Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY...

1- - -- . 1 New Series No. 16. Vol. I V.J LEXINGTON, K. TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1813. T Vol. 27. KENTUCKY GAZETTE IS rCliLISHU) EVEIIT TDKSDAY BY THOMAS SMITH. JIII"1 Bit OF THE LAWS OK THE UNION.' covnivrojvs. Three Dih.laus per annum, payable at the expiration ot the year, or Two Dollars at the ti'iie of subscribing Persons at a distance dnecting the paper 10 be forwarded by mail, in A accompany their order with two dollars c i 1., or a note for three dollars. The postage in very case must be paid. Ain uiiti'eme". n are inserted at 50 cents per square the first time, and 25 cents for each continuance ;- - THE PRIV 11NG OFPICE is kept at nrad;ord's old stand, opposite the Branch Bank. i I'RIN I'lXR of every discription will be a very handsome style on the usual ii' ns, ihe whole apparatus used in the oiii e he ing i ntirely new. A LIST of letter remaining in the Post-Of-- ne at Lexington Ky. on'the 30th day of March, 1813, which is not taken out in three months, will be sent to the general Post-Offic- e as iltad letters. A Allen Catharine Ar nsii'oiig William William Abliernathy BluckstoneAimins William Aim. s Btniamin Armstrong Thomas v Adams .Mary Allen James Bell William C. Bill Cuthbert Bullock Edmund Biadlev L. llrownslon Jacob Barbee Andrew Blest Judy Biotlierton'David B.rch Mary IJ.adshaw Lt. James Burr Thomas BeTy Benjamin 2 Boone Samuel Boyce John Birch George S. Bnyer John G. Bishop Robert II. Baker David B.iki-- r Allen Bryant Joseph 2 Beach Capt.jVilliam Ballard Howard" It uuiberger Caty Biadlev Susan It. 2 151ew Rallcy Jt , Rennet Hai Capt. Bostian Beard, Abner Ann C. eath Rev. Jacob 3 Alexander Carry Leroy Cowling J. G. Cavens Conner Henn C. Chinn Perry Hiram ' C .ile IUnu-- B. (' S.illy W. II. Robert C. i.ri J mes Cheancy I' 11 Abr ham "C James 2 Camp a' in Sarah C u us Clennjigham Clai k J Cur is Lew is H. Cotton Conns Martin James I) DivisJohn W. Don ning Margaret S sun Dinning Fiancis Xielims R.beit D shman W Hiam Elizabeth Dai is Janus K'der Matthew Elliot Frary Polly Fans L. Francis Fei-l- d Griffith Seth X. C, unn, Poll i . Bunhard fioun IleiiiV Gi.ives panics Grumes G.. it Lititia Cruet Goodnough Gunn Garna Mr. dtewood Ann 51. Us ;.;ul J ,ii( Humphrey Wm. IT . Alldl-- I! ' Uv David jio v.ird Geo & co. Sunon M. II in'lton It II in', indoii Mr. llo'iry John ll.i Mr. A. . Joel II ill Tno.ii.'is Al v. T.'cles Jfhn .'ones A llliarn S. ne Di- - K( stler V'hzul K i, (j Kei-lle-'j K- - He) Htr.i v K i ma . Dai .d K i i Jacob th Allen Joseph Anderson William Allen Sus'an Ashbv James Allen Richardson Alexander Robert Henry Brink Beck Aquilla Bryan Biggs Roha.won Sinion 2 Uhtckimnre Robert Highon Morris Michael 2 Brooke A- - Burgctton Isaac Ilooz John Heard Joseph Brooke Richard Brown Eliza W. Brown Elizabeth Blaydes William Brimberger .lohn Back man Bronson Silas Bibb Charles Barkeley .lames Bowling William Beaufort Abraham Brownson John Browning James John Joseph Curack Michael Crow Bedily Claike William Coleman Thomas Comstock Julia Carh ChnnJohu William Cole John Francis Clay Hannah Cline 'tiee'l-ia- c 2 Curey Ludwell Cliambers r..t.iu Crocket John t'hudburu uuibaugh John Carlton ,obert Combs Stephen William Cooper Samuel Elijah John Carleton Causey Carpenter William Conquest Cockrall John Downing Dickinson William Matthew Thomas Forbush Gunge Ros..nna hliier Elijah Thomas Isiah Henry Jlendly John .iohn ilcs John Hubbard ,bert nphrov HiJsuiHH Ri'lingly Willum Aubrey Philip John Andrew Thomas Cornelius JosepK Daiy James Deeree Joseph Dorsey Caleb Deadman Richmond Duncan Samuel Devour Samuel Doherty James E Esam James r Pisher Jame3 Francis t vans Parrel James G Pry Henry B. Farrand John C Grimsty Lucinda Grover Joel Gibbert Cristen Grady Samuel sen. (Jibbons William Gray George Gri'.hum William Glass Rev Joseph S Grimes John Cialiam William Gamar Thomas U HiSlop Joseph Hanlesty lltnry Hamlet Nancy M. HalUy John II. Harris Uavid Holmes Robert Holmes Hugh Hugh John Hart X.'h. Iljkirs Ha..".- - ' I'll IIuIm Hi 'm HujjIks JoSru 2 lligl' J hn llallh . '1 l.DS. o 7 (j j Jimeson William K King Rennet 1 ir Rev John l""p: i.torge Ku.-- r .Ii hn KeiiiuiU Thomas Kcnncdv John W Loydon Capt Lewis Samuel Lipscomb Spotswood Logan John Lewi3 Warner W. M'Feters Margaret Merry Capt. P. M'Clure Andrew M'Clure Posev Marr Leonaru Alonfort David M'All Thomas M'Dovvel Lucy 2 May Catharine M'Cracken John M'.Mullin Robert Miller William M'Pheters William Miller John M'Donald John Missic Susan M'Cormack Geo. W. M'Crosky lexander M'Marray Prudence Monroe Jane Lucy Mouel Benjamin M.tchell William Nocin George North Abraham Obrine Mary Oldham Eliza W. Picket George AV. Philips Samuel Parmer James Paxton Andrew Payne Elizabeth Park John-Pea- k Morgan. Patterson Francis Penny Henry Patterson Arthur Patterson William Page Harriet Prather Walter Rosse Ely Rogers Josjplj Rohb Joseph" Ramsey ThomaS Richej Samuel, Rogers Coleman Rodes Clifton Reed Andrew sen. Rosse Augustavus Ri6harilson itomons jsaac Stout David Snyder John Sale James Stamps William Sullee Peter Simpon,JohnS.J Sayre David Stoy Daniel Shock John Scissno William Stevenson George Stricklane, Stephen shaw Delia ale, Joanna Sheton Aney Shields Patrick Sjllee Peter Smith Thomas S.ephen John Strother Dinl. 5. Steele William Stuart Alexander : Taylor Eliza' I'iilton Robert Thomas Michael "Putt Benjamin Thurston Charles M. Thompson Ebenezer say lor James Pumpkins William Cenence David Thompson Charles Talbert Jonathan Taitt Patrick ITpson Slcphtij Whitington Charles