Keowee courier.(Walhalla, S.C.) 1898-07-07. · F. Corbin mid posso '.nado anothersuccessful raid at...

LOCAL iVí r%i "7" «OM. Tho l'rosbytorlon onuroh haareovutly ¿¿ boon recovered. Ok Mr. Vira. C. Rochester, in tue proud . f»thor o* * baby girl. £Ç njni. Ohas. Wood and baby, of Ander¬ son, niQ,vlsltlug in aud near Walhalla. Mrs. W) J. Nix, of Columbia, is on a visit to her fathor, Mr. O. K. Maxwell, m(\ and family. Prof. Wobt. u. Slnglotou will conduct nu all-day sluging at Poplar Springs next Sunday, July 10. Parties falling to roeoivo their papers regularly will cbnfor a favor by notifying us of tho samo. Dr. Fahuostook will bo lu ld« offton ovory Monday, Tuesday and Saturday uutil furthor notice Air. Alex. Ivostor aud daughtor, Daisy, of AndoiBon, visited rolativos In aud near Walhalla this week, (tuite a number of young pooplo wont to Tunnel Hill last Friday night to picnic Thoy roport a pleasant timo. Mr«. Capt. Wm. G. Smith, of Collina V- bia, is visiting hor daughtor, Mrs. N. L. Fant, in Walhalla, this wook. Foe SALK-Sot of coiled hoop maohin- ory. Apply to J. ll. Bbnnklin, Sonoca, or G. Shanklin, Riohland, S. C. Mr. Will Townos, of Atlanta, aud Mr. II. Koith Townos, of Greonvlllo. visited relativos in Walhalla Cds week. Miss Ida Fowls, of Mount Ploasant. S. G., is spending tho summor in Walhalla, Stopping with Prof. J. M. Moss. Miss Kinma Morriok loft on Wodncs- _dn>y last for Gainesville, Ga., whoro abo will spond BOHÍO timo visiting rolativoB. Prof. Hobt; li. Singloton will bogin a school of musio in tho Wost Union Bap¬ tist eh uroll on Friday morning, July IB. Cuito a number of young pooplo on- joyed a pleasant danco at Reid's Hall Wednesday night in honor of visiting young ladles. Hov. Atkinson, of Six Milo. PickoiiB county, will bogín n protraetod mooting nt Poplar Springs Raptist ehuroh on tho (iltli Sunday nicht in this month. Misses Julia and Maggie and Mr. John Brandt, of Walhalla, spent last week vory pleasantly at tho homo of Mr. F. II. Brandt, nt Rear Swamp. Mrs. Essie Taylor, accompanied by hor daughtor Carrie, of Florida, is ou a visit to her mother, Mrs. Katherine Smith, i"* and sister, near Walhalla. Wo aro ploasod to notico that Mrs. Frances Church, of Floronco, S. C., ls in our town. Sho is visiting hor niece, Mrs. C. W. Fratt, on Faculty Hill. Miss I.euora Hubbard, accompanied by her nophow, John Will Hubbard, in spending somn timo in Walhalla, stop¬ ping at Mrs. A. C. Morrick's. It is now roportod that a strong Span¬ ish licet, with 10,000 troops, has Bailed for Manila. Moro moat for Dowey-ho won't do a thing to that Spanish Hoot. .1 inigo W. C. Ronot, of Charleston, J. C. Tarnook. Stenographer, of Columbia, .las. A. MoCollough, Esq., of Greenville aro stopping at Ulomaiin's Hotel, on Fac¬ ulty Hill. Tho lino of ladies' shirt waists, skirt* and undorwoar, shown hy M. W. Colo- man «fe Co., is vory pretty and thc prices attractive Shirt waists, 2.r>o. Ready mndo skirts only fiOe Mr. N. T,. Davis is circulating amoiiR his Walhalla fi louds again, af tor spend¬ ing a week visiting rolativos in other pat h of tho county. Wo think "Nat" misses r friond or two s'neo his return, Hartwell Sun. "Misses Joasio am Flora Norris, two beautiful and accom pllahcd young ladies of Westminster, S C., woro visiting relatives in tho city, am attending tho instituto thin wook." If you want goods at and below cos for tho next thirty days only, call on ,1 & J. S. Carter, Westminster, S. C. Thoj aro determined to rcduco their stock Dargal na will do it. Soo their advertise mont. * M. W. Coleman it Co. aro showing ai elegant lino of summor shoos in all tin prevailing colors, amt their linc of sum mer clothing and nec,r ear is hard ti boat. Givo thom a call and you will no regret lt. Missus Kata Roll and Bossio Mickle loft fov Clayton, Ga., last Saturday morn lng to mako an extended visit. Tho; woro Accompanied by Mr. .lube Strothe and Mister Douglas Seaborn, who ro turned Monday ovoning. ' Doputy Marshal W. B. F. Corbin am posso captured a still and fixtures Ins Saturday On Changa. They dostroyei six hundred gallons of boer and arreste* Jack Albortson, who was brought h Walhalla and lodged in jail. Just arrived-a littlo Amorican cav airy gcnoral, on July Uh, at Mr. G. W Hayes's homo. Wo predict that in short wliilo tho littlo gcnoral will hav onough littlo comrades around hero t muster a troop to light tho Spanish. Mrs. J. C. Cork and children, of lien nothsvillo, S. C., aro visiting tho famil of her fathor, Capt. J. C. Novillo, o West Union, and other roll »ives in th county. Mrs. Cork has many friends ii Oconco who aro always glad to soo hoi Tho United Confederate Veterans' A> sociation will moot in Atlanta July 20-2Í ami it promises to bo ono of tho largos mcolingH tho Association has evor heh] Tho citizens of Atlanta arc hard at worl nnd will do their host, to make tho oh veterans havo a good time J. & J. S. Carter, successors to Cai to Merchandise Company, Westminster, ar determined to red nco their largo sloe! of goods. Soo their ndvortisemont. 1 ^ moans business ami so do they. Tho ** havo ovory thing you went. Call and se thom and yon will savo molloy. Prof. II. C. Singleton will opon a schoc at ConnouosB on Monday, .Inly ll. Th pooplo of that community have rocontl completed a splendid school buddie opposite tho Conncross Raptist churo and aro to bo commended for their ontoi priBo in this important lino. Nowborry Herald and Nows: "lion. ( R. 1). Ruins, of Walhalla, was in No« bony on Saturday for a few hours an gave us a pleasant call. Tho people c Goonoo should sond him back to tho I,ej inlaturo. Ho is an intelligent and activ mcmbor and is woll equipped to do hi State good sorvico." Mrs. ii. H. Rrandt entertained ht friends last Wcdnosday at hor homo, th occasion hoing tho anniversary of hr birthday. Mrs. Rrandt knows how t make things pleasant for old friends an all enjoyed tho day. At night tho yotin pooplo hold high carnival till a late hom (lancing and amusing themselves : games. Mr. W. F. Harbor, of Hartwell, fia has recently completed a neat eotta» residence for Mrs. Mary 10. Bauknigh lt is ono of the prettiest houses in towt Mr. Harbor is a (Ino workman. Ho wi soon have tho beautiful residence of Mi A. C. Merrick completed. He now ha tho contract to finish Mr. C. W. Pitcl ford's store Misses Bullio and Helen Moss returne. home last Thursday evening, after boin absent for about a year. They ïav been students in tho Mei.munger Rig School, of Charleston, during their sta with their sister, Mrs. Dr. .1. W. Bowel of Mount Ploasant. They aro groat! pleased with their school and speak of lu the highest terms. Their many friend aro glad to welcome thom homo again. Mr. .lames Fisher, a well-known cit /on of this county, and who, until abm ayoar ago, resided In Jocnssoo Valloj died in Texas on .lune 18tb, of cancor r tho face Mr. J'lHhor was a good oitize and clover gentleman and bad seores < friends boro, who will regret to hear < bis death. Ho was advanced in lifo an for tho past fow years ho bad neon groat sulToror from au incurable n.Hoas * Prof. J, S. Jennings, of Horse Cov N. C., paid ns a ploasant oat! on Thur day last. Wo aro glad to loam that I Contemplates becoming a permanent eil zen of Goonoo, Ho will assumo charge tho School at Oakway in November, which place ho intends inaugurating tl graded school system. Mr. Jennings an r.xpoi ioiieod teacher, having comme ed a limn .liiny; school at Dcmorest, Gi for oight years, besides hoing Idontifli with other schools of prominence f ycarB past. Wo bespeak for him gre success in his now ontorpriso and lioj at no distant day to soo him at tho her of a nourishing sohool and to wolcon him as a pormanont olti/on of Goonoo, '2«(0» iînUio JuiiiiBon, of Ooujfcrfti» .'yiM j on a violt to Mrs. K. Hdudonla^t wook. Mrs. tí. T. «rovo witt daughter, Loulso, ?re vHtixîs? rcïa*Ivw .iu Anderson-.this) wook. Col. E. W. Byrura has fluiehod waking brlok for tho Pitchford atoro. Ho ni?do over 000,000. Mia. Martha Marrott, of Atlanta, Qa., ls visiting hot daughter, Mrs. J. H. Karly, ».nd family. Hov. D. P. Bonrdou will preach at Wolf Make ohuroh on tho third Sunday In this mooth at 11 o'olock A. M. Minson Lila and Josslo Strlbling, of Pone loton, aro visiting thoir cousin, Miss Roxtn Rold, this wook. Prof. Jamos M. Moss will tako charge of tho L'ohool att Oakway on Monday, '.".'y 11* ..m! t,vu i H nu foi vnu moulut». A protruotod mooting will hogin nt Fairvlow ohuroh on tho fourth Sunday in this month and continuo i brough tho wook. Miss Louise Turnor and Miss May do Jarnotto, of Katontou, Ca., aro visiting thoir friend, Miss Mary Stribbug, near Walhalla. Mr. Fred. VouLoho, wifo and baby, of St. Goorgos, aro visiting bis motbor, Mrs. J. C. VoaliOho, and family, noar Walhalla. Mrs. J. R. Smith returned to hor homo in Laurons county thia morning. Sho waa accompanied by hor dnughtor, Mrs. J. h. Daniel, and baby. Cbioknmauga Letter in Greenwood Index: "Cludmors IlughoB, who is member tho band, te íjulto îïî." Cha mors has many friends in Walhalla who hopo for his spoody recovery. Capt. Robt. S. Thompson was oom- missfonod Juno li), and has bcon ordorod to report to hi:: linnell of tho SIM vice at Jnoksonvilio, Fla. Ho will no doubt bo nttaohod to Gon. LCO'B corps. Tho many friends of Mr. M. C. Scuborn will rcgrot to learn of his illness. 1 To has boon conflnod to his room about a wook. Vi'«. gltid to bo libio to announce thnt bo is improving and hopo soon to seo him out again. Mr. John J. Smith, a gontlomnn woll nnd favorably known to tho peoplo of Oconeo county, is visiting his many rela¬ tives and friotuls in Walhalla this wook. Ho is from llartwoll, Ga., whoro ho lins boon living for sovoral months. Major Hcnj. Sloan, Professor of Matho- matics in tho South Carolina College, Columbia, was in Walhalla for a fow days last wook on business and visiting relatives and frionds. Ho is tho same cultured and pleasant gentleman that ho ovor was. Nowspapordom utters this bit of truth: "Novor judgo a poison by his outside nppoaranco. A shabby old coat may en¬ wrap a nowspapor publisher, winlo a man wearing a high plug hat and sport¬ ing a gold-headed cane may bo a delin¬ quent subscriber." Dopu'y Marshal W. I>. F. Corbin mid posso '.nado another successful raid at Brasatown on Tuesday last. Thoy cap¬ tured two copnor stills, with outfits to each ono, and destroyod about two thousand gallons of boor mid low wines. No arrest« woro made Tho Hon. Julius E. bogga, of Piokons, is announced this week for Congross. Mr. Hoggs is too well known to need any recommendation at our hands. Ho is a thorough gentleman, an able lawyer and in every way capablo of discharging tho duties of Congressman, Greenwood Journal: "Clad to seo tho smiling face of Mrs. Prof. Cork. Sho passed through going to Walhalla for tho summer. Prof. Cork is tho successful superintendent of tho bennittsville Grnded .School. Wo would bo pleased to seo thom in our town again." Tho long drought has at last boon broken by copious showers falling over tho county. Wo trust that tho rains will do a great deal of good in reviving vege¬ tation and causing tho corn and cotton and other field crops to yield their usual amount of fruitage Ex-Sheriff B. F. Douthit, of Wost) Union, sowed five bushels of wheat oil old ground last fall, and has harvested SM.