Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY...

Sanpajwacrewjra , i S ifii. 701 0R PUBUSIIIKO A.NEW MEDlCALj JOORfJAE, TO . IJ. i H M BSrrn tub" Bc , . , , WESTERN"MEplQA'L REFORMER. TB"N.'DieseutiiizR.Meilica.l Journal to an enlight- - !ene'd.Dublic. in whichwr propose adyocatibn ' ajeformation in the, science pf Medicine, it ves . I. :Y.. .. n A .n.lMlnlll .I,. mn!...i. which actuate us, ami the course we intend to BiieaSeditors. , ' - med As the very favorable reception of the Reforage Practice oljJUedicine, the success and encourntry meiirof its"adiierents in every section of c.outei-i- n which its has been introduced, superiority over every other denomination of Botanic Prac- tice haying not only excited the jealousy of those who use vegetable medicines, (known by the title of Thonipsonians or Steam Doctors but also the envy and jealousy of those who use calomel, Tai- - laromenc. yurruivi jjuuiininic, x... , ohm as mi. last named .liave undertaken misrepresent and sii'ik'us 'on ,111a premises assumed by Thompson- - ,' Sans, instead' of our own we have considered it necessary in order to defend the Kelormea rrac- - .T '.. nCi ... Ttia nnhiip ihp nrnnnoil iniimal- - lll.e t IU MI.CI w iiikuiivjii. .ii fiwj- "- J - Wh are aware of the difficulties to be encoun teied1 'and the obstacles geneially thrown in the way of those who undertake to reform any estab- lished custom, or who propose the least variaiion from preconceived an d favorite opinions. We "know theie. are'somc i udividuals in all countries who naturally dread any change from what they have been accustomed to, and who shut their eyes anti-tur- a deaf ear to all evidence that iscalcula- - ted to convince them of their errOr. Hut when we reflect that we live, in an age of investigation and improvement, surrounded by a free, enlighten- - erjand Jibejal minded people, most of whom read- - ilv'berce'ive ivliat is calculated- - to be beneficial to '''mankind and disposed to encourage the spirit of . genius and improvement we leel much tncour- - 'ag'ed, and confidently believe that ue will receive . a liheral assistance from our fellowicitizens. in endeavoring to effect t refwmatmn'in'tTfe jiealing art. is nnst improvpincuis, nuvc uceu iiiitMiig in - the different arts and sciences, we ask. lias thesci-e'nc- e been improved so as to lessen j'theii'uanlUy.of human sicknes"'i,We ar.swer, it What then can be the reason.' The .jsciencespf Anatomy, Chemisliy, Physiology, Sir. have certainly been eieatly improved, and yetdis- - ,teases',sre more numerous and as fatal as they ever Avere.lllt. is "because Physicians, particularly in .the,Jast1i2j years, recommend and use unnatural j mineral prepaiations, such as Arsenic, Calomel, , Blue Pill, Tartar Emetic, Conosive Sublimate, &C, which they almost exclusively rely upon in the treatment of att'diseases, the result of which has been that the science of Medical Botany has been most wretchedly neglected 1. many valuable citizens lost, and those who survive the effect of , such poisons doomed to t'rag out a miserable ex- - lslence.wun injurec am rrequenuy uroiten cousu-tii'iion- s. ' Let it uofbe suunosed that e contend seu: ignorance, or' tlie'unily of disease which is the very essence of'quackery . We advocate the ab- solute necessity of an intimate knowledge of Ana- tomy,' Chemistry, Physiology, Medical Botany, and the other associate sciences, in which respeel "weUiffer from the other denominations of Botanic JPfiysieiaiiSjBhd.Jlie most striking difference be- tween our practice and the common mineral prac tice, is jn tne articles used as, remedies they rely- - ing Ullf7lirtG(, "c "' ftgtwwtc iiiriui.iiic, ..difference is to us irreconcilable, and is the princi-- -, pal unfortunate DEFECT in the healing art, in ? which, we propose a reiurinmiuii. , ..... In order to make our journal generally interest ing,we will publish an accurate account of the , composition and maunei 01 making calomel and the other different preparations of Mercury in use, also the whole Ijst of mineral poisons that are given, as remedies, ami their antidotes. We be- lieve that is people generally knew the ingredients an,d manner of action ol these subtle poisons they swallow, they would not use them . Rules will be eiven for the prevention or tlis-- , ease and preservation of health. ' The treatment of the diseases of women and children. It is an indisputable fact that many rendeied feeble and nervous by even a rFodqra'te use of. Calomel, the Blue Pill or some ' oilier disease-creatin- Mineral, and many children r!ennved,o'( a' sound constitution through life, by auminnturt'and improper tieatment. ' Vye will fepel'cl;argB already made against us v as"RefornTeri, 'arid such' ' others as may be made, and worthy' of notice.' Well -- ritlen communica- tions either for or against the Reformed practice will be cheerfidly, inserted, and is necessary upon. . . We will Dublish an account of many valuable plants, the nlannefof "using them; and the diseas es to whicn tney are applicable, in uumg wmtii wb 'will exDect to furnish our readers with a descrip- - tion'of niany vegetable productions lhat art" too much neglected, and to wnicn auinors nave not as "yet, ascribed their pi'oper medical virtues, i"' Medical essays and the treatment of difficult and interesting cases will frequently find a place in our columns. A due portion of our journal will be devoted tb'a defence of the Reformed practice of Medi- cine, and strictures on the common mineral prac- tice ,"A" -- "-' TERMS. " 'The Western Medical Reformer will be pub lishod'onamediuta sheet, in pamphlet form, con taining 1G octavo panes . two columns to each page, and will be issued on the 1st Monday of each montn, at tne low price ui iwu uunaia per oii- - num, payable on the receipt ol tne nrst numoer. iAhy person who will obtain five' subscribers and become responsible for the same, will be entitled 'lo the sixth copy gratis, or is a company of 'six .lemit ten dollars, acopy Vvill be sent to each one. ' "Editors of newspapers who will insert this Pros- pectus, (and state under it that they will receive subscriptions at their offices,) by forwarding a the same, will be entitled to a copj of our journal for one year. - Every member of the Reformed Medical Socie- ty oflhe United States is considered an agent for our journal, and lequested to act in tlialopacity. All couimunicatioos must be addressed to the Editors, Drs. Day Si IIarkis, Richmond, Ken- tucky post-pai- JThe first number will he issued on the 1st Mon- day In Mar, is a sufficient number of subscribers be obtained. - received at this office. ' i Feoruary 15, 18367 ALL NSW. subscriber grateful to his friends and the THE generally for past savors, would res- pectfully inform them, that, aster having been en- gaged in manufacturing Tobacco for the last 15 jears, he has bean compelled, in consequence of the scarcity of leas Tobacco, to change in some nsetsure, his business. He has therefore just re- ceived and will keep constantly "on hand a of "? - . FRESH GR00ER1ES; A. part of hich is as follows : ' 50 Sacks COFJ7EE, . .30 Barrels No. 3 MACKEREL, fresh 1835, ',' 10 Boxes Fresh Blown Raisins,-6- ' Drums Figs, first qual'U5 , Ji Barrels of first rate strained Honey, ' '?2 Barrels Chesnuts, first quality. r A'complete assortment of SHOES Sc BOOTS, 7 8uperior"quality, 1 - ,Dozen Willow Market Baskets, of assorted ,es, 'Alls'pice,'Ginger, Pepper, Indigo, Shot; 'Also, 2 Parrels, of first quality LOAF SU-jJl- R. A complete assortment of GROCE-haS, of all kinds,' will be kept constantly on . ad, low for Cash or sine Leas Tobarcoi , ..07- - The'hifjhejt price will he given for from .orty to fifty thoosahd pounds of Tobacco in the eafof a first rate quality. ROBERT GRAY. N. B. Tobacco and Segais kept constantly on hand as usual. .Lexingtonan 1, 163$ 1- -tf $1 CJTATD OF KENTUCKY, Ciitcut J5 Court S;t., 'NoVEMBijr. Tpjt, heirs', &cv complainants, ,vs. Jacob Fow- ler, Tibbs heirs, tzk-- 'defendants, In Chancery,. This day came .th'e complainants ty ,thcir .at- torney, and on heir motion, Jt is ordered and made Known 10 jonnopence ann miy . Thos Triplett.and Margaret C. Triplet!, - Duval and Nancy F. Duval, Thomas 'Tibbs foushee libbs,' tvniougnoy 1 iuus um on." Tibbs, heirs at la of n uiongnny 1 nos, net -- nrl in all milftinivn c Htmants 01 'leu iiiuusit acres, of land lyiil on the waters or Big lie, .o-- tr in rnlintv of Boone, entered a surveyed in the name of Isaac MelChnrwhiche try is as sollows: "May lin liru. iu.. 1.. i . ii ono iinnn 'I'lpafiiifv watrati on Ihe Big Bone creek, beginning at the folk about j or 4 nines udovc me "M" u n -i- e. I... !... !!..:. )J 'I'llflt Oil ll.P Tl daV next before the-las-t Saturday in May lfcMO, ... .... x - m Ilia at the house o( iienry L,ee a complainants in this rause win tane me utp .: r A T au our! nn ihp nirl last hSaturdav of lull Ui sum wii.) - May I83G, they will take the deposition of 1 hos xr ..... .1 l.ii .1i)piiiik iii said rnnntv of MaSOIl iguiign-i"."""-- - - J .u ns Tlin I. .. taines in lioooe illlU al uic iiuuji. vj " county,on the first Saturday, of June 1836, they J? . ...' e Tl P:-.- lll frt- - tlia will lake. tne deposition 01 jomi 1 iruon, v "- - purpose of perpetuating me itsinnuuj witnesses in regaid to the validity qf said clai whi-- h said complainants profess to nolo, ann n- - tA ii.a intralirlitv ns interfeMn? claims. Anditis directed (hat this order be published six times in the Kentucky Gazette and that there be al least soul months between ihe first adver tisement an'd of said depositions, ' A copy attest. '" . CII: CHAMBERS, c b.c, December 10, 1835 50-- Ct CAREY'S LIBRARY OF CHOICE LITERATURE. TO say that this is a reading age, implies for instruction, and the means to grat ;r. Htif On the first'noint. all are agreed 011 the second, therit is diversity Milt 'of opinion .ml r.t nrnriirr, Wf have newsDaucrs. inasazines. reviews; in sine, pamphlets of all sizes, on nearly all subjects, which have severally meir classes 01 readers and supporters, And yet, copious as are these means ol intellectual supply, inure am ui needed. In addition to the reviews of .the day .nn..i;nanniipiici.f hnnke.-th- neonle. in larei numbers, in al) parts of our great republic, crave the possession ol the boons tneniseiyes,anu neians ha.,nrtA ni.m rtactino allncinil- - of the UTOCreSS O discovery in art and science. But though it be easy to ascertain and express their wants, 11 is not so easy 10 gratify them. Expense, distance from tli pmnnrnmi nflileranire. etisrossiuiT occupations which prevent personal application or even mes- sages to (ibraries and booksellers, are' so many nunnlp nivav .. from the seat of rea I. U.IO 1" nv.f. ..vj.i.'