rJl A Uttte MMtfNMiiiitf itt KBNTUOKY I HA ERJCAN KENTUCKY IRISH flMERIGM IIINIIIII11IIIIIIIN111 Dcroted to tke Morel end Social Advancement of all Irish Americans WILTiIAA 2V I XXXOOEPiTia PUbllh r g IPTION PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR SINGLE COPY sc Entered at the Louisville Postofllce as SecondClass Matter Mdursall Coi alCIUonl to thc KENTUCKY I IRISH AMERICAN 326 West Orcea Street LdUISVIUJJ > KY SATURDAY DECEMBER 29 1900 PATRIOTS ALARMED Archbishop Ireland has been com ¬ missioned by President McKinley to visit Cuba investigate and report on the matter of church property the jurisdiction of the bishops clergy and religious orders their relations with the Govern ¬ pent and people with the purpose that all a ay be peaceably and j justly arranged under the change from r Spanish rule Archbishop Chap pelle under President McKinleys commission arranged these matters yfe Porto Rico and suggested the y proper course to be followed in framing the constitution to govern that island He is now in the Philippines on a similar mission No two men better fitted for such a mission could have been selected that they are both Catholic prelates c is not due to intrigue with the Catholics as bigots insinuate and political partisans endorse but to the fact that it is essential that only Catholic prelates can properly at tend to it the only church matters 0 to adjust in those provinces being Catholic that being the only church there The only church power with which these questions can be settled is the Pope of Rome and finally jf the only qualified persons to settle the questions ecclesiastical as well t as civil must necessarily be a Catholic prelate This i is generally recognized and I President McKinleys wisdom in f selecting Archbishops Ireland and Cbappelte for such important mis sions is approved by all reasoning I F people especially since these two f prelates are universally respected by the American people for their f 1ability fairness and patriotism Of- j course the bigots condemn and the j 1 partisans indirectly approve the condemnation of the clothing of Catholic prelates with authority to represent the United States Govern ¬ ment in so important a matter as shaping the government of Ameri- can territory and people th- usI recognizing and founding the union of church and state in violation of the Constitution and principles of I our governmentas they put it ignoring the fact that the prelates are American citizens and eligible to any office under the Government and further that they are in this K instance simply commissioned t- oi ascertain and report the condition I of affairs and suggest the best course to pursue to remedy incon I sistencies and troubles to Ameri canize the government and people of those sections of the world and finally that the prelates are not I clothed with executive or arbitrary I i powers and their reports and sug- gestions must be subject to the law I making powers Congress and the t President and can only be effective m when enacted into law 1 But then every one knows that K the only l reason the patriotic bigots m object is that Archbishops Ireland 1 and Chappelle are Catholices and I the reason the partisans object is I because they think they see a chance I to make a political point against W their political opponents the Mc- Kinley administration These facts m being generally understood no one R but the bigots and partisans pay R much attention to the incident K though t it is likely to be heard from m again when the question of estab 1 listing or approving the form of i government for these islands comes before Congress It may then 1 assume the tangible form of reso B lutions and protests with their real I bases and purposes1 carefully con I coaled however1 but nevertheless I fully understood < l because twoCath ik arcUpishopi suggested at least 011L THE STORE GIRLS The poor store girls is an expression frequently heard among the Christmas shoppers as they noticed the overwork and long hours to which the girls employed in stores were subjected during the rush of trade It is the same every Christmas or any other time when business is rushed The storekeep ¬ ers are generally denounced and I that ends the matter till next Christ masAll naturally sympathize with the girls so do we A suggestion that the labor organizations should remedy this matter is very proper and indeed they alone can remedy it There must be a beginning and in this as in every other in stance there is one essential pre ¬ liminary without which the labor organizations nor any one else can accomplish results The store girls must learn that it depends chiefly upon themselves They must take the proper steps to arrive at a unity of