Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). …, in...

NUMB.' XXI, N F 0 R SJ L E,. ' . THIRTEEN iiuhdred.acresof.Va'- - J? luable LAND, lying sour br five miles Norclrof' Georgetown' JOHN CLA"Y. Lexington, January 22, 1796', Gzntlemai Dijtdlcrs. 'T ONCE more earneflly reque'lr. JLr-a- of yon, who have not made your returns, to come In and, do it also to discharge your balances of raxes now due ; it being en- tirely out of my Jow'er o wlit any longer, as 1 am now called on tof make my returns, 'riiole . wild' sail to avail themlelves of this.nb-tice- , needuot to expect-an- furth- - er indulgence. -- ' William- &breJ)lf. , ... . GoUcewrfdf rrbyt&ue lor 1 Fiyettc& Clarke. Jannarj 17. ..J P. S. I watu to putcliaie a quan- tity of CORN, RYE-- , Slid legal distilled WHISKEY ; for which I will give a gedd price is delivered" at my Store ih. Iiexirigton. . Lost, on liwjrfayjajt, On the road between Lexington & Frankfort; pai1 of; double folcd ANEW BOOTS.roiXndtozi, bounti dii the tops with red Mdrdt co. Whoever delivers tlrem. to me ia Lexington, or to Mr. Peiribertdii ' at the Cross roads, neir Frankfort, ihall- - be well rewarded for their trouble; Satiiilel Ay'res-- . Tamfiarv. 18: 2w . FRAlSlK'FOR r., . -- : rHAVE.i'bA saX'S l8 ruij.'rb'wir;. jj LOT', aud.iwi Jltij ftailed U.OVSE; .,. six. by thirty; fiuiliicd Twenty lalstfilng: It hrfsrwo Tboni? onaav&vipjdileb 5, low, and three sbove, with a gbdd cellar under the whole, and the advantage of a well. Alio, nine-ty-in- c feet 6f Gfouhd fronting Capt. RdbSvts'S tavern, and rtinS mng back along aii alley 130 feet. Also. 86 feet of Grbuiid, fronting hVi. Trigg's (lord lio,nfe dnd ano- ther ftreer, Mofe'et for.deptii. Al-s- o, Ldt no 12. frontirig"Wafllng: ton street, with hi appUrtCl"1:68-Al- l the above are fdmd of rlie mod feligible fitnations in lovVh. A'fo, near Frankfort, tHirty acres of Ground; a part of which is improv. fed, and has excellent fprihgs,. AU so, on'very low terms, the fettiairf. inz Stock ill trade of Daniel Ga-K- O & Bro cbHfdling chiefly of Dr Goods; riard Ware aild Groceries. Alfd, one or tw8 O.rlean Boats; Al-f- d, I2,6s3 acres of Land on lied ri-V- this tracl: is- - well watered, lias on it a quantity of Pine timber Jiml affords several valuable Mine- rals. For terms, apply at Frank- fort to tf OAN. GANO. ? 6 BJ C COi cohtratl with one of IyLLL good Planters, for TO- BACCO of the ensuing crop, ft far a one hundred aiid twenty hdgf-hcad- s, at 13S per huh'dred, fcfr Aronofco, (except Thickset) and. 14M'oc Svv.ect Scented on haff in Caflf, and the other in Goods" at Cadi Price. The contract to be closed before the first of April next. The Tobacco to' be infpecled at ' same Warehouse on the' . Kentucky river, and the notes delivered bn 61 before the" fifft day of March iVoNo'hofhead to contain' lcls than ioo'o weignt nets. Joel Crdigi N. B. I have some HEMP SEED'-ij- f good quality for sale; UCOrilCtUH4JtlJUJ. ftW;.:waJas3aM!MagaMga!ragi 23SE5rSTECHHSEJHErEEE3 TU.CK Y 6 A Z E T SATURDAY; February 6; 1716'. nfc;i.yr.