Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY...

KENTUCKY GAZETTE EXTRA: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX NUMB. XVIII'. XXXXXXXXX Hs55"HJ3SS535i3Sra'3JXJ!SXna5ErS3 An ACT to amend an acl en- titled "' At 'aft eflablijlnng ' a permanent revenue. Approved December 20, ijy:. Sec 1. fy E it cnaBed J3 hi M3C General. AJfenibly, tiidt fd much of the acl entitled aii acl; for "establishing t a permanent revenue, as fubjecls lands to forfeiture; in case they are riot listed with a com-miffio'n- er, and the taxes that iriay become due there- on with interest,- - not, paid on or before the fourth day of February, one thousand seven hundred aiid ninety five, shall be, aiid the same is hereby repealed: Sec. 2. Be it further en- titled, that it mall be the duty of every perfori; when applied to by a cominiffiou-e- r for a list of his taxable property, in the year one thousand feveii hundred and ninety five,-- , id give in' on oath a1 list of all Ins' lands, whether he holds byi entry, iuryey," patent, or deed of conveyance,- - specifying hi fu'ch list the" number of cs' hi each tract, and' the county and Water course' in which? it is' situate; also' what tax (is ahy) has been' paid for each trad' of land,' and the year fo'r which" fucli tax was paid arid1 every perfoirfailihg or refilling to1 give irr a list of his,' her,' or their lands,- - ihall forfeit to1 the state," all title claim; or mtereft'y tfiat he' me) or" thW may have' hi, or to,- - a-- " ny tract or parcel' of Tandy not given' hv as- - aforesaid; and the lands )" offeited,-fhal- l bb dMpofe'd- 6r"hr such manner as Ihall be directed by law. Providtd never-ihelef- s, tha-nothin- g herein contained be construed to" extend to, .the lands' of in-farit- Feme coverts, or pef-fo- ns 71011 compos mentis. Sec. 3. And be it further enatfed, that non-residen- ts and such persons as were riot applied to by a commif- fioner, fhallenter their lands With fbme commiffioner of the tax in the Hate, in the-sam- e manner as above di-- " reeled, on or before the lafl day of November,- - one thousand seven hundred arid ninety five, or on' failure thereof, all title, claim) or intereit of such non ref- i- SATUR.DAYrJanuary 17, 1795. CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Uent or other per son in, or of the survey made as afore-t- o, any such tract or parcel said being produced to the of land f hall be forfeited to the state; arid disposed of as aforesaid; And . where a commifiioher fliall receive any entries of lands from non residents; or other per- fons aster he Ihall have, made sour general lists oL taxable property & deliver ' red them to the refpectiye' officers, &: before the said last day bf November, one ""thousand seven hundred and ninety five, such commiffi-dner- s ihall forthwith make out sour lists of filch entries' flieriff, fliall be and have them certified byCauditof a copy of so the cleric bf his bounty ac-- of the list delivered to liini cording to law; and deliver Us relates to lands' entered one to the flieriff,' and ano- - with a coriimiffidrier of his ther to the auditor,' who fliall county lying in another annex them to the general' county, and it fliall be the list before delivered by the duty of the auditor to tranf-fai- d commiffioner.' , ink a copy of the same to' Sec' 4; .That it fliall be the flieriff of the county in lawful for the Iheriff to de- - which such, land lie on or strain for the land tax due in trie manner directed by the act entitled ari acf eftablifliiiig apermanentre'- - venue; and where rio fucli property can5 be sound, to' sell fo'mu;h of eachtradt of land charq-e- d with the tax" ds will be sufficient to pay the same, is the said land, fliall lie hf his' county and the flierifr Ihall hi such case advertrie the Jale, tor. ouev "month, at the do'or o f thep court Jioule Of Ins county,' and for three weeks fuc-ceffiv- ely ih". the .Kentucky gazette," aster fuch'fale it" fhall'be the duty of rhqfhe- - rin,1 to deliver, to the pur chaser a certificate" of diet perfori, 'hati vi'as charged with the' tax and the eird or side fronf whiclv the quantity sold is taken and the fuij veyof the .county uporti' the receipt of such' certifi- - him 01' depu- ty, procee'd' to survey the sold as' aforefa'rd agreeable' to the certificate of the flieriff, nd ihalL 'JUie