W ilKinsolUgamuel Wright Harrett Whitmore Krederick Walkley Siephen Ward s'teplien WilliamS.John Wilson AUraham Wright Jftllerson Williams Daniel West Iiilm Wood Gideon Walker George Williams Maria Watkins Nathaniel AVnodruff Aaron Watson Samuel A7inans Nicholas Willson James 'Velch Jane AValker James A'oung Leving Young Lawiens A'ates James G. L"X Lawrans John Loyd Frethiau9 Leathers Joshua Lewis Alexander LL persons herebv ! Long Gabriel M M'Dowel Maj. James Madcap Thomas M'Kee Archibald M'Gee John Moore Samuel T. Morton Elizabeth H. M'Gee Walter, Morgan Charles Miller Robert Magnor William Moore Yelle M'Leod Alfred Metcalf Alfred ' f Alorton James Mofi'ett Geo. Mon tgomery Maj . Alex. Merick John 11. Morriss John Meredith Samuel Moore Capt. William Martin Edward M'Cormak Robert JV New John Nash William O , Owens Evans P Prather John Parker Hutchison PageJames Parker Elizabeth U. Perce Thomas Piles Martha Poor Matthew Padget Nancy Pugh Judith Payne John Price William B. Price Mr. Pettit George It Rankin Rev. Adam Hiss Vincene ' Rogers John Robinson William Bice Elizabeth Rutnsey Thomas Ridgcly Jane Riley Ninion Rumsey James John sen. Roberts Jessey S. J. C. E. L. F. Russell William SampsonvJames SajToi-- David B. Shankling Robert 'Scoft Mrs. Smith Joseph Sullinger Peter Smith William Strobe Daniel Shaw Catharine Smeeling"Randol Spindle Edmund Scidner Conrad Stevenson Thomas Shoemaker Henry Showard Leveji Smitli Joseph Sidener Henry Sharp Richard S'ecle Samuel Sidebattom Joseph Steele Mary ! Stephens Thomas Talbott John C. Tracey Thornton John Tioutman Adam Thompson '.Villiam Towles Ravvleigh D. ! Talbott Smith Char-Tott- e Turner Noble W. Thointon h. Tompkios Jane U ti V Vance James W Wilson George Wodlory Uannab. Worley Joshua Woodford Thomas C AV. AV. Worsley AVherling Benjamin AVinslow Sarah AV James Woodward Joseph Walker Joseph Winn Nathaniel AVare Major James AVebb Aaron AVarefield Caleb AVooldr.dge AValsh Elizabeth AVood James AVorthington AV. AVagnon John AVingale Jolm C. Wood Gicjeon AVincot Joseph AVinn Col. John AVood Alex- - Yard N'cholas Young Richaid Young Leonard JOHN JORDAN, Ju.v. April 13, 1813. M. 15-3- t. FOIL SALE. 4 BRICK STABLE AND CARRIAGE HOUSE, 55 by 22, an a LOT OP GROt'NI) nji Upper street, opposite Long's c.u penter shop, and near Mr. Hlint's fiiajjory. Application to he made KENNEDY & BRAND. April 6, 1813 14- -tf. jNOTICE. A are 4 B. C. to v leceivini"- - anv one of the three notes Riven bv me to William pjrrar. They aie all dated 111 February One is of Fi ur hundred and twenty-fiv- e dollars, payable in two years aster dale; another of Three hundred and seventy sue. payable in tweKe months aster date 13 of Two hundred and fiftv dollars. puble in sour months after'date; as I am de tvrnimed not to pay them until he has sully complied with his engigt ment. Ap- - 6, it:; Old T Ann Ann T. Ison S. P. P. feel S. BENJ. SMITH. fyAKEN UP by Job A'oung, on the waters of I Mercer Circuit Sect. March Term, 1813 - Clear creek, near Mount Pleasant meetintr ' Giiiion W. Higkis comn't." . house, one borrcl MAItE, supposed to oe eleven or twelve years old ; no brand or mark perceivable, blind in both eyes, sour white feet, blaze face, about fourteen hands hig- h- appraised to Fifteen dollars, this 20th day of July, 1812. JAMES DUNN April 6, 1813. 14- -3t Silver Flalers, Silver Smillts and Brass Founders. ' - I $ ETTtOOJLlRUFF, inform their friends and RESPECTFULLY that they still con- tinue to carry on tho above business in all their branches at their former stand, opposite the Branch Bank, on Alain-stree- t, Lexington. They return their sincere thanks for past pa tronage, and hope by their strict attention to business, to merit its continuance. TUET DAVE, iSD INTENU KREri!i5 OS BAND, A OEKEU4L ASSORTMENT OE Gold &, Silver Ware. Plated Candlesticks, Castors, &.s. OF THE NEWEST TATTERNS. ALSO, AV ELIGANT ASSORTMENT OT Hridle Bits. Stirrup Irons, &c. OF THE MOST FASHIONABLE PATTERNS. ALL KINDS OF Carriage and Harness Mounting, ' Carriage & Gig Springs. Coach Lace Fringe ? Tassels. ALSO, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Brass Candlesticks, Andirons, Sho-Ae- ls 6c Tongs,- - Ooor Knock- ers, &c. Wliich they will dispose of very Ioto for Casfi, ALL KINDS OF Brass Work for Machinery, Clock Work, &c. CAST ON TUB SHORTEST NOTICE StilL Cocks, Rivets, Gun Mountings, Ifc. ' JV1AVATS ON HAND. They have just received an extensive assort- ment of SADDLERY, $c. All of which will be sold on the most reasona- ble terms for CASH. Oj" One or two APPRENTICES wanted to learn the Silyer Plating bus.ness. The highest price in Cash will be given for old COPPER, RRASS &. PEWTER April 6, 1813. 14- -tf. Barren Circuit Court, Slate of Kentucky, SecO March Tehm, laij. William Wilkerson, comp't. 1 vs- In Chancery Sally Wilkerson, defendant, j . ' THIS day came the compjaimnt by his counsel, and the defendant having sailed to en ter her appearance herein agreeably to law and the rules ot 'his court, and it appearing to the court by disinterested affidavits that the; said defendant is not an inhabitant of this state ; It is therefore, on the motion of the cjimplain-m- i. ordered, that the des ndant appear here on the first day of our next June Term, and an- swer the complainant's bill exhibited against her in this court, for the purpose of obtaining a divorce in savor of the complainant against the defendant ; Or, that on her failure so to do, the complainant's bill be taken for confes sed. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this order be published eight weeks succes sively in some authorized newspaper ot this commonwealth. (A Copv,) Attest, 14 RICHARD GARNETT, c. b. c. c. State of Kentucky, Fayette Circuit Court, January Term, 1813 Tiiomas & RobereBarii, i romplainants, against s In Chancery. JTiiAircis Wes r, &e. defendants. J 'THIS day came the complainants, by their ! counsel, and th : defendants John Lapsley, Henry Nixon and Samuel Mifflin, having sailed tomiter their appearance herein according to lav and the rules of this court, and it appear-mglth- the said defendants are not inhabitants of this commonwealth''! It is ordered that unr less they appear here on or before the first day of thenext June term of this court, and an- swer the said complainants' bill, the same will be taken tor confessed against them. It is fur tlier ordered that a copy of this older, be in serted in some authorised paper tor eight weeks successively, according to law. "And 'Ais cause 13 continued until the next term. . (A Copy.) Attest, ft HUBBARD H. SMITH, D, r, f,, c. Fayette Circuit Court March Term, 1813 James Giiavrs coniptaiuanO against 3 t James Eleiott's heirs and5 " Chancery. , otheis, defendants. 3 THIS day camethe complainant by his counsel, and the defendants James Elliot and Robert Elliott havinjr sailed to enter their ap pearance herein according to law and the rules ot this court, and it appearing to the satisfac- tion of the court that the said defendants are not inhabitants of this commonwealth it is ordered that unless they appear here on or be-fo- ie the first day of the next June term of this .cmirt, and answer the ComphunanUs bill, the same will be taken for confessed ?gainst them. And it is further ordeied that a copy of this order be inserted in some authorised paper for eight weeks successively according to law. (A copy.) 13 Attest, PETERI.RAILEy,u. Flint Glass Manufactory. 'TMIEA'On & ENCEL, respectfully inforfflt 1- their friends and the public in general that they have established a 1 lint Glass Maxcfactort on the South side of the a, opposite Wood street, Pittsburgh. Orders for any articles in their line, will be thankfully received :.nd promptly executed. Pittsburgh, 1, 18 IX ugainst. t I Jos. Tidrall & John Bcsk, Iti Chancery: detenuants, adm'r. of Philip Bnsh dec'd-- J THIS day came the complainant by his counsel, slid on his motion it Is ordered that said defendant Tidball appear here and ans- wer the complainant's bill on or before the first day of Jthe next term of this Court, or the same will be taken for confessed and it is further ordered that a copy of this order be forthwith inserted eight weeks successively, in some public newspaper in this commonwealth? au- thorised by law to make such publication. (A copy.) 13 Attest? TIIp'S. ALLEN, c. 0. MASOJS'S INN. JSWUJCrSTEHLIXG KEJ"TUCK1'. The subscriber has removed froih Georgetown to Mountsterling, and has opened House of Entertainment. . E returns thanks to his friends and ajjen. erous public, for their past savors, and hopes by his attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. PETER MASOjX. January 14, 1813: 12-t- f PREVENTION BETTER TJLW CUBE. FOH THE WIEVENTIOS AND CDRE OF Bltl'TS AKD MALIGNANT FEVERS, IS RECOMMENDED Halin's Anti-Bilio- us Pills, Prepared fonlyj at Lee's old established Patent SJ Family .Medicine Store, J"o. 56, .Maiden Lane, Jfeu.l'ork. THE operation of these pills is perfectly mild, so as to be used with safety by persons 111 every situation, and of every age. , - - They are excellently adapted to carry off su perfluous bile, and prevenuits morbid secreti ons to restore and amend the appetite pro- - ducJSa free perspiration, and tireieby prevent colds, wliich are often of fatal consequences V dose never sails to remove a cold, is taken on its first appearance they are celebrated for re- moving habitual costiveness, sickjiess at the to mach and severe liead ache andoughtto be taken byall persons on a cliSnge of chinate. They had been sound remarkably efliCacious in preventing and curing disorders attendant on long voyages, and should be procured and care- fully preserved for use, by every seaman. Hamilton's Worm iJestroying Lozenges. v This well known remedy has cured duraig the last eleven years, an immense number of children and adults of varions dangerous com plaints arising from worms. Hamilton's Essence 6j Extract of Mustard, A safe and effectual remedy for acute and chro- nic Rheumatism, Gout, Rheumatic Gout, Palsy, Lumbago, Numbness, AVhite Swellings, Chil Mains, Sprains, Bruises, pam in the face and neck, he. ITCH CURED, By once using LEE'S SOVEREIGN OINT- MENT. Hnmii ton's Grand I estorative Is recommended as an invaluable medicine for the speedy relies and permanent cure for the various complaints which result from dissipated pleasures; juvenile indiscretion! residence in climates unfavorable to the constitution ; the immoderate use of tea; frequent intoxication, or other destructive intemperance ; the unskil- ful or excessive use of mercury; the diseases peculiar to females at a certain period of life , bad lyings in, he. Hamilton's Elixir, Celebrated for the cure of Colds, obstinate Joughs, Asthmas, and approaching Consump- tions, and is a certain remedy for the Hoopine Cough Hahn's Truej Genuine Ger- man Corn Plaister, Tooth JZelie Drops. A multitude of attested cures performed by the above medicines, may be seen at tile place ofsale. 