purpose objects and strength for action They must form a union formulate their grievances present their petitions and stand together in doing so When they get ready to under ¬ take the forming of an organiza ¬ tion they can notify the Central Labor Union and they will be promptly aided by advice and otherwise how to proceed and when ready to seek redress better treatment and pay shorter and more regular hours they will be directed andywaided jn the mpve and have the earnest anti united support of every labor organization in the city- Further there are several propri ¬ etors of the largest stores in the city that will promptly grant their re ¬ quest and aid them in forcing other store proprietors to do likewise for the present irregular and overwork ¬ ing system is as unsatisfactory to these proprietors as it is to their employes but they must follow it because others do It all rests with the girls whether they will continue under the present system If they start the move now in earnest it is more than probable they will enjoy a decided change in the Christmas trade next year Like all other workers men toS well as women they must take the initiatory steps in attending to their own business remedying their own grievances and 1 bettering their own condition When they show their purpose to do so they will be promptly and fully aided to success Now girls what will you do about it WAR AnONQ THE SPORTS II When rogues fall out etc is suggested by the fight now on among the gamblers over the application of Kachler for a license to open a saloon on Market between Third and Fourth streets The saloon is only the surface indication and really cuts no figure in the row The building is a large one and really not needed for only a saloon the proceeds of which would not justify its use But the public understand why some saloons require so much room to fully carry on their busi ¬ ness in its various phasesthe saloon being merely thepublic entrance as it were The Kachler saloon is to be no exception A man named Alvey proposes to have a pool room and probably other Accommodations for the sportively inclined and this is the real l bone of contention but is kept in the background for reasons uuneces l rytoltatrheracket is at racting so much attention how even that unless the warring ftc ¬ u tions compromise in some way the whole thing may be so fully ex ¬ posed that both may be squelched by the popular outcry or rather the fear of it The officers of the law may find it imperative to stop Alvey and close up all the other gambling resorts for a while at leastIn the meantime the fight is a merry one and despite the cautious moves of the principals and their attorneys to say nothing of certain State and city officials the details are known and watched with inter ¬ est It is Wehtnhoff against Alvey and both are powers in their respect ¬ ive spheres in the sporting world Each has his adherents attorneys and II friends in the Courthouse and City Hall One has notori ¬ ously persisted in violating the gambling laws and the other doubless thinks her is entitled to do the same Wehmhoff has a saloon pool room etc and Alvey seems to want as thoroughly equip ¬ ped an establishment but Wehm hoff does not seem to consent to it This is the real issue behind Kachlers application for a saloon license and accounts for the im ¬ portance array of counsel and noise in connection with it Wehmhoff has the monopoly the money the friends and the pull with the pow ers that be Alvey has the money some friends and is claiming the same right toII a pull Wilt he get it If he does there will be peace in sportdom for a while if he doesnt well it depends on his nerve and he is reputed to have plenty The charge made by the Times that the southern part of Louisville known as Limerick is infested by exconvicts is false and is an injus tice to that section A great many negroes are to be found in the alleys of the neighborhood from Eighth to Twelfth street and the people of those parts are doing their best to have the nuisance looked after A few more electric lights placed on the streets from Sixth to Twelfth and on St Catharine and Oak would help greatly to abolish the loafing places of idlers but not exconvicts who at present are con ¬ gregating there to the annoyance of the residents The southern part of this city was horrified by the shocking tragedy of December 23 in which night watchman John Happelman lost his life at the yard of the Green River Asphalt Company on Ninth and Zane streets He was a trusted employe and deserving man and every step has been taken to trace the murderer who robbed the unfor ¬ tunate man as well as slew him The police will doa good thing in getting rid of the toughsmostly negroeswho