Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY...

V I & J I V " Trae to his char-ir- " He toi't, r'ie Herald oi noisy woi'd, " fim.illninonjlamb'rmgitlnsbaclc ' I EXINGTOV, APRIL 3. 1 m iiintaaffi On ti j 19th nit. Cait. Vj itt, toich nakcr ot this town, haJaqaan tifyof fre ill painted canvas exposed to the iun, 1mt.1I cei nig;,, when it w 1 tiled uj) and placed in the lost m his (Inn About two o'clock, the net morning, tfu canvas wa culcu red to be on sire, by two bo) vvhi veie llceping neir it. uy the gieat exertions of cant. Vyatt, and a sew of his nearest m inbors the sire was extin, without any verv ma terial in; 'ry to the house. We an lorry to lay that capt. Witt's face and hands were conhderablv burnt in throwing the canvas out of the hnnle. It is thought the sire "mull hae been generated by the heat of the Iun, which was absorbed in the canvas during the da. On Sunday night la ft, there was a vet y brilliant Aurora-Boreah- s fcen We are authonftdto say that col. James Barbour, is a candidate in the dituft south of the, Kentucky, for elector to choose a president and vice pieiident of the United States. The bank of the U. S. a rp making arrangements lor eltablilhing branch bank at New-Orlean- s. The negroes have lubftituted for St. Domingo, ffayti,tve name which the liland originally bore. Dr. Barton is appointed by the Americ in Philofophn al society, to pronounce an eulogium on Dr. Jo ieph Pneftly. The following lettei to Dr. Eplnaini M Dowell, has been put into our hinds ioi publication. Ever feeling for te- rn le diftrefsj we tretly infeil the letter Although Miss M'Dowell (or M'Dollj lias, tor forae time, been confidercd an impoitor ; yet th ir is loinptlnrig in her cond ict tint is laid to leae the woft fa- vourable impreffioi s on all who convci le w th her. Philadelphia, mb Feb. 1804. Dear Sir, YOU no doubt lecollecl the ac- count pubumed in the western papers a sew mon'h n, htive to the lobbe-r- y of a younu wo nan, in the county ot L- coning in this ft .te, by the name of M Doll, on her w y trom Montreal to Kentucky, and the variety of reports which wf-r- e in circulation lelative to her chirader. Since my arrival in this place, 1 have been called on by a gen- tleman of the fir't refpectabihty, under whole patronage tn s young woman now in, to know is I was acquainted ith and to requcft ot r the savor run man who - tome aid her, last. Ken-- r tucky I The ports w hieh circulation of silence ot Miss M'Dolt's have entei tamed ot the ty what Ibe related ot and excited a geneial 111. 1 oehilt, te.i.J..i- - rare iHin.u'riitC) ItjJICICHLS eveiy Ih feci am she i p ovc- - deception ill the h Fo I mi very a know KatoforiT u s character. I been 1 and ymh h r nie tlun She 1 .s a tolerahle ajpens ibnut e ither 1 b'i lfLt", lw i 1 - r fi - rk . I ind h- - a cefun t "i-t- h 1 r !n ilf r m hirh d eiihftrers 'I is doubl h r the person who was (tnoned e.ant t 1 f .1 rce - it, h t ilt il, 111J . e we , i. ' I 1 1. ' a ten nn eanerltt. d ot 1 l Tj-ri- - . y u ire ( r 11 a 01 ' ; 4 10 1 Tu"rz art, alr iffi' "tn fri n. mem uncd mr, i in r 11 m ir it hi through le nie u i T,. Bona, the lintilii coniui heie, Mi. co ed j-- hlh, nJu.ey lhi Pate, ,ts UI,J a ,)letext tint theie wis under vtu direction Hie utelvlf-f- r ' .l ine this tor .Vtontreal. It you Lno-- no- - in that trter, , qu ot her Munij it W1l o,a write me, I v .11 her ot IMPOI KMTINiOPVAIIOy on h, infonMUmn I exped lemain IHE oURJCC1 0F tNVON. Kiiiladciphia until loirn. in , .,, Jr 1 . . 1 oir, wirn )ecs, Youiuoedientieivant. John Barry. M' Lowell, 1 eiituck.)., LONDON, Pel.. 4. i 1 t 1 c t V ., a n t e li 1. ' intention leceive lniit lather, u ,, s polTeh A.iril. ,. i Itateintnt. voied Bill m; Apian has been presented to the imined b- - sore the Pru v .C-- icil. wd Vh lip rb-u- r nrlt conlul to chain together a num-!ii- d: ad claration that mvilion Rev, Blackmail ber ot slat beats, so a' tnis oo nry will a'tempted in the' ike bridge, and vvhvMi courr-- the piifent ', wind nd phCroctt-- t join them together, nearly to extend this bridge oouiogne to juover. Ii htlilrit Tn to ot The following letter' betJthre fir.ft conr'!1 lentf ,'n.nUters htelv received fmm .1.1 . '"Jrine and war J " 1'pv..iauic .1 r "u,"m"'-"- " uuLiic LOI.enhn. . , f',..i. o iys that pot ' "Weareforrytoinformjou,that VC'V 'isfied ls jnnney vbi1,mC th-.- mentioned in our lall rel t0aft flther ofllirh GroffoiJS threatening lo'oulogne' rthe armament, Cambv vilir ripnm round torw"ard itate it generally believed thit am attempt will made to invade this country a fliort time, and different tranfacYions greatly depreffed." January 2t. R.. ' T . t, . "u"ai"" jciurnea to raris on tU0ArU.a v inu, a to coast dispatched couriers to their myol Angereau lately . .. onne, and supposed to be deflined against Portugal, has been marched to Brest, where there said to to be or 40,000 troops ready for embarkation." Each regiment of line in France, been ordered to fuiniih a certain number chosen men for the camp at Arras, which is to con- stitute the invincible lesion, efcor- - ' and Samuel Gilmer England. Report says, that they are to take the oath to come back victorious th their general or never to return any more. vjreat emulation prevails the veterans to into this lemon : but the tranfenpts do not 1ihW the Willi cotton lame ardor. 