4P Tho above genuine medicines (with many other of equal celebrity) are prepared from the original receipts of the, late Richard Lee, jun. by his widovin New York. ' Cj" They are for sale in Kentucky Qry her particulnr appointment J at the stores of IValde mard .Menlelle, Lexington, and Dudley, Trigg & Dudley, in Frankfort. MACHIXE CARDS: rpllE celebrated Card Manufactory of White- - more h Co. is removed from Boston to Nevv-A'or- where it is now in complete opera. tion, heinir much' enlarcred and imnrmrtl hv have assurances that n'v orders will be narti culurly attended to, and executed with dis- patch Persons wanting Machine or other Caids, will find it their interest iP having their orders forwarded by me. LEWIS SANDERS. An invoice of well assorted goods to be dis- posed of, a part of the pay would be taken in good Hempen A'arns. L. S. Lex. March 3lli, 1813. 10-- tf NEW GOODS. JEREMIAH NEAA'E, in addition to his has received a hand-som- e assortment of Ironmonger). Crates, Dry Goods, Nails by the keg, and retail, Mill Saws. &c. tfc. Which he will sell AVholesale and Retail, on reasonable terms. HKM? WA TET. Cotton A'arn and f'ottti as usual. JMflrch IP 18n. f FOR SVLE, ' THE house occupied by the subscriber the is 28 set front running back to short street, on which it is the same, the house ii. 25 feet fi inches fiom, silly feet back the alley 5 feet wide in ctJmme-n- , with the adjoining house, now occupied by the Branch Panel;, which i.lo for sale possession ns either to " be had 24th day of May next. This pi is now offered very lw the pajmei. divided into 6 equidtflmV, In Jiand, in 1 2 3 ? 4 years bearing interest. . LEWIS SAXDIUSi Lexirglon, 9h MiftjJ), 1815. v 10-l- f. -- t. "Wanted. nnllREEl or sour Turners beepccust!iiei to a .i.. 1 .. .11 :. .. i:iw... .i tt;a Ifl VL' i Is 111 I Will 1' I I I LAJIII ill Vil.J E. smart boys ot sixteen or seventeen years of age, ,1, . ,i 1.. - . i... - will oe uiven as .7pprennces 10 icain uic 11, .1- - ahine making business by the subscriber, liv ing on Water street, adjoining the theatre, Lexington. JOHjY marsh January 25, 1812. 4-- SNAP 1LL stand the ensuing season in Fayette countv. on Jack's trtek toad, two miles from Jack's creek ferry, and three from Gif-lia- d Meeting House to cover mares at the re- duced price of two dollars in advance, (paid when the mare is covered,) or three dollars by the 25th of December in cash, or sour dollars in trade such as Corn, AVheat, Re, Oats, AVhiskey, Salt or country Linen, at the Lex- ington market price, to be paid on or before tie 25th of December next, delivered at the sta- - 1 ; Six dollars to ensure a maie with foal ; ore dollar & fifty cents the single leap, paid win n the mare is covered Anypejon who put mares to SNAP last season, Me same maii. (is the property of the same persuti6) are gratis also, any person put- ting five mafgrshalllwvethe ; fifth one gratia I he season to commence the 15th ot Marcn, and expire the 10th of July. PHILIB inumv. PEDIGREE. SNAP is a beautiful black, sixteen hands one inch high ; was got by the imported horse Shark, his dam bv old Snap Drairon. his fraud dam by Black and all Black, his great grand dam by the old noted horse Juba. P. B. .March Ibth, 1813, 11 u A Co Maty Spinner wanted. 'T'Ojwhom generous wages Will be given- - by - the subscriber. Testimonials relative to competency and character, will be required 'THOMAS WAJJLAUt,. Flemingsburg, March 4th, 1813. 10-- tf vasnjor iiops. A.LIBERAL price will pe given for fresh and - clein picked Hops next fall, by John Cole- man, at his Porter and Ale Brewery in Lexing. ton. Favmers will find it highly to their d. Vantage Uk, cultivate tlje above article, tne quantity w.itl,led aHHuallv will be considerable Lexington, Arafctr8rfSTSv -jl- 0-2m. popper for Stilte. 'TMIE SUBSCRIBERS are expecting in a sew days, a quantity of Copper in Patterns lor Stills which they will si terms. TILVORD, SCOTT & TROTTER. Nov. 3. 1812 45-- tf. the L.nscuiiiirii Resfiectfully informs the public that he has removed his COMMISSION STORE. To the house-latel- y occupied by Mr.Gatewood, adjoining Mr AV. Leavy's stoi-e- , where he con. tinues to sell, make Mid repair Looking Glas- ses, Picture Frame?, gilt and plain ; he has lately received an assortmenVof the most" fash- ionable Looking Glasses, and a most complete assortment of toys for children, more extensive than any before imported, and very cheap. Likewise Large Glasses for picture frames Clock do. Cotton by the Rale AVhite Lead of the first quality llox Rai3ins Prunes Mackarels H?rrinp-- and a'variety ST Groceries and drv Goods 32 AV. AIENTELLE Ellis Trotter, . Have just received, and are now opening in their new Uriel- - House, two doors above t - Sam't & Ceo 'Trotter, A L'ARCB 6" ELEGAKT ASSOSTMEXT OP GOO I) S, AVhich they will sell low' for CASH, either by wiioiesaie or retail. 31.'12 Lexington, April 6, 1813. POTASH &JJLACX SALTS ."VTAiVTED. 'the New-Yor- Manufactory company, with fjfOHN AVAINWRIGHT, manufact whom I have established a correspondence, and mist, will give three dollars ner tor Black Salts ; reasonable uri'igche- - sir dollars for Potash, is. ered :A. Apothecary store on Main street. FOR ,SAJaE, Aqua Fortis, double and single. of Vitriol, Spirits of Salts, Spirits of Wine, He also wishes to buy several hundred wr'rrnt of coarse dry SALT PBTHE, lor wlnc. i will give an advanced price. Lexington, April 6, 1813. 14 3t. Morrison, Boswells & Sutton TTAA'E lately received from Philadelphia, s, " cntaiwllrl nccrtptiiicrtt .,1" "Ml? !r I4 "V1!'1? of the most fashionable kind, which Will he sold cheap for cash ' only. l7-t- f Lexington, April IV, lSl PAVISI1 to hire a negro woman witmut l cuinberance, who is a good cook and a,' Ft'iru;!"-'- ; .?. IR' cwt. and del his Oil he. he. WJf