. ".j . son , and the enjoyment 01 tne coveien literary imj oient. It is the aim of the publishers 01 the li brary lo obviatethese difficulties, and to enable every individual, at a small cost and without any imruMial pIFnrt. innhiain for his nivn use and that ns his savored fiiends or family, valuable works. complete, on all the branchesof userul and 'popu lar literature, and that in a lorm wen auapieo 10 the comfort of the reader. The charm of variety, as far as it is compatible with mora'iiy and good taste, will be held con- stantly in view in conducting the Library, to sill the pages of which, the current litera'ure 01 ireai rtritain. in all its various deDartinents of Biogra phy, History, Travels, .Novels and Poetry, shall be freely pulunder contribution. 'With perchance, occasional exceptions, it is intended to give entire, the work which shall be selected for publication. when rirrnmntanrfift atrthonze tne measuie. re course will be had to the liierary stores of Conti nental Europe and translations maae irom r rencn, Italian, or German , as the case may be. -- ' Whilst th.i hndv ns the work will be a lepiint. or at times a translation of entire volumes, the cover will exhibit the miscellaneous cnaracier ot a Magazioe, and consist of sketches of men and thiiiirs. aiurnnlices oT novelties in literature and the arts, throughout the civilized world. A full and regular supply ol tne liteiary mommy hiiu hebdomadal journals 01 ureal uniaui nun iie-an- iii addition to home neriodicalo of a similar haracter. cannot sail tu nrovide ample materials for this part of our work. Th. rpcnTirrpsand pvtpnsive corresoondence of the publishers, are Ihe best guarantee for the con- - muance 01 tne enierpnse in which mey uic now limit in pmhark. ns well as for the abundance of the materials to give it value in the, eyes of the luhlic. Aslar as ,udirious selection ann ariange-npn- l are concerned, eailers will, it is honed, have reason to be sully satisfied, ' as tho editor of the Library is not a stranger to mem , oui nas more than once obtained their favorable suffrages for his past literary effoits. TERMS. TiiiiAr1r will hp niihlisliprl in weekly num'jeis in stitched covers, each number containing twenty imperial octavo pages, with double columns, ma- king two, volumes annually, of more than 520 octavo pages, earh volume; and at the expiration of every six months, subscribers will be furnished with a handsome title page and table of contents. The. whole amount of matter furnished inasinele year, will be equal to more than forty volumes of the common S'zed JMignsn duodecimo dooks, me cost of which will be at least ten times the price ns a wear's siihscrintinn to the uLibiarv." The nanpr iinnn whlrli Ihp. llhr.-lr- will he nrinted. will Lbe of the finest quality used for book-wor- and ol a size afiniraoiy adapted loroinotng. as me rypc iirill hp pniirplv nptv. and ns a npat annearance. each volume, when bound, will furnish' a hand- some, as well as valuable, and not cumbrous 10 the libraries of those who patiouize the work. ' The nrice of the Library will be S5 per an num, payable in.adVance. A commission of yu per cent, win ue- - anoweo to agents;'" and any agent, or postmaster furnish-in- ? fivR snhsrrihprs and remitting the an.ount of subscription, shall be entitled 10 the commission of twenty per cent, or a' copy 01 tne worn, inr one year. A soccimen of the wbrk. or any information respecting it may be obtained by addressing the publishers, post pain. U. Li. UAlittY H A. UA,lll, Jidy 17, 183542 Philadelphia. JNTKW GROCERY STORE:' LEO TiBBATTS. ESPKCTFULLY announces to his friend mid tha mihlir. penerallv. that ne has Com menced the Grocery business at 'his father's ol stand, Short-stieet- , opposite the Court-hous- e where he intends to keep a general assortment o !tOCfi!ES. ' FOREIGN & DOMESTIC LIQUORS; and all such aiticles as are usually soI by Gro-- 1 cers. . Jbex.ept ti, iojo w-o- m NOTICE. RTIIE Subscriber respectfully infoims his friends ilk and the public, thai he his taken.Mr. THO- MAS DOLAN into partnership, in. his Mercan tile concern. The business will, 111 suture, be con- ducted in the name nt Jl ; who have now on hand, and' are1" receiving irom New York and Philadelphia, "a large and very general assortment of " of nearly every variety; which tfiey' ivill sell on reasonable terms. WM. A. LEAVY. Lexington, Apr'd-- , 22. 16-- tf u LEXINGTON1 liR'ANGH BAXlC O KENTUCKY. v nnriE reulnrdiscount day, will he on Tues" ni . .. ' .t t m riaymorningol cacn weex, ann noies aerj Bills Offered muferbe-deposile- in Bank xinaeps preceeilinglhe discountday. WJLijj. S. YVAljLiTMl.,lajl 1. July 8, 1835 27-- tf DOLLARS REWARD. Stolen from the subscriber on Saturday night the 12th of September ins!, between 7 and 8 o'clock, an old liquor case, containing ii- S1-J- in half eagles, ' i' S3U0 in fifiy dollar notes of 'ihe'U'. S. Bank, 5250 mostly in 20 dollar notes of the Lex. Branch or the Bank or Kentucky. i. . 1 Silver luirthlar., bottom wprn oqt, containing' "530 in U. S. money, and the balance ruHrd sil ver change K; L 5l & JL XUmZS. "Co6 a coin commonly called a dollar," nearly triangle, without Je:iers or figuresnii it, which .has "H't'ST receded, a fiesh simply of choice n in mv faniilv near seventv vears. f OP'tlmore OYSTERS, put ufi this Fall will 1 Ceriificale of.sip( k in ihe Mays.i:jl.le Turn- - liornmionv ' l r,iihp Fa t ette Countv court. oroiiehundrecUharcy. , . ."',,, 1 Certificate for two shares ns my own. . Also, about $lb,00fl 111 due bills tic. all paya ble to O. Keen ; amohg which, the following aie re collected : 4 1 note op- Dahvm Johnson, duo-15t- h' SeptSm ;' er instant: for' 200 dollars. 1 note on John Iveiser, due25lh Decembernext, lor tua dollars. j ' 1 note on John B. Ilisbee, due 25lh ,' rter'ember 'V next, for 40 dollats. 1 note on Cornelius Hendricks' Ju'e25th'Decem-be- r next for 30 dollars. .1 l 4 notes on Thomas S. Redd'Si J. R. Slban lb S75fJ.' 1 note ou Nathaniel Gist, due 17 or '18 years ago.fol SI 00. '' " 1 note on Jesse Bayles, for S8.' ' A receipt fr'om'Johii Norton for 25 or $2000,. A contract between O. Keen, and'N: II . Hall and wise for rent of a'plantationilatetl about five ;. . ' - years past. A liiemofiiidiim of a judgmentof the Fayette Circuit court against' A. Legraiid, dated som years back', for ' abndt"$140, signed" by Genera Thomas Bodley,Clclli'o( the Collrt.,," ' The rewW will 6e paid foi'lhe deliver)- - o thecaseand contents to me, or" shell information that I can get them: ' O.'KEEN. Lexington Sept 15th, 1835 3G-- t( OirLOOK HERE..C0 JOIIIVIIK'HKWGTT, TRUSS MAKER, Oppositelhe Lexington Hotel, Lexington, Ky. leave, lespectiuny to inionn jus irienus and the public, that lie nas.ooiaineii me agency of Mr. Thomas Stao.nfr, of Richmond, Ky. to use, vend and praclicehis celebrated PA TENT TRUSS, for theewe or all cases of Her- - ma, or liupmre, 01 receni or long smmung, t- He is so convinced of the importance or this instrumentabovcallthat have e,ver yet been used, lhat he not only purposes lo abandon all the va- - rinuskinds he has heretofoie used, in hjs exten- - sive practice, b.ul to assure the afflicted, that the universal leims, aie no Cure, no Pay!. N.lUi ill Kllins Ol uanuagei, uaiucniu Riding Girdles, and Suspenders, manufactured and forsale as before. J June2G, 1634. 27-- tf ' PROPOSALS For publishing in' Winchester, Ky., a Weekly Newspaper, to be entitled THE REGISTER Si' PATRIOT. THE Subscriber have, at Ihe earnest solicita- tion or many or their refiow-cilizen- been induced to issue Proposals for the publication of a weekly paper in the town of Winchester, to be devoted to the dissei.nin4lion of knowledge Political, Liierary and General. , Tu ...1a.m. nmi line niiflprlnliitiO-alll- Sllhflri- - in Vllllllli, iri..ii.... u.... a TV beis are ful'lv aware of Ihe riik' and responsibility incurred, and is the sate of similar prpjeiils here- - tufnie enlerlained ns this county were to serve as :n itjell, and conlaining me wnoie.oi one tne tsrancn isanK ol Kentucky, where he may al-- a guide lor th? suture, they would be constrained, of his woiks, equal to two duodecimo volumes; ways be sound, except when aWnl. to admit that the encouragement thus presented, a title page to each number. Aug. 12, lb35 32-- tl j would be any thing but flattering. But for rea- - sons which it altogether unnecessary to bers, and will farm a royal octavo volume con- state, they are induced1 to conclude that the past taining nearly twelve hundred pages forlhree neivspaper publishing in Clarke county, ,lars. does not furnish a just criterion by which to jud And when Ihey reflect upon the character and re- sources of the people with whom they have the honor to be associated, they cannot but think hat the present undertaking will meet with some degree of or at least, that they may be enabled to test the question whether Clarke is the onlv County in this highly savored section or Kentucky, that unable to support a public journal. Ihe subscribers deem it unnecessary toreciie the manifold advantages that are sure to be de- rived by a trading community, from a well con- ducted periodical piint. They aie of a charac- ter that cannot rail to convince every thinking man who has the.well'a:e and happiness of his fel- low creatures ai heart; nor are these benefits con- fined lo the trading part of the community alone, but will Ce sound to extend to all. The political sentiments of the proprietors are favorable to the elevation of IVm. H. Har- rison and John Tyler to tha Presidency and Vice Pres'dency. 