surveyor or lii's de'pii- - . rnfp . tnr h' "(hall -- ,, k. w, -- ""-- give reafoftable to it his duty much to convey the same to the purchaser, which convey- ance shall vest hi the purchaser, all the right, ti--t- ie, arid interest of the pro. prietor for whose tax the land fliall be Told. Is the1 land entered on a list, deli- vered to a flieriff fliall not lie within His" county, and payment fliall riot be made to him of the tax due there- on, he shall on or before the fii-f-t day of May in e- - veiy year, certify to the the firftday of June,. Wliofd duty it fliall be. is payment is riot rrfade,' and rio property to' deft rain cari be sound,' to sell the same, hi the manner, he is' herein directed to sell lands entered and lyino- - within his own county.. , Sec' 5. Be it further enaft-h- l, that Is ariy such pur- chsfer is' afterwards leg-al- - ly evicted from the lands' so ; purchased by k prior or better claim,' he shall' have a right to recover by action on the case from the persons vhofe lands'. Were sold for the payment of the tax,' the amount of the sax so' paid to' the" flieriff for fucli1 victed out of parr of the' land only,- - lie fliall have a right to recover a prop ortiV onablepart ors the tax paid to the flieriff." "Where" the flieriff fliall expose any part of larid for sale for the pay- - merit of the" ta X V 'ltil t5t'Iii-I-- i it is" charged,' and it will l hot sell for the fam'e". ft" fhall1 "Be thediity' of the county tjfy.i'tto the auditor,' who' fhoH rr'rrf- - rVio i,Ar:;(V AJA'. & ','"" ,"" ""- - "-'- " n-u- if Quantity of land sold; defi for the lands fopur-cribin- g' therein the, traft chased : and where he is e- -" of ,, catelhailby quantity charge the purchaser" with '.courts upon proof being the expehce" of the same.' 'made' of the 'same. tV cer- - tV rlif in j notice' before before ,., s whicirfuofian. the' owners, is to be. tract of land is charged, or sound in the or tb - so much as is in a-- his agent, is any he hasrears, and where any tract therein, of thVda'y on, which or part is not sold survey' is to be made, , and cixpbfed' asa-- f upori'thopiiij ?nd certificate forefaid, and the tax for t VOL . vni: f' the same is riot paid, it shall be the duly of the flieriff to expose the fanie annually, until the tax is paid or the land is sold; and rio or his deputy fliall di- rectly or indirectly pur-cha- fe any lands' that ihall be exposed to sate for the payment of taxes; aiid any land purchased by a flieriff or his deputy; or any Other for his or their life as afore-sai- d, shall be forfeited to the ftatc , owner of every loll in a towri fliall pay three shillings for every one hun- dred pounds of value to which such lot is appraised exclusive bf the improve-hien- ts thereon; and so in proportion for a less" alue. It fliall, be the ,duty of the commiffioners to alfefs or appraise the value of every lot in every town within his district, from the best Information he can get, not takincr into corisideratiori: the improvement tK&fdb'n1; which fliall not be apprais- ed ;' is any such SF any such lot,' fliall think iiimfelf agrieved lie fliall' have a right to appeal toT the next court who',' upon due made fliall hae power to alter such or approved value',' as to them fliall seem jufl; . Where any list or lists" delivered, to' a flieriff as aforcfaidy shall by acci"-de- nt or ofherwife. be lo' or destroyed; such flieriff shall to f lie t county-cour- t of, his county, foi4'a copy 0T1 he and ltflfalR Ibe their duty so direccT; their clerk to' 111 alee out and cer- tify a true copy of any list: or lists iqft of destroyed ak aforesaid:,'and tliU same to the flieriff. Sec' 7.' Be it fiirthe'r en? ified, that a list bf all infbl- - vents and of fbtli' effons' as have reihTO'ved out of the" county wfth th'eif property shall be returned by the flieriff oil oath to the coun- -' ty- - court,' which list so far as approved of andallovyeri' py the' court, shall be tra'rifr' ltht'fM tn . rli" miV)iVn ixrTt-'U- "'- - ""wiiui, vilii 'from anypenon who' may have removal out .of the .county, together with fhef frame of the county ' 'to' he may have remov- -' ed j which account the au" fbf tfhe'tax with' 'account of the tax' 3uvl former county, thereof thereof ijpoh. being .flie- riff ."The o'wiief. county proof being affeffed apply fanie,' deliver which -- ,