1 A letter from Geno. bronpht bv L the" Hamburgh mail on rhurld.y, ,h T'wai mentions Gen. Keurnei 11. , . 'lecll with The visit Va enter that rumors has ur commu- - troons aeittne, , .v.10 l'ic at po Uotou rock which provi f.oul h.!e was by Her defhnation this force iCndcie it the Eaft-Ind.e- s, t0 b havethecivihtytolet-hempafsoi- t v In this -- v in! are confirmed a efforts from Pans, which that tin veffel ""'iicuy Lett reh tance the fh court of lnnoo Saib. fn- -. ,1.1 . tr may pollcfs to the father their hatred ' , , houis .vi .joii. ims application to you verled in the affairs of India, have 'n CMl;UT.nnC.,0ufon,C lnormtt,onbeen sent by Buonaparte to Toulon given by a a(.COmpanv the expedition. Reg tucky, hole n Jesse Scdtt. He' , :. n informed her thit D .M'DovM, near " "' recollee,d' was r,ncf,.i,,HMiU,m,K,fi gencral for three Doll, Wds ved 111 pirt the weften country uul'"vu '" 10l- - rle let rortn inwii& flhe on Cuberland nverl against Menon D'fct . tnov d from ureal that had been able. ythe )e ISOO. 1 his is to penetrate India, he, Regnier, concct, will be, untortan j was to be the Governor General 5ojii,j woman, ot the hicrheltimpoi tame, there. She induced on the o Accounts were in rlJ fath.i, toluppofe dead, ind is vefteidav r th Am..lf villain, Lord Keith, reWW robbed oft Boulogne, as by h r father's A as late as Wednesday It cnptionot Conn-f- s perlbn, as ?,ven L, t v. ...3.. in th- - advertifemci-- t pubhlhed in V ' P cic . . pmhqr tnfl- - ilt r;ot into in consequence the fi lends and wiieinci fi- nal C. bn a injury to her. "" "' """"'" ' ll"""" butfiom lome there is weather very litde doubt of haie t rLf i ainonj tnenoflref ,1..1 w,u.mnj, practice embarkation could Our squadron confided occurences, beingmo ltand clofc accounts from wefte-- n Senate v. .kl r - . viaui. iii'uuiioiii.1. ui ine to be isiertainivd untortunti t'ma.f ,itate conudtl agitation. ob,ert of cumin nilitiry Ut yT.liK, un'j-e- i peilJ1!ts , i Wlldl Illi- - hers Is to certainly m Ion mli an th- - iteiot h injuues, fhoul fic'lv mnortoi, tli- - b on of imanity. nv ow pnrt, at to v.Haf ct have .ntro-l- to cOn-vii- p to be a wo nan twe a?- -, d ee, thougJi 1, in- - tt- - d no et m tiitr ijuif 1, 'inner ' o1 1, t' 111 (1 on nti , Deri e. it to ol 0c it ! e ,0 to in time la din lei UaiiviU, .111 L. be permits Report ,? I'rench the of will among lul of of not be, known. of 2j sail of m?n ns rliflH-- vry late ana tfte leiate, has her hCT our were enabled to pietty Private de eu,.l iiiiiciu jiic ftvll Il and any places the .,.... Jmlull lUcked ty thc 0d be, mu'-- oncv. ion, ton' 'hnt O".!!! for now is-- to mo'ities hatreds hie ben re and have caused anopen to the executiorf of the law military not only thf denartrrent Dea Sevier, but La These scenes havi not only spread through thale have alfj occasioned march of troops and militay ccutions. February At that in troops had ken plice within sew pall , whether for their exercrle Both Mr. and Mr. said have cxprefiel then co nJil4o- - - iciot this week, that and continent o:d Inc ue, inel to mai i.n the aure the aiunenticitv ot the llo'in'J which we have iull b ti t. Anifticnj; h lif'omt'r mod u iquelion ible Jbn ti diihtii'). 1 wo ")ih oncers, (I r - W il il jth ii 111 th" Fifiieh aiejiit u- - . iiivel Iroin iice, hai 11 ns tlieii Bphi Bum tie tion t'leiiLt. Ihtv bftn Mi. 'lioilee II the 2 bottomed a we T f il. .l t . . r , .. 13 " ' Jll'SV'H ill1- & --. m floVllP n l nro t 1, . 1 nnio, jan 7. nnirj uiuun Soon aster his arrival last night, Patrrk C his .. K"bert Cra,J was r.L.fu,,! with rhm for two l)Knn r,m in hours he , rj?1 the works the nv 2 irl ,. ,m ... c 1 in that he be in in are has w ,, , and the lite florins Ben. Cox wrerks mg the coitt, had conhde- - Wm. Cox rabl the enthuhaiin of the George"Coitice loldiers. and the Torbes Jar Count lme this moining Devers ana ana Th at i 1 ... r i Ts 30 his i I, " . n "ifgracedbi who'charges Buonaparte th Wtments, werVre L. Alarqms Luchtfini, Cobentzel, A hid conferences the nrft?conful(Ricrid. Downton Abram Dcvenport with aneyrana, afterwards jonn uowning trom the refpec- - Bav. 'wiv Live courts. 1 ne con- - vvnuam xicter gref, and for ncgociations between William LfTex be'ligerent powers, are daily en- - Wm. Eflew 2. and now said that) Ptu la offered, and been accep- - Joseph Farkner ted'by France, as mediator, togeth-jW- with Aullm, to reitore a peace. Fleming The general opinion 111 our diplo- - llobort Frazier fnatic circles is, thtt either before! G Vbn'T Clark with June ceaie between James Gatewood John Griflin Prance, that Austria, juiiiiuamiicra James fU1lng, ., "MRuffia,, Spain Bernard conquett ol the war. cte 1 ntl I BOSTON, Marc1 i. Innate Pi Jj ia. eaie to e to ur e tliw John th U frigate, Andrew Huber ai ,1b, C illi intj ihi P.hiT it. nam-hand- s of dji-jiotni- Mutter riolrnj;? , winch nomas Bern. tne to ... ,, i r. . ...... .1... u. 11 t--t a 3 p I J K 5. 