Transcript of Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY...

Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY · 1--1 New Series No. 16. Vol. IV.J LEXINGTON, K. TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1813.

1- -


New Series No. 16. Vol. IV.J LEXINGTON, K. TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1813. T Vol. 27.



covnivrojvs.Three Dih.laus per annum, payable at the

expiration ot the year, or Two Dollars at theti'iie of subscribing Persons at a distancednecting the paper 10 be forwarded by mail,in A accompany their order with two dollarsc i 1., or a note for three dollars. The postagein very case must be paid.

Ain uiiti'eme". n are inserted at 50 centsper square the first time, and 25 cents for eachcontinuance

;- - THE PRIV 11NG OFPICE is kept atnrad;ord's old stand, opposite the Branch Bank.

i I'RIN I'lXR of every discription will bea very handsome style on the usual

ii' ns, ihe whole apparatus used in theoiii e he ing i ntirely new.

A LIST of letter remaining in the Post-Of--

ne at Lexington Ky. on'the 30th day ofMarch, 1813, which is not taken out in threemonths, will be sent to the general Post-Offic- e

as iltad letters.A

Allen CatharineAr nsii'oiig WilliamAbliernathy BluckstoneAimins WilliamAim. s BtniaminArmstrong Thomas

v Adams .MaryAllen James

Bell William C.Bill CuthbertBullock EdmundBiadlev L.llrownslon JacobBarbee AndrewBlest JudyBiotlierton'DavidB.rch MaryIJ.adshaw Lt. JamesBurr ThomasBeTy Benjamin 2Boone SamuelBoyce JohnBirch George S.Bnyer John G.Bishop Robert II.Baker DavidB.iki--r AllenBryant Joseph 2Beach Capt.jVilliamBallard Howard"It uuiberger CatyBiadlev Susan It. 2

151ew Rallcy





Capt. Bostian Beard,


AnnC. eath Rev. Jacob 3 Alexander

CarryLeroy Cowling J. G.

Cavens ConnerHenn C. Chinn

Perry Hiram '

C.ile IUnu-- B.

(' S.illy W. II. RobertC. i.ri J mes CheancyI' 11 Abr ham"C James 2

Campa' in Sarah

C u us ClennjighamClai k J

Cur is Lew is H.Cotton Conns Martin


DivisJohn W.Don ning Margaret

S sunDinning FiancisXielims R.beitD shman W Hiam

ElizabethDai is Janus

K'der MatthewElliot

Frary PollyFans L.Francis


Griffith Seth X.C, unn, Poll i

. Bunhardfioun IleiiiVGi.ives panicsGrumesG.. it LititiaCruetGoodnoughGunnGarna Mr.dtewood Ann

51. Us ;.;ul J ,ii(

Humphrey Wm.IT . Alldl--

I! ' Uv David

jio v.ird Geo & co.Sunon M.

II in'lton ItII in', indoii Mr.llo'iry Johnll.i Mr. A. .

JoelII ill Tno.ii.'is

Al v.

T.'cles Jfhn.'ones A llliarn S.

ne Di- -

K( stler V'hzulK i, (jKei-lle-'jK- - He) Htr.i vK i ma . Dai .dK i i Jacob


Allen JosephAnderson WilliamAllen Sus'an

Ashbv JamesAllen RichardsonAlexander Robert


BrinkBeck AquillaBryanBiggsRoha.won Sinion

2 Uhtckimnre RobertHighon Morris

Michael2 Brooke A- -

Burgctton IsaacIlooz JohnHeard JosephBrooke RichardBrown Eliza W.Brown ElizabethBlaydes WilliamBrimberger .lohnBack manBronson SilasBibb CharlesBarkeley .lamesBowling WilliamBeaufort AbrahamBrownson John

Browning James JohnJoseph

Curack MichaelCrow Bedily Claike WilliamColeman Thomas Comstock Julia

CarhChnnJohu WilliamCole

John FrancisClay Hannah

Cline'tiee'l-ia- c 2 Curey Ludwell

Cliambersr..t.iu Crocket


uuibaugh John Carlton,obert Combs StephenWilliam CooperSamuel ElijahJohn Carleton

Causey CarpenterWilliam

Conquest Cockrall John





Forbush GungeRos..nna





Jlendly John .iohn

ilcs John











Daiy JamesDeeree JosephDorsey CalebDeadman RichmondDuncan SamuelDevour SamuelDoherty James

EEsam James

rPisher Jame3Francis t vansParrel James G

Pry Henry B.Farrand JohnCGrimsty LucindaGrover JoelGibbert CristenGrady Samuel sen.(Jibbons WilliamGray GeorgeGri'.hum WilliamGlass Rev Joseph

S Grimes JohnCialiam WilliamGamar Thomas

UHiSlop JosephHanlesty lltnryHamlet Nancy M.HalUy John II.Harris UavidHolmes RobertHolmes HughHugh JohnHart X.'h.IljkirsHa..".- - ' I'llIIuIm Hi 'mHujjIks JoSru

2 lligl' J hnllallh . '1 l.DS.

o7 (j j

Jimeson William

KKing Rennet1 ir Rev Johnl""p: i.torgeKu.-- r .Ii hnKeiiiuiU ThomasKcnncdv John


Loydon CaptLewis SamuelLipscomb SpotswoodLogan JohnLewi3 Warner W.

M'Feters MargaretMerry Capt. P.M'Clure AndrewM'Clure PosevMarr LeonaruAlonfort DavidM'All ThomasM'Dovvel Lucy 2May CatharineM'Cracken JohnM'.Mullin RobertMiller WilliamM'Pheters WilliamMiller JohnM'Donald JohnMissic SusanM'Cormack Geo. W.M'Crosky lexanderM'Marray PrudenceMonroe Jane LucyMouel BenjaminM.tchell William

Nocin GeorgeNorth Abraham

Obrine MaryOldham Eliza W.

Picket George AV.

