Kelompok Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells

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Transcript of Kelompok Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells

  • 7/23/2019 Kelompok Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells



    OWBWH ?




    Mghf Qjda( Ejry Jdd [wgfnjrt( Ocmd J$ Rurdgr/

    Djtfcdjh Pgdgwj`hg Gdgray Hj`crjtcry( :9:1 Kchg @hvb$( Achbgd( KC =

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    [tjfdhgss stggh sg`jajf `jmjd hgepgda `fpchjr udtun pchfegr ghgntrchft ege`rjd sgh

    `jmjd `jnjr

    Mghf Qjda( Ejry Jdd [wgfnjrt( Ocmd J$ Rurdgr/

    Djtfcdjh Pgdgwj`hg Gdgray Hj`crjtcry( :9:1 Kchg @hvb$( Achbgd( KC =

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    jbjhjm ncepcdgd euhtf%iudasfcdjh bjhje tuepunjd \GEIK$ Fdf egdygbfjnjd

    ncdgntfvftjs hfstrfn bjrf sgh ng sgh( bjd egefsjmnjd ajs rgjntfi $ Bf sfsf jdcbj sfsf

    hgepgda( ajs mfbrcagd bfncdsuesf udtun egdamjsfhnjd ghgntrcd bjd prctcd( sgpgrtf

    pjbj pgrsjejjd$ -:&$ Ghgntrcd bfnuepuhnjd chgm jdcbj bjd prctcd egejsunf ghgntrchft

    -cnsfbjsf mfbrcagd&$ Bf sfsf hjfd sfsf hgepgda( yjftu bf sfsf njtcbj( ajs cnsfagd

    egdaaj`udanjd ghgntrcd bjrf njtcbj bjd prctcd bjrf ghgntrchft udtun egdamjsfhnjd jfr

    -pgdaurjdajd cnsfagd&( sgpgrtf pjbj \grsjejjd$ -0&?

    0M0 2M. . 2g% -:&

    C0 . 2M. . 2g% 0M0C -0&

    Hgepgda `fpchjr mjrus stj`fh bjhje ghgntrfn( egnjdfs bjd nfefjwf( tgr`ujt bjrf

    `jmjd pgregj`fhftjs yjda rgdbjm( tjmjd ncrcsf( egeudanfdnjd bfstrf`usf ajs rgjntjd

    yjda sgrjaje bjd pgdamfhjdajd prcbun( egdojbf eurjm bjd ejepu egdojbf eubjm

    egsfd jtju `gr`gdtun$ Wdtun ngpgrhujd trjdspcrtjsf( vchueg yjda rfdajd bjd rgdbjm

    mjrus ouaj bfpgrtfe`jdanjd$ Ruepunjd sgh `jmjd `jnjr jwjh egdaaudjnjd egsfd

    arjift sg`jajf hgepgda `fpchjr$ @fjyj tfdaaf arjift bjd ng`utumjd udtun egsfd `fbjda

    jhfrjd sgrtj ngrjpumjd yjda egrupjnjd ngsuhftjd tgr`gsjr bjhje egdaaudjnjd arjift

    udtun pjsjr snjhj `gsjr$ Chgm njrgdj ftu( `jmjd jhtgrdjtfi udtun hgepgda `fpchjr tghjm

    bfsghfbfnf( tgrejsun pgdaaudjjd `jmjd ncepcsft njr`cd( hcaje bgdajd hjpfsjd tfpfs(

    pjbujd `gr`jsfs Ig bjd stjfdhgss stggh$ Bgdajd oghjs( hgepgda stjfdhgss stggh sjdajt nujt

    njrgdj ngnujtjd yjda rghjtfi tfdaaf( stj`fhftjs nfefj tfdaaf( `gr`jajf pfhfmjd( ngeubjmjd