} bushels of good wheat from said sowing. Ho has also gathored ono hun¬ dred bushels of line oats. Our good friend has, thcroforo, plenty of food for man and beast. Charlie Johnson, colored, wdio escaped from tho chain gang in January last, was captured by Deputy Sheriff II, lt. Moss, at Mayesville, Ga., last Saturday and brought to Walhalla Sunday and lodged jail. Ho has about six months to servo yot. This was tho second limo Johnson escaped. Messrs. Jess Novillo, bao Dendy, Jas. Darby, Jas. I. Smith, Jas. F. Novillo, John H. Keilli, Jas. Thompson, it. Q. Merrick, Thoa. R. Keith, J. B. Reid ami Policeman Dickson, of Walkalla, attended tho ball gnmo at Dol/.or last Monday. Messrs. Voylos ami Leathors, of the Westminster team, played with tho Wal¬ halla boys. On Tuesday morning just as tho clonk in tho Lutheran church steeple ntl lick twelve, a vivid Hash of lightning was seen, followed by a loud report. The bolt struck tho Fischossor monument in tho Lutheran comotory, about four inches from the top. No damage was «IOHO, tho lightning running down tho shaft and entering tho ground at tho base, only leaving a scorched streak down tho glazed granite sido. On Sunday last Kiley Mooro and his nephew, Jerry Mooro, got into a diffl- culty, on Rich Mountain, and Kiley shot at Jorry with a shot gun. Jorry suc¬ ceeded in getting tho gun away from ilia opponent and used it as a club, striking him on tho hoad and face and bruising him up pretty badly. Kiley's nose was broken and his countenance otherwise disfigured. Doth men woro drunk. No arrests havo been made. Mrs. Barbara Burkholdor died on Tuesday, July f>, at tho home of hor son- in-law, Mr. I. Coode, near Walhalla. Sho was 87 years old, and had boon consistent member of tho Monuonitn church for 05 years. Her remains woro laid to rest in West View comotory. Mrs. Hurkholdor carno to .South Carolina from Indiana in 'Silt) with tho family of hor son-in-law. Tho bereaved family luivo tho sincero sympathy of many friends. _ lixmiiiiififiou of Applicant*. Th oro will bo an examination of ap¬ plicants for tho two vacant scholarships in the Winthrop Normal and Industrial College from this county on Friday, July 15th, at 0 a. m., at tho Court House. V. F. M A u ri N, County Superintendent Education. (VCW C.'llllllilllllt'M. For Congress: Hon. A. C. Lat!mor and Ron. J. Fi. Hoggs; for Representativos, Major S. I'. Dendy and lion. J. L. Smith; for Superintendent of Kdiiontion, I'rof. John Ii. MeWhortor; for Troasuror, W. eldridge White; for Supervisor, Na¬ thaniel Phillipa. ?--- «Ol euee 4'.il) ItfOlliri'hodiî. Tho annual mooting of tho Oconeo County brotherhood will meet at Comic ross church on Friday, the 5th «lay of August next, nt ll a. m. Tho member ship is earnestly requested to attend. Tues. Ullin, President. J. ll. SANDKUS, Soorotary. July 7, 1HÎIS. A Iliu llmliftli. bast spring in tho distribution of seeds from tho Agricultural Department at Washington, tho COURIKR gavo Mr. Jas. Johnson, living ie Coonee county, package of radish seed. Ho informs us this wook that ho baa gathered from these seed a while, radish which weighed four pound:-, and measured eight or ten inches in longth. 1 ppolnlmi'lll of i>< I. /¡i'«< 'i. The appointment of tho following com¬ rades as delegates from Camp Haskell, No. 815, U. C. V., tc attend tho re-union to he hold in Atlanta, Ga., 20th to 24th of July instant, is hereby announced, to- Wit: W. A. Strother, lt. V. II. Lowery, S. P. Tannery, Wm. Bibb. J. J. Kolth und V.F.Martin, ThOBO announcements do not exclude ethers from attending, in fact all tho mnmhors of tho Camp aro privileged to attend and will share all tho privileges of delogatcs who aro des¬ ignated to roproHont the Camp in any deliberation that may bo held. By order of tho commaiulor: ti, P. DKNDY. ( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Goo. ii. Prince, of Andorsou, nod J. A. Mooney and J. A. MoCollough, of Groon- vlllo. _ _ itluVnnl »MN»iiIMHO Ana<>ifutt«n. Tho aunual mooting of tho Farmers' Mutual ïusuranoo Atjsoo.ailon witt meet at tho Court Houso on Tuosday, tho 2d day of August noxt, at ll a. m, Ai* lt takes a majority to mako a quorum, tho members aro urgently requested to be prosont, olthor porjonal or oy proxy. J. J. .\\»LLKHOKU, President. J. li. SANDEitB, doorotary. A VJ.U ee «he Colton Mill«. It was our pleasure on Inst Thursday af tornoou to tako a stroll towards the Walhalla Cotton Mills. Wo llrst wont to tho office, whoro wo found tho olovor superintendent, Mr. Goo. II. Pookham, who kindly gnvo us permission to go through tho mill. Wo vlsitod tho piokor room first, thou tho oard room, spinning room and wonvo room. In all those dopartmonts wo found ovorything in fluo running oidor. Tho ooo tro of attract lon, howovor, was tho oloth room. lloro woro to bo soon groat otaoks of beautiful shoot¬ ings. Tho oloth now has n niuoh smoother, aol i «ir and whttor ilnisbthnu lt had undor (or mer management. Tho Sliporhltoud- ont gnvo us two samplos as spooimonB- ono with tho Gront Amoricaa stamp, tho ot lier with tho mill stamp. Tho mill bad novor mndo ovor 127,000 yards in ono month until Mr. Pookham took charge. 'Ibo (ii at month ho rniaod tho run to ÔYQJP !4!J,000 yarda, and for tho month of Juno it was raised to 161,800. Mr. Peck¬ ham is well Up on tho i.iiinnfaoturinij of cotton goods, and tho stockholders will find in him a valuahlo man. A Deplorable Miahnp. Ilnrtwoll Sun, July li "Saturday after¬ noon Dr. W. T. Stoddard mot withasori- ous and doplornblo mishap. Whilo nil. tinp In his buggy in front of bia roBi- denee walting air Mrs. Stoddard, who was to accompany him. and reading a newspaper, his horso, which was grazing, got tho chook roin ovor tho shaft. Tho animal hogan to back, and Dr. Stoddard, in tho oxoitomontof the. moment, hoeamo unbalanced and was thrown vlolontly ovor tho whool of tho buggy to tho ground, striking upon his right kneo. His back was severely wrenched and bis knoo was badly injured, so much so that tho log had to bandaged and oncasod in plaster 01 paris. It will probably bo months boforo ho can uso il. lt will bo roniom- borod that sovoral years ago Dr. Stod¬ dard mot with a similar ncoidont in which his loft knoo was injured in much tho samo way. Dr. Stoddard had sufll- olontly recovered from this hurt to walk with oaso without tho aid of crutch or stiok. Added to this his general hoaltb has been bad. Altogothor Dr. Stoddard and his dovotcd wife desorvo and bavo tho universal sympathy of our pooplo undor their oft-ropoatod calamities." [Dr. and Mrs. Stoddard bavo tho sympa¬ thy of many friends in Walhalla. 1 Oil ldc ll M ii lunn (1. Tho following is tho oOleial acoro of tho gamo of ball bctweon Pel/.er and Walhalla, played on Pel/.er's grounds on Monday last: PKl./.wn- A.b. R. H.H. Guaitnoy, lb . ft 1 1 Darby, s. s. ft 1 2 Morgan, 2b. 4 1 2 Crawley, r. f. 4 1 8 Sanders, 1. f. 4 1 1 baldwin, c. f. 8 0 1 Moseley, .'lb. 4 2 1 Pel /.or, p. 1 0 1 Billson, e. :t o 1 Totals..:. 3d 7 13 WALHALLA- A.P. R. H.H. A. R. Dendy, c. ft 0 2 Heathers, cf. 4 0 tl Jesse C. Neville, p. I 0 0 J. [. Smith, lb. 4 1 2 J. F. Neville, Sb. 4 0 1 John Keith, r. f. I 0 1 Voyles, 1. f. 4 0 2 Hunter, 2b. I 1 1 Daly, s. s. 1 0 1 Totals. :17 2 10 Struck out-Py Neville 7, Pel/.or 1. Patter hit-Neville, 2. Double play-G uni lucy unassisted. Umpire-Plaire. Time of game 1.46. Scorers-J. H. Poid, T. C. Kolan. 'I'liiMti iM Appointed. At the last meeting of tho Count? Hoard of Education, Trustees woro ap pointed as follows, to-wit: Polmont, No. ftft-James O. Driscoll Andrew Hunter, W. E. Cillospio. Oak way, No. ft-J. A. Kubanks, L. A Edwards, J. O. H. Haloy. Mount Tabor, No. 10-J. A. Knox, W T. Tannery, Ed. S. Singleton. Cleveland, No. 12-John W. Hiles, J A. Mooro, W. P. Cleland. Novillo, No. 2ft-W. /.. Blanchott, Jobi Abbott, Joseph Kerr. Speed's (hook, No. 28-C. A. Mooro H. E. Cox, G. Oothran. Friendship, No. 20»-B. F. Mooro, W H. Phillips, J. C. Sears. Salon), No. 42-T. A. Grant, Miles A Moss, Henson Chapman. Ked Hill, No. 7:!-John Ed- wis, Wm Singleton, Wm. King. In all other districts tho former tins tees wore reappointed, W. M. Campbell, No. 28, and J. D Isboll, No. 2ft, woro disqualified on ac count of being County Commissioners and Posoy bottoms, No. ftft, on acooun of not being a qualhlod voter. In responso to a request to rule on th subject, tho board decided that thor were no lines, a person's rosidonco boiii| either wholly in or out of a district. The petition to form a now district ou of portions of Pair Play and South Unioi districts, was granted. V. F. MAUTIN, Chairman and Clork. A Plemtnnt Modul «Cvcnt. Ono of the most onjoyablo and soc in ovoids of tho season took placo at th elegant, and hospitable homo of Maj. am Mrs. Wm. J. Stribling, near Walhalla, oi Tuesday evening, .Hum ftth, from nine t< twelvo o'clock. Tho party was gi von h; Miss Mary Stribling, thoir pretty nm charming young daughter, in honor o her guests, Missos Kouiso Turnor am May do Jarnotto, of Eaton ton, Ga., wb aro paying thoir friend, Miss Mary, visit for a few days. At tho appointed hour tho young mo and maidens bogan to arrivo and wer shown into tho beautifully lighted parlo and drawing rooms, whore they woro ii troducod by Miss Mary to hor Georgi guests. After tho introductory services wer ovor tho young folks entered into th enjoyments of tho occasion, which coi slsted of music, games, social chat, Ac which contributed much to tho evening' entertainment. At au appointed fimo slips of papoi upon which tho names of tho youn ladies had been written, woro put into bat, and tho boys drew for their pri/.ei When all had drawn, they then procccdo with their partners into tho spaciou dining room, whoro elegant rofroslunont woro served. At tho close of this most intorostm part of tlio programme tho guests bega to dopnrt lo their respective homes, t dream of tho happy time they had spun with Miss Alary and her bright ami a< complishod young ladies of the Pinpa Slate of tho South. Tho occasion wi long live green and fresh in our momor; Tlio following aro tho names of tli young ladies present: Misses Sallio No ton, Mary Cherry, Hattie Boll MoCo lough, Anna Terlmno, Nannie Strothe Ino/. Schroder, Min Stribling, Anna Koli Ella Heid, Annie Maxwell, Pobeda Perrj Sallio Sholor, Mamie Ansel, Lidie. Koiti Daisy Kilburn, Julia Maxwell, Emm Merrick, Annie Pose mid Mice Strong. Tho following aro tho amos of tl young gentlemen present: Messrs. J. 'J Ashworth, S. C. Baker, J. J. Norton, Ja F. Novillo, lt. 0. Merrick, James Darb W. J. Novillo, Jr., G. M. Ansel, .Tann Ansel, W. J. Schroder, John E. bani night, Mack Neville, Jessio Maxwol Eugene. Hutchison, Jubo Strother, Dai Strother, Prank Maxwell, William Stril ling, Wesslo Terbium, Hugh Holloniai J. C. Hicks, J. G. Kaw, Jr., J. B. Dondy, I.udio Bronnook and Drosdon J Smith, Jr. * Hi A. Í4., .»ii. -_--? Fanners' Institute. The Farmers1 instituto of Ocow County will meet at Seneca, S. C., < July tho 2ftth, instead of at Walhalla, announced by circular lotter. By ord* of tho President, Homy H. Hart/.og. S< P. STUIIILINO, Chairman Exooutivo Committoo. OM»« t?*áutf|m<ioM **to*>éf' '.Vko Cascarela Condy Cathartic. 100.' or, 25c. If C, C. C. fell to ouro druggists rotund mOuoy. Th« Beardeu Reunion. Tuesday, Jase 28, waa a dny that wlil bo remembered by roany. The many kindred of grandmother Dearden au>i» lu uvlvbrato her 00th birth¬ day. - On arriving at tho old hom est omi, many had gathered, but you could se. >' pooplo coming in from ovory direotion to . /hum tho old homestead is acooBßlbl' until tho uumbor grow so "numerous that it mudo ono think of tho promiso made to Abraham concerning his seed. You could soo sons nnd daughters growing gray with years and thoir cares; you could BOO othors in tho vigor of mSuhood and womanhood; othors jusv growing into ibo Bamo, and tho little ono<J by tho »core, that furnished a greater part of tho muslo for tho day. Children present, .------10 Grand children prcBont, . - - - - 10 Groat grand eh lld ron prosont, - - - .