11 i.iiu.avu lu t'ee in Hi7!- - r Toulon, ad that the fleet1 1 ot 1, or to carry them, , 1. attached a lions on board tor six months. so large u .ne. . tit- tle of muit bejuati , impoiubk to bring is lord Nelson u ,11 ,hu 0 , ,,10ferK upon the e. , ,nd e at.eivion of the Of port unmoletted. conclu- - Ln a nee f id d ion we by exertioi s 1 th. cj.nbat d letter Hates lo , t afloat. Aster the K JZl ""-v"'- ""' agents tne CKcumltanceS Rluirl m with anv information which notorious .,. ., .,., ,1 .. relative of to Enolind nnrl well r i ,, ot lour the Anciicans were " v ime was i, commanded quainwdwithDi.T EgyPc believes Mo Kentucky, ln'taing, information into to thu ite 1 is t fileuce rnnrff n" him ap- - rerciv pehenfivethatth; Benjamin'from t, whi will atfcmpc (D10Cka,-,11igiquadro- eltate. df- - ., U.....U...l Ipnnj. relations, .. iui tne purpose merely wflp rf ions serious "" " th in. A . c ui pan very ot UI nueieft i in loss r, "i ei f t! u. A in a it an II1C it am o' conscription, in of al so 111 but the e 12. Boulogne it is repeated, embarkation of the ta a but as has Yorke A Idintrtofi the g at- - or li i no kingdom . i.,. (in tr tn n re, Al n Invp lcl lhom.sChew S. & the crtafing; 111 ,1 i it agreeable Htukftep cji Is vou compelled to hit render. It said tint there wcit 35 pci To is, officers men, on board the Fh ladelphia It thit the oiTceis were ttcatedwith hunani", but the men in and hn M who we. fieri Url ibte hJ and and and Wm. and Dispatches, ''nnourc.rg the above- - mentioned untottunate eent, were put on board a bound to Boston capt. Lombard, which from upwards ot We undentand that Capt. Willi- ams, who h'c ai lived at Gloucester, z days from Cadiz, is n 111s that the o',i.ers of tlu Phil idelphia had the lioerty of the city on then parole, un- der the Diotechon ot the Bntifli con- lul : and thit commodore Prebble had purehaled and eqiimped two vef-- lels to be emplued attempt to retake or ddtroy thv; lngate. Washington City, Mai ch 21. Yeftcrday the following trom he fiVti t was to the to Conciefshy Mi. Harvie , partmenfs ol France, defenbe th.HV0 le and House of Represent a h.uebeei refif-tinc- e Vendee. alarm countriis, days .ire peifled Florance Joftph hoftilitics between ''dded vtflel tailed Cidiz dtys hnfie. mcfTage delivered tuts of tbe Uttittfl itutes, I slyrwHn.cate t0 ConTefs - 1 ttei leteivcd from captain Brambndge. com- - nanaetef the Philadelphia aie, 11 tortmn of 'he wieek th 1 tll on ths the coin: ot JmiioIi, md thit hm elf, his officer', ard hive lien in- to the hands ot the lpohtans. Ih s . ceident rendejs expedient encrcaie t'ntf, and m luge onrexpenies 11 the M n bevund h ittthe list ,iprt pnation f r nivnl centra plated. I theitoit tin consideration Connie's tuch addi- tion that appropi latinn is they may think the exigency rerui es. TH. JhtFLRSON. All ner Lous are herebv forewarn. ld tiom taking anaflijinment Ol E, civ 1 nLu Jpnhvmprn .rtfitnr InhiiTliihTitiipl Vii i a t r in e via. in i to j ui iiaut , patu IUIU nOlC. 1 i, t 11 jit nyi"i v. m 1 1 k 11 ) M s r H B. h 1'u )in B tei S. tt Fi m lie ex 111 of .. -- ....- ;. is V - r iillin in 1 is ; is n al ror it is er 3 Wro. Green Lewis GorJen di S. Pi oir of Lewis Lee Daniel L)le John Charles and Wm Ni'Kee Da vij. aniuel nave u A 11 R. -li John cum; ibn ,t 1 it eh u liu e 1) 1 niw J 1 Brian1 tn i ! ' n luik unas John Bell Jnies Crutther t et slVilliam 1 1. oioei t (.roin ell William Cox J Cjots n Chandler James ( kfon icob Crooth, and Cai amci Collyer iohn Clark rerei iEumoaiian Cramer Louis Davis Benj. Davi jacob E Sus. E. John Englifli F Samuel Wm. Foard hflia Fiftier will arid 01 Gray neliu. j r join Gibson benefir country :o fifty H R. Tho. Hopkins Joel Hitt 'Ihonus Hill Richard Hiter George Hamilton George ir i.:j. T.u.. . iidiuci 11JWR1115 je nuwiuns . John David it 1 rlomans HowJrH embark 01 is h . 1 s private ai at h 1 ..... 1 ot to f, 01 e A vived, abattd 1 '- - ,. is ia 3 111 m jt ft Us ci en 1, 1' it to cliterrane iccon-nien- to an to on a tur ill auu tl 1, Is: A 01 o. ,s Grimes rialley Hilltnai j - ofeph Herndon James Hemphill Robert Hufton or Jonathan Holmes Robert Perry John W. Hinde Chnft. Heckman Sam. Himes ohn Hardwith David Haibifon Wm. Hayes. Ezek. Haydon Peter Hall Tohn Hamilton rhos. Holloway IT G.W.Coi.nicbacl! Eldridge ,naPnte Peter January Js. B. Caty Jones Tohn Tones Grace Jonrs Arthur Itvin William Jones Robert Juitt Wm. Kelly Samuel Kelly James Kennedy George Kitor John B. Kalb William Hancock Lowrey 2 Sarah Lawson fames Leonard E. M ohn fr. 1 li. ers & Mary Sam. M'Dowell Jchn cfeph Dienftman Hitle January Jacob Lchre Mias Laxgham Abner Legrand John Lowman Alarlliall M'CIenahan James