650

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We have created an application designed to increase alcohol consumption awareness in a

convient and efficient way. ‘No More Beerzies’ allows you to monitor your alcohol

consumption by scanning the barcode or entering the name of your drink, before telling you

how much you’ve had so far, and advises your next move; this ranges from stating if you’re

under the driving limit, if it’s safe to have a few more, slow down or just switch to water. It

also offers games which test your reflex skills. Through this, we hope to increase awareness

of alcohol consumption, and offer a service resulting in a decrease of alcohol abuse world



3.1 Vision

Using technolgy which offers a service in hope to increase awareness of alcohol

consumption, and ultimately decrease alcohol abuse world wide.

3.2 Industry Analysis: Alcohol Intake Examinor Application Industry

Industry: Alcohol Intake Examinor Application Industry. With our solution being an

application, the industy analysed will examine a person’s alcohol intake using a smartphone


Force: High/Low: Justification:

Buyer power: High There are many applications available that buyers

can choose from, which examine one’s alcohol

intake including apps such as ‘Drink Control’,

‘Alcohol Monitor BAC calculator’, to name a few.

All of which share comparable funtionalities that


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make the industry.

(iTunes, 2014)

Supplier power: High With few stores available that can supply apps

across the market, making it accessable on

different branded phones, e.g iTunes App Store

for iPhones, BlackBerry World for BlackBerry, etc.

With one store being available per brand, choices

for a company’s supplier are limited, proving high

supplier power.

(Cooper, 2012)

Threat of new entrants: High The entry barriers for creating alcohol intake

examinor apps are low and competitors are able

to enter the market easily and are continuing to

enter on a regular basis; thus proving the high

threat of new entrants.

(Roberts, 2011)

Threat of substitutes: Low There are limited products/services available

which examine one’s alcohol intake. Other then

the applications available on the app stores,

another substitute would be the tangible breath

testers, or blood tests performed by health

professionals, measuring the amount of alcohol in

your blood. However, such substitutes only

measure the alcohol in your blood, and wouldn’t

offer advice on whether or not it’s safe to have a


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few more. It is also difficult to have access too.

(University of Notre Dame, 2008).

Rivalry among existing


High Due to the increasing amount of applications

available across all app stores which offer similar

functionalities of examining one’s alcohol intake,

the rivalry among existing competitors is high.

(Androids, 2014).

Overall attractiveness of the industry: Most forces appear to be high, resulting in

businesses finding it difficult to be profitable competing in this industry. Thus making the

overall attractiveness of this industry low.

3.3 Customers and Their Needs

‘No More Beerzies’ targets an audience who want to be more aware of their alcohol

consumption; ranging from sober drivers who want to have a few but stay under the driving

limit, teenagers who have just reached the legal drinking age and want to experiement with

alcohol but lack knowledge of how much to have before becoming overly intoxicated, or just

drinkers in general who would like to know how much they’ve consumed throughout the

night. It also is targeted for drinkers with smartphones who can have access to the app.

3.4 The Product and Service

In New Zealand,, 53% of youth ages 12-17 are current drinkers; 32% of which are Moderate

Drinkers, and 21% Binge Drinkers. 66% of youth drinkers, have experienced some drinking-

related harm in the last 12 months; the most commonly include:

▪ Short-term effects (e.g. hangover, memory loss, etc.) (39%).

▪ Accidents (e.g. tripping, hurting self) (30%); excluding drink driving, and those exposed to harm from drinking that are legal.

‘No More Beersies’ is designed to monitor and inform drinkers of the alcohol consumed thus

far. Just by an easy scan of a barcode or entering the name of the drink, this app has a 4

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database that will recognize the drink you have entered, be able to calculate and measure

technically how much alcohol you have consumed, how much more your body can handle

without becoming overly intoxicated, as well as offering fun games that test your reflex

skills. Through this we wish to educate drinkers, which will result in a reduction in the

amount of alcohol related harm. (Ministry of Justice, 2006)

3.5 Suppliers and Partners

One supplier would be app design and developers. Due to our solution being an app, we

would heavily rely on suppliers that could design an attractive application that’s easy,

practical and efficient for our customers; that could develop an app that also has access to a

database that recognises most if not all alcoholic beverages, and can generate advice


Another supplier would include application testers. These suppliers would provide

constructive critism to ensure that our app is of high standard before entering the market.

A partner of ours would be the different application stores available on the different

branded phones, e.g iTunes App Store, BlackBerry World etc. This is an important partner as

our solution is an app, therefore the app stores are the only way we can dispurse our

product across the market.

Another partner would be the liquor stores. They are one of the largest providers of liquor

to the public, and more importantly to our targeted audience.


