Kaumudi/usha: poster of electric network.vijaya/ssrvm/dokuwiki/media/l4_24feb.pdf · Kaumudi/usha:...

14 In this lesson you will learn: Not Completed. Tejas: Yesterday our class went on a picnic to aksha dam. We saw the power generating unit there. Jyoti: Here is the poster which shows how we get electricity to our homes through the electric network. Moz: So electricity flows through a Pilon, towers, cables and reaches us. How do you get water to your house? Tejas: Through pipes. There are big pipes which get water to a tank in our area. From the tank there are again pipes to carry the water to our homes. Moz: Some people get water from wells too. Jyoti: Yes. Water is drawn from a well in my grandfather’s house. A water pump is used to draw the water and transfer to a water tank on top of the house. Moz: These are called water supply network. Think of other such examples of networks in our daily life. Is there a network in your body? m A i Water supply Lesson 4 Internet applications – Browsing, Search and Communication Kaumudi/usha: poster of electric network.

Transcript of Kaumudi/usha: poster of electric network.vijaya/ssrvm/dokuwiki/media/l4_24feb.pdf · Kaumudi/usha:...


In this lesson you will learn:Not Completed.

Tejas: Yesterday our class went on a picnic to aksha dam. We saw the power generating unit there.Jyoti: Here is the poster which shows how we get electricity to our homes through the electric network.

Moz: So electricity flows through a Pilon, towers, cables and reaches us. How do you get water to your house?Tejas: Through pipes. There are big pipes which get water to a tank in our area. From the tank there are again pipes to carry the water to our homes. Moz: Some people get water from wells too. Jyoti: Yes. Water is drawn from a well in my grandfather’s house. A water pump is used to draw the water and transfer to a water tank on top of the house.Moz: These are called water supply network.Think of other such examples of networks in our daily life. Is there a network in your body?


Water supply

Lesson 4

Internet applications – Browsing, Search and


Kaumudi/usha: poster of electric network.


Jyoti (looks at her hands and legs then exclaims): Blood in our body.

Tejas: Railway networks. They carry us from one place to another. To go to Pondicherry we go by one train to Chennai and then take another train to reach Pondicherry. We can also take a bus or taxi from Chennai.Moz: These are transport networks, railway network and road network.

Moz: What is common in all these networks?Tejas (puts a thinking pose): In a network everything should be connected. Else it will not work.Moz: Correct. What else? Ok. Let me give you a hint. Many people get electricity from the electric network.Jyoti: I got it. The pipes which bring water to our house also take the water to other houses. Tejas: Trains and buses take many people to many places.Moz: That means the resources in these networks are shared by many people.

NetworkA network is made up of units that are linked together to access or reach something distant. Example Electric network, Railway network, Road network.The resources in a network are shared by many users.


A picture of the railway and road networks


Moz: What is common in all these networks?Tejas (puts a thinking pose): In a network everything should

be connected. Else it will not work.Moz: Correct. What else? Ok. Let me give you a hint.

Many people get electricity from the electric network.Jyoti: I got it. The pipes which bring water to our house also

take the water to other houses. Tejas: Trains and buses take many people to many places.Moz: That means the resources in these networks are shared by many people.

Tejas: Yes.Moz: To book tickets say from Mumbai to Delhi, what is the information that is required?Jyoti: First we have to find the trains that go from Mumbai to Delhi.Tejas: After choosing the train we have to find if tickets are available for the date on which we want to travel.Moz: Very good. Where is this information available?Tejas: With railway reservation.Moz: Now suppose this information is on a computer with the railway reservation.Tejas: Then our home computer has to be connected to this computer in railways reservation.Moz: Correct. Jyoti: Through the connection do the computers send the information?

Moz: Yes. The computers talk to each other through the connection and send the relevant information. Jyoti: This is just like telephones. We talk to people using a telephone. Computers talk to each other and give usinformation.

Tejas: Suppose I want to get information about space. So a place like space centre can have another computer with this information. Isn’t it? Moz: Yes. There are many such computers with different types of information. These computers are all interconnected. This is called the internet.

Kaumudi/ Usha: An illustration of the above conversation.


Tejas: Similar to a telephone connection do we need a connection to the internet? Moz: Yes. Your computer needs an internet connection to access information on the internet.

Moz: We looked at many networks other than computer networks. What is it that people share from water supply networks? Tejas: Water.Moz: What is the source of this water? Tejas: Rivers, fresh water lakes etc.Moz: What is shared on the internet?Jyoti: Information.Moz: Correct. There are millions of pages of information on these computers which is shared. This information network is called the web.

The source of information is called the web site.Tejas: Do we find all the pages related to a topic on a web site?Moz: Yes. Usually you can find most of the information related to a topic on a web site. A web site is a collection of related

information of web pages.