Martin hnlesW James Mornfon Robert M'Gimfe John Bradford Kitty Milton Mornfon Mitch-d- l Wallace Rev. Mooie Miles M'Cowen Maria M.M'Calla Morris Mitchell Caleb M'Dowell John Motley John Moore Madison Jan es M'Millan Robt. M'Nitt Jacob M'Conothy John Mlnner Benj. Chas. MHchell 'h Joseph Newmeyer Thos Nitholfon Thos. Ockkree P cYiexanc'er 1'un-Villiu- m Peacock Da-- 5 srd Payne Longhead Rcger Patten William Pnngle Samuel Aaifn Ptalher Heiuy Payne Harriet Prei nliam Potts Artl.jr t . Rcid Jolin Rtelor 2 Roberts LIp Ranfdale Benjaiimi Riley homas Reilly ii am iiuuanu, a rfi-- 1- - w" -- j' ' ya ocott - ji 1 11 t y 2 It n ue 1' 1' i il 115 J le f 2 C h 1 h ' II ev Vincent 2 h J es t Finley 3 f " ... Aim 2 2 tj it 1111 2 Cortland Lambert 3 C -- Ri J. Sam. Mennet Merrill N vviin in -- nee g'e, caie of du 2 v ,d 3 Pool 2 Ms V N. 1 aul II id ih 1 utwn Licai j- - lia lie lai K O Rev. mr. Ra"kin2 David Robmfon David Rols Tohn Rice Willi m Ruffell Michael Kice Jane Sheirard Robert Scott: T!i Jlli s o ' r m ts 1 Ui Ttdd n .i 'ho 1 ifcn h jeikph I hoi Ion i ' 1 ev tullatUS I onip- - as Ca c ,1 ' on irellj rl-- i- ' I 11 1. n J.l -- h T'l lb V ll l 11 n llri p i in is G. K. ! ii n ,l,iiii u. Ii il nz Hc . David 1 ho-- 1 clrden 6 How- - mas nd Pettr Tr'Per 2 Nathm G. Thd- - Hon. B. I lirullon nui, or Antho- - Hauh 1 a.lor V Edward Violent Isaac xoorbieS iWilliam Vtale Patrick Vance Jales Vigus W aleb Walhce tsuitri-Jh- t and VTott pe"ccr WatLins Lrchd. Williams indiew Valkcr Margaret Woods 1' man'. Wainn a John Winn Rev. mr. Welfil John P. Wagnon Sufannah Wilhara-Ceor- ge Webb soil 2, iRabecca Worley William Wa'fon Kobeit W1II011 William Waldroti ' Mary Watts Edw ard West jlfaac W. Walk- - J. Wilson I era ohn Williams Tfaac Wells 2 George W. Ward ? Y chard Yates Geo. Youne, fen. lEnglehart Yeifer David Young. JUriN JURJL)AJN,jr. P. M. April 1, 1804. Alex. Parker & Co. AVE jufl imported from Philadel- phia, and are now opening in the new brick houte, on Main itreet, chreft- - ly opposite the court house, a very ve and elegant aflortment of Merchandize, CONSISTING OF Supeiflne and toarte broad cloths, Caffimeres Jc catinetts, Wide and narrow chintzes afforted, Cbarle and Sne muslins alfortcd, Satins, mantuas, lutettrings Sv crapes af- forted, Men's and women's silk and cotton hose, A variety of silk and muslin fliuwU, Silk and muslin handkerchiefs, jf Merlailles quilting, Dimities and stuffs, 4-- 1 and 8 Irish linens, Ruflia theetings, bed tickings Sc drillings, Kidd, morocco and tuft fl ppevs, Tue best M deira,Sheny, Port and Lon- don particular wines, (ficnch biandy, Jamaica Ipirits & Ihrub, I eis, loaf liigai, chocolate & coffee of the first quality, Hard waie, qieen's, glass ard china wares aiTorted, Sheet copper, bar-iro- n, lickles and fythes ot the first quality, With almost eery othei article in de mand'; which they will sell at the most reduced pi ices tor cash. Lexington, April 3, 1804. virtue of a deer e of the circuit t)Y conn of Fayette, we the undersign-e- d commiffioners, willexpofe to sale, tor ready cafli, on the 12th mft. at the court houle door in Lexington, the following trats ot Land andpeilonal piopeity, or Wo much thereof as will bt hifhcient to latisfj a decree, made in thri.ia court, in savour of George 1 rotter and Alex- ander Scott agaihll James Kincnd, iz. 9,500 acres of land lying on Rock-castl- e, in Madison county. 271 acres, lying on th" waters of Deep creek, a branch of Chaplain, in Waflungton county. Also, 6t7 acres in Warning ton coun- ty, be the tame more or less. 12 kettles and the appiratus thereto belonging' tor making fait petre, at Kin-caid- 's rave, on the fii ft mentioned tratt. One negro man, fund'y horfs and md all the household furniture be- - lonin: to the said Kinciid Andrew M'Calla, John Jordan, jr TLomat Wallace. and AduI 2d 1804. 2w Harrison Circie't C01 rt Febiuar ten.i. if-- i uv,U Jobn Alhfon, complainant, ' , Against Willamward, George v ,rd, Joseph am' , B. Wards, defendants i IN CHANCERY. I Ti,a!,P.iar'?S,t0Jthe lat"' awn ofth court defendant, Willjam Wir,l,,snot an inhabitant of this state, and not hav'np en- tered hi a(3l,ear,ce herein, it is ordered th.t he do appear here, on the timd day i the next June ten, at d enter hn ,pej, 0ce he,.,,, "imti to perform tl e (lerree et t ,. court, otl -- v ,re the coiii,1t 1, lrit s ill will ' e taken against Im for conleid n that tl is or.,er be publiflied in Come pub'ick i.ewlper in thisftalje, foi two months fucee(7ivel Actpy. At ted, t VS. Moore, C. II. C. C. Missing. NU ' Rot 1 j'b j rolmes, ci' f it 11 tin tull ice 1 by na; rg ti CeTc , di, I, . tl en. ,l b tluuk- - Jon. Bo' ies, AWr. March 24, ISO. 3W Shunkhn lot tc rewii dtr c Mr. nine r T. O. T r. " - (li ill not pay it jfceond time. . mm. r .stroiner vv ea' tiers -- muh ,Letnr to tbs fitcj,'e cf JSttP-'and- , and Jeremiah ftogerr.' Udv,(i button Willm bnnplon moie adverttseu.a 'j, rt Gaze ,c March 2- -, 84. v .CharLs "di nh 2 J h.i "spi ingcr ' L tra.

