Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY...

f". HtlttagqmW.ULlBUl"W.A SAUIFD TO THE MUSES. TETER's MISTMiSS. - WOT as Angels, wlio io Heaven With unclouded brightness lliine) Noras fi'fleisfnow new Wriv'rij J4ot se rapine nor divine. Not a beaurv's sell" Co chatminy, Mticti the queen of love, Not her frowns as Hell alarming, Kor he'f.Dites as hsiven above. Jf'ithei in 1 er bearl Co cheering Two bright stars, as in the ikie SU 'evrft-en'Jjppejrin- Vto thartS heaven jhehajtwo t)eS. Longtr'th curious eyes od 1 ihmk they can'j Vken I look'd I atrtay; That they feeird ofi wf e ponder'i ge gdod', jJBontle :fli and bits ?Hk of Now I cannot help declarjng I her tcth have often Jfen yet 'twou'd bs unjust coaiparing Them to rain congeal'd, I wee. Xtra'llon her l?pno " peach dcAvn" YlgtrJ Batfjltnefsas wasever seen, '- - It may jc like the " ruby hue," I never have a ruby seen. Oft bavelfmelt the frclh blown And cither breaHUhat I thought pure, Ad many a time tho ' now mown close, Btittwas-lu- i,ither, lam Aire. Since-m- y love (or Lucy waken'd Twice nine summers are away, And Ineyer thought her liken'd, To a blooming mormn May. Tettbc village is Lucr, She's ot allourgirlstheinoltfair True flie has not all the beautiesj But I Mink flie hasherfharei i Thelfe angelic charms not seeing, There's a foniethmg I approve t Though (he (ferns a human being Still the uttle girl I love. . ANECDOTE. James the first, when he was Duke of York, took it his head to vifn Milton merely out of cu.iofitv. In rlir-- mrC if."ji" - - J. rest, pride into U mills, is IpJ Afiticin.. "whpthf-- r hp rlirl nnf rliinlr ri Jo'fs of his sight was a judgmeiUupon him for what he had wnt againfl his father, CiTirleg.1. ?" Our immortal batd made the follow mg reply : " Is your highness thinks tht calamities which befal us htre, are indications of the wrath of Jicaven, in what manner Nvare we to ac- count the sate of thelSpg, yoUr -? the difpleaf.ire n must, Uoith;s X'.powfition, have been much er .s;auiit bhn than me, fori have c 1 !( ft in eye but he lost his befid. , ,- - ., . TO RENT, ,' JHS PLtE WHtXEON t NOW ttVE, A T till tiuhin" ol main fiagle creek, fifteen J rules f'O'ii Georgetown, on the road to Cm c 1 lati Tiier i a good Bcv.oJ log houe, fiity S t ioriK.four gjod &ojthxs places, b good log Ua lilc indb.i;n, oo ' kitchen with a rtumher of fu' c'iluns; ahnu uirty six acres of c!e ired land, tj ot r likh i iieadow, vSo fs lots joining the hi se 'Blic "ivantageouslituStioiiot tlie place for , o piulic hbuic & range for ftAck, is j. cueriily known y ei'in ca-- i r.j uiimcoisiTej cne terms may v ' -- v,','!i" to Mr C. riri Frankfort. eiq. UeOrge is. Jrohn Hunter, H B ny penonrent ng. t' """iicij, bed Kth a q uintit o! win vegetiuje j 01 lNIORMATION", T f T I Hn COMMENCED TANNING, can be SpririgHt' Wafbmgton Oiunty, and rill buy edif L? tie) is aiw k. nd ior Hides, or tan on t is jtt e will tjlt Hides tl at we ffi aUovl js' g o ?u diy as fal Leather, for one th rd, li I receive them tills ear, the Cu ft inonth Joseph Jess. tf 4 : JMOL - itiZ . -- i rt TROTTER & N addition to their valuable flock on hand, have iuft received nnrl nnw ri pening at their ltore, in the brick building oppoiue tne market-not- e, a lrge and gc rieral aiTbrtment of well cliofen MERCHANDIZE, Suitable to the niei&nt and nnnrnnr-riinc- r seasons, which will certainly be sold on ,tne moit moderate terms ior CASH IN HAND. Alfoa supply of all kinds of Grocet res, China and Glass Ware, ft quan V SCOTT, tity oj excellent aar-lrr- n, Crowley - ana" Blister Steel, Castings and irmaoio trax, JVatls oj ev ery aescrtorion. Jioutma- (;intixt ' I -- "I O t-.