Keris Peer Review to Me

Price 1 Jenna Price Mrs. Caruso ENGL 1102 5 April 2012 Final Proposal The Mysterious Sinking is derived from the actual events of the Titanic. The story is about a middle-aged woman, Rebecca, who was on board the titanic with her husband and three kids. Everyone was told the titanic “accidently” collide d with the iceberg, but Rebecca is the only one who knows that is not true . The collision wit h the iceberg was no accident and Rebecca’s goal is to get the truth out i nto the world. She is the main character of this suspenseful novel. The purpose behind this novel is providing entertainment as well as mystery for all of its readers. The mysterious sinking will be fiction and nonfiction at the same time. It will pursue a fiction story but give accurate details on the actual sinking of the Titanic. This will make it somewhat nonfiction. Readers will understand in depth what exactly happened on the night of the sinking of this “unsinkable” ship, the real story. The movie “The Titani c” really inspired me to write t his novel. I see the movie as harsh yet romantic and peaceful. It sets a tender mood that onlookers really seem to enj oy. When the novel first came to mind, t he actual events were undecided. It wasn’t until later on th at the decision was made to add a mysteri ous edge to the novel. When people think of the tit anic, they think of a romance that involves a famo us ship that hit an iceberg. The audience seems to look  past the fact of chi ldren and loving families were on b oard, as well. This novel wil l introduce the hardships that one specific lower class family deals with from the time they were on board the 4/10/12 11:29 AM Comment [1]: Reviewed by Keri :) Wants to know what else to include in the paper. 4/10/12 11:29 AM Comment [2]: Keri Flowe Apr 10, '12, 10:24 AM You could give a summary of the story later on the the paper to give more detail of what is actually going to happen.  4/10/12 11:29 AM Comment [3]: Keri Flowe Apr 10, '12, 10:25 AM Give more information on the characters. Not only just about the main character Rebecca, but also her family and any other characters there are. 4/10/12 11:29 AM Comment [4]: Keri Flowe Apr 10, '12, 10:27 AM Why is she the only one that knows? You might not want to explain this right here but maybe somewhere in the rest of the paper. 4/10/12 11:29 AM Comment [5]: Keri Flowe Apr 10, '12, 10:28 AM Could explain more of why this is a suspenseful novel. 4/10/12 11:29 AM Comment [6]: Keri Flowe Apr 10, '12, 10:29 AM Could start this paragraph out with a more interesting beginning and then add in the purpose. Also give it a easier flow from the first paragraph.  4/10/12 11:29 AM Comment [7]: Keri Flowe Apr 10, '12, 10:31 AM Maybe reword these three sentences and add more detail of why it will include both fiction and nonfiction information.  4/10/12 11:29 AM Comment [8]: Keri Flowe Apr 10, '12, 10:33 AM Try to rewrite with sentence without using “I”. 

Transcript of Keris Peer Review to Me

Page 1: Keris Peer Review to Me

8/2/2019 Keris Peer Review to Me 1/2

Price 1 

Jenna Price

Mrs. Caruso

ENGL 1102

5 April 2012

Final Proposal

The Mysterious Sinking is derived from the actual events of the Titanic. The story is

about a middle-aged woman, Rebecca, who was on board the titanic with her husband and three

kids. Everyone was told the titanic “accidently” collided with the iceberg, but Rebecca is the

only one who knows that is not true. The collision with the iceberg was no accident and

Rebecca’s goal is to get the truth out into the world. She is the main character of this suspenseful


The purpose behind this novel is providing entertainment as well as mystery for all of its

readers. The mysterious sinking will be fiction and nonfiction at the same time. It will pursue a

fiction story but give accurate details on the actual sinking of the Titanic. This will make it

somewhat nonfiction. Readers will understand in depth what exactly happened on the night of 

the sinking of this “unsinkable” ship, the real story.

The movie “The Titanic” really inspired me to write this novel. I see the movie as harsh

yet romantic and peaceful. It sets a tender mood that onlookers really seem to enjoy. When the

novel first came to mind, the actual events were undecided. It wasn’t until later on that the

decision was made to add a mysterious edge to the novel. When people think of the titanic, they

think of a romance that involves a famous ship that hit an iceberg. The audience seems to look 

 past the fact of children and loving families were on board, as well. This novel will introduce the

hardships that one specific lower class family deals with from the time they were on board the

4/10/12 11:29 AM

Comment [1]:

Reviewed by Keri :)Wants to know what else to includethe paper. 

4/10/12 11:29 AM

Comment [2]:

Keri Flowe Apr 10, '12, 10:24 AMYou could give a summary of the slater on the the paper to give moredetail of what is actually going tohappen. 

4/10/12 11:29 AM

Comment [3]:

Keri Flowe Apr 10, '12, 10:25 AMGive more information on thecharacters. Not only just about themain character Rebecca, but also hfamily and any other characters thare. 

4/10/12 11:29 AM

Comment [4]:Keri Flowe Apr 10, '12, 10:27 AMWhy is she the only one that knowsYou might not want to explain thisright here but maybe somewhere ithe rest of the paper. 

4/10/12 11:29 AM

Comment [5]:

Keri Flowe Apr 10, '12, 10:28 AMCould explain more of why this is asuspenseful novel. 

4/10/12 11:29 AM

Comment [6]:

Keri Flowe Apr 10, '12, 10:29 AMCould start this paragraph out withmore interesting beginning and thadd in the purpose. Also give it aeasier flow from the first paragrap

4/10/12 11:29 AM

Comment [7]:

Keri Flowe Apr 10, '12, 10:31 AMMaybe reword these three sentencand add more detail of why it willinclude both fiction and nonfictioninformation. 

4/10/12 11:29 AM

Comment [8]:

Keri Flowe Apr 10, '12, 10:33 AMTry to rewrite with sentence withouusing “I”. 

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Price 2 

ship until their last few seconds. The audience will now look past the romance part. This novel

will set a whole new perspective of the story behind the sinking of the titanic.

The characters will consist of a mother, father and their three kids with the mother being

the main character. The little boy, Andrew, is mentioned the most often throughout the story.

He is grounded yet extremely mischievous.

4/10/12 11:29 AM

Comment [9]:

Keri Flowe Apr 10, '12, 11:26 AMI would not include this in theparagraph. But do include they typaudience that will be interested in book. 

4/10/12 11:29 AM

Comment [10]:

Keri Flowe Apr 10, '12, 11:27 AMI would include more informationabout the story and also more detato make them want to publish youbook.