Keepin It Real With Shani College Edition Final Version 2

Class of 2008 Senior Trip Hey guys and gals! It’s me again, Shani, writing to you from beyond Millennium High School. It has been such a long time since I wrote for the school and I must say that it is an amazing honor to be asked to write again. I cannot express how amazing college life has WHERE HERE A ARE RE T THEY HEY Newsletter Written By Shantelle “Shani” Facey Keepin’ It The ’08 Movement…Where The ’08 Movement…Where


08 Movement: Where Are They Now??

Transcript of Keepin It Real With Shani College Edition Final Version 2

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Class of 2008 Senior Trip

Hey guys and gals! It’s me again, Shani, writing to you from beyond Millennium High School. It has been such a long time since I wrote for the school and I must say that it is an amazing honor to be asked to write again. I cannot express how amazing college life has been. There is so much that you should know and WWHEREHERE A ARERE


Newsletter Written By Shantelle “Shani” Facey

Keepin’ It Real The ’08 Movement…The ’08 Movement…

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Members of the Class of 2008 share where they are now and how they are doing.I'm attending the SUNY at

Buffalo and the school is actually very nice. We have concerts once a semester with artists such as Nas, Ludacris and other celebrities that come to sing. There are lots of events that makes

I am proudly attending Skidmore College, a liberal arts college that has a variety of majors of every kind. For such a small school you really get the attention you need from the professors in and out of class. Some of them are so cool that they'll invite you to their homes for

I attend Tufts University in Medford, MA. Tufts is BIG on global awareness and is well known for its International Relations Program. Dorms vary; there are new ones, older ones, cleaner ones. The food is pretty good and was ranked well. Well, last I checked (which makes me wonder

Keep in mind… college is a big deal and deciding on the college for you is crucial. You don’t want to end up somewhere you don’t feel happy…it won’t

I'm at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) up in Rochester, NY. At the moment, I am a computer engineer major and eventually I hope to be in mechanical and electrical engineering. RIT is known for engineering and its many co-op opportunities. Personally, I feel that the courses start off slow but eventually everything becomes fast pace so time management is KEY if you want

I’m attending Seton Hall University in Newark, NJ and I am a Communications major. The best thing about Seton Hall is that upon arrival, you get a laptop. After sophomore year, you exchange it for a different one and that one you get to keep when you graduate. The atmosphere is amazing and the people are diverse and fantastic. It’s an expensive school but it’s definitely worth it because it’s one of the best schools in the country…and it’s right up there with

To make it in college, you have to study hard. But in order for you to not be unsociable and be a workaholic, you have to learn to balance your time between studying, playtime, eating healthy and doing service work. Service work is important because it enables you to get out there and be heard and also creates a lot of opportunities for you. By putting yourself out there on campus, you can get recognized by faculty or school officials and perhaps get scholarships through the school or through other organizations. Financial aid isn’t always satisfying without scholarships so if you apply for those scholarships in school and maintain an excellent GPA you can actually get the aid you want and prevent future college debt. I know of a few people that are literally paying everything through loans… and those loans are starting to add up and who knows how that’s

I am at Hampshire College. It is amazing. People are so nice, there is plenty of vegetarian food, the campus is beautiful and there are a lot fun parties. But I am pretty much a grandma and like to lounge in bed :)

I'm at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and it is a lot less scary than it first appears on paper. A majority of a student's time is spent working, true, but what else could be expected from college? I spend my day surrounded by individuals who each possess a certain variety of insanity in an environment that nurtures their quirks. Their drive to do more than one would think

I go to Stony Brook University. If you want to be away from home (perhaps to escape from your nagging parents), but also want to be close enough so that you can come home every now and then (to eat home cooked meals or to visit friends in the city), Stony Brook is the perfect

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I go to Hunter College. There's a whole bunch of people in that school. It has a city feel that I really like. But I'll probably transfer because of my major. There are a lot of nice people. Oh and there are some actual cool teachers. Actually my Greek and Latin Roots of English teacher reminds me

I go to Syracuse University, it is the best school in the world. I really cannot imagine myself anywhere other than here. It is my dream campus, all the teachers are helpful, but beware some are not the best at teaching. The friends I have made here are awesome and I know I will still talk to them years down the road.

I go to the SUNY at Buffalo and I participate in EOP (Educational Opportunity Program), which requires three weeks in the summer to get training and get in shape for the actual school year. This program was beneficial as it helped me get used to the school and I got to meet other students who I soon became friends with. The program is hard but it is memorable if you make the most of it instead of isolating

At the moment I am in Brooklyn College, which is a CUNY. It was one of my top three choices of CUNYs to go to. I don't have a declared major yet but I intend on declaring in my first semester as a sophomore. Until then, I am exploring what my abilities are and what career may help me to master them.