infest that part of the city and who are a menace to life and property The part which the Holy Father took in the gorgeous ceremonies attending the closing of the Holy Door of St Peters Cathedral on December 24 goes to show to the whole world that the Supreme Head of Christendom is yet strong and vigorous After the trying ceremony he intoned the Te Deum in a resonant voice and gage further evidence of his magnificent consti ¬ tution The announcement of the death exAlderman James C Gilbert cast a gloom all over Louisville Wednesday He was a man in every way and the number of young men whom he has counseled and assisted is unlimited The poor have indeed lost a good friend The friends of the Boers have not yet abandoned hope The news this week was very satisfactory the English having sustained still further losses The sturdy burghers succeeded in capturing another squadron of the British yeomanry Friends of Judge James Cantrill declare that hebaa authorized them to sa Y- United he will bea candidate States Senator to succeed Deboe This thing of Judges being candidates for alt offices in sight is becoming monotonousa v h Grover Clew land states that he did not vote fei McKinley but does not admit that Ins ballot was cast for Bryanx papers are greatly exercised about this matter which is of small imp stance anyhow The Genera Council has pro ¬ vided for the d istribution of 20000 bushels of coal among the worthy poor of this city This action will meet with hear approval from all parties I Kentucky is already credited with thirtyone killings on Christmas day with counties yet to hear from All but one of them took place out ¬ side of Louisville 6999S9695969S96SS9S9S9 S0GIETv 1 0 Miss Antoinette Hays will leave next week for an extended stay in New York William and Otto Schmitt spent Christ ¬ mas here with their father William LATE JAMES Schmitt SecretaryTreasurer of the SchaeferMeyer Brewing Company John Carr and wife Howell Ind were this week the guests of relatives in Jeffersonville t I Mike Crowleyyj735 J 1IIRh venue was the recipient of a Christmas present Its abeautifulgiri John Chawk who has been visiting friends here will leave for Kansas City Monday morning Mrs Sadie M Kenna who has been quite ill at her home Howard Park is now reported convalescent Mrs John Murphy who has been the guest of Mrs Lou Bodenstein in Jeffer sonville has gone to Chicago Miss Miriam Wathen has as her guest for the holidays Miss Alice Berton a pretty young lady from Helena Ark Miss Loretta Mulligan is here from Nazareth to spend the holiday season with her mother She will remain another week Mrs Lily Riley will be the guest of her parents Mr and Mrs William Wai ler 1432 Sixth street until after New Years Joseph Herrmann and Prank Hirth are here from College to spend the holiday season with their parents Mr and Mrs W P Clancy have ar- rived ¬ at their home at Crescent Hill after an enjoyable visit with friends in Chicago Mrs Roach Griffin had as her guests this week Misses Nellie Griffin and Vaden Pritchett charming young ladies from Corydon V Mrs James Higgins of New Albany left Tuesday for Blaine Kas having been called there by the serious illness other sister Mrs Pat Leonard Among the attractive visitors spending the holidays here is Miss Virginia Wathen of Owensboro who is the guest of Miss Jane Moore Garvin Place Jeffersonville society will greatly miss Mrs M V McCann and Mrs Jean Mc Cann who leave next week for the South where they will remain until spring William McGuIre and his charming wife who have been spending Christmas week with friends I in Indianapolis have arrived at thefrboaie in New Albany Bert Reiliy a popular young resident of who made an enviable reputation while i ia the service of Uncle Sam in Cuba was lure this week voting Meads T Miss 9teliy O r arrived here Saturday from k where she la pursuing her M i io spend the Boll- day vacation wick r r parents Mr an- dfIlaIMlQCor Neal McNasnstg ad wife who have been apeaditig i holidays visiting friends l flrth 01ty jpd Maurice con in Jeffcnouvilto wIM week return to their home fits r Miss Margaret 6t levee for New YorkrC9tyttieail tsdsy where she S1t will visit Mix Mabel McMahon Before returning she will also spend several weeks with friends in Massachusetts Christmas night the finest feast ever spread at the Louisville Hotel was pro ¬ vided by Manager Mulligan for a number of his friends and their wives who will not soon forget the enjoyable occasion Misses Katherine and Margaret OBrien are spending the holidays with friends in Indianapolis where Miss Margaret will remain till spring Miss Katherine is expected home next week Among the visitors now in the city are Messrs James and Dennis Shanaban who