Katrina Humanitarian Logistics.pdf

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  • 8/14/2019 Katrina Humanitarian Logistics.pdf


    Emergency Logistics IssuesImpacting the Katrina Response

    What went wrong?How do we avoid a repeat?

    Emergency Logistics IssuesImpacting the Katrina Response

    What went wrong?How do we avoid a repeat?

    Jos Holgun-Veras, Ph.D., P.E.

    Professor,[email protected]

    Noel Prez, radua!e "esear#h $ssis!an!

    %iguel Jaller, radua!e "esear#h $ssis!an!

    &isa Des!ro, radua!e "esear#h $ssis!an!

    'ri#ia (a#h!endorf, )niversi!* of Dela+are

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Katrina Humanitarian Logistics.pdf


    Acknowledgment Other contriutors!"iguel #aller$ R%I

    &oel %'re($ R%I

    )oral *orres$ R%I

    +ethany +rown$ ,-

    Lisa -estro$ R%I

    Research was supported y &./0s! )""I12345267 8-R,! )ontending with

    "ateriel )onvergence! Optimal )ontrol$)oordination$ and -elivery o9 )ritical.upplies to the .ite o9 E:treme Events;

    )".1.5> 8)haracteri(ation o9 the.upply )hains in the A9termath o9 anE:treme Event! *he

  • 8/14/2019 Katrina Humanitarian Logistics.pdf



    )ommercial vs Humanitarian logistics

    *he phenomenon o9 material convergence

    Katrina0s logistical deacle or How not to do it

    How do we avoid a repeat?

    Operations-ecision support systems

    *he need to re9ormulate humanitarian logistic

    modeling"aterial convergence)onsidering social costs

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    )ommercial vs Humanitarian logistics

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    Characteristic Commercial logistics Humanitarian logistics

    01je#!ive pursued %ini2iza!ion of !o!allogis!i# #os!s

    %ini2iza!ion of hu2ansuffering

    3o22odi!* flo+s


    De!er2ined 1* 2a!erial


    De#ision 2a5ing


    4!ru#!ured in!era#!ions

    under #on!rol of a de#ision



    in!era#!ions, un5no+n

    2ul!iple de#ision 2a5ers

    6no+ledge of

    de2and6no+n +i!h so2e #er!ain!* )n5no+n and d*na2i#

    Periodi#i!* and

    volu2e of logis!i#


    "epe!i!ive, large volu2es0ne in a life!i2e even!s,

    s2aller volu2es

    4!a!e of suppor!ing


    4!a1le s*s!e272pa#!ed and d*na2i#


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    +ackground on "aterial )onvergence andHumanitarian Logistics


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    Humanitarian Logistics @ "aterial )onvergence

    /rit( and "athewson B>=3C de9ined convergence

    as 8the movement or inclination towards a point;*hey created a comprehensive!personnel convergence$ ie$ movements o9 individualsD

    in9ormational convergence$ ie$ 8movement ortransmission o9 symols$ imageries$ and messages;D

    material convergence$ ie$ 8the actual movement o9supplies and eFuipment;

    Humanitarian Logistics intertwined with "aterial)onvergence

    &ot much research in either 9ield

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    What is the prolem?

    *he e99iciency o9 the 9low o9 high1priority goods

    depend on the 9low o9 low priority cargoesEFuivalent to trying to move two di99erent liFuids

    through a pipe

    &ogis!i# s*s!e2

    &o+ priori!*

    High priori!*

  • 8/14/2019 Katrina Humanitarian Logistics.pdf


    Is it really that ad?

    Let0s take a look at previous e:periencesB>=7 Arkansas tornado

    B>>4 Hurricane Andrew

    422B World *rade )enter


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    =7 Arkansas tornado

    8 the day 9ollowing the tornadoC all this clothing and 9ood

    and all this vast store o9 supplies started moving into .earcy9or distriution to the tornado areas*here was no place toput it &o uildings to put it in *hat created a igprolem .o much was worthless rags *hey had some

    pretty good ones .omeody sent an old doggone igcarton o9 9alsies We got a tu:edo$ a nice one ;

    8It was coming y Railway E:press$ y truck$ y plane$ y9reight car Enormous amount o9 9loor space$ ut that was9illed in two hours9illed ceiling high One other iguildingproaly a hundred 9eet long and si:ty 9eet wide$with B5 9eet ceiling 9illed in B4 hours; si:ty percent o9 itwas not goodD it shouldn0t have come to the area at all;&OR) report &o =4$ pp 46BC

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    >4 Hurricane Andrew

    8E:cessive donated clothing created maGor

    prolems some o9 the clothing was notappropriate 9or the tropical climate o9 -ade countyeg$ winter coatsCO9ten$ truck drivers with loadso9 clothes drove straight to severely damaged

    areas,pon arrival$ they o9ten did not know whereto deliver the donated clothes$ so they unloadedthem on the side o9 the road *he heat and usuala9ternoon summer rains Fuickly turned the piles

    into heaps o9 stinking$ rotting cloth; 8 E:cessive9ood donations created 9urther emergencymanagement prolems; &eal$ B>>5$ pp 45C

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  • 8/14/2019 Katrina Humanitarian Logistics.pdf


    *he 9indings discussed here are ased on do(ens o9

    interviews with the individuals directly involved inthe logistical response

    #HN and colleagues declared persona non grata y

    /E"A and very proud o9 itC

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    2$222 sFuare miles$ an area almost the si(e o9 the,nited Kingdom

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    BB emergency call centers were severely impacted Out o9 service! =2 radio stations$ 55 o9 *N stations

    =2$222 utility poles were toppled in "ississippi alone

    8theJ entire in9rastructure was wiped out andJ there were

    no communicationsuntil 9ive days a9ter the storm whenJwe got satellite phones;

    8the main communication came ack and 9orth yhelicopter .ort o9 like a &ew Age %ony E:press; &o one

    knew 8i9 things had een delivered$ and i9 they had eendelivered$ who accepted it;

    *he Internet1ased inventory system E1*eamC used y the.tate o9 Louisiana to process emergency reFuests collapsed

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    7 Lack o9 integration etween computer systems

    Local and state governments used a commercial

    so9tware E1*eamC 9or procurement and tracking/E"A relied on a custom1made system called

    &E"I. &ational Emergency "anagement

    In9ormation .ystemCE1*EA" and &E"I. did not communicate

    E1*eam reFuests had to e individually read andmanually inputted into &E"I.

    /ederal sta99 could not check in9ormation onindividual reFuests$ local@state sta99 could not checkthe status o9 their reFuests

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    ?>? 'o!al so#ial #os! a! node i, !i2e !

    ( ) ( ) ( ){ }nnn

    , t, di,...,, t, di,, t, diX ,,,

  • 8/14/2019 Katrina Humanitarian Logistics.pdf


    &umerical e:amples

    )ase I! One distriution center$ One demand node

    Optimal policy! *o deliver as much as possile


    'ru#5 #apa#i!* as C of de2and =./ =./ =.9/