KEIM silicate paints unique by more than 125 years Yr...KEIM silicate paints unique by more than 125...

… ecological, economical, social KEIM silicate paints unique by more than 125 years

Transcript of KEIM silicate paints unique by more than 125 years Yr...KEIM silicate paints unique by more than 125...

Page 1: KEIM silicate paints unique by more than 125 years Yr...KEIM silicate paints unique by more than 125 years. Pictures above: King Ludwig I & ... invention - a liquid silicate paint

… ecological,economical, social

KEIM silicate paints unique by more than 125 years

Page 2: KEIM silicate paints unique by more than 125 years Yr...KEIM silicate paints unique by more than 125 years. Pictures above: King Ludwig I & ... invention - a liquid silicate paint

Pictures above:King Ludwig I &Johann Wolfgangvon Goethe.

Picture below:A.W. Keim, Inventorof Mineral Paints


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KEIM mineral paints are a Bavarianinvention with their roots deep in theregion's heritage. They are synonymouswith the technical refinement and highquality also found in other products originating from this area of alps, kingsand castles. The scientist Adolf WilhelmKeim successfully combined water glass(potassium silicate solution) with inorganic mineral pigments to produce a paint that both penetrates and chemically bonds with the mineral substrate onto which it is applied. KEIMpaints become an integral part of thesurface, whereas organic paints merelyform a skin on the surface. This high quality silicate paint system offers performance, durability, protection andcolor-fastness that is not surpassed.Buildings coated with KEIM paints in the19th century are still in excellent condi-tion today. Amongst such examples arethe "White Eagle" inn, Stein am Rheinand the City Hall, Schwyz, both of which

are in Switzerland and were decoratedin 1891, together with facades in Oslo(1895) and in Traunstein, Germany(1891). Potassium silicate has been known sincethe Middle Ages, when it was termedLiquor Silicium, but was not exploitedbecause of a lack of production knowhow and end uses. Then in 1768 JohannWolfgang von Goethe, the prolificGerman poet, playwright and scholar,commented upon his own experiments,"what most occupied my spirit for a longwhile was the so called Liquor Siliciumwhich is obtained if pure quartz sand ismelted with an adequate proportion ofalkali, giving rise to a transparent glasswhich melts in air yielding a beautifulclear liquid...".

However Goethe was unable to translate his thoughts into any practical uses. The catalyst for Adolf Keim's

The Bavarian King asinnovation leader

Water glass (potassium silicate

solution) makes the colors!

The history of a pioneering idea

Picture right above:House inWalenstadt/Switzerland, decorated withKEIM mineral paints


Page 4: KEIM silicate paints unique by more than 125 years Yr...KEIM silicate paints unique by more than 125 years. Pictures above: King Ludwig I & ... invention - a liquid silicate paint

A permanent bondbetween color and


Picture left:advertising from thebeginning of the20th century

Picture right:Town Hall inSchwyz with the original paintingfrom 1891

development work was King Ludwig I ofBavaria. This monarch had a great passion for the arts. He longed to havethe fine Italian lime fresco work in hisown kingdom but the harsh climate northof the Alps destroyed such frescos withina short time. He thus appealed toBavarian scientists to develop a paintthat was of similar appearance to limefrescos but also had much greater durability.

The unique solution to these requirements was embodied in Keim'sinvention - a liquid silicate paint thatbecomes a part of the surface to whichit is applied and binds the color pigment into it as well. KEIM's classicmineral paint enabled him to build hisposition as the leading manufacturer ofmineral paints for the decoration of facades through research-based improvements to product characteristicsand a thorough knowledge of the vario-us substrates for the paints.


Page 5: KEIM silicate paints unique by more than 125 years Yr...KEIM silicate paints unique by more than 125 years. Pictures above: King Ludwig I & ... invention - a liquid silicate paint

Some 125 years ago, KEIMdeveloped the first practical silicate paint. It consists of a powder component with mineralcoloring pigments and extendersand a liquid component, the bin-der potassium water glass. According to German standardDIN 18363, 2.4.1, "silicatepaints" are accordingly formula-ted in two components and contain no organic constituents.They can only be used on solid,absorbent, mineral renders.

1962 saw the introduction of the"silicate emulsion paint", thesecond generation silicate paint.Its advantage resides in its single-component formulation,which makes it considerablyeasier to handle and increasesreliability of application. Silicateemulsion paints are also covered by a standard as an independent product categoryand, according to German standard DIN 18363, may contain at most 5% of organicconstituents (dispersion and additives).

In 2002, what is now the thirdgeneration of silicate paints revo-lutionised the exterior wall coatings market: the "sol-silicatepaint" is based on an entirelynew binder concept and soopens up whole new areas to silicate paints. The sol/silicatebinder, a stabilised combinationof silica sol and water glass,bonds with mineral substrates bysilicification, but additionallydevelops strong adhesive forceswhich ensure a firm attachmentto coatings based on organicresin binders, so allowing application to virtually any common substrate. Having anorganic content of below 5%, thesol-silicate paint also satisfies therequirements of DIN 18363 for"silicate emulsion paints".