1 hey are also in lavor of the lion. James Clark for Governor, and Charles Jl. Wivlc-liff- e, Esq. For Lieutenant Governor. In regard, however, lo the political course ot tne itegisier &: Patriot, they would take occasion to remark, that whilst they shall reTrain rrom in par- - ry sirne iu in improper uit.i, i.., ...... ,... - Iheless.oiall nrouer occasions, express their opin ions or the public policy or men and measures, fearlessly, and without ravor or afTectioo . Ina government where all power is derived from the people, it is the bounden duty of every citizen of the commonwealth, a ne values ine blessings and durabil'uy of tu institutions guaraii; teed to him bt the constitution, to be so informed of passing events, as to be able to act. in such a manner as will be ,bestv calculated to ansner the design for which they were, created, and render them permanent and lasting, r irmly convinced of the justness of this conclusion, and believing that the public press, lurnisnes tne saiest medium for dstaioiog so desirable an end, the subscribers pledge themselves to afford every facility in their power, for their fellow-citizen- s, without reference topartv; lo express ll.eir personal or political sentimenls freely, and without restraint; pro vided that, in doing so, there ne no violation ol the respect and regard due to the opinions and feelings of ntheis. ' . The history of the past sew years, such as to convince even the most skeptic, that the best in terest of the stale is involved in advancing the great work of Internal To en- courage' and sustain the friends of this truly pa triotic cause, the best energies of the undersigned shall be exerted . ,. ' . The liierary department of the Register Sz Pa- - Uiot will be so'condttcteras to render it as accept- able as1 dossible, to its patrons. Its columns will also contain the latest information, both foreign and local , and from the arrangements in contem- - lalniii, together with the past experience ol the uhscibers as practical printers, Ihey consider hemselves justified in asserting that, in a me- chanical point of'view, the Register & Patriot will be inferior to none in the state ; and as an evi dence oT their deteimination to conduct it in a manner worthy of encouragement and support,, they would'respectfully 'announce to their fellow- - citizens, lhat should any of them, at the expira tion or six months, be dissatisfied with the course pursued, they shall be at liberty to withdraw heir subscription, by paying a sum lo that lenglh of lime. TERMS. The Register & Patriot will be published every Saturdayimorning, on a large Imperial sheet, at $2,50 a vear, il paid at me expiration oi u months; or"$3,00 is paid within 12 months, and $3,50 is paid aster the expiiation of 12 months. tu. r..e i.nniVi.riijiit . ... hp UcmpH .so .soon as a re- - I lib 1IICI um.iuvi . - -, quisite number qf subscribers can be obtained, anil anew press and additional type prun'ien. H 11NIVI1.1-II- J wun, 14. 183G. ir'J.Our fiiends to whom this prospectus may enl, will confer a savor by using their cudea- - nue In nht.iii en he- - r dip r mid reluming it as SOOn Clacap Qtieemswaa'e 05-A- T COSTLCO S? ORATES atsorled W A I! E. 'Dinner and Asq.inineiumuirr,nrTainii&uiuuai comp'ete professionally is deemed encouragement, is participating is Improvement. proportionate Vinrhestcr.,March Ijspsssible. Breakfast PLATES, CUPS, and SAU- - CERS, &c. A.lso, jfist openei, CHINA TEA SET'l, at the tCASK of 3. Call arid see. ,; . - JAMES & BROTHER. Lex'ngton, Qct H. 4l-- tf up on the shortest nottce-a'n- d in the best st ie . lanulies supulird on ibeial terms . JOHN M'KENZIE, 'Mill slreelp Lexington. Nov. G, 183.r-i44- -tf. . DOMESTIC GOODS. OTRIFFANHY, DUVALL k Co., Baltimore, sLJa have on hand and expert to be .(receiving from the Manufacturers direct, large and constant supplies of the following GOODS: ' Brown Sheetings and Shirtings of 3-- 4, 7r8, ' 4-- 4. and 5- -4 widths, from the Savage, Powhattan,' ' t 'I'l. Tln: it. nn n.i riiriwirii iiisii,-- , jiiiiiii, iiiiu uliici ( Fjctoties in Maryland. , u ' Osiiaburgs, Denims and Canton Flannels Troni ditto - ' ' Cassinctts, Linsej'S)' Kerseys, Cotton Yarns, Cai-- I pet Chain, tihecks, Plaids, Stripes, &c.of Baltimore manuracture,-inclidin- (hose madeat. the Maryland Penitentiary. . ' j Coaise and sine bleached and brown Shillings and i. Sheetings, from various Faclniies in the Edsl-er- n State?, Lassinetts, Cassimeres, i lannels, &:c. Iroin others, A .i.' Prints A 'general assortment of sine, medium aim common, .. Rouen Oassimere Mexican Mixtures, Cantoons, i art cimiac a j nc innimc inr n npr nn it ll'llll-.- ' VU11 UbMllll.f ii. u utn-- JUL lniooos' Tickirgs, tMethucu's,' 'Amozkeag's,' 'Brown's,' ' In addifion-t- o exlensive supplies of Cotton ant Woollen Goods, tneir SHOE AND HAT ROOMS , contam a targe stock of Ladies' Shoe'and, Boots, ol Eastern oily manuiacture, I jien', Boals,-Brng.tii- s and Shoes, a fullassnit-- j J . ijleu's Fur', Wool and Pa'V.i Leas Hats, a fu'l :i assortment,' pur alll, gea gin Caps, Szc. invite the attetilionor Western and Southern merchants lo their Stock, in the belies, that they ivill be pleased wilh ihe assomnent and prjces, and that none in any oilier city holds out l! sieater inducements topuichase'S. Uec. W, 1H35 4'J-Z- m . PETER SIMPLE NOVELS. , AT 374 CENTSp-EACH.-'- ' ii UNIFORM EDITION. rpUIllTeat and constantly increasing demand .13 for the novels of Captain Marryatt, hasin-ducc- d the subsciibpr to commence the publication of a new edition of his entire writings, in a new form, and at a reduced price. Several of h'S works that have not yet appeared in this country will be comprised in this series, which will, when completed , be the only uniform edition or his wri tings that has yet issued rrom the press. The work will he published in y numbeis at ?7J .centsper number. Each numbe The whole series will becompletc in eightnum-- l Liist or works to be comprised in tins edition : Fiank Mildmay, or the Naval Officer. . Newton Foster, or the Merchant Service. King's Own. Peter Simple, or the Adventures of a Midship. man. Jacob Faithful. Pacha of Many Tales. ' Japhet in Search of his F,ather. Naval and Military Sketches. The first number will positively he issued early in January, and Ihe whole will be completed by the last of April. The work will bo slerotyped, and any of the YTiumbeis can be had separate, is desired They w'ill be sent by post to any part of the Union, so packed- - as lo defy the friction of the mails- - Ppsiage under 100 miles 1J cents per sheet, over 100 miles, 2i cents. I isalmost useless for the subscriber to remark that this is the cheapest wbrk ever offered. The simple fact of the number of pages beingnear'12 hundred, and the price only three dollars, speaks for itself. The public may Jook upon this as the commencement ns an enterpfise lo furnish them with works oT fiction bv the most celebrated au- - ,, printed inaheantifnl manner, on rlnenaner. al a prjcc lha( wi at once (e(y competition, and place it in the power ot every person to possess a lihrarv of novels al an extremely low rate. The advantage of transmission by mail is one that wil not be oveilooked by nr large cities. The publisher thinks, an j je presumes that the public will agree with him, ilia t it is better to isue the woiksof each auihoi, in series, at a staled -- price, than to publish a continuous work at so much perannuni; foi by this arrangement they may subscribe to the works of one author and re- ject another. Not being obliged lo pay for that , which thev do no! want. A remittance of 10 will command sour copies of ihewcrk. Single subscription 3 dollars. !' 0j- -. iflscribers lo the Lady's Book, or those wishing to become subscribers, will be furnished with the Lady's Book one year, and thesator Novels, Tor five dollars, ,:n advance, postage paid Single subscriptions to either work, three dollars Address L.OUIS A. GODEY. No. 100 Walnut $1. Philadelphia. Dec. 22, 183551 JOB GREEN, LA TF. OF PHILADELPHIA, CHAin XttASJUF.A.CTURER, (fTIONTINUES the ahoVe Hl $- - business oppositelhe Ma sonic Hall, on Alain street. He has on hand, and offers foi sale on reasonable terms, a ;F large and splendid assorlnient : of KAS MCr& WINDSOR CHAIRS o rare tscriolions and prices, also,Scllees, Ro.h- - insr Chairs wit'i cane backs and seats; Boston, andfollies kinds, all of which are manufactured of the best n,alenals,and warranted well made. Olc Chairs repaired and painted; Copal Varnish for ' sale. Wanted, a good fancy Chair maker; also, a Painter and Ornamcnier; none but good workmen need apply; to such, constant employment and good v ages will be given. An apprentice'tvell recommended will be taken. Lexington, Jidy'2 ), 1S34 29-- tl Dissolution of Partnership, T"p Firm ofGah'l. I. Morton and A. B. Morton, trading under the (11m of Morton ii Co. ina Bagging concern in I'ayelte county, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. '.' GAB'L. I. MORTON, A. B. MORTON. October 2G, '1835. 'fi - j . "FT OST--O- n the night or Tuesday , 24in No- - M A vember, between Brennnu's Hotel and Ex-- 1 change Office of David A. Sayre, A CORAL, BREASTPIN. Any person who lias sound!1 A 11 !..-- . ..a '! 11 1. .1 r(Vifo rC ll,P R ' I nl n ( t .AIIU Win itaii.ii'ii nn ui.i. 1.1 i... ui iiii.? paper, will he su'nall rewarded. II jl Lex. Dec. 12, 1835 49-- lf Ii OAKDIiES AND LEATHER. BOXES dipt and motd Can- - trffefej4fi dies. 15,000 lbs, Spanish sqle Leather for sale by MONTMOLLIN &:CORNWALL. P. S. As it is our wish to rlosc our consign- - mentor Leather, bhoemaKers and dealers 111 may expect baigains. January 8, 1S3G 3-- JAM15S MBtRlrr, Domestic Dry x Goods, Commission Mer- chant,' and Agent for the sale of ', WolcdtPs Stiubenville Jeans','' ' - Wull-sl- . "-,- ' Louisville, Ky. XT JBEUAL advances will be .'made oncori-- " s of negro clothing - liuscy and socks', sill bl" u'hich articles1 Ougfi'l to' be in this market by the middle of June. Ouhahd a lid for sale liaviua just received lu cases by si Wacdusta 1U00 pieces of Wolcott's Si Suben-- i ville Jeans, which will be sold on liberaUermsito .'Li. 11 responsible houses. Uuyets, will please tu call and examine these goods. ! , JAMES " .HENRY, ' ap'ril 2, 18")G 12-2- m Wall steet VtEW GOODS FR 1836 SAMUEL ROBINSON $ Co'. Ate now teceivlng their. SPRING foSUJl'ME'R GOODS.; . . . i is COMPRISING a veiy eeneral assortment oft My nearly every variety or Fancy and Staple', aritcw, usually nepi inury ivood blouses, . . m whkl ars-- a ,!,,,,. ,, ns C , - - '!mees; Men and Boys' Summer Goods,' Hals and t adfes' rioniiets, Boots and Shoes Also, Hard- - I'warc. Qtieens'ware', and'China in Tea ami Dmner gelGroceli &c Th rcepectfuly ;nvh their customers and friends to call and examine. apritl2183G. 13-- tf - . FRENCH CHINA. gSUPERB DINNER SERVICES, Gold Band KJ7 Desert Services, lo match wilh Splendid Fiuit llaskets; supported by'(Tguics;'and a vhiiety of seasonaDieoninaware; yist: tea betts, riate-- Bowls, &c. A l'so One Case Plated Candlesticks, 1 sple- ndid Sett Cut Glass Girondaler, 'Mantel Clocks,' Astral Lamps, Sic. I he above l.hina is ol our own importation, direct from Paris, and of a superior quality'-- ' anrf. st)le. Just opened di '' JAMES & BROTHER. June 22, 1825 28-- tf ATTEND TO THES. 