¡13 Groat, groat grand ohiidrou prosont, - 8 Others, - -.12 Total numbor present, ... - 184 At a seasonable timo arrangomonts for dinner bogan and out of buggies, wagons aud other soureoB woio brought baskets, trunks Slid boxes, tho contents of which made a man fool tunny behind tho oars; but--voil-don't ask mo how I folt when I left tho table. I don't know why, but somehow those Oakv»ay pooplo hayo p-omothmg to eat and it always makes u man fool good to sit down at thoir tables and bettor whon ho gota up. Aftor all had participated to thoir satisfaction, and tho good womou had taken up that which remained, (Oh. my! It mado ono think of tho "twolvo haskel a full.) thoy called on us for somo devotional exor¬ cises. Aftor loading a «hort lesson from Psalm xvii, and giving a short commont, tho congregation sang that good old song, "How firm a foundation," and the writor lcd in prayor, aftor wbiob thoy sang "JOBUB lover of my soul," and it was delightful to BOO tho oxprossion of God'a lovo shown lu tho faco of that mother, whoso DOth birthday wo woro colobraling. Sho has boon a Christian for many years and hns novor rogrottod tho many days sho IUIB tried to honor her Christ, yet soo fcols she hns boon found wanting in many good works. What a pattern for those who must follow hor. A model of womanhood, a modol of vir¬ tue. Thc climax was mado completo by a short talk from cur vonorablo brotfior, Andrew McGuflln. Ho impresBod tho necessity of living right, that wo might bo ready whon tho "Death Angol" comos. It is pleasant, i m lc cd, to sit. nt his. foot nnd hoar him toll of Ins hopo in Christ and how ho lina tried to honor Him thoBO many years, Work on thou faithful one. ino darkness will fado away, And thou shalt ho glorified, In that bright and porfoot day. Tho congregation wns dismissed hy singing "Thero ÍB a beautiful latid." I boliovo ovary one went homo feeling it was good to bo thero and may it bo tho highest, desire of all who woro thore to win Christ and to know tho "l'owor of His i es ur ree iou." J. M. McGui mc. If yon have boon sick you will lind Boon's Sarsaparilla tho best medicino you can tako to givo you Appetite and strength and restore you to a condition of perfect health. Hood's pills euro nausea, sick head- aeho, billiousnoss and all livor ills, l'rico 25 cents. Proceedings of tho Democratic Execu¬ tive Committee IlHAnQUARTRRS OK TUR DRMOOBATIO ) BXROUTIVR COMMITTEE, [ WALHALLA, S. C., July 4th, 1808. ) Pursuant to a call of tho County Chair¬ man tho Executive Committoo mot nt tho Court House in Walhalla at 12.80 P. M. on July 4th, 1808. On motion, Mr, S. P. Stribling was unanimously elected Secretary of tho Committoo. Tho following resolution was offorcd and adopted : Resolved, That tho Executive Com¬ mitteeman from cadi Democratic Club furnish tho County Chairman with tho na nc of three suitable members of their respective Clubs who shall act as mana¬ gers at thoir ro8poctivo preoinots, such names to be furnished not later than tho 1st of August proximo. Aftor some gonoral discussion tho committoo adopted and prescribed an oflicial ballot upon which shall bo printed tho names of all tho candidates author¬ ized to bo votod for and tho samo dis¬ tributed to tho managers at oaoh election precinct; Provided, That this rulo shall not prohibit any candidate from having privato tickets printed if ho may so do- sivo. In order to moot tho necessary ex¬ penses of conducting tho county cam¬ paign tho following BOhodule of assess¬ ments woro adopted: Candidatos for Congress, each, $.'5.00; Houso of Représentatives, $1.00; Judge of ProbatO, 50 COllts; Superintendent of Education, (1.00; County Treasurer, $1.00; County Auditor, $1.00; County Supervisor, $1.00; and tim surplus, if any, bo prorated among tho defeated candidatos. That tho County Chairman appoint three poisons to wait upon and roceivo tho candidatos for Stato ofliccs on Au¬ gust tho 15th proximo. Tho Chairman appointed Messrs. S. P. Dendy, J. J. Hnloy and Jos. W. Sholor to constitute said committoo. On motion, tho following campaign mee! inga woro arranged for at tho fol¬ lowing named places on tho dates named bolow : Oakway, August Kith. Westminster, August 17th. Fort Madison, August 18th. Long Crook, August 10th. Double Springs, August 2()th. Choohoo, August 28a. Saloon, August 24th. High Falls, August 25th. Seneca, August 20th. It was also provided that any commu¬ nity desiring to hoar tho candidatos shall notify tho County Chairman who will lix tho ti mn for such mooting. All candidatos will bo required to pay thoir assessments and lllo their plodgoB with tho County Chairman to abide tho result and support Um nominóos of tho primary election, to ho hold on the 80th day of August and tho second primary on tho nth day of September, 1808, if necessary, on or boforo the mooting at Oakway, August Kith. On motion, it was ordered that three Township Commissioners ho voted for in ouch township by tho votors hereof, who, Uko other candidatos, will bo re¬ quired to file their pledge to abide by Um result ami support tho nominees of said olootions. On motion, tho County Chairman was requested to confer with tho County Chairmen of tho several counties of tho Third Congressional Dlstriot and have progressively arranged a series of cam¬ paign meetings to bo hold throughout tho District. On motion, tho Committoo adjourned subject to tho call of tho Chairman. C. lt. D. BUHN», County Chairman. S. P. STIMULI NO, Secretary. ARE YOU ' BANKRUPTin heáMi, constitution undermined by ex¬ travagance in catino;, by disre¬ garding the laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt's Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills an absolute cure. '.Uruna Jury Presentment, THK STACK OF SOUTH CAIIOIATÍA, ) COUNT/ Ct" OwKSS. } To Ills Jïonqr W. Ü. Benet, Judgo pre¬ siding in tho Eighth Judicial, Oirfiult, Wolhalla, S. 0,: .* The graud Jury, in making this its final f>ro8ontmont at tho preso&t term, hog cavo to unbuilt- Firstly, Tln'.fc they passod upon all tho hills of indictment handed out to them hy tho .Solicitor and made roport thereon to tho Court. Secondly, That wo havo, by speolal commit len appointed, visited tho county tail and poor bonne, and aro gratifiée* to »o nblo to roport both thoao institutions in good condition, and find plcasuro in commending tho satisfactory manage¬ ment of tho same. Thirdly, In regard to tho condition of the puhlio roads of tho county, wo beg to say that, while all are not lound in as good condition as wo would liko thom, yet wo believe that tho Supervisor has done tho best that he could do with tho limited means at his disposal, i Fourthly, Wo again renew our rocom- moudatlon that t hero should bo a suit a- bio jail building provided for the county with conveniences to enable tho jailor to koop separate tho races and 80X08. Fifthly. Wo recommend that those Magistrates of tho county, who havo not brought thoir books to tho County Com¬ missioners, bo requested to do oo boforo tho next, term of court. Sixthly. Complaint han boon mado to us against mattie FraVJy and Ev!o Frady for disorderly conduo't and disturbing tho poaco and morality of tho community, and tho nninos of li. F. O'Kolly, Curtis Haines and Jenn MhMor us witnesses to prove tho samo. Sovonthly, In conoluslon wo bog to ro- turn thanks to tho presiding Jungo for tho courtesies shown UB and tho So'ioltor for tho assistitnen rendered ns ip the dis¬ charge of our duties. Respectfully, C. M. NiBT.n, Foreman. Bitcklon's Arnica Salve. Tho host salvo in tho world for outs, bruises, Borso, ulcers, salt rhoum, lo vcr sores, tottor, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi¬ tively cures piles, or no nay roquirod. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction, or nionoy rofundod. Frico 25 cont« nor box. For salo by D. H. Darby, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Soncca, and ll. B. Zim¬ merman, Westministor. OUR SENECA BÙDKET. 0ONÇUOTBD BT M. K. S. SBNKOA, S. C., July 5.-Monday, July 4th, pnsBcd without any marked demon¬ stration of patriotism. Tho nogroos, however, thronged tho stroot«. Tho Newry baso ball team carno to Seneca ono day last wook and played against tho second niuo of this placo. Tho scoro Btood 20 to 8 in favor of Seneca. The Bamo tennis played again Monday at Nowry, Soncca again hoing victorious, tho scoro hoing 10 to 0. Mrs. Julia M. Johnson commenced on Monday teaching a Kindergarten. lt will continuo during tho summer. Mrs. Johnson is teaching at tho Kcowoo Hotel. Doth tho littlo twin girls of Hov. and Mrs. W. S. Ilamitor died tho latter part of last week, and ovorybody of courso fools much sympathy ior tho paronta. Mr. Ti E. Dickson spent sovoral days of last week and this with his family, returning to Columbia Monday. Miss Julia Deo, of Greenwood, who is visiting Miss Clara Livingston, had tho misfortune to fall from a bicycle Friday and sustained BOHÍO slight injuries. Sho was unconscious for sovoral hours, Messrs. Dresdon A. Smith, Jr., .Tosso Maxwell and William Stribling, of Wal¬ halla, wore In town Sunday. Mrs. L. W. Caroy and children, after remaining sovoral months at Lockhart, aro again at Soncca. Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery aro tho happy parents of a fine boy, who arrived on Saturday. Mr. Kobort Cignilliat is in'town, filling a position at tho dopot. Mrs. Jenkins, of Texas, with hor chil- dron, visited her sislor, Mrs. J. W. Strib¬ ling, Inst wook. Mr. W. D. Holland, who has boon dorking in tho »toro of M. W. Coleman & Co., is spending tho month of July at tho homo of his parent s in Hart county, Georgia. Miss Mario Hilliard, of Andorson, has been visiting Miss Mary Cherry. Messrs. J. II. Adams and J. W. Byrd attended court at Walhalla this wook. Messrs. B. F. Sloan and W. S. Huntor wont to Walhalla on Monday. Dr. John Hopkins is having tho old atoro building on tho cornor of his lot torn down and moved away. Messrs. James H. Brown, Jr., and Fred. McCarloy havo positions ns night operators with tho Southern Railroad in Georgia, Dr. J. O. Lindsay, of Duo Wost, spout Sunday in Seneca. Tho rcsidonco of Mr. T. M. Lowery is being painted afresh. Thoro aro a numbor of summor hoard¬ ers at thu Coonee Inn, of whioh Mr. Clarence E. Ellison is proprietor. ROBBED THE CRAVE. A startling incident," of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was tho subject, is narrated hy him ns follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yollow, oyo» sunken, tongue coated, pain contiuaily in back and sides, no appotito-gradually grow¬ ing woakor day by day. Throo physi¬ cians bad given mo up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Kio'trio Bitters,1 and to my groat joy and surpriso, tho first bottle mado a decided improvement. I continued their uso for tinco weoks and am now a woll man. I know they saved my lifo and robbed tho gravo of another victim. No on o should fail to try thom. Only 50 cents por bottle at J. W. Boll's, Walhalla, W. J. Lunnoy's, So¬ ncca, and H. B. Zimmorinann's, West¬ minster, drug stores. Tugnloo Bots. TUOAI.OO, S. C., July f>.