InternetInternet is a huge collection of interconnected computers around the world.These computers talk to each other to exchange information.A connection to the internet is needed to access the internet.

Web:Sharable information on the internet is called the web. Web is a collection of millions of pages of information. The information can include text, pictures, animations, sounds and video. We can usually find information about any topic on the internet. The location where the information is available on the web is called a web site. A web site is a collection of related information of web pages.




Jyoti (points to the browser icon): This icon looks like a globe. Is this the application to access the information on the internet?Moz: You are right. Go ahead and open the application.Tejas double clicks on the icon.

Moz (points to the opened browser): This is called a browser. Jyoti: Looks like we have to enter something at the cursor. Moz: Yes. You are right. Suppose I want to come to your house. What should I know.Jyoti: My house address.Moz: Each place has an address. Isn’t it? Like a shop, movie theatre, hospital, school?Tejas: Yes. Moz: Similarly a web site is given an address. This address is also called the URL.


Information on a web site is accessed by using the internet application called the browser.A web site is accessed by using the web site address called the URL.

Tejas: Can we now access the web from this computer.Moz: Yes. You can. This computer is connected to the internet.


Jyoti: There is no information here. It is just showing us the language names.Moz: Suppose you are at a science museum. You want to go to the dinosaur section. So what do you do? Jyoti: The directions in the museum will point to various sections. So using the directions I can reach the section.Tejas: Oh! So these are directions to move to various sections of this web site.Tejas moves the mouse pointer around the page.Jyoti: The mouse pointer changes to a hand icon at English, Dutch etc. These words also appear to be underlined.Moz: These are links to other sections of the web site. They are called hyperlinks. Tejas: See. When I click on English I get anencyclopaedia in English. Moz: This site has the same information in many languages. Jyoti: This information must have been written by many people and stored on these computers. Can I also write and share it with others.Moz: Good thinking. Yes. You can. You will learn about this later.

Tejas enters the address given by Moz.

Tejas: Do you know some address from where I want to find information for my project in Science?Here is a website where you can find information on many subjects. Now enter the URL “www.wikipedia.org” in the address bar.



A hyperlink is a link within a web page to a related web page. Text, images can be hyperlinks. A hyperlink is usually underlined.If you move your mouse over a hyperlink, it will change to the shape of a hand

Clicking on the hyperlink takes you to a different page.

Jyoti: There is so much of information. Let us click on the Science hyperlink.

Information on the web is created by many people.Anyone can create the information and share it on the web.





Jyoti (points to search): Can we search for a topic in Science?Moz: Yes. You can. It is like searching within a telephone diary. Enter a word related to the topic that you want to search for.Tejas: Let us search for “digestive system in a human body”.

Usha: (point to back and forth arrows and write about their functions )

Tejas: This is good. See there are further links and we can even search more.Jyoti: I found something interesting here. I would like to visit this page again. Is there someway to save the link?

Tejas (points to the back arrow): Let us try this. I want to see what is in the Maths hyperlink.Jyoti and Tejas thus discover that they can go back and forth to revisit the links that they visited. They browse through various subjects.


Jyoti saves the web site address and learns how to retrieve it the next time she wants to refer to it.


Saving the address of a website

The address of a web site that you like to visit again can be saved as follows:

click on “Bookmaks”1. Click on save “Bookmark this page”2. A box will then appear. You can now click on “Done” to add the page 3. to your bookmarks. You can also change the name to an appropriate name. Ex: Jyoti enters 4. “human body” for the web site address that she is saving.When you have many bookmarks you can organize them in folders. 5. Ex: Jyoti creates a “Science” folder” and saves “human body” in this folder.

Tejas: Now I can browse this site from home too. But I have seen a different type of icon on my brother’s computer to access the internet.Moz: Yes. There are different browsers. Some of the common browsers are:

Firefox from Mozilla

Internet Explorer from Microsoft

Google Chrome from Google

Apple Safari from MAC systems

Opera mostly used for mobiles and hand held devices

Moz: When you are reading a book and you find some interesting pages that you can refer to later. So what do you do?Jyoti: Usually we have bookmarks which look like this. (Usha image of bookmarks that we use in books). Or we also use a small piece of paper to mark that page. Moz: Similarly you can save the pages by using the bookmark to save the links. (points to the bookmark).


Tejas: Do we need to learn how to use all of them?Moz: Not necessary. The browsers look slightly different. Most of the functionalities are similar.

Tejas: Suppose I do not find information on the web site that we are browsing. Then how do we find another web site address?Moz: More on this tomorrow. I saved some interesting and fun web site links in the bookmarks. Go ahead and browse these sites.



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