'iTnHE time hasomc when all persons should JEL nose tneir accounts. I hose ofjny fiiends indebted to me, wiUYender rne"afavo7by callfing anil paying their accounts, as am in. want of mo- - l'.,.u ... . .... lfionO t.. ntr mil rlphle a n r' Xl... imj ii f"J l"J ', "in" !UII,IIASt: VBVIlO 1 his must be done during this month. J.G. McKINNEY. Lex. Jan 1, 183G 52-- tf OU. SAMUKL C. TJlOTTKIl RATEFUL for the liberal prac- tice he has alieady had, respect- BSS3 sully tenders a continuance of his'ser- vices to the citizens of Lexington and the adjomingtriountry, in the.varioubiaiiches or his profession, vis . . -- . - ljraclicc of PhysicS bltrgCry,- - "ice. CfC. His oliice is on Short-stree- t, thiee doofsTibelowl FOil SAL.K. A half league of land, in Colony, Texas, very eligibly situa- ted on Dick's or Dickson's Creek, a navigable' stream, emptying into Galvastnn Bay, at whose mouth tne town of Powhatan is laid out, com- manding a sine harbor. The above tract ivasse lected for theproprietor by' persons familiar ilh every league.ifi the Colooy it consists ns a m!x- -; ture of prairie and timbere I land,'and'is "the finest that can be, for the cultivation of Cotton or Sugar, all conditions having been fulfilled, and expenses paid. It is recommended to persons disnosed to (emigrate to Texas, as saving much trouble, ex- pense and delay. Inquire at this office.' Lex Aug 27, 1835 35-- tf EXINGTON BREWERY. 'The public i are informed lhat the propiietor of the Lex-o- n Brewery having taken it into his own hands. and having repaired and fitted it up in, the ben manner, and'associaled himself wilh one of the most scientific and practical Bieners ill Ihe VVes- - tern countr), has no hesitation in assuring the ven- - ders and lovers of Malt Liquors, that they wjll furnish them wi(h Porter, Ale and Beer of a su- - perior qiality, to any made in said Bitvery for the last 10 year. Beer will be leady for delivery by1 Die 1st of September next, when it is hoped that judges or Malt Liquors will be ronvincd thai nothing but a lull Knowledge ot the business, and attention thereto, is essential lo the making or as good Porter, Ale anil Beer in Lexington, as any part of the world. ARLEY, BARLEY, BARLEY. Want- ed Ten thousand bushels of Barley, for which the Highest price in cash will bo paid on de- livery at the ahove Brewerj. Fanners supplied with fall barley for seed. CLA RY, & Co . August 11), 1835 34-G- m BVV GOODS. Tho aubscri- - beis are receiving at their stand on Main-s- t. two aoors above the Post Office, their Fall and: Winter GOODS, among which are, a well select ed assortment of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinetls,! and French and English Merinoes; a lrge assort--j Tneilt Dr Ladies' and Gentlemen's SHOES and.) BOOTS. Fur Caps and Capes, Carpeting and Rilgs, Hardwaie, Queensware, French & English China in setts Glassware Groceiies Java Cor-re- e, (it superior article.; SAMUEL ROBINSON & CO. Lex. Sept. 17, 1835 37-- tf M. 13. BROWNING & CO. MAVING purchased of CiLEn Worlcv, his MRllCIIAiVDIZE. '"ch is extensive and well assorted, now offer it Whole- sale and Retail, on as lair and reasonable tems,as like goods can be bought in any market west of the mountains. J hey are resoiveu to spare no pains to accommodate and please those who may savor them with a call lo the old nations or Ihe house, they look with much confidence, and solicit a continuance of their custom, from wheibitjs hoped a mutual benefit and satisfaction will be de- rived. WORLEY, having sold his slock of CALEB 10 M.E. BROWNING ir'Co.i takes great pleasure in recommending 10 his old customers and patrons, a continuance of theirdeal-i.- i with his successors, at the old staod , opposite the uppei end of the Public Square. He would at the sairielime veiy sincerely retuin his thanks ror the liberal patronage extended lo him during Ins coniiuuan- - e in businss. It is his wih asspeedilv as possible 10 close his business, and Kc hopes thai allthose who open, accounts jl call and! chjee them by njle or payment without delay. Lex. June 15. I B3o--a-l- -tl FINE GOOS'E-CREE- VaLT Just received, and forsale by ' "I D. BRADFORD iz CO, Sept. 17, IK35. Opposite the Market - 'OTlJiIE Subscribers to the Kentucky Gazette ate il inlormed lhat I have translerreJ 10 Daniel Bradloid, all the accounts and notes due to that paper, and those indebted are requested to make immediate payment to him. T. J. PEW. Dec. 12,183540- - THOMAS ADAMS', SUC & fUUIIAT MANUVACTJIltLlt v - MiTM's.Vn'SV .... T.TZ.XJrn'V??' . A. U..W., UW.....0.V.., -- -. RTi ESPECT? Hs3 .BltS- - the 'citizen's (is tire- fin,arii d i'JS . .Jwiyette coniilyfgJieralUirat'he has conimenced his business n tne fSSSm small fraihe hntiseJop'J)b's'iie"Messrs. MontnioUiiir,aii .oriiu all's store, where he will attend to all ordeis for Hats with puoctuality and despatch, and grateful iVtli'e least JAyo.f. ., Lexington, Jan. 23, 183fJ-3-- Iy Mil UT- - jl iL ,. , , FQU ,SALE FOJi- - GASH, ...., A., FIRST-RAT- PIANO I'.ORTE., En- - qm.eaVlhtsblr(te.",' i "j.,1 !& ,,Sl,1835-.51i- tr 15- T- ..; ',. TEUS!!! t o :I M1115 subscriber ,wil givq jfiTtv centper cor(J n 13 Irt tJiA!Vnrinf- - W... n'f ...nn;i ...Miin tuir-- f r '" ""'"' loicuuing wood wiiiini miles ol liexington. Apply Mo ' ,. .t.'tt!' N. McCOY. Deo 2 f , lS35'--5l- -tf '' " ' Nehr L'exlngfori NOTICE '""'"Y i l 1' Oil J 3s THE subscriber bavii g dispose dos his Ihe Store of J. Tilfoid 4-- Oo; lo Jas! Til-for- d '& W. P. Si James M. Hplloway, ySOuld: ie$ pectfully'solicit forihcm a'ctJhtintiaiice'or tli'P .trqnage.qf his, fiends. ',. t n. ( As it is important that, the business a( the lati HVnl should be closed asSpeerfily as'possibte, ihose? indebted either hy, qoie oi book account, vvjll.coiv ser a favor'by calling and settling wiihouT delay. Mr: J. W.; Cochran is 'authorized to rec'eipianrl' receive the " bajanqesdup. i ,, , .,,!., c,,i . .. J. TILFORD. ., . .,.- ... ' ."i i'h.i (.f tr rgnilE subscribers of J. lord it Co. their futile stork of, lerchan dize, ami rented1 their Store-room- 's for a term of yeais, woull lespectfully.inform their friends and the public geneially, iha; they will continue to ear- ly on the business under'the firm of" ' T2XFOHD, KOZ.X.OW.iS.'jj' Sc CO.- - They expect lo receive in a sew days, addition- al supplies of Merchandize, which, with the stock now on hand, will render their assortment full and complete. As they design keeping at all times an extensive stock exclusive!) for WIiolf.saLf. deal- ers, they would parliculaily invite calls fiooi that class of purchasers 'the. sahiTnrlucenieiUs offer- ed as heretofore. They wil,alspjontinue tokeep a well selected stock for relaijing. .A continuation of the old custom ofHhe house isrespcr tfully solicited. f t , Just lereived, a large assortment ns MEN'S BOOTS and SHOES, which will befsold at n small advance; Also, an additional, supply of the An'choi Bofiing Cloths, Nos. 4, 6Vaiid 7 Flowered paper foi rooms, passages, tecfic JAMES TILFORD, W. P. HOL'LOWAY, .. JAS. M. HOLLOWAY. Nov. 30,1835 48 tr 07-Th- "e "Ohs-iv- ei and Gazelle wilf! insert the above tr. Intelligencer. E. WHITE 4r WM. HAGER Wh ESPrOTFULliY infotm life Printers of & ihe United States, to whom (hey have known as established Letter Found ers, that Ihey have now foimed in said business, and from their united skill and ex tensive experience, they hope to be able to eive satisfaction 10 all who may savor them witli their ordeis. . ,1. The inlinduclion of machinery in place of the tedious and unhealthy processor casting type bv hand, a desideratum by the European .fqundeis, wa by American ingenuity aiid a heavy expendl turepl lime, and money on. the part of 10'ur senior partner, first surcessfully accomplished.,, Exten- sive use of Ihe machine cast letter has sully tested and established its superiority in.everv DarliculaE 'over those cast by the old process. Uhe Letter I' ounilry Business will hereafter be carried nn by the parties before named, under the firm'bf White, Hager, & Co. ' Their specimen exhibits a lomplete series from Diamond to Sixty fourlines Pica. The book and news type being iu'fjiiitost moderate light anil style. Vhjlf, linger U Co., are agents for of Smith and Unst Piinting Press, which they catr iiiriiisii-uiei- ci stumers manuiactllrer'S puces. unascs, oases, composing jjucks, tr)k,and etc-- ry article used in the Priming Business,,kept for ale aiid furiii.hed on Ofrf type taken, in exchanje foricw at nine,events per pound. N. B- - Newspaper proprietors .who will give iheabove-llfte- Insertions, vyill'be entitled to Five Dollars in Sficfl articlesethey sclec: rro,m our specimens. E. WHITE & W. HAGER. New York, Oct. I, 183548- - THD PROTECTION INSURANCE of Harlford,'Con.r MAVE paid rev years past in the ,'Westeni ssffi Stales IJor oses by Fire, about 300,000 DoSlans!! ind are still willing to assume and continucr RISKS A GA INST FIRE, , . By B. K. SAYRE'.' Law, their'agent, on the shortest'hotice ami most favor- able terms. , . E. K. SAY.RE,' Corner Short st. Si Jordan's now. Lexington, March 21, 1835.-12-- ly NORTIIERN BANK O'FKEN'tNCKY KTl HE 'fourth Instalment of I'en Dollars on iik each Share will b'conie.tfuel&nd- is leauest- - cd to he.paid, on the 27th dan ofJcibpiam 1836. By order oflhe V resident arTdiDrrectors, fll. T.SGOT,T-,.CJAter- . Lex. Oct. 17,1835 4b-J- m GABXNST.SHOP.. BTHE: Subjiriiber respectfully aijnopncesto the S. citizen shf Lexington arid its' viefnity, tha. he, has just completed a thorough repairbfhisihop and is now ready to wait upon his customers wilh, anything in the Cabinet line. He will 'at the' shortest noiice, be able to runiish COFFINS of all sizes and descriptions.' He has a "NTS W HEARSE rpr the hetipr convenience of His present stock of C A B I T W O R K is now, and will he kedt equal to any in.the Western Country, life ,slop is,ou Uiecor-n- er of Short and Limestone stieets, diagonally op- posite the Jail, and his family residence's in the-t- stoiy brick adipinii'g. By a strict atteion to business, he hopeo receive a hare.jaf public pa- tronage. . J. EDRINGTON. March 10; 1835. '' '"" - - 1 IK1' II AS, ,reoioveji his, office to the. M bunding next belovV the iieiv- - PostOllice.aiirt isuua'tcd between Mt jSKga D. A Say re's and O. Keen's Eio Ills is ar'.MVs'. Critte"ndcri's'B3ardinff House, upiier end of Jordaijs llgw, ,.j As he is resolved 10 deyole himself zealously to- ols piofesstoif, he "begs-leav- to sffy tb lTis frie'dds-tha- t wliethn-.a- t .home qi abroad, he hopes they will find film where he oujht to be, at all times promptly to attend them. Lexington Dec. 17, 183550-7- ! FI RST rate Brass 8 day CLOCK, will be sold on Wednesday mornina, the 26th ini ai lOo'dock.hy D.BRADFORD Jan 23, 183G 3- -1 1 - - I VT j "I i 1