I chose SUNY Oswego because it gave me the opportunity to be away from home and it also had a good Business School. When all the freshmen moved in I met a lot of people and I made the most friends then. During that first week of school try to get to know some people…you won’t regret it. ~ Alexander Naistadt

I attend Fordham University at Lincoln Center, which is in the city. I started right after graduation because I got accepted to Fordham University LC through the Higher Educational Opportunity Program (HEOP) and I had to attend a summer session. During the summer I met new people, learned new skills and tips that I would need in the fall, which definitely helped me

I go to Lehman but I’m planning on transferring. My major is undecided but I’m leaning towards something in the field of psychology and/or marine biology. My best advice would be: Don’t be a sucker in school

I go to Fordham University at the Lincoln Center site and I was lucky enough to have been chosen to be a part of Seventeen Magazine’s Freshman 15 where 15 female college freshman blog and vlog (video-blog) about their experiences during their first year of college. As of now I plan to attend Fordham for a 5-year master program so that in the future I can teach English to high school students. It’s a blast being a college student and you guys should look forward to it because the rewards will be amazing.

‘08 Graduation

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CollegCollegCollege Life is so different from High School Life …Our ‘08ers have some

advice for you…In college, once again, don't slack off. While you may have had the time to in high school, you won't have much time for that during college. You'll be swamped with work (depending on the number of credits you take)! The workload can get very heavy sometimes (especially if you're majoring in science or engineering). It's important to get help right away if you have any questions because if you don't, you'll be struggling to keep up with the work. If you're getting stressed all the time, that means you need a break. It's admirable to keep working hard all the time, but everyone needs a break every now and then if they want to stay sane. Overworking yourself

Don't be stressed about choosing your major as soon as you get into college. It's actually better to be undecided and explore different majors during your first year because you have a lot more time and classes that aren't as difficult as the years to come. Meet a lot of people, but balance your social life with your academic life. It's better to be a 3.5 or higher student with lots of club and internship experience than to be a 4.0 student without any club or internship experience. You also don't want

Everyone procrastinates, but as we get older our concept of how much time we can spend not doing something hopefully becomes more realistic. Apply to a good variety of colleges, but not too many, and if you absolutely adore a school apply early and see if you get in. If you do, still apply to some other schools in case of financial aid (but, you know,

Don't mess up in high school, work hard and get the best you can out of every class, while still maintaining a social life. Even in an art/ technical school Millennium has helped me a lot. Believe it or not I was the only one who knew how to use PowerPoint for a group presentation. So it may be hard to hear but that aspect of exhibitions does help.

Don't mess up in high school. Find a teacher or two that you really like (and if they don't like you, then give them a reason to). Take everything w/ a grain of salt, and realize that choosing colleges isn't the be-all-end-all decision of your life. Don't procrastinate. At least not on your college applications. Honestly, if January 1st comes and you can't submit an application because you're not done yet …you'll completely regret it. It's worth starting your essay a week early for a school you're going to spend 4 years at. Similarly, don't write your essays Dec. 31st! Bad idea, trust me, I know from experience. Enjoy high school, because there's nothing else like it and you can't go back. Needless to say, college is ALSO a unique experience so once you're done with high school, be done with it and prepare to move on with

I go to Lehman College and I am majoring in biology. The class sizes are small so learning is easy and the campus is nice. Transitioning into the school was easy because the class sizes are small so the professors can help out each student, and the work isn’t too hard either.

I go to SUNY Cortland and bottom line... I LOVE COLLEGE!! CORTLAND IS AMAZING and I don’t want freshman year to end because it’s been so great. I’ve had a lot of fun and I’ve made tons of new friends. I work hard and I play hard…keeping that balance is crucial if you want to

In the town where there lies grass, open land, and more open land, my first year at DePauw University has been an experience of a life time. Though there is no city life with lights that stay on 24/7, people who roam around till the sun rises, or stores to shop in within a ten block range, having silence gives me the time to my head on straight. I'm currently majoring in Art history maybe minor in communications.

I go to Lincoln University which is a HBCU (Historically Black College and University) and I’m majoring in sociology. I love the freedom and there is no better experience than going away to college.