-.,-;.wfc- - h, BOGGS& ANDERSON, Hfvejulp, received and afei now o- -. at their Store jn.Lexing. ton,, next 'door to the Market; no use, '". '. ,, , . . . k GENERAL A'sSORrMEM'T' bF w "; " i ' ,:,. MendmndJcj fVeli'a'd anted- to, the presents SltlH approaching- season. ., ,. A L S 0 ,. , t j r1 e A- - WELL.- - CilbSEN ASro.R.rjJBH.T&'OF Drugs &Pateai Meditufc, Coiijijitng "W'th'e 'follc&irig at'tilfe's ': - '7 '(Viz.) 1' A'qua Fonu - Oil' Vitriol -- Olives 4 - -- Almonds - L.acndor , -- AtfcfeTeeft -J dhj per ; Amber . -- Peppermint Burira- - r mint mot Pepper Britifli oil , Godfrey's cordl- - , al ijateman's tirops Dafty s fchxir Turlington's Balsam ., Ahtiei sob's Till Ij5pcacuanha Jaljap Tartar Emetic Caloi:.'l Gum Opiiiin Camphor Alocs Arabic Guiacum Ammoniac ' Reel Bark Palfe ditto ' - Manna .. Spanim fli?d , Balsam Cape'vi Lniularimn Quick bilver tor. Sublimate LuHar Cauftib Maneiia . i ii . ) lUmbartf Gentian'. ... Spiiits Lavender comp. ,', TurpshtiheJ 'Jaal simmo- - iiiac Salt Tartar Steel t Filings di'ttrj' Sujar Lead' : Wliite Vitriol blue ltto' ., Flour Sulphur Sulphur, Antihi Oil v Glass ditto RedSanler5 'Orange peel ,, Camomile slow- - ers . oi. Sai Aininoi . jriar Caflbr 1, . Dragon'fbloa Creinor'Tortfif Sjj'ermeceti Sugar Candy japan eartfi . Columb'a Pv'ooc . Brax,,.'. ArraSetra. : Pink'Roo;. Callils (ap, ' Glafi&r Sal!. 'DroclrVlbnw finmi se Simple ditto" '31P?S '.yrtrtger f. , ,, , , Vials and CorJs Smelling Bofties Cfifeibles &c &c. ,Tlie above Articles will be (old cbgap focCSJi...., . .y.-i- . . SI RAY ED from ,he fub"(criber," living oti the head of Chcr f Sy'k riln Scott county, about the fiifl; (is Mci lad, a' a;iay marc five years' bid, branded on the near fljoulder arid buttock IT and o' 11 the bffbdttck T , biie bind leg whites ihsin the re(t. Whoevc'r will de- liver the said marfttdme fliall have six Dollafi reward. $nv Thomas Td-ililjle'- ji , Public Notice: , IS hereby givfen; that tjie heirs b'f Andrew Hannah,, dtceaftd, claims a preemption of iood acres o'f land aii nflighse o'f George Smith, in Madifori county, 6n Sil-vf- cr creek; at St. Afbps ford atid on ,the west side 6f said Creek, sCny Jperfori claimink land that will in jfl'ny wise interfere with the above 01 said ford, oil the 29th day of Fe- bruary, iit which time and place I mail proceed to take the depofiti-on'- s of a number of witnelles to perpetua:te teilimony refpeifting the fe'veral calls in aid Smith's certificate, with the commiflioners, agreeable i6 a law 6f this-stat- e in that case. made and pr6v;ded. William Henrj. "P. St I ftiallhave he above land, fufveyed agreeable to entry on the fucceediiig day. W ft, , iciNK DEEDS, ' oii p'AAcmitwr and papir, ros. ih.t at T'aijs .ofkci.