- f Is jui.aiic jili lucTcoani or country Work, likewise Mann's Lick Salt of a CUPtRIOR QUALITY-- . They hereby return their thanks to their friends who have hitherto fnvnrpri them with their custom, and flattei thtm-felve- s that from a proper and due atten- tion, ter meet with a continuation of fu ture tavors. Lexington, Dec. lft, i80b. ? War fan mtTriJt rft- -- - v - ! lUCJl). jH?QE Gentlemen who have applied rFI'M!IIlta'-- appointments fn the ser , e of the United States, are informed that their ap ,m u ,, with all the recommendatory letters actom,:j-,n- e dav evening last. Thole who deire to be con' V J their applications. SAMUEL DEXI .11, Secretary at War. The printers in the different states 3re reoueftcd to give this a place in their Gazettes. jl GIVE notice to gentlemen who have bct.i i mers to my horle BLA?.K. anrl b,r , .. 7 -- .. ....-- tlKt vn ri.a.. . o.m i...- - i . . - . vuu.i-i- . Hum Him, uiauraean 'oraovt oi tji thisftatcne-ctfeafon- . cnlefs thp i.jf'1 . J?' and enjter their m-i- es to the araf uht 1 at 3l payable on note at Oiriitnvs in wm'kedeli ,- -; vered in Lexington at market price", Or I .or cell vercd in Frankfort market price, son ( r twel e dollars for the season, or seven t it im lea, paid Ghuftmai ib'oi I find r,i3i i v scarce and diificult to colleft, is the reason l rt to move him, the indulgence given has caufeJ me- - to suffer much Jbr money. August 28. i8oo.( Jb Department, fiJ Bcnj. What ton. LNDS TO SELL At a Reasonable PrLe, '. l06? 2 acres, in Monttrnniprv rnnntw k..n. ed the south by Hed river, on the nort x er L.wn, mm aui.uui uiaiaie, cue tract incu re: ni whole Indian cieekandits branches v. hit l r ' w t f.; .1 t , many (seats for it well timbered WWMW-W'- t'e "d with a great number of ucver railmj, ' for use fare 1, 1 or at or at on foio i, a v f5des Imlian creek, its soil is ery fertile sit ior cil tivdtfon tho broken, it is intermixed ivith sine bot- toms, with alsttle trouble and a Mnall c-- - fn'-- vi! uable proffits out of cultivation mcy be tntui lOml part of the traft. The title indisputable 11646 acres, on the north side of the North fork of Kentucky river about 8 miles aboie the mouth, running up the liverwith the meander the e--of 1 100 poles when reduced tea ftrairnt i'rx, t e soil pretty level and rich. The title imhi nit iu 2367 1 2 acres, on the waters oftha North for ol Rock-Cast- le river, Madison county. 300 acres, in Garrard county oj While Oal ruu opposite the moath of hickrran creek, the nnd to Danville crofTes the traft N. E. &S. V. ihjut 2 3 of a mile, itisofaverv early entry 418 acres, military land on the bank of L i.nber-lan- ri ri er joining the town of Clarkiville ed wa tc ed md timbeied. 46 town lots and out lots ii the said tow n of C arksville. 6000 teres, of land in several small granvi reserved by the state of Virginia, and cortf rmed by tu o afts v. -- , .y ..'t " ... w .lib 11...1 V.IIII1.UII- L- , near the town of the same name, territory M. r a. l.s U.n v eii me w.iiu. 2"30 n.c rp5. military Ifli.n ifi thp TUi,im. TeVw. of th; Ohio, giSpoles froir then r aTdtippofite(E8 ui'csi'iiuuMiicniiesiirut 25 1 .s i'kivs ural. ville, the tract is not far Irtciu .0 n"iin fettk. meut in the g ant N B Nejroes, Tioduce, Merchandize, Lot's & Uoufes 111 Lexington, Paris or Danvili; will t-- taken in p.rt; .good plantation between Lexington tud Vjounr Sti ling wih co.nriand a prohtahic bsrgai 1 for the purchafcr of a considerable quantity o.Hdn. lands. For further information apply to MP. D. Robe, Lc.intDn. t, TAKE NOTICE. I HEREBY forewarn all persons from taking an a'lignracnt on a bond given by me, David Ilanna, of Woodford- - coun- ty, unto Josiah East, of Lincoln county, as I am detexmiid not to pay until com pelled by law as he hasiiiled to cm , h with his contrajfl. jTa y r,v TAKEN Up by th1u3ftrribr7ving in Fayette county W.k Maible creek, one sorrel man:.,, -- bojit eight yerG old, abch. thirteen hanjs three inches high, bi ded on the near flioulder with a iV vi re 9, with a lmall bell on. hlrlrt t ti a - .jtUVhite, tlaze face, her off sore leg haj:h );ALSO bay horfc, upwards of three years old, thirteen, hands three inches 1 Jr4 Jrh !Ai4nl41l T w rt ma n rt a 11111. u le.u 111 iu iuiciiu, liiicc icqt white no brand to be difcovercd r to .18 dolls. GEORGE VALXADTGRAM. ?tb Sept. 1800 ' r'f BLANK BOOKS, Ofanjdcscipwii,mtty