Transcript of Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY...

Page 1: Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY circles is, thtt either before! G Vbn'T Clark with June ceaie between James






" Trae to his char-ir-

" He toi't, r'ie Herald oi noisy woi'd," fim.illninonjlamb'rmgitlnsbaclc '

I EXINGTOV, APRIL 3.1 m iiintaaffi

On ti j 19th nit. Cait. Vj itt,toich nakcr ot this town, haJaqaantifyof fre ill painted canvas exposed tothe iun, 1mt.1I cei nig;,, when it w1 tiled uj) and placed in the lost mhis (Inn About two o'clock, thenet morning, tfu canvas wa culcu

red to be on sire, by two bo) vvhi

veie llceping neir it. uy the gieatexertions of cant. Vyatt, and a sew

of his nearest m inbors the sire wasextin, without any verv material in; 'ry to the house. We anlorry to lay that capt. Witt's faceand hands were conhderablv burntin throwing the canvas out of thehnnle. It is thought the sire "mull

hae been generated by the heat ofthe Iun, which was absorbed in thecanvas during the da.

On Sunday night la ft, there wasa vet y brilliant Aurora-Boreah- s fcen

We are authonftdto say that col.James Barbour, is a candidate in thedituft south of the, Kentucky, forelector to choose a president andvice pieiident of the United States.

The bank of the U. S. a rp makingarrangements lor eltablilhingbranch bank at New-Orlean- s.

The negroes have lubftituted forSt. Domingo, ffayti,tve name whichthe liland originally bore.

Dr. Barton is appointed by theAmeric in Philofophn al society, topronounce an eulogium on Dr. Joieph Pneftly.

The following lettei to Dr. EplnainiM Dowell, has been put into our hindsioi publication. Ever feeling for te-

rn le diftrefsj we tretly infeil the letterAlthough Miss M'Dowell (or M'Dolljlias, tor forae time, been confidercd animpoitor ; yet th ir is loinptlnrig in hercond ict tint is laid to leae the woft fa-

vourable impreffioi s on all who convci lew th her.

Philadelphia, mb Feb. 1804.Dear Sir,

YOU no doubt lecollecl the ac-

count pubumed in the western papers asew mon'h n, htive to the lobbe-r- y

of a younu wo nan, in the county otL- coning in this ft .te, by the name ofM Doll, on her w y trom Montreal toKentucky, and the variety of reportswhich wf-r-e in circulation lelative to herchirader. Since my arrival in thisplace, 1 have been called on by a gen-tleman of the fir't refpectabihty, underwhole patronage tn s young woman nowin, to know is I was acquainted ith

and to requcft ot r the savor








Ken-- r

tucky I

The ports w hieh circulationof silence ot Miss

M'Dolt's have

entei tamed ot the ty

what Ibe related otand excited a geneial 111.

1 oehilt,te.i.J..i- -


iHin.u'riitC) ItjJICICHLSeveiy

Ih feciam she i

p ovc-- deception illthe h Fo

I mi very a knowKatoforiT u s character. I

been 1 andymh h r nie tlun She

1 .s a tolerahle ajpensibnut e ither

1 b'i lfLt", lw i 1 - r fi - rk. I ind h- - a cefun

t "i-t- h 1 r !n ilf r m hirhd eiihftrers 'I is doubl

h r the person who was (tnonede.ant

t 1 f .1 rce- it, h t ilt il, 111J

. e we , i. ' I 1 1. ' a

ten nn eanerltt. d ot1 l Tj-ri- - .

y u ire ( r 11 a 01 ' ; 4 10 1 Tu"rz art, alr iffi' "tn fri n.

mem uncd mr, i in r 11 m irit hi through le nie u i T,.Bona, the lintilii coniui heie, Mi.

coed j--

hlh, nJu.ey lhi Pate, ,ts UI,J a ,)letext tint theie wisunder vtu direction Hie utelvlf-f- r ' .linethis tor .Vtontreal. It you Lno-- no- - in that trter,, quot herMunij it W1lo,a write me, I v .11 her ot IMPOI KMTINiOPVAIIOy onh, infonMUmn I exped lemain IHE oURJCC1 0F tNVON.Kiiiladciphia until loirn. in , .,,


1 . .1 oir, wirn )ecs,

Youiuoedientieivant.John Barry.

M' Lowell, 1eiituck.).,

LONDON, Pel.. 4.

i 1 t

1 c tV ., a n t

e li 1. ' intention leceive lniitlather, u ,,

s polTeh

A.iril. ,. i



Apian has been presented to the imined b- - sore the Pru v .C-- icil. wd Vh lip rb-u- r

nrlt conlul to chain together a num-!ii- d: a d claration that mvilion Rev, Blackmailber ot slat beats, so a' tnis oo nry will a'tempted in the'

ike bridge, and vvhvMi courr-- the piifent ', wind nd phCroctt-- t

join them together,nearly to extend this bridgeoouiogne to juover.

Ii htlilrit Tn



The following letter' betJthre fir.ft conr'!1 lentf ,'n.nUtershtelv received fmm .1.1 . '"Jrine and war

J " 1'pv..iauic.1 r"u,"m"'-"- " uuLiic LOI.enhn. ., f',..i. o

iys that pot '

"Weareforrytoinformjou,that VC'V 'isfied ls jnnney vbi1,mCth-.- mentioned in our lall rel

t0aft flther ofllirh threatening lo'oulogne' rthe armament, Cambvvilir ripnm round torw"ard itate

it generally believed thit amattempt will made to invade thiscountry a fliort time, and

different tranfacYionsgreatly depreffed."