- t S V J5tr- - R Itl'.. ;v ; . .Notice., . . . of ELiSHA THE ahd .Co. having ixpired.Vtiiey btref for. sale the i'ollowine; property: ... ... , A com'pleat 'and wejl-chofe- n as; fortment pi .DRlC.GOODS, well, adapted ;o tliCj. jirerein and ap- proaching Sealbn,,by wholeffile or retail, at a veiy low advance. Al-l- o, an alibi tment of GltOCElliE'i. - A tiot llory Bricic House op Jftain-ltr'ce- t, an eeljeiit fihiatiorj' for bi(i:iefs ;Tbac valuable aiid wqll kno.v. ri, tracl or parce.1 of LANDj fitukted at the. mouth of Tate.'s creek, ij iiiiJes, tr'ouij lex-ingio- t oh tlic main road lealii g r.o, Alatliloh cdu. t lioule, contalntajV "f&fiy acres j oo o wJifhJs ee4-JeiK.bttM- nj the remainder, hjlly but vieH timbeid.;,F6a.r"esclt ared, and five acres in timothy meadow, ana twenty more can be, made and-watejji- i wi.Ji very little 'sxpence- - On the hjipei hart of this tratfti? .eret'teda AlEkcii Asii: and. Grist JvIilIj the utuatioii .is perfectly iecuie, eilhqr fro In back .water ironi the. river, sir fioods:in ilis creek-.T- lie hotife i5 feet by iorty with fournoors 'ihe, a :fiateeji, te,cx pitch tack water wheel,, double geeretl. t'rencli Burr stones :,with oolt-in- gj lioilsjiigj, screening, fanning' ajid,packjSgvprk, by water '1 he Gi,ilt ivijlibas a j2 (et vtenvhee, ovei-.hpl- ; aii'dlKnilife geared : the vhiile new and jneompleat order mills into a porfdj Jlarids a saw inili in fttjodreriaif. and' a . .. i -- iii rf-- i - . i ucv iiempj.iin. jncre.isauo on. t jie prenijfes, a new t raiiiea bw el-Iii- jg Hpjife, fejtclTen and tore houl'e wjth a number of. tile' ill cabbins, and a laige and ', 'never sailing 1Kn8-con.vcniei,- t RofkAf 5 : alk coverd 256 feet, ahd maybe, exte: ded over a.Ie-vxLnie- -- otlsiiloIlntL 150 fathoms with every- - Swafatus suitable for aaie ..nianufatfthiinjj, cot- - a younc bearinc peach dr. chard 1 alio a number of bearing apple tiees. - .A Disti'lery within forty yards of thfe mills, witli IU2tt wtl- - tcrs Threp Still bout calloii tontaimnrr a- - '.T. 375 . wiwi every thlliP" tiecfcHarv for.diflillinJr A VV ago , with sour good borfe. a' sew head of cattle, and a larg ltock of hogg. As the above property isfittiated in a 'hick settled fertile part of the country, where the great eit abun-datic- e of produce may be .collect- ed, and the li- iid. abounds .with good thnber for boat b'uildihgVfynd, A' very coriveiiieiit, spot for ,tlmtS ptfrpbfe On" the bank of tlife river Kentucky It i? evident that boa'ts for the rviiffiflippi trade, can be bnilt andlodded it tlic mouth of Tate'i cieek witllnbre con'vfenierice less', expence and greater dispatch than at any other landing in the Mate. : The uiillsare now well fijpplied withleafoncd barrels; and there is lix boats on the flocks, that may be finifliid in' a Ihoft time. . The p'urchatei can hayc choice of two or three is .required iThq payments will be made easy, arid the greater part received annual- ly in produce. E. WINTJ.HS. J. WINTERS. Lexington, Dec 24, 179c. N. B. All perfo'ns indebted to, E., W. r Co. afe once more f equelr-e- d to call and pay off their Tefp'e,cl-iv- e balanees without (Jelay. 