Transcript of Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY...

Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY same is riot paid, it shall be the duly of the flieriff to expose the fanie



An ACT to amend an acl en-

titled "' At 'aft eflablijlnng'a permanent revenue.

Approved December 20, ijy:.Sec 1. fy E it cnaBed

J3 hi M3C General.AJfenibly, tiidt fd much ofthe acl entitled aii acl; for"establishing t

a permanentrevenue, as fubjecls landsto forfeiture; in case theyare riot listed with a com-miffio'n- er,

and the taxesthat iriay become due there-on with interest,-- not, paidon or before the fourth dayof February, one thousandseven hundred aiid ninetyfive, shall be, aiid the sameis hereby repealed:

Sec. 2. Be it further en-

titled, that it mall be theduty of every perfori; whenapplied to by a cominiffiou-e- r

for a list of his taxableproperty, in the year onethousand feveii hundred andninety five,-- , id give in' onoath a1 list of all Ins' lands,whether he holds byi entry,iuryey," patent, or deed ofconveyance,- - specifying hifu'ch list the" number of cs'

hi each tract, and' thecounty and Water course'in which? it is' situate; also'what tax (is ahy) has been'paid for each trad' of land,'and the year fo'r which" fuclitax was paid arid1 everyperfoirfailihg or refilling to1

give irr a list of his,' her,' ortheir lands,- - ihall forfeit to1

the state," all title claim; ormtereft'y tfiat he' me) or"

thW may have' hi, or to,- -a-- "

ny tract or parcel' of Tandynot given' hv as- - aforesaid;and the lands )" offeited,-fhal- l

bb dMpofe'd- 6r"hr suchmanner as Ihall be directedby law. Providtd never-ihelef- s,

tha-nothin- g hereincontained be construed to"extend to, .the lands' of in-farit-

Feme coverts, or pef-fo- ns

71011 compos mentis.Sec. 3. And be it further

enatfed, that non-residen- ts

and such persons as wereriot applied to by a commif-fioner, fhallenter their landsWith fbme commiffioner ofthe tax in the Hate, in the-sam- e

manner as above di-- "

reeled, on or before the laflday of November,- - onethousand seven hundred aridninety five, or on' failurethereof, all title, claim) orintereit of such non ref-i-

SATUR.DAYrJanuary 17, 1795.

CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXUent or other per son in, or of the survey made as afore-t- o,

any such tract or parcel said being produced to theof land fhall be forfeited tothe state; arid disposed of asaforesaid; And . where acommifiioher fliall receiveany entries of lands fromnon residents; or other per-fons aster he Ihall have,made sour general lists oLtaxable property & deliver

' red them to the refpectiye'officers, &: before the saidlast day bf November, one

""thousand seven hundred andninety five, such commiffi-dner- s

ihall forthwith makeout sour lists of filch entries'

flieriff, fliall be

and have them certified byCauditof a copy of so

the cleric bf his bounty ac-- of the list delivered to liinicording to law; and deliver Us relates to lands' enteredone to the flieriff,' and ano- - with a coriimiffidrier of histher to the auditor,' who fliall county lying in anotherannex them to the general' county, and it fliall be thelist before delivered by the duty of the auditor to tranf-fai- d

commiffioner.' , ink a copy of the same to'Sec' 4; .That it fliall be the flieriff of the county in

lawful for the Iheriff to de- - which such, land lie on orstrain for the land tax duein trie manner directed bythe act entitled ari acfeftablifliiiig apermanentre'- -

venue; and where rio fucliproperty can5 be sound, to'sell fo'mu;h of eachtradt ofland charq-e- d with the tax"ds will be sufficient to paythe same, is the said land,fliall lie hf his' county andthe flierifr Ihall hi such case

advertrie the Jale, tor. ouev"month, at the do'or o f thepcourt Jioule Of Ins county,'and for three weeks fuc-ceffiv- ely

ih". the .Kentuckygazette," aster fuch'fale it"

fhall'be the duty of rhqfhe- -rin,1 to deliver, to the purchaser a certificate" of diet