3.6 Strategy: Cost Leadership

‘No More Beersies’ is available to purchase at any application store for a very reasonable

price so as it is affordable for students as well as high income earning drinkers.

It also targets such a broad market as ultimately our application can be used be all alcohol

consumers in general. Eight in ten adults have consumed alcohol in the past year, that’s

85.2% of the New Zealand public that could benefit from using our ‘No More Beerzies’ app.


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The overall strategy is Cost Leadership.

3.7 Value Chain Activity: Technology Development

The most important value chain activity for this business is Technology Development.

‘No More Beerzies’ involves application development&design which would be most suited in

the support value activity of Technology Development.

3.8 Business Processes

3.8.1. APPLICATION TESTING PROCESS – Through this process we provide a test for the

product, to ensure that it meets all standards, and is functioning correctly before being

released in the application stores. First we open the app. ‘No More Beerzies’ then requires

you to enter your age and weight before it gives you an option to play the reflex skills test

games, scan the barcode of their beverage or enter the name of what they’re drinking. If

the customer has decided to play the game, it will load and be played, then the app will

generate a score that will show how good their reflex skills are. If the customer wants to

know the amount of alcohol they’ve consumed then they would either scan the barcode of

their bevage or enter the name of what they’re drinking. Once the app’s database

recognises the drink it will calculate the BAC. After the BAC is calculated the app will create

advice relative to the BAC. Based on this, our testers wil make a decision of whether it is

ready to be released on app stores.


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3.8.2. APPLICATION DESIGN PROCESS – This process we take into consideration our

customers preferences which add value to create an attractive, efficient app. Starting with

researching consumer specification, then accumalating all research findings into our design

brainstorm, we establish our final design. Once completed, our final design proposal is sent

to our manufacturers. If manufacturers authorise to proceed with our design then we have

reached the end of this process. If not, then we must go back and establish a new final

design until it has been approved.


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3.9 Functionalities


Able to recognise the different beverages being entered. Calculate BAC


Brainstorming ideas including consumer specifications. Creating a final design proposal.

3.10 Systems

3.10.1. LIQUOR DATABASE SYSTEM – allows the application to access to the liquor database

so as the drinks are easily recognised when they have been entered or scanned. With access

to the database, calculating BAC becomes easier and more accurate, which helps promote

alcohol consumption awareness to our customers.

3.10.2. CALCULATING BAC SYSTEM – This is an essential system as our whole app concept is

revolved around the accuracy of this calculation in order to give constructive advice and

keep our customers aware of their alcohol consumption, resulting in a reduced amount of

alcohol abuse.

3.10.3. INFORMATION SUMMARY SYSTEM – supports the process taken to accumilate all

filtered research about what our targeted audience is attracted too, and incorporates it into

our final design. Through this, we complete a final proposal that is approved by

manufacturers gaining competitive advantage that educates our target audience, keeping

them aware of their alcohol intake, and advice that could prevent becoming too intoxicated.


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3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain Activity

Processes Functionalities Specific Information System(s)

Broad Information System(s)





1. Application Testing Process

1. Able to recognise the different beverages being entered.

2. Calculate BAC

Liquor Database System

BAC Calculating System



2. Application

Design Process

1. Brainstorming ideas including consumer specification.

2. Creating a final design proposal.

Research Filter System

Information Summary System

Collaboration Systems



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Alcohol is the most commonly used drug in NZ. With approximately 1000 deaths per year

due to alcohol related causes, it is clear our country needs to be aware of the alcohol they

are consuming. No More Beersies is an efficient application, allowing users to monitor how

much they’ve consumed, and generates advice on how to carry on without becoming overly

intoxicated. Through this we wish to promote alcohol consumption awareness and an

environment free of alcohol abuse.


1. iTunes. (2014). iTunes Application Store. Auckland, New Zealand.

2. Cooper, J. (2012, May 10). Maboyafflilates the Mobile Marketing Exchange. Retrieved from http://www.mobyaffiliates.com

3. University of Notre Dame. (2008) Office of Alcohol and Drug Education. Retrieved from University of Notre Dame : www.oade.nd.edu

4. Roberts, B (Director). (2011) Android Application Development Tutorials [Motion Pictures].

5. Androids. (2014). Google Play Store. Auckland, New Zealand.

6. Ministry of Justice (2006) The Sale and Supply of Alcohol to Under 18 year olds in New Zealand: A Systematic Overview of international and New Zealand Literature. Retrieved from http://www.justice.govt.nz/publications/global-publications

7. Ministry of Health (2009) Alcohol Use in New Zealand. Retrieved from https://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/alcohol-use-in-nz-0708-survey.pdf