Kenmore Park Junior School Newsletter › docs › newsletters › 19_20 › 02... ·...

Diary Half Term— 17/02/2021/02/20 Contents Page 1 - PTA Valentines Disco Page 2- Coronavirus Info Page 3— PSHE Curriculum Parent Info Page 4— Year 5 River Study World Book Day Page 5— Joke of the Week Kenmore Park Junior School Newsletter Newsletter Date : 14-02-2020 Dear Parents/Carers, As half term approaches I cant believe that we are already past the half way mark for the school year. It seems to have flown by. I wish you a happy and peaceful half term holiday. Children will return to school on Monday 24th February. Please note that the school will then be closed for pupils on Friday 28th February for our parent / teacher consultation day. PTA Valentines Day Disco Yesterday the PTA held a very success- ful disco. The infant disco was held straight after school with the Juniors starting at 5:00pm. I cant say that there was a lot of dancing but there was lots of running around and pizza eating! The children all seemed to have a good time. Unfortunately this is the last disco that is happening as the PTA are closing after the summer fair. This is because not enough parents have come forward to volunteer to help. The PTA events do raise much needed cash for the school as well as providing a social forum for parents to meet each other. The money raised is spent on activi- ties or equipment that is used by both schools. If you would like to join the PTA and help out in future events please do leave your name in the school office. I just wanted to publicly thank a few people. Mr Ahmadi for DJing the evening, Miss Poultney and Mrs Savva from the Infant School for organising the event.

Transcript of Kenmore Park Junior School Newsletter › docs › newsletters › 19_20 › 02... ·...

Page 1: Kenmore Park Junior School Newsletter › docs › newsletters › 19_20 › 02... · 2020-02-25 · Diary Half Term— 17/02/20— 21/02/20 Contents Page 1 - PTA Valentines Disco


Half Term—17/02/20—21/02/20


Page 1 -

PTA Valentines Disco

Page 2-

Coronavirus Info

Page 3—

PSHE Curriculum

Parent Info

Page 4—

Year 5 River Study

World Book Day

Page 5—

Joke of the Week

Kenmore Park Junior School

Newsletter Newsletter Date :


Dear Parents/Carers, As half term approaches I can’t believe that we are already past the half way mark for the school year. It seems to have flown by. I wish you a happy and peaceful half term holiday. Children will return to school on Monday 24th February. Please note that the school will then be closed for pupils on Friday 28th February for our parent / teacher consultation day.

PTA Valentines Day Disco

Yesterday the PTA held a very success-ful disco. The infant disco was held straight after school with the Juniors starting at 5:00pm. I can’t say that there was a lot of dancing but there was lots of running around and pizza eating! The children all seemed to have a good time.

Unfortunately this is the last disco that is happening as the PTA are closing after the summer fair. This is because not enough parents have come forward to volunteer to help. The PTA events do raise much needed cash for the school as well as providing a social forum for parents to meet each other. The money raised is spent on activi-ties or equipment that is used by both schools. If you would like to join the PTA and help out in future events please do leave your name in the school office.

I just wanted to publicly thank a few people. Mr Ahmadi for DJ’ing the evening, Miss Poultney and Mrs Savva from the Infant School for organising the event.

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Page 2 Kenmore Park Junior School Newsletter

Quote of the


None of the girls would dance with me - Year 4


Car Safety

Please re-

member to

use the un-

official one

way system

at drop off

and pick up


School Website


Coronavirus You should have received a ParentMail yesterday about the Corona-virus. I have copied the letter below for any parents that missed the ParentMail. The main message at the moment is that there is no im-mediate danger and that parents and pupils should remain calm but vigilant. The school does get regular updates from both Harrow and Public Health England with advice and recommendations. We will pass these on to you when we receive them. The main thing that can help everyone is to make sure that your chil-dren follow basic hygiene rules: Washing hands after going to the toi-let and before eating, coughing or sneezing into a hankie and putting the used hankie in a bin etc. Copy of letter on ParentMail yesterday:

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Advice for parents/guardians

You should not be unduly worried about the possibility of your chil-dren catching the Coronavirus.

There is no reason why your children should not continue to attend their early years, school or further education setting as normal.

If you are intending to travel abroad this half term: We recognise that some families or children may be planning to travel abroad this half term to countries where there is a higher risk of transmission.

The affected countries are: China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Malay-sia, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand.

If so, please refer to for the latest travel advice.

Returning from abroad or visitors from abroad: Anyone travelling to UK from Wuhan or Hubei Province in the past 14 days should stay indoors and call NHS 111, even if they have no symp-toms.

Anyone who has travelled to the UK from the countries listed above in the last 14 days and is experiencing cough or fever or shortness of breath, should stay indoors and call NHS 111, even if symptoms are mild.

Public Health England has also issued general advice for members of the public

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What actions can everyone take:

A UK wide campaign has been launched to provide clear advice on how to slow the spread of Coronavirus.

Please help to support the campaign which promotes basic hygiene practices to stem the spread of viruses: these include regularly washing hands with soap and water and always sneezing or coughing into a tissue and then disposing of it.

Further information is available from which is updated regularly.

Carole Furlong

Director of Public Health

PSHE Curriculum

Both the infants and the Junior schools are working on developing our PSHE curriculums in line with proposed Government changes from September 2020. To help inform this process and to get par-ents ideas and opinions we are holding a series of coffee mornings / afternoons to meet with parents. Please find an advert below for the next meeting on Monday 2nd March.

Calling all Infants and Junior school par-

ents and Carers!

Would you like to find out more about Personal, Social, Health education (PSHE)? Do you have questions about what your child is learning? Please come along to our coffee afternoon on Monday 2nd March at 2pm in the Junior hall. You will have the opportunity to see what we teach the children and we can answer any questions you have. Houria and Anna our parent ambassadors will be present. They can help with the translation needs of our Arabic and Romanian parents To discuss this further please speak to Miss Mason. We are looking forward to seeing you.

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Year 5 River Study On Monday and Tuesday Year 5 pupils went to Cas-siobury Park in Watford to complete a River study which ties in with their classroom learning on the topic of Rivers. I was fortunate enough to accompa-ny 5NR on the trip. As normal our pupils were perfectly behaved even though we had to wait for quite a while to get a Metropolitan train to Watford. There were two activities that the children did at the park - one being a river study and finding out the difference between a river and a canal, an an orienteering exercise. The children were able to measure how to find out a cross section of a river using tape measures and poles as well as discovering how to measure the speed of a river. Does all the water move at the same speed?? On top of that, the class I was with found out two very important life lessons:-

1. If you have short wellington boots then it is best to stick to the edges of the river. 2. It is difficult to walk in wellington boots that have water in them

Also my group also found out that when you are doing orienteering it is normally a good idea to look at the map before charging off. Even though it was cold - the children really had a good day.

Word Book Day This is an advance warning that we will be cele-brating World Book Day on Thursday 5th March. This leaves ample time to organise your child’s costume!!! We will be celebrating with a range of interest-ing activities. However, here is something that you can do with your child over the half term hol-iday. I would like a picture of your child reading a book in the most interesting place that you can think of - e.g on a bus, at the market, on top of a mountain - be as inventive as you can!

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Joke of the Week Why did the orange stop half way up the hill. He ran out of juice.