Philips SamuelParmer JamesPaxton AndrewPayne ElizabethPark John-Pea-k

Morgan.Patterson FrancisPenny HenryPatterson ArthurPatterson WilliamPage HarrietPrather Walter

Rosse ElyRogers JosjpljRohb Joseph"Ramsey ThomaSRichej Samuel,Rogers ColemanRodes CliftonReed Andrew sen.Rosse AugustavusRi6harilsonitomons jsaac

Stout DavidSnyder JohnSale JamesStamps WilliamSullee PeterSimpon,JohnS.JSayre DavidStoy DanielShock JohnScissno WilliamStevenson GeorgeStricklane, Stephenshaw Delia

ale, JoannaSheton AneyShields PatrickSjllee PeterSmith ThomasS.ephen JohnStrother Dinl. 5.Steele WilliamStuart Alexander :

Taylor Eliza'I'iilton RobertThomas Michael"Putt BenjaminThurston Charles M.Thompson Ebenezersay lor JamesPumpkins WilliamCenence DavidThompson CharlesTalbert JonathanTaitt Patrick

ITpson Slcphtij

Whitington CharlesW ilKinsolUgamuelWright HarrettWhitmore KrederickWalkley SiephenWard s'teplienWilliamS.JohnWilson AUraham

Wright JftllersonWilliams DanielWest IiilmWood GideonWalker GeorgeWilliams MariaWatkins NathanielAVnodruff AaronWatson SamuelA7inans NicholasWillson James'Velch JaneAValker James

A'oung LevingYoung LawiensA'ates James G.


Lawrans JohnLoyd Frethiau9Leathers JoshuaLewis Alexander

LL persons herebv


Long GabrielM

M'Dowel Maj. JamesMadcap ThomasM'Kee ArchibaldM'Gee JohnMoore Samuel T.Morton Elizabeth H.M'Gee Walter,Morgan CharlesMiller RobertMagnor WilliamMoore YelleM'Leod AlfredMetcalf Alfred ' fAlorton JamesMofi'ett Geo.Mon tgomery Maj . Alex.Merick John 11.

Morriss JohnMeredith SamuelMoore Capt. WilliamMartin EdwardM'Cormak Robert

JVNew JohnNash William

O ,

Owens Evans

PPrather JohnParker HutchisonPageJamesParker Elizabeth U.Perce ThomasPiles MarthaPoor MatthewPadget NancyPugh JudithPayne JohnPrice William B.Price Mr.Pettit George

ItRankin Rev. AdamHiss Vincene '

Rogers JohnRobinson WilliamBice ElizabethRutnsey ThomasRidgcly JaneRiley NinionRumsey James

John sen. Roberts Jessey S.






Russell William

SampsonvJamesSajToi-- David B.Shankling Robert

'Scoft Mrs.Smith JosephSullinger PeterSmith WilliamStrobe DanielShaw CatharineSmeeling"RandolSpindle EdmundScidner ConradStevenson ThomasShoemaker HenryShoward LevejiSmitli JosephSidener HenrySharp RichardS'ecle SamuelSidebattom JosephSteele Mary

! Stephens Thomas

Talbott John C.TraceyThornton JohnTioutman AdamThompson '.VilliamTowles Ravvleigh D.

! Talbott Smith Char-Tott- e

Turner Noble W.Thointon h.Tompkios Jane

U ti V

Vance JamesWWilson GeorgeWodlory Uannab.Worley JoshuaWoodford Thomas C

AV. AV. WorsleyAVherling BenjaminAVinslow SarahAV James

Woodward Joseph Walker JosephWinn Nathaniel AVare Major James

AVebb AaronAVarefield CalebAVooldr.dgeAValsh ElizabethAVood JamesAVorthington AV.

AVagnon JohnAVingale Jolm C.Wood GicjeonAVincot JosephAVinn Col. JohnAVood Alex--

Yard N'cholasYoung RichaidYoung Leonard

JOHN JORDAN, Ju.v.April 13, 1813.

M.15-3- t.


HOUSE, 55 by 22, an a LOT OPGROt'NI) nji Upper street, opposite Long'sc.u penter shop, and near Mr. Hlint's fiiajjory.Application to he made

KENNEDY & BRAND.April 6, 1813 14- -tf.






v leceivini"- - anv one of the three notes Rivenbv me to William pjrrar. They aie all dated111 February One is of Fi ur hundred andtwenty-fiv- e dollars, payable in two years asterdale; another of Three hundred and seventysue. payable in tweKe months aster date

13 of Two hundred and fiftv dollars.puble in sour months after'date; as I am detvrnimed not to pay them until he has sullycomplied with his engigt ment.

Ap- - 6, it:;












fyAKEN UP by Job A'oung, on the waters of I Mercer Circuit Sect. March Term, 1813- Clear creek, near Mount Pleasant meetintr ' Giiiion W. Higkis comn't." .

house, one borrcl MAItE, supposed to oeeleven or twelve years old ; no brand or markperceivable, blind in both eyes, sour whitefeet, blaze face, about fourteen hands hig- h-appraised to Fifteen dollars, this 20th day ofJuly, 1812. JAMES DUNN

April 6, 1813. 14- -3t

Silver Flalers, Silver Smilltsand Brass Founders. ' -

I $ ETTtOOJLlRUFF,inform their friends andRESPECTFULLY that they still con-

tinue to carry on tho above business in all theirbranches at their former stand, opposite theBranch Bank, on Alain-stree- t, Lexington.They return their sincere thanks for past patronage, and hope by their strict attention tobusiness, to merit its continuance.TUET DAVE, iSD INTENU KREri!i5 OS BAND,


Gold &, Silver Ware.Plated Candlesticks, Castors, &.s.



Hridle Bits. Stirrup Irons, &c.OF THE MOST FASHIONABLE PATTERNS.


Carriage and Harness Mounting,' Carriage & Gig Springs. Coach


Brass Candlesticks, Andirons, Sho-Ae- ls

6c Tongs,- - Ooor Knock-ers, &c.

Wliich they will dispose of very Ioto for Casfi,ALL KINDS OF

Brass Work for Machinery,Clock Work, &c.


StilL Cocks, Rivets, Gun Mountings, Ifc.' JV1AVATS ON HAND.

They have just received an extensive assort-ment of

SADDLERY, $c.All of which will be sold on the most reasona-ble terms for CASH.