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My advice is to experience life and not be scared to branch out. Explore the world and do not just stay in your comfort zone. Life is scary but take it by the horn. -Katie Poueymirou

College is what you make of it. You could go to Yale and completely screw over your future, or you could go to BMCC and come out with the most useful tools possible. There’s no point in stressing. Just do it. –

Key thing for high school-ers in general is that the past does come back and haunt you! Especially when you're scrambling for teachers to write you a recommendation letter your senior year. And in college, professors don't really care about whether or not you're failing; it’s all

College, as a general topic, is the most exciting and scary thing whether you are in the city or dorming. I was one of those who chose to be away from home and it was a choice that I had to make for my future. I do not regret it because I believe college is a major

College is a different place then high school. I think most alum feel a totally different atmosphere than from that of high school. Whether you go to SUNY or CUNY or even out of state it’s a totally different place. College is a difficult task and is a different environment from high school. Although it’s tough - we stride forward, no matter what the future holds

College is pretty cool. It’s way different than Millennium. Nobody is gonna tell you that you’re doing bad in school. Basically you’re on your own. It’s a little overwhelming at first, but give it a week or so, and it’s

In terms of school work and hours spent in class, college is way different. Rather than a seven-hour day, you might be in class for about 2-4 hours depending how you plan out your schedule. Depending on the professor, s/he might assign a range of 2-3 papers for the semester. But an English class might require 5-7 papers. Time management is definitely key, just because the workload isn't as heavy a lot of work needs to be put into your papers. College papers should be written more like exhibition style, so it’s best to start early and not wait to the last minute, it makes a difference in your grade. Studying is also very important. I noticed that when I actually studied for exams I did a lot better. Professors also assign readings; I like to keep up with my readings College is hard work, it’s not just a party place, it’s not all relaxed .If you don't do your work, and if you don't put time and effort into everything that you do you are only setting yourself up for failure and depression later. There is time for fun and time for seriousness. So to all the future college goers - remember that you are going to school for work and

If you’re going far away or just living alone - be prepared. You have to get your own food and do everything by yourself! Though you get freedom. College is really not hard if you do some studying and do all of your work. Dorm life is good too if

College is definitely a place where you'll meet a LOT of different people - you'll meet classmates who are from other states, and even other countries. You will see many different perspectives of issues that you might not have ever thought of before, which will widen your knowledge just so much more. You grow up a lot during college - you learn to be independent and learn to better take care of your own things if you haven't done so already. You also learn to be a lot more open or maybe if you're the quiet type, college can possibly make you more shy (unless you're dorming and are already surrounded 24/7 by people). Use all the sources you have in college! I'm not only talking about work, but also teachers, counselors, and services online or in

Honestly, if you want to be something in life, don't let other people tell you otherwise. If you have the motivation to do things you will be able to do it, especially if you work hard and put your heart into what you do. The smartest people aren’t always the most successful. It's the people who have heart in what Well I guess that is all there is to it. Unfortunately, we couldn’t get

the entire Class of 2008 in this volume to share their thoughts with you

given. They are in college after all! We would like to thank those that

were able to participate and give you some input on what college life is

really like. Right now, you’re on the verge of graduating and going on

about your separate ways in college or wherever else you plan to go and

it may be a scary thing for many of you because you’ll be moving on to

bigger and better things…things that you may not have been able to

handle when you first entered high school and this is a good thing

because high school has prepared you for the larger things in life. You

may not have had all great days in high school but we are hoping that

you took those days as lessons for what could happen when you enter

the real world. College life is full of new experiences and full of things

that you would not encounter day to day in high school. We hope you

found some of these words from previous MHS seniors to be helpful

because it can definitely help you. Procrastination is something that

happens all too often with people nowadays and it is really a shame

because they fail to realize that procrastination only sets them back and

Do your exhibition and do it well. Don't skip a step of the process. It will save your life in college! You won't believe the number of people in college that don't know how to write a research paper or even know what a thesis is. Soak up all you can now and rock college papers! –Taylor Barash

Enjoy high school ... it’s the time of your life and it prepares you for what’s to come. You’ll meet people that will leave a stain in your heart. – Diandra Cano

This is not the time to go crazy and lose your mind but it is definitely a time to have fun all the while learning how to really deal with your own independence. You’re responsible for you…so act

If you think High School is stressful…wait until you get to college…you’ll be surprised by what you’ll encounter there.

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Rest in Peace Julie Tsang Sunrise: December 18, 1990

Sunset: June 29, 2008

Life is but a stopping place, A pause in what's to be,

A resting place along the road, to sweet eternity.

We all have different journeys, Different paths along the way,

We all were meant to learn some things, but never meant to stay…

Our destination is a place,Far greater than we know.

For some the journey's quicker,For some the journey's slow.

And when the journey finally ends,We'll claim a great reward,

And find an everlasting peace,Together with the lord.

--Author Unknown

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