b- - bad at this Qjfice n the (burtist a tt'ect, LANDS TOR SALE, - 1 am authorised to ft 11 two tradls of L A N A IN Madison county crhcyed bv Saml. to Elie Williams. One baft contains 250 acres lying on thefoiith side of and adjoining the Kentucky river op pofite the CojCras lick. 1 he Other tracl also contains 20 acres', granted as afore, said ; this tract lies about halt a mile h$. low the former,, they were located auq furve)ed, at an early; period by Joffcpi Lang, and regularfv conveyed by hnn W Eftill. They are above BoonMMufeh,, J ana arc lam to be ot a good qtwijy' arid well filuated : one of the traBrS. lfat n ?j?tfnaiU at present. 3 y - 1 wm alio tell 1557 acres of LJftjND on Big Reedy, patented to Tacb Am&rore of Bairdft ovjh5 in tv6 'gims ; and aooo acres 0.1 Beaver Creek a branch of the mamTprkof Lickihg-i- n Bourbon county. A-rf- person inclining tti purchase ci- ther of the above traits of LAND, may kno the terms by applying to the sub-- " fcrv er in Lexingtoni Dec ?th 1800. $ 6. Beatty. tf JUST OPENING, D FOR SALE 'V tilXthGTOK, DRY GOODS. TROOEtiiES, HARD vvAKt, WARE. Which will be sold low &r CASH or WHEAT delivered at the Ibbforibers Hill, )p credit need he asked. GEORGE TEGARDEN. 1 Dec. 29th 1800. tf. I A List ot Letter EMAINING in the PolT:.OfflrPT.P1r. - V liitcf''. vbiii. it nnt taVnn nnf ifc . - , ..- -- ...... vul. lwl- - in three months, will be returned to the General Post-Offic- e, as dead letters-J- ohn Alexander, care of Thos. Bodlw, Lexington : Mrs. Gri2zel Alexander, Harrison county, Cynthjana : Capt. Na- thaniel Afliby, near Lexington : Richard Allen, near do. James Beaty, near Lexington : Preflon Breckenridge, do, Benjamin Berry, Fay- ette COUntV : Tohn Baker. Clarlrp rmmlu vCol. Jofias Bullock, Lexington : DaViel iierry elq. do. Stephen Bullock, do. is B. Brent, do. Leonard K. Bradley, near Cross Plains, Fayette county t Re-liec- Bean, care .of Montgomery Bell, Lexington : Elizabeth Beaty, cars of oornenus ueaty, do. joiin liurcar, near Io. I nomas Brancn". 0.0. Tohn Boro-c- near do. Allen Campbell, Lexington : Janirs Cox, case of Mui tin Hogehr.d, rlo. Joftn Carty, potter, do. James Clarkfon, do. David Chapman, Kentucky: William 'Cook, MeadviHe : Robert Carter, Lex- ington : A. Campbell, do. John Calet, do. Rebecca l)unlap, near Lexington : Richard Dickenfon cfq. Kentucky j Jas, Douge,.the care of the rev, nir. Arm-stron- g : James Dunlap, Lexington. - William Effex, Lexington : James En ' win, do. Trances Forgus, care of Saml. Camp' HfM. T.n,. Tr:l . n -T ptown, Kentucky. JolmOrank, c ire of mr. MarfliaH.LeS ington : James Uold, Lexington : Jame Gtewood, do. Rev. Saml. Iloufton, di Richard Hswcs. do. Rntr-liplm- . Jf care of S. & G. Trotter, do. Willian Hayes, Fayette- - countv, K ....,-!,- . nt - utnuu, ui.ui.1. tOKiirv -- (. H Chai-l- l . HiVra nl.. .11. T -- :.. I- - Tt , . tt et fiin,;i,iiiiiiiijiui.,i. eelaf, iiarri son efq. Fayette county-- , E. Rnbe Holmes, Lexington, K. Bennet H. Hen dci son, student, do. Martin D. Hardir ftm' Richard Harris efq. Io. , John johnfon, Lexington : Saml. nuary, do. Jamca B. January, do. Pc ' ter Jahupry jun. do. Mr. January, dci teimria.i jonnion, pio. Arrhd. Kmkarle. VrfiiHi-- e W.n;, - -- -. . M IUIOII vKm, JeJiJLiwJrre County i Oliver Xtsan Kentucky. yjuernnart 1 .lnenrsitcr, J ayefie : lmes Lonncv, iexiiiron: Amcrina T.wioi. Ai .intruny oin, yettc countv : Ar clli' al I (.r-)J- 'i hi,. Kff ! J -- " - """ . I j nn.eci, Lexington: Maj. Janies Laniep.y M'Conathey, Lexington : do. 2, McCartney, care of Johiiif ' do. James M'Cabe, Fayette! cuuui.) : rtrcnu. iviprruon, Lexins" ton : William H. Moofc, I'-n- ry countv- - James M'Cabe, Fayette countv Maior,Wroodfordcoi.ntr s.. Saml. Pryor, Lexington ndrew J, y'Provinre,Garrai-d,couniy- . Samuel Part. 1 Lexington: Mr. Preft'mari, do. 6. Si Poltltth'vvait, maltcr ot tlie L.oage, 1 25:'' Nathaniel Pren. .LuxltigVon : Robert Patterfpn, do. Care of 1 horas Malon. K John Payne, near L?xmg'on. ', t lobn RadinS:. near Lexington: Robt. j& Rnflell efq. Lexington l Arend Rut- - jJV., iie ing'u, . i.ui.i.... vu....w, dentucicy : janies tteia, to tne care oi n. jRanl,in. Joleph Slauter, a, to be lest at Brent's Wm. brhrelbley efq. jun. Woodford coun- ty : Chnltian Shnle, Madison county William Sutton. Scott countv : Wm Sterling, Harrodfburg, Mercer county a., jonn opangicr, JLexmgtcn, K. fev-to- n Shdrt, Greenfield, AA oodford coun- tv, 7 : .Us. Stenhenfon. rahinpt. trjn: RoberSteel, near Lexington Ro bert S"iith, Kent cky : Daniel Strte Lexington: Matllian Shrmmrt sin. Mai John W. Sample, care of G. Clark Jaj owenney, on Kcd. river, CLrke county, a Rev. Robt. Stiurt, Lexington. James Taj Ior, Campbell county,. K Wm. TimbeHafce. Harrnrllhiiror, ! la- - coh Teaford, Clarke crunty : Lrfurerce Toole, Harrison count),' K. Griftcn Tayior, Frederick county. Jacob Utterback, Woodford courfty. John WilliamfonLex:ington : Ed ari West, do. Benjamin Whitmore, Fav ette i Walter WarlieU, Lexington, 2: John Warford. Letinptnn : a .1 kinfon efq. B. a : Chadps Wartham, Kel-fo- n county, K. George Webb, attorney, Lexington : Saml.Williffon, Lexington Hugh WH&n inn. care of Saml. Camp- bell: 'Rev. William Wood. T.yinatn v John W. Hunt, p. m. January ift, 1801. THE SUBSCRIBERS TTAVE the fatisfaclion of informing f--i- - their customers and otflers, t at iit consequence of an arrangenient rnae by John Johdan Jun. they will be e a. bled to purchase the following artic.e of produce this season, viz. HEMP, WHEAT, FLOUR, and TOBACCO, For whkh they will give such prices ae their prefer.t unrl rrn.a- - will justify, which they hope will be foi nd um as any. But as they have undertaken tlri bufi-nef- s, with nrofdecls inrlpprl. rnn r n 1 I 5 . T. even to compensate them for their fervi. v.cs, mcy nope at leait, to meet with bet-te- r encouragement thnn vuht v,o- - tofore been allotted by the Planters and Farmers of this state, to those who ex ported their Produce, and tW a nmn.. .i.A.xi: , V . " i""r"' uuuiiuuon wm Demade in lavor ot them, who, at all times havp pyprtprl thpr-ifp't- t to embrace every opportunity of ierving thr Planters, &c. It is with the ntmnft rrhtr1innr f.s take notice of an incontrovertible tr tnat 10 rar trom meetine the eocou cl ment clue their exertions, thev have v. tliertO hafl th mnrtihrnMnti tr. fitiH tf a preference waa at all tirpsrlvn I'rirl when payment wds made in produce) tt efeiiiu, wiiei iuiu ,iui liuu um in c r ntlpnr.ft ns whiffi. tlipv? lmrl til pnrfue the same system of Comber e t it is iiuw 10 lauuij co.npiaineu 01 ipy i ne 1. tizens at large, so long at least, un 1 tl c, r.omnc rirnri: iiimi rt pit icr rip. i ip r 1 . &i U undergo same nk and. trouble, or tie Farmer and Planter takea more e tend e, view of his rpnl intprpft hut he nor ir . . - - .lfi A- - ious to avoid their proportion of gtnvji censure, and to make their occupation a useful they have once rrre rrr.pAptl frnm rhpir rpfnmfirtn rl. sol.. ed to purchase the productions of sit toil, and trust to the lirmrniuv ns rl y Farmer grid Planter, to obviate moic ijij complaints in iiuure. ri j:.:. - ...t.:!. 1 .... 1 a 11c euuuniuiu uu wiuuii inev miena 'to take produce, are, the Cafli Prices of the several articles In return, the will continue: to sell their goods at thur ufu-ShA- ee texS;;on?KGCOi"SCtOWn' 4 Th . " ProdUCe. th Bryan Mpott,c,re of CWilkinsi X"aX5SL" SSS ington. jpuji Al Uall, rtiillwiip:ht, do I, M,' ?n r,m, . r.n. 1 ... ... moreland county,, K. Thohtas Mendrn.Fl ' . to F .1" 'f " vn Cf "- - hall Lexington K nuTOcroas difappomt rn-n- t, 3" r,MClan.alKni'iieretofore experienced) either to d.fcr.. .0?re', ?5dford ount river 'f Win. minate. br to . . 1 . Iticnard Moiton. l.vptfprr.llr7 TtK -- ... uu.iuic. John Monrqe.l, : James Vance, near K. trahces i - . the 'ru. TOHN A SP.TTV JOHN JORDAN Jun. & CV ,. . ..uuve arrangements thc'r can be no caufq for fiffpetlSng us of it? ling highef, qndconfequentfy we slayer ourfelvel! with 3 continuance of the cufto diu.uic wupinaii wilh tt urehafc U L.iitu