Transcript of Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY...

Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY · heirs',&cv complainants,,vs. Jacob Fow-ler, Tibbs heirs, tzk--'defendants,

Sanpajwacrewjra, i S ifii. 701


. IJ. i H M BSrrn tub"Bc , . , ,WESTERN"MEplQA'L REFORMER.

TB"N.'DieseutiiizR.Meilica.l Journal to an enlight- -

!ene'd.Dublic. in whichwr propose adyocatibn' ajeformation in the, science pf Medicine, it ves

. I. :Y.. .. n A .n.lMlnlll .I,. mn!...i.which actuate us, ami the course we intend toBiieaSeditors. , ' - med

As the very favorable reception of the ReforagePractice oljJUedicine, the success and encourntrymeiirof its"adiierents in every section of c.outei-i- n

which its has been introduced, superiorityover every other denomination of Botanic Prac-

tice haying not only excited the jealousy of thosewho use vegetable medicines, (known by the titleof Thonipsonians or Steam Doctors but also theenvy and jealousy of those who use calomel, Tai- -

laromenc. yurruivi jjuuiininic, x... , ohm as mi.last named .liave undertaken misrepresent andsii'ik'us 'on ,111a premises assumed by Thompson- -

,' Sans, instead' of our own we have considered itnecessary in order to defend the Kelormea rrac- -.T '.. nCi ... Ttia nnhiip ihp nrnnnoil iniimal- -lll.e t IU MI.CI w iiikuiivjii. .ii fiwj- "- J -

Wh are aware of the difficulties to be encounteied1 'and the obstacles geneially thrown in theway of those who undertake to reform any estab-

lished custom, or who propose the least variaiionfrom preconceived an d favorite opinions. We

"know theie. are'somc i udividuals in all countrieswho naturally dread any change from what theyhave been accustomed to, and who shut their eyesanti-tur- a deaf ear to all evidence that iscalcula- -ted to convince them of their errOr. Hut whenwe reflect that we live, in an age of investigationand improvement, surrounded by a free, enlighten- -

erjand Jibejal minded people, most of whom read- -ilv'berce'ive ivliat is calculated- - to be beneficial to

'''mankind and disposed to encourage the spirit of. genius and improvement we leel much tncour- -

'ag'ed, and confidently believe that ue will receive. a liheral assistance from our fellowicitizens. in

endeavoring to effect t refwmatmn'in'tTfe jiealingart. is nnst improvpincuis, nuvc uceu iiiitMiig in

- the different arts and sciences, we ask. lias thesci-e'nc- e

been improved so as to lessenj'theii'uanlUy.of human sicknes"'i,We ar.swer, it

What then can be the reason.' The.jsciencespf Anatomy, Chemisliy, Physiology, Sir.

have certainly been eieatly improved, and yetdis- -

,teases',sre more numerous and as fatal as they everAvere.lllt. is "because Physicians, particularly in.the,Jast1i2j years, recommend and use unnatural

j mineral prepaiations, such as Arsenic, Calomel,, Blue Pill, Tartar Emetic, Conosive Sublimate,

&C, which they almost exclusively rely upon inthe treatment of att'diseases, the result of whichhas been that the science of Medical Botany hasbeen most wretchedly neglected 1. many valuablecitizens lost, and those who survive the effect of

, such poisons doomed to t'rag out a miserable ex- -

lslence.wun injurec am rrequenuy uroiten cousu-tii'iion- s.

' Let it uofbe suunosed that e contendseu: ignorance, or' tlie'unily of disease which is thevery essence of'quackery . We advocate the ab-

solute necessity of an intimate knowledge of Ana-

tomy,' Chemistry, Physiology, Medical Botany,and the other associate sciences, in which respeel

"weUiffer from the other denominations of BotanicJPfiysieiaiiSjBhd.Jlie most striking difference be-

tween our practice and the common mineral practice, is jn tne articles used as, remedies they rely- -ing Ullf7lirtG(, "c "' ftgtwwtc iiiriui.iiic,

..difference is to us irreconcilable, and is the princi-- -,

pal unfortunate DEFECT in the healing art, in? which, we propose a reiurinmiuii. ,..... In order to make our journal generally interest

ing,we will publish an accurate account of the, composition and maunei 01 making calomel andthe other different preparations of Mercury in use,

also the whole Ijst of mineral poisons that aregiven, as remedies, ami their antidotes. We be-

lieve that is people generally knew the ingredientsan,d manner of action ol these subtle poisons theyswallow, they would not use them .

Rules will be eiven for the prevention or tlis-- ,

ease and preservation of health.' The treatment of the diseases of women andchildren. It is an indisputable fact that many

rendeied feeble and nervous by even arFodqra'te use of. Calomel, the Blue Pill or some

' oilier disease-creatin- Mineral, and many childrenr!ennved,o'( a' sound constitution through life, byauminnturt'and improper tieatment.' Vye will fepel'cl;argB already made against us


as"RefornTeri, 'arid such'' others as may be made,

and worthy' of notice.' Well -- ritlen communica-tions either for or against the Reformed practicewill be cheerfidly, inserted, and is necessary

upon. . .

We will Dublish an account of many valuableplants, the nlannefof "using them; and the diseases to whicn tney are applicable, in uumg wmtii wb

'will exDect to furnish our readers with a descrip- -

tion'of niany vegetable productions lhat art" toomuch neglected, and to wnicn auinors nave not as"yet, ascribed their pi'oper medical virtues,i"' Medical essays and the treatment of difficultand interesting cases will frequently find a placein our columns.

A due portion of our journal will be devotedtb'a defence of the Reformed practice of Medi-

cine, and strictures on the common mineral prac-

tice ,"A"-- "-' TERMS.

" 'The Western Medical Reformer will be publishod'onamediuta sheet, in pamphlet form, containing 1G octavo panes . two columns to eachpage, and will be issued on the 1st Monday ofeach montn, at tne low price ui iwu uunaia per oii- -

num, payable on the receipt ol tne nrst numoer.iAhy person who will obtain five' subscribers andbecome responsible for the same, will be entitled'lo the sixth copy gratis, or is a company of 'six.lemit ten dollars, acopy Vvill be sent to each one.' "Editors of newspapers who will insert this Pros-

pectus, (and state under it that they will receivesubscriptions at their offices,) by forwarding a

the same, will be entitled to acopj of our journal for one year.

- Every member of the Reformed Medical Socie-

ty oflhe United States is considered an agent forour journal, and lequested to act in tlialopacity.

All couimunicatioos must be addressed to theEditors, Drs. Day Si IIarkis, Richmond, Ken-

tucky post-pai-

JThe first number will he issued on the 1st Mon-

day In Mar, is a sufficient number of subscribersbe obtained.- received at this office.

'i Feoruary 15, 18367

ALL NSW.subscriber grateful to his friends and theTHE generally for past savors, would res-

pectfully inform them, that, aster having been en-

gaged in manufacturing Tobacco for the last 15jears, he has bean compelled, in consequence ofthe scarcity of leas Tobacco, to change in somensetsure, his business. He has therefore just re-

ceived and will keep constantly "on hand aof "?

- . FRESH GR00ER1ES;A. part of hich is as follows : '

50 Sacks COFJ7EE, .

.30 Barrels No. 3 MACKEREL, fresh 1835,',' 10 Boxes Fresh Blown Raisins,-6- '

Drums Figs, first qual'U5 ,Ji Barrels of first rate strained Honey, '

'?2 Barrels Chesnuts, first quality.

r A'complete assortment of SHOES Sc BOOTS,7 8uperior"quality,

1 - ,Dozen Willow Market Baskets, of assorted,es, 'Alls'pice,'Ginger, Pepper, Indigo, Shot;

'Also, 2 Parrels, of first quality LOAF SU-jJl- R.

A complete assortment of GROCE-haS,

of all kinds,' will be kept constantly on

. ad, low for Cash or sine Leas Tobarcoi,..07- - The'hifjhejt price will he given for from.orty to fifty thoosahd pounds of Tobacco in theeafof a first rate quality.

ROBERT GRAY.N. B. Tobacco and Segais kept constantly on

hand as usual..Lexingtonan 1, 163$ 1- -tf $1

CJTATD OF KENTUCKY, CiitcutJ5 Court S;t., 'NoVEMBijr. Tpjt,

heirs', &cv complainants, ,vs. Jacob Fow-

ler, Tibbs heirs, tzk-- 'defendants, In Chancery,.This day came .th'e complainants ty ,thcir .at-

torney, and on heir motion, Jt is ordered and madeKnown 10 jonnopence ann miy .Thos Triplett.and Margaret C. Triplet!, -Duval and Nancy F. Duval, Thomas 'Tibbsfoushee libbs,' tvniougnoy 1 iuus um on."Tibbs, heirs at la of n uiongnny 1 nos, net-- nrl in all milftinivn c Htmants 01 'leu iiiuusitacres, of land lyiil on the waters or Big lie,

.o-- tr in rnlintv of Boone, entered a

surveyed in the name of Isaac MelChnrwhichetry is as sollows: "May lin liru. iu.. 1..

i . ii ono iinnn 'I'lpafiiifv watration Ihe Big Bone creek, beginning at the folk about

j or 4 nines udovc me "M" u n -i-

e. I... !...!!..:. )J 'I'llflt Oil ll.P Tl

daV next before the-las-t Saturday in May lfcMO,... ....x - m Iliaat the house o( iienry L,ee a

complainants in this rause win tane me utp.: r A T au our! nn ihp nirl last hSaturdav oflull Ui sum wii.) -

May I83G, they will take the deposition of 1 hosxr ..... .1 l.ii .1i)piiiik iii said rnnntv of MaSOIliguiign-i"."""-- - - J

.u ns Tlin I... taines in lioooeilllU al uic iiuuji. vj "

county,on the first Saturday, of June 1836, theyJ? . ...' e Tl P:-.- lll frt- - tliawill lake. tne deposition 01 jomi 1 iruon, v "- -

purpose of perpetuating me itsinnuujwitnesses in regaid to the validity qf said claiwhi-- h said complainants profess to nolo, ann

n- - tA ii.a intralirlitv ns interfeMn? claims.Anditis directed (hat this order be published

six times in the Kentucky Gazette and that therebe al least soul months between ihe first advertisement an'd of said depositions,

' A copy attest. '" .