'hati vi'as charged with the'tax and the eird or sidefronf whiclv the quantitysold is taken and the fuij

veyof the .county uporti'the receipt of such' certifi- -

him 01' depu-ty, procee'd' to survey the

sold as' aforefa'rdagreeable' to the certificateof the flieriff, nd ihalL

'JUie surveyor or lii's de'pii- -. rnfp. tnr h' "(hall-- ,, k. w, -- ""--

give reafoftable to

it his duty


to convey the same to thepurchaser, which convey-ance shall vest hi thepurchaser, all the right, ti--t- ie,

arid interest of the pro.prietor for whose tax theland fliall be Told. Is the1

land entered on a list, deli-vered to a flieriff fliall notlie within His" county, andpayment fliall riot be madeto him of the tax due there-on, he shall on or beforethe fii-f-t day of May in e- -veiy year, certify to the

the firftday of June,.Wliofd duty it fliall be. ispayment is riot rrfade,' andrio property to' deft rain caribe sound,' to sell the same,hi the manner, he is' herein

directed to sell landsentered and lyino- - withinhis own county.. ,

Sec' 5. Be itfurther enaft-h- l,

that Is ariy such pur-chsfer is' afterwards leg-al- -

ly evicted from the lands'so ;purchased by k prior orbetter claim,' he shall' havea right to recover by actionon the case from the personsvhofe lands'. Were sold for

the payment of the tax,'the amount of the sax so'paid to' the" flieriff for fucli1

victed out of parr of the'land only,-- lie fliall have aright to recover a prop ortiVonablepart ors the tax paidto the flieriff." "Where" theflieriff fliall expose any partof larid for sale for the pay- -merit of the" taX V 'ltil t5t'Iii-I-- i

it is" charged,' and it will lhot sell for the fam'e". ft" fhall1

"Be thediity' of the county

tjfy.i'tto the auditor,' who'fhoH rr'rrf-- rVio i,Ar:;(V AJA'. &','"" ,"" ""-- "-'- " n-u-if

Quantity of land sold; defi for the lands fopur-cribin- g'

therein the, traft chased : and where he is e- -"




charge the purchaser" with '.courts upon proof beingthe expehce" of the same.' 'made' of the 'same. tV cer--

tV rlif in jnotice'





whicirfuofian.the' owners, is to be. tract of land is charged, orsound in the or tb - so much as is in a-- his

agent, is any he hasrears, and where any tracttherein, of thVda'y on, which or part is not soldsurvey' is to be made, ,and cixpbfed' asa-- f

upori'thopiiij ?nd certificate forefaid, and the tax for


VOL . vni:

f'the same is riot paid, it shallbe the duly of the flieriff toexpose the fanie annually,until the tax is paid or theland is sold; and rio

or his deputy fliall di-

rectly or indirectly pur-cha- fe

any lands' that ihallbe exposed to sate for thepayment of taxes; aiid anyland purchased by a flieriffor his deputy; or any Otherfor his or their life as afore-sai-d,

shall be forfeited to theftatc, owner of every lollin a towri fliall pay threeshillings for every one hun-dred pounds of value towhich such lot is appraisedexclusive bf the improve-hien- ts

thereon; and so inproportion for a less" alue.It fliall, be the ,duty of thecommiffioners to alfefs orappraise the value of everylot in every town withinhis district, from the bestInformation he can get, nottakincr into corisideratiori:the improvement tK&fdb'n1;

which fliall not be apprais-ed ;' is any such SFany such lot,' fliall thinkiiimfelf agrieved lie fliall'have a right to appeal toTthe next court who','upon due madefliall hae power to altersuch or approvedvalue',' as to them fliall seemjufl; . Where any list orlists" delivered, to' a flieriffas aforcfaidy shall by acci"-de-nt

or ofherwife. be lo'or destroyed; such flieriffshall to flie


of, his county, foi4'acopy 0T1 he and ltflfalRIbe their duty so direccT; theirclerk to' 111 alee out and cer-tify a true copy of any list:or lists iqft of destroyed akaforesaid:,'and tliUsame to the flieriff.

Sec' 7.' Be it fiirthe'r en?ified, that a list bf all infbl- -vents and of fbtli' effons'as have reihTO'ved out of the"county wfth th'eif propertyshall be returned by theflieriff oil oath to the coun- -'

ty- - court,' which list so faras approved of andallovyeri'py the' court, shall be tra'rifr'ltht'fM tn. rli" miV)iVn ixrTt-'U-

"'- - ""wiiui, vilii

'from anypenon who' mayhave removal out .of the.county, together with fhefframe of the county ' 'to'

he may have remov- -'

ed j which account the au"

fbf tfhe'tax with' 'account of the tax' 3uvlformer

county, thereof

thereofijpoh. being




countyproof being