Transcript of Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY...

Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY · .jtUVhite, tlaze face, her off sore leg haj:h); ... Lang, and regularfv





WOT as Angels, wlio io Heaven

With unclouded brightness lliine)Noras fi'fleisfnow new Wriv'rij

J4ot se rapine nor divine.

Not a beaurv's sell" Co chatminy,Mticti the queen of love,

Not her frowns as Hell alarming,Kor he'f.Dites as hsiven above.

Jf'ithei in 1 er bearl Co cheering

Two bright stars, as in the ikieSU 'evrft-en'Jjppejrin-

Vto thartS heaven jhehajtwo t)eS.

Longtr'th curious eyes

od 1 ihmk they can'j

Vken I look'd I atrtay;

That they feeird ofi

wfe ponder'i

ge gdod',


:fli and bits?Hk

ofNow I cannot help declarjng

I her tcth have often Jfen

yet 'twou'd bs unjust coaiparing

Them to rain congeal'd, I wee.

Xtra'llon her l?pno " peach dcAvn" YlgtrJ

Batfjltnefsas wasever seen, '- -

It may jc like the " ruby hue,"I never have a ruby seen.

Oft bavelfmelt the frclh blown

And cither breaHUhat I thought pure,Ad many a time tho ' now mown close,

Btittwas-lu- i,ither, lam Aire.

Since-m- y love (or Lucy waken'dTwice nine summers are away,

And Ineyer thought her liken'd,

To a blooming mormn May.

Tettbc village is Lucr,She's ot allourgirlstheinoltfair

True flie has not all the beautiesjBut I Mink flie hasherfharei


Thelfe angelic charms not seeing,There's a foniethmg I approve t

Though (he (ferns a human beingStill the uttle girl I love.


James the first, when he was Duke ofYork, took it his head to vifn Miltonmerely out of cu.iofitv. In rlir-- mrCif."ji" - -





U mills, isIpJ

Afiticin.. "whpthf-- r hp rlirl nnf rliinlr riJo'fs of his sight was a judgmeiUupon himfor what he had wnt againfl his father,CiTirleg.1. ?" Our immortal batd madethe follow mg reply : " Is your highnessthinks tht calamities which befal ushtre, are indications of the wrath ofJicaven, in what manner Nvare we to ac-

count the sate of thelSpg, yoUr -?

the difpleaf.ire n must,Uoith;s X'.powfition, have been much

er .s;auiit bhn than me, fori havec 1 !( ft in eye but he lost his befid. ,

,-- ., .


A T till tiuhin" ol main fiagle creek, fifteenJ rules f'O'ii Georgetown, on the road to Cmc 1 lati Tiier i a good Bcv.oJ log houe, fiityS t ioriK.four gjod &ojthxs places, b good log Ualilc indb.i;n, oo ' kitchen with a rtumher offu' c'iluns; ahnu uirty six acres of c!e ired land,tj ot r likh i iieadow, vSo fs lots joining thehi se 'Blic "ivantageouslituStioiiot tlie place for

, o piulic hbuic & range for ftAck, is j. cueriily knowny ei'in ca-- i r.j uiimcoisiTej cne terms may

v ' -- v,','!i" to MrC. riri Frankfort.

eiq. UeOrge

is. Jrohn Hunter,H B ny penonrent ng. t' """iicij,

bed Kth a q uintit o! win vegetiuje

j 01



can be

SpririgHt' Wafbmgton Oiunty, and rill buy

edif L? tie) is aiw k. nd ior Hides, ortan on t is jtt e will tjlt Hides tl at we ffi aUovl

js' g o ?u diy as fal Leather, for one

th rd, li I receive them tills ear, the Cu ft inonth




JMOL- itiZ .

--i rt

TROTTER &N addition to their valuable flock on

hand, have iuft received nnrl nnw ri

pening at their ltore, in the brick buildingoppoiue tne market-not- e, a lrge and gcrieral aiTbrtment of well cliofen

MERCHANDIZE,Suitable to the niei&nt and nnnrnnr-riinc- r

seasons, which will certainly be sold on,tne moit moderate terms ior CASH INHAND. Alfoa supply of all kinds of

Grocet res, China and Glass Ware, ft quan



tity oj excellent aar-lrr- n, Crowley -

ana" Blister Steel, Castings andirmaoio trax, JVatls oj ev

ery aescrtorion. Jioutma- (;intixt' I -- "I O t-.- f Isjui.aiic jili lucTcoani or country

Work, likewise Mann's Lick Salt of aCUPtRIOR QUALITY-- .

They hereby return their thanks totheir friends who have hitherto fnvnrprithem with their custom, and flattei thtm-felve- s

that from a proper and due atten-tion, ter meet with a continuation of future tavors.

Lexington, Dec. lft, i80b.