'IAKEN npbythe fnblcriber in' Fayette county, near Boons-- ' 4 ftatioii, on6 bay .mare epic, two' .Sear old, with three white feet; blsze face, thirteen hands and a nan H'S'1' neiincr t(octie iior branded abpraifed to 9I; i . J6hn M'DANNEL, Vol: ix-.- ' WH,R.AS,Thoiiia4s,Gift-- , for . ujider the.kijigtot. Great Britip, was in titled to tvs o thousand .acres of land. And.whereas the, .(aid land was fuxveyed, tljeilth day of June 1775, o A Oilt's creek, a br'ancn of t'oner.'s folk; of. Licking,. b;.gin-nin- at Hickory, Hoop wopd &' , bite, oak, thence, north twenty xlegiees.wtil eight hundi.cdjpajcs, to alpojj wood, Sugar-tife- - nd' Alh, thence, lbu.jh seventy (jegres well, tijur hundred poles, .to thiee Am, ti eeSj thence loiith twenty, de-gie- es ta', eiht.Huridjed.pole's,-t- a Bnckfcve, Hickory, and-Stiffa- r trpe, theirfe r.f,-- t f'eve,nty,,degtqes ealt,,four )ntnded, poles to tlie, be- ginning. (Noy, TnKJyjPTJQE all concerned, thct lr ihijll Sfi.etifl at. the t)einiiing,,,of the' fiucjj vith.the, .tpinniifhc.Oers gpJp'oii)te,J by ,Bouj-,btacpurt- o'n the 24'lJday qf Fsbru'srj'iliext. in pjder to, eliablifli tjie Kl)egi,nning rprnw ot tjie fjiifj furvey,., iitid tete to du fuili otjir r.acs. as jnayjjs t.hiiiht nec.edary,- :z , s irfL.oipAllemb;ly.ehtijtIe,d " v a. 10, afqertain il,bJjt)vdarie,. 'an-t- , niidftir other purpoferf," a is iec. , V fofepll Rcberct. January 'Jh,-!- ?. ,6 (oTOTlCE, to ajl whb- - : - k v concern", rhst I (htiil stt.: t with the cfimniiiiicncis f.ppoitt c.i by. court of Lit'.-,- - on the. nineteenth". day , ot ??' ;'y next, at jamt'sKenddck'simpiO-c'-inen- t hear Bdker's Rati n, oil SUmmcrtett J tlte'11 and the e to jierperna (fetkliwiOoy Of certain improement ?jr': Pilker' . Jan. 28, 1 79J , Taken, ur bythe'fublcnur in Lincoln, County, ff" ifii Sr'wlilre steer, years "bid lsft, iiiarkbd with a crop and two slits iii the right ear, and a hit in the lest, 'Branded 011 'the', c'ulhloa' M, ed to 5I, 1 fs. zammnel hmmcrjon. ftbclobcr 20, 1 795. J , THE SUBSCRIBER, W-h- lives' in the lioufe Ihri-l- nr. cupied'byMr. l'aitir tajbr', tU P RIV ATE E.NTER. TAINMENT For Gentlemen.. He will also' take a few'Geutej BOA'RDBlUi. . . . . JfratkerB.aylor. ' N.3. Particular, attentidri will De.paidt'o' tiorfes., k "' .140 ncii. . THAT vlplend 0n the of February, at"?n jmpfoe-me- nt ort Laurence's creek, ni:i1e by John Laffertyj where a tree is ftarked I.H.L.iii order to perpetuate the .tmtWfcbf certain-vitfaeile- did iiuprqlVrMnt, a"d-ct- f ich dther aft as may be iWMtVnece' a--ry aiiii agreeable to Jw. 'S& ' ' ADKEW CHKJSTY. TAKEfJ-ii- p by ti fubferibe:. lv.,ir Leetiown o'.d road, a'- - t from ike a White r 0v and horse ia, the colt a black n ec. with white bans, fta. white on be!, hlrd feet; tie inare has on three n, iln--- pomid ten fh'V-rrf- ' oeo'. .H; vrrr November 23 1705. f 1 wiih to purcWafe a quantity of good GLEAN RYF, to briielivercd sit ms ftpfe'in this lace-fo'- r whicH-- I will allow as generous price iii merchanctife. , -- .; 7;r' '' C. Beatty, Icxinfftou ptccmber 26. & Ar f