    prcbunsf ejssjh bjd eurjm$ Ngpjbjtjd tfdaaf bjpjt bfnurjdaf bgdajd egdaaudjnjd

    hge`jrjd tfpfs$ [ghjfd ftu( udtun egdamfhjdanjd `fjyj tgrejsun egbjd jhfrjd pjbj

    hcaje( hjyjr stjfdhgss stggh tghjm bfusuhnjd$

    Ngruafjd pctgdsfjh udtun stjfdhgss stggh jbjhjm ngtfbjnstj`fhjd nfefj bjhje

    hfdanudajd sgh `jmjd `jnjr( tgrutjej ngtfnj ncdtjn hjdasuda bgdajd ege`rjd pchfegr

    ghgntrchft jsje$ \rcbun ncrcsf hgepgda `fpchjr `fsj egrjkudf njtjhfs bjd egdurudnjd

    gifsfgdsf sgh$ Ojbf( tfdanjt pgdkgejrjd bf hfdanudajd sgh `jmjd `jnjr bjrf stjfdhgss stggh

    tgrtgdtu mjrus bfpgrtfe`jdanjd bjhje pgefhfmjd ejtgrfjh udtun hgepgda `fpchjr$ Mjh

    hjfd yjda egdojbf pgrmjtfjd jbjhjm ifhe cnsfbj jhjef pjbj pgreunjjd stjfdhgss stggh$

    Qjhjupud ifhe fdf jnjd eghfdbudaf pgreunjjd `jmjd ejssjh bjrf ncrcsf hg`fm hjdout(

    sgkjrj sfadfifnjd jnjd egepgdajrumf rgsfstjdsf ncdtjn jdtjrj hgepgda `fpchjr bjd

    bunudajd ghgntrcbj$ [ghjfd ftu( bjhje hfdanudajd sgh `jmjd `jnjr( jbjhjm eudanfd

    `jmwj sghjput pgreunjjd tgr`gdtun bf ubjrj eudanfd tfbjn eghfdbudaf su`strjt ejssjh

    bjd ngeubfjd hgepgda stjfdhgss stggh `fpchjr bjpjt egdajhjef ncrcsf hg`fm hjdout$ Ofnj

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    ifhe ncrcsf egdagdtjh bjrf wjntu ng wjntu( rgsfstjdsf ncdtjn ouaj jnjd egdfdanjt bjrf

    wjntu ng wjntu$ Njdbfbjt stjfdhgss stggh tghjm bfuof bjd bfaudjnjd sg`jajf hgepgda

    `fpchjr bjd ftu bftgdtunjd `jmwj hjou ncrcsf rgdbjm$ Mjsfh tgs egdudounnjd prcbunsf sgh

    stj`fh sghjej rf`ujd oje$ Mjh fdf egdudounnjd `jmwj hjpfsjd pjsfi pjbj `g`grjpj

    stjfdhgss stggh tfbjn jnjd egdg`jh( njhju tfbjn jnjd jbj ngruafjd pgdfdanjtjd cutput

    bjrf sgh `jmjd `jnjr bjrf wjntu ng wjntu$

    Nrftgrfj sghgnsf udtun njdbfbjt stjfdhgss tgrsg`ut tgrutjej Kr( Ec bjd D sgsujf

    bgdajd ncdtgd rgsfstjdsf sgtjrj pfttfda$ [tjfdhgss stggh? ;:9H( ;:

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    Egdurut pgdghftfjd sg`ghuedyj bf hjpjdajd( :E M0[C2 . 0 ppe I % tgrpfhfm

    sg`jajf schusf bjhje stubf$ Jsje suhijt bfpfhfm njrgdj sghjput prj%pgrjwjtjd bjhje

    jsje suhijt$ Ncdsgdtrjsf tfdaaf -: E& sfeuhjsf ncdtjn hjdasuda bjrf pghjpfs `fpchjr

    bgdajd pchfegr ghgntrchft sjdajt jsje$ Fcd ihucrfbg pjbj tfdanjt ppe bfpfhfm

    `grbjsjrnjd jdjhfsfs jfr bjrf sfstge \GEIK$ Bgdajd bgefnfjd( schusf yjda bfpfhfm

    bjhje pgdghftfjd fdf bfwjnfhf hfdanudajd yjda jargsfi udtun wjntu uof rghjtfi sfdanjt$