-Wo had a delightful rain yesterday afternoon, which has greatly revived vegetation. Prospects aro favorable, at this writing, for a gonoral rain, which is badly needed. It Booms that tho drought has not had any ofl'oct on tho growth of candidatos. Appearances aro now that thoro will bo a full crop. Thoro was quito a pleasant party on Long's Hill rocontly in honor of E. Poroy Long, John H. Long and Frank Droifus, of Greenville. Two of Walhalla'» fair¬ est and loveliest young /adios, Missos Doanio Seaborn and Carrie Koith, graced and honored tho occasion with thoir charming presence. Messrs. Bob Kay and Judge Ashworth, two popular candidatos, worn winning votes in tills BOOtton recently. Tho ninny friends of Krank Droifus rogrotted vory much to soo him loavo for his homo in Greenville lost week. Wo fear that "Dago" loft at least ono young lady'» palpitater In an abnormal condi¬ tion. Krank, they say you must como again. Messrs. IO. l'eroy and John H. Long, aftor a short visit to friends in this sec¬ tion, will causo many regrets at thoir leaving for their homo in Croenvillo to¬ morrow. S. IL Marett, Esq., had a reunion of his numerous and interesting fnmily*yos- terdav. Regret wo cunno*, give parti¬ culars. Tho Humorous friends of Col. W. H, Sheldon still hopo ho will he a candidato for legislativo honors. , T. Tho merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla ls literally written in blood. It is traced in tho vital fluid Of millions of the human raco. Hs posllivn medicinal merit And curativo power is written Upon tho hearts, and graven upon Tho mind» of thousands Of people whom it has cured And glvon good health Whoa .boro seemed nothing boforo Thom but darkness and despair. It cures all diseases arifdng Krom or prompted by Impure Blood by itu intrinoio merit ns Tho Ono True Blood Purifier. Tho fltoamer "Surf City" was Btruok hy n squall about half a milo off her wharf at Bovorly, Mans., on July 4th. She was making a plcasuro oxoursion trip and had on about Blxty passongers, twonty of whom woro drowned. A num¬ bor of bodies wore reoovored, tfntlnwiwi fey M<í»rt Olicat». Our*d tow OR. MILKA' HEAftT OUUE. MB. 0.0. BHULTS, of Wlntorsot, Iowa, inventor arid manufacturer Ot tn mit ;j* Bafoty Whlfllotroo Coupling, írritos of Dr. Milos' Hoart Ouro. "Two years apo an attack of LaOrlppo loft mo with a v.o'ik heart. I hud ran down in flesh «to more »kia and bono. I could not sloop lying down for smothering spoils; frequont sharp darting pains and palpitation caused a con« étant fear of sudden death, nothing could Induce mo to remain awuy from homo over sight. My leeajl physician proscrlb&u D¿> Miles' Heart furo aud In a fow days I was able to sloop well and tho trains gradually lossonod, and finally coasod. I reduced tho tho doses, having gained Ofteen pounds, and »rn now fooling bettor Inovory^aTjyttmnl Dr. Mlles* Rouiodte) <tj>f>''ÍV5M| aro sold by nil aT8" ByV^f^JJ^j \H bonuflta or monoy re- oaucu of tho hoart and Hfe&?*lre^]JflBi norvcafroo. Addross, MRHMMMMHHB DH. MILKS MEDIOALOO., Elkhart, Ind. OUR WEOTINSTERJUDGET. coisninrricn nv A. T.. OOSSKTT. WKSTMINSTKU, S. O., July 0.-Mr. W. B. Barton, of Oiconvillo, S. C., ropro- sonting an insurance Company of Now York City, ls in town to-day. .loo Brown, colored, killod a rattlo- snako Saturday about a milo from boro which bad eight rattles and a button. Hov. Thoa. H. Loitoh and Mr. Fred. Marshall wont homo last Monday to rest a wook or ton days. Tho formor resides in Charleston, S. C., tho lattor at Blob- burg, in Chester, County, fi, C., Yostorday afternoon a lino Jorsoy cow (minnering tn Mr. W. C. MaSOU W.1S killed by lightning. Prof. J. W. Caines attondod tho Stato Teachers' Association, which mot at Har¬ ris Lithia Springs last woek. Ho will travel in tho interest of bis school until tho fall session opons. Mr. and Mrs. C. 15. Mason, who have bcon in Westminster tho past two weeks, attending tho Loltch mooting, rel urned to thoir nomo at Toccoa, Qa., last Mon day. Tho young ladies of our town gavo an ico cream festival for the young men at Mr. J. S. Carter's residoncé last Tuesday evening;, July 5th, from 'till 12 o'clock. Arrangements liad boon inado for lt to como otT in Mr. Carter's beautiful lawn, but tho rain forbid it hoing hold there. Moro than llfty Invited guests woro pre¬ sent. It was quito a nico affair and al: had a gay time. Much enko and ieo cream woro served in tho dining room. Tho ladies have tho hearty thanks of all for this troat. Mr. William bibb sowed forty-three bushels of wheat last fall on forty-four aoros. Tho grain was of tho "Fuloastor" variety. Last week he threshed out six hundred and twenty bushels. Mr. bibb says tho whoat sown cost $43. Ho usoil $60 worth of fertilizers and tho cost of making tho whoat, that is, ploughing it in, otc, amounted to' $40; cost of har¬ vesting it $20, making a total stun of $168. Ho says tho straw has boon esti¬ mated to bo worth $35. Tho price of wheat is uncertain now, but Mr. bibb says it will boat raising cotton. Ho will havo seed wheat for salo this fall. Miss Hattie Norris carno homo from Mariotta, Qa., last Saturday toapond tho Bummer. Tho following gontlomon from olso- whoro attended tho young ladies' icu cream festival last night: M. C. barton, Fair Piny; Franco Cartor, Wost Union: -Cray ton, Anderson;-Jones, of Atlanta; J. W. Lesley, Henry Vernor, Botr oat; John Hull, Fort Madison. Tho series of revival mootings, which havo boon in progross in Westminster nearly two wcokn, olosod on Sunday night, July 3d. Evangelist Leitch proached twonty-oight Hormons in all and appeared to bo as strong whoo tho mooting ended as ho was when it began. Ho choso for his last sermon, "And tho door was «hut,'* MattilOW 25, 10. After an earnest appeal he gavo an opportunity for ovory one to mako a confession and scores wont up and gavo tho proachor thoir band. Tho congregations woro vory attontivo at each service and nt vor complained for being kept there longor than a sorvico is commonly hold. It is boliovod that our town and community havo boon groatly uplifted spiritually ami that much good will como out of Mr. Loitch's sermons. 'Mr. John Couch brought the (irst county raised watormolons to this mar¬ ket. Misses Hattio and Nannio Stewart, of Fairview, Qroonvillo county, aro visiting Mrs. W. C. Mason and other rolativos in Wostminstor. Tho drought is brokon and tho muoll- nooded rain carno yostorday afternoon. For over an hour and a half thoro was a steady downpour, and our pcoplo, farm¬ ers especially, aro happier than thoy have been sinco earlier in tho spring. Mr. Houry L. Singleton, who has hoon in school at Poosvillc, S. C., carno homo last Wodnosdny. Constipation can bo cured easily and certainly by tho uso of Dr. Ptorco's Pleas¬ ant Pollots. Thoy aro porfcotly simple -porfoctly safe. Thoy aro not at all vlolont in thoir action, and yot they aro moro cortain than many medicines which aro so strong that they put tho system about of oidor. Tho groat advanlago of tho "Pleasant .Pollets" is that they ouro permanently. You don't have to koop on taking thom. You don't ae- quiro a "pollot habit/' as in using othor pills. Tako thom regularly for a while, and you aro oared permanently. After that, tako thom only whon you lind your¬ self suffering from indigestion. Thoro aro many medicines offered for tho samo purpose on which druggists mako a biggor profit. For this reason, somo druggist would rather soil tho other things. If your own health lt> of more importance to you than tho druggist's prosperity, you will insist on having what you ask for. ----4 . fe--- --? Oakway and Tookana Bots. TOKKKNA, S. C., July 4.-lt has been a mouth since wo had a good rain, but tho crops aro looking well and if rain falls in a few days there will bo a lino corn crop in this community. ltov. J. F. Singloton preached an In¬ teresting and instructivo sornion at Cross Hoads Sunday ovoning. Tho holy tlanco Is gotting to bo a regu¬ lar feature in tho worship of Cod with somo of tho Wesleyan Methodist«. Thoy claim that they havo Spiipturo for it and that they aro lod by tho Holy O host to danoo. Mir,» Joaio Bcardon, who has been at. Newry for tho past month, was at homo Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. H. L. brown and his mother aro Visiting relative:; and friends in Ulbert county, Ca. Misses Clara Crooks and Stölln Cole, of Polzor, who have boon visiting rolativos and friends in this county, returnod homo Saturday. Mr. W. A. Singloton bogan à two 1110111118' school at Tekoona to-day. School will oommonco at Oakway noxt Monday. Messrs. A. M. and Pruo Skolton, of Andorson, woro among friends nt Oak¬ way Sunday nfternoon. '1 boro will bo an all-day singing at Oak¬ way on tho third Sunday. Several pro¬ fessors from Georgia aro nxpectod. Kvorybody is invited to attond and hiing i woll-flUod baskots, NHD Tom». . ? . IS WUiL CONICAIN SOM« In Next Issue of this Paper -VSTA. x e i i i rr i CARTER COMPANY, (SUCCESSORS TO CÀB'PKR MERCHANDISING..) WALHALLA, S. C. J. & J. S. GARTER, SUCCESSORS TO- Carter Merchandise Co., Westminster, S. C., WILL, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS ONLY, SELL GOODS FOR CASH/ REGARDLESS OF WHAT THEY1 COST, Thoy uro dotormiuod to roduco thoir stook, mid tho way to do it is to slash prices below any competitor. Just look »»t A few of tho ninny bargains thoyhavo to offer: Silk Finish Mull, worth 20o., will go for 10o. : Figurod Lawn, worth 20c. will go for 10.: Figurod Lawn, worth lOo., will go for 60. ; All-wool Albotrons, worth 25o.,' will go for lOo. ; Straw Hats, worth $1.50, will go for öBo. ; Straw Hai», worth $1.00, will go for 75o. ; Straw Hate, worth 50o. ; will go for 25o. ; Clothing below atoy fcr- mor prlco; Suits worth $15, for $10; Sui tr worth $8.50. for $5: Suits worth $5, for $3; other Clothing in proportion. Soo thoir Notion Dopartmont-Silk Mitts, worth 50o., for 25o.; Silk Mitts, worth 25o., for lOo; Good Collars, Ties, .T. S¿ jr. ®. Holts and othor goods in proportion. Shoos and Slippers will go ivt a groat sacrifloo-SHpnors 'worth OOeV fer ÇOc; Slippors worth $1, forÓOc», Slipiiors worth $2.50, for $1.05; Ladles' Shoos worth $4. for $2.25; Hamilton-Brown $2.50 Ludios' Shoos for $1.05. Thoy havou'fc space or toll of, all thoir bargains, but will offor groat bargains in all goods thoy carry, snob as Fuvnituro, Ilardwnro, Crookory, Glass¬ ware, and oven Groceries-tho knlfo will slañli through al!. You oan got moro Moat,. Coff oe, Flour, Ham and Lard for your money than any- whoro CIBO. (Jomo and bring your monny, and you will not ho disappointed. £f5f° Romombor tho Placo- O .A. J3i TP ÏÏÎ I?» . N OW IS THE TIME TO SOW PEAS and wo can furnish you with seed. ALSO, tgrA&mm &wmm&9 SWIÄAW Cool Coats, Thin Lawns, Mosquito Netting, Fans, AND LOTS OF OTHER SUMMER GOODS. YOURS TRTTIJY, . W. Coleman & Co., P. S.-Now lot of R. & G. SUMMER CORSETS. .Juno 23, 1.808. Lowery, Byrd & Co. -APPRECIATE- YOUR TRADE, EITHER IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES, AND INVITE YOU TO CALL AND EXAMINE THE HA RC AI NS THEY ARE OFFERING IN WHITE GOODS REMNANTS AT SIX TO TEN CENTS PER YARD. YOU WILL SE SURPRISED WHEN YOU SEE THE QUALITY. To tho farmers of Oconoo thoy want to show their GRAIN CRADLES and HEEL SWEEPS boforo you buy. I lave you used a VICTOR SWEEP ? If not, call and buy one or moro and try thom. If you havo usod it you know what it is-not tho cheapest, hut Olio of tho host Plows you can buy. WE SELL YOU EVERYTHING AT REASONABLE PRICES. ». CALL OFTEN. Lowery, Byrd & Co., May 12, 1808. SISIVISO.^, ». O, -THF -- GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DONE. Exchango sold, Collections promptly mado. .1. W. STHIBLING, 4-21-08-ly Cashier. War, War, MAkWMMMm GFNFKAL BANKING BUSINESS. Doposits received, Exchango sold, Col¬ lections promptly made 4-21-08-ly W. Ii. II E H T 10 It, Manager. Popular Summer and Winter Resort. Special attention to thc comfort of guests. Commodious Kooma. Klornnt ['aro. 4-21-08~ly Is thc subject now discussed, hut that does not hinder mo from ¡ wanting to sell goods. Wo aro not all going to war, and I am propared to sorvo my custe** >; with a splondid lino of goods. . Now is tho timo to buy your ROES. Tho prices arc: Boys', 21 coals; 0 and 0.) inch, '¿5 couts; 7 inch, 20 cont», and 71 inch, 27 couts. I havo a lot of WHEEL BAR- KOWS, Iron Wheel, Jacob's Latest l'atout, that I want to cloHO out at $1.50« I ohallenge Oconoo County on my lino of Cheap and Medium Summer Shoos for Ladios and Children. I havo a full lino of tho Clarke & Cobnary's splondid make. Don't, fail to »00 thom boforo making your purchase. I havo a splendid lino of Organ¬ dies and Lawns, both Colored, Figured mid white. Also a good lot of Embroideries. Hiing all your IToduooand I will pay you host market prices. Don't, forgot that my torms aro cash, or Its oquivalont, and ono prlco, oxcopt unseasonable Or hard stock goods. I assuro you your past patronago has boon appreciated. Yours truly, L. G. CRAIG, SENECA, S. 0, Execution They Will Do. KRUPP'S CANNON aro nowhoro when compared with our Insect Powder Guns, j and tho latter much cheaper. Don't buy a Krupp Cannon for $1,000,- 000 when you can buy ono of our Guns for ton cents. Insect Powder.5 Couts Por Ounce. l'ariB (hoon._5 Oonls Pot Cunen. Inscriptions Carefully Filled Day or Nighí. BvUIli-EiKNC} SENECA, S. C. May 20,1808, SH-iy