Transcript of Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). …, in...

Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). …, in Madifori county, 6n Sil-vf- cr creek; at St. Afbps ford atid on,the west side 6f said



F 0 R SJ L E,. '. THIRTEEN iiuhdred.acresof.Va'- -

J? luable LAND, lying sour brfive miles Norclrof' Georgetown'

JOHN CLA"Y.Lexington, January 22, 1796',

Gzntlemai Dijtdlcrs.'T ONCE more earneflly reque'lr.

JLr-a- of yon, who have not madeyour returns, to come In and, do it

also to discharge your balancesof raxes now due ; it being en-

tirely out of my Jow'er o wlit anylonger, as 1 am now called on tofmake my returns, 'riiole . wild'sail to avail themlelves of this.nb-tice- ,

needuot to expect-an- furth- -

er indulgence. -- '

William- &breJ)lf., ... . GoUcewrfdf rrbyt&ue lor

1 Fiyettc& Clarke.Jannarj 17. ..J

P. S. I watu to putcliaie a quan-tity of CORN, RYE-- , Slid legaldistilled WHISKEY ; for which I

will give a gedd price is delivered"at my Store ih. Iiexirigton. .

Lost, on liwjrfayjajt,On the road between Lexington &

Frankfort;pai1 of; double folcd

ANEW BOOTS.roiXndtozi,bounti dii the tops with red Mdrdtco. Whoever delivers tlrem. to meia Lexington, or to Mr. Peiribertdii '

at the Cross roads, neir Frankfort,ihall- - be well rewarded for theirtrouble;

Satiiilel Ay'res-- .

Tamfiarv. 18: 2w .

FRAlSlK'FOR r.,.


rHAVE.i'bA saX'S l8 ruij.'rb'wir;.jj LOT', aud.iwi Jltij ftailed

U.OVSE; .,.six. by thirty; fiuiliicdTwenty lalstfilng: It hrfsrwo

Tboni? onaav&vipjdileb 5,low, and three sbove, with a gbddcellar under the whole, and theadvantage of a well. Alio, nine-ty-in- c

feet 6f Gfouhd frontingCapt. RdbSvts'S tavern, and rtinSmng back along aii alley 130 feet.Also. 86 feet of Grbuiid, frontinghVi. Trigg's (lord lio,nfe dnd ano-

ther ftreer, Mofe'et for.deptii. Al-s- o,

Ldt no 12. frontirig"Wafllng:ton street, with hi appUrtCl"1:68-Al- l

the above are fdmd of rlie modfeligible fitnations in lovVh. A'fo,near Frankfort, tHirty acres ofGround; a part of which is improv.fed, and has excellent fprihgs,. AU

so, on'very low terms, the fettiairf.inz Stock ill trade of Daniel Ga-K- O

& Bro cbHfdling chiefly of DrGoods; riard Ware aild Groceries.Alfd, one or tw8 O.rlean Boats; Al-f- d,

I2,6s3 acres of Land on lied ri-V-

this tracl: is- - well watered,lias on it a quantity of Pine timberJiml affords several valuable Mine-

rals. For terms, apply at Frank-

fort totf OAN. GANO.

? 6 BJ C COicohtratl with one ofIyLLLgood Planters, for TO-

BACCO of the ensuing crop, ft fara one hundred aiid twenty hdgf-hcad- s,

at 13S per huh'dred, fcfr

Aronofco, (except Thickset) and.14M'oc Svv.ect Scented on haffin Caflf, and the other in Goods" atCadi Price. The contract to be

closed before the first of April next.The Tobacco to' be infpecled at

' same Warehouse on the' . Kentuckyriver, and the notes delivered bn61 before the" fifft day of March

iVoNo'hofhead to contain' lclsthan ioo'o weignt nets.

Joel CrdigiN. B. I have some HEMP SEED'-ij- f

good quality for sale;UCOrilCtUH4JtlJUJ.

ftW;.:waJas3aM!MagaMga!ragi 23SE5rSTECHHSEJHErEEE3

TU.CK Y 6 A Z E TSATURDAY; February 6; 1716'.

nfc;i.yr.-.,-;.wfc- -

h, BOGGS& ANDERSON,Hfvejulp, received and afei now o- -. at their Store jn.Lexing.ton,, next 'door to the Market;no use, '". '. ,, , . . .