    Njrgdj hgepgda `fpchjr pjbj \GEIKs jnjd tgrngdj ajs mfbrcagd bf sjtu sfsf bjd ubjrj

    # cnsfagd bf sfsf hjfd( hjrutjd egdaaghge`uda egdyghurum `jfn bgdajd ajs mfbrcagd

    -sfeuhjsf \GEIK jdcbj hfdanudajd& jtju bgdajd tgnjdjd ubjrj -sfeuhjsf \GEIK

    hfdanudajd njtcbj& sg`ghue jtju sghjej pgdaunurjd$ Wdtun egdsfeuhjsfnjd ncdbfsf

    cpgrjsf \GEIKs( sgeuj pgrkc`jjd ghgntrcnfefj bfhjnunjd pjbj 1< K$

    [g`ujm sfstge tfaj ghgntrcbj ncdvgdsfcdjh bfaudjnjd bjhje pgdaunurjd

    ghgntrcnfefj( bf ejdj hge`jrjd phjtfdue `grtfdbjn sg`jajf ghgntrcbj kcudtgr( sg`ujm

    ghgntrcbj njhcegh ogdum -[KG& sg`jajf ghgntrcbj rgigrgdsf bjd sjepgh stjfdhgss stggh

    sg`jajf ghgntrcbj ngroj$ [geuj pctgdsf bfsg`ut [KG ngkujhf bfdyjtjnjd nmusus$ [g`ujm

    [chjrtrcd :0=1 pctgdsfcstjt bfngdbjhfnjd chgm nceputgr yjda bfaudjnjd udtun

    eghjnunjd pgrkc`jjd ghgntrcnfefj$ Wdtun pgdaunurjd vchtjegtrf hfdfgr( sjepgh yjda

    stj`fh bjhje hjrutjd bf rjdanjfjd tgr`unj sghjej 7 egdft ngeubfjd skjd bfeuhjf bjrf

    pctgdsf rjdanjfjd tgr`unj bjhje jrjm jdcbfn$ Rfdanjt pgefdbjfjd : eY#s tgrpfhfm$

    Rj`gh :

    Ncepcsfsf nfefj stjfdhgss stggh

    Ejtgrfjh ;:9 H ;:1 H 6

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    bjd nurvj jrus%wjntu bfkjtjt$ Buj pctgdsf yjda bfpfhfm udtun tgs? %

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    Wdtun egdacrgnsf rgsfstjdsf ncdtjn jdtjreunj jdtjrj hgepgda tge`jaj bjd ngrtjs

    njr`cd -PK jtju Ku&( njhf`rjsf bf`ujt bf ejdj mjdyj sjtu hjpfsjd ngrtjs njr`cd tgrogpft

    bf jdtjrj buj hgepgda tge`jaj$ Mjh fdf egdyg`j`njd buj ngrtjs jtju tge`jaj

    jdtjreunj hgepgda njr`cd bjd bjpjt bfaudjnjd udtun egdacrgnsf tjmjdjd tctjh bfunur$

    [gtghjm ncrgnsf fdf( egdaurjdaf sgpjrum mjsfhdyj ege`grfnjd rgsfstjdsf ncdtjn

    jdtjreunj udtun ngrtjs njr`cd jtju stjfdhgss stggh -PK jtju [[& jdtjreunj -bgdajd

    jsuesf pgreunjjd yjda mcecagd&$

    [tjfdhgss stggh yjda `gr`gbj bfpchgs bgdajd + 9

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    sgbfnft tgrpgdajrum chgm njdbudajd Kr$ Mjh fdf egdudounnjd `jmwj ifhe pjsfi udtun

    nggepjt `joj jbjhjm yjda pjhfda sjej sfijtdyj

    Aje`jr$ 0 egdudounnjd mjsfh ngtfnj hjrutjd egdygprctf bgdajd ajs mfbrcagd

    udtun egdsfeuhjsfnjd hfdanudajd jdcbj \GEIK$ [g`ujm jrus nrftfs yjda sjdajt tfdaaf

    tghjm tgrbjitjr udtun ;:9H$ [gnjhf hjaf jrus nrftfs egdurud sgkjrj tjoje bgdajd

    egdfdanjtdyj njbjr Kr bjhje kjepurjd hcaje -hfmjt fdsgt&$ Kr ncdtgd yjda hg`fm tfdaaf

    ege`ujt pjsfvjsf hg`fm eubjm$ \ctgdsf jdcbj bf `jwjm ncdbfsf cpgrjsf \GEIK( yjftu

    sgnftjr %

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    Aje`jr$ ; \grfhjnu jdcbfn bjrf `joj tjmjd njrjt bjhje ncdsgdtrjsf : E M0[C2 .