are here with their relatives for the holidays the former from New York and the latter from Georgetown University Mrs M J Kierce and daughter Miss Nellie of Evansville arrived here this week to spend the holidays with Mrs Martin J Gavin 1230 Eighth street who willentertain in their honor before their departure In todays issue of our paper we pub ¬ lish a little poem by Miss Don Leavy a young writer of promise Miss Don Leavy is at present stopping with her aunt Mrs Mary Lester on Oak street near Ninth this city Miss Marie OBrlen who returned home Saturday from Nazareth Academy THE C GILBERT of Gethsemani Owes parentshRS ¬ tention Her many society friends will regret her departure next week Misses Miriam Tess Rose and Ethel Wathen the charming daughters of Mr and Mrs James Wathen 1320 Second street who are here during the holidays will return next week to Nazareth Acade ¬ my where they are completing theiredu cationOne of the gayest and most enjoyable of the holiday receptions was given their friends Thursday evening by Dr and Mrs Halpin OReilly A pleasing feature of the entertainment was the reading by Mrs Anna Chase Deppen Mrs OReilly is a most charming hostess Frank Burke accompanied by this wife and children arrived Monday from In ¬ dianapolis to spend Christmas with rela- tives ¬ in Jeffersonville Since his removal to the Hoosier capital he has been phe ¬ nomenally successful and today he is one of the most prominent and popular Dens ¬ ocrats in Indiana George Coll the wellknown Galveston attorney arrived fn JeffersonvHle last Saturday to join his wife and children who have been the guests of Maurice con and Barney Coll since the great Texas disaster He speaks encouragingly of the future of Galveston and with his family will return after the holidays The nuptials of William D Herbst the popular telegraph operator and son of William Herbst the wellknown Brook street cigar manufacturer and Miss Fan ¬ nie Sullivan one of Paducahs leading society favorites were solemnized last Tuesday at the Catholic rectory at Pa ducah The young couple will reside here the groom being employed by the Postal Telegraph Company The announcement of the engagement of Robert M Kelly Jr and Miss Eleanor Mercine of Milwaukee was received here this week with more than ordinary in ¬ terest Miss Merciue has frequently vis ¬ ited this city where she won many admirers The lucky groomelect stands very high among Louisville business mpn and is well known in society The wedding will not take place until next September Edward D Haunan accompanied by his wife and two sons are here from Pa ducah for the holidays the guests of Thomas Hannan and family in Clifton Mr Hannan is one of the most prominent business men in Paducah and at the late city election was chosen a member of the City Council by an overwhelming major ¬ ity His many Louisville friends were all glad to meet him Miss Annie Leathers one of Louis ¬ vines fairest daughters has been select- ed ¬ by Louisville Comwaadery aa its sponsor for the Knights Templar trien- nial ¬ conclave and a more worthy selec ¬ tion could not have been made Miss Leathers ia the handsome and charming daughter of Capt John Leathers Louisville will be brilliantly represented the other selections being Miss Gertrude Vogt sponsor for the State at large noulponeotforbe well known beauties A great nation ia made by worthy du aena CiDWarlier 7 JOB PRINTING J J- The Kentucky Irish American is prepared to do the best of Job Printing such as 4LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS BILL HEADS CARDS ENVELOPES > TIOKETS DODGERS All work executed promptly iii firstclass style Give Us Your Order and fftlp Us Gr- owKENTUCKY IRISH AMERICAN l 326 WEST GREEN ST CENTRAL COAL IRON CO INCORPORATED 410 WEST MAIN STREE1az Miners and Dealers inJ RENDERANDECIIOLSCOALALWAYS t All Slz Anthracite Coal on Hand Tel 157 and 2324 HENRY C LAUER TELEPHONE 1140 FINE WINES AND LIQUORS 407 EAST JEFFERSON ST BRANCH HODS 905 W MARKET KY Big Four The J Buffalo rRouteJ to AND BOARDING t f EAST STREET LOUISVILLE I 1901 PanAmericanExposition LakeShore equippedtrain toUuflHlo M E tiyatts President pWoPDtppt Cincinnati A S J GATES GENL LOUISVILLE KY nn DRINK Hofbrau Pilsener Beer BREWED BY SENN ACKERMAN BI ECWII TG COlfiANY INCORPORATED TELEPHONE 452 KY JOHN F OERTEL BUTCHERTOWN BREWERY CREAM COMMON BEER 14001404 Story Avenue Telephone 891 LOUISVILLE KY JOSEPH D COONEY y MANUFACTURER OP 1M HONARO A SUPRRIOK a OBJlVac C5IQAK u 1207 8trtltLotdml 1e I I LIVERY STABLE 428 AND 430 t JEFFERSON A AGENT Be LOUISVILLE WtltKalI Brown Leghorn Eggs 5CENTS CHARLES L JACQUES I 2422 St Xavier How Brown Leghorns Lay Twelve heM and pullet laid 1233 eggs la ISM April138J l t AUft j Q c J- u a