1878 – the first generation:

KEIM Purkristalat

1962 – the secondgeneration:

KEIM Granital

2002 – the third generation:

KEIM Soldalit





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Outstanding characteristics and advantages of KEIM´s silicate technology

Natural ingredientsRohstoffe sind

Selected raw materials underlie the unique quality of KEIM's silicate paints:the ideal combination of liquid potassium silicate as binder, naturallyoccurring mineral extenders and inorganic coloring pigments ensuremaximum weathering resistance andunsurpassed durability.

„Silicification“, an inspired concept

Silicate systems are based on the silicification of the binder with the substrate. A strong, permanent bond iscreated between the paint and theunderlying substrate (render, naturalstone, concrete etc.). The render cross-section reveals the silicification process using colored KEIM Fixativ(liquid potassium silicate).


KEIM silicate paints have an unequalleddurability – numerous buildings worldwide provide proof for more thanhundred years due to KEIM’s unique properties: Potassium silicate as a binderis highly resistant to weathering, the mineral fillers are perfectly combinedand the chemical bond with the substra-te is extremely durable.

KEIM silicate paints don’t flake, the binder does not disintegrate by UV-light.They are ideal for structural soundness,and moreover, absolutely resistant toacid gases (acid rain) and industrial pollution. The durability of KEIM silicatepaints is unequalled still today.

The enlarged render cross section showsthe so called “silicification zone” belowthe paint layer. The binding agent (potassium silicate)petrifies with the substrate and creates apermanent, unsoluble bonding.

Photograph:House in Walenstadt, 1890


Page 7: KEIM silicate paints unique by more than 125 years Yr...KEIM silicate paints unique by more than 125 years. Pictures above: King Ludwig I & ... invention - a liquid silicate paint

Moisture balance

From the standpoint of building physics,an elevated water vapour permeabilityis the most important criterion for anequated humidity balance. The extremely high permeability for watervapour of KEIM silicate coatings is theresult of a specific structure of the curedwater glass. Humidity contained in thebuilding structure may thus be releasedunhindered and fast into the environment. No accumulations of humidity, which may lead to damages,can occur between coating and substrate. In combination with a lowwater absorption, this is an optimal protection against water and frost damages. In addition KEIM coatings dryfaster. Further, almost no condensationhumidity, one of the principal reasons foralgal and fungal growth, forms on thesurface of the coating. In a nutshell:Under building physics aspects, KEIMsilicate coatings are the ideal coatingfor mineral substrates.

Economics and maintenance of value

The great durability and weathering resistance of KEIM products generateunbeatable economic advantages.Maintenance of structures renovatedwith KEIM products is distinctly lowerthan usual. Longer renovation intervalsthanks to longlasting, clean and color-stable coatings or surfaces save realmoney. This applies to both renders andinsulated exterior walls. Thanks to their long life cycle combined with simple refinishability(there is no stripping needed – just cleaning and recoating) and economicmaterial consumption, KEIM's silicatepaints are a convincing solution from aneconomic standpoint too.


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The tendency of coated surfaces to beco-me soiled is influenced, apart from by con-densation behaviour, by the static char-ging characteristics and thermoplasticproperties of the binder. Organic synthe-tic resin/silicone resin binders becomeelectrostatically charged in the wind dueto friction and so actually attract dirt parti-cles onto themselves from the air. At hig-her temperatures, these binders additio-nally exhibit thermoplastic behaviour, i.e.they become "tacky", creating ideal con-ditions for dirt particles to become stuckand collect in greater numbers on the sur-face. A strong beading action (i.e. themuch discussed "lotus effect"), originallyregarded as the guarantee of clean exte-rior walls, has proved in practice not to bequite so "magical". KEIM paints with awater glass binder are antistatic and non-thermoplastic. Over the long term, theytherefore remain cleaner than organicallybound paints.

Large picture: Augsburg Town Hall, painted withKEIM silicate paints after 20 years service life

Large picture: Town Hall Schwyz, original painting from 1891

Color stability

The color stability of exterior wall paints isinfluenced by the nature of the pigmentsand the binders. UV light modifies thecolorfulness of organic pigments. KEIMpaints contain exclusively high-quality,lightfast, mineral inorganic pigments.Apart from the pigments, the UV resi-stance and "weather fastness" of the bin-der also play an important part in colorstability. UV light and exposure to weathe-ring sooner or later give rise to binderdegradation in organic binders. Micro-cracks form, which modify refraction andmake the color shade of the coating appear greyer. Moreover, coloring pig-ments are partially "uncovered" andincreasingly exposed to UV radiation fromthe sunlight. This additionally acceleratesthe color change of the organic pigments.Mineral binders such as potassium waterglass or sol/silicate exhibit the greatestUV resistance of all binders and aremoreover absolutely weather-resistant.That means: KEIM Silicate paints are thebest and most color stable.


KEIM silicate paints show an impressivecolor brightness. Dispersions such assynthetic resins or silicone resins form afilm around the coloring pigment and somodify the original color effect. In con-trast, transparent water glass allows lightto pass through unhindered and impingeon the pigment. This gives rise to the fas-cinating, vibrant luminance of KEIM sili-cate coatings. The natural matt surfacemoreover creates a particularly elegantand pleasing visual impression.