Transcript of Keowee courier.(Walhalla, S.C.) 1898-07-07. · F. Corbin mid posso '.nado anothersuccessful raid at...

Page 1: Keowee courier.(Walhalla, S.C.) 1898-07-07. · F. Corbin mid posso '.nado anothersuccessful raid at Brasatown onTuesdaylast. Thoy cap¬ tured two copnor stills, with outfits to each

LOCAL iVí r%i "7"«OM.Tho l'rosbytorlon onuroh haareovutly¿¿ boon recovered.

Ok Mr. Vira. C. Rochester, in tue proud. f»thor o* * baby girl.£Ç njni. Ohas. Wood and baby, of Ander¬son, niQ,vlsltlug in aud near Walhalla.Mrs. W) J. Nix, of Columbia, is on a

visit to her fathor, Mr. O. K. Maxwell,m(\ and family.

Prof. Wobt. u. Slnglotou will conductnu all-day sluging at Poplar Springs nextSunday, July 10.

Parties falling to roeoivo their papersregularly will cbnfor a favor by notifyingus of tho samo.

Dr. Fahuostook will bo lu ld« offtonovory Monday, Tuesday and Saturdayuutil furthor notice

Air. Alex. Ivostor aud daughtor, Daisy,of AndoiBon, visited rolativos In audnear Walhalla this week,

(tuite a number of young pooplo wontto Tunnel Hill last Friday night to picnicThoy roport a pleasant timo.Mr«. Capt. Wm. G. Smith, of Collina

V- bia, is visiting hor daughtor, Mrs. N. L.Fant, in Walhalla, this wook.Foe SALK-Sot of coiled hoop maohin-

ory. Apply to J. ll. Bbnnklin, Sonoca,or G. Shanklin, Riohland, S. C.Mr. Will Townos, of Atlanta, aud Mr.

II. Koith Townos, of Greonvlllo. visitedrelativos in Walhalla Cds week.

Miss Ida Fowls, of Mount Ploasant. S.G., is spending tho summor in Walhalla,Stopping with Prof. J. M. Moss.

Miss Kinma Morriok loft on Wodncs-_dn>y last for Gainesville, Ga., whoro abo

will spond BOHÍO timo visiting rolativoB.Prof. Hobt; li. Singloton will bogin a

school of musio in tho Wost Union Bap¬tist eh uroll on Friday morning, July IB.Cuito a number of young pooplo on-

joyed a pleasant danco at Reid's HallWednesday night in honor of visitingyoung ladles.Hov. Atkinson, of Six Milo. PickoiiB

county, will bogín n protraetod mootingnt Poplar Springs Raptist ehuroh on tho(iltli Sunday nicht in this month.Misses Julia and Maggie and Mr. John

Brandt, of Walhalla, spent last weekvory pleasantly at tho homo of Mr. F. II.Brandt, nt Rear Swamp.

Mrs. Essie Taylor, accompanied by hordaughtor Carrie, of Florida, is ou a visitto her mother, Mrs. Katherine Smith,i"* and sister, near Walhalla.Wo aro ploasod to notico that Mrs.

Frances Church, of Floronco, S. C., ls inour town. Sho is visiting hor niece, Mrs.C. W. Fratt, on Faculty Hill.Miss I.euora Hubbard, accompanied byher nophow, John Will Hubbard, in

spending somn timo in Walhalla, stop¬ping at Mrs. A. C. Morrick's.

It is now roportod that a strong Span¬ish licet, with 10,000 troops, has Bailedfor Manila. Moro moat for Dowey-howon't do a thing to that Spanish Hoot.

.1 inigo W. C. Ronot, of Charleston, J.C. Tarnook. Stenographer, of Columbia,.las. A. MoCollough, Esq., of Greenvillearo stopping at Ulomaiin's Hotel, on Fac¬ulty Hill.Tho lino of ladies' shirt waists, skirt*

and undorwoar, shown hy M. W. Colo-man «fe Co., is vory pretty and thcprices attractive Shirt waists, 2.r>o.Ready mndo skirts only fiOeMr. N. T,. Davis is circulating amoiiR

his Walhalla fi louds again, aftor spend¬ing a week visiting rolativos in other pat hof tho county. Wo think "Nat" misses rfriond or two s'neo his return,

Hartwell Sun. "Misses Joasio amFlora Norris, two beautiful and accompllahcd young ladies of Westminster, SC., woro visiting relatives in tho city, amattending tho instituto thin wook."

If you want goods at and below cosfor tho next thirty days only, call on ,1& J. S. Carter, Westminster, S. C. Thojaro determined to rcduco their stockDargalna will do it. Soo their advertisemont.* M. W. Coleman it Co. aro showing aielegant lino of summor shoos in all tinprevailing colors, amt their linc of summer clothing and nec,r ear is hard tiboat. Givo thom a call and you will noregret lt.Missus Kata Roll and Bossio Mickle

loft fov Clayton, Ga., last Saturday mornlng to mako an extended visit. Tho;woro Accompanied by Mr. .lube Strotheand Mister Douglas Seaborn, who roturned Monday ovoning.

' Doputy Marshal W. B. F. Corbin am

posso captured a still and fixtures InsSaturday On Changa. They dostroyeisix hundred gallons of boer and arreste*Jack Albortson, who was brought hWalhalla and lodged in jail.

Just arrived-a littlo Amorican cavairy gcnoral, on July Uh, at Mr. G. WHayes's homo. Wo predict that inshort wliilo tho littlo gcnoral will havonough littlo comrades around hero tmuster a troop to light tho Spanish.

Mrs. J. C. Cork and children, of liennothsvillo, S. C., aro visiting tho familof her fathor, Capt. J. C. Novillo, oWest Union, and other roll »ives in thcounty. Mrs. Cork has many friends iiOconco who aro always glad to soo hoiTho United Confederate Veterans' A>

sociation will moot in Atlanta July 20-2Íami it promises to bo ono of tho largosmcolingH tho Association has evor heh]Tho citizens of Atlanta arc hard at worlnnd will do their host, to make tho ohveterans havo a good time

J. & J. S. Carter, successors to Cai toMerchandise Company, Westminster, ardetermined to rednco their largo sloe!of goods. Soo their ndvortisemont. 1

^moans business ami so do they. Tho** havo ovory thing you went. Call and sethom and yon will savo molloy.

Prof. II. C. Singleton will opon a schocat ConnouosB on Monday, .Inly ll. Thpooplo of that community have rocontlcompleted a splendid school buddieopposite tho Conncross Raptist churoand aro to bo commended for their ontoipriBo in this important lino.Nowborry Herald and Nows: "lion. (

R. 1). Ruins, of Walhalla, was in No«bony on Saturday for a few hours angave us a pleasant call. Tho people cGoonoo should sond him back to tho I,ejinlaturo. Ho is an intelligent and activmcmbor and is woll equipped to do hiState good sorvico."

Mrs. ii. H. Rrandt entertained htfriends last Wcdnosday at hor homo, thoccasion hoing tho anniversary of hrbirthday. Mrs. Rrandt knows how tmake things pleasant for old friends anall enjoyed tho day. At night tho yotinpooplo hold high carnival till a late hom(lancing and amusing themselves :games.

Mr. W. F. Harbor, of Hartwell, fiahas recently completed a neat eotta»residence for Mrs. Mary 10. Bauknighlt is ono of the prettiest houses in towtMr. Harbor is a (Ino workman. Ho wisoon have tho beautiful residence of MiA. C. Merrick completed. He now hatho contract to finish Mr. C. W. Pitclford's store

Misses Bullio and Helen Moss returne.home last Thursday evening, after boinabsent for about a year. They ïavbeen students in tho Mei.munger RigSchool, of Charleston, during their stawith their sister, Mrs. Dr. .1. W. Bowelof Mount Ploasant. They aro groat!pleased with their school and speak oflu the highest terms. Their many friendaro glad to welcome thom homo again.

Mr. .lames Fisher, a well-known cit/on of this county, and who, until abmayoar ago, resided In Jocnssoo Vallojdied in Texas on .lune 18tb, of cancor rtho face Mr. J'lHhor was a good oitizeand clover gentleman and bad seores <friends boro, who will regret to hear <bis death. Ho was advanced in lifo anfor tho past fow years ho bad neongroat sulToror from au incurable n.Hoas

* Prof. J, S. Jennings, of Horse CovN. C., paid ns a ploasant oat! on Thurday last. Wo aro glad to loam that IContemplates becoming a permanent eilzen of Goonoo, Ho will assumo chargetho School at Oakway in November,which place ho intends inaugurating tlgraded school system. Mr. Jenningsan r.xpoi ioiieod teacher, having commeed a limn .liiny; school at Dcmorest, Gifor oight years, besides hoing Idontifliwith other schools of prominence fycarB past. Wo bespeak for him gresuccess in his now ontorpriso and liojat no distant day to soo him at tho herof a nourishing sohool and to wolconhim as a pormanont olti/on of Goonoo,

'2«(0» iînUio JuiiiiBon, of Ooujfcrfti» .'yiM jon a violt to Mrs. K. Hdudonla^t wook.Mrs. tí. T. «rovo witt daughter, Loulso,

?re vHtixîs? rcïa*Ivw .iu Anderson-.this)wook.Col. E. W. Byrura has fluiehod wakingbrlok for tho Pitchford atoro. Ho ni?do

over 000,000.Mia. Martha Marrott, of Atlanta, Qa.,ls visiting hot daughter, Mrs. J. H. Karly,

».nd family.Hov. D. P. Bonrdou will preach at Wolf

Make ohuroh on tho third Sunday In thismooth at 11 o'olock A. M.Minson Lila and Josslo Strlbling, of

Pone loton, aro visiting thoir cousin, MissRoxtn Rold, this wook.Prof. Jamos M. Moss will tako chargeof tho L'ohool att Oakway on Monday,

'.".'y 11* ..m! t,vu i H nu foi vnu moulut».A protruotod mooting will hogin nt

Fairvlow ohuroh on tho fourth Sundayin this month and continuo i brough thowook.Miss Louise Turnor and Miss May do

Jarnotto, of Katontou, Ca., aro visitingthoir friend, Miss Mary Stribbug, nearWalhalla.Mr. Fred. VouLoho, wifo and baby, of

St. Goorgos, aro visiting bis motbor,Mrs. J. C. VoaliOho, and family, noarWalhalla.Mrs. J. R. Smith returned to hor homo

in Laurons county thia morning. Showaa accompanied by hor dnughtor, Mrs.J. h. Daniel, and baby.Cbioknmauga Letter in Greenwood

Index: "Cludmors IlughoB, who ismember oí tho band, te íjulto îïî." Chamors has many friends in Walhalla whohopo for his spoody recovery.Capt. Robt. S. Thompson was oom-missfonod Juno li), and has bcon ordorod

to report to hi:: linnell of tho SIM vice atJnoksonvilio, Fla. Ho will no doubt bonttaohod to Gon. LCO'B corps.Tho many friends of Mr. M. C. Scuborn

will rcgrot to learn of his illness. 1 To hasboon conflnod to his room about a wook.Vi'«. mû gltid to bo libio to announcethnt bo is improving and hopo soon toseo him out again.Mr. John J. Smith, a gontlomnn woll

nnd favorably known to tho peoplo ofOconeo county, is visiting his many rela¬tives and friotuls in Walhalla this wook.Ho is from llartwoll, Ga., whoro ho linsboon living for sovoral months.Major Hcnj. Sloan, Professor of Matho-

matics in tho South Carolina College,Columbia, was in Walhalla for a fowdays last wook on business and visitingrelatives and frionds. Ho is tho samecultured and pleasant gentleman that hoovor was.

Nowspapordom utters this bit of truth:"Novor judgo a poison by his outsidenppoaranco. A shabby old coat may en¬wrap a nowspapor publisher, winlo aman wearing a high plug hat and sport¬ing a gold-headed cane may bo a delin¬quent subscriber."Dopu'y Marshal W. I>. F. Corbin mid

posso '.nado another successful raid atBrasatown on Tuesday last. Thoy cap¬tured two copnor stills, with outfits toeach ono, and destroyod about twothousand gallons of boor mid low wines.No arrest« woro madeTho Hon. Julius E. bogga, of Piokons,is announced this week for Congross.

Mr. Hoggs is too well known to need anyrecommendation at our hands. Ho is athorough gentleman, an able lawyer andin every way capablo of discharging thoduties of Congressman,Greenwood Journal: "Clad to seo tho

smiling face of Mrs. Prof. Cork. Shopassed through going to Walhalla for thosummer. Prof. Cork is tho successfulsuperintendent of tho bennittsvilleGrnded .School. Wo would bo pleasedto seo thom in our town again."Tho long drought has at last boon

broken by copious showers falling overtho county. Wo trust that tho rains willdo a great deal of good in reviving vege¬tation and causing tho corn and cottonand other field crops to yield their usualamount of fruitage

Ex-Sheriff B. F. Douthit, of Wost)Union, sowed five bushels of wheat oilold ground last fall, and has harvestedSM.} bushels of good wheat from saidsowing. Ho has also gathored ono hun¬dred bushels of line oats. Our goodfriend has, thcroforo, plenty of food forman and beast.Charlie Johnson, colored, wdio escapedfrom tho chain gang in January last, was

captured by Deputy Sheriff II, lt. Moss,at Mayesville, Ga., last Saturday andbrought to Walhalla Sunday and lodgedjail. Ho has about six months toservo yot. This was tho second limoJohnson escaped.Messrs. Jess Novillo, bao Dendy, Jas.