Transcript of KENTUCKY IRISH flMERIGM JOB - Chronicling...

rJl A Uttte MMtfNMiiiitf ittKBNTUOKY I H A ERJCAN


Dcroted to tke Morel end Social Advancement of all Irish Americans


Entered at the Louisville Postofllce as SecondClass Matter

Mdursall Coi alCIUonl to thc KENTUCKY IIRISH AMERICAN 326 West Orcea Street



Archbishop Ireland has been com ¬

missioned by President McKinley

to visit Cuba investigate and

report on the matter of church

property the jurisdiction of the

bishops clergy and religious orders

their relations with the Govern ¬

pent and people with the purpose

that all a ay be peaceably and jjustlyarranged under the change from

r Spanish rule Archbishop Chap

pelle under President McKinleys

commission arranged these matters

yfe Porto Rico and suggested they proper course to be followed in

framing the constitution to govern

that island He is now in the

Philippines on a similar mission

No two men better fitted for such

a mission could have been selected

that they are both Catholic prelatesc is not due to intrigue with the

Catholics as bigots insinuate and

political partisans endorse but to

the fact that it is essential that only

Catholic prelates can properly attend to it the only church matters

0to adjust in those provinces being

Catholic that being the only church

there The only church power with

which these questions can be settled

is the Pope of Rome and finallyjf the only qualified persons to settle

the questions ecclesiastical as well

t as civil must necessarily be a

Catholic prelateThis iis generally recognized and

I President McKinleys wisdom inf selecting Archbishops Ireland and

Cbappelte for such important mis

sions is approved by all reasoningI

F people especially since these twof prelates are universally respected

by the American people for their

f1ability fairness and patriotism Of-

jj course the bigots condemn and thej1 partisans indirectly approve the

condemnation of the clothing of

Catholic prelates with authority torepresent the United States Govern ¬

ment in so important a matter asshaping the government of Ameri-

can territory and people th-


recognizing and founding the union

of church and state in violation of

the Constitution and principles ofI our governmentas they put itignoring the fact that the prelatesare American citizens and eligible

to any office under the Governmentand further that they are in this

K instance simply commissioned t-

oiascertain and report the condition

I of affairs and suggest the bestcourse to pursue to remedy incon

I sistencies and troubles to Americanize the government and people

of those sections of the world andfinally that the prelates are not

I clothed with executive or arbitrary

Ii powers and their reports and sug-

gestions must be subject to the lawI making powers Congress and the

t President and can only be effective

m when enacted into law1 But then every one knows thatK the onlyl reason the patriotic bigotsm object is that Archbishops Ireland1 and Chappelle are Catholices andI the reason the partisans object isI because they think they see a chanceI to make a political point againstW their political opponents the Mc-

Kinley administration These factsm being generally understood no oneR but the bigots and partisans payR much attention to the incident

K thought it is likely to be heard fromm again when the question of estab1 listing or approving the form of

i government for these islands comes

before Congress It may then1 assume the tangible form of reso

B lutions and protests with their real

I bases and purposes1 carefully con

I coaled however1 but neverthelessI fully understood<l because twoCath

ik arcUpishopi suggested at least



The poor store girls is an

expression frequently heard among

the Christmas shoppers as theynoticed the overwork and long

hours to which the girls employed

in stores were subjected during the

rush of trade It is the same everyChristmas or any other time whenbusiness is rushed The storekeep ¬

ers are generally denounced andI that ends the matter till next Christ

masAllnaturally sympathize with

the girls so do we A suggestionthat the labor organizations shouldremedy this matter is very properand indeed they alone can remedy

it There must be a beginningand in this as in every other instance there is one essential pre ¬

liminary without which the labororganizations nor any one else canaccomplish results The store girlsmust learn that it depends chiefly

upon themselves They must take

the proper steps to arrive at a unityof purpose objects and strengthfor action They must form aunion formulate their grievancespresent their petitions and standtogether in doing so