CII: CHAMBERS, c b.c,December 10, 1835 50-- Ct


TO say that this is a reading age, impliesfor instruction, and the means to grat

;r. Htif On the first'noint. all are agreed

011 the second, therit is diversity Milt 'of r.t nrnriirr, Wf have newsDaucrs.; in sine, pamphlets of all sizes, on nearlyall subjects, which have severally meir classes 01

readers and supporters, And yet, copious as arethese means ol intellectual supply, inure am uineeded. In addition to the reviews of .the day.nn..i;nanniipiici.f hnnke.-th- neonle. in lareinumbers, in al) parts of our great republic, cravethe possession ol the boons tneniseiyes,anu neiansha.,nrtA ni.m rtactino allncinil- - of the UTOCreSS O

discovery in art and science. But though it be

easy to ascertain and express their wants, 11 is notso easy 10 gratify them. Expense, distance fromtli pmnnrnmi nflileranire. etisrossiuiT occupations

which prevent personal application or even mes-

sages to (ibraries and booksellers, are' so many nunnlp nivav ..from the seat of reaI. U.IO 1" nv.f. ..vj.i.'. ".j .

son , and the enjoyment 01 tne coveien literary imjoient. It is the aim of the publishers 01 the library lo obviatethese difficulties, and to enableevery individual, at a small cost and without anyimruMial pIFnrt. innhiain for his nivn use and thatns his savored fiiends or family, valuable works.complete, on all the branchesof userul and 'popular literature, and that in a lorm wen auapieo 10

the comfort of the reader.The charm of variety, as far as it is compatible

with mora'iiy and good taste, will be held con-

stantly in view in conducting the Library, to sill

the pages of which, the current litera'ure 01 ireairtritain. in all its various deDartinents of Biogra

phy, History, Travels, .Novels and Poetry, shallbe freely pulunder contribution. 'With perchance,occasional exceptions, it is intended to give entire,the work which shall be selected for publication.when rirrnmntanrfift atrthonze tne measuie. re

course will be had to the liierary stores of Continental Europe and translations maae irom r rencn,Italian, or German , as the case may be. -- '

Whilst th.i hndv ns the work will be a lepiint.or at times a translation of entire volumes, thecover will exhibit the miscellaneous cnaracier ot a

Magazioe, and consist of sketches of men andthiiiirs. aiurnnlices oT novelties in literature andthe arts, throughout the civilized world. A fulland regular supply ol tne liteiary mommy hiiuhebdomadal journals 01 ureal uniaui nun iie-an-

iii addition to home neriodicalo of a similarharacter. cannot sail tu nrovide ample materials

for this part of our work.Th. rpcnTirrpsand pvtpnsive corresoondence of

the publishers, are Ihe best guarantee for the con- -

muance 01 tne enierpnse in which mey uic nowlimit in pmhark. ns well as for the abundance of

the materials to give it value in the, eyes of theluhlic. Aslar as ,udirious selection ann ariange-npn- l

are concerned, eailers will, it is honed, havereason to be sully satisfied, ' as tho editor of theLibrary is not a stranger to mem , oui nas morethan once obtained their favorable suffrages forhis past literary effoits.

TERMS.TiiiiAr1r will hp niihlisliprl in weekly num'jeis

in stitched covers, each number containing twentyimperial octavo pages, with double columns, ma-

king two, volumes annually, of more than 520octavo pages, earh volume; and at the expirationof every six months, subscribers will be furnishedwith a handsome title page and table of contents.The. whole amount of matter furnished inasineleyear, will be equal to more than forty volumes of

the common S'zed JMignsn duodecimo dooks, mecost of which will be at least ten times the pricens a wear's siihscrintinn to the uLibiarv." Thenanpr iinnn whlrli Ihp. llhr.-lr- will he nrinted. will

Lbe of the finest quality used for book-wor- and ola size afiniraoiy adapted loroinotng. as me rypciirill hp pniirplv nptv. and ns a npat annearance.each volume, when bound, will furnish' a hand-

some, as well as valuable, and not cumbrous10 the libraries of those who patiouize the

work. '

The nrice of the Library will be S5 per annum, payable in.adVance.

A commission of yu per cent, win ue- - anoweoto agents;'" and any agent, or postmaster furnish-in- ?

fivR snhsrrihprs and remitting the an.ount of

subscription, shall be entitled 10 the commissionof twenty per cent, or a' copy 01 tne worn, inr oneyear.

A soccimen of the wbrk. or any informationrespecting it may be obtained by addressing thepublishers, post pain.

U. Li. UAlittY H A. UA,lll,Jidy 17, 183542 Philadelphia.


ESPKCTFULLY announces to his friendmid tha mihlir. penerallv. that ne has Com

menced the Grocery business at 'his father's ol

stand, Short-stieet- , opposite the Court-hous- e

where he intends to keep a general assortment o

!tOCfi!ES. 'FOREIGN & DOMESTIC LIQUORS;and all such aiticles as are usually soI by Gro-- 1

cers. . Jbex.ept ti, iojo w-o- m

NOTICE.RTIIE Subscriber respectfully infoims his friendsilk and the public, thai he his taken.Mr. THO-MAS DOLAN into partnership, in. his Mercantile concern. The business will, 111 suture, be con-

ducted in the name nt Jl ;

who have now on hand, and' are1" receiving iromNew York and Philadelphia, "a large and verygeneral assortment of "

of nearly every variety; which tfiey' ivill sell onreasonable terms.

WM. A. LEAVY.Lexington, Apr'd-- , 22. 16-- tf



nnriE reulnrdiscount day, will he on Tues"ni . .. ' .t tm riaymorningol cacn weex, ann noies aerj

Bills Offered muferbe-deposile- in Bank xinaepspreceeilinglhe discountday.

WJLijj. S. YVAljLiTMl.,lajl 1.July 8, 1835 27-- tf

DOLLARS REWARD. Stolenfrom the subscriber on Saturday night

the 12th of September ins!, between 7 and 8o'clock, an old liquor case, containing ii-

S1-J- in half eagles, ' i'

S3U0 in fifiy dollar notes of 'ihe'U'. S. Bank,5250 mostly in 20 dollar notes of the Lex.

Branch or the Bank or Kentucky. i. .

1 Silver luirthlar., bottom wprn oqt, containing'"530 in U. S. money, and the balance ruHrd silver change K; L 5l & JL XUmZS."Co6 acoin commonly called a dollar," nearlytriangle, without Je:iers or figuresnii it, which .has "H't'ST receded, a fiesh simply of choice n

in mv faniilv near seventv vears. f OP'tlmore OYSTERS, put ufi this Fall will1 Ceriificale of.sip( k in ihe Mays.i:jl.le Turn- -

liornmionv ' l r,iihp Fa t ette Countv court.oroiiehundrecUharcy. , . ."',,,

1 Certificate for two shares ns my own. .

Also, about $lb,00fl 111 due bills tic. all payable to O. Keen ; amohg which, the following aie re

collected : 41 note op- Dahvm Johnson, duo-15t- h' SeptSm ;'

er instant: for' 200 dollars.1 note on John Iveiser, due25lh Decembernext,

lor tua dollars. j'1 note on John B. Ilisbee, due 25lh,' rter'ember


next, for 40 dollats.1 note on Cornelius Hendricks' Ju'e25th'Decem-be- r

next for 30 dollars. .1 l

4 notes on Thomas S. Redd'Si J. R. Slbanlb S75fJ.'

1 note ou Nathaniel Gist, due 17 or '18 yearsago.fol SI 00. '' "

1 note on Jesse Bayles, for S8.' '

A receipt fr'om'Johii Norton for 25 or $2000,.A contract between O. Keen, and'N: II . Hall

and wise for rent of a'plantationilatetl about five;. . ' -

years past.A liiemofiiidiim of a judgmentof the Fayette

Circuit court against' A. Legraiid, dated som

years back', for ' abndt"$140, signed" by GeneraThomas Bodley,Clclli'o( the Collrt.,," '

The rewW will 6e paid foi'lhe deliver)- - o

thecaseand contents to me, or" shell informationthat I can get them: ' O.'KEEN.

Lexington Sept 15th, 1835 3G-- t(


TRUSS MAKER,Oppositelhe Lexington Hotel, Lexington, Ky.

leave, lespectiuny to inionn jus irienusand the public, that lie nas.ooiaineii me

agency of Mr. Thomas Stao.nfr, of Richmond,Ky. to use, vend and praclicehis celebrated PATENT TRUSS, for theewe or all cases of Her- -ma, or liupmre, 01 receni or long smmung, t-

He is so convinced of the importance or thisinstrumentabovcallthat have e,ver yet been used,lhat he not only purposes lo abandon all the va- -rinuskinds he has heretofoie used, in hjs exten- -

sive practice, b.ul to assure the afflicted, that theuniversal leims, aie no Cure, no Pay!.

N.lUi ill Kllins Ol uanuagei, uaiucniuRiding Girdles, and Suspenders, manufacturedand forsale as before. J

June2G, 1634. 27-- tf'

PROPOSALSFor publishing in' Winchester, Ky., a Weekly

Newspaper, to be entitledTHE REGISTER Si' PATRIOT.

THE Subscriber have, at Ihe earnest solicita-tion or many or their refiow-cilizen- been inducedto issue Proposals for the publication of a weeklypaper in the town of Winchester, to be devotedto the dissei.nin4lion of knowledge Political,Liierary and General. ,

Tu ...1a.m. nmi line niiflprlnliitiO-alll- Sllhflri- -in Vllllllli, iri..ii.... u.... a TVbeis are ful'lv aware of Ihe riik' and responsibilityincurred, and is the sate of similar prpjeiils here- -

tufnie enlerlained ns this county were to serve as :n itjell, and conlaining me wnoie.oi one tne tsrancn isanK ol Kentucky, where he may al-- a

guide lor th? suture, they would be constrained, of his woiks, equal to two duodecimo volumes; ways be sound, except when admit that the encouragement thus presented, a title page to each number. Aug. 12, lb35 32-- tl jwould be any thing but flattering. But for rea- -sons which it altogether unnecessary to bers, and will farm a royal octavo volume con-

state, they are induced1 to conclude that the past taining nearly twelve hundred pages forlhreeneivspaper publishing in Clarke county, ,lars.

does not furnish a just criterion by which to judAnd when Ihey reflect upon the character and re-

sources of the people with whom they have thehonor to be associated, they cannot but thinkhat the present undertaking will meet with some

degree of or at least, that theymay be enabled to test the question whetherClarke is the onlv County in this highly savoredsection or Kentucky, that unable to support apublic journal.

Ihe subscribers deem it unnecessary toreciiethe manifold advantages that are sure to be de-

rived by a trading community, from a well con-

ducted periodical piint. They aie of a charac-ter that cannot rail to convince every thinkingman who has the.well'a:e and happiness of his fel-

low creatures ai heart; nor are these benefits con-

fined lo the trading part of the community alone,but will Ce sound to extend to all.

The political sentiments of the proprietors arefavorable to the elevation of IVm. H. Har-rison and John Tyler to tha Presidency and VicePres'dency. 1 hey are also in lavor of the lion.James Clark for Governor, and Charles Jl. Wivlc-liff- e,

Esq. For Lieutenant Governor. In regard,however, lo the political course ot tne itegisier &:

Patriot, they would take occasion to remark, thatwhilst they shall reTrain rrom in par- -

ry sirne iu in improper uit.i, i.., ...... ,... -Iheless.oiall nrouer occasions, express their opinions or the public policy or men and measures,fearlessly, and without ravor or afTectioo .

Ina government where all power is derivedfrom the people, it is the bounden duty of everycitizen of the commonwealth, a ne values ineblessings and durabil'uy of tu institutions guaraii;teed to him bt the constitution, to be so informedof passing events, as to be able to act. in such amanner as will be ,bestv calculated to ansner thedesign for which they were, created, and renderthem permanent and lasting, r irmly convincedof the justness of this conclusion, and believingthat the public press, lurnisnes tne saiest mediumfor dstaioiog so desirable an end, the subscriberspledge themselves to afford every facility in theirpower, for their fellow-citizen- s, without referencetopartv; lo express ll.eir personal or politicalsentimenls freely, and without restraint; provided that, in doing so, there ne no violation ol therespect and regard due to the opinions and feelingsof ntheis. ' .