? Warfan mtTriJt rft-

-- - v - ! lUCJl).jH?QE Gentlemen who have appliedrFI'M!IIlta'-- appointments fn the ser , e of theUnited States, are informed that their ap ,m u ,,

with all the recommendatory letters actom,:j-,n- e

dav evening last. Thole who deire to be con' V J

their applications.SAMUEL DEXI .11,

Secretary at War.The printers in the different states 3re reoueftcd

to give this a place in their Gazettes.

jl GIVE notice to gentlemen who have bct.i imers to my horle BLA?.K. anrl b,r , ..7 -- .. ....-- tlKtvn ri.a.. . o.m i...- - i .


- .

vuu.i-i- . Hum Him, uiauraean 'oraovt oi tjithisftatcne-ctfeafon- . cnlefs thp i.jf'1 . J?'and enjter their m-i- es to the araf uht 1 at3l payable on note at Oiriitnvs in wm'kedeli


vered in Lexington at market price", Or I .or cellvercd in Frankfort market price, son ( rtwel e dollars for the season, or seven t it imlea, paid Ghuftmai ib'oi I find r,i3i i vscarce and diificult to colleft, is the reason l rt tomove him, the indulgence given has caufeJme-- to suffer much Jbr money.

August 28. i8oo.(



fiJ Bcnj. What ton.

LNDS TO SELLAta Reasonable PrLe, '.

l06? 2 acres, in Monttrnniprv rnnntw k..n.ed the south by Hed river, on the nort x erL.wn, mm aui.uui uiaiaie, cue tract incu re: niwhole Indian cieekandits branches v. hit l

r ' w tf.; .1 t , many (seats for it well timberedWWMW-W'- t'e "d with a great number of ucver railmj, '







at or







f5des Imlian creek, its soil is ery fertile sit ior ciltivdtfon tho broken, it is intermixed ivith sine bot-toms, with alsttle trouble and a Mnall c-- - fn'-- vi!uable proffits out of cultivation mcy be tntui lOmlpart of the traft. The title indisputable

11646 acres, on the north side of the Northfork of Kentucky river about 8 miles aboie themouth, running up the liverwith the meander the e--of

1 100 poles when reduced tea ftrairnt i'rx, t esoil pretty level and rich. The title imhi nit iu

2367 1 2 acres, on the waters oftha North for olRock-Cast- le river, Madison county.

300 acres, in Garrard county oj While Oal ruuopposite the moath of hickrran creek, the nnd toDanville crofTes the traft N. E. &S. V. ihjut 2 3of a mile, itisofaverv early entry

418 acres, military land on the bank of L i.nber-lan- ri

ri er joining the town of Clarkiville ed watc ed md timbeied.

46 town lots and out lots ii the said tow n ofC arksville.

6000 teres, of land in several small granvi reservedby the state of Virginia, and cortf rmed by tu o aftsv. -- , .y ..'t " ... w .lib 11...1 V.IIII1.UII- L-

, near the town of the same name, territory M.r a. l.s U.nv eii me w.iiu.2"30 n.c rp5. military Ifli.n ifi thp TUi,im. TeVw.

of th; Ohio, giSpoles froir then r aTdtippofite(E8

ui'csi'iiuuMiicniiesiirut 25 1 .s i'kivs ural.ville, the tract is not far Irtciu .0 n"iin fettk.meut in the g ant

N B Nejroes, Tioduce, Merchandize, Lot's &Uoufes 111 Lexington, Paris or Danvili; will t-- takenin p.rt; .good plantation between Lexington tudVjounr Sti ling wih co.nriand a prohtahic bsrgai 1

for the purchafcr of a considerable quantity o.Hdn.lands. For further information apply to

MP. D. Robe,Lc.intDn.



I HEREBY forewarn all persons fromtaking an a'lignracnt on a bond given

by me, David Ilanna, of Woodford- - coun-ty, unto Josiah East, of Lincoln county,as I am detexmiid not to pay until compelled by law as he hasiiiled to cm , hwith his contrajfl. jTa y r,v

TAKEN Up by th1u3ftrribr7vingin Fayette county W.k Maible creek,one sorrel man:.,, -- bojit eight yerG old,abch. thirteen hanjs three inches high,bi ded on the near flioulder with a iV

vi re 9, with a lmall bell on. hlrlrt t ti a -

.jtUVhite, tlaze face, her off sore leg haj:h

);ALSO bay horfc, upwards of threeyears old, thirteen, hands three inches1 Jr4 Jrh !Ai4nl41l Tw rt ma n rt a11111. u le.u 111 iu iuiciiu, liiicc icqtwhite no brand to be difcovercd r


?tb Sept. 1800 ' r'fBLANK BOOKS,

Ofanjdcscipwii,mtty b- - bad at thisQjfice n the (burtist a tt'ect,

LANDS TOR SALE,- 1 am authorised to ft 11 two tradls of

L A N AIN Madison county crhcyed bv Saml.

to Elie Williams. One baftcontains 250 acres lying on thefoiith sideof and adjoining the Kentucky river oppofite the CojCras lick. 1 he Other traclalso contains 20 acres', granted as afore,said ; this tract lies about halt a mile h$.low the former,, they were located auqfurve)ed, at an early; period by JoffcpiLang, and regularfv conveyed by hnn WEftill. They are above BoonMMufeh,, Jana arc lam to be ot a good qtwijy' aridwell filuated : one of the traBrS. lfat n

?j?tfnaiU at present. 3 y -

1 wm alio tell 1557 acres of LJftjNDon Big Reedy, patented to Tacb Am&roreof Bairdft ovjh5 in tv6 'gims ; and aoooacres 0.1 Beaver Creek a branch of themamTprkof Lickihg-i- n Bourbon county.