Oj" One or two APPRENTICES wanted tolearn the Silyer Plating bus.ness.

The highest price in Cash will be given forold COPPER, RRASS &. PEWTER

April 6, 1813. 14- -tf.

Barren Circuit Court, Slate of Kentucky, SecOMarch Tehm, laij.

William Wilkerson, comp't. 1vs- In Chancery

Sally Wilkerson, defendant, j .' THIS day came the compjaimnt by his

counsel, and the defendant having sailed to enter her appearance herein agreeably to law andthe rules ot 'his court, and it appearing to thecourt by disinterested affidavits that the; saiddefendant is not an inhabitant of this state ;

It is therefore, on the motion of the cjimplain-m- i.

ordered, that the des ndant appear here onthe first day of our next June Term, and an-

swer the complainant's bill exhibited againsther in this court, for the purpose of obtaininga divorce in savor of the complainant againstthe defendant ; Or, that on her failure so todo, the complainant's bill be taken for confessed. And it is further ordered, that a copy ofthis order be published eight weeks successively in some authorized newspaper ot thiscommonwealth.

(A Copv,) Attest,14 RICHARD GARNETT, c. b. c. c.

State of Kentucky,Fayette Circuit Court, January Term, 1813

Tiiomas & RobereBarii,i romplainants, against s In Chancery.JTiiAircis Wes r, &e. defendants. J'THIS day came the complainants, by their

! counsel, and th : defendants John Lapsley,Henry Nixon and Samuel Mifflin, having sailedtomiter their appearance herein according tolav and the rules of this court, and it appear-mglth-

the said defendants are not inhabitantsof this commonwealth''! It is ordered that unrless they appear here on or before the first dayof thenext June term of this court, and an-

swer the said complainants' bill, the same willbe taken tor confessed against them. It is furtlier ordered that a copy of this older, be inserted in some authorised paper tor eightweeks successively, according to law. "And'Ais cause 13 continued until the next term.. (A Copy.) Attest,ft HUBBARD H. SMITH, D, r, f,, c.

Fayette Circuit Court March Term, 1813James Giiavrs coniptaiuanO

against 3 tJames Eleiott's heirs and5 " Chancery.

, otheis, defendants. 3THIS day camethe complainant by his

counsel, and the defendants James Elliot andRobert Elliott havinjr sailed to enter their appearance herein according to law and the rulesot this court, and it appearing to the satisfac-tion of the court that the said defendants arenot inhabitants of this commonwealth it isordered that unless they appear here on or be-fo- ie

the first day of the next June term of this.cmirt, and answer the ComphunanUs bill,the same will be taken for confessed ?gainstthem. And it is further ordeied that a copyof this order be inserted in some authorisedpaper for eight weeks successively accordingto law.

(A copy.)13 Attest, PETERI.RAILEy,u.

Flint Glass Manufactory.'TMIEA'On & ENCEL, respectfully inforfflt

1- their friends and the public in generalthat they have established a 1 lint GlassMaxcfactort on the South side of the a,

opposite Wood street, Pittsburgh.Orders for any articles in their line, will bethankfully received :.nd promptly executed.

Pittsburgh, 1, 18 IX


Jos. Tidrall & John Bcsk, Iti Chancery:detenuants,

adm'r. of Philip Bnsh dec'd-- J

THIS day came the complainant by hiscounsel, slid on his motion it Is ordered thatsaid defendant Tidball appear here and ans-wer the complainant's bill on or before the firstday of Jthe next term of this Court, or the samewill be taken for confessed and it is furtherordered that a copy of this order be forthwithinserted eight weeks successively, in somepublic newspaper in this commonwealth? au-thorised by law to make such publication.

(A copy.)13 Attest? TIIp'S. ALLEN, c. 0.


The subscriber has removed froih Georgetownto Mountsterling, and has opened

House of Entertainment. .E returns thanks to his friends and ajjen.erous public, for their past savors, and

hopes by his attention to business, to merit ashare of public patronage.

PETER MASOjX.January 14, 1813: 12-t- f




Halin's Anti-Bilio- us Pills,Prepared fonlyj at Lee's old established Patent

SJ Family .Medicine Store, J"o. 56, .MaidenLane, Jfeu.l'ork.

THE operation of these pills is perfectly mild,so as to be used with safety by persons 111 everysituation, and of every age. , -- They are excellently adapted to carry off su

perfluous bile, and prevenuits morbid secretions to restore and amend the appetite pro- -

ducJSa free perspiration, and tireieby preventcolds, wliich are often of fatal consequencesV dose never sails to remove a cold, is taken onits first appearance they are celebrated for re-

moving habitual costiveness, sickjiess at theto mach and severe liead ache andoughtto betaken byall persons on a cliSnge of chinate.

They had been sound remarkably efliCaciousin preventing and curing disorders attendant onlong voyages, and should be procured and care-fully preserved for use, by every seaman.

Hamilton's Worm iJestroyingLozenges.


This well known remedy has cured duraigthe last eleven years, an immense number ofchildren and adults of varions dangerous complaints arising from worms.

Hamilton's Essence 6j Extractof Mustard,

A safe and effectual remedy for acute and chro-nic Rheumatism, Gout, Rheumatic Gout, Palsy,Lumbago, Numbness, AVhite Swellings, ChilMains, Sprains, Bruises, pam in the face andneck, he.


Hnmii ton's Grand I estorativeIs recommended as an invaluable medicine

for the speedy relies and permanent cure for thevarious complaints which result from dissipatedpleasures; juvenile indiscretion! residence inclimates unfavorable to the constitution ; theimmoderate use of tea; frequent intoxication,or other destructive intemperance ; the unskil-ful or excessive use of mercury; the diseasespeculiar to females at a certain period of life ,

bad lyings in, he.

Hamilton's Elixir,Celebrated for the cure of Colds, obstinate

Joughs, Asthmas, and approaching Consump-tions, and is a certain remedy for the HoopineCough

Hahn's Truej Genuine Ger-man Corn Plaister,

Tooth JZelie Drops.A multitude of attested cures performed by

the above medicines, may be seen at tile placeofsale. 4P

Tho above genuine medicines (with manyother of equal celebrity) are prepared from theoriginal receipts of the, late Richard Lee, his widovin New York. '

Cj" They are for sale in Kentucky Qry herparticulnr appointment J at the stores of IValdemard .Menlelle, Lexington, and Dudley, Trigg &Dudley, in Frankfort.