The history of the past sew years, such as toconvince even the most skeptic, that the best in

terest of the stale is involved in advancing thegreat work of Internal To en-

courage' and sustain the friends of this truly patriotic cause, the best energies of the undersignedshall be exerted . ,. ' .

The liierary department of the Register Sz Pa- -

Uiot will be so'condttcteras to render it as accept-able as1 dossible, to its patrons. Its columns willalso contain the latest information, both foreignand local , and from the arrangements in contem- -lalniii, together with the past experience ol theuhscibers as practical printers, Ihey considerhemselves justified in asserting that, in a me-

chanical point of'view, the Register & Patriotwill be inferior to none in the state ; and as an evidence oT their deteimination to conduct it in amanner worthy of encouragement and support,,they would'respectfully 'announce to their fellow- -citizens, lhat should any of them, at the expiration or six months, be dissatisfied with the coursepursued, they shall be at liberty to withdrawheir subscription, by paying a sumlo that lenglh of lime.

TERMS.The Register & Patriot will be published

every Saturdayimorning, on a large Imperial sheet,at $2,50 a vear, il paid at me expiration oi u

months; or"$3,00 is paid within 12 months, and$3,50 is paid aster the expiiation of 12 months.tu. r..e i.nniVi.riijiit. ... hp UcmpH .so .soon as a re- -I lib 1IICI um.iuvi . - -,

quisite number qf subscribers can be obtained, anilanew press and additional type prun'ien.

H 11NIVI1.1-II- J wun,14. 183G.

ir'J.Our fiiends to whom this prospectus mayenl, will confer a savor by using their cudea- -

nue In nht.iii en he- - r dip r mid reluming it as SOOn

Clacap Qtieemswaa'e05-A- T COSTLCO

S? ORATES atsorled W A I! E. 'Dinner and



is deemed









Breakfast PLATES, CUPS, and SAU--CERS, &c. A.lso, jfist openei,

CHINA TEA SET'l, at thetCASKof 3. Call arid see. ,;

. - JAMES & BROTHER.Lex'ngton, Qct H. 4l-- tf

up on the shortest nottce-a'n- d in the bestst ie . lanulies supulird on ibeial terms

. JOHN M'KENZIE,'Mill slreelp Lexington.

Nov. G, 183.r-i44- -tf.

. DOMESTIC GOODS.OTRIFFANHY, DUVALL k Co., Baltimore,sLJa have on hand and expert to be .(receiving

from the Manufacturers direct, large and constantsupplies of the following GOODS:

' Brown Sheetings and Shirtings of 3-- 4, 7r8, '

4-- 4. and 5- -4 widths, from the Savage, Powhattan,''t 'I'l. Tln: it. nn n.iriiriwirii iiisii,-- , jiiiiiii, iiiiu uliici (

Fjctoties in Maryland. , u'

Osiiaburgs, Denims and Canton Flannels Troni

ditto - ' '

Cassinctts, Linsej'S)' Kerseys, Cotton Yarns, Cai-- I

pet Chain, tihecks, Plaids, Stripes, &c.ofBaltimore manuracture,-inclidin- (hose madeat.the Maryland Penitentiary. . ' j

Coaise and sine bleached and brown Shillings andi. Sheetings, from various Faclniies in the Edsl-er- n

State?,Lassinetts, Cassimeres, i lannels, &:c. Iroin others, A

.i.'Prints A 'general assortment of sine, mediumaim common, ..

Rouen Oassimere Mexican Mixtures, Cantoons,i art cimiac a j nc innimc inr n npr nn itll'llll-.- ' VU11 UbMllll.f ii. u utn-- JUL

lniooos'Tickirgs, tMethucu's,' 'Amozkeag's,' 'Brown's,'


In addifion-t- o exlensive supplies of Cotton antWoollen Goods, tneir


contam a targe stock of Ladies' Shoe'and, Boots,ol Eastern oily manuiacture, I

jien', Boals,-Brng.tii- s and Shoes, a fullassnit-- jJ .ijleu's Fur', Wool and Pa'V.i Leas Hats, a fu'l

:iassortment,'pur alll, gea gin Caps, Szc.

invite the attetilionor Western andSouthern merchants lo their Stock, in the belies,that they ivill be pleased wilh ihe assomnent andprjces, and that none in any oilier city holds out

l!sieater inducements topuichase'S.

Uec. W, 1H35 4'J-Z- m .



rpUIllTeat and constantly increasing demand.13 for the novels of Captain Marryatt, hasin-ducc- d

the subsciibpr to commence the publicationof a new edition of his entire writings, in a newform, and at a reduced price. Several of h'Sworks that have not yet appeared in this countrywill be comprised in this series, which will, whencompleted , be the only uniform edition or his writings that has yet issued rrom the press.

The work will he published in y

numbeis at ?7J .centsper number. Each numbe

The whole series will becompletc in eightnum-- l

Liist or works to be comprised in tins edition :

Fiank Mildmay, or the Naval Officer. .

Newton Foster, or the Merchant Service.King's Own.Peter Simple, or the Adventures of a Midship.

man.Jacob Faithful.Pacha of Many Tales. '

Japhet in Search of his F,ather.Naval and Military Sketches.The first number will positively he issued early

in January, and Ihe whole will be completed bythe last of April.

The work will bo slerotyped, and any of theYTiumbeis can be had separate, is desired

They w'ill be sent by post to any part of theUnion, so packed- - as lo defy the friction of themails- - Ppsiage under 100 miles 1J cents persheet, over 100 miles, 2i cents.

I isalmost useless for the subscriber to remarkthat this is the cheapest wbrk ever offered. Thesimple fact of the number of pages beingnear'12hundred, and the price only three dollars, speaksfor itself. The public may Jook upon this as thecommencement ns an enterpfise lo furnish themwith works oT fiction bv the most celebrated au- -,, printed inaheantifnl manner, on a prjcc lha( wi at once (e(y competition, andplace it in the power ot every person to possess alihrarv of novels al an extremely low rate. Theadvantage of transmission by mail is one that wilnot be oveilooked by nr large cities.The publisher thinks, an j je presumes that thepublic will agree with him, ilia t it is better to isuethe woiksof each auihoi, in series, at a staled

--price, than to publish a continuous work at somuch perannuni; foi by this arrangement theymay subscribe to the works of one author and re-

ject another. Not being obliged lo pay for that ,

which thev do no! want.A remittance of 10 will command sour copies

of ihewcrk. Single subscription 3 dollars. !'0j- -. iflscribers lo the Lady's Book, or those

wishing to become subscribers, will be furnishedwith the Lady's Book one year, and thesatorNovels, Tor five dollars, ,:n advance, postage paidSingle subscriptions to either work, three dollars

Address L.OUIS A. GODEY.No. 100 Walnut $1. Philadelphia.

Dec. 22, 183551


CHAin XttASJUF.A.CTURER,(fTIONTINUES the ahoVeHl $- - business oppositelhe Masonic Hall, on Alain street.He has on hand, and offers foisale on reasonable terms, a;F large and splendid assorlnient


o rare tscriolions and prices, also,Scllees, Ro.h- -

insr Chairs wit'i cane backs and seats; Boston,andfollies kinds, all of which are manufactured ofthe best n,alenals,and warranted well made. OlcChairs repaired and painted; Copal Varnish for


Wanted, a good fancy Chair maker; also, aPainter and Ornamcnier; none but good workmenneed apply; to such, constant employment andgood v ages will be given.

An apprentice'tvell recommended will be taken.Lexington, Jidy'2 ), 1S34 29-- tl

Dissolution of Partnership,T"p Firm ofGah'l. I. Morton and A. B.

Morton, trading under the (11m of Morton ii Co.ina Bagging concern in I'ayelte county, has beenthis day dissolved by mutual consent.


October 2G, '1835.'fi -j .

"FT OST--O- n the night or Tuesday , 24in No- -M A vember, between Brennnu's Hotel and Ex-- 1

change Office of David A. Sayre, A CORAL,BREASTPIN. Any person who lias sound!1

A 11 !..-- . ..a '! 11 1. .1 r(Vifo rC ll,P R ' I nl n ( t Win itaii.ii'ii nn ui.i. 1.1 i... ui iiii.?

paper, will he su'nall rewarded. II

jl Lex. Dec. 12, 1835 49-- lf Ii

OAKDIiES AND LEATHER.BOXES dipt and motd Can- -trffefej4fi dies. 15,000 lbs, Spanish sqle

Leather for sale byMONTMOLLIN &:CORNWALL.

P. S. As it is our wish to rlosc our consign- -

mentor Leather, bhoemaKers and dealers 111

may expect baigains.January 8, 1S3G 3--

JAM15S MBtRlrr,Domestic Dry

xGoods, Commission Mer-

chant,' and Agent for the sale of ',WolcdtPs Stiubenville Jeans','' '

- Wull-sl- . "-,- 'Louisville, Ky.XT JBEUAL advances will be .'made oncori-- "

s of negro clothing - liuscy andsocks', sill bl" u'hich articles1 Ougfi'l to' be in thismarket by the middle of June. Ouhahd a lid forsale liaviua just received lu cases by siWacdusta 1U00 pieces of Wolcott's Si Suben-- iville Jeans, which will be sold on liberaUermsito

.'Li. 11responsible houses. Uuyets, will please tu calland examine these goods. !

, JAMES" .HENRY,' ap'ril 2, 18")G 12-2- m Wall steet


Ate now teceivlng their.


is COMPRISING a veiy eeneral assortment oftMy nearly every variety or Fancy and Staple',aritcw, usually nepi inury ivood blouses,

. .m whkl ars--a ,!,,,,. ,, ns C , - -

'!mees; Men and Boys' Summer Goods,' Hals andt adfes' rioniiets, Boots and Shoes Also, Hard- -

I'warc. Qtieens'ware', and'China in Tea ami DmnergelGroceli &c Th rcepectfuly ;nvhtheir customers and friends to call and examine.

apritl2183G. 13-- tf

- . FRENCH CHINA.gSUPERB DINNER SERVICES, Gold BandKJ7 Desert Services, lo match wilh Splendid Fiuitllaskets; supported by'(Tguics;'and a vhiiety ofseasonaDieoninaware; yist: tea betts, riate--Bowls, &c.

A l'so One Case Plated Candlesticks, 1 sple-ndid Sett Cut Glass Girondaler, 'Mantel Clocks,'Astral Lamps, Sic.

I he above l.hina is ol our own importation,direct from Paris, and of a superior quality'-- ' Just opened di

'' JAMES & BROTHER.June 22, 1825 28-- tf

ATTEND TO THES.'iTnHE time hasomc when all persons should

JEL nose tneir accounts. I hose ofjny fiiendsindebted to me, wiUYender rne"afavo7by callfinganil paying their accounts, as am in. want of mo- -

l'.,.u ... . .... lfionOt.. ntr mil rlphle a n r' Xl...imj ii f"J l"J ', "in" !UII,IIASt: VBVIlO1 his must be done during this month.