    0 ppe I pjbj 1

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    hfdanudajd njtcbj udtun Jphfnjsf \GEIK( `jmjd `grjbj bf urutjd ;26RE4 6

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    Aje`jr$ 2$ Pgsfstgdsf ncdtjn jdtjreunj udtun `joj tjmjd njrjt yjda gr`gbj

    bjd ngrtjs njr`cd pjbj ngnujtjd pgejbjtjd yjda `gr`gbj$ Arjifn egdudounnjd

    ncdtjn jdtjreunj rgsfstgdsf udtun joj yjda gr`gbj pjbj ngnujtjd pgejbjtjd

    :2< D#ke0


    \jbj Aje`jr$ 2 egdudounnjd hg`fm oghjs jdtjreunj mu`udaf rgsfstgdsf udtun

    `joj yjda `gr`gbj pjbj ngnujtjd pgejbjtjd :2< D#ke0$ \jbj sjjt sgpgrtf ngnujtjd

    pgejbjtjd( ncdtjn jdtjreunj rgsfstgdsf bjrf urutjd :

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    Bjhje tgs( sjtu sfsf sjepgh prj%pgrjwjtjd bjhje hjrutjd bjd sfsf fdf bftutupf bgdajd

    hjpfsjd pjsfi yjda bf`gdtun `grbjsjrnjd ncdbfsf pctgdsfcstjtfn$ @jafjd `ghjnjda sjepgh

    mjdyj bftutupf bgdajd ifhe dcrejh pgreunjjd tgr`gdtun bf ubjrj$ Fdf mjrus

    egdyg`utnjd `jmwj Aje`jr$ 7 phct rgsfstjdsf ncdtjn tctjh buj ncepcdgd? jdtjreunj

    ngrtjs njr`cd # stjfdhgss `joj bgdajd ifhe yjda tgr`gdtun bf ubjrj -PK # [[& bjd

    jdtjreunj ngrtjs njr`cd # hjpfsjd pjsfi prgtrgjtegdt bjhje hjrutjd -PK # \I&$ \jbj

    ueuedyj( tctjh rgsfstjdsf ncdtjn jdtjreunj udtun ;26RE egdfdanjt bgdajd

    egdfdanjtdyj wjntu bjhje hfdanudajd njtcbfn$ \grfhjnu sgrupj tghjm tgrhfmjt udtun

    ;:9H bjd ;:

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    Aje`jr$ 7$ \gdajrum wjntu prgtrgjtegdt pjbj rgsfstjdsf ncdtjn pgreunjjd

    jdtjrj hjpfsjd pjsfi bjd ngrtjs njr`cd$ Arjifn egdudounnjd gign fdf pjbj

    ngnujtjd pgejbjtjd :2< D#ke0$

    Ifhe tfpfs yjda tgr`gdtun bf ubjrj eudanfd tfbjn eghfdbudaf su`strjt bjrf ncrcsf

    hg`fm hjdout$ Ojbf( pjbj pgdgrjpjd jdcbfn pctgdsfjh hjpfsjd pjsfi jnjd egdage`jdanjd

    bjd egdg`jh$ Ngtfnj ifhe pjsfi kunup tg`jh( hg fm hjdout cnsfbjsf su`strjt bf hcnfr

    sgmfdaaj ngtg`jhjd hjpfsjd pjsfi bfpgrnfrjnjd jnjd tgtjp ncdstjd$ Chgm njrgdj ftu( nftj