Darby, Jas. I. Smith, Jas. F. Novillo,John H. Keilli, Jas. Thompson, it. Q.Merrick, Thoa. R. Keith, J. B. Reid amiPoliceman Dickson, of Walkalla, attendedtho ball gnmo at Dol/.or last Monday.Messrs. Voylos ami Leathors, of theWestminster team, played with tho Wal¬halla boys.On Tuesday morning just as tho clonk

in tho Lutheran church steeple ntl licktwelve, a vivid Hash of lightning wasseen, followed by a loud report. Thebolt struck tho Fischossor monument intho Lutheran comotory, about four inchesfrom the top. No damage was «IOHO,tho lightning running down tho shaftand entering tho ground at tho base, onlyleaving a scorched streak down thoglazed granite sido.On Sunday last Kiley Mooro and his

nephew, Jerry Mooro, got into a diffl-culty, on Rich Mountain, and Kiley shotat Jorry with a shot gun. Jorry suc¬ceeded in getting tho gun away from iliaopponent and used it as a club, strikinghim on tho hoad and face and bruisinghim up pretty badly. Kiley's nose wasbroken and his countenance otherwisedisfigured. Doth men woro drunk. Noarrests havo been made.Mrs. Barbara Burkholdor died on

Tuesday, July f>, at tho home of hor son-in-law, Mr. I. Coode, near Walhalla.Sho was 87 years old, and had boonconsistent member of tho Monuonitnchurch for 05 years. Her remains worolaid to rest in West View comotory.Mrs. Hurkholdor carno to .South Carolinafrom Indiana in 'Silt) with tho family ofhor son-in-law. Tho bereaved familyluivo tho sincero sympathy of manyfriends.


lixmiiiiififiou of Applicant*.Thoro will bo an examination of ap¬plicants for tho two vacant scholarships

in the Winthrop Normal and IndustrialCollege from this county on Friday,July 15th, at 0 a. m., at tho Court House.

V. F. M A u ri N,County Superintendent Education.

(VCW C.'llllllilllllt'M.

For Congress: Hon. A. C. Lat!mor andRon. J. Fi. Hoggs; for Representativos,Major S. I'. Dendy and lion. J. L. Smith;for Superintendent of Kdiiontion, I'rof.John Ii. MeWhortor; for Troasuror, W.eldridge White; for Supervisor, Na¬thaniel Phillipa.?---

«Ol euee 4'.il) ItfOlliri'hodiî.

Tho annual mooting of tho OconeoCounty brotherhood will meet at Comicross church on Friday, the 5th «lay ofAugust next, nt ll a. m. Tho membership is earnestly requested to attend.

Tues. Ullin, President.J. ll. SANDKUS, Soorotary.July 7, 1HÎIS.

A Iliu llmliftli.bast spring in tho distribution of seeds

from tho Agricultural Department atWashington, tho COURIKR gavo Mr. Jas.Johnson, living ie Coonee county,package of radish seed. Ho informs usthis wook that ho baa gathered fromthese seed a while, radish which weighedfour pound:-, and measured eight or teninches in longth.1 ppolnlmi'lll of i>< I. /¡i'«< 'i.

The appointment of tho following com¬rades as delegates from Camp Haskell,No. 815, U. C. V., tc attend tho re-unionto he hold in Atlanta, Ga., 20th to 24thof July instant, is hereby announced, to-Wit: W. A. Strother, lt. V. II. Lowery,S. P. Tannery, Wm. Bibb. J. J. Kolthund V.F.Martin, ThOBO announcementsdo not exclude ethers from attending, infact all tho mnmhors of tho Camp aroprivileged to attend and will share alltho privileges of delogatcs who aro des¬ignated to roproHont the Camp in anydeliberation that may bo held.By order of tho commaiulor:

ti, P. DKNDY.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Goo. ii. Prince, of Andorsou, nod J. A.Mooney and J. A. MoCollough, of Groon-vlllo.

_ _

itluVnnl »MN»iiIMHO Ana<>ifutt«n.Tho aunual mooting of tho Farmers'

Mutual ïusuranoo Atjsoo.ailon witt meetat tho Court Houso on Tuosday, tho 2dday of August noxt, at ll a. m, Ai* lttakes a majority to mako a quorum, thomembers aro urgently requested to beprosont, olthor porjonal or oy proxy.

J. J. .\\»LLKHOKU, President.J. li. SANDEitB, doorotary.

A VJ.U ee «he Colton Mill«.It was our pleasure on Inst Thursdayaftornoou to tako a stroll towards the

Walhalla Cotton Mills. Wo llrst wont totho office, whoro wo found tho olovorsuperintendent, Mr. Goo. II. Pookham,who kindly gnvo us permission to gothrough tho mill. Wo vlsitod tho piokorroom first, thou tho oard room, spinningroom and wonvo room. In all thosedopartmonts wo found ovorything in fluorunning oidor. Tho ooo tro of attract lon,howovor, was tho oloth room. lloro woroto bo soon groat otaoks of beautiful shoot¬ings. Tho oloth now has n niuoh smoother,aol i «ir and whttor ilnisbthnu lt had undor(or mer management. Tho Sliporhltoud-ont gnvo us two samplos as spooimonB-ono with tho Gront Amoricaa stamp, thoot lier with tho mill stamp. Tho mill badnovor mndo ovor 127,000 yards in onomonth until Mr. Pookham took charge.'Ibo (ii at month ho rniaod tho run toÔYQJP !4!J,000 yarda, and for tho month ofJuno it was raised to 161,800. Mr. Peck¬ham is well Up on tho i.iiinnfaoturinij ofcotton goods, and tho stockholders willfind in him a valuahlo man.

A Deplorable Miahnp.Ilnrtwoll Sun, July li "Saturday after¬

noon Dr. W. T. Stoddard mot withasori-ous and doplornblo mishap. Whilo nil.tinp In his buggy in front of bia roBi-denee walting air Mrs. Stoddard, whowas to accompany him. and reading anewspaper, his horso, which was grazing,got tho chook roin ovor tho shaft. Thoanimal hogan to back, and Dr. Stoddard,in tho oxoitomontof the. moment, hoeamounbalanced and was thrown vlolontlyovor tho whool of tho buggy to thoground, striking upon his right kneo.His back was severely wrenched and bisknoo was badly injured, so much so thattho log had to bandaged and oncasod inplaster 01 paris. It will probably bo monthsboforo ho can uso il. lt will bo roniom-borod that sovoral years ago Dr. Stod¬dard mot with a similar ncoidont inwhich his loft knoo was injured in muchtho samo way. Dr. Stoddard had sufll-olontly recovered from this hurt to walkwith oaso without tho aid of crutch orstiok. Added to this his general hoaltbhas been bad. Altogothor Dr. Stoddardand his dovotcd wife desorvo and bavotho universal sympathy of our pooploundor their oft-ropoatod calamities."[Dr. and Mrs. Stoddard bavo tho sympa¬thy of many friends in Walhalla. 1Oil ldc llM ii lunn (1.Tho following is tho oOleial acoro of

tho gamo of ball bctweon Pel/.er andWalhalla, played on Pel/.er's grounds onMonday last:PKl./.wn- A.b. R. H.H.

Guaitnoy, lb . ft 1 1Darby, s. s. ft 1 2Morgan, 2b. 4 1 2Crawley, r. f. 4 1 8Sanders, 1. f. 4 1 1baldwin, c. f. 8 0 1Moseley, .'lb. 4 2 1Pel /.or, p. 1 0 1Billson, e. :t o 1

Totals..:. 3d 7 13WALHALLA- A.P. R. H.H.

A. R. Dendy, c. ft 0 2Heathers, cf. 4 0 tlJesse C. Neville,p. I 0 0J. [. Smith, lb. 4 12J. F. Neville, Sb. 4 0 1John Keith, r. f. I 0 1Voyles, 1. f. 4 02Hunter, 2b. I 1 1Daly, s. s. 1 01

Totals. :17 2 10Struck out-Py Neville 7, Pel/.or 1.Patter hit-Neville, 2.Double play-G uni lucy unassisted.Umpire-Plaire.Time of game 1.46.Scorers-J. H. Poid, T. C. Kolan.

'I'liiMti iM Appointed.At the last meeting of tho Count?

Hoard of Education, Trustees woro appointed as follows, to-wit:Polmont, No. ftft-James O. Driscoll

Andrew Hunter, W. E. Cillospio.Oak way, No. ft-J. A. Kubanks, L. A

Edwards, J. O. H. Haloy.Mount Tabor, No. 10-J. A. Knox, W

T. Tannery, Ed. S. Singleton.Cleveland, No. 12-John W. Hiles, J

A. Mooro, W. P. Cleland.Novillo, No. 2ft-W. /.. Blanchott, Jobi

Abbott, Joseph Kerr.Speed's (hook, No. 28-C. A. Mooro

H. E. Cox, G. Oothran.Friendship, No. 20»-B. F. Mooro, W

H. Phillips, J. C. Sears.Salon), No. 42-T. A. Grant, Miles A

Moss, Henson Chapman.Ked Hill, No. 7:!-John Ed- wis, WmSingleton, Wm. King.In all other districts tho former tins

tees wore reappointed,W. M. Campbell, No. 28, and J. D

Isboll, No. 2ft, woro disqualified on account of being County Commissionersand Posoy bottoms, No. ftft, on acoounof not being a qualhlod voter.

In responso to a request to rule on thsubject, tho board decided that thorwere no lines, a person's rosidonco boiii|either wholly in or out of a district.The petition to form a now district ou

of portions of Pair Play and South Unioidistricts, was granted.

V. F. MAUTIN,Chairman and Clork.

A Plemtnnt Modul «Cvcnt.Ono of the most onjoyablo and soc in

ovoids of tho season took placo at thelegant, and hospitable homo of Maj. amMrs. Wm. J. Stribling, near Walhalla, oi

Tuesday evening, .Hum ftth, from nine t<twelvo o'clock. Tho party was gi von h;Miss Mary Stribling, thoir pretty nmcharming young daughter, in honor oher guests, Missos Kouiso Turnor amMay do Jarnotto, of Eaton ton, Ga., wbaro paying thoir friend, Miss Mary,visit for a few days.At tho appointed hour tho young moand maidens bogan to arrivo and wer

shown into tho beautifully lighted parloand drawing rooms, whore they woro iitroducod by Miss Mary to hor Georgiguests.After tho introductory services wer

ovor tho young folks entered into thenjoyments of tho occasion, which coislsted of music, games, social chat, Acwhich contributed much to tho evening'entertainment.At au appointed fimo slips of papoi

upon which tho names of tho younladies had been written, woro put intobat, and tho boys drew for their pri/.eiWhen all had drawn, they then procccdowith their partners into tho spacioudining room, whoro elegant rofroslunontworo served.At tho close of this most intorostm

part of tlio programme tho guests begato dopnrt lo their respective homes, tdream of tho happy time they had spunwith Miss Alary and her bright ami a<complishod young ladies of the PinpaSlate of tho South. Tho occasion wilong live green and fresh in our momor;Tlio following aro tho names of tliyoung ladies present: Misses Sallio Noton, Mary Cherry, Hattie Boll MoColough, Anna Terlmno, Nannie StrotheIno/. Schroder, Min Stribling, Anna KoliElla Heid, Annie Maxwell, Pobeda PerrjSallio Sholor, Mamie Ansel, Lidie. KoitiDaisy Kilburn, Julia Maxwell, EmmMerrick, Annie Pose mid Mice Strong.Tho following aro tho amos of tlyoung gentlemen present: Messrs. J. 'JAshworth, S. C. Baker, J. J. Norton, JaF. Novillo, lt. 0. Merrick, James DarbW. J. Novillo, Jr., G. M. Ansel, .TannAnsel, W. J. Schroder, John E. baninight, Mack Neville, Jessio MaxwolEugene. Hutchison, Jubo Strother, DaiStrother, Prank Maxwell, William Strilling, Wesslo Terbium, Hugh HolloniaiJ. C. Hicks, J. G. Kaw, Jr., J. B.Dondy, I.udio Bronnook and Drosdon JSmith, Jr. * Hi A. Í4., .»ii.


Fanners' Institute.The Farmers1 instituto of Ocow

County will meet at Seneca, S. C., <July tho 2ftth, instead of at Walhalla,announced by circular lotter. By ord*of tho President, Homy H. Hart/.og.

S< P. STUIIILINO,Chairman Exooutivo Committoo.

OM»« t?*áutf|m<ioM **to*>éf''.Vko Cascarela Condy Cathartic. 100.'

or, 25c. If C, C. C. fell to ouro druggistsrotund mOuoy.Th« Beardeu Reunion.