January 2t.R.. ' T . t, ."u"ai"" jciurnea to raris ontU0ArU.a vinu, a to coast dispatched couriers to theirmyol Angereau lately . ..

onne, and supposed to be deflinedagainst Portugal, has been marchedto Brest, where there said toto be or 40,000 troops ready forembarkation."

Each regiment of line inFrance, been ordered to fuiniiha certain number chosen men forthe camp at Arras, which is to con-stitute the invincible lesion, efcor- -


and Samuel GilmerEngland. Reportsays, that they are to take the oathto come back victorious th theirgeneral or never to return any more.vjreat emulation prevails theveterans to into this lemon :

but the tranfenpts do not 1ihW the

Willi cotton

lame ardor. 1A letter from Geno. bronpht bv L

the" Hamburgh mail on rhurld.y, ,h T'waimentions Gen. Keurnei11. , .









ur commu- -

troons aeittne, ,.v.10 l'icat po Uotou rock

which provi f.oul h.!e was byHer

defhnation this force iCndcie itthe Eaft-Ind.e- s,

t0 bhavethecivihtytolet-hempafsoi- t v

In this --v in!are confirmed a efforts

from Pans, which that tin veffel""'iicuy Lett reh tance the

fh court of lnnoo Saib. fn- -. ,1.1 . trmay pollcfs to the father their hatred '

, , .joii. ims application to you verled in the affairs of India, have

'n CMl;UT.nnC.,0ufon,C lnormtt,onbeen sent by Buonaparte to Toulongiven by a

a(.COmpanv the expedition. Regtucky, hole n Jesse Scdtt. He' , :. ninformed her thit D .M'DovM, near " "' recollee,d' was

r,ncf,.i,,HMiU,m,K,fi gencral for threeDoll, Wds

ved 111 pirt the weften country uul'"vu '" 10l- - rle let rortn inwii&flhe on Cuberland nverl against Menon D'fct

. tnov d from ureal that had been able.ythe )e ISOO. 1 his is to penetrate India, he, Regnier,

concct, will be, untortan j was to be the Governor General5ojii,j woman, ot the hicrheltimpoi tame, there.She induced o n the o Accounts were in rlJfath.i, toluppofe dead, ind is vefteidav r th Am..lf

villain, Lord Keith, reWWrobbed oft Boulogne, asby h r father's A as late as Wednesday Itcnptionot Conn-f- s perlbn, as ?,ven L, t v. th- - advertifemci-- t pubhlhed in V ' P cic

. . pmhqr tnfl- -


r;ot intoin consequence the

fi lends and


nal a injury to her. "" "' """"'" ' ll""""butfiom lome there is weathervery litde doubt


t rLf i ainonj tnenoflref



embarkation couldOur squadron confided

occurences, beingmoltand clofc

accounts from wefte-- n

Senatev. .kl r - .viaui. iii'uuiioiii.1. ui ine to beisiertainivd untortunti t'ma.f ,itate conudtl agitation.

ob,ert of cumin nilitiryUt yT.liK, un'j-e- i peilJ1!ts ,

i Wlldl Illi- -

hers Is to certainly m Ionmli an th- - iteiot

h injuues, fhoul fic'lvmnortoi, tli- - b

on of imanity. nv owpnrt, at tov.Haf cthave .ntro-l- to cOn-vii-

p to be awo nan twe a?- -,

d ee,thougJi 1,

in- -

tt-- d noet m

tiitr ijuif 1, 'inner' o1 1, t' 111 (1 on

nti ,


to ol


it! e


to intime la

din lei










lulof of

not be, known.of 2j sail of

m?n ns rliflH--vrylate ana tfte leiate,

has her



were enabled to pietty

Private de

eu,.liiiiiciu jiic ftvll

Iland any places the.,.... Jmlull lUcked ty thc 0d










mo'ities hatreds hie ben reand have caused anopen

to the executiorf of the lawmilitary not only thfdenartrrent Dea Sevier, but

La These scenes havinot only spread through thale

have alfj occasionedmarch of troops and militay


At thatin troops hadken plice within sew pall ,

whether for their exercrle

Both Mr. and Mr.said have cxprefiel then co

nJil4o- - - iciot this week, that and


Inc ue,inel

to mai i.n the

aure the aiunenticitv ot the llo'in'Jwhich we have iull b ti




lif'omt'r mod u iquelion ible Jbn ti

diihtii'). 1 wo ")ih oncers, (I r - W il il

jth ii 111 th" Fifiieh aiejiit u- - .

iiivel Iroin iice, hai 11 ns tlieii Bphi Bumtie tion t'leiiLt. Ihtv bftn Mi. 'lioilee


the 2

bottomeda we T f

il. .l t . . r , ..13 " ' Jll'SV'H ill1-

& --. mfloVllP n l nro t 1, .

1 nnio, jan 7. nnirj uiuunSoon aster his arrival last night,

Patrrk C


K"bert Cra,Jwas r.L.fu,,! with rhm for two l)Knn r,m

inhours he ,

rj?1the works

the nv 2irl ,. ,m ... c 1 in that he

bein in





, and the lite florins Ben. Coxwrerks mg the coitt, had conhde- - Wm. Coxrabl the enthuhaiin of the George"Coiticeloldiers.

and the Torbes JarCount lme this moining Devers

ana ana

Th at i 1 ... r i




i I,"









Alarqms Luchtfini,Cobentzel,

Ahid conferences the nrft?conful(Ricrid. Downton Abram Dcvenport

with aneyrana, afterwards jonn uowningtrom the refpec- -Bav. 'wivLive courts. 1 ne con- - vvnuam xicter

gref, and for ncgociations between William LfTexbe'ligerent powers, are daily en- - Wm. Eflew 2.

and now said that)Ptu la offered, and been accep- - Joseph Farknerted'by France, as mediator, togeth-jW-

with Aullm, to reitore a peace. FlemingThe general opinion 111 our diplo- - llobort Frazierfnatic circles is, thtt either before! G

Vbn'T Clark


June ceaie between James Gatewood John GriflinPrance, that Austria, juiiiiuamiicra James


"MRuffia,, Spain Bernardconquett ol the war.

cte1 ntl


BOSTON, Marc1 i.Innate Pi Jj ia.

eaie to e toure

tliw Johnth U frigate, Andrew Huber

ai ,1b, C

illi intj ihi


it. nam-hand- s

ofdji-jiotni- Mutter riolrnj;?