When they get ready to under ¬

take the forming of an organiza ¬

tion they can notify the CentralLabor Union and they will be

promptly aided by advice and

otherwise how to proceed andwhen ready to seek redress bettertreatment and pay shorter andmore regular hours they will be

directed andywaided jn the mpve

and have the earnest anti unitedsupport of every labor organizationin the city-

Further there are several propri ¬

etors of the largest stores in the citythat will promptly grant their re¬

quest and aid them in forcing otherstore proprietors to do likewise for

the present irregular and overwork ¬

ing system is as unsatisfactory to

these proprietors as it is to theiremployes but they must follow itbecause others do It all rests withthe girls whether they will continueunder the present system If theystart the move now in earnest it is

more than probable they will enjoya decided change in the Christmastrade next year Like all otherworkers men toS well as womenthey must take the initiatory stepsin attending to their own businessremedying their own grievances and


bettering their own conditionWhen they show their purpose todo so they will be promptly andfully aided to success Now girlswhat will you do about it


II When rogues fall out etc is

suggested by the fight now on among

the gamblers over the application of

Kachler for a license to open a saloonon Market between Third andFourth streets The saloon is onlythe surface indication and reallycuts no figure in the row Thebuilding is a large one and reallynot needed for only a saloon theproceeds of which would not justifyits use But the public understandwhy some saloons require so muchroom to fully carry on their busi ¬

ness in its various phasesthesaloon being merely thepublicentrance as it were The Kachlersaloon is to be no exception Aman named Alvey proposes to havea pool room and probably otherAccommodations for the sportivelyinclined and this is the reall boneof contention but is kept in thebackground for reasons uuneces

lrytoltatrheracket is atracting so much attention howeven that unless the warring ftc¬


tions compromise in some way thewhole thing may be so fully ex ¬

posed that both may be squelchedby the popular outcry or ratherthe fear of it The officers of the

law may find it imperative to stop

Alvey and close up all the othergambling resorts for a while at

leastInthe meantime the fight is a

merry one and despite the cautious

moves of the principals and theirattorneys to say nothing of certainState and city officials the details

are known and watched with inter ¬

est It is Wehtnhoff against Alveyand both are powers in their respect ¬

ive spheres in the sporting world

Each has his adherents attorneysand II friends in the Courthouseand City Hall One has notori ¬

ously persisted in violating thegambling laws and the otherdoubless thinks her is entitled to

do the same Wehmhoff has a

saloon pool room etc and Alveyseems to want as thoroughly equip ¬

ped an establishment but Wehmhoff does not seem to consent to it

This is the real issue behindKachlers application for a saloon

license and accounts for the im ¬

portance array of counsel and noise

in connection with it Wehmhoffhas the monopoly the money the

friends and the pull with the pow

ers that be Alvey has the moneysome friends and is claiming the

same right toII a pull Wilt he

get it If he does there will be

peace in sportdom for a while if he

doesnt well it depends on his

nerve and he is reputed to have


The charge made by the Times

that the southern part of Louisvilleknown as Limerick is infested by

exconvicts is false and is an injustice to that section A great many

negroes are to be found in the

alleys of the neighborhood from

Eighth to Twelfth street and thepeople of those parts are doing their

best to have the nuisance looked

after A few more electric lightsplaced on the streets from Sixth to

Twelfth and on St Catharine and

Oak would help greatly to abolish

the loafing places of idlers but not

exconvicts who at present are con ¬

gregating there to the annoyanceof the residents

The southern part of this city was

horrified by the shocking tragedyof December 23 in which nightwatchman John Happelman lost

his life at the yard of the GreenRiver Asphalt Company on Ninthand Zane streets He was a trustedemploye and deserving man andevery step has been taken to tracethe murderer who robbed the unfor ¬

tunate man as well as slew him

The police will doa good thing in

getting rid of the toughsmostlynegroeswho infest that part of

the city and who are a menace tolife and property

The part which the Holy Fathertook in the gorgeous ceremoniesattending the closing of the HolyDoor of St Peters Cathedral on