',:,. MendmndJcj

fVeli'a'd anted- to, the presents SltlH

approaching- season.., ,. A L S 0 ,. ,

t j r1 eA- - WELL.-- CilbSEN ASro.R.rjJBH.T&'OF

Drugs &Pateai Meditufc,Coiijijitng "W'th'e 'follc&irig at'tilfe's ':

- '7 '(Viz.) 1'

A'qua Fonu -

Oil' Vitriol

-- Olives 4

- -- Almonds- L.acndor ,

--AtfcfeTeeft-J dh j per

; Amber .

--PeppermintBurira- -

r mint


Britifli oil ,

Godfrey's cordl- -

, alijateman's tiropsDafty s fchxirTurlington's

Balsam .,Ahtiei sob's TillIj5pcacuanhaJaljapTartar EmeticCaloi:.'lGum Opiiiin



Reel BarkPalfe ditto

' -

Manna ..Spanim fli?d ,

Balsam Cape'viLniularimnQuick bilvertor. SublimateLuHar CauftibManeiia

. i ii .) lUmbartf

Gentian'. ...Spiiits Lavender

comp. ,',

TurpshtiheJ'Jaal simmo- -

iiiacSalt Tartar


Filings di'ttrj'Sujar Lead' :

Wliite Vitriolblue ltto' .,Flour SulphurSulphur, Antihi

Oil vGlass dittoRedSanler5'Orange peel ,,Camomile slow- -

ers .

oi. Sai Aininoi. jriar

Caflbr 1, .


Sugar Candyjapan eartfi .Columb'a Pv'ooc .

Brax,,.'.ArraSetra. :

Pink'Roo;.Callils (ap, '

Glafi&r Sal!.'DroclrVlbnw


Simple ditto"'31P?S

'.yrtrtgerf. , ,, ,,

Vials and CorJsSmelling BoftiesPillbor.esCfifeibles &c &c.

,Tlie above Articles will be (oldcbgap focCSJi...., . .y.-i- . .

SI RAY ED from ,he fub"(criber,"living oti the head of Chcr

f Sy'k riln Scott county, about thefiifl; (is Mci lad, a' a;iay marc fiveyears' bid, branded on the nearfljoulder arid buttock IT and o' 11 thebffbdttck T , biie bind leg whitesihsin the re(t. Whoevc'r will de-

liver the said marfttdme fliall havesix Dollafi reward.

$nv Thomas Td-ililjle'- ji

,Public Notice: ,

IS hereby givfen; that tjie heirsb'f Andrew Hannah,, dtceaftd,claims a preemption of iood acreso'f land aii nflighse o'f GeorgeSmith, in Madifori county, 6n Sil-vf- cr

creek; at St. Afbps ford atid on,the west side 6f said Creek, sCnyJperfori claimink land that will injfl'ny wise interfere with the above


said ford, oil the 29th day of Fe-

bruary, iit which time and place I

mail proceed to take the depofiti-on'- s

of a number of witnelles toperpetua:te teilimony refpeiftingthe fe'veral calls in aid Smith'scertificate, with the commiflioners,agreeable i6 a law 6f this-stat-

e inthat case. made and pr6v;ded.