, winch nomas Bern.tne to ... ,, i r. . ...... .1... u.









i.iiu.avu lu t'ee in Hi7!- -rToulon, ad that the fleet1 1 ot 1, orto carry them, , 1. attached a

lions on board tor six months. so large u .ne. . tit-tle of muit bejuati , impoiubk to bring

is lord Nelson u ,11 ,hu 0 , ,,10ferK upon thee. , ,nd e at.eivion of the

Of port unmoletted. conclu- - Ln a nee f id dion we by exertioi s 1 th. cj.nbat dletter Hates lo , t afloat. Aster the

K JZl ""-v"'- ""' agents tne CKcumltanceSRluirl m with anv information which notorious .,. ., .,., ,1 ..

relative of to Enolind nnrl wellr i ,, ot lour the Anciicans were


v ime was i,

commandedquainwdwithDi.T EgyPc

believesMo Kentucky, ln'taing,

information intoto thu ite


is t fileuce rnnrff n"him ap- - rercivpehenfivethatth; Benjamin'from


whi will atfcmpc(D10Cka,-,11igiquadro-

eltate. df--.,



.. iui tnepurpose merely

wflp rf ionsserious "" "



A . cui panvery ot


nueieft i










in a

it anII1C



o'conscription, in

of also 111

butthe e

12.Boulogne it is repeated,

embarkation of the taa

but as has

Yorke A Idintrtofi

the g at- -

or li i

no kingdom.


(in trtn

nre, Al











it agreeable Htukftep




compelled to hit render. It saidtint there wcit 35 pci To is, officers

men, on board the Fh ladelphiaIt thit the oiTceis werettcatedwith hunani", but the men

in andhn M who we.










Dispatches, ''nnourc.rg the above- -

mentioned untottunate eent, wereput on board a bound to Bostoncapt. Lombard, which from

upwards otWe undentand that Capt. Willi-

ams, who h'c ai lived at Gloucester,z days from Cadiz, is n 111s that the

o',i.ers of tlu Phil idelphia had thelioerty of the city on then parole, un-

der the Diotechon ot the Bntifli con-

lul : and thit commodore Prebblehad purehaled and eqiimped two vef--

lels to be emplued attempt toretake or ddtroy thv; lngate.

Washington City, Mai ch 21.Yeftcrday the following trom

he fiVti t was to the toConciefshy Mi. Harvie ,

partmenfs ol France, defenbe th.HV0 le and House of Represent a


refif-tinc- e











Cidiz dtys hnfie.


tuts of tbe Uttittfl itutes,

I slyrwHn.cate t0 ConTefs - 1 tteileteivcd from captain Brambndge. com- -

nanaetef the Philadelphia aie, 11

tortmn of 'he wieek th 1 tllon ths the coin: ot JmiioIi, md thit h m

elf, his officer', ard hive lien in-

to the hands ot the lpohtans. Ih s

. ceident rendejs expedient encrcaiet'ntf, and m luge onrexpenies 11

the M n bevund h ittthe list,iprt pnation f r nivnl centra

plated. I theitoit tinconsideration Connie's tuch addi-

tion that appropi latinn is they maythink the exigency rerui es.


All ner Lous are herebv forewarn.ld tiom taking anaflijinment Ol E, civ 1 nLu Jpnhvmprn .rtfitnr InhiiTliihTitiiplVii i a t r in e via. in i

toj ui iiaut , patu IUIU nOlC.





nyi"iv. m 1

1 k 11 ) M

s rH B.

h 1'u


tei S. ttFi m


111 of.. -- ....- ;.is

V -r


in1 is






it is


Wro. GreenLewis GorJen






Daniel L)leJohn

Charles and Wm



vij. aniuelnave






cum;ibn ,t

1 iteh u liu e

1) 1 niwJ 1 Brian1

tni ! ' n


John Bell

Jnies Crutthert


slVilliam1 1. oioei t

(.roin ellWilliam CoxJ Cjots

n ChandlerJames ( kfon

icob Crooth, andCai

amci Collyeriohn Clark

rerei iEumoaiianCramerLouis

DavisBenj. Davi

jacobESus. E.John Englifli

FSamuelWm. Foard

hflia Fiftier

willarid 01 Gray


j rjoin Gibson







Tho. Hopkins Joel Hitt'Ihonus Hill Richard Hiter

George HamiltonGeorge

ir i.:j. T.u.. .iidiuci 11JWR1115 je nuwiuns .

John Davidit

1 rlomans HowJrH


is h



private ai

ath 1 .....











'- -





111 m


ftUs ci

en 1,


it to


iccon-nien- toan


on atur ill









rialley Hilltnai

j -ofeph Herndon James Hemphill

Robert Hufton or Jonathan HolmesRobert Perry John W. HindeChnft. Heckman Sam. Himesohn Hardwith David Haibifon

Wm. Hayes. Ezek. HaydonPeter Hall Tohn Hamiltonrhos. Holloway





Peter January Js. B.Caty Jones Tohn TonesGrace Jonrs Arthur ItvinWilliam Jones Robert Juitt

Wm. Kelly Samuel KellyJames Kennedy George KitorJohn B. Kalb


Lowrey 2Sarah Lawsonfames Leonard


Mohn fr. 1 li.



MarySam. M'Dowell






Jacob LchreMias LaxghamAbner LegrandJohn Lowman

Alarlliall M'CIenahanJames Martin hnlesWJames Mornfon Robert M'Gimfe

John Bradford Kitty MiltonMornfon

Mitch-d- l


Rev. MooieMiles M'CowenMaria M.M'Calla

Morris MitchellCaleb M'Dowell John MotleyJohn Moore MadisonJan es M'Millan Robt. M'NittJacob M'Conothy John MlnnerBenj. Chas. MHchell

'hJoseph Newmeyer Thos Nitholfon

Thos. OckkreePcYiexanc'er 1'un-Villiu- m

Peacock Da-- 5

srd Payne LongheadRcger Patten William PnngleSamuel Aaifn PtalherHeiuy Payne Harriet Prei

nliam Potts Artl.jr t .