Large picture: The house of the Three Magi in Trier, painted with KEIM silicate paints, an impressive demonstration of the luminanceof a matt silicate coating.


Outstanding characteristics and advantages of KEIM´s silicate technology

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Even when exposed to the flame from awelding torch, KEIM's silicate paintsdon't ignite, completely unlike emulsionor silicone resin paints. If there is a fire,KEIM means maximum safety and notoxic gases - as confirmed by fire tests inGermany, Great Britain, and USA. It isnot without reason that silicate paints arestill the only paints used in many publicareas such as for example in under-ground subway stations and tunnels, air-ports, schools or cinemas - nothing is as important as safety and health.


The mineral composition of KEIM silicatepaints has huge environmental advantages. Using water glass as thebinder makes it possible to do completely without solvents, plasticisersand preservatives. Over their entire lifecycle from raw material extraction toproduction, processing and ultimate disposal, KEIM's silicate paints have anexcellent environmental profile. When itcomes to refinishing, KEIM coatingsrequire no stripping with its associatedenvironmental impact, all they need is tobe washed with water and overcoated,so minimising environmental effects. In a nutshell, KEIM paints are 100%sustainable entirely safe products forenvironmental building and healthyliving.


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KEIM Product systems

KEIM Mineral renders and fillers

• Environmentally friendly• Economic• Water vapor permeable• Resistant to weathering• Non combustible

KEIM Interior paint systems

• Highly water vapor permeable• No emissions, solvents, plasticizers• No preservatives • Suitable for allergic persons• Resistant against disinfectants • No off-gassing of active ingredients• Mechanically strong, scrubbable• Non combustible, no toxic fumes • Ecologically flawless • Mineral, alkaline nature

resists mold • Color consistent, lightfast

and UV-stable• Soil resistant, cleanable

KEIM Exterior paint sytems

• Unequalled longevity • Highest water vapor permeability• Ideal moisture budget • Keeps facades clean

for many years • Color consistent, lightfast, UV-stable • Mineral matt surface• Highly diversified design options• Economically unrivalled • Easily redecorated • Non combustible • Ecologically flawless


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KEIM Natural stone repair system

• Adapted repairs through specific system components

• Effective protection against acids and humidity

• Broad spectrum of applications• Versatile design possibilities

KEIM Concrete repair and protection system

• Adapted surface protection systems(Water/CO2-protection)

• Reliable repair products• Economic and longlasting • Safe through a perfectly

balanced system• Unique design possibilities• Environmentally friendly • Mineral to the extent possible


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Proof of quality:KEIM’s mineralpaints established in 1878

Original KEIM silicate-coatingfrom the 19th century in Stein amRhein, Walenstadt, Traunsteinand Oslo show impressively thedurability, light fastness and ultimate quality of KEIM’s silicate paints.

KEIM consistently mineral [email protected]

10615 Texland Boulevard, #600Charlotte, NC 28273, USATel: 704-588-4811Fax: 704-588-4991Toll-free in the USA: 866-906-5346



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Design options with KEIM silicate paints

Opaque FinishAn opaque coating with KEIM silicatepaints is possible on smooth as well asrough surfaces with historic appeal. Theresults are surfaces with luminous coloreffects and the typical mineral matt visu-al impressions.

Color Wash FinishLow-pigmented paints are fascinating bytheir vibrant character. The translucenteffects of this technique keep and intensify the colored and vivid substrate texture. Low-pigment finishesare used for Historic Preservation as wellas modern architecture. Both facadesand interior walls can be accentuated inthis very special way.

Historic facade designColor and plasticity of architectural styleelements as well as motive painting findan excellent realization with KEIM sili-cate paints. Facade painting of historic and modern buildings stand outby their resistance to weathering and airpollution.

Modern facade designModern and artistic wall and architectural painting are gaining moreand more importance. Full-cover illusionpainting on facades show the extendedrange of KEIM silicate paints.

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Creating with KEIM silicate paints

Draping and arrangement of foldsDrapery means decoratively folded andarranged wall curtains which were usedin medieval times. Painted curtains anddraperies are an essential element of theTrompœil painting technique.Deceptively realistic draperies can beportrayed with KEIM silicate paints.

Grey and single tone paintingPainting with differently gradated colorshades in grey or other single color sha-des is a special technique both in orna-mental decoration and in traditionalarchitectural painting. The design possibilities are very diverse: from facade ornaments and pedestal decoration to complex architecturalpainting and generous creative decoration of sacral spaces.

Free-hand wall designThe possibilites of creative work have nolimits with KEIM silicate paints. Whetherinterior or facade design, modern orclassic, low-pigmented or opaque, full-cover or linear – KEIM creativepaints give you free reins!

MarblingSacral rooms, glamorous castles andluxurious patrician homes testify to thebrillant beauty of this technique. As informer times pillars, columns and thepedestal areas offer ideal possibilitiesfor the use of stone and marble painting.KEIM silicate paints are excellent toolsfor this.