Keys To Successful Learning

1 Keys to Successful Learning By Marguerite Clancy


Successful learning doesn’t just happen. For some students learning is easier than others. Whether you are a student who finds learning easy or one who finds it difficult the following keys will reduce study time as you become more focused and proficient.

Transcript of Keys To Successful Learning

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Keys to Successful Learning

By Marguerite Clancy

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Have a positive mindset.

Believe that you can learn and master each new concept. Change the mindset by saying, “I can do it” or writing positive affirmations such as “I’m getting better at Maths” etc. Success comes not just from having a great brain but more importantly from having a positive attitude. The most successful people are those with positive mindsets

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Have a motivational system.

This could be a colourful poster hung above your desk with pictures of what you can have by achieving goals successfully. It could be picture of more friends if that is what you would like to aim for.

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Have Specific Goals

Have daily, weekly, monthly achievable goals. These do not have to be academic goals, but can include social, friendship as well as health and fitness.

Success in each area of life leads to a balanced life.

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Revise, Revise

Revise work frequently, this could be by constructing mind maps to summarise what has been learnt. At examination or test time these mind maps are great as they summarise the topic in a nutshell.

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Use Preferred Learning Style

Students learn more efficiently when they use preferred learning style. Visual learners need colourful images, charts and diagrams to enhance learning. An auditory learner needs to listen to tapes, to read work aloud or have work read to them. A kinaesthetic or physical learner needs to be actively involved in learning by moving or dramatising. Kinaesthetic learners also need to write what they are learning over and over.

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View Mistakes as learning experiences

If you make a mistake, forget or don’t keep to your timetable don’t beat yourself up move on, view it as a learning experience. Success is just around the corner and even small successful steps are invaluable.

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Have a timetable

Have a timetable for homework or any type of revision or learning. This helps you to keep focused. You will also be more successful if you have frequent breaks for example every 50 minutes take a 10-minute break. Research has shown that people working this way are more successful than those who work for longer periods without a break.

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Use Humour

Whenever possible use humour in learning as humour uses the emotional middle brain. We find it easier to remember events with an emotional connection.

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Persevere. Never give up, never give up. Keep on keeping on remember that many people who achieved outstanding success did so after a great number of failures. They just kept trying until they succeeded.

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In Summary

Successful learning doesn’t just happen. For some students learning is easier than others. Whether you are a student who finds learning easy or one who finds it difficult the following the above keys will reduce study time as you become more focused and proficient. Having a system can make all learners more efficient.

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