
STUDENT REPORT CARD FIRST SEMESTER Name: KENICHI MIYAGI  Grade: 7 Subject : MUSIC  Level of Achievement  Criterion A : Knowledge and Understanding (Max. 8) The student is able to demonstrate an awareness of the art form studied in relation to some of the contexts that influence their current work. The student is able to use some basic language, and have a simple understanding of some of the concepts and processes that support their current work. The student is able to express an opinion of the art form studied in the context of their own work. き、 分達 の作品を裏付ける概念とプロセス を理解でき る。自分 の作品を通 して、芸術 様式に対 する自分の 意見を表す こと 5 Criterion B : Application (Max. 10) The student is able to use ideas and artistic conventions to create, perform and/or present art. The student is able to learn skills and develop the techniques and processes needed to create, perform and/or present art, with the teacher’s guidance. アイデアや芸術的規則を、芸術活 動を行い見せるために使用すること ができる。教師の指導のもとに技術を 身につけ、その スキルを向上させ、芸術を作り上げそれを見せることができる。 8 Criterion C : Reflection and Evaluation (Max. 8) The student describes the progress they have made far and identify areas that have been particularly easy or challenging. The student identifies strengths and weaknesses in their work. The student receives feedback constructively. 評価基準C:反省と評価(最高点8) これまでの上達と比較的に簡単にこなすことができた点、また逆に難しか った点を自ら認識することができる。自分たちの作品における強みと弱み を認識することができる。建設的なフィードバックを受け取れたかどうか 4 Criterion D : Personal Engagement (Max. 8) The student shows commitment in using artistic processes, demonstrates curiosity, self – motivation, initiative and a willingness to take informed. The student support, encourage and work with their peers in a positive way. The student recognizes that art practices and artworks vary from culture to culture. D: 8 芸術活動を通して、自分が興味あること、動機そして自発性そしてやる気 を表現することがきちんとできる。クラスメイトとお互いにいい影響を与 えながら作業ができる。芸術的実践と芸術作品は文化によって異なること 7 Total  24

Transcript of Kenichi

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Name: KENICHI MIYAGI   Grade: 7

Subject : MUSIC  Level of 

Achievement Criterion A : Knowledge and Understanding (Max. 8)The student is able to demonstrate an awareness of the art form studied inrelation to some of the contexts that influence their current work. Thestudent is able to use some basic language, and have a simpleunderstanding of some of the concepts and processes that support their current work. The student is able to express an opinion of the art formstudied in the context of their own work.                 





Criterion B : Application (Max. 10)The student is able to use ideas and artistic conventions to create, performand/or present art. The student is able to learn skills and develop thetechniques and processes needed to create, perform and/or present art,with the teacher’s guidance.アイデアや芸術的規則を、芸術活動を行い見せるために使用することができる。教師の指導のもとに技術を身につけ、そのスキルを向上させ、芸術を作り上げそれを見せることができる。


Criterion C : Reflection and Evaluation (Max. 8)The student describes the progress they have made far and identify areasthat have been particularly easy or challenging. The student identifiesstrengths and weaknesses in their work. The student receives feedback



Criterion D : Personal Engagement (Max. 8)The student shows commitment in using artistic processes, demonstratescuriosity, self – motivation, initiative and a willingness to take informed. Thestudent support, encourage and work with their peers in a positive way.The student recognizes that art practices and artworks vary from culture toculture.

     D:           8 芸術活動を通して、自分が興味あること、動機そして自発性そしてやる気を表現することがきちんとできる。クラスメイトとお互いにいい影響を与えながら作業ができる。芸術的実践と芸術作品は文化によって異なること             




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MYP Grade Descriptor: 

 A consistent and thorough understanding of the required knowledgeand skills, and the ability to apply them in a wide variety of situations. Consistent evidence of  analysis, synthesis andevaluation is shown where appropriate. The student generallydemonstrates originality and insight. 



Areas for improvement/teacher’s comment:

努力してほしい点 (先生のコメント)

In order to achieve further success, attention should be given to the following:


I'd like for KENICHI to continue to use his English language skills more actively.

 Also, KENICHI should continue to challenge both instrumental performance, and vocal skills.

The strengths demonstrated by KENICHI were the following:

KENICHI さんの優れたところ。

He works well with his classmates and gets along with others.

He is willing to challenge new things, and it willing to be a risk-taker.

MYP Grade Descriptor 

Grade 1   Minimal achievement in terms of the objectives.


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2   Very limited achievement against all the objectives. The student hasdifficulty in understanding the required knowledge and skills and is unableto apply them fully in normal situations, even with support. すべての目的に対して非常に限られた成果を出せた。学習において必要な知識とスキルを理解するのが難しく、サポートがある場合でも、完全にそれらを適用することが通常できない。

3   Limited achievement against most of the objectives, or clear difficulties in some areas. The student demonstrates a limitedunderstanding of the required knowledge and skills and is only able toapply them fully in normal situations with support. ほとんどの目標に対して、限られた理解しかすることができず、学習の一部を理解な知識とスキルを一部しか理解することができず、サポートがある状況においてのみ、その知識等を適用することができる。

4     A good general understanding of the required knowledge and skills,and the ability to apply them effectively in normal situations. There is

occasional evidence of the skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.  

               およ スキルを全体的によく理解し それらの知識等を通常 効果的に適用することができる  分析、統合および評価するスキルがあることを時折成果を通してみることができる。

5     A consistent and thorough understanding of the requiredknowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them in a variety of situations. The student generally shows evidence of analysis, synthesisand evaluation where appropriate and occasionally demonstratesoriginality and insight. 学習において必要な知識及びスキルを常に完全に理解し、様々な状況に応


6     A consistent and thorough understanding of the required knowledgeand skills, and the ability to apply them in a wide variety of situations.Consistent evidence of  analysis, synthesis and evaluation is shownwhere appropriate. The student generally demonstrates originality andinsight. 



7     A consistent and thorough understanding of the required knowledgeand skills, and the ability to apply them almost faultlessly in a widevariety of situations. Consistent evidence of analysis, synthesis andevaluation is shown where appropriate. The student consistentlydemonstrates originality and insight and always produces work of highquality. 

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