December 24 goes to show to thewhole world that the SupremeHead of Christendom is yet strongand vigorous After the tryingceremony he intoned the Te Deumin a resonant voice and gage furtherevidence of his magnificent consti ¬


The announcement of the death

exAlderman James C Gilbertcast a gloom all over LouisvilleWednesday He was a man inevery way and the number of

young men whom he has counseledand assisted is unlimited The poorhave indeed lost a good friend

The friends of the Boers havenot yet abandoned hope The news

this week was very satisfactorythe English having sustained stillfurther losses The sturdy burgherssucceeded in capturing anothersquadron of the British yeomanry

Friends of Judge James Cantrilldeclare that hebaa authorized themto sa Y-

Unitedhe will bea candidateStates Senator to succeed

Deboe This thing of Judges beingcandidates for alt offices in sight is

becoming monotonousav h

Grover Clew land states that hedid not vote fei McKinley but does

not admit that Ins ballot was castfor Bryanx papers are greatlyexercised aboutt this matter which

is of small imp stance anyhow

The Genera Council has pro ¬

vided for the d istribution of 20000bushels of coal among the worthypoor of this city This action willmeet with hear approval from all


I Kentucky is already credited withthirtyone killings on Christmasday with counties yet to hear from

All but one of them took place out ¬

side of Louisville


S0GIETv 10

Miss Antoinette Hays will leave nextweek for an extended stay in New York

William and Otto Schmitt spent Christ ¬

mas here with their father William


Schmitt SecretaryTreasurer of theSchaeferMeyer Brewing Company

John Carr and wife Howell Indwere this week the guests of relatives inJeffersonville tI

Mike Crowleyyj735J 1IIRh venue wasthe recipient of a Christmas present Itsabeautifulgiri

John Chawk who has been visitingfriends here will leave for Kansas CityMonday morning

Mrs Sadie M Kenna who has beenquite ill at her home Howard Park isnow reported convalescent

Mrs John Murphy who has been theguest of Mrs Lou Bodenstein in Jeffersonville has gone to Chicago

Miss Miriam Wathen has as her guestfor the holidays Miss Alice Berton a

pretty young lady from Helena Ark

Miss Loretta Mulligan is here fromNazareth to spend the holiday seasonwith her mother She will remain anotherweek

Mrs Lily Riley will be the guest of

her parents Mr and Mrs William Wailer 1432 Sixth street until after NewYears

Joseph Herrmann and Prank Hirthare here from College tospend the holiday season with theirparents

Mr and Mrs W P Clancy have ar-


at their home at Crescent Hillafter an enjoyable visit with friends inChicago

Mrs Roach Griffin had as her gueststhis week Misses Nellie Griffin and VadenPritchett charming young ladies fromCorydon V

Mrs James Higgins of New Albanyleft Tuesday for Blaine Kas havingbeen called there by the serious illnessother sister Mrs Pat Leonard

Among the attractive visitors spendingthe holidays here is Miss VirginiaWathen of Owensboro who is the guestof Miss Jane Moore Garvin Place

Jeffersonville society will greatly missMrs M V McCann and Mrs Jean McCann who leave next week for the Southwhere they will remain until spring

William McGuIre and his charmingwife who have been spending Christmasweek with friends Iin Indianapolis havearrived at thefrboaie in New Albany

Bert Reiliy a popular young residentof who made an enviablereputation while iia the service of UncleSam in Cuba was lure this week votingMeads T