J.G. McKINNEY.Lex. Jan 1, 183G 52-- tf

OU. SAMUKL C. TJlOTTKIlRATEFUL for the liberal prac-tice he has alieady had, respect-

BSS3 sully tenders a continuance of his'ser-vices to the citizens of Lexington and

the adjomingtriountry, in the.varioubiaiiches orhis profession, vis

. . -- . -ljraclicc of PhysicS bltrgCry,- - "ice. CfC.His oliice is on Short-stree- t, thiee doofsTibelowl

FOil SAL.K. A half league of land, inColony, Texas, very eligibly situa-

ted on Dick's or Dickson's Creek, a navigable'stream, emptying into Galvastnn Bay, at whosemouth tne town of Powhatan is laid out, com-

manding a sine harbor. The above tract ivasselected for theproprietor by' persons familiar ilhevery league.ifi the Colooy it consists ns a m!x- -;

ture of prairie and timbere I land,'and'is "the finestthat can be, for the cultivation of Cotton or Sugar,all conditions having been fulfilled, and expensespaid. It is recommended to persons disnosed to

(emigrate to Texas, as saving much trouble, ex-

pense and delay. Inquire at this office.'Lex Aug 27, 1835 35-- tf

EXINGTON BREWERY. 'The publici are informed lhat the propiietor of the Lex-o- n

Brewery having taken it into his own hands.and having repaired and fitted it up in, the benmanner, and'associaled himself wilh one of themost scientific and practical Bieners ill Ihe VVes- -

tern countr), has no hesitation in assuring the ven- -

ders and lovers of Malt Liquors, that they wjllfurnish them wi(h Porter, Ale and Beer of a su- -

perior qiality, to any made in said Bitvery for thelast 10 year. Beer will be leady for delivery by1

Die 1st of September next, when it is hoped thatjudges or Malt Liquors will be ronvincd thainothing but a lull Knowledge ot the business, andattention thereto, is essential lo the making or asgood Porter, Ale anil Beer in Lexington, as anypart of the world.

ARLEY, BARLEY, BARLEY. Want-ed Ten thousand bushels of Barley, for

which the Highest price in cash will bo paid on de-

livery at the ahove Brewerj. Fanners suppliedwith fall barley for seed. CLA RY, & Co .

August 11), 1835 34-G- m

BVV GOODS. Tho aubscri- -

beis are receiving at their stand on Main-s- t.

two aoors above the Post Office, their Fall and:Winter GOODS, among which are, a well selected assortment of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinetls,!and French and English Merinoes; a lrge assort--j

Tneilt Dr Ladies' and Gentlemen's SHOES and.)BOOTS. Fur Caps and Capes, Carpeting andRilgs, Hardwaie, Queensware, French & EnglishChina in setts Glassware Groceiies Java Cor-re- e,

(it superior article.;SAMUEL ROBINSON & CO.

Lex. Sept. 17, 1835 37-- tf

M. 13. BROWNING & CO.MAVING purchased of CiLEn Worlcv, his

MRllCIIAiVDIZE. '"chis extensive and well assorted, now offer it Whole-

sale and Retail, on as lair and reasonable tems,aslike goods can be bought in any market west of themountains. J hey are resoiveu to spare no painsto accommodate and please those who may savorthem with a call lo the old nations or Ihehouse, they look with much confidence, and solicita continuance of their custom, from wheibitjshoped a mutual benefit and satisfaction will be de-


WORLEY, having sold his slock ofCALEB 10 M.E. BROWNING ir'Co.itakes great pleasure in recommending 10 his oldcustomers and patrons, a continuance of theirdeal-i.- i

with his successors, at the old staod , oppositethe uppei end of the Public Square. He would atthe sairielime veiy sincerely retuin his thanks ror

the liberal patronage extended lo him during Ins

coniiuuan- - e in businss. It is his wih asspeedilvas possible 10 close his business, and Kc hopes thaiallthose who open, accounts jl call and!chjee them by njle or payment without delay.

Lex. June 15. I B3o--a-l- -tl

FINE GOOS'E-CREE- VaLTJust received, and forsale by ' "I

D. BRADFORD iz CO,Sept. 17, IK35. Opposite the Market-

'OTlJiIE Subscribers to the Kentucky Gazette ateil inlormed lhat I have translerreJ 10 DanielBradloid, all the accounts and notes due to thatpaper, and those indebted are requested to makeimmediate payment to him.

T. J. PEW.Dec. 12,183540- -


v - MiTM's.Vn'SV.... T.TZ.XJrn'V??'.A. U..W., UW.....0.V.., -- -.

RTi ESPECT? .BltS- - the 'citizen's (is tire- fin,ariidi'JS . .Jwiyette coniilyfgJieralUirat'he

has conimenced his business n tnefSSSm small fraihe hntiseJop'J)b's'iie"Messrs.

MontnioUiiir,aii .oriiu all's store,where he will attend to all ordeis for Hats withpuoctuality and despatch, and grateful iVtli'e least

JAyo.f. .,Lexington, Jan. 23, 183fJ-3-- Iy

Mil UT- - jl iL,. , , FQU ,SALE FOJi- - GASH, ....,A., FIRST-RAT- PIANO I'.ORTE., En- -

qm.eaVlhtsblr(te.",'i "j.,1 !& ,,Sl,1835-.51i- tr

15- T-

..; ',. TEUS!!! t o :I

M1115 subscriber ,wil givq jfiTtv centper cor(Jn 13 Irt tJiA!Vnrinf- - W... n'f ...nn;i ...Miin tuir-- fr '" ""'"' loicuuing wood wiiiinimiles ol liexington. ApplyMo ' ,. .t.'tt!'

N. McCOY.Deo 2 f , lS35'--5l- -tf '' " ' Nehr L'exlngfori

NOTICE '""'"Yi l 1' Oil J 3s

THE subscriber bavii g dispose dos hisIhe Store of J. Tilfoid 4-- Oo; lo Jas! Til-for- d

'& W. P. Si James M. Hplloway, ySOuld: ie$pectfully'solicit forihcm a'ctJhtintiaiice'or tli'P.trqnage.qf his, fiends. ',. t n. (

As it is important that, the business a( the latiHVnl should be closed asSpeerfily as'possibte, ihose?indebted either hy, qoie oi book account, vvjll.coivser a favor'by calling and settling wiihouT delay.Mr: J. W.; Cochran is 'authorized to rec'eipianrl'receive the" bajanqesdup. i ,, , .,,!., c,,i . ..

J. TILFORD.., . .,.- ... ' ."i i'h.i (.f trrgnilE subscribers of J.

lord it Co. their futile stork of, lerchandize, ami rented1 their Store-room- 's for a term ofyeais, woull lespectfully.inform their friends andthe public geneially, iha; they will continue to ear-ly on the business under'the firm of" '

T2XFOHD, KOZ.X.OW.iS.'jj' Sc CO.- -

They expect lo receive in a sew days, addition-al supplies of Merchandize, which, with the stocknow on hand, will render their assortment full andcomplete. As they design keeping at all times anextensive stock exclusive!) for WIiolf.saLf. deal-ers, they would parliculaily invite calls fiooi thatclass of purchasers 'the. sahiTnrlucenieiUs offer-ed as heretofore. They wil,alspjontinue tokeepa well selected stock for relaijing.

.A continuation of the old custom ofHhe houseisrespcr tfully solicited. f t


Just lereived, a large assortment ns MEN'SBOOTS and SHOES, which will befsold at nsmall advance; Also, an additional, supply ofthe An'choi Bofiing Cloths, Nos. 4, 6Vaiid 7Flowered paper foi rooms, passages, tecfic


.. JAS. M. HOLLOWAY.Nov. 30,1835 48 tr07-Th- "e "Ohs-iv- ei and Gazelle wilf! insert the

above tr. Intelligencer.

E. WHITE 4r WM. HAGERWh ESPrOTFULliY infotm life Printers of& ihe United States, to whom (hey have

known as established Letter Founders, that Ihey have now foimed insaid business, and from their united skill and extensive experience, they hope to be able to eivesatisfaction 10 all who may savor them witli theirordeis. . ,1.

The inlinduclion of machinery in place of thetedious and unhealthy processor casting type bvhand, a desideratum by the European .fqundeis,wa by American ingenuity aiid a heavy expendlturepl lime, and money on. the part of 10'ur seniorpartner, first surcessfully accomplished.,, Exten-sive use of Ihe machine cast letter has sully testedand established its superiority in.everv DarliculaE'over those cast by the old process.

Uhe Letter I' ounilry Business will hereafter becarried nn by the parties before named, under thefirm'bf White, Hager, & Co. ' Their specimenexhibits a lomplete series from Diamond to Sixtyfourlines Pica. The book and news type beingiu'fjiiitost moderate light anil style.

Vhjlf, linger U Co., are agents for ofSmith and Unst Piinting Press, which they catriiiriiisii-uiei- ci stumers manuiactllrer'S puces.

unascs, oases, composing jjucks, tr)k,and etc-- ry

article used in the Priming Business,,kept forale aiid furiii.hed on Ofrf type

taken, in exchanje foricw at nine,events per pound.N. B- - Newspaper proprietors .who will give

iheabove-llfte- Insertions, vyill'be entitled to FiveDollars in Sficfl articlesethey sclec: rro,m ourspecimens.

E. WHITE & W. HAGER.New York, Oct. I, 183548- -


of Harlford,'Con.r

MAVE paidrev years

past in the ,'Westenissffi Stales IJor oses byFire, about

300,000 DoSlans!!ind are still willing to assume and continucr


their'agent, on the shortest'hotice ami most favor-able terms. , . E. K. SAY.RE,'

Corner Short st. Si Jordan's now.Lexington, March 21, 1835.-12-- ly

NORTIIERN BANK O'FKEN'tNCKYKTl HE 'fourth Instalment of I'en Dollars oniik each Share will b'conie.tfuel&nd- is leauest- -

cd to he.paid, on the 27th dan ofJcibpiam 1836.By order oflhe V resident arTdiDrrectors,

fll. T.SGOT,T-,.CJAter-.

Lex. Oct. 17,1835 4b-J- m

GABXNST.SHOP..BTHE: Subjiriiber respectfully aijnopncesto theS. citizen shf Lexington arid its' viefnity, tha.

he, has just completed a thorough repairbfhisihopand is now ready to wait upon his customers wilh,anything in the Cabinet line. He will 'at the'shortest noiice, be able to runiish COFFINS ofall sizes and descriptions.' He has a "NTS WHEARSE rpr the hetipr convenience of

His present stock of C A B I TW O R K is now, and will he kedt equal to anyin.the Western Country, life,slop is,ou Uiecor-n- er

of Short and Limestone stieets, diagonally op-

posite the Jail, and his family residence's in the-t-

stoiy brick adipinii'g. By a strict atteion tobusiness, he hopeo receive a hare.jaf public pa-tronage. . J. EDRINGTON.

March 10; 1835. '' '""- - 1 IK1' II

AS, ,reoioveji his, office to the.M bunding next belovV the iieiv- -PostOllice.aiirt isuua'tcd between Mt

jSKga D. A Say re's and O. Keen's EioIlls is ar'.MVs'. Critte"ndcri's'B3ardinffHouse, upiier end of Jordaijs llgw, ,.j

As he is resolved 10 deyole himself zealously to-ols piofesstoif, he "begs-leav- to sffy tb lTis frie'dds-tha- t

wliethn-.a- t .home qi abroad, he hopes theywill find film where he oujht to be, atall times promptly to attend them.

Lexington Dec. 17, 183550-7- !FI RST rate Brass 8 day CLOCK, will besold on Wednesday mornina, the 26th ini

ai lOo'dock.hy D.BRADFORDJan 23, 183G 3- -1 1


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