William Henrj."P. St I ftiallhave he above land,

fufveyed agreeable to entry on thefucceediiig day. W ft, ,

iciNK DEEDS, '

oii p'AAcmitwr and papir, ros. ih.t atT'aijs .ofkci.-



J5tr- - R Itl'.. ;v

; . .Notice., .. .

of ELiSHATHE ahd .Co. havingixpired.Vtiiey btref for. sale thei'ollowine; property: ... ..., A com'pleat 'and wejl-chofe- n as;fortment pi .DRlC.GOODS, well,adapted ;o tliCj. jirerein and ap-

proaching Sealbn,,by wholeffile orretail, at a veiy low advance. Al-l- o,

an alibi tment of GltOCElliE'i.- A tiot llory Bricic House op

Jftain-ltr'ce- t, an eeljeiit fihiatiorj'for bi(i:iefs ;Tbac valuable aiidwqll kno.v. ri, tracl or parce.1 ofLANDj fitukted at the. mouth ofTate.'s creek, ij iiiiJes, tr'ouij lex-ingio-


oh tlic main road lealii gr.o, Alatliloh cdu. t lioule, contalntajV"f&fiy acres j oo o wJifhJs ee4-JeiK.bttM- nj

the remainder, hjllybut vieH timbeid.;,F6a.r"esclt ared,and five acres in timothy meadow,ana twenty more can be, made and-watejji- i

wi.Ji very little 'sxpence- -

On the hjipei hart of this tratfti?.eret'teda AlEkcii Asii: and. GristJvIilIj the utuatioii .is perfectlyiecuie, eilhqr fro In back .waterironi the. river, sir fioods:in iliscreek-.T- lie hotife i5 feet byiorty with fournoors 'ihe,

a :fiateeji, te,cx pitchtack water wheel,, double geeretl.t'rencli Burr stones :,with oolt-in- gj

lioilsjiigj, screening, fanning'ajid,packjSgvprk, by water '1 heGi,ilt ivijlibas a j2 (et vtenvhee,ovei-.hpl- ; aii'dlKnilife geared : thevhiile new and jneompleat order

mills into a porfdj Jlaridsa saw inili in fttjodreriaif. and' a. .. i -- iii rf-- i

- . iucv iiempj.iin. jncre.isauo on.t jie prenijfes, a new t raiiiea bw el-Iii- jg

Hpjife, fejtclTen and tore houl'ewjth a number of. tile' ill cabbins,and a laige and ', 'never sailing1Kn8-con.vcniei,-

t RofkAf5 : alkcoverd 256 feet, ahd maybe, exte:ded over a.Ie-vxLnie- -- otlsiiloIlntL150 fathoms with every- - Swafatussuitable foraaie

..nianufatfthiinjj, cot- -a younc bearinc peach dr.

chard 1 alio a number of bearingapple tiees.-

.A Disti'lery within forty yardsof thfe mills, witli IU2tt wtl- -

tcrs Threp Stillbout calloii

tontaimnrr a- -'.T.375 . wiwi every

thlliP" tiecfcHarv for.diflillinJrA VV ago , with sour good borfe.

a' sew head of cattle, and a largltock of hogg.

As the above property isfittiatedin a 'hick settled fertile part of thecountry, where the great eit abun-datic- e

of produce may be .collect-ed, and the li- iid. abounds .withgood thnber for boat b'uildihgVfynd,A' very coriveiiieiit, spot for ,tlmtSptfrpbfe On" the bank of tlife riverKentucky It i? evident that boa'tsfor the rviiffiflippi trade, can be bniltandlodded it tlic mouth of Tate'icieek witllnbre con'vfenierice less',expence and greater dispatch thanat any other landing in the Mate. :

The uiillsare now well fijppliedwithleafoncd barrels; andthere is lix boats on the flocks, thatmay be finifliid in' a Ihoft time. .

The p'urchatei can hayc choice oftwo or three is .required iThqpayments will be made easy, aridthe greater part received annual-ly in produce. E. WINTJ.HS.

J. WINTERS.Lexington, Dec 24, 179c.

N. B. All perfo'ns indebted to,E., W. r Co. afe once more f equelr-e- d

to call and pay off their Tefp'e,cl-iv- e

balanees without (Jelay.

