Kennismanagement 2.0

Enterprise 2.0 Knowledge Management A Revolution of Knowledge in Three Parts.

Transcript of Kennismanagement 2.0

Enterprise 2.0 Knowledge Management

A Revolution of Knowledge in Three Parts.


1. Sharing knowledge is always voluntary, no one can ever be forced.

2. We share knowledge when we have the right audience, that motivates us and creates the right context.

3. Social Software alone is not the solution to the old problems of knowledge management.

Is there a newknowledge management?

NOThere is no new knowledge


YESPeople are connected.

It is no longer about storing knowledge…

…but aboutknowledge

Just In Time.

That happens in formal networks…

…and even more with informal networks.

"Liberating knowledge", Snowden, D., Introductory Chapter, 1999, CBI Business Guide

*average ratio between formal and informal networks in businesses.

How can the boss connect the right people?

He doesn‘t.

We focus ondaily business.

Just like Brad.

Brad works in product development for a large supplier of the automotive industry.

Brad and his collegues need to quickly work up a small project.

WikiThey collect and prioritize requirements into a Wiki, …

+ Simple management of large stakeholder groups+ Transparent process of prioritization



Wiki…post status reports and minutes on the Blog, …

+ Content can be classified into multiple categories (tags)- easier to find.

+ Status reports are summarized automatically.

...communicate within the team via Microblog,...

+ International teams stay up to date.+ Spontaneous ideas, advice and comments will be

available to everyone.




… create and discuss contentin their Wiki, …

+ Content and discussion all in one place: less e-mail-traffic.

+ Easy intergration of other file formats (Excel, Visio, …) and simple export (PDF, Word).





… and remain up to date via RSS.

+ Transparency of the current state of processing.+ Less information flooding (e-mails).+ I decide what‘s important to me!






Brad ist excited about Social Software:

+ Improved team work and communication.

+ More transparency of the project progress.

+ Less e-mails and fewer meetings. + Projects become more efficient.

Word travels fast.

Social Software expands, …

EmployeesCustomers Partners

Project Management

Requirement Management

Process Management

Skill Management

Team Organization


Reputation and Communication

Ideas and Innovations

Learning and Change Management

…finds new domains…

…and calls for a new culture of openness:

Culture 1.0„Which information shall we make accessible?“

Culture 2.0„Which information has to be secured?“

Social Software is now also a part of Lisa‘s daily work-life.

She uses Wikis and Blogs for her projects. RSS keeps her updated

about project status. She is active on the Staff


… she finds…

In a discussion of…


… and Christie...

… and Bill.

And why is it working now?

Because our daily business creates context and audience automatically…

…and for this reason we are motivated to share knowledge.

To share knowledge, is a side effect of our work!

While we work we leave marks in the system…






…and Social Software makesthose marks completely transparent.

Social Software links content.


Social Software links content with people.


Social Software links people.


When Social Software is understood as a comprehensive plattform used in daily business…

…then out of a hierarchical viewpoint comes…

…complete transparency…

…over experts, topics and…

…(informal) networks.

Example: Network visualisationin a Confluence Enterprise Wiki

So the right people meet…

…and new ideas are developed together.

1. It is no longer about reading the best documents, but most of all finding the right contact person.

2. With Social Software we are able to build up and maintain networks and make them more transparent. However its successful implementation requires the right cultural, technological and organizational conditions.

3. This is where Web 2.0 ends and Enterprise 2.0 takes the spotlight: The right conditions have to be actively created.

How do I createan Enterprise 2.0?

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Frank Wolf, Christoph Rauhut, Simone Happ, Christopher Buschow, Katja Dräger, Christin BüttnerThanks to: Anne Glas, Holger Günzler, Dada Lin, Jana Frommhold, Ricarda Köckler