A-rf- person inclining tti purchase ci-

ther of the above traits of LAND, maykno the terms by applying to the sub-- "

fcrv er in Lexingtoni

Dec ?th 1800.





Which will be sold low &r CASH orWHEAT delivered at the IbbforibersHill, )p credit need he asked.


Dec. 29th 1800. tf. I

A List ot LetterEMAINING in the PolT:.OfflrPT.P1r.

- V liitcf''. vbiii. it nnt taVnn nnf ifc. - , ..- -- ...... vul. lwl- -

in three months, will be returned to theGeneral Post-Offic- e, as dead letters-J- ohn

Alexander, care of Thos. Bodlw,Lexington : Mrs. Gri2zel Alexander,Harrison county, Cynthjana : Capt. Na-thaniel Afliby, near Lexington : RichardAllen, near do.

James Beaty, near Lexington : PreflonBreckenridge, do, Benjamin Berry, Fay-ette COUntV : Tohn Baker. Clarlrp rmmlu

vCol. Jofias Bullock, Lexington : DaVieliierry elq. do. Stephen Bullock, do. is

B. Brent, do. Leonard K. Bradley,near Cross Plains, Fayette county t Re-liec-

Bean, care .of Montgomery Bell,Lexington : Elizabeth Beaty, cars ofoornenus ueaty, do. joiin liurcar, nearIo. I nomas Brancn". 0.0. Tohn Boro-c-

near do.Allen Campbell, Lexington : Janirs

Cox, case of Mui tin Hogehr.d, rlo. JoftnCarty, potter, do. James Clarkfon, do.David Chapman, Kentucky: William'Cook, MeadviHe : Robert Carter, Lex-ington : A. Campbell, do. John Calet, do.

Rebecca l)unlap, near Lexington :

Richard Dickenfon cfq. Kentucky j Jas,Douge,.the care of the rev, nir. Arm-stron- g

: James Dunlap, Lexington. -

William Effex, Lexington : James En'win, do.Trances Forgus, care of Saml. Camp'

HfM. T.n,. Tr:l . n -T

ptown, Kentucky.JolmOrank, c ire of mr. MarfliaH.LeS

ington : James Uold, Lexington : JameGtewood, do. Rev. Saml. Iloufton, diRichard Hswcs. do. Rntr-liplm- .

Jf care of S. & G. Trotter, do. WillianHayes, Fayette- - countv, K....,-!,-. nt -utnuu, ui.ui.1. tOKiirv

-- (. HChai-l- l . HiVra

nl.. .11. T --:.. I-- Tt , . tt


fiin,;i,iiiiiiiijiui.,i. eelaf, iiarrison efq. Fayette county-- , E. RnbeHolmes, Lexington, K. Bennet H. Hendci son, student, do. Martin D. Hardirftm' Richard Harris efq. Io.


John johnfon, Lexington : Saml.nuary, do. Jamca B. January, do. Pc 'ter Jahupry jun. do. Mr. January, dci

teimria.i jonnion, pio.Arrhd. Kmkarle. VrfiiHi-- e W.n;,- -- -. . M IUIOII

vKm, JeJiJLiwJrre County i Oliver XtsanKentucky.yjuernnart 1 .lnenrsitcr, J ayefie : lmesLonncv, iexiiiron: Amcrina T.wioi. Ai

.intruny oin, yettc countv : Arclli' al I (.r-)J- 'i hi,. Kff !

J -- " - """. Ij nn.eci, Lexington: Maj. Janies Laniep.y

M'Conathey, Lexington :do. 2, McCartney, care of Johiiif '

do. James M'Cabe, Fayette!cuuui.) : rtrcnu. iviprruon, Lexins"ton : William H. Moofc, I'-n- ry countv- -

James M'Cabe, Fayette countvMaior,Wroodfordcoi.ntr s..

Saml. Pryor, Lexington ndrew


y'Provinre,Garrai-d,couniy-. Samuel Part.

1 Lexington: Mr. Preft'mari, do. 6. SiPoltltth'vvait, maltcr ot tlie L.oage, 1

25:'' Nathaniel Pren..LuxltigVon : Robert Patterfpn, do.