'IAKEN npbythe fnblcriber in'Fayette county, near Boons-- '

4 ftatioii, on6 bay .mare epic, two'.Sear old, with three white feet;blsze face, thirteen hands and anan H'S'1' neiincr t(octie iiorbranded abpraifed to 9I;

i . J6hn M'DANNEL,

Vol: ix-.- '

WH,R.AS,Thoiiia4s,Gift--, for

. ujiderthe.kijigtot. Great Britip, was intitled to tvs o thousand .acres ofland. And.whereas the, .(aid landwas fuxveyed, tljeilth day of June1775, o A Oilt's creek, a br'ancn oft'oner.'s folk; of. Licking,. b;.gin-nin- at

Hickory, Hoop wopd &', bite, oak, thence, north twentyxlegiees.wtil eight hundi.cdjpajcs,to alpojj wood, Sugar-tife- - nd'Alh, thence, lbu.jh seventy (jegreswell, tijur hundred poles, .to thieeAm, ti eeSj thence loiith twenty, de-gie- es

ta', eiht.Huridjed.pole's,-t-a Bnckfcve, Hickory, and-Stiffa- r

trpe, theirfe r.f,-- t f'eve,nty,,degtqesealt,,four )ntnded, poles to tlie, be-

ginning. (Noy, TnKJyjPTJQEall concerned, thct lr ihijll Sfi.etiflat. the t)einiiing,,,of the' fiucjjvith.the, .tpinniifhc.Oers gpJp'oii)te,J

by ,Bouj-,btacpurt- o'n

the 24'lJday qf Fsbru'srj'iliext. inpjder to, eliablifli tjie Kl)egi,nningrprnw ot tjie fjiifj furvey,., tete to du fuili otjir r.acs. asjnayjjs t.hiiiht nec.edary,- :z , sirfL.oipAllemb;ly.ehtijtIe,d " v a.10, afqertain il,bJjt)vdarie,. 'an-t- ,

niidftir other purpoferf," a isiec. ,

V fofepll Rcberct.January 'Jh,-!- ?. ,6

(oTOTlCE, to ajl whb- - : -k v concern", rhst I (htiil stt.: t

with the cfimniiiiicncis f.ppoitt c.iby. court of Lit'.-,- - onthe. nineteenth". day , ot ??' ;'ynext, at jamt'sKenddck'simpiO-c'-inen- t

hear Bdker's Rati n, oilSUmmcrtett J tlte'11 and the e tojierperna (fetkliwiOoy Of certain

improement?jr': Pilker'


Jan. 28, 1 79J ,

Taken, ur bythe'fublcnurin Lincoln, County, ff" ifii Sr'wlilresteer, years "bid lsft,iiiarkbd with a crop and two slits iiithe right ear, and a hit in the lest,'Branded 011 'the', c'ulhloa' M, ed

to 5I, 1 fs.zammnel hmmcrjon.

ftbclobcr 20, 1 795.J

, THE SUBSCRIBER,W-h- lives' in the lioufe Ihri-l- nr.

cupied'byMr. l'aitir tajbr', tU


For Gentlemen.. He will also'take a few'Geutej BOA'RDBlUi.

. . . .JfratkerB.aylor.

' N.3. Particular, attentidri willDe.paidt'o' tiorfes., k

"' .140 ncii. .

THAT vlplend 0n theof February, at"?n jmpfoe-me- nt

ort Laurence's creek, ni:i1e by JohnLaffertyj where a tree is ftarked I.H.L.iiiorder to perpetuate the .tmtWfcbf certain-vitfaeile-

did iiuprqlVrMnt, a"d-ct-

f ich dther aft as may be iWMtVnece' a--ry

aiiii agreeable to Jw. 'S& '


TAKEfJ-ii-p by ti fubferibe:. lv.,irLeetiown o'.d road, a'- - t

from ikea White r 0 vand horse ia, the colt a black n ec. withwhite bans, fta. white on be!, hlrd feet;tie inare has on three n, iln---

pomid ten fh'V-rrf- '

oeo'. .H; vrrrNovember 23 1705. f1 wiih to purcWafe a quantity of


to briielivercd sit ms ftpfe'in thislace-fo'- r whicH-- I will allow as

generous price iii merchanctife. ,

-- .; 7;r' '' C. Beatty,Icxinfftou ptccmber 26.