RcidJolin Rtelor 2 RobertsLIp RanfdaleBenjaiimi Riley

homas Reilly

ii am iiuuanu, a rfi-- 1- - w" -- j' ' ya ocott


ji 1





Itn ue

1' 1'


il 115

J le

f2 C h

1 h ' II




J es








tj it1111


Cortland Lambert

3 C

-- Ri


Sam. Mennet


vviin in -- neeg'e, caie of

du 2 v ,d 3

Pool2 Ms

V N. 1 aulII




utwn Licai j- -






Rev. mr. Ra"kin2David RobmfonDavid RolsTohn RiceWilli m RuffellMichael Kice

Jane Sheirard Robert Scott:T!i

Jlli s o

' rm



Ttdd n

.i 'ho 1 ifcn h

jeikph I hoi Ion i '

1 ev tullatUS I onip- -


Ca c

,1 ' on



' I 11 1. nJ.l -- h T'l lb V ll l 11 n llri

p i in is G. K. ! ii n ,l,iiiiu. Ii il nz Hc . David 1 ho-- 1

clrden 6 How- - masnd Pettr Tr'Per 2

Nathm G. Thd- - Hon. B. I lirullonnui, or Antho- - Hauh 1 a.lor

VEdward Violent Isaac xoorbieS

iWilliam Vtale Patrick VanceJales Vigus

Waleb Walhce

tsuitri-Jh- t

and VTott

pe"ccr WatLinsLrchd. Williamsindiew Valkcr

Margaret Woods 1' man'. Wainn aJohn Winn Rev. mr. WelfilJohn P. Wagnon Sufannah Wilhara-Ceor- ge

Webb soil 2,

iRabecca Worley William Wa'fonKobeit W1II011 William Waldroti

' Mary Watts Edw ard Westjlfaac W. Walk- - J. WilsonI era ohn WilliamsTfaac Wells 2 George W. Ward ?

Ychard Yates Geo. Youne, fen.

lEnglehart Yeifer David Young.JUriN JURJL)AJN,jr. P. M.

April 1, 1804.

Alex. Parker & Co.AVE jufl imported from Philadel-phia, and are now opening in the

new brick houte, on Main itreet, chreft- -ly opposite the court house, a very ve

and elegant aflortment of


Supeiflne and toarte broad cloths,Caffimeres Jc catinetts,Wide and narrow chintzes afforted,Cbarle and Sne muslins alfortcd,Satins, mantuas, lutettrings Sv crapes af-

forted,Men's and women's silk and cotton hose,A variety of silk and muslin fliuwU,Silk and muslin handkerchiefs, jfMerlailles quilting,Dimities and stuffs,4-- 1 and 8 Irish linens,Ruflia theetings, bed tickings Sc drillings,Kidd, morocco and tuft fl ppevs,Tue best M deira,Sheny, Port and Lon-

don particular wines,(ficnch biandy, Jamaica Ipirits & Ihrub,

I eis, loaf liigai, chocolate & coffee ofthe first quality,

Hard waie, qieen's, glass ard chinawares aiTorted,

Sheet copper, bar-iro- n, lickles and fythesot the first quality,

With almost eery othei article in demand'; which they will sell at the mostreduced pi ices tor cash.

Lexington, April 3, 1804.

virtue of a deer e of the circuitt)Yconn of Fayette, we the undersign-e- d

commiffioners, willexpofe to sale, torready cafli, on the 12th mft. at the courthoule door in Lexington, the followingtrats ot Land andpeilonal piopeity, or

Wo much thereof as will bt hifhcient to

latisfj a decree, made in thri.ia court,in savour of George 1 rotter and Alex-

ander Scott agaihll James Kincnd, iz.9,500 acres of land lying on Rock-castl- e,

in Madison county.271 acres, lying on th" waters of

Deep creek, a branch of Chaplain, inWaflungton county.

Also, 6t7 acres in Warning ton coun-

ty, be the tame more or less.

12 kettles and the appiratus theretobelonging' tor making fait petre, at Kin-caid- 's

rave, on the fii ft mentioned tratt.One negro man, fund'y horfs and

md all the household furniture be- -

lonin: to the said KinciidAndrew M'Calla,John Jordan, jrTLomat Wallace.


AduI 2d 1804. 2w

Harrison Circie't C01 rtFebiuar ten.i. if-- i


Jobn Alhfon, complainant, ', Against

Willamward, George v ,rd, Joseph am' ,B. Wards, defendants

i IN CHANCERY.I Ti,a!,P.iar'?S,t0Jthe lat"' awn ofth court

defendant, Willjam Wir,l,,snotan inhabitant of this state, and not hav'np en-tered hi a(3l,ear,ce herein, it is ordered th.the do appear here, on the timd day i the nextJune ten, at d enter hn ,pej, 0ce he,.,,, "imti to perform tl e (lerree et t ,.court, otl -- v ,re the coiii,1t 1, lrit s ill will ' etaken against Im for conleid n that tl isor.,er be publiflied in Come pub'ick i.ewlperin thisftalje, foi two months fucee(7ivel

Actpy. At ted,t VS. Moore, C. II. C. C.

Missing.NU ' Rot 1 j'b

j rolmes, ci'

f it 11 tintull ice 1 by

na; rg tiCeTc , di, I, .

tl en. ,l b tluuk- -

Jon. Bo' ies, AWr.March 24, ISO. 3W

Shunkhn lot tc rewii dtr c Mr. nine rT. O. T r. " -(li ill not pay it jfceond time. . mm. r .stroiner vv ea' tiers -- muh ,Letnr to tbs fitcj,'e cf JSttP-'and- , and

Jeremiah ftogerr.' Udv,(i button Willm bnnplon moie adverttseu.a 'j, rt Gaze ,cMarch 2- -, 84. v .CharLs "di nh 2 J h.i "spi ingcr ' L tra.