    jnjd egefhfnf rgsfstjdsf ncdtjn sgpgrtf yjda bftudounnjd bjhje Aje`jr$ 7$ \jbj

    Aje`jr$ 7 ouaj ege`grfnjd ncdtjn jdtjreunj rgsfstgdsf udtun sjepgh bfrjwjt bf ajs

    mfbrcagd bf`grsfmnjd schusf$ Mjsfh sgrupj udtun rgsfstjdsf ncdtjn jdtjreunj egdbunuda

    sjrjd `jmwj hjpfsjd pjsfi yjda tgr`gdtun bf sgtgdajm oje pgrtjej pgdac`jtjdegdgdtunjd rgsfstjdsf ncdtjn jdtjreunj$ \grfhjnu fdf `grejdijjt `jaf prjntfsf cpgrjsf

    \GEIK( njrgdj sgtghjm pge`gdtunjd ifhe jwjh( ngtg`jhjd hjpfsjd pjsfi tfbjn mjrus

    egdfdanjt sgkjrj sfadfifnjd$ \grhu bfsg`utnjd `jmwj sgeuj ncdtjn jdtjreunj

    rgsfstgdsf bfunur bgdajd sjepgh ngrfda$ Bjhje prjntfs sftujsf bf ejdj jfr yjda

    bfmjsfhnjd bjhje \GEIK bjd ege`rjd `jsjm( rgsfstjdsf ncdtjn jdtjreunj mjrus


    ;$;$ \gdaunurjd pctgdsfcstjtfn udtun ;26REPgjnsf jdcbj bjhje \GEIK cnsfbjsf mfbrcagd$ Ojbf( pgrmjtfjd utjej udtun

    `jmjd bjhje hfdanudajd fdf jnjd egdojbf pgrfhjnu ngtjmjdjd ncrcsf bjd stj`fhftjs

    Ifhe$ Njrgdj pctgdsf cpgrjsf jdcbj sgnftjr pjbj

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    tgr`unj -Aje`jr 0& udtun ;26RE bjhje : E M0[C2 0 ppe I pjbj 1

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    stj`fh sghjej pgdauofjd( egdudounnjd `jmwj ifhe pjsfi bfpgrtjmjdnjd stj`fhftjs sjdajt


    Aje`jr$ 1$ Jrus trjdsfgd bjd jnueuhjsf `fjyj bjrf stjfdhgss stggh ;26RE pjbj

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    pgrojdofjd `jfn bgdajd pgdaunurjd rgsfstjdsf ncdtjn jdtjreunj -Aje`jr 7&$

    Ege`jdbfdanjd fdsgts bjrf Aje`jr$ 7%1( nftj bjpjt egdyfepuhnjd `jmwj hjpfsjd pjsfi

    yjda tgr`gdtun bf :7%0< egdft pgrtjej pjbj pctgdsfjh jdcbfn egdgdtunjd rgsfstjdsf

    ncdtjn jdtjreunj bjrf ngrtjs njr`cd # pjsfi Ifhe jdtjreunj$ [ghjfd ftu( prcsgs pjsfvjsf

    bgdajd ubjrj purag tgrojbf hg`fm kgpjt bjrf ftu bgdajd pge`grsfmjd ajs mfbrcagd$

    Egdurut mjsfh bf jtjs( ;26RE tjepjndyj egdojbf stjfdhgss stggh njdbfbjt

    tgr`jfn bf jdtjrj crjda%crjda yjda `ghjojr udtun jphfnjsf pghjt `fpchjr \GEIK$ Chgm

    njrgdj ftu( Ruepunjd \GEIK bgdajd pghjt `fpchjr tgrsg`ut sgnjrjda bf `jwjm

    ncdstrunsf bf hj`crjtcrfue fdf bjd ejtgrf jnjd bfsghfbfnf bf `jwjm ncdbfsf cpgrjsf dyjtj$

    uof hjdout Mjsfhdyj jnjd bfhjpcrnjd$

    2$ Ngsfepuhjd

    @joj tjmjd njrjt yjda `gr`gbj tghjm bfsghfbfnf bjhje ncdsgdtrjsf : E M0[C2 . 0

    ppe I pjbj 1