Miss 9teliy O r arrived hereSaturday from k where she la

pursuing her Mi io spend the Boll-day vacation wick r r parents Mr an-


Neal McNasnstg ad wife who havebeen apeaditigi holidays visitingfriends lflrth 01ty jpd Maurice con inJeffcnouvilto wIM week return totheir home fits


Miss Margaret 6t levee forNew YorkrC9tyttieail tsdsy where she


will visit Mix Mabel McMahon Beforereturning she will also spend severalweeks with friends in Massachusetts

Christmas night the finest feast everspread at the Louisville Hotel was pro ¬

vided by Manager Mulligan for a numberof his friends and their wives who willnot soon forget the enjoyable occasion

Misses Katherine and MargaretOBrien are spending the holidays withfriends in Indianapolis where MissMargaret will remain till spring MissKatherine is expected home next week

Among the visitors now in the cityare Messrs James and Dennis Shanabanwho are here with their relatives for theholidays the former from New York andthe latter from Georgetown University

Mrs M J Kierce and daughter MissNellie of Evansville arrived here thisweek to spend the holidays with MrsMartin J Gavin 1230 Eighth street whowillentertain in their honor before theirdeparture

In todays issue of our paper we pub ¬

lish a little poem by Miss Don Leavya young writer of promise Miss DonLeavy is at present stopping with heraunt Mrs Mary Lester on Oak streetnear Ninth this city

Miss Marie OBrlen who returnedhome Saturday from Nazareth Academy





parentshRS ¬

tention Her many society friends willregret her departure next week

Misses Miriam Tess Rose and EthelWathen the charming daughters of Mrand Mrs James Wathen 1320 Secondstreet who are here during the holidayswill return next week to Nazareth Acade ¬

my where they are completing theiredu


of the gayest and most enjoyableof the holiday receptions was given theirfriends Thursday evening by Dr andMrs Halpin OReilly A pleasing featureof the entertainment was the reading byMrs Anna Chase Deppen Mrs OReillyis a most charming hostess

Frank Burke accompanied by this wifeand children arrived Monday from In ¬

dianapolis to spend Christmas with rela-


in Jeffersonville Since his removalto the Hoosier capital he has been phe¬

nomenally successful and today he is oneof the most prominent and popular Dens ¬

ocrats in Indiana

George Coll the wellknown Galvestonattorney arrived fn JeffersonvHle lastSaturday to join his wife and childrenwho have been the guests of Mauricecon and Barney Coll since the greatTexas disaster He speaks encouraginglyof the future of Galveston and with hisfamily will return after the holidays

The nuptials of William D Herbst thepopular telegraph operator and son ofWilliam Herbst the wellknown Brookstreet cigar manufacturer and Miss Fan ¬

nie Sullivan one of Paducahs leadingsociety favorites were solemnized lastTuesday at the Catholic rectory at Paducah The young couple will residehere the groom being employed by thePostal Telegraph Company

The announcement of the engagementof Robert M Kelly Jr and Miss EleanorMercine of Milwaukee was received herethis week with more than ordinary in ¬

terest Miss Merciue has frequently vis¬

ited this city where she won manyadmirers The lucky groomelect standsvery high among Louisville businessmpn and is well known in society Thewedding will not take place until nextSeptember

Edward D Haunan accompanied byhis wife and two sons are here from Paducah for the holidays the guests ofThomas Hannan and family in CliftonMr Hannan is one of the most prominentbusiness men in Paducah and at the latecity election was chosen a member of theCity Council by an overwhelming major ¬

ity His many Louisville friends wereall glad to meet him

Miss Annie Leathers one of Louis ¬

vines fairest daughters has been select-ed


by Louisville Comwaadery aa itssponsor for the Knights Templar trien-nial


conclave and a more worthy selec¬

tion could not have been made MissLeathers ia the handsome and charmingdaughter of Capt John LeathersLouisville will be brilliantly representedthe other selections being Miss GertrudeVogt sponsor for the State at large

noulponeotforbewell known beauties

A great nation ia made by worthy duaena CiDWarlier



The Kentucky Irish American is prepared todo the best of Job Printing such as



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I 2422 St XavierHow Brown Leghorns Lay Twelve

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