Tuesday, Jase 28, waa a dny that wlilbo remembered by roany.The many kindred of grandmotherDearden au>i» lu uvlvbrato her 00th birth¬

day.- On arriving at tho old hom est omi, manyhad gathered, but you could se. >' pooplocoming in from ovory direotion to . /humtho old homestead is acooBßlbl' untiltho uumbor grow so "numerous that itmudo ono think of tho promiso made toAbraham concerning his seed.You could soo sons nnd daughters

growing gray with years and thoir cares;you could BOO othors in tho vigor ofmSuhood and womanhood; othors jusvgrowing into ibo Bamo, and tho littleono<J by tho »core, that furnished agreater part of tho muslo for tho day.Children present, .------10Grand children prcBont, . - - - - 10Groat grand eh lldron prosont, - - - .¡13Groat, groat grand ohiidrou prosont, - 8Others, - -.12

Total numbor present, ... - 184At a seasonable timo arrangomonts for

dinner bogan and out of buggies, wagonsaud other soureoB woio brought baskets,trunks Slid boxes, tho contents of whichmade a man fool tunny behind tho oars;but--voil-don't ask mo how I folt whenI left tho table. I don't know why, butsomehow those Oakv»ay pooplo hayop-omothmg to eat and it always makes uman fool good to sit down at thoir tablesand bettor whon ho gota up. Aftor allhad participated to thoir satisfaction,and tho good womou had taken up thatwhich remained, (Oh. my! It mado onothink of tho "twolvo haskel a full.) thoycalled on us for somo devotional exor¬cises. Aftor loading a «hort lesson fromPsalm xvii, and giving a short commont,tho congregation sang that good oldsong, "How firm a foundation," and thewritor lcd in prayor, aftor wbiob thoysang "JOBUB lover of my soul," and itwas delightful to BOO tho oxprossion ofGod'a lovo shown lu tho faco of thatmother, whoso DOth birthday wo worocolobraling. Sho has boon a Christianfor many years and hns novor rogrottodtho many days sho IUIB tried to honor herChrist, yet soo fcols she hns boon foundwanting in many good works. What apattern for those who must follow hor.A model of womanhood, a modol of vir¬tue.Thc climax was mado completo by a

short talk from cur vonorablo brotfior,Andrew McGuflln. Ho impresBod thonecessity of living right, that wo mightbo ready whon tho "Death Angol" comos.It is pleasant, im lc cd, to sit. nt his. footnnd hoar him toll of Ins hopo in Christand how ho lina tried to honor HimthoBO many years,

Work on thou faithful one.ino darkness will fado away,And thou shalt ho glorified,In that bright and porfoot day.

Tho congregation wns dismissed hysinging "Thero ÍB a beautiful latid." Iboliovo ovary one went homo feeling itwas good to bo thero and may it bo thohighest, desire of all who woro thore towin Christ and to know tho "l'owor ofHis i es ur ree iou."

J. M. McGui mc.

If yon have boon sick you will lindBoon's Sarsaparilla tho best medicinoyou can tako to givo you Appetite andstrength and restore you to a conditionof perfect health.

Hood's pills euro nausea, sick head-aeho, billiousnoss and all livor ills, l'rico25 cents.

Proceedings of tho Democratic Execu¬tive Committee


Pursuant to a call of tho County Chair¬man tho Executive Committoo mot nt thoCourt House in Walhalla at 12.80 P. M.on July 4th, 1808.On motion, Mr, S. P. Stribling was

unanimously elected Secretary of thoCommittoo.Tho following resolution was offorcd

and adopted :

Resolved, That tho Executive Com¬mitteeman from cadi Democratic Clubfurnish tho County Chairman with thona nc of three suitable members of theirrespective Clubs who shall act as mana¬gers at thoir ro8poctivo preoinots, suchnames to be furnished not later than tho1st of August proximo.Aftor some gonoral discussion tho

committoo adopted and prescribed anoflicial ballot upon which shall bo printedtho names of all tho candidates author¬ized to bo votod for and tho samo dis¬tributed to tho managers at oaoh electionprecinct; Provided, That this rulo shallnot prohibit any candidate from havingprivato tickets printed if ho may so do-sivo.

In order to moot tho necessary ex¬penses of conducting tho county cam¬paign tho following BOhodule of assess¬ments woro adopted:Candidatos for Congress, each, $.'5.00;

Houso of Représentatives, $1.00; Judgeof ProbatO, 50 COllts; Superintendent ofEducation, (1.00; County Treasurer,$1.00; County Auditor, $1.00; CountySupervisor, $1.00; and tim surplus, ifany, bo prorated among tho defeatedcandidatos.That tho County Chairman appoint

three poisons to wait upon and roceivotho candidatos for Stato ofliccs on Au¬gust tho 15th proximo. Tho Chairmanappointed Messrs. S. P. Dendy, J. J.Hnloy and Jos. W. Sholor to constitutesaid committoo.On motion, tho following campaign

mee! inga woro arranged for at tho fol¬lowing named places on tho dates namedbolow :Oakway, August Kith.Westminster, August 17th.Fort Madison, August 18th.Long Crook, August 10th.Double Springs, August 2()th.Choohoo, August 28a.Saloon, August 24th.High Falls, August 25th.Seneca, August 20th.It was also provided that any commu¬

nity desiring to hoar tho candidatos shallnotify tho County Chairman who will lixtho timn for such mooting.

All candidatos will bo required to paythoir assessments and lllo their plodgoBwith tho County Chairman to abide thoresult and support Um nominóos of thoprimary election, to ho hold on the 80thday of August and tho second primaryon tho nth day of September, 1808, ifnecessary, on or boforo the mooting atOakway, August Kith.On motion, it was ordered that three

Township Commissioners ho voted for inouch township by tho votors hereof,who, Uko other candidatos, will bo re¬quired to file their pledge to abide by Umresult ami support tho nominees of saidolootions.On motion, tho County Chairman was

requested to confer with tho CountyChairmen of tho several counties of thoThird Congressional Dlstriot and haveprogressively arranged a series of cam¬paign meetings to bo hold throughout thoDistrict.On motion, tho Committoo adjourned

subject to tho call of tho Chairman.C. lt. D. BUHN»,

County Chairman.S. P. STIMULI NO, Secretary.


BANKRUPTin heáMi,constitution undermined by ex¬

travagance in catino;, by disre¬garding the laws ofnature, or

physical capital all gone, if so,

NEVER DESPAIRTutt's Liver Pills will cure you.For sick headache, dyspepsia,sour stomach, malaria, torpidliver, constipation, biliousnessand all kindred diseases.Tutt's Liver Pills

an absolute cure.

'.Uruna Jury Presentment,THK STACK OF SOUTH CAIIOIATÍA, )

COUNT/ Ct" OwKSS. }To Ills Jïonqr W. Ü. Benet, Judgo pre¬siding in tho Eighth Judicial, Oirfiult,Wolhalla, S. 0,: .*The graud Jury, in making this its finalf>ro8ontmont at tho preso&t term, hogcavo to unbuilt-Firstly, Tln'.fc they passod upon all tho

hills of indictment handed out to themhy tho .Solicitor and made roport thereonto tho Court.Secondly, That wo havo, by speolalcommit len appointed, visited tho county

tail and poor bonne, and aro gratifiée* to»o nblo to roport both thoao institutionsin good condition, and find plcasuro incommending tho satisfactory manage¬ment of tho same.

Thirdly, In regard to tho condition ofthe puhlio roads of tho county,wo beg to say that, while allare not lound in as good condition as wowould liko thom, yet wo believe that thoSupervisor has done tho best that hecould do with tho limited means at hisdisposal, i

Fourthly, Wo again renew our rocom-moudatlon that t hero should bo a suit a-bio jail building provided for the countywith conveniences to enable tho jailor tokoop separate tho races and 80X08.

Fifthly. Wo recommend that thoseMagistrates of tho county,who havo notbrought thoir books to tho County Com¬missioners, bo requested to do oo boforotho next, term of court.

Sixthly. Complaint han boon mado tous against mattie FraVJy and Ev!o Fradyfor disorderly conduo't and disturbing thopoaco and morality of tho community,and tho nninos of li. F. O'Kolly, CurtisHaines and Jenn MhMor us witnesses toprove tho samo.

Sovonthly, In conoluslon wo bog to ro-turn thanks to tho presiding Jungo fortho courtesies shown UB and tho So'ioltorfor tho assistitnen rendered ns ip the dis¬charge of our duties. Respectfully,

C. M. NiBT.n, Foreman.Bitcklon's Arnica Salve.

Tho host salvo in tho world for outs,bruises, Borso, ulcers, salt rhoum, lo vcrsores, tottor, chapped hands, chilblains,corns and all skin eruptions, and posi¬tively cures piles, or no nay roquirod. Itis guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction,or nionoy rofundod. Frico 25 cont« norbox. For salo by D. H. Darby, Walhalla;W. J. Lunney, Soncca, and ll. B. Zim¬merman, Westministor.


SBNKOA, S. C., July 5.-Monday, July4th, pnsBcd without any marked demon¬stration of patriotism. Tho nogroos,however, thronged tho stroot«.Tho Newry baso ball team carno to

Seneca ono day last wook and playedagainst tho second niuo of this placo.Tho scoro Btood 20 to 8 in favor of Seneca.The Bamo tennis played again Monday atNowry, Soncca again hoing victorious,tho scoro hoing 10 to 0.Mrs. Julia M. Johnson commenced on

Monday teaching a Kindergarten. ltwill continuo during tho summer. Mrs.Johnson is teaching at tho Kcowoo Hotel.Doth tho littlo twin girls of Hov. and

Mrs. W. S. Ilamitor died tho latter partof last week, and ovorybody of coursofools much sympathy ior tho paronta.

Mr. Ti E. Dickson spent sovoral daysof last week and this with his family,returning to Columbia Monday.Miss Julia Deo, of Greenwood, who is

visiting Miss Clara Livingston, had thomisfortune to fall from a bicycle Fridayand sustained BOHÍO slight injuries. Showas unconscious for sovoral hours,Messrs. Dresdon A. Smith, Jr., .TossoMaxwell and William Stribling, of Wal¬halla, wore In town Sunday.

Mrs. L. W. Caroy and children, afterremaining sovoral months at Lockhart,aro again at Soncca.

Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery aro thohappy parents of a fine boy, who arrivedon Saturday.Mr. Kobort Cignilliat is in'town, filling

a position at tho dopot.Mrs. Jenkins, of Texas, with hor chil-

dron, visited her sislor, Mrs. J. W. Strib¬ling, Inst wook.Mr. W. D. Holland, who has boon

dorking in tho »toro of M. W. Coleman& Co., is spending tho month of July attho homo of his parent s in Hart county,Georgia.Miss Mario Hilliard, of Andorson, has

been visiting Miss Mary Cherry.Messrs. J. II. Adams and J. W. Byrdattended court at Walhalla this wook.Messrs. B. F. Sloan and W. S. Huntor

wont to Walhalla on Monday.Dr. John Hopkins is having tho oldatoro building on tho cornor of his lottorn down and moved away.

Messrs. James H. Brown, Jr., andFred. McCarloy havo positions ns nightoperators with tho Southern Railroad inGeorgia,

Dr. J. O. Lindsay, of Duo Wost, spoutSunday in Seneca.Tho rcsidonco of Mr. T. M. Lowery is

being painted afresh.Thoro aro a numbor of summor hoard¬

ers at thu Coonee Inn, of whioh Mr.Clarence E. Ellison is proprietor.

ROBBED THE CRAVE.A startling incident," of which Mr.

John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was thosubject, is narrated hy him ns follows:"I was in a most dreadful condition.My skin was almost yollow, oyo» sunken,tongue coated, pain contiuaily in backand sides, no appotito-gradually grow¬ing woakor day by day. Throo physi¬cians bad given mo up. Fortunately, afriend advised trying 'Kio'trio Bitters,1and to my groat joy and surpriso, thofirst bottle mado a decided improvement.I continued their uso for tinco weoksand am now a woll man. I know theysaved my lifo and robbed tho gravo ofanother victim. No on o should fail totry thom. Only 50 cents por bottle at J.W. Boll's, Walhalla, W. J. Lunnoy's, So¬ncca, and H. B. Zimmorinann's, West¬minster, drug stores.

Tugnloo Bots.TUOAI.OO, S. C., July f>.-Wo had a

delightful rain yesterday afternoon,which has greatly revived vegetation.Prospects aro favorable, at this writing,for a gonoral rain, which is badly needed.It Booms that tho drought has not had

any ofl'oct on tho growth of candidatos.Appearances aro now that thoro will boa full crop.Thoro was quito a pleasant party on

Long's Hill rocontly in honor of E. PoroyLong, John H. Long and Frank Droifus,of Greenville. Two of Walhalla'» fair¬est and loveliest young /adios, MissosDoanio Seaborn and Carrie Koith, gracedand honored tho occasion with thoircharming presence.

Messrs. Bob Kay and Judge Ashworth,two popular candidatos, worn winningvotes in tills BOOtton recently.Tho ninny friends of Krank Droifusrogrotted vory much to soo him loavo forhis homo in Greenville lost week. Wofear that "Dago" loft at least ono younglady'» palpitater In an abnormal condi¬tion. Krank, they say you must comoagain.Messrs. IO. l'eroy and John H. Long,aftor a short visit to friends in this sec¬

tion, will causo many regrets at thoirleaving for their homo in Croenvillo to¬morrow.