Care of 1 horas Malon. K

John Payne, near L?xmg'on.', t lobn RadinS:. near Lexington: Robt.

j& Rnflell efq. Lexington l Arend Rut- -

jJV., iie ing'u, . i.ui.i.... vu....w,dentucicy : janies tteia, to tne care oi n.jRanl,in.

Joleph Slauter, a, to be lest at Brent'sWm. brhrelbley efq. jun. Woodford coun-

ty : Chnltian Shnle, Madison countyWilliam Sutton. Scott countv : WmSterling, Harrodfburg, Mercer countya., jonn opangicr, JLexmgtcn, K. fev-to- n

Shdrt, Greenfield, AA oodford coun-tv, 7 : .Us. Stenhenfon. rahinpt. RoberSteel, near Lexington Robert S"iith, Kent cky : Daniel StrteLexington: Matllian Shrmmrt sin. MaiJohn W. Sample, care of G. Clark Jajowenney, on Kcd. river, CLrke county, aRev. Robt. Stiurt, Lexington.

James Taj Ior, Campbell county,. KWm. TimbeHafce. Harrnrllhiiror, ! la- -coh Teaford, Clarke crunty : LrfurerceToole, Harrison count),' K. GriftcnTayior, Frederick county.

Jacob Utterback, Woodford courfty.John WilliamfonLex:ington : Ed ari

West, do. Benjamin Whitmore, Favette i Walter WarlieU, Lexington, 2:John Warford. Letinptnn : a .1

kinfon efq. B. a : Chadps Wartham, Kel-fo- n

county, K. George Webb, attorney,Lexington : Saml.Williffon, LexingtonHugh WH&n inn. care of Saml. Camp-bell: 'Rev. William Wood. T.yinatn v

John W. Hunt, p. m.January ift, 1801.

THE SUBSCRIBERSTTAVE the fatisfaclion of informingf--i- - their customers and otflers, t atiit consequence of an arrangenient rnaeby John Johdan Jun. they will be e a.bled to purchase the following artic.eof produce this season, viz.


For whkh they will give such prices aetheir prefer.t unrl rrn.a- -

will justify, which they hope will be foi ndum as any.

But as they have undertaken tlri bufi-nef- s,

with nrofdecls inrlpprl. rnn r n1 I 5 . T.even to compensate them for their fervi.

v.cs, mcy nope at leait, to meet with bet-te- rencouragement thnn vuht v,o- -

tofore been allotted by the Planters andFarmers of this state, to those who exported their Produce, and tW a nmn...i.A.xi: , V . " i""r"'uuuiiuuon wm Demade in lavor ot them,who, at all times havp pyprtprl thpr-ifp't- t

to embrace every opportunity of iervingthr Planters, &c.

It is with the ntmnft rrhtr1innr f.stake notice of an incontrovertible trtnat 10 rar trom meetine the eocou clment clue their exertions, thev have v.

tliertO hafl th mnrtihrnMnti tr. fitiH tfa preference waa at all tirpsrlvn I'rirlwhen payment wds made in produce) tt

efeiiiu, wiiei iuiu ,iui liuu um in c rntlpnr.ft ns whiffi. tlipv? lmrl til

pnrfue the same system of Comber e t it

is iiuw 10 lauuij co.npiaineu 01 ipy i ne 1.

tizens at large, so long at least, un 1 tl c,r.omnc rirnri: iiimi rt pit icr rip. i ip r


&i U

undergo same nk and. trouble, or tieFarmer and Planter takea more e tend e,view of his rpnl intprpft hut he nor ir. . - - .lfi A- -ious to avoid their proportion of gtnvjicensure, and to make their occupation auseful they have once rrrerrr.pAptl frnm rhpir rpfnmfirtn rl. sol..ed to purchase the productions of sittoil, and trust to the lirmrniuv ns rl

y Farmer grid Planter, to obviate moicijij complaints in iiuure.ri j:.:. - ...t.:!. 1 .... 1a 11c euuuniuiu uu wiuuii inev miena

'to take produce, are, the Cafli Prices ofthe several articles In return, the willcontinue: to sell their goods at thur ufu-ShA- ee

texS;;on?KGCOi"SCtOWn' 4 Th . " ProdUCe. th

Bryan Mpott,c,re of CWilkinsi X"aX5SL" SSSington. jpuji Al Uall, rtiillwiip:ht, do I, M,' ?n r,m, . r.n. 1 ... ...

moreland county,, K. Thohtas Mendrn.Fl ' . to F .1" 'f " vn Cf "--

hall Lexington K nuTOcroas difappomt rn-n-t,

3" r,MClan.alKni'iieretofore experienced) either to d.fcr...0?re', ?5dford ount river 'f Win.minate. br to . . 1 .

Iticnard Moiton. l.vptfprr.llr7 TtK -- ... uu.iuic.John Monrqe.l,

: JamesVance,


K.trahces i






,. . ..uuve arrangements thc'rcan be no caufq for fiffpetlSng us of it?ling highef, qndconfequentfy we slayerourfelvel! with 3 continuance of the cuftodiu.uic wupinaii wilh tt urehafc UL.iitu