MACHIXE CARDS:rpllE celebrated Card Manufactory of White- -

more h Co. is removed from Boston toNevv-A'or- where it is now in complete opera.tion, heinir much' enlarcred and imnrmrtl hv

have assurances that n'v orders will be narticulurly attended to, and executed with dis-patch Persons wanting Machine or otherCaids, will find it their interest iP havingtheir orders forwarded by me.

LEWIS SANDERS.An invoice of well assorted goods to be dis-

posed of, a part of the pay would be taken ingood Hempen A'arns. L. S.

Lex. March 3lli, 1813. 10-- tf

NEW GOODS.JEREMIAH NEAA'E, in addition to his

has received a hand-som- e

assortment ofIronmonger). Crates, Dry Goods,

Nails by the keg, and retail,Mill Saws. &c. tfc.

Which he will sell AVholesale and Retail, onreasonable terms.

HKM? WA TET.Cotton A'arn and f'ottti as usual.

JMflrch IP 18n. f


THE house occupied by the subscriber theis 28 set front running back to short

street, on which it is the same, the house ii.25 feet fi inches fiom, silly feet back the alley5 feet wide in ctJmme-n- , with the adjoininghouse, now occupied by the Branch Panel;,which i.lo for sale possession ns eitherto "

be had 24th day of May next. This piis now offered very lw the pajmei.

divided into 6 equidtflmV, In Jiand, in 1 2 3 ?4 years bearing interest.

. LEWIS SAXDIUSiLexirglon, 9h MiftjJ), 1815.


10-l- f.

--t. "Wanted.nnllREEl or sour Turners

beepccust!iiei toa .i.. 1 .. .11 :. .. i:iw... .i tt;aIfl VL' i Is 111 I Will 1' I I I LAJIII ill Vil.J E.

smart boys ot sixteen or seventeen years of age,,1, . ,i 1.. - . i... -will oe uiven as .7pprennces 10 icain uic 11, .1--

ahine making business by the subscriber, liv

ing on Water street, adjoining the theatre,Lexington.

JOHjY marshJanuary 25, 1812. 4--

SNAP1LL stand the ensuing season in Fayette

countv. on Jack's trtek toad, two milesfrom Jack's creek ferry, and three from Gif-lia- d

Meeting House to cover mares at the re-

duced price of two dollars in advance, (paidwhen the mare is covered,) or three dollars bythe 25th of December in cash, or sour dollarsin trade such as Corn, AVheat, Re, Oats,AVhiskey, Salt or country Linen, at the Lex-

ington market price, to be paid on or before tie25th of December next, delivered at the sta- - 1 ;

Six dollars to ensure a maie with foal ; oredollar & fifty cents the single leap, paid win nthe mare is covered Anypejon who putmares to SNAP last season, Me same maii.(is the property of the same persuti6) are

gratis also, any person put-ting five mafgrshalllwvethe ; fifth one gratiaI he season to commence the 15th ot Marcn,and expire the 10th of July.


SNAP is a beautiful black, sixteen hands oneinch high ; was got by the imported horseShark, his dam bv old Snap Drairon. his frauddam by Black and all Black, his great granddam by the old noted horse Juba. P. B.

.March Ibth, 1813, 11 u

A Co Maty Spinner wanted.'T'Ojwhom generous wages Will be given- - by- the subscriber. Testimonials relative to

competency and character, will be required'THOMAS WAJJLAUt,.

Flemingsburg, March 4th, 1813. 10-- tf

vasnjor iiops.A.LIBERAL price will pe given for fresh and- clein picked Hops next fall, by John Cole-

man, at his Porter and Ale Brewery in Lexing.ton. Favmers will find it highly to their d.Vantage Uk, cultivate tlje above article, tnequantity w.itl,led aHHuallv will be considerable

Lexington, Arafctr8rfSTSv -jl- 0-2m.

popper for Stilte.'TMIE SUBSCRIBERS are expecting in a sew

days, a quantity of Copper in Patterns lorStills which they will siterms.


45-- tf.

the L.nscuiiiiriiResfiectfully informs the public that he

has removed his

COMMISSION STORE.To the house-latel-y occupied by Mr.Gatewood,adjoining Mr AV. Leavy's stoi-e- , where he con.tinues to sell, make Mid repair Looking Glas-ses, Picture Frame?, gilt and plain ; he haslately received an assortmenVof the most" fash-ionable Looking Glasses, and a most completeassortment of toys for children, more extensivethan any before imported, and very cheap.Likewise Large Glasses for picture frames

Clock do.Cotton by the RaleAVhite Lead of the first qualityllox Rai3insPrunesMackarelsH?rrinp--

and a'variety ST Groceries and drv Goods32 AV. AIENTELLE

Ellis Trotter, .

Have just received, and are now opening in theirnew Uriel- - House, two doors above

t - Sam't & Ceo 'Trotter,A L'ARCB 6" ELEGAKT ASSOSTMEXT OP

G O O I) S,AVhich they will sell low' for CASH, either bywiioiesaie or retail.

31.'12 Lexington, April 6, 1813.


'the New-Yor- Manufactory company, with fjfOHN AVAINWRIGHT, manufactwhom I have established a correspondence, and mist, will give three dollars ner torBlack Salts ;


uri'igche- -

sir dollars for Potash, is.ered :A. Apothecary store on Main street.

FOR ,SAJaE,Aqua Fortis, double and single.

of Vitriol,Spirits of Salts,Spirits of Wine,

He also wishes to buy several hundred wr'rrntof coarse dry SALT PBTHE, lor wlnc. iwill give an advanced price.

Lexington, April 6, 1813. 14 3t.

Morrison, Boswells & SuttonTTAA'E lately received from Philadelphia, s,

" cntaiwllrl nccrtptiiicrtt .,1" "Ml? !r I4 "V1!'1?of the most fashionable kind, which Will hesold cheap for cash


l7-t- f Lexington, April IV, lSlPAVISI1 to hire a negro woman witmutl cuinberance, who is a good cook and a,'

Ft'iru;!"-'- ; .?. IR'

cwt.and del



he. he.