S. IL Marett, Esq., had a reunion ofhis numerous and interesting fnmily*yos-terdav. Regret wo cunno*, give parti¬culars.Tho Humorous friends of Col. W. H,Sheldon still hopo ho will he a candidato

for legislativo honors. , T.

Tho merit of Hood's Sarsaparillals literally written in blood.It is traced in tho vital fluidOf millions of the human raco.

Hs posllivn medicinal meritAnd curativo power is written

Upon tho hearts, and graven uponTho mind» of thousandsOf people whom it has curedAnd glvon good health

Whoa .boro seemed nothing boforoThom but darkness and despair.It cures all diseases arifdngKrom or prompted by ImpureBlood by itu intrinoio merit nsTho Ono True Blood Purifier.

Tho fltoamer "Surf City" was Btruokhy n squall about half a milo off herwharf at Bovorly, Mans., on July 4th.She was making a plcasuro oxoursiontrip and had on about Blxty passongers,twonty of whom woro drowned. A num¬bor of bodies wore reoovored,

tfntlnwiwi fey M<í»rt Olicat». Our*d towOR. MILKA' HEAftT OUUE.

MB. 0.0. BHULTS, of Wlntorsot, Iowa,inventor arid manufacturer Ottn mit ;j* Bafoty Whlfllotroo Coupling,

írritos of Dr. Milos' Hoart Ouro. "Two yearsapo an attack of LaOrlppo loft mo with av.o'ik heart. I hud ran down in flesh «tomore »kia and bono. I could not sloop lyingdown for smothering spoils; frequont sharpdarting pains and palpitation caused a con«étant fear of sudden death, nothing couldInduce mo to remain awuy from homo oversight. My leeajl physician proscrlb&u D¿>Miles' Heart furo aud In a fow days I wasable to sloop well and tho trains graduallylossonod, and finally coasod. I reduced thotho doses, having gained Ofteen pounds, and»rn now fooling bettor Inovory^aTjyttmnlDr. Mlles* Rouiodte) <tj>f>''ÍV5M|

aro sold by nil aT8" ByV^f^JJ^j \Hbonuflta or monoy re-

oaucu of tho hoart and Hfe&?*lre^]JflBinorvcafroo. Addross, MRHMMMMHHBDH. MILKS MEDIOALOO., Elkhart, Ind.


WKSTMINSTKU, S. O., July 0.-Mr. W.B. Barton, of Oiconvillo, S. C., ropro-sonting an insurance Company of NowYork City, ls in town to-day.

.loo Brown, colored, killod a rattlo-snako Saturday about a milo from borowhich bad eight rattles and a button.Hov. Thoa. H. Loitoh and Mr. Fred.

Marshall wont homo last Monday to resta wook or ton days. Tho formor residesin Charleston, S. C., tho lattor at Blob-burg, in Chester, County, fi, C.,Yostorday afternoon a lino Jorsoy cow

(minnering tn Mr. W. C. MaSOU W.1S killedby lightning.

Prof. J. W. Caines attondod tho StatoTeachers' Association, which mot at Har¬ris Lithia Springs last woek. Ho willtravel in tho interest of bis school untiltho fall session opons.Mr. and Mrs. C. 15. Mason, who have

bcon in Westminster tho past two weeks,attending tho Loltch mooting, rel urnedto thoir nomo at Toccoa, Qa., last Monday.Tho young ladies of our town gavo anico cream festival for the young men atMr. J. S. Carter's residoncé last Tuesdayevening;, July 5th, from 1» 'till 12 o'clock.Arrangements liad boon inado for lt tocomo otT in Mr. Carter's beautiful lawn,but tho rain forbid it hoing hold there.Moro than llfty Invited guests woro pre¬sent. It was quito a nico affair and al:had a gay time. Much enko and ieocream woro served in tho dining room.Tho ladies have tho hearty thanks of allfor this troat.Mr. William bibb sowed forty-three

bushels of wheat last fall on forty-fouraoros. Tho grain was of tho "Fuloastor"variety. Last week he threshed out sixhundred and twenty bushels. Mr. bibbsays tho whoat sown cost $43. Ho usoil$60 worth of fertilizers and tho cost ofmaking tho whoat, that is, ploughing itin, otc, amounted to' $40; cost of har¬vesting it $20, making a total stun of$168. Ho says tho straw has boon esti¬mated to bo worth $35. Tho price ofwheat is uncertain now, but Mr. bibbsays it will boat raising cotton. Ho willhavo seed wheat for salo this fall.Miss Hattie Norris carno homo from

Mariotta, Qa., last Saturday toapond thoBummer.Tho following gontlomon from olso-

whoro attended tho young ladies' icucream festival last night: M. C. barton,Fair Piny; Franco Cartor, Wost Union:-Crayton, Anderson;-Jones, ofAtlanta; J. W. Lesley, Henry Vernor,Botroat; John Hull, Fort Madison.Tho series of revival mootings, which

havo boon in progross in Westminsternearly two wcokn, olosod on Sundaynight, July 3d. Evangelist Leitchproached twonty-oight Hormons in alland appeared to bo as strong whoo thomooting ended as ho was when it began.Ho choso for his last sermon, "And thodoor was «hut,'* MattilOW 25, 10. Afteran earnest appeal he gavo an opportunityfor ovory one to mako a confession andscores wont up and gavo tho proachorthoir band. Tho congregations worovory attontivo at each service and nt vorcomplained for being kept there longorthan a sorvico is commonly hold. It isboliovod that our town and communityhavo boon groatly uplifted spirituallyami that much good will como out ofMr. Loitch's sermons.'Mr. John Couch brought the (irst

county raised watormolons to this mar¬ket.Misses Hattio and Nannio Stewart, of

Fairview, Qroonvillo county, aro visitingMrs. W. C. Mason and other rolativos inWostminstor.Tho drought is brokon and tho muoll-

nooded rain carno yostorday afternoon.For over an hour and a half thoro was asteady downpour, and our pcoplo, farm¬ers especially, aro happier than thoy havebeen sinco earlier in tho spring.Mr. Houry L. Singleton, who has hoon

in school at Poosvillc, S. C., carno homolast Wodnosdny.Constipation can bo cured easily and

certainly by tho uso of Dr. Ptorco's Pleas¬ant Pollots. Thoy aro porfcotly simple-porfoctly safe. Thoy aro not at allvlolont in thoir action, and yot they aromoro cortain than many medicines whicharo so strong that they put tho systemabout of oidor. Tho groat advanlagoof tho "Pleasant .Pollets" is that theyouro permanently. You don't have tokoop on taking thom. You don't ae-quiro a "pollot habit/' as in using othorpills. Tako thom regularly for a while,and you aro oared permanently. Afterthat, tako thom only whon you lind your¬self suffering from indigestion. Thoroaro many medicines offered for tho samopurpose on which druggists mako abiggor profit. For this reason, somodruggist would rather soil tho otherthings. If your own health lt> of moreimportance to you than tho druggist'sprosperity, you will insist on havingwhat you ask for.

----4 . fe-----?

Oakway and Tookana Bots.TOKKKNA, S. C., July 4.-lt has been a

mouth since wo had a good rain, but thocrops aro looking well and if rain falls ina few days there will bo a lino corn cropin this community.

ltov. J. F. Singloton preached an In¬teresting and instructivo sornion atCross Hoads Sunday ovoning.Tho holy tlanco Is gotting to bo a regu¬lar feature in tho worship of Cod with

somo of tho Wesleyan Methodist«. Thoyclaim that they havo Spiipturo for it andthat they aro lod by tho Holy Ohost todanoo.

Mir,» Joaio Bcardon, who has been at.Newry for tho past month, was at homoSaturday night and Sunday.Mr. H. L. brown and his mother aroVisiting relative:; and friends in Ulbertcounty, Ca.Misses Clara Crooks and Stölln Cole, of

Polzor, who have boon visiting rolativosand friends in this county, returnod homoSaturday.Mr. W. A. Singloton bogan à two

1110111118' school at Tekoona to-day.School will oommonco at Oakway noxtMonday.Messrs. A. M. and Pruo Skolton, of

Andorson, woro among friends nt Oak¬way Sunday nfternoon.

'1 boro will bo an all-day singing at Oak¬way on tho third Sunday. Several pro¬fessors from Georgia aro nxpectod.Kvorybody is invited to attond and hiing

i woll-flUod baskots, NHD Tom».


In Next Issue of this Paper-VSTA. xe ii i rr i



J. & J. S. GARTER,SUCCESSORS TO-Carter Merchandise Co., Westminster, S. C.,


Thoy uro dotormiuod to roduco thoirstook, mid tho way to do it is to slashprices below any competitor. Just look»»t A few of tho ninny bargains thoyhavoto offer:Silk Finish Mull, worth 20o., will go for

10o. : Figurod Lawn, worth 20c. will gofor 10.: Figurod Lawn, worth lOo., willgo for 60. ; All-wool Albotrons, worth 25o.,'will go for lOo. ; Straw Hats, worth $1.50,will go for öBo. ; Straw Hai», worth $1.00,will go for 75o. ; Straw Hate, worth 50o. ;will go for 25o. ; Clothing below atoy fcr-mor prlco; Suits worth $15, for $10; Sui trworth $8.50. for $5: Suits worth $5, for$3; other Clothing in proportion.Soo thoir Notion Dopartmont-Silk

Mitts, worth 50o., for 25o.; Silk Mitts,worth 25o., for lOo; Good Collars, Ties,.T. S¿ jr. ®.

Holts and othor goods in proportion.Shoos and Slippers will go ivt a groatsacrifloo-SHpnors 'worth OOeV fer ÇOc;Slippors worth $1, forÓOc», Slipiiors worth$2.50, for $1.05; Ladles' Shoos worth $4.for $2.25; Hamilton-Brown $2.50 Ludios'Shoos for $1.05.Thoy havou'fc space or toll of,all thoir bargains, but will offor groatbargains in all goods thoy carry, snob as

Fuvnituro, Ilardwnro, Crookory, Glass¬ware, and oven Groceries-tho knlfo willslañli through al!.You oan got moro Moat,. Coffoe, Flour,Ham and Lard for your money than any-whoro CIBO.(Jomo and bring your monny, and youwill not ho disappointed.£f5f° Romombor tho Placo-

O .A. J3i TP ÏÏÎ I?» .


PEASand wo can furnish you with seed.


tgrA&mm &wmm&9 SWIÄAWCool Coats, Thin Lawns, Mosquito Netting, Fans,



. W. Coleman & Co.,P. S.-Now lot of R. & G. SUMMER CORSETS..Juno 23, 1.808.

Lowery, Byrd & Co.-APPRECIATE-




To tho farmers of Oconoo thoy want to show their GRAIN CRADLES andHEEL SWEEPS boforo you buy.

I lave you used a VICTOR SWEEP ? If not, call and buy one or moro and trythom. If you havo usod it you know what it is-not tho cheapest, hut Olio of thohost Plows you can buy.



Lowery, Byrd & Co.,May 12,1808. SISIVISO.^, ». O,

-THF --


Exchango sold, Collections promptlymado. .1. W. STHIBLING,4-21-08-ly Cashier.




Doposits received, Exchango sold, Col¬lections promptly made4-21-08-ly

W. Ii. II E H T 10 It, Manager.Popular Summer and Winter Resort.

Special attention to thc comfort of guests.Commodious Kooma. Klornnt ['aro.4-21-08~ly

Is thc subject now discussed, hutthat does not hinder mo from

¡ wanting to sell goods. Wo aronot all going to war, and I am

propared to sorvo my custe** >;with a splondid lino of goods.. Now is tho timo to buy your

ROES. Tho prices arc: Boys',21 coals; 0 and 0.) inch, '¿5 couts;7 inch, 20 cont», and 71 inch, 27couts.

I havo a lot of WHEEL BAR-KOWS, Iron Wheel, Jacob'sLatest l'atout, that I want tocloHO out at $1.50«

I ohallenge Oconoo County on

my lino of Cheap and MediumSummer Shoos for Ladios andChildren. I havo a full lino oftho Clarke & Cobnary's splondidmake. Don't, fail to »00 thomboforo making your purchase.

I havo a splendid lino of Organ¬dies and Lawns, both Colored,Figured mid white. Also a goodlot of Embroideries.

Hiing all your IToduooand I willpay you host market prices.

Don't, forgot that my torms arocash, or Its oquivalont, and onoprlco, oxcopt unseasonable Orhard stock goods.

I assuro you your past patronagohas boon appreciated.

Yours truly,


Execution They Will Do.KRUPP'S CANNON aro nowhorowhen compared with our

Insect Powder Guns,j and tho latter much cheaper.

Don't buy a Krupp Cannon for $1,000,-000 when you can buy ono of our Gunsfor ton cents.Insect Powder.5 Couts Por Ounce.l'ariB (hoon._5 Oonls Pot Cunen.

Inscriptions Carefully Filled Day or Nighí.BvUIli-EiKNC}